Constraints on the ubiquity of coronal X-ray cycles (original) (raw)

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Abstract:Stellar activity cycles are known to be a widespread phenomenon amongst moderately active solar- and late-type stars from long-term periodic variations in chromospheric Ca II H and K emission lines, yet to date only a handful of coronal X-ray cycles are known. We have surveyed serendipitously observed stellar sources in fields observed multiple times in the last decade by XMM-Newton and present our analysis of 9 stars from 6 fields. Since our sample is flux-limited, it is strongly biased towards higher levels of X-ray activity. We fit a single temperature APEC spectrum to each source and search for significant periodicities using a Lomb-Scargle Periodogram (LSP). We use a Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm to yield robust analysis of the statistical significance of cycle detections and non-detections. None of the 9 stellar lightcurves show any convincing indications of periodicity. From MC simulations we simulate the detection capabilities of our methodology and, assuming a uniform distribution of cycle periods and strengths over the domain searched, we conclude with 95% confidence that less than 72% of the stars represented by our sample of active stars have 5-13 year coronal X-ray cycles.

Submission history

From: John Hoffman [view email]
[v1] Sun, 23 Sep 2012 19:46:19 UTC (283 KB)