The past and future evolution of a star like Betelgeuse (original) (raw)

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Abstract:We discuss the physics and the evolution of a typical massive star passing through an evolutionary stage similar to that of Betelgeuse. After a brief introduction recalling various observed parameters of Betelgeuse, we discuss the Pre-Main-Sequence phase (PMS), the Main-Sequence (MS) phase, the physics governing the duration of the first crossing of the HR diagram, the red supergiant stage (RSG), the post-red supergiant phases and the final fate of solar metallicity stars with masses between 9 and 25 M$_\odot$. We examine the impact of different initial rotation and of various prescriptions for the mass loss rates during the red supergiant phase. We show that, whatever the initial rotation rate (chosen between 0 and 0.7$\times\upsilon_{\rm crit}$, upsilonrmcrit\upsilon_{\rm crit}upsilonrmcrit being the surface equatorial velocity producing a centrifugal acceleration balancing exactly the gravity) and the mass loss rates during the RSG stage (varied between a standard value and 25 times that value), a 15 M$_\odot$ star always ends its lifetime as a RSG and explodes as a type II-P or II-L supernova.

Submission history

From: Georges Meynet [view email]
[v1] Wed, 6 Mar 2013 14🔞11 UTC (398 KB)