The phase diagram of three-flavor quark matter under compact star constraints (original) (raw)

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Abstract: The phase diagram of three-flavor quark matter under compact star constraints is investigated within a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. Local color and electric charge neutrality is imposed for beta-equilibrated superconducting quark matter. The constituent quark masses and the diquark condensates are determined selfconsistently in the plane of temperature and quark chemical potential. Both strong and intermediate diquark coupling strengths are considered. We show that in both cases, gapless superconducting phases do not occur at temperatures relevant for compact star evolution, i.e., below T ~ 50 MeV. The stability and stucture of isothermal quark star configurations are evaluated. For intermediate coupling, quark stars are composed of a mixed phase of normal (NQ) and two-flavor superconducting (2SC) quark matter up to a maximum mass of 1.21 M_sun. At higher central densities, a phase transition to the three-flavor color flavor locked (CFL) phase occurs and the configurations become unstable. For the strong diquark coupling we find stable stars in the 2SC phase, with masses up to 1.326 M_sun. A second family of more compact configurations (twins) with a CFL quark matter core and a 2SC shell is also found to be stable. The twins have masses in the range 1.301 ... 1.326 M_sun. We consider also hot isothermal configurations at temperature T=40 MeV. When the hot maximum mass configuration cools down, due to emission of photons and neutrinos, a mass defect of 0.1 M_sun occurs and two final state configurations are possible.

Submission history

From: David Blaschke [view email]
[v1] Mon, 21 Mar 2005 20:59:11 UTC (110 KB)
[v2] Mon, 21 Mar 2005 22:51:13 UTC (101 KB)
[v3] Wed, 23 Mar 2005 20:58:41 UTC (101 KB)