25 Professional Goals to Advance Your Career [2024] • Asana (original) (raw)


Professional development goals are objectives that help you advance in your career. In addition to giving your work a direction and purpose, setting goals helps you decide where you want to go and the steps you need to get there. In this article, we describe how to create professional goals you really care about and offer real-life goal examples from Asana employees.

When you plan a road trip, what do you think of first? Aside from fast food and gas mileage, road trips usually start with the destination. After all, it helps to know where you’re going before you put your keys in the ignition.

The same principle applies to your career path. It’s easier to progress at work when you know what goals you want to achieve, because clear objectives give you a direction and path forward. That’s why professional development goals are so important—they’re an opportunity to intentionally decide what you want, and how you’ll get there.

Connecting goals to work effectively

Learn how to align your team's work with organizational goals. Discover strategies to ensure that every task contributes to reaching your objectives quickly and efficiently.

What are professional goals?

Professional goals are concrete objectives you want to achieve in your career. They are typically a combination of short-term goals (like taking a course this month) and long-term goals (like becoming a manager in the next two years).

Long-term career goals provide a north star to work towards, while short-term goals break up the work into more immediate and actionable steps.

Why do professional development goals matter?

It can be easy to stick to what you’ve always done, or just take any opportunity that comes your way without thinking critically about what you want. But that can be a quick ticket to feeling unsatisfied and directionless with your work.

Creating clear goals prompts you to think about what you want, so you can pursue a position or career that truly satisfies you. In that way, professional goals give your work direction and purpose—because when you set them, you know you have an action plan and are working towards something you actually want to achieve.

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Goals also help with hard work and intrinsic motivation. When psychologists tested the impact of different motivational techniques on group performance, they found goal setting was one of the most effective. Just setting a handful of specific, ambitious goals boosted the participants’ performance into the 80th percentile.

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The act of attempting new things helps us grow. Whether or not we achieve a specific goal, it’s the courage to try and succeed—or fail forward—that builds resilience, character, and the energy needed to propel us forward in our careers.”

—Liliana Blanco, Inclusion & Belonging Program Manager at Asana

How to set professional goals you care about, in 3 steps

To set the best goals, you first need to reflect on what you want. Here’s how to narrow down your career aspirations and decide which objectives you want to pursue.

[inline illustration] how to set professional goals (infographic)

Identify your values

Basing your professional development goals on your core values helps you feel more fulfilled on a day-to-day basis, because you’re striving for something that really matters to you. When your goals and values are aligned, you’re less likely to get burned out and more likely to stay motivated.

So first, you’ll need to identify your values. A good starting point is to ask yourself what’s most important to you, and what type of work has fulfilled you most in the past. Be honest, and try to separate your personal values from what you “should” want or what you think would look best on a performance review.

If you get stuck, try these exercises:

Picture your ideal work role

Now that you’ve identified your core values, you can start to think more specifically about how they could manifest in your career. To start, try asking yourself these questions:

Give yourself time to think this through—you don’t need to nail everything down at once. It’s normal for you (and your goals) to change over time, so remember that iterating is a part of the process.

Write down your goals

With that internal work done, it should feel easier to set career goals. You now have a sense of what you value, and how those values might apply to your professional career. Now let’s turn that knowledge into long-term and short-term goals.

Plan to set your long-term goals first, then break them up into more immediately attainable short-term goals. Think of your long-term goals as the direction you’re heading in, and your short-term career goals as the stepping stones you need to get there. For example, if you value honesty and interpersonal connection, your long-term goal might be to become a manager that people can rely on and trust. In the short term, that might mean taking a course on people management or exploring leadership opportunities at your company.

Whether your objectives are immediate or further out, make sure they’re SMART. Not in the savvy sense, but rather aligned with the SMART goal acronym and framework: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. For example, here’s what SMART professional development goals might look like for both the long- and short-term:

Long-term goal:

Short-term goals:

25 examples of professional goals

If you feel stuck, here are some different types of achievable goals to consider, plus specific examples for each.

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1. Boost your time management skills

2. Find new challenges in your role

3. Learn a new skill

4. Improve your work-life balance

5. Foster team collaboration

6. Expand your professional network

7. Take on leadership responsibilities

8. Consume content from thought leaders in your industry

9. Become an expert in the latest tech

10. Learn from those above you

11. Become a thought leader

12. Broaden your skill set

13. Track your success

14. Go above and beyond with your deliverables

15. Limit distractions

16. Nurture relationships

17. Be vocal about your goals

18. Identify your weaknesses

19. Prioritize self-care

20. Learn constantly

21. Help your teammates

22. Improve communication skills

23. Be vocal about your opinions

24. Give the best feedback

25. Create new responsibilities for yourself

Professional goals in real life

At Asana, we believe that goals can unlock our best selves and help us be more productive. In that spirit, here’s how three Asanas have used professional goals to foster their career and personal development.

Changing roles within an organization

“A professional goal I set was to transition from a risk management role at a tech company to the legal field. I thought I might have to leave tech and join a law firm, but after seeking advice from paralegals and attorneys in my network, I realized I could transition without leaving my company.

I started volunteering for projects where I could collaborate with our in-house legal team and learn more about their work. I kept a close watch on open positions within the legal department, and eventually two positions became available that seemed like a good fit for my skill set. I applied for both positions, documented my transferable skills in the application, and emphasized those skills during my interviews. I was offered both roles, selected one, and have been in Legal ever since!” —Charlotte Manning, Legal Operations at Asana

Seeking new challenges within a role

“One of the most impactful professional goals I’ve achieved has been the creation and evolution of Asana’s Anatomy of Work Index. What started as a smaller goal to create a topical piece of thought leadership has quickly grown into our landmark industry report and one of our most prominent annual campaigns. It’s enabled me to work cross-functionally across our entire organization and hone my own skill set on full-funnel campaigns and storytelling for internal and external audiences.” —Erin Cheng, Head of Public Relations and Analyst Relations at Asana

Pursuing a new degree

“When I worked at a science museum, I was once in a meeting where every leader in the room had a master’s degree or PhD. So that same month, I set out to research and apply to master's programs. Imposter syndrome had previously kept me away from pursuing education beyond my BA, but with 20+ years of work experience under my belt, I finally felt ready to take on this new challenge. And this May, I graduated from USF with a Master’s in Organizational Development and even had the privilege of giving the commencement speech at my graduation.

It wasn't so much achieving my goal, but the process of working towards my goal that was so incredibly transformative. By trying something challenging, I gained deep insight into who I am and what I can do. While in the program, I had the audacity to daydream about a career where I was solely focused on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging work. And before my program was over, I found myself at Asana doing just that!” —Liliana Blanco, Inclusion & Belonging Program Manager at Asana

Tips to keep your goals on track

The act of setting professional goals is an important step, but it’s equally important to follow through.

[inlinOnce you’ve set your professional goals, try these three tips to stick with them.

[inline illustration] tips to keep professional goals on track (infographic)

Create short-term goals

This is most helpful if your long-term goals are more broad. For example, the long-term goal “Set clear boundaries between your work and home life this year” isn’t very specific or quantifiable. In this case, it’s a good idea to set more quantifiable short-term goals to support what “clear boundaries” mean to you, such as “This week, sign off every day at 5:30pm.” When you create these smaller milestones, the work feels less daunting and you’re less likely to procrastinate.

Schedule regular check-ins

Don’t just set goals and forget them—decide in advance how often you’ll check in to see how you’re tracking towards each milestone. For example, if you’ve set a goal to write 10 blog posts this month, you could schedule time at the end of each week to track your progress. Establishing a regular check-in cadence in advance helps you stay accountable and avoid procrastination.

Use goal tracking software

Goals work best when they’re tied to your day-to-day work. That’s why Asana connects tasks and projects to the goals they support, so you know at a glance why your day-to-day work is important. When you use goal tracking software in Asana, you can set a due date and create automated reminders to update your goal progress—for example, you could create a reminder for the end of each week that prompts you to update your progress towards a monthly goal. And within each goal, you can create sub-goals to help you break work down into manageable chunks.

Grow with intention

Professional development goals are one of the best ways to build the career you want. Setting goals helps you actively decide what to pursue and how you’ll get there, so each day you know you’re progressing towards something that matters. And while change can feel daunting, professional goals give you peace of mind, knowing that you have a clear purpose and path to achieve your career aspirations.

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