ashevchenko (original) (raw)


(no subject)

Dec. 12th, 2008 | 05:25 pm

posted by: erikuccia in ashevchenko

[6 icons] Ac Milan

[3 icons] Robert Pattinson [3 icons] Robert Pattinson&Kristen Stewart [7 icons] Bones
[3 icons] BSG cast
[12 icons] Grey's Anatomy


Rest here at my journal

Comments are love Credit is appreciated Feel free to friend me


(no subject)

Oct. 15th, 2008 | 04:47 pm

posted by: erikuccia in ashevchenko

[6 icons] Robert Pattinson [6 icons] Twilight Trailer

[7 icons] Ac Milan

[9 icons] Brothers and Sisters


Rest here at my journal

Comments are love Credit is appreciated Feel free to friend me :)


Fic: (maybe) we're better off this way, Andriy Shevchenko/Kaka, PG

Aug. 13th, 2007 | 02:59 am

mood: calmcalm
music: Coldplay - Swallowed In The Sea
posted by: dorkamatronic in ashevchenko

Title: (maybe) we're better off this way
Rating: PG
Pairing: Andriy Shevchenko/Kaka
Disclaimer: It's all fiction.
Summary: He hardly hears the music that plays in the background. Andriy hears the small talk between those who haven't seen each other since last new year's, the overbearing laughter the alcohol induces and the gasps from the wives who catch up in gossip. He smiles at the familiarity.

( (maybe) we're better off this way )


Fic: Black Horse & The Cherry Tree, Andriy Shevchenko/Kaka, G.

Jul. 28th, 2007 | 04:34 am

posted by: dorkamatronic in ashevchenko

Title: Black Horse & The Cherry Tree
Rating: G
Pairing: Andriy Shevchenko/Kaka
Warning: fluff? PWP?
Disclaimer: I don't own the title, I don't own the two grown men, but I do own the too small bed.
Summary: Right leg straight and left leg tucked in like he was crossing his legs, his feet tapped to the tune Andriy was humming.
Note: Um, Andriy is not humming Black Horse & The Cherry Tree. I just couldn't think of a title and that song was playing and I was getting tired of trying to think of one, so there you go.

( Word count: 262 )


Fic: The games children play, Andriy Shevchenko/Kaka, R?

Jul. 18th, 2007 | 02:23 am

posted by: dorkamatronic in ashevchenko

Title: The games children play
Rating: R
Pairing: Andriy Shevchenko/Kaka
Warning: sex, but nothing explicit
Disclaimer: This is fiction.
Summary: Andriy and Ricky play a game and Andriy doesn't know why.

( Andriy doesn't quite care (for now). )


Fic: Weeks? Months?, Andriy Shevchenko/Kaka, G

Jul. 14th, 2007 | 02:00 am

music: We Are Scientists - Textbook
posted by: dorkamatronic in ashevchenko

Title: Weeks? Months?
Rating: G
Pairing: Andriy Shevchenko/Kaka
Disclaimer: SIGH OKAY? SIGH. this is fiction.
Archive: Yes please. :)
Summary: The quietest phone call you'll ever hear. They're screaming and shouting and saying a bunch of swear words Jordan and baby Christian and ladies like Kristen and Caroline shouldn't hear. Then Andriy flies over to Milan and makes up for it in Kaka's bed room.


No I'm kidding. Real summary: Andriy calls Ricky (again) and closes his eyes.

( Andriy, รจ passato troppo tempo! )