Özlem Bozkurt | Ankara Universitesi (original) (raw)

Papers by Özlem Bozkurt

Research paper thumbnail of Aile İşletmelerinde Birinci ve İkinci Kuşakların Girişimcilik Algısı: Bucak’taki Aile İşletmeleri Üzerinde Nitel Bir Araştırma

Research paper thumbnail of İş Yerinde Dikkat Eksikliği Ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğuna (Dehb) Yönelik Bir Araştırma (A Research on Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder at the Work Place)

Social Science Research Network, Jan 2, 2017

Dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) yayginligi yaklasik olarak cocuklukta % 8, erg... more Dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) yayginligi yaklasik olarak cocuklukta % 8, ergenlikte % 6 ve eriskinlikte % 4 olarak bildirilmektedir. DEHB, kisilerde ise odaklanamamaya yol acmakta bu da kariyerde ilerlemeye engel olabilmektedir. DEHB olan kisiler bircok ise ayni anda baslamakta ve bircogunu bitirememektedirler. Bu arastirmada, isyerinde dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite duzeyi belirlenerek bazi demografik degiskenlerle arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Arastirmada Dunya Saglik Orgutu’nun “Eriskin Dikkat Eksikligi Hiperaktivite Bozuklugu Kendi Bildirim Olcegi (ASRS)” kullanilmistir. Olcegin Turkce formunun gecerlilik ve guvenilirlik calismasi Dogan ve arkadaslari (2009) tarafindan yapilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini internet ortaminda ulasilan calisanlar olusturmaktadir. Orneklem ise, bu calisanlar arasindan rastgele secilen 500 kisidir. Arastirma sonucunda, calisanlarda %2,4 oraninda DEHB saptanmistir. Farkliliklara yonelik yapilan, T testi analizi sonucunda; DEHB olan yonetici ve calisanlar arasinda anlamli bir farklilik gorulmemistir.

Research paper thumbnail of İnsan Omurgasi Veri̇ Seti̇ni̇n Si̇ni̇r-Bulanik Siniflayici İle Özni̇teli̇k Tespi̇ti̇ Ve Siniflandirilmasi

Tip alaninda, insan omurgasinin saglikli olup olmadigina karar verilmesi icin kontrol edilen bazi... more Tip alaninda, insan omurgasinin saglikli olup olmadigina karar verilmesi icin kontrol edilen bazi degerler belirlenmistir. Hekim, teshis koyarken bu degerlerden faydalanir. Veri madenciligi yontemleri ile hekimlere yardimci olacak sistemler gelistirilebilir. Kullanilan sistemlerde amac dogru yontemleri secmek ve teshisin dogruluk oranini arttirmaktir. Bu arastirmada kullanilan veri seti 2011 yilinda Brezilya’nin Ceara eyaletindeki Fortaleza sehrinde bulunan Monte Klinikum hastanesinde yapilan bilimsel bir arastirmanin sonuclaridir ve UCI machine learning repository sitesinden temin edilmistir. Amac bireyleri hasta olup olmadiklarina gore iki kategoride siniflandirmaktir. Benzer calismalarda siniflandirma islemi yapildiysa da bu calismada onemli oznitelik secimi uzerinde calisilmistir. Bu ozniteliklerin onem derecesinin artirilmasiyla daha yuksek bir basari saglanmasi amaclanmistir. Veri seti uzerinde basariyi artirmak icin bircok yontem denenmis ve istenilen basari artisi elde edilm...

Research paper thumbnail of Banka Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri Kullanımının Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (TKM) İle İncelenmesi

Bu calisma banka calisanlarinin teknoloji kabul ve kullanimlarini, Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (TKM) i... more Bu calisma banka calisanlarinin teknoloji kabul ve kullanimlarini, Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (TKM) ile ampirik olarak test etmek amaciyla hazirlanmistir. Arastirma Burdur ili Bucak ilcesinde faaliyette bulunan banka calisanlari uzerinde yurutulmustur. Bucak'ta calisan 117 banka personelinin 67 anket yanitlari uygun bir istatistik programi ile test edilmistir. Bu arastirmada guvenilirlik analizi, betimsel analizlerin yani sira Independent Sample T-Test ve ANOVA testi kullanilmistir. Arastirmada verilerin normal dagilimini gorebilmek icin Kolmogorov-Smirnov Testi ve Skewness ve Kurtosis Testleri uygulanmistir. Arastirma kapsaminda, bilgi teknolojileri kullaniminin banka calisanlari uzerindeki etkisi ve calisanlarin bilgi teknolojileri hakkindaki bilgisi, tecrube ve dusuncelerinin bazi demografik degiskenlere gore farklilik gosterip gostermedigi incelenmistir. Arastirma sonucunda ulasilan bu istatistiksel veriler ile literatur taramasi karsilastirilmis, yorumlanarak daha sonra yapilac...


Research paper thumbnail of İş Yerinde Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğuna (DEHB) Yönelik Bir Araştırma

İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Management Approach in the Metropolitan Municipalities in Turkey: An Analysis on the Statements of Mission, Vision and Core Values

Journal of Global Strategic Management, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Focus in Turkish SMEs: Emergent or Deliberate Strategies?

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Investigate Radiation-Induced Changes in Food

Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2010

Skip to Main Content. There will be a release of Wiley Online Library scheduled for Saturday 27th... more Skip to Main Content. There will be a release of Wiley Online Library scheduled for Saturday 27th November 2010. Access to the website will be disrupted as follows: New York 0630 EDT to 0830 EDT; London 1130 GMT to 1330 GMT; Singapore 1930 SGT to 2130 SGT. ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparison of Slow Infusion Intermittent Feeding versus Gravity Feeding in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Background: The transition to full enteral feeding is important for ensuring adequate growth in p... more Background: The transition to full enteral feeding is important for ensuring adequate growth in preterm infants. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two different intermittent feeding methods on the transition to full enteral feeding in preterm infants. Study design: A prospective, randomized controlled study was conducted in a neonatology and perinatology center. Subjects: Preterm infants with a gestational age between 24 + 0/7 and 31 + 6/7 were included in this study. They were divided into two groups: the SIF (slow infusion feeding) group and the IBF (intermittent bolus feeding) group. In the SIF group, feed volumes were administered over one hour using an infusion pump through an orogastric tube, with feeding occurring every three hours. The IBF group received enteral feeding using a gravity-based technique with a syringe through an orogastric tube, completed within 10 to 30 min. Outcome measures: The primary outcome was the achievement of full enteral ...

Research paper thumbnail of Finansal Okuryazarlık, Risk Alma Eğilimi ve Belirsizliğe Karşı Tolerans İlişkisi: Batı Akdeniz Girişimcileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi

Finansal işlemler gün geçtikçe daha karmaşık hale gelmektedir. İşlemlerle ilgili risk ile sorumlu... more Finansal işlemler gün geçtikçe daha karmaşık hale gelmektedir. İşlemlerle ilgili risk ile sorumluluk sürekli artmaktadır ve alınan yanlış kararlar hem mikro hem de makro ölçekte etki sağlamaktadır. Bu durumlar bireylerin sahip olması gereken finansal okuryazarlığın günümüzdeki önemini arttırmıştır. Girişimciler açısından bakıldığında ise iş fikrinin ortaya atılmasından işin kurulumuna, kurulumundan yönetimine kadar geçen her süreçte finansal okuryazarlık becerisi bir gereklilik halini almıştır. Bu araştırmada da girişimciler açısından finansal okuryazarlık konusu incelenmiş ve Batı Akdeniz bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren girişimcilerin finansal okuryazarlık seviyesi ve alt boyutlarıyla, girişimci özelliklerinden olan risk alma eğilimi ve belirsizliğe karşı tolerans değişkenlerinin ilişkisini ortaya çıkartmak amaçlanmıştır. Anket tekniği ile verilerin toplandığı araştırmanın sonunda finansal okuryazarlık, finansal bilgi ve finansal tutum seviyeleriyle girişimcilik özelliklerinden risk a...

Research paper thumbnail of Obezitede cinsel yaşam ve hemşirelik yaklaşımı

Androloji Bülteni

Cinsellik, insan yaşamında, mutluluğunda ve aile hayatında önemli yeri olan çok boyutlu bir kavra... more Cinsellik, insan yaşamında, mutluluğunda ve aile hayatında önemli yeri olan çok boyutlu bir kavramdır. Bireylerin yaşı, eğitim durumu, alkol-sigara kullanımı, gelenek-görenekleri, toplum yapısı, genel sağlık durumu, benlik algısı, cinsellik konusundaki bilgi düzeyi, cinsel partner tercihleri, aile hayatındaki değişiklikler, mevcut kronik ve psikiyatrik hastalıklar, obezite gibi birçok faktör cinselliği ve cinsel sağlığı etkileyebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Diyabetin sıçan iskelet kas dokuları üzerindeki etkilerinin moleküler düzeyde incelenmesi

In the present study Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy was used to examine the effects of s... more In the present study Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy was used to examine the effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus on the structural components of slow- and fast-twitch rat skeletal muscles, at molecular level. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, which is characterized by hyperglycemia caused by a defective or deficient insulin secretory response. The effect of diabetes is seen on a variety of tissues leading to important secondary complications such as kidney failure, liver dysfunction, cardiac disorders, etc. Skeletal muscle is one of the major tissues determining carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body; therefore, is one of the target tissues of diabetes. The two main types of muscle fibers are type I (slow-twitch) and type II (fast-twitch) fibers; having different structural organization and metabolic features. The FTIR spectra revealed a considerable decrease in lipid and protein content of diabetic sk...

Research paper thumbnail of Low-intensity low-frequency pulsed ultrasound ameliorates sciatic nerve dysfunction in a rat model of cisplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy

Scientific Reports

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a neurological complication that frequently occurs ... more Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a neurological complication that frequently occurs during chemotherapeutic intervention, resulting in damaged myelin sheath, motor weakness and/or sensory impairment. This study aims to investigate the therapeutic efficiency of low-intensity pulsed low-frequency ultrasound on cisplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy. Rats were randomly divided into five experimental groups as control, cisplatin administration, 10 mg/kg melatonin treatment after cisplatin administration, 1 MHz frequency 0.5 W/cm2 pulsed ultrasound treatment after cisplatin administration and 1 MHz frequency 1.5 W/cm2 pulsed ultrasound treatment after cisplatin administration. Chemical neuropathy was induced by the injection of 3 mg/kg/week of cisplatin (i.p.) for 5 weeks. Afterwards, melatonin and pulsed ultrasound treatments were applied for 15 consecutive days. Cisplatin administration resulted in a decrease in nociceptive pain perception and nerve conduction velocities ...

Research paper thumbnail of A multicenter study of genotype variation/demographic patterns in 2475 individuals inluding with 1444 cases with breast cancer in Turkey Short Title: BRCA profiling of breast-cancer patients in Turkey

BACKGROUND Breast Cancer is the most common cancer type in women, second among the all cancers, a... more BACKGROUND Breast Cancer is the most common cancer type in women, second among the all cancers, and inherited with autosomal dominant pattern. The clinical diagnosis of BC relies on the published diagnostic criteria, and two genes have been identified as the main causative for breast cancer which are BRCA1 and BRCA2. OBJECTIVE We aimed to compare the index cases with the diagnostic features to describe the genotype/demographic information association in breast cancer. METHODS We performed mutational analyses for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes on 2475 individuals from collobrative centers across Turkey, whom 1444 of them were ascertained index cases. RESULTS We identified mutations in 17% (421/2475) of all individuals while its almost the same 16.6% (239/1444) in 1444 index cases. Mutations in BRCA1/BRCA2 genes were detected in 17.8% (131/737) of familial cases and 12% (78/549) of sporadic breast cancer, with 4.9% of mutations in the BRCA1 and 12% in the BRCA2. CONCLUSIONS Genotype variat...

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of urinary incontinence on quality of life and sexual function in women of reproductive age

Gulhane Medical Journal, 2022

Introduction Urinary incontinence (UI), involuntary leakage of urine, is a common disorder observ... more Introduction Urinary incontinence (UI), involuntary leakage of urine, is a common disorder observed in women. The incidence of UI in females increases by age and it is found in 12% in nulligravid women around the age of 20, and 45-78% in women living in nursing homes (1,2). Aging, obesity, parity, mode of delivery, and menopause are major risk factors for female UI (3-6). Apart from the disturbing physical effects of wetness, UI in women has various psychological negative effects such as anxiety, depression, social isolation, decreased quality of life (QoL), and sexual dysfunction (7-9). UI is divided into three subheadings: stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and mixed incontinence (10). While stress incontinence is defined as involuntary UI with laughing, coughing, sneezing, or any similar efforts increasing intraabdominal pressure, urge incontinence is defined as leakage of urine with a sudden desire for urination due to involuntary detrusor contractions. Mixed incontinence is involuntary urinary leakage associated with both conditions Coital incontinence is defined as urinary leakage that occurs during sexual intercourse (10). It is generally accepted to occur in two different ways. Coital incontinence during penetration

Research paper thumbnail of Görme Yetersizliği Olan Kadınların Üreme Sağlığı Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2021

Görme yetersizliği olan kadınlar, üreme sağlığına yönelik, menstrual siklus, cinsel sağlık, gebel... more Görme yetersizliği olan kadınlar, üreme sağlığına yönelik, menstrual siklus, cinsel sağlık, gebelik, doğum şekli, emzirme ve çocuk sahibi olma, aile planlaması, jinekolojik muayene ve yıllık düzenli kontrole gitme sorunlarının yanı sıra sağlık hizmetine erişim, eğitim alma ve bakıma yönelik sorunlar yaşamaktadır. Bu sorunlar ve çözüm yollarına yönelik eğitim ve danışmanlık verilirken optimal düzeyde yarar sağlayabilmek için dokunsal, işitsel materyallerden yararlanılması gerekmektedir. Görme eylemi, bilgi edinmeden sorumludur ve bu organdaki herhangi bir değişiklik, bireyin kapasitesinin azalmasına neden olmaktadır. Sağlık profesyonellerinin görme yetersizliğinin nedenlerini, bireylerin öğrenmelerine olan etkisini bilmeleri, üreme sağlığına yönelik düzenlenecek eğitim planlarının oluşturulmasında yarar sağlayacaktır. Kadınları bilgilendirmek için hazırlanan üreme sağlığına yönelik broşür ve kitapçıkların Braille alfabesi ile yazılması ya da seslendirilmesi görme yetersizliği olan ka...

Research paper thumbnail of Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus in an Adult Turkish

Situs Inversus is a rare congenital anomaly caused by the displacement of the organs in the chest... more Situs Inversus is a rare congenital anomaly caused by the displacement of the organs in the chest and abdomen. Situs inversus totalis known as the displacement of all organs according to the mirror image. Dextrocardia is used to describe the position of the heart which tip is pointing to the right instead of left side of the chest. People having situs inversus totalis and dextrocardia live with normal life expectancy and are mostly asymptomatic. These anomalies may not be recognized for a long lifetime. Other congenital disorders such as heart diseases and lung infections may progress with this condition. Although situs inversus totalis with dextrocardia are rare, the lack of a comprehensive study of this anomaly in the literature indicates that further research is needed. In our report, we describe a case of dextrocardia with situs inversus totalis in a 21-year-old male.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of chlorhexidine impregnated dressing and standard dressing for the prevention of central‐line associated blood stream infection and colonization in critically ill pediatric patients: A randomized controlled trial

Pediatrics International, 2021

BackgroundThe aim of this study was to compare chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)‐impregnated dressing... more BackgroundThe aim of this study was to compare chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)‐impregnated dressing and standard dressing with respect to the frequency of central‐line‐associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI), catheter‐related bloodstream infection, primary bloodstream infection, and catheter colonization in critically ill pediatric patients with short‐term central venous catheters.MethodsChildren who were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary institution between May 2018 and December 2019 and received placement of a short‐term central venous catheter were included in this single‐center randomized controlled trial. Patients were grouped according to the type of catheter fixation applied.ResultsA total of 307 patients (151 CHG‐impregnated dressing, 156 standard dressing), with 307 catheters (amounting to a collective total of 4,993 catheter days), were included in the study. The CHG‐impregnated dressing did not significantly decrease the incidence of CLABSI (6.36...

Research paper thumbnail of Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in the south-east region of Turkey


LMICs [16]. Şanlıurfa, located in the southeast region of Turkey, has the highest birth rate in T... more LMICs [16]. Şanlıurfa, located in the southeast region of Turkey, has the highest birth rate in Turkey with 4.29 children per year. 1 Also, it is one of the cities harboring the highest Syrian refugee population, composing 23.6% of its population. 2 The aim of this study was to assess etiologic reasons for the development of severe hyperbilirubinemia and define risk factors for exchange transfusion and ABE in Şanlıurfa. 2. Material and methods This single-center observational cohort study was conducted at Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital between June 2017 and December 2018. Sixty thousand live births occur per year in Şanlıurfa. About 50% of all Background/aim: Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. The aim was to assess etiologic reasons for development of severe hyperbilirubinemia and define risk factors for exchange transfusion and acute bilirubin encephalopathy (ABE) in Şanlıurfa located in the southeast region of Turkey. Materials and methods: An observational cohort study included 115 infants with ≥35 weeks of gestation admitted with diagnosis of severe hyperbilirubinemia in a period of 18 months. Potential risk factors associated with exchange transfusion and development of ABE were analyzed.

Research paper thumbnail of Aile İşletmelerinde Birinci ve İkinci Kuşakların Girişimcilik Algısı: Bucak’taki Aile İşletmeleri Üzerinde Nitel Bir Araştırma

Research paper thumbnail of İş Yerinde Dikkat Eksikliği Ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğuna (Dehb) Yönelik Bir Araştırma (A Research on Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder at the Work Place)

Social Science Research Network, Jan 2, 2017

Dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) yayginligi yaklasik olarak cocuklukta % 8, erg... more Dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) yayginligi yaklasik olarak cocuklukta % 8, ergenlikte % 6 ve eriskinlikte % 4 olarak bildirilmektedir. DEHB, kisilerde ise odaklanamamaya yol acmakta bu da kariyerde ilerlemeye engel olabilmektedir. DEHB olan kisiler bircok ise ayni anda baslamakta ve bircogunu bitirememektedirler. Bu arastirmada, isyerinde dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite duzeyi belirlenerek bazi demografik degiskenlerle arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Arastirmada Dunya Saglik Orgutu’nun “Eriskin Dikkat Eksikligi Hiperaktivite Bozuklugu Kendi Bildirim Olcegi (ASRS)” kullanilmistir. Olcegin Turkce formunun gecerlilik ve guvenilirlik calismasi Dogan ve arkadaslari (2009) tarafindan yapilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini internet ortaminda ulasilan calisanlar olusturmaktadir. Orneklem ise, bu calisanlar arasindan rastgele secilen 500 kisidir. Arastirma sonucunda, calisanlarda %2,4 oraninda DEHB saptanmistir. Farkliliklara yonelik yapilan, T testi analizi sonucunda; DEHB olan yonetici ve calisanlar arasinda anlamli bir farklilik gorulmemistir.

Research paper thumbnail of İnsan Omurgasi Veri̇ Seti̇ni̇n Si̇ni̇r-Bulanik Siniflayici İle Özni̇teli̇k Tespi̇ti̇ Ve Siniflandirilmasi

Tip alaninda, insan omurgasinin saglikli olup olmadigina karar verilmesi icin kontrol edilen bazi... more Tip alaninda, insan omurgasinin saglikli olup olmadigina karar verilmesi icin kontrol edilen bazi degerler belirlenmistir. Hekim, teshis koyarken bu degerlerden faydalanir. Veri madenciligi yontemleri ile hekimlere yardimci olacak sistemler gelistirilebilir. Kullanilan sistemlerde amac dogru yontemleri secmek ve teshisin dogruluk oranini arttirmaktir. Bu arastirmada kullanilan veri seti 2011 yilinda Brezilya’nin Ceara eyaletindeki Fortaleza sehrinde bulunan Monte Klinikum hastanesinde yapilan bilimsel bir arastirmanin sonuclaridir ve UCI machine learning repository sitesinden temin edilmistir. Amac bireyleri hasta olup olmadiklarina gore iki kategoride siniflandirmaktir. Benzer calismalarda siniflandirma islemi yapildiysa da bu calismada onemli oznitelik secimi uzerinde calisilmistir. Bu ozniteliklerin onem derecesinin artirilmasiyla daha yuksek bir basari saglanmasi amaclanmistir. Veri seti uzerinde basariyi artirmak icin bircok yontem denenmis ve istenilen basari artisi elde edilm...

Research paper thumbnail of Banka Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri Kullanımının Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (TKM) İle İncelenmesi

Bu calisma banka calisanlarinin teknoloji kabul ve kullanimlarini, Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (TKM) i... more Bu calisma banka calisanlarinin teknoloji kabul ve kullanimlarini, Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (TKM) ile ampirik olarak test etmek amaciyla hazirlanmistir. Arastirma Burdur ili Bucak ilcesinde faaliyette bulunan banka calisanlari uzerinde yurutulmustur. Bucak'ta calisan 117 banka personelinin 67 anket yanitlari uygun bir istatistik programi ile test edilmistir. Bu arastirmada guvenilirlik analizi, betimsel analizlerin yani sira Independent Sample T-Test ve ANOVA testi kullanilmistir. Arastirmada verilerin normal dagilimini gorebilmek icin Kolmogorov-Smirnov Testi ve Skewness ve Kurtosis Testleri uygulanmistir. Arastirma kapsaminda, bilgi teknolojileri kullaniminin banka calisanlari uzerindeki etkisi ve calisanlarin bilgi teknolojileri hakkindaki bilgisi, tecrube ve dusuncelerinin bazi demografik degiskenlere gore farklilik gosterip gostermedigi incelenmistir. Arastirma sonucunda ulasilan bu istatistiksel veriler ile literatur taramasi karsilastirilmis, yorumlanarak daha sonra yapilac...


Research paper thumbnail of İş Yerinde Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğuna (DEHB) Yönelik Bir Araştırma

İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Management Approach in the Metropolitan Municipalities in Turkey: An Analysis on the Statements of Mission, Vision and Core Values

Journal of Global Strategic Management, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Focus in Turkish SMEs: Emergent or Deliberate Strategies?

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Investigate Radiation-Induced Changes in Food

Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2010

Skip to Main Content. There will be a release of Wiley Online Library scheduled for Saturday 27th... more Skip to Main Content. There will be a release of Wiley Online Library scheduled for Saturday 27th November 2010. Access to the website will be disrupted as follows: New York 0630 EDT to 0830 EDT; London 1130 GMT to 1330 GMT; Singapore 1930 SGT to 2130 SGT. ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparison of Slow Infusion Intermittent Feeding versus Gravity Feeding in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Background: The transition to full enteral feeding is important for ensuring adequate growth in p... more Background: The transition to full enteral feeding is important for ensuring adequate growth in preterm infants. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two different intermittent feeding methods on the transition to full enteral feeding in preterm infants. Study design: A prospective, randomized controlled study was conducted in a neonatology and perinatology center. Subjects: Preterm infants with a gestational age between 24 + 0/7 and 31 + 6/7 were included in this study. They were divided into two groups: the SIF (slow infusion feeding) group and the IBF (intermittent bolus feeding) group. In the SIF group, feed volumes were administered over one hour using an infusion pump through an orogastric tube, with feeding occurring every three hours. The IBF group received enteral feeding using a gravity-based technique with a syringe through an orogastric tube, completed within 10 to 30 min. Outcome measures: The primary outcome was the achievement of full enteral ...

Research paper thumbnail of Finansal Okuryazarlık, Risk Alma Eğilimi ve Belirsizliğe Karşı Tolerans İlişkisi: Batı Akdeniz Girişimcileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi

Finansal işlemler gün geçtikçe daha karmaşık hale gelmektedir. İşlemlerle ilgili risk ile sorumlu... more Finansal işlemler gün geçtikçe daha karmaşık hale gelmektedir. İşlemlerle ilgili risk ile sorumluluk sürekli artmaktadır ve alınan yanlış kararlar hem mikro hem de makro ölçekte etki sağlamaktadır. Bu durumlar bireylerin sahip olması gereken finansal okuryazarlığın günümüzdeki önemini arttırmıştır. Girişimciler açısından bakıldığında ise iş fikrinin ortaya atılmasından işin kurulumuna, kurulumundan yönetimine kadar geçen her süreçte finansal okuryazarlık becerisi bir gereklilik halini almıştır. Bu araştırmada da girişimciler açısından finansal okuryazarlık konusu incelenmiş ve Batı Akdeniz bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren girişimcilerin finansal okuryazarlık seviyesi ve alt boyutlarıyla, girişimci özelliklerinden olan risk alma eğilimi ve belirsizliğe karşı tolerans değişkenlerinin ilişkisini ortaya çıkartmak amaçlanmıştır. Anket tekniği ile verilerin toplandığı araştırmanın sonunda finansal okuryazarlık, finansal bilgi ve finansal tutum seviyeleriyle girişimcilik özelliklerinden risk a...

Research paper thumbnail of Obezitede cinsel yaşam ve hemşirelik yaklaşımı

Androloji Bülteni

Cinsellik, insan yaşamında, mutluluğunda ve aile hayatında önemli yeri olan çok boyutlu bir kavra... more Cinsellik, insan yaşamında, mutluluğunda ve aile hayatında önemli yeri olan çok boyutlu bir kavramdır. Bireylerin yaşı, eğitim durumu, alkol-sigara kullanımı, gelenek-görenekleri, toplum yapısı, genel sağlık durumu, benlik algısı, cinsellik konusundaki bilgi düzeyi, cinsel partner tercihleri, aile hayatındaki değişiklikler, mevcut kronik ve psikiyatrik hastalıklar, obezite gibi birçok faktör cinselliği ve cinsel sağlığı etkileyebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Diyabetin sıçan iskelet kas dokuları üzerindeki etkilerinin moleküler düzeyde incelenmesi

In the present study Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy was used to examine the effects of s... more In the present study Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy was used to examine the effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus on the structural components of slow- and fast-twitch rat skeletal muscles, at molecular level. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, which is characterized by hyperglycemia caused by a defective or deficient insulin secretory response. The effect of diabetes is seen on a variety of tissues leading to important secondary complications such as kidney failure, liver dysfunction, cardiac disorders, etc. Skeletal muscle is one of the major tissues determining carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body; therefore, is one of the target tissues of diabetes. The two main types of muscle fibers are type I (slow-twitch) and type II (fast-twitch) fibers; having different structural organization and metabolic features. The FTIR spectra revealed a considerable decrease in lipid and protein content of diabetic sk...

Research paper thumbnail of Low-intensity low-frequency pulsed ultrasound ameliorates sciatic nerve dysfunction in a rat model of cisplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy

Scientific Reports

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a neurological complication that frequently occurs ... more Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a neurological complication that frequently occurs during chemotherapeutic intervention, resulting in damaged myelin sheath, motor weakness and/or sensory impairment. This study aims to investigate the therapeutic efficiency of low-intensity pulsed low-frequency ultrasound on cisplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy. Rats were randomly divided into five experimental groups as control, cisplatin administration, 10 mg/kg melatonin treatment after cisplatin administration, 1 MHz frequency 0.5 W/cm2 pulsed ultrasound treatment after cisplatin administration and 1 MHz frequency 1.5 W/cm2 pulsed ultrasound treatment after cisplatin administration. Chemical neuropathy was induced by the injection of 3 mg/kg/week of cisplatin (i.p.) for 5 weeks. Afterwards, melatonin and pulsed ultrasound treatments were applied for 15 consecutive days. Cisplatin administration resulted in a decrease in nociceptive pain perception and nerve conduction velocities ...

Research paper thumbnail of A multicenter study of genotype variation/demographic patterns in 2475 individuals inluding with 1444 cases with breast cancer in Turkey Short Title: BRCA profiling of breast-cancer patients in Turkey

BACKGROUND Breast Cancer is the most common cancer type in women, second among the all cancers, a... more BACKGROUND Breast Cancer is the most common cancer type in women, second among the all cancers, and inherited with autosomal dominant pattern. The clinical diagnosis of BC relies on the published diagnostic criteria, and two genes have been identified as the main causative for breast cancer which are BRCA1 and BRCA2. OBJECTIVE We aimed to compare the index cases with the diagnostic features to describe the genotype/demographic information association in breast cancer. METHODS We performed mutational analyses for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes on 2475 individuals from collobrative centers across Turkey, whom 1444 of them were ascertained index cases. RESULTS We identified mutations in 17% (421/2475) of all individuals while its almost the same 16.6% (239/1444) in 1444 index cases. Mutations in BRCA1/BRCA2 genes were detected in 17.8% (131/737) of familial cases and 12% (78/549) of sporadic breast cancer, with 4.9% of mutations in the BRCA1 and 12% in the BRCA2. CONCLUSIONS Genotype variat...

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of urinary incontinence on quality of life and sexual function in women of reproductive age

Gulhane Medical Journal, 2022

Introduction Urinary incontinence (UI), involuntary leakage of urine, is a common disorder observ... more Introduction Urinary incontinence (UI), involuntary leakage of urine, is a common disorder observed in women. The incidence of UI in females increases by age and it is found in 12% in nulligravid women around the age of 20, and 45-78% in women living in nursing homes (1,2). Aging, obesity, parity, mode of delivery, and menopause are major risk factors for female UI (3-6). Apart from the disturbing physical effects of wetness, UI in women has various psychological negative effects such as anxiety, depression, social isolation, decreased quality of life (QoL), and sexual dysfunction (7-9). UI is divided into three subheadings: stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and mixed incontinence (10). While stress incontinence is defined as involuntary UI with laughing, coughing, sneezing, or any similar efforts increasing intraabdominal pressure, urge incontinence is defined as leakage of urine with a sudden desire for urination due to involuntary detrusor contractions. Mixed incontinence is involuntary urinary leakage associated with both conditions Coital incontinence is defined as urinary leakage that occurs during sexual intercourse (10). It is generally accepted to occur in two different ways. Coital incontinence during penetration

Research paper thumbnail of Görme Yetersizliği Olan Kadınların Üreme Sağlığı Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2021

Görme yetersizliği olan kadınlar, üreme sağlığına yönelik, menstrual siklus, cinsel sağlık, gebel... more Görme yetersizliği olan kadınlar, üreme sağlığına yönelik, menstrual siklus, cinsel sağlık, gebelik, doğum şekli, emzirme ve çocuk sahibi olma, aile planlaması, jinekolojik muayene ve yıllık düzenli kontrole gitme sorunlarının yanı sıra sağlık hizmetine erişim, eğitim alma ve bakıma yönelik sorunlar yaşamaktadır. Bu sorunlar ve çözüm yollarına yönelik eğitim ve danışmanlık verilirken optimal düzeyde yarar sağlayabilmek için dokunsal, işitsel materyallerden yararlanılması gerekmektedir. Görme eylemi, bilgi edinmeden sorumludur ve bu organdaki herhangi bir değişiklik, bireyin kapasitesinin azalmasına neden olmaktadır. Sağlık profesyonellerinin görme yetersizliğinin nedenlerini, bireylerin öğrenmelerine olan etkisini bilmeleri, üreme sağlığına yönelik düzenlenecek eğitim planlarının oluşturulmasında yarar sağlayacaktır. Kadınları bilgilendirmek için hazırlanan üreme sağlığına yönelik broşür ve kitapçıkların Braille alfabesi ile yazılması ya da seslendirilmesi görme yetersizliği olan ka...

Research paper thumbnail of Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus in an Adult Turkish

Situs Inversus is a rare congenital anomaly caused by the displacement of the organs in the chest... more Situs Inversus is a rare congenital anomaly caused by the displacement of the organs in the chest and abdomen. Situs inversus totalis known as the displacement of all organs according to the mirror image. Dextrocardia is used to describe the position of the heart which tip is pointing to the right instead of left side of the chest. People having situs inversus totalis and dextrocardia live with normal life expectancy and are mostly asymptomatic. These anomalies may not be recognized for a long lifetime. Other congenital disorders such as heart diseases and lung infections may progress with this condition. Although situs inversus totalis with dextrocardia are rare, the lack of a comprehensive study of this anomaly in the literature indicates that further research is needed. In our report, we describe a case of dextrocardia with situs inversus totalis in a 21-year-old male.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of chlorhexidine impregnated dressing and standard dressing for the prevention of central‐line associated blood stream infection and colonization in critically ill pediatric patients: A randomized controlled trial

Pediatrics International, 2021

BackgroundThe aim of this study was to compare chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)‐impregnated dressing... more BackgroundThe aim of this study was to compare chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)‐impregnated dressing and standard dressing with respect to the frequency of central‐line‐associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI), catheter‐related bloodstream infection, primary bloodstream infection, and catheter colonization in critically ill pediatric patients with short‐term central venous catheters.MethodsChildren who were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary institution between May 2018 and December 2019 and received placement of a short‐term central venous catheter were included in this single‐center randomized controlled trial. Patients were grouped according to the type of catheter fixation applied.ResultsA total of 307 patients (151 CHG‐impregnated dressing, 156 standard dressing), with 307 catheters (amounting to a collective total of 4,993 catheter days), were included in the study. The CHG‐impregnated dressing did not significantly decrease the incidence of CLABSI (6.36...

Research paper thumbnail of Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in the south-east region of Turkey


LMICs [16]. Şanlıurfa, located in the southeast region of Turkey, has the highest birth rate in T... more LMICs [16]. Şanlıurfa, located in the southeast region of Turkey, has the highest birth rate in Turkey with 4.29 children per year. 1 Also, it is one of the cities harboring the highest Syrian refugee population, composing 23.6% of its population. 2 The aim of this study was to assess etiologic reasons for the development of severe hyperbilirubinemia and define risk factors for exchange transfusion and ABE in Şanlıurfa. 2. Material and methods This single-center observational cohort study was conducted at Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital between June 2017 and December 2018. Sixty thousand live births occur per year in Şanlıurfa. About 50% of all Background/aim: Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. The aim was to assess etiologic reasons for development of severe hyperbilirubinemia and define risk factors for exchange transfusion and acute bilirubin encephalopathy (ABE) in Şanlıurfa located in the southeast region of Turkey. Materials and methods: An observational cohort study included 115 infants with ≥35 weeks of gestation admitted with diagnosis of severe hyperbilirubinemia in a period of 18 months. Potential risk factors associated with exchange transfusion and development of ABE were analyzed.