covalenco serghei | Academy of Sciences of Moldova (original) (raw)

Papers by covalenco serghei

Research paper thumbnail of Коваленко С. И. 2018. И. А. Борзияк: хроника полевых исследований многослойной стоянки верхнего палеолита Косэуць (Молдова) в 1978—1999 гг. В:. Stratum plus, 1, c.17-28.

Research paper thumbnail of Коваленко С. И. 2009. Скальные скиты Нижнего Поднестровья (время и условия появления). В:  Păstrarea patrimoniului cultural in Tările Europene. Chişinău: IPC.

Research paper thumbnail of Коваленко С. И., Грамма А. В., Левинский А. Н. 2008. Культовый пещерный комплекс Холеркань-Маркэуць. В:  Revista Arheologică, vol. IV, nr. 1, р. 273-294.

Complexul rupestru de cult Holercani – Marcăuţi. Cercetările efectuate în complexul rupestru afla... more Complexul rupestru de cult Holercani – Marcăuţi. Cercetările efectuate în complexul rupestru aflat între Holercani şi Marcăuţi, raionul Criuleni, pe partea dreaptă abruptă a văii Nistrului, au permis să fie identificate urme evidente de utilizare în calitate de schit călugăresc. Limita superioară de funcţionare a acestui complex, dacă e să luăm în consideraţie unica probă radiocarbonică, poate fi conturată în limita începutului secolului XV. Această datare este în concordanţă şi cu datele, privind tehnica amenajării interne a cheliilor şi bisericii, care se caracterizează prin «ascetizm arhitectural». Merită atenţie şi varietatea largă de cruci, cioplite în pereţi, precum şi înmormântarea efectuată în podeaua bisericii. Исследование пещерного комплекса между сëлами Холеркань и Маркэуць района Криулень, по правому обрывистому склону долины Днестра, позволило выявить признаки размещения в нëм монашеского скита. Верхняя хронологическая граница его функционирования, судя по единичной радиоуглеродной дате, может быть очерчена началом XV века. С этой датировкой согласуются и данные по технике оформления келий и церкви, отличающейся " архитектурным аскетизмом ". Заслуживает внимания серия разнообразных крестов на стенах и погребение в церкви. Ceremonial cave complex of Holercani – Marcautsi. The exploration of the cave formation complex between villages Holercani and Marcautsi, Criuleni district, situated on the steep slope of the Dniester Valley revealed the presence of monastic shelter in the past. The monastic shelter was active until XV century according to the single radiocarbon dating. The ascetic technique of the architectural design of cells and church is in the accordance with the obtained dating. The series of crosses and interments in the church represent a special interest.

Research paper thumbnail of Сергей Коваленко, Сергей Бодян, Кремневый инвентарь раннетрипольского поселения Александровка I//Revista arheologică, vol. II, nr.1-2, Chişinău, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Flint Artifacts from Excavations Early Tripolye Settlement of Rogojeni I in 2013//Revista arheologică, vol. XI, nr. 1-2, 2015

Кремневые изделия из раскопок раннетрипольского поселения Рогожень I в 2013 г. Flint Artifacts fr... more Кремневые изделия из раскопок раннетрипольского поселения Рогожень I в 2013 г. Flint Artifacts from Excavations Early Tripolye Settlement of Rogojeni I in 2013 The article is devoted to the flint artifacts early Tripolye settlement Rogojeni I (Precucuteni II), collected in the course of excavations in 2013. Special attention is drawn to the widespread use of the technique by pressure blades produced from conical cores, unlike the technique of striking for massive flakes from flattened cores. The two alternative technologies splitting flint provided the mass production of plate inserts and side scrapers on flakes. Sergiu Covalenco, Sergiu Bodean, Veaceslav Bikbaev Piese de silex din aşezarea tripoliană timpurie Rogojeni I (campania 2013) În articol este prezentat inventarul de silex din aşezarea Precucuteni II de la Rogojeni I, provenit din cadrul săpăturilor efectu-ate în anul 2013. Lotul de piese recuperat se caracterizează prin utilizarea pe larg a tehnicii de presiune, drept rezultat al practicării căreia de pe nucleele conice erau obținute lamele. Prin intermediul tehnicii de lovire, de pe nucleele plate erau desprinse aşchiile mari. Predominante în lotul de piese vizat sunt diversele inserții de lamă şi gratoarele cu retuşe pe o latură, realizate pe aşchii. Сергей Коваленко, Сергей Бодян, Вячеслав Бикбаев Кремневые изделия из раскопок раннетрипольского поселения Рогожень I в 2013 году Статья посвящена рассмотрению кремневого инвентаря с раннетрипольского поселения Рогожень I (Прекукутень II), собранного в ходе раскопок 2013 г. Особое внимание было обращено на широкое использование обитателями поселе-ния отжимной техники изготовления пластинок, получаемых с конических и карандашевидных нуклеусов, в отличие от ударной техники скалывания массивных отщепов с уплощенных нуклеусов. Благодаря такому альтернативному раскалыванию кремня было налажено массовое производство пластинчатых вкладышей и боковых скребков на отщепах.

Research paper thumbnail of Covalenco S., Bodean S. Tsarigrad II – settlement of the Early Neolithic Age on the river Reut in Moldova// Stratum plus, 1999. nr.2

The settlement of the Early Neolithic Age Tsarigrad II was discovered on the North of Moldavia , ... more The settlement of the Early Neolithic Age Tsarigrad II was discovered on the North of Moldavia , in a water-meadow valley of the
river Reut. Its weak culture layer was studied on a small area. It was possible to collect there more than 2 thousand flint pieces (coneshaped
cores, micropoints and backed bladelets, trapezes, microburins, circular and lateral scrapers, bout-shaped retoucher), as well
as some fragments of ceramics with plant elements. According to the main features of flint stock the settlement Tsarigrad II can be
refered to monuments of transitional type and could be dated as the earliest stage of Neolithic Age


The fossil mammal remains and archaeological context from the multilayered Upper Paleolithic site... more The fossil mammal remains and archaeological context from the multilayered Upper Paleolithic site Raşcov-8 are rendered in the present paper. The Paleolithic stone implements belong to Epigravettian and Epiauregnacian cultures (21,000 – 18,000 years B. P.). The most abundant teeth and bones belong to reindeer - Rangifer tarandus constantini and horse - Equus caballus ssp. that shows morphological affinities with E. cf. transilvanicus from Romania. Some scarce remains belong to brown bear - Ursus arctos, wolf - Canis lupus, and mammoth - Mammuthus primigenius. The composition of the mammal assemblage from Raşcov-8 suggests that ancient hunters preferred as prey vulnerable juvenile and senile individuals of large sized mammal species.

Books by covalenco serghei

Research paper thumbnail of Анисюткин Н. К., Кетрару Н. А., Коваленко С. И. 2017. Многослойная палеолитическая стоянка в гроте Старые Дуруиторы и место ее каменных индустрий в раннем и среднем палеолите Европы. Санкт-Петербург: Нестор-История.

Research paper thumbnail of Коваленко С. И. 2018. И. А. Борзияк: хроника полевых исследований многослойной стоянки верхнего палеолита Косэуць (Молдова) в 1978—1999 гг. В:. Stratum plus, 1, c.17-28.

Research paper thumbnail of Коваленко С. И. 2009. Скальные скиты Нижнего Поднестровья (время и условия появления). В:  Păstrarea patrimoniului cultural in Tările Europene. Chişinău: IPC.

Research paper thumbnail of Коваленко С. И., Грамма А. В., Левинский А. Н. 2008. Культовый пещерный комплекс Холеркань-Маркэуць. В:  Revista Arheologică, vol. IV, nr. 1, р. 273-294.

Complexul rupestru de cult Holercani – Marcăuţi. Cercetările efectuate în complexul rupestru afla... more Complexul rupestru de cult Holercani – Marcăuţi. Cercetările efectuate în complexul rupestru aflat între Holercani şi Marcăuţi, raionul Criuleni, pe partea dreaptă abruptă a văii Nistrului, au permis să fie identificate urme evidente de utilizare în calitate de schit călugăresc. Limita superioară de funcţionare a acestui complex, dacă e să luăm în consideraţie unica probă radiocarbonică, poate fi conturată în limita începutului secolului XV. Această datare este în concordanţă şi cu datele, privind tehnica amenajării interne a cheliilor şi bisericii, care se caracterizează prin «ascetizm arhitectural». Merită atenţie şi varietatea largă de cruci, cioplite în pereţi, precum şi înmormântarea efectuată în podeaua bisericii. Исследование пещерного комплекса между сëлами Холеркань и Маркэуць района Криулень, по правому обрывистому склону долины Днестра, позволило выявить признаки размещения в нëм монашеского скита. Верхняя хронологическая граница его функционирования, судя по единичной радиоуглеродной дате, может быть очерчена началом XV века. С этой датировкой согласуются и данные по технике оформления келий и церкви, отличающейся " архитектурным аскетизмом ". Заслуживает внимания серия разнообразных крестов на стенах и погребение в церкви. Ceremonial cave complex of Holercani – Marcautsi. The exploration of the cave formation complex between villages Holercani and Marcautsi, Criuleni district, situated on the steep slope of the Dniester Valley revealed the presence of monastic shelter in the past. The monastic shelter was active until XV century according to the single radiocarbon dating. The ascetic technique of the architectural design of cells and church is in the accordance with the obtained dating. The series of crosses and interments in the church represent a special interest.

Research paper thumbnail of Сергей Коваленко, Сергей Бодян, Кремневый инвентарь раннетрипольского поселения Александровка I//Revista arheologică, vol. II, nr.1-2, Chişinău, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Flint Artifacts from Excavations Early Tripolye Settlement of Rogojeni I in 2013//Revista arheologică, vol. XI, nr. 1-2, 2015

Кремневые изделия из раскопок раннетрипольского поселения Рогожень I в 2013 г. Flint Artifacts fr... more Кремневые изделия из раскопок раннетрипольского поселения Рогожень I в 2013 г. Flint Artifacts from Excavations Early Tripolye Settlement of Rogojeni I in 2013 The article is devoted to the flint artifacts early Tripolye settlement Rogojeni I (Precucuteni II), collected in the course of excavations in 2013. Special attention is drawn to the widespread use of the technique by pressure blades produced from conical cores, unlike the technique of striking for massive flakes from flattened cores. The two alternative technologies splitting flint provided the mass production of plate inserts and side scrapers on flakes. Sergiu Covalenco, Sergiu Bodean, Veaceslav Bikbaev Piese de silex din aşezarea tripoliană timpurie Rogojeni I (campania 2013) În articol este prezentat inventarul de silex din aşezarea Precucuteni II de la Rogojeni I, provenit din cadrul săpăturilor efectu-ate în anul 2013. Lotul de piese recuperat se caracterizează prin utilizarea pe larg a tehnicii de presiune, drept rezultat al practicării căreia de pe nucleele conice erau obținute lamele. Prin intermediul tehnicii de lovire, de pe nucleele plate erau desprinse aşchiile mari. Predominante în lotul de piese vizat sunt diversele inserții de lamă şi gratoarele cu retuşe pe o latură, realizate pe aşchii. Сергей Коваленко, Сергей Бодян, Вячеслав Бикбаев Кремневые изделия из раскопок раннетрипольского поселения Рогожень I в 2013 году Статья посвящена рассмотрению кремневого инвентаря с раннетрипольского поселения Рогожень I (Прекукутень II), собранного в ходе раскопок 2013 г. Особое внимание было обращено на широкое использование обитателями поселе-ния отжимной техники изготовления пластинок, получаемых с конических и карандашевидных нуклеусов, в отличие от ударной техники скалывания массивных отщепов с уплощенных нуклеусов. Благодаря такому альтернативному раскалыванию кремня было налажено массовое производство пластинчатых вкладышей и боковых скребков на отщепах.

Research paper thumbnail of Covalenco S., Bodean S. Tsarigrad II – settlement of the Early Neolithic Age on the river Reut in Moldova// Stratum plus, 1999. nr.2

The settlement of the Early Neolithic Age Tsarigrad II was discovered on the North of Moldavia , ... more The settlement of the Early Neolithic Age Tsarigrad II was discovered on the North of Moldavia , in a water-meadow valley of the
river Reut. Its weak culture layer was studied on a small area. It was possible to collect there more than 2 thousand flint pieces (coneshaped
cores, micropoints and backed bladelets, trapezes, microburins, circular and lateral scrapers, bout-shaped retoucher), as well
as some fragments of ceramics with plant elements. According to the main features of flint stock the settlement Tsarigrad II can be
refered to monuments of transitional type and could be dated as the earliest stage of Neolithic Age


The fossil mammal remains and archaeological context from the multilayered Upper Paleolithic site... more The fossil mammal remains and archaeological context from the multilayered Upper Paleolithic site Raşcov-8 are rendered in the present paper. The Paleolithic stone implements belong to Epigravettian and Epiauregnacian cultures (21,000 – 18,000 years B. P.). The most abundant teeth and bones belong to reindeer - Rangifer tarandus constantini and horse - Equus caballus ssp. that shows morphological affinities with E. cf. transilvanicus from Romania. Some scarce remains belong to brown bear - Ursus arctos, wolf - Canis lupus, and mammoth - Mammuthus primigenius. The composition of the mammal assemblage from Raşcov-8 suggests that ancient hunters preferred as prey vulnerable juvenile and senile individuals of large sized mammal species.