As The Paradigm Shifts ...'s Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 11 most recent journal entries recorded inAs The Paradigm Shifts ...'s LiveJournal:

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008
_1:15 pm_[bigfishsearcher] Astronomy, Math, Cryptography etc. Hello all,I have been kicking around the general idea of doing a project for the above mentioned sciences for awhile now. But I am at a loss as to what would be a good project for those. Any advice? Current Mood: drained (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, May 22nd, 2008
_11:09 am_[saritor] Projekt Updates Okay, working on:1. Gleaning data from the Wallace Collection Catalogs in an XLS spreadsheet. Then I'll cross-reference the relevant weapons with Rapier and Smallsword typology.2. Piled up all the books with pictures of facial hair.3. Finding pictures of period compasses/containers. Hopefully, I can get a nice picture of the Mary Rose compass.4. Finding a big damned piece of magnetite is not going to be cheap. Perhaps a scale model terrella... (Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008
_5:07 pm_[saritor] Kieran: One more idea This is an idea I've wanted to do for a while and have the resources to do, though it's now apparently being duplicated in-kingdom.Take the Wallace Collection Catalog, do an analysis of blade types according to AVB Norman's typology with their overall lengths and weights, and then compare them to modern reproductions of similar typologies with weights and blade to do this so that it is not a research paper? Or not solely a research paper... (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008
_11:58 pm_[denk_mal] I seek suggestions could copy pages from it.I could attempt breaking the code based on research into other period codes.I could adapt the glyphs to something approximating Roman letters and do an AoA promissory with it (especially if we include the pictures of naked women - whee!)Any other ideas? (2 Comments |Comment on this)
_8:27 pm_[faeflitt] Art, Science, or Both? Breastmilk. Is that an art or a science? a culinary entry? Not that I can currently think about it, as I lack the proper hormone balance and stuff, but once we start having kids... Period Nursing garbPeriod practice of Nursing and WeaningPeriod Practice of Wet Nursing for other mothersPeriod lore about what to eat while nursing to produce sweet milk and a happy baby (3 Comments |Comment on this)
_9:56 am_[saritor] Kieran: Okay, the desert thing reminded me. Obviously, the appropriate A&S entry for someone from Citadel would be...period ice skates.Ice skates as we know them are slightly post-period (lazy Dutch...), but older modes of ice skating, involving cow shins, and a long stick with a nail in it (well, an iron prod) are perfectly period. We even have a period saint of ice skaters.Now, I just need some mutilated cows... (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, April 18th, 2008
_9:46 am_[mariedeblois] Marie: an idea that I can't do. Animal husbandry. I can't have any pets at all in my apartment (no, not even fish or spiders or snakes or birds or anything at all), so this one I just can't do myself at all. This might include eels for food, ermines as pets, maybe even birds (ooh, pirates!) ... ok, I'm running low on ideas. Bonus points if you bring the animal(s) and the site doesn't allow pets. :) (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 16th, 2008
_5:22 pm_[saritor] Kieran: First, we assume a spherical idea... A few final projects to add to the list, one of which I will most likely abandon because it's a navigation instrument, and I'm averse to entering navigation instruments in Scientific Instruments, since, well, they're pretty much DOMINATED by navigation instruments over thar.Gilbert's terrella -- Wm. Gilbert, in 1600, published De Magnete, an amazing work on his theories of magnestism. He built a sphere from magnetite (lodestone) and used it to demonstrate how a magnetic earth (one giant lodestone) with high iron content (continents) could have a compass point true north and also accounting for compass dip that made navigation by magnetic compass unreliable in the Renaissance. (Well, that and the whole ZOMG! Magickz! thing.)Topiary. Nothing like a nice pyramid-shaped shrub to get the day started right. Is that herbalism, I wonder, or does that depend on what kind of plant you're shaping? :DA magnetic compass. We've seen sextants and astrolabes galore, cross-staves and hourglasses, but I can't say as I really recall an actual, honest-to-God magnetic compass that was period. Then again, it's a navigation instrument. Maybe if I make one out of wood and enter it in woodworking? (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 15th, 2008
_5:56 pm_[saritor] Kieran: An idea that's a little hairy... Okay, so.Mid to late 16th century men's facial hair styles, as executed with fake hair and head mock-ups so that people can swap out the facial hair on the heads to see what they look like.I think a 3-D model will probably work best.As an added bonus, I can buy some chia heads and do chia facial hair, take pictures and then cause people heart attacks by posting it up online for April Fool's next year, right before A&S. :D :D :D (3 Comments |Comment on this)
_7:59 am_[saritor] Kieran: First Post Okay, so not to be outdone ;) I figured I'd get a post up here.I've been on and off racking my brain for things to do. It's not that it's *hard* to come up with ideas...I'm naturally an idea generator. It's that I come up with 9 trillion ideas, and have no way to accomplish them all. Maybe I should start carrying around a pocket notebook or something.I'd originally mused about entering something in to letters for translation -- portions of John Dee's journals and writings are written in Angelic, which he learned from the Archangel Uriel et al by way of his "assistant" and medium, Edward Kelly. However, that led to more research which turned into the idea of making a proper Enochian scrying table/set-up for the themed series next year (comprising the table, wax seals, obsidian mirror, research paper and whatever else I can come up with). So, Dee-related ideas are out for now.General ideas thus far:Sir John Harington's flush toilet (because it would be amusing to put under "functional art" somewhere near the food displays). The plans are buried (eww) within "A New Discourse of a Stale Subject Called the Metamorphosis of Ajax" (ca. p192), which is some sort of odd, rambling social commentary in the form of Renaissance toilet humor and other things. Current research suggests his servant was an inventor, and the toilet the servant's doing. Having read through various sections of the book, there's no way I'd believe (without further study) that Harington was bright enough to put it together on his own.Astrological Talisman from Ficino or Agrippa, struck at the hour with the image of the patron of the talisman in the material so favored. This will probably end up in "Decorative Metal Work", despite the chance of me getting up at too goddamned early in the morning to work with molten metal. Ah, well. Paul Revere got on fairly well with his burn scars...Alchemy. There's no bloody category minus, say, herbalism that's even remotely sciency. has all the alchemical resources I'll ever need for formulae, and I have the site on CD (since they're apparently having Issues this morning). Not sure where this will go, but it would amuse me to enter a food entry that you couldn't actually eat.Galileo's Acceleration Experiment, but I know a certain physicist who might be better equipped to deal with that, even if I have an unnatural level of interest in Aristotelian physics.Clocks. Something to do with clocks. Water clocks?I have a picture here that I'd have to come up with documentation for of a late Renaissance drinking game. Basically, it looks like a champagne flute crossbred with the lever of a metronome. The idea being that you fill it with some ridiculous amount of sloshy alcohol, and the person has to drain the whole glass without ever making the lever tip over (keeping the counterweight pointed towards the floor the whole time). This amuses me, but I'm not sure where to FIND documentation on drinking games that don't involve match-sticks and/or dice. It would also highly amuse me to show it to the judge and then have them, you know, try it for a full demonstration of functionality. Also, there's no categories for games.Something game-related. And not just a board game, no. I'm thinking like...period tennis rackets and such. I don't know what category that would best go in, but I have a book or two on the history of tennis.Greek parapegma -- star charts/calendars, basically. A big rock with peg holes in it for keeping track of the day, according to the stars.Pocket sundial?That should be a fairly good list to winnow. I'm sure I'll come up with about ten more equally useless ideas in the shower.Oh, and the most accurate list of judging categories is at (shh! It's not released yet!) the KMOAS site. (7 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, April 14th, 2008
_10:04 pm_[mariedeblois] Marie: First post. Really, the profile for this community and the post I made in my LJ pretty much explain what this is all about, so there's no sense in rambling about that again. saritor was the one who originally brought up the idea of astrology as an example of "what category can you put it in?" It's not like you're making astrolabes as scientific instruments, and it's not like illumination or calligraphy. An astrological chart isn't exactly a research paper either, and it definitely doesn't fit in fiber arts anywhere. So, that's one of my projects: Something to do with medieval astrology. If you've got any ideas on which category it belongs in, or could belong in, let me know. Step one, I clearly need to do some research. I do know a very little bit about modern astrology, but I'm not sure how much of that is based on medieval practice and how much is modern. While one does have to keep a pound of salt on hand while looking at the Internet, I thought it might at least direct me to some useful books. Some leads I found in a brief Google search:( Read more...Collapse ) (2 Comments |Comment on this)