ASTARTE Pearl TANDEM Summer School - ASTARTE Project (original) (raw)
The programme included theoretical lessons, practical exercises, workshops and two field trips.
The 28 students were undergraduates and graduates students from Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Croatia, Iran, Oman, Uk, France, Romania, Ireland and Spain. They were awarded 6 ECTS for successfully participating in the Summer School.
Many of ASTARTE’s researchers were involved in organising and lecturing in the Summer School, namely Costas Synolakis and Lemonia Ragia, from TUC; Ahmet Yalciner, Utku Kanoglu, Nurai Karanci and Nilay Dogulu; from METU, Gerassimos Papadopoulos, from NOA; Maria Ana Baptista and Martin Wronna, from IPMA, François Schindelé and Audrey Gailler, from CEA.
ASTARTE also invited Hermann Fritz to give a lecture. Hermann Fritz is a professor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Georgia Tech).
ASTARTE’s FIND app was successfully tested during one of the field trips and is now available on Android’s PlayStore.