She's actual size. (original) (raw)


11 January 2020 @ 07:26 pm

Hello, yes, yes, I'm still alive.

I need to jot down what's been in my garden before I 100% forget. XD

In 2018, I built some raised beds in our newly renovated backyard. I ordered a bunch of seeds in a hurry. I also grabbed a few things from the garden centre, and here's what all I planted:

I meant to plant pole beans and got all confused when they didn't climb the poles. XD Oops. Also I overloaded the beds a bit and everything went wild. The carrots were buried and never even came up.

In 2019 I scaled things back a bit:

Everything had a bit more room, but the tomatoes still went everywhere. The carrots were planted after the peas were taken out, and ever really got going. The pole beans were very slow to start; I don't think that variety was ideal for our climate. I replanted the squash varieties that did well in 2018 and they did well again in 2019.

The plan for 2020 is to scale back to ONE tomato plant (I might even start something from seed to get an interesting variety), plant the same squash, plant the rest of the bush beans I have left since they did pretty well, and stick another cucumber in.

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Current Mood: coldcold


I suppose I should consider myself lucky that I've gotten this far in life without having a serious portable technology issue that wasn't self-inflicted.

I've got an S6, and it's been great. We are about 6 months out from the end of our contract, and we're waffling about what we're going to do. MTS was bought by Bell, which basically means our ISP was purchased by the Steaming Asshole of Satan.

Anyway, the battery on my phone has slowly started to go downhill as it aged. Nothing drastic, just what you'd expect from an aging device that gets charged and recharged every day. Well, on (?) Friday I noticed that the battery life took a shit. Like, I would unplug it from the charger, and within 10 minutes the battery would drop from 100% to 80%. If the screen was on you could sit there and just watch the battery percentage tick down.

Normally when this happened I'd just restart the phone, and whatever application had gone rogue would reset and it would be fine. I did that a few times, though, and it didn't seem to help.

Yesterday (Saturday) it got even worse. I used my phone just to play music for about one hour while we were running errands, and it dropped to below 50%. The screen wasn't even on. It got even WORSE in the evening, to the point where I didn't think I could get too far from a charger.

This morning I did some tests: rebooting into safe mode to see if the battery drain was the fault of any 3rd party app (no), and then did a full factory reset. When the reset did nothing and I was still having the same battery issues, we decided it was hardware and that the battery had given up.

The S6 is still a fairly popular phone, even though it's kinda old, so a few places in town still had them in stock. I grabbed a new one from Staples, and spent the rest of the day (and evening) updating it and reinstalling my life onto it.

We'll get my old S6 fixed (it probably just needs a new battery) and then we'll use it as a backup phone. Still... That's $500 I wasn't planning on spending this weekend. :(

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Current Mood: crankycranky


This conversation took place last week between me and a staff member at one of Canada's hot brown beverage purveyors.

I order the same thing every day: a large steeped tea with half a milk, and a plain bagel, toasted with butter. Every day. I am boring.

Occasionally they are out of plain bagels, so I'll sub in something else: either another bagel that I like (of which there are few) or a muffin.

While waiting in line, I noticed that the basket for plain bagels in the display case was empty. When I got up to the till, I asked, "Do you have plain bagels today?"

Without hesitating, the employee said, "Yes."

So I ordered my usual breakfast, paid, and stepped to the side.

Not a moment later, she came up to me and said, "Err, we don't have any plain bagels."

Figures. I said, "All right, do you have four cheese bagels?"

"Oh, yes," she said.

"I'll get one of those."

She disappeared, then immedately returned. "We do not have any four cheese bagels either." She then listed off what they did have... None of which I liked.

I ended up getting a muffin instead. But I've learned my lesson. Don't assume that they know why you're asking the question. I wasn't asking out of curiosity, "Do you guys sell plain bagels?" I wanted to know if they had them now, today, for me to order and eat immedately.

So going forward, if I notice the bagel basket is empty, I'll say, "I noticed you do not have plain bagels in the basket. Do you have any more?" and go from there.

Maybe that will be more clear.

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Current Mood: calmcalm


For ages we've been trying to get the backyard landscaped.

I resisted for several years. The previous owner did some really insane things involving rebar and sheet metal and concrete, and undoing that was going to be a chore. We knew that we were going to need someone with heavy equipment to do all of the work required to fix it up, and that was going to cost money.

What we hadn't anticipated was the difficulty in just getting someone to come out and look at our yard. Landscapers seem to like big projects, and our yard just didn't qualify. It's an older section of town with smaller lots than the big McMansion burbs, and we had to try several times before finally getting someone to agree to give us an estimate.

Anyway, last summer we finally got someone out to do the work needed. He ended up coming far later in the year than we anticipated, but it was finally done relatively late in the summer. So this summer, we're determined to make the most of our new yard.

Before and after photos, and some explanations, after the cut.

( PhotosCollapse )

Plonq has already planted his herbs in pots, and tomorrow I'll finish planting the rest of my stuff in the raised beds. This year I'm growing sugar snap peas, carrots, four kinds of summer squash, a cucumber, three cherry tomato plants, and pole beans. Overall it's all come together really well. It feels like a miraculous transformation compared to what we had. :)

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Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished


*taps mic*

Does this thing still work?

Plonq said it best. There've been all sorts of things I've been meaning to post about here, but by the time I get home and/or otherwise have time to do a post about it, I've run out of steam. I'm trying to do a little better about that. I'm moving away from posting things on Facebook because it's gotten too creepy. I have Twitter, which isn't good for long-form stuff, and Tumblr, which is mostly me fangirling, but otherwise my social media use has dropped off a bit.

Fortunately Plonq has been doing a pretty good job of keeping up with where things are at with us. We went to Furry Migration, visited Ohio, had a quiet Christmas with just the two of us, visited Victoria for New Year's (and had a hell of an adventure along the way), and Plonq is giving some serious thought to retiring this year.

I'm also still on about the giant robots. Plonq gave me permission to buy toys that I wanted, so I've started accumulating a lot of "collector" toys... To the point where we bought some new furniture from IKEA to put these things in. The first ones I grabbed were a new Masterpiece of Sunstreaker, and a reissue of Sideswipe. On their heels I bought a 3rd-party IDW-style Prowl which is very comic-accurate.

Sunstreaker, Prowl and Sideswipe

They're lots of fun. I'm especially amused that most of the collector toys have an age rating of 16+. I'm not surprised... a lot of them are sort of delicate. I'm also thinking of getting some kind of lightbox so that I can take better photos of them. I'm sure Plonq wouldn't mind that, since he'd also get to use it.

Oh yeah?!

Things have been ticking along ok for me as well. Work is work, with both good days and bad. I detest being a supervisor, but other than that things are good. Several of the people who need to retire are retiring this year (yay!) which should make things easier for us.

This past week we took Merry in to the vet to have her teeth cleaned, and also to check her thyroid levels. We'd suspected she had hyperthyroidism, so we weren't surprised when her levels were off the charts. So she also had her thyroid removed. She's on the mend now. I'm still a bit concerned about her, but she's acting a lot better today than she was yesterday.

Anyway, that's what we've been up to. In theory I have a week off near the end of April, but I might reschedule that by a week or more. I'd planned to use that time to put in raised beds, but with the weather the way it's been I don't think I'll be able to do that yet.

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Current Mood: okayokay


30 August 2017 @ 07:04 pm

Ok, I need to save these videos someplace because they completely crack me up. As I said elsewhere, this is the type of excellent content that the internet was created for.

Pro-tip: there are HUNDREDS of these videos out there. These are the ones that made me wheeze.

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Ok, I had to get that out of my system before I forgot about it. XD

If I learned anything from these videos it's that Soundwave has some freaking MOVES (regardless which continuity he's from).

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Current Mood: amusedamused


13 August 2017 @ 09:57 pm

So, my $employer is desperately looking to unload some payroll before the fiscal year is over.

They've already let a whole bunch of managers go, and were supposed to eliminate the executive director layer of management (which didn't actually happen - they just retitled those positions), and there are pay freezes in place for non-unionized staff... But it apparently wasn't enough.

Enter the unionized staff.

They already have a (heavily-managed and limited in scope) program letting us buy days off. However, they've put so many limits on the program that most departments only allow five days off a year. (Which is still great!) You apply in October or so, and then they start deducting the days off you were approved for from your paycheck in January. So, if you get approved for five days off, they divide your pay for five days across all the pay periods for the upcoming year, and deduct it from your paycheck.

It's not a bad deal if you can afford it. It doesn't count against your pensionable earnings, and the days off you buy still count as "in service" days for your seniority. But, like I said, they limit it a lot. The last few years, they basically said that you can only buy days if you have a "once-in-a-lifetime trip or some other life event like a wedding" coming up. So, poop on that.

However, our managers intervened for this year. We're a support department, so we don't really need a specific number of staff members on hand at any given day. We were allowed to buy five days off this year if we wanted. So I did.

That gave me five weeks of time off this year: four vacation plus one purchased. That's allowed us to do things like make it down for Takaza's memorial, and go to Arizona for spring training. We still have three more weeks allocated this year: one coming up in August for Furry Migration, and two weeks we're taking in October to go to Ohio.

But last week we got a memo saying that for a Very Limited Time Only (tm) they were extended the time off purchase. We could buy unlimited days off, for deduction from our payroll between next pay period (late August) and the end of February. Then, whatever days we purchased could be used any time between now and the end of 2018. Act now!

Plonq and I mathed it out. We could afford it to be a bit short for six months, so I applied for fifteen days.

I was immediately approved.

So! Three weeks, plus my four weeks of vacation for 2018, gives me seven weeks off next year... Plus an additional week if the same rules for the time off buy apply next year the same as they did this year. (Not a given.)

We were tossing around the idea of joining some friends on a cruise after Plonq retires in September. Having some extra time to play with might make sense.

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Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative


Two weeks ago, we flew down to Chicago for Takaza's memorial party/celebration of life. It was a bit strange knowing that, even though we hadn't seen [[personal profile] ]([**duncandahusky**]( in several years, we would see him twice within the span of about two weeks.

As part of his Great Western Road Trip, Duncan came to visit! *flail* People come to visit us so rarely that we were simply over the moon to host him. While we aren't set up to actually put anyone up for the night (unless they're related and don't mind sub-optimal sleeping conditions), we can certainly show them around and hopefully give them a good time.

I don't think he realized it when he was booking his trip, but Duncan arrived in Winnipeg on Canada Day, in the 150th birthday of the country. The city was awash in festivals, but we gave most of them a pass on Canada Day itself in favour of feeding him at our place and then going down to the Forks for a fireworks show. We made a minor miscalculation when we did not pick up steaks to barbeque on Friday, and all the good butcher stores were closed on Canada Day. (Oops.) We made do, and he seemed to enjoy the food anyway.

We just missed the friendly annual Canada Day stabbing at the Forks by about an hour, and the fireworks show might have been better if we'd been in the Forks proper. However, I am pretty averse to crowds, so we watched the show from across the river in St. Boniface.

On Sunday, we gave him the whirlwind tour of the city. Unfortunately, as he was only in town for a holiday Sunday, a lot of the really good restaurants were closed. (Duncan will just have to come back some time to try out Deer + Almond.) We took him for brunch at the pavilion in Kildonan Park near our place, and then hit up the most common tourist destinations: Lockport (to see the dam), Assiniboine Park, the Forks, the Ledg, and BDI. We capped off the evening in his hotel room, relaxing (since we'd done a ton of walking) and chatting.

It was so good to see him, and I'm glad that the weather cooperated.

Good driving, Duncan! Looking forward to see what other adventures you get up to on your trip!

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Current Mood: pleasedpleased


So, since I started fangirling about the IDW Transformers almost two months ago, I've had at least two people ask me whether I'm excited about the new movie opening this weekend.

In a word: no.

This really goes back to my comments about aesthetics. I don't care how many polygons your cinematic creation is, or how real it looks as it's careening around those trademark Bay explosions... If I don't like how something looks, I'm going to have a really hard time with it.

I saw the first movie, and I may eventually use some of my saved-up Google Play Store credits to rent the later movies, but I simply cannot "dig" the design of the movie Transformers - especially when compared with their comic counterparts.

For example, these two are supposed to be the same character:

I suppose if you squint you can sort of see the resemblance, in that they've both got red on them...? But the facial design of the movie version of the character just says "sex doll" to me. Now, the one on the left is Rodimus, impulsive manchild captain who is slowly learning some Big Lessons about being a leader, while the one of the right is still Hot Rod (before he assumed the mantle of leadership), but they are supposed to be the same person.

Similarly, these two are also supposed to be the same character:

Both of these are Starscream. The one of the left looks like all the other Transformers I know (that is, a robot that can turn into a car or plane or etc), while the one on the right looks like a roll of aluminum foil got into a fight with some garden shears. If I didn't know anything about this franchise, I don't think I would have any idea that these two are supposed to be related, let alone the same person!

So yeah. Bleah. Not really interested in the movies.

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Current Mood: cynicalcynical


Several months ago I saw that Werewolves Versus were doing a charity zine to support The Southern Povery Law Center.

My immediate reaction was "I could write something!" My second reaction was "Well, what?"

I immediately had a few ideas, most of that were based on stories in the news at the time. I saw several ways that I could tack a werewolf into that situation, and away the brain went.

I've heard other writers say "The problem isn't coming up with ideas. It's getting the idea onto the paper." That's exactly the problem that I was having with this story. I knew what story I wanted to tell, and I was convinced that the first narrator I'd thought of was the best way to tell the story.

I conceived it as a story-within-a-story: an older lady, telling her story to her grandchildren. The initial setting would present the narrator as a (probably) reliable one, as well as make her non-threatening.It felt like it should work...

...except it didn't. No matter how hard I tried, I simply could not get the story to... go. I fought it and wrestled it and argued with it, but it simply did not want to go that way.

It wasn't until I was sitting on an airplane over Nebraska that I had a breakthrough. As I looked out the window, I thought, "Maybe someone else could tell the story." ...and suddenly the whole story fell into place.

I opened my laptop and pounded out almost half the story before we started circling the airport to land.

All I needed was to give myself permission to tell the story in a different way. Instead of forcing my (apparently unwilling) chosen narrator to tell the story, I handed it off to someone else completely. Every story has six sides, right? As soon as I let another narrator have a crack at it, I found that he was willing - eager, even - to tell everyone what had happened.

Of course, I didn't get the story written in time to submit it. In fact, it's still sitting unfinished on my laptop. I gave it a read-through last weekend and thought it was OK* - but I don't think that I'll put the effort into it to clean it up completely. I might finish it up roughly and post it here as a locked post, just so I don't lose the work to a forgotten draft folder someplace. (*OK as in - not bad, but not something I'd want to submit someplace.)

But even though I had the breakthrough and got most of it written out, I still don't think it's a great story. Werewolves... they aren't my thing. So I was writing in characters and a genre that I am not comfortable in. It's like trying to wear someone else's shoes if you need to run out into the rain for something; they work but they don't feel right.

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Current Mood: thoughtfulthoughtful

Current Music: Head Like a Hole - NIN