Ilgar Seyidov | ATILIM UNIVERSITY (original) (raw)
Papers by Ilgar Seyidov
Gunumuz tuketim toplumunda insanlar tuketerek bireysel kimliklerini ve yasam bicimlerini ortaya k... more Gunumuz tuketim toplumunda insanlar tuketerek bireysel kimliklerini ve yasam bicimlerini ortaya koymaktadir. Bir bagimsiz birey olarak seslenilen tuketicilere, “farklilik”, “ayricaliklik”, “seckinlik” asilanmaktadir. Calisma, bu tuketilen bireysellikler toplumunda onemli bir ideolojik arac olan reklamlarda bireysellik olgusunun nasil yansitildigini incelemektedir. Bu anlamda “hayat tarzi” ve benlik” ogeleri temel alinmistir. Icerik analiz yonteminin hem nitel hem de nicel duzeyleri kullanilarak Tempo dergisinin bir yillik sayilarinda yayinlanan reklamlar analiz edilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore reklam metinlerinde bireysellik temelinde bireye ozel yasam tarzi ve “guclu”, “seckin” benlik ogelerinin on plana cikarildigi gorulmektedir.
The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 199... more The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 1993 to 2018 in comprehensive researches. Owing to their comprehensive theoretical and research designs, only the civil society oriented M.A and PHD theses are included to the main sampling within this study. One of the main question is based on how the issues have changed over the years and what determinants can be listed for the main themes of studies. Another research interest of this study is to find out which research fields/departments mostly focused on civil society themes. In the scope of the current research study, firstly, the conceptualization of civil society is being dealt with as in different theoretical perspectives. Then, the brief history of civil society in Turkey is mentioned relevant to the consecutive periods. For the research, descriptive survey model is used as the analysis method. Therefore, the findings are described and articulated within the given research design....
Iki binli yillarin baslamasiyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarinin yayginlasmasi, akilli telefonlarin uretim... more Iki binli yillarin baslamasiyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarinin yayginlasmasi, akilli telefonlarin uretimi, yeni iletisim teknolojileri, arama motorlari gibi veri depolama ve kullanimi araclarinin artmasi ile birlikte veri bollugu ve cesitliligi ortaya cikmistir. “Buyuk Veri” olarak adlandirilan bu genis olcekli devasa bilgi hazinesi; sosyal, kulturel ve siyasal anlamda degisimlerin de olusmasina ve geleneksel anlayislarin yeni bicimler kazanmasina neden olmustur. Siyasal iletisim anlayisi cercevesinde verilesme ile birlikte “veri odakli” siyasi kampanya kavrami tartisilmaya baslanmistir. Veri odakli kampanyacilik, cesitli veri kumelerinin toplanilmasi, analiz edilmesi ve tahminsel modellerin olusturulmasiyla yurutulen sistematik bir surectir. Bu anlamda ABD’deki secimlerde ilk uygulamalari gorulse de diger ulkelerde de yayilmaktadir. Turkiye baglaminda da yeni bir anlayis olan veri odakli siyasal kampanyaciligin temelini etkili veri kullanimi olusturmaktadir. Yapilan bu calisma ile buyuk v...
During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authorita... more During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authoritarian regime, using a standardized and monotype media system across the Soviet Republics. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, 15 countries became independent. The transition from Soviet communism to capitalism has led to the reconstruction of economic, socio-cultural, and political systems. One of the most affected institutions in post-Soviet countries was the media. Media have played a supportive role during rough times, when there was, on the one hand, the struggle for liberation and sovereignty, and, on the other hand, the need for nation building. It has been almost 30 years since the Soviet Republics achieved independence, yet the media have not been freed from political control and continue to serve as ideological apparatuses of authoritarian regimes in post-Soviet countries. Freedom of speech and independent media are still under threat. The current study focuses on media use i...
Journal of Economy, Culture and Society, 2021
According to recent statistics from the DGMM (Directorate General of Migration Management of Turk... more According to recent statistics from the DGMM (Directorate General of Migration Management of Turkey), more than 3,5 million Syrian refugee people are living in Turkey. This number, however, reflects only registered Syrians, not the many unregistered Syrian refugees and asylum-seekers also living in Turkey. In order to cope with the refugee crisis, various projects are being conducted through the support of national and international funds. Social cohesion has been identified as a key to integrating host and refugee communities. Socio-cultural activities hve been designed to include participants from both communities. In this context, this study aims to discover the attitudes of Turks toward social cohesion which is promoted to be built between them and refugees. This limited research relied on a semi-structured in-depth interview technique as research methodology for a random sample of 45 residents of Ankara living in neighborhoods that contain a high number of refugees. The main reason of limiting the number of participants with 45 was related to reputation. According to findings, the members of the host community are in favor of developing social contact with refugees; however, misinformation and rumors, language barriers, and a lack of social connection were considered as the main factors affecting the negative attitudes of the host community members towards refugees.
TRT Akademi, 2021
Öz İki binli yılların başlamasıyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarının yaygınlaşması, akıllı telefonların üre... more Öz İki binli yılların başlamasıyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarının yaygınlaşması, akıllı telefonların üretimi, yeni iletişim teknolojileri, arama motorları gibi veri depolama ve kullanımı araçlarının artması ile birlikte veri bolluğu ve çeşitliliği ortaya çıkmıştır. "Büyük Veri" olarak adlandırılan bu geniş ölçekli devasa bilgi hazinesi; sosyal, kültürel ve siyasal anlamda değişimlerin de oluşmasına ve geleneksel anlayışların yeni biçimler kazanmasına neden olmuştur. Siyasal iletişim anlayışı çerçevesinde verileşme ile birlikte "veri odaklı" siyasi kampanya kavramı tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Veri odaklı kampanyacılık, çeşitli veri kümelerinin toplanılması, analiz edilmesi ve tahminsel modellerin oluşturulmasıyla yürütülen sistematik bir süreçtir. Bu anlamda ABD'deki seçimlerde ilk uygulamaları görülse de diğer ülkelerde de yayılmaktadır. Türkiye bağlamında da yeni bir anlayış olan veri odaklı siyasal kampanyacılığın temelini etkili veri kullanımı oluşturmaktadır. Yapılan bu çalışma ile büyük veri ile birlikte yeni biçim kazanan siyasal kampanya süreci hem kuramsal hem de çeşitli örnekler üzerinden ele alınmaktadır. Bu anlamda veri odaklı kampanyacılık anlayışı detaylı literatür taraması ile farklı perspektifler üzerinden tartışılmaktadır. Daha sonra farklı ülkelerde gerçekleştirilen veri odaklı kampanyalardan örnekler verilerek verinin ne şekilde ve hangi amaçlarla kulanıldığı gösterilmektedir. Son olarak, çalışmada kavram haritası tekniğinden yararlanılarak siyasal kampanyalarda etkili veri kullanımına ilişkin bir yol haritası önerilmektedir.
Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi, 2021
Use of Influencers via Instagram in Digital Diplomacy: Case Study Analysis of Troya Ruins After t... more Use of Influencers via Instagram in Digital Diplomacy: Case Study Analysis of Troya Ruins After the Cold War, while the concept of "hard power" lost its influence, a new concept called "soft power" in the field emerged, and this new concept has been discussed in various studies since 1990. The soft power concept represents a diplomacy process that is carried out without applying oppressive and coercive power and restrictions. Another concept that emerged within the framework of soft power was public diplomacy. Public diplomacy aims to create a positive image and to gain trust by influencing the public with different fields such as culture, tourism, music, language, food, education. Technological developments, the internet and developing network systems, new media tools have reshaped public diplomacy practices and created the concept of "digital diplomacy". Digital diplomacy focuses on the use of different digital platforms and social networking sites for more effective and interactive public diplomacy
Turkish Review of Communication Studies, 2020
The Internet and Web 2.0 have changed the communication and information systems. Social media has... more The Internet and Web 2.0 have changed the communication and information systems. Social media has emerged as an alternative or a developed version of traditional media. In this respect, journalism is obliged to keep up with the new technology. Social media has become an effective platform for information and news sharing. Traditional understanding of news values and newsworthiness has been reconstructed within this period. Concepts such as share, like, comment, etc. have become significant for news values and newsworthiness in digital age. In this context, this study aims to find out how news values have changed on social media by focusing on Instagram. To this end, three newspapers, which have highest circulations in Turkey were sampled over a one-month period. Content analysis was selected as research technique. Based on research questions, three-step analysis was conducted. The findings were discussed in the conclusion. A new term-insta-worthiness-is suggested in this study to clarify the main components of news values on Instagram.
Communications, 2020
During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authorita... more During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authoritarian regime, using a standardized and monotype media system across the Soviet Republics. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, 15 countries became independent. The transition from Soviet communism to capitalism has led to the reconstruction of economic, socio-cultural, and political systems. One of the most affected institutions in post-Soviet countries was the media. Media have played a supportive role during rough times, when there was, on the one hand, the struggle for liberation and sovereignty, and, on the other hand, the need for nation building. It has been almost 30 years since the Soviet Republics achieved independence, yet the media have not been freed from political control and continue to serve as ideological apparatuses of authoritarian regimes in post-Soviet countries. Freedom of speech and independent media are still under threat. The current study focuses on media use in Azerbaijan, one of the under-researched post-Soviet countries. The interviews for this study were conducted with 40 participants living in Nakhichevan and Baku. In-depth, semi-structured interview techniques were used as research method. Findings are discussed under six main themes in the conclusion.
Connectist-Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, 2020
The Internet and technological developments have brought profound changes in social, cultural, an... more The Internet and technological developments have brought profound changes in social, cultural, and political structures worldwide. These changes have influenced not only the formal background, but also contextual frame of those structures. Perhaps no field has been more affected than media. The Internet and Web 2.0 technologies have led to the formation of new media platforms-digital media tools. Massive collections of data, search engines, and complex data services have emerged. Thus, the term "Big Data" has become widespread worldwide. Much research has been conducted to understand how various disciplines make use of and benefit from big data. In this context, media and communication scholars have focused on this newest concept in terms of effective data use and interpretation of complex information in practice. Big Data has become a keyword in contemporary journalism studies. The use of various data sets, graphics, complex charts, figures, and advanced techniques in news making and presentation has been discussed within the framework of data journalism since the late 2000s worldwide. The current study aims to find out how data journalism has been conceptualized in Turkey, and what are the inadequacies that need to be developed. To this end, data journalism-related studies were subjected to content analysis. The findings showed that there is still lack of conceptualization of data journalism and comprehensive research in Turkey.
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2019
On social integration process with refugees in Turkey: how can NGOs be more effective?
The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 199... more The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 1993 to 2018 in comprehensive researches. Owing to their comprehensive theoretical and research designs, only the civil society oriented M.A and PHD theses are included to the main sampling within this study. One of the main question is based on how the issues have changed over the years and what determinants can be listed for the main themes of studies. Another research interest of this study is to find out which research fields/departments mostly focused on civil society themes. In the scope of the current research study, firstly, the conceptualization of civil society is being dealt with as in different theoretical perspectives. Then, the brief history of civil society in Turkey is mentioned relevant to the consecutive periods. For the research, descriptive survey model is used as the analysis method. Therefore, the findings are described and articulated within the given research design. By using this method, three periodic categories are identified to comprehend the whole development process. In doing so, various tables were used to depict the quantitative information. The results revealed that the main themes of the theses were changed with the periodical social and political processes. However, the refugee crisis has not been examined sufficiently.
The impact of social media on individuals is a frequently studied topic in the literature. Some r... more The impact of social media on individuals is a frequently studied topic in the literature. Some researchers argue that social media tools have "socializing" outcomes in community. On the other hand, others emphasize the antisocial effects manifested through alienation and isolation in the society. Within the framework of this study the concept of "social updating" is dealt with as a new trend and process in interpersonal relationships by means of social media tools. The findings of the current study have shown that social media tools provide a medium by which the participants can be kept up to date on their sociability.
Abstract The concept of civil dialogue has become popular and phenomenon by the harmonization pro... more Abstract The concept of civil dialogue has become popular and phenomenon by the harmonization programs of EU that have been conducting with candidate countries within membership process. The origin of civil dialogue is stemmed from Antique dialogue philosophy. Civil society is selected and defined as the main implementation area for civil dialogue practices. In this context, civil society can be seen as the convergent line between civil society and dialogue. In the study, firstly, it will be focused on the conceptualization and historical background of civil dialogue. Then, the Civil Society Dialogue program of EU which has been conducting with Turkey since 2008 will be analyzed within the scope of research. Framing analysis was selected as research method. The reserach aims to find out how civil dialogue was defined, which pracitces were conducted and how they were promoted by the related program. Based on the findings, the differences between theory and practice of civil dialogue will be analyzed. Keywords: Dialogue, Civil Dialogue, Framing Analysis, Civil Society Dialogue Program.
With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, 15 countries have become independent by the 1990's. One... more With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, 15 countries have become independent by the 1990's. One of them is Azerbaijan Republic. After the independence, socioeconomic structure of the country has changed drastically. In other words, the new capitalist system has emerged. This new system has restructured all existing fields like education, health, business, media and such. In this period, for the first time, few public relations activities have been conducted by some international companies. Public relations is known as Ictimaiyyetle Elaqeler in Azerbaijan. Within the framework of the current study, the different theoretical base and practical structure of public relations in Azerbaijan are examined by the literature review and the case study analysis. The study aims to find out how the public relations is evolving in the country. In this context as a practical research, the study analyzes two social projects as the public relations practices ("Mobile Dental Clinic" and "Children Helpline") conducted by Azercell Telecom company that was awarded in the category of "Communication and PR Campaign of the Year: Community Relations" of International Business Award-Stevie in 2011. On account of the limited literature and research concerning public relations in Azerbaijan, this study is a premise and directive for the future studies.
ÖZET "Helal Pazar" hızla gelişmekte olan oldukça büyük bir ticarettir. Hem çok uluslu şirket-ler,... more ÖZET "Helal Pazar" hızla gelişmekte olan oldukça büyük bir ticarettir. Hem çok uluslu şirket-ler, hem de İslami firmalar bu pazardan pay alabilmek için, tüketici ihtiyaçlarını ve istek-lerini dini kurallara uygun şekilde karşılayacak stratejiler geliştirmektedirler. Türkiye'de de kendisini İslami yaşam biçimleri etrafında tanımlayan tüketicilerin sayısı artmakta ve bu tüketicilere hitap eden pazar sürekli olarak gelişmektedir. Diğer taraftan küresel olarak İslami pazarın temelinde duran dini bağlılığın, tüketici davranışları açısından öneminin vurgulanmasına rağmen bu konu yeterince incelenmemiştir. Bu çalışma, öncelikle İslami bağlılığın iddia edildiği gibi tüketici davranışlarını biçimlendiren güçlü bir unsur olup olmadığını araştırmaktadır. Bu amaçla 30 kişiyle yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış derinleme-sine mülakat sonuçları, İslami bağlılığın tüketici davranışlarını farklı tüketim biçimlerine bağlı olarak ve diğer etkileyici faktörlerle birleşerek şekillendirdiğini göstermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tüketici davranışları, tüketici davranışları modelleri, İslami bağlılık, helal pazar ABSTRACT "Halal market" is a global business developing progressively. Both multinational companies and Islamic companies develop different strategies to meet the needs and desires of Muslim consumers in accordance with the religious rules. In this context Muslim consumers have been increasing in Turkey as well, and thus Islamic market has been developing gradually. On the other hand Islamic commitment which forms the basis of the market has not been studied satisfactorily in terms of consumer behaviors. This study investigates primarily whether Islamic commitment shapes consumer behaviors or not. The results of the semi-structured in-depth interviews with 30 participants have shown that Islamic commitment carves out Muslim consumer behaviors interacting with the other effective factors within the different consumption patterns.
Öz Medyada yayınlanan haberler belirli çerçeveler içinde sunulmaktadır. Bu çerçeveler, haber öykü... more Öz Medyada yayınlanan haberler belirli çerçeveler içinde sunulmaktadır. Bu çerçeveler, haber öykülerindeki enformasyonun belli bir ideoloji ve anlatım içinde 'paketlenme'sini sağlamaktadır. Çerçeveleme kuramı bağlamında farklı konulara odaklı yapılan çok sayıda araştırma, haber çerçevelemesinin kitlelerin medya aracılığıyla enformasyon algısına etkisini göstermektedir. Çalışmada Türkiye için tarihi geçmişi açısından önemli bir bölge olan Kırım'da yaşanan krizin örneklem dahilinde ve belirli tarihler arasında Türk yazılı basınında hangi çerçeveler içinde sunulduğu ele alınmaktadır. Bu bağlamda 4 farklı ideolojiye sahip gazete seçilerek, Kırım'da yaşanan kriz ile ilgili belirlenen tarihler arasında yayınlanan 483 haber incelenmiştir. Araştırma yöntemi olarak içerik analizi temelinde konu-spesifik odaklı çerçeveleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda belli odak şema noktaları üzerinden Kırım krizi konusunun hangi çerçevelerle sunulduğu araştırılmıştır. Bulgulara dikkate alındığında tüm gazetelerde konu ile ilgili yedi odak şemanın kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Özellikle iki temel şema tüm gazetelerde ön plana çıkarılmıştır: Ukrayna'nın toprak bütünlüğünün korunması ve Kırım'da yaşayan Türklerinin durumu. Sonuç olarak, konuya ilişkin tüm gazetelerde çerçeveleme şemaları ve söylemlerinin benzer şekilde yer aldığı görülmüştür. Abstract News is presented through specific frames in media. These frames provide the 'packing' of information within the certain ideology and narrative in news stories. According to many different researches, framing has a significant impact on audiences as regards to the perception of information. With respect to the importance of Crimea for Turkey in terms of historical background, this study aims to find out how the Crimean crisis was represented with frames in Turkish press media. In this context 4 (four) major newspapers with different ideology were chosen for the sampling. Within this sample, 483 news have been scrutinized between the certain dates of the crisis. As a research method the issue-specific framing technique on the basis of content analysis was used in the study. In accordance with the findings, it was seen that 7 (seven) familiar focal frames were used in all newspapers. Additionally, 2 (two) focal schemes were determined: the protection of territorial integrity of Ukraine and the situation of Turks living in the Crimea. Consequently, despite of the different news resources, all the framing schemes and discources were done similarly in the newspapers.
Öz Günümüz tüketim toplumunda insanlar tüketerek bireysel kimliklerini ve yaşam biçimlerini ortay... more Öz Günümüz tüketim toplumunda insanlar tüketerek bireysel kimliklerini ve yaşam biçimlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Bir bağımsız birey olarak seslenilen tüketicilere, "farklılık", "ayrıcalık", "seçkinlik" aşılanmaktadır. Çalışma, bu tüketerek var olmaya çalışan bireyler toplumunda önemli bir ideolojik araç olan reklamlarda bireysellik olgusunun nasıl yansıtıldığını incelemektedir. Bu anlamda "hayat tarzı" ve benlik" öğeleri temel alınmıştır. İçerik analiz yönteminin hem nitel hem de nicel düzeyleri kullanılarak Tempo dergisinin bir yıllık sayılarında yayınlanan reklamlar analiz edilmiştir. Bu anlamda 811 reklam incelenerek, bireysellik temalı reklamlar ele alınmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre reklam metinlerinde bireysellik temelinde bireye özel yaşam tarzı ve "güçlü", "seçkin" benlik öğelerinin ön plana çıkarıldığı görülmektedir. Abstract In consumer society, individual identities and lifestyles are created by consuming products and services. In this context "exclusiviness" is directly emposed to consumer as an independent individual through advertising industry. Advertising is one of the major ideological tools of consumption system. This study aims to find out how the individualiy is presented in ads. In the conceptualisation of individuality, the research is based on "lifestyle" and "self" concepts. Both qualitative and quantitative aspects of content analysis are used to analyze the ads in the annual number of journal-Tempo. In this context, 811 ads were examined and the individuality themed ads were taken into account. According to the research results, individualized lifestyles and "powerful", "distinguished" self themes are highlighted in the ads text.
Books by Ilgar Seyidov
IGI Global, 2020
The internet and development of information technologies brought about the emergence of digital c... more The internet and development of information technologies brought about the emergence of digital communication
tools. In this vein, social media have become a phenomenon in terms of creating informative,
interactive, and participatory platforms for the individuals. The social media tools have become
prominent not only for public relations or communications experts, but also for politicians, scholars,
groups, brands, organizations, etc. One of the effective social media tools is Twitter, which has been focus
of political communication research due to its tendency of creating discussion platform that allows the
users to involve in and interact with each other. This study focused on how Twitter creates the two-way
interaction for the users and what the main components of this interaction are. In addition, the contribution
of Twitter to organizational promotion was also another concern of the study. In this context, the
research focuses on both inter-organizational and individual levels. Multiple case study technique was
used as research technique. Five different cases were analyzed.
Gunumuz tuketim toplumunda insanlar tuketerek bireysel kimliklerini ve yasam bicimlerini ortaya k... more Gunumuz tuketim toplumunda insanlar tuketerek bireysel kimliklerini ve yasam bicimlerini ortaya koymaktadir. Bir bagimsiz birey olarak seslenilen tuketicilere, “farklilik”, “ayricaliklik”, “seckinlik” asilanmaktadir. Calisma, bu tuketilen bireysellikler toplumunda onemli bir ideolojik arac olan reklamlarda bireysellik olgusunun nasil yansitildigini incelemektedir. Bu anlamda “hayat tarzi” ve benlik” ogeleri temel alinmistir. Icerik analiz yonteminin hem nitel hem de nicel duzeyleri kullanilarak Tempo dergisinin bir yillik sayilarinda yayinlanan reklamlar analiz edilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore reklam metinlerinde bireysellik temelinde bireye ozel yasam tarzi ve “guclu”, “seckin” benlik ogelerinin on plana cikarildigi gorulmektedir.
The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 199... more The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 1993 to 2018 in comprehensive researches. Owing to their comprehensive theoretical and research designs, only the civil society oriented M.A and PHD theses are included to the main sampling within this study. One of the main question is based on how the issues have changed over the years and what determinants can be listed for the main themes of studies. Another research interest of this study is to find out which research fields/departments mostly focused on civil society themes. In the scope of the current research study, firstly, the conceptualization of civil society is being dealt with as in different theoretical perspectives. Then, the brief history of civil society in Turkey is mentioned relevant to the consecutive periods. For the research, descriptive survey model is used as the analysis method. Therefore, the findings are described and articulated within the given research design....
Iki binli yillarin baslamasiyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarinin yayginlasmasi, akilli telefonlarin uretim... more Iki binli yillarin baslamasiyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarinin yayginlasmasi, akilli telefonlarin uretimi, yeni iletisim teknolojileri, arama motorlari gibi veri depolama ve kullanimi araclarinin artmasi ile birlikte veri bollugu ve cesitliligi ortaya cikmistir. “Buyuk Veri” olarak adlandirilan bu genis olcekli devasa bilgi hazinesi; sosyal, kulturel ve siyasal anlamda degisimlerin de olusmasina ve geleneksel anlayislarin yeni bicimler kazanmasina neden olmustur. Siyasal iletisim anlayisi cercevesinde verilesme ile birlikte “veri odakli” siyasi kampanya kavrami tartisilmaya baslanmistir. Veri odakli kampanyacilik, cesitli veri kumelerinin toplanilmasi, analiz edilmesi ve tahminsel modellerin olusturulmasiyla yurutulen sistematik bir surectir. Bu anlamda ABD’deki secimlerde ilk uygulamalari gorulse de diger ulkelerde de yayilmaktadir. Turkiye baglaminda da yeni bir anlayis olan veri odakli siyasal kampanyaciligin temelini etkili veri kullanimi olusturmaktadir. Yapilan bu calisma ile buyuk v...
During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authorita... more During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authoritarian regime, using a standardized and monotype media system across the Soviet Republics. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, 15 countries became independent. The transition from Soviet communism to capitalism has led to the reconstruction of economic, socio-cultural, and political systems. One of the most affected institutions in post-Soviet countries was the media. Media have played a supportive role during rough times, when there was, on the one hand, the struggle for liberation and sovereignty, and, on the other hand, the need for nation building. It has been almost 30 years since the Soviet Republics achieved independence, yet the media have not been freed from political control and continue to serve as ideological apparatuses of authoritarian regimes in post-Soviet countries. Freedom of speech and independent media are still under threat. The current study focuses on media use i...
Journal of Economy, Culture and Society, 2021
According to recent statistics from the DGMM (Directorate General of Migration Management of Turk... more According to recent statistics from the DGMM (Directorate General of Migration Management of Turkey), more than 3,5 million Syrian refugee people are living in Turkey. This number, however, reflects only registered Syrians, not the many unregistered Syrian refugees and asylum-seekers also living in Turkey. In order to cope with the refugee crisis, various projects are being conducted through the support of national and international funds. Social cohesion has been identified as a key to integrating host and refugee communities. Socio-cultural activities hve been designed to include participants from both communities. In this context, this study aims to discover the attitudes of Turks toward social cohesion which is promoted to be built between them and refugees. This limited research relied on a semi-structured in-depth interview technique as research methodology for a random sample of 45 residents of Ankara living in neighborhoods that contain a high number of refugees. The main reason of limiting the number of participants with 45 was related to reputation. According to findings, the members of the host community are in favor of developing social contact with refugees; however, misinformation and rumors, language barriers, and a lack of social connection were considered as the main factors affecting the negative attitudes of the host community members towards refugees.
TRT Akademi, 2021
Öz İki binli yılların başlamasıyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarının yaygınlaşması, akıllı telefonların üre... more Öz İki binli yılların başlamasıyla Web 2.0 uygulamalarının yaygınlaşması, akıllı telefonların üretimi, yeni iletişim teknolojileri, arama motorları gibi veri depolama ve kullanımı araçlarının artması ile birlikte veri bolluğu ve çeşitliliği ortaya çıkmıştır. "Büyük Veri" olarak adlandırılan bu geniş ölçekli devasa bilgi hazinesi; sosyal, kültürel ve siyasal anlamda değişimlerin de oluşmasına ve geleneksel anlayışların yeni biçimler kazanmasına neden olmuştur. Siyasal iletişim anlayışı çerçevesinde verileşme ile birlikte "veri odaklı" siyasi kampanya kavramı tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Veri odaklı kampanyacılık, çeşitli veri kümelerinin toplanılması, analiz edilmesi ve tahminsel modellerin oluşturulmasıyla yürütülen sistematik bir süreçtir. Bu anlamda ABD'deki seçimlerde ilk uygulamaları görülse de diğer ülkelerde de yayılmaktadır. Türkiye bağlamında da yeni bir anlayış olan veri odaklı siyasal kampanyacılığın temelini etkili veri kullanımı oluşturmaktadır. Yapılan bu çalışma ile büyük veri ile birlikte yeni biçim kazanan siyasal kampanya süreci hem kuramsal hem de çeşitli örnekler üzerinden ele alınmaktadır. Bu anlamda veri odaklı kampanyacılık anlayışı detaylı literatür taraması ile farklı perspektifler üzerinden tartışılmaktadır. Daha sonra farklı ülkelerde gerçekleştirilen veri odaklı kampanyalardan örnekler verilerek verinin ne şekilde ve hangi amaçlarla kulanıldığı gösterilmektedir. Son olarak, çalışmada kavram haritası tekniğinden yararlanılarak siyasal kampanyalarda etkili veri kullanımına ilişkin bir yol haritası önerilmektedir.
Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi, 2021
Use of Influencers via Instagram in Digital Diplomacy: Case Study Analysis of Troya Ruins After t... more Use of Influencers via Instagram in Digital Diplomacy: Case Study Analysis of Troya Ruins After the Cold War, while the concept of "hard power" lost its influence, a new concept called "soft power" in the field emerged, and this new concept has been discussed in various studies since 1990. The soft power concept represents a diplomacy process that is carried out without applying oppressive and coercive power and restrictions. Another concept that emerged within the framework of soft power was public diplomacy. Public diplomacy aims to create a positive image and to gain trust by influencing the public with different fields such as culture, tourism, music, language, food, education. Technological developments, the internet and developing network systems, new media tools have reshaped public diplomacy practices and created the concept of "digital diplomacy". Digital diplomacy focuses on the use of different digital platforms and social networking sites for more effective and interactive public diplomacy
Turkish Review of Communication Studies, 2020
The Internet and Web 2.0 have changed the communication and information systems. Social media has... more The Internet and Web 2.0 have changed the communication and information systems. Social media has emerged as an alternative or a developed version of traditional media. In this respect, journalism is obliged to keep up with the new technology. Social media has become an effective platform for information and news sharing. Traditional understanding of news values and newsworthiness has been reconstructed within this period. Concepts such as share, like, comment, etc. have become significant for news values and newsworthiness in digital age. In this context, this study aims to find out how news values have changed on social media by focusing on Instagram. To this end, three newspapers, which have highest circulations in Turkey were sampled over a one-month period. Content analysis was selected as research technique. Based on research questions, three-step analysis was conducted. The findings were discussed in the conclusion. A new term-insta-worthiness-is suggested in this study to clarify the main components of news values on Instagram.
Communications, 2020
During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authorita... more During the Soviet period, the media served as one of the main propagandist tools of the authoritarian regime, using a standardized and monotype media system across the Soviet Republics. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, 15 countries became independent. The transition from Soviet communism to capitalism has led to the reconstruction of economic, socio-cultural, and political systems. One of the most affected institutions in post-Soviet countries was the media. Media have played a supportive role during rough times, when there was, on the one hand, the struggle for liberation and sovereignty, and, on the other hand, the need for nation building. It has been almost 30 years since the Soviet Republics achieved independence, yet the media have not been freed from political control and continue to serve as ideological apparatuses of authoritarian regimes in post-Soviet countries. Freedom of speech and independent media are still under threat. The current study focuses on media use in Azerbaijan, one of the under-researched post-Soviet countries. The interviews for this study were conducted with 40 participants living in Nakhichevan and Baku. In-depth, semi-structured interview techniques were used as research method. Findings are discussed under six main themes in the conclusion.
Connectist-Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, 2020
The Internet and technological developments have brought profound changes in social, cultural, an... more The Internet and technological developments have brought profound changes in social, cultural, and political structures worldwide. These changes have influenced not only the formal background, but also contextual frame of those structures. Perhaps no field has been more affected than media. The Internet and Web 2.0 technologies have led to the formation of new media platforms-digital media tools. Massive collections of data, search engines, and complex data services have emerged. Thus, the term "Big Data" has become widespread worldwide. Much research has been conducted to understand how various disciplines make use of and benefit from big data. In this context, media and communication scholars have focused on this newest concept in terms of effective data use and interpretation of complex information in practice. Big Data has become a keyword in contemporary journalism studies. The use of various data sets, graphics, complex charts, figures, and advanced techniques in news making and presentation has been discussed within the framework of data journalism since the late 2000s worldwide. The current study aims to find out how data journalism has been conceptualized in Turkey, and what are the inadequacies that need to be developed. To this end, data journalism-related studies were subjected to content analysis. The findings showed that there is still lack of conceptualization of data journalism and comprehensive research in Turkey.
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2019
On social integration process with refugees in Turkey: how can NGOs be more effective?
The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 199... more The purpose of this study is to track the thematic dynamics of civil society development from 1993 to 2018 in comprehensive researches. Owing to their comprehensive theoretical and research designs, only the civil society oriented M.A and PHD theses are included to the main sampling within this study. One of the main question is based on how the issues have changed over the years and what determinants can be listed for the main themes of studies. Another research interest of this study is to find out which research fields/departments mostly focused on civil society themes. In the scope of the current research study, firstly, the conceptualization of civil society is being dealt with as in different theoretical perspectives. Then, the brief history of civil society in Turkey is mentioned relevant to the consecutive periods. For the research, descriptive survey model is used as the analysis method. Therefore, the findings are described and articulated within the given research design. By using this method, three periodic categories are identified to comprehend the whole development process. In doing so, various tables were used to depict the quantitative information. The results revealed that the main themes of the theses were changed with the periodical social and political processes. However, the refugee crisis has not been examined sufficiently.
The impact of social media on individuals is a frequently studied topic in the literature. Some r... more The impact of social media on individuals is a frequently studied topic in the literature. Some researchers argue that social media tools have "socializing" outcomes in community. On the other hand, others emphasize the antisocial effects manifested through alienation and isolation in the society. Within the framework of this study the concept of "social updating" is dealt with as a new trend and process in interpersonal relationships by means of social media tools. The findings of the current study have shown that social media tools provide a medium by which the participants can be kept up to date on their sociability.
Abstract The concept of civil dialogue has become popular and phenomenon by the harmonization pro... more Abstract The concept of civil dialogue has become popular and phenomenon by the harmonization programs of EU that have been conducting with candidate countries within membership process. The origin of civil dialogue is stemmed from Antique dialogue philosophy. Civil society is selected and defined as the main implementation area for civil dialogue practices. In this context, civil society can be seen as the convergent line between civil society and dialogue. In the study, firstly, it will be focused on the conceptualization and historical background of civil dialogue. Then, the Civil Society Dialogue program of EU which has been conducting with Turkey since 2008 will be analyzed within the scope of research. Framing analysis was selected as research method. The reserach aims to find out how civil dialogue was defined, which pracitces were conducted and how they were promoted by the related program. Based on the findings, the differences between theory and practice of civil dialogue will be analyzed. Keywords: Dialogue, Civil Dialogue, Framing Analysis, Civil Society Dialogue Program.
With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, 15 countries have become independent by the 1990's. One... more With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, 15 countries have become independent by the 1990's. One of them is Azerbaijan Republic. After the independence, socioeconomic structure of the country has changed drastically. In other words, the new capitalist system has emerged. This new system has restructured all existing fields like education, health, business, media and such. In this period, for the first time, few public relations activities have been conducted by some international companies. Public relations is known as Ictimaiyyetle Elaqeler in Azerbaijan. Within the framework of the current study, the different theoretical base and practical structure of public relations in Azerbaijan are examined by the literature review and the case study analysis. The study aims to find out how the public relations is evolving in the country. In this context as a practical research, the study analyzes two social projects as the public relations practices ("Mobile Dental Clinic" and "Children Helpline") conducted by Azercell Telecom company that was awarded in the category of "Communication and PR Campaign of the Year: Community Relations" of International Business Award-Stevie in 2011. On account of the limited literature and research concerning public relations in Azerbaijan, this study is a premise and directive for the future studies.
ÖZET "Helal Pazar" hızla gelişmekte olan oldukça büyük bir ticarettir. Hem çok uluslu şirket-ler,... more ÖZET "Helal Pazar" hızla gelişmekte olan oldukça büyük bir ticarettir. Hem çok uluslu şirket-ler, hem de İslami firmalar bu pazardan pay alabilmek için, tüketici ihtiyaçlarını ve istek-lerini dini kurallara uygun şekilde karşılayacak stratejiler geliştirmektedirler. Türkiye'de de kendisini İslami yaşam biçimleri etrafında tanımlayan tüketicilerin sayısı artmakta ve bu tüketicilere hitap eden pazar sürekli olarak gelişmektedir. Diğer taraftan küresel olarak İslami pazarın temelinde duran dini bağlılığın, tüketici davranışları açısından öneminin vurgulanmasına rağmen bu konu yeterince incelenmemiştir. Bu çalışma, öncelikle İslami bağlılığın iddia edildiği gibi tüketici davranışlarını biçimlendiren güçlü bir unsur olup olmadığını araştırmaktadır. Bu amaçla 30 kişiyle yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış derinleme-sine mülakat sonuçları, İslami bağlılığın tüketici davranışlarını farklı tüketim biçimlerine bağlı olarak ve diğer etkileyici faktörlerle birleşerek şekillendirdiğini göstermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tüketici davranışları, tüketici davranışları modelleri, İslami bağlılık, helal pazar ABSTRACT "Halal market" is a global business developing progressively. Both multinational companies and Islamic companies develop different strategies to meet the needs and desires of Muslim consumers in accordance with the religious rules. In this context Muslim consumers have been increasing in Turkey as well, and thus Islamic market has been developing gradually. On the other hand Islamic commitment which forms the basis of the market has not been studied satisfactorily in terms of consumer behaviors. This study investigates primarily whether Islamic commitment shapes consumer behaviors or not. The results of the semi-structured in-depth interviews with 30 participants have shown that Islamic commitment carves out Muslim consumer behaviors interacting with the other effective factors within the different consumption patterns.
Öz Medyada yayınlanan haberler belirli çerçeveler içinde sunulmaktadır. Bu çerçeveler, haber öykü... more Öz Medyada yayınlanan haberler belirli çerçeveler içinde sunulmaktadır. Bu çerçeveler, haber öykülerindeki enformasyonun belli bir ideoloji ve anlatım içinde 'paketlenme'sini sağlamaktadır. Çerçeveleme kuramı bağlamında farklı konulara odaklı yapılan çok sayıda araştırma, haber çerçevelemesinin kitlelerin medya aracılığıyla enformasyon algısına etkisini göstermektedir. Çalışmada Türkiye için tarihi geçmişi açısından önemli bir bölge olan Kırım'da yaşanan krizin örneklem dahilinde ve belirli tarihler arasında Türk yazılı basınında hangi çerçeveler içinde sunulduğu ele alınmaktadır. Bu bağlamda 4 farklı ideolojiye sahip gazete seçilerek, Kırım'da yaşanan kriz ile ilgili belirlenen tarihler arasında yayınlanan 483 haber incelenmiştir. Araştırma yöntemi olarak içerik analizi temelinde konu-spesifik odaklı çerçeveleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda belli odak şema noktaları üzerinden Kırım krizi konusunun hangi çerçevelerle sunulduğu araştırılmıştır. Bulgulara dikkate alındığında tüm gazetelerde konu ile ilgili yedi odak şemanın kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Özellikle iki temel şema tüm gazetelerde ön plana çıkarılmıştır: Ukrayna'nın toprak bütünlüğünün korunması ve Kırım'da yaşayan Türklerinin durumu. Sonuç olarak, konuya ilişkin tüm gazetelerde çerçeveleme şemaları ve söylemlerinin benzer şekilde yer aldığı görülmüştür. Abstract News is presented through specific frames in media. These frames provide the 'packing' of information within the certain ideology and narrative in news stories. According to many different researches, framing has a significant impact on audiences as regards to the perception of information. With respect to the importance of Crimea for Turkey in terms of historical background, this study aims to find out how the Crimean crisis was represented with frames in Turkish press media. In this context 4 (four) major newspapers with different ideology were chosen for the sampling. Within this sample, 483 news have been scrutinized between the certain dates of the crisis. As a research method the issue-specific framing technique on the basis of content analysis was used in the study. In accordance with the findings, it was seen that 7 (seven) familiar focal frames were used in all newspapers. Additionally, 2 (two) focal schemes were determined: the protection of territorial integrity of Ukraine and the situation of Turks living in the Crimea. Consequently, despite of the different news resources, all the framing schemes and discources were done similarly in the newspapers.
Öz Günümüz tüketim toplumunda insanlar tüketerek bireysel kimliklerini ve yaşam biçimlerini ortay... more Öz Günümüz tüketim toplumunda insanlar tüketerek bireysel kimliklerini ve yaşam biçimlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Bir bağımsız birey olarak seslenilen tüketicilere, "farklılık", "ayrıcalık", "seçkinlik" aşılanmaktadır. Çalışma, bu tüketerek var olmaya çalışan bireyler toplumunda önemli bir ideolojik araç olan reklamlarda bireysellik olgusunun nasıl yansıtıldığını incelemektedir. Bu anlamda "hayat tarzı" ve benlik" öğeleri temel alınmıştır. İçerik analiz yönteminin hem nitel hem de nicel düzeyleri kullanılarak Tempo dergisinin bir yıllık sayılarında yayınlanan reklamlar analiz edilmiştir. Bu anlamda 811 reklam incelenerek, bireysellik temalı reklamlar ele alınmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre reklam metinlerinde bireysellik temelinde bireye özel yaşam tarzı ve "güçlü", "seçkin" benlik öğelerinin ön plana çıkarıldığı görülmektedir. Abstract In consumer society, individual identities and lifestyles are created by consuming products and services. In this context "exclusiviness" is directly emposed to consumer as an independent individual through advertising industry. Advertising is one of the major ideological tools of consumption system. This study aims to find out how the individualiy is presented in ads. In the conceptualisation of individuality, the research is based on "lifestyle" and "self" concepts. Both qualitative and quantitative aspects of content analysis are used to analyze the ads in the annual number of journal-Tempo. In this context, 811 ads were examined and the individuality themed ads were taken into account. According to the research results, individualized lifestyles and "powerful", "distinguished" self themes are highlighted in the ads text.
IGI Global, 2020
The internet and development of information technologies brought about the emergence of digital c... more The internet and development of information technologies brought about the emergence of digital communication
tools. In this vein, social media have become a phenomenon in terms of creating informative,
interactive, and participatory platforms for the individuals. The social media tools have become
prominent not only for public relations or communications experts, but also for politicians, scholars,
groups, brands, organizations, etc. One of the effective social media tools is Twitter, which has been focus
of political communication research due to its tendency of creating discussion platform that allows the
users to involve in and interact with each other. This study focused on how Twitter creates the two-way
interaction for the users and what the main components of this interaction are. In addition, the contribution
of Twitter to organizational promotion was also another concern of the study. In this context, the
research focuses on both inter-organizational and individual levels. Multiple case study technique was
used as research technique. Five different cases were analyzed.
The emergence of the Internet and information technologies have led to formation of new communica... more The emergence of the Internet and information technologies have led to formation of new communication tools and media platforms, which are widely being used by the individuals worldwide. In this context, appropriate use of digital platform and digital literacy have become important issues that needs to focus on comprehensively and meticulously. To understand and know how to use online tools have become the primary requirements within the fast-growing digitalization process. Since it is unavoidable to keep up with the digital world, it is necessary to follow the appropriate guide for being digital citizen properly. In this vein, the current study aims to analyze the main concepts, and issues of digital citizenship. It will be focused on the related studies by literature review to comprehend the term digital citizenship in detailed way. Consequently, it will be focused on the outlining of the general framework of digital citizenship education that can be applied at bachelor level at universities. The main components and overall content will be discussed comprehensively.
Keywords: digitalization, digital communication, digital citizenship, digital citizenship education
The Internet and technological developments have brought about significant changes in social stru... more The Internet and technological developments have brought about significant changes in social structures, cultural and political context, economy, education, and communication systems worldwide. In particular, the term data has become a buzzword following the 2000s. This phenomenon has not only changed the epistemological base but also methodological structure of communication research. Some crucial concepts and research fields such as journalism, activism, democracy, and diplomacy have gained new conceptual and methodological insights through the term data. In this context, four new main research fields of communication that are data journalism, data activism, data democracy and data diplomacy have started to be discussed and analyzed by the scholars. The current study aims to find out how data has changed the communication in terms of conceptual and methodological aspects and what the main dynamics are. Based on literature review, the study will focus on those new communication research fields- data journalism, data activism, data democracy and data diplomacy theoretically. It is believed that this conceptual and methodological exploration will contribute to the existing literature in terms of suggesting and discussing new concepts and issues to be researched in the future. In the scope of the study, four new concepts and research fields will be discusses in detailed way.
Keywords: Data, Communication Research, Data Journalism, Data Activism, Data Diplomacy, Data Democracy, Literature Review.
Conference: 3rd International Cultural Inforamtics, Communication and Media Studies, 2020
By the rise of digital media tools, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and such have become th... more By the rise of digital media tools, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and such have become the widely-used spheres for civic debates and discussions on various social, political and public issues. There are many studies examining the effect of digital media tools from positive and negative perspectives. Mainstream approach considers digital media as providing freedom of speech to individuals to express their personal thoughts about any certain topics or dissenting opinions against any dominant political/societal view. In this context, social media is seen as a place or medium to be activist, who is promoting social movements, defending human rights, or to be a journalist who is giving so-called reliable information and news, or even to be a so-called protagonist who is reacting and fighting against the ınjustices. However, all are being carried out in online platform without resorting to real practices. Most importantly, digital activism is getting more and more important in this age. Young people who are in favor of democratic rights show his/her reaction through social media instead of civil disobedience of social movements. These “virtual protagonists” are being approved and promoted by the system. So, the question arises is digital media an illusion of speech freedom with defined word limit, characters, and symbols which is captivating the reactions of young individuals? Does it constrain the thoughts in reality? Above all, has the social media become a place only to ease our consciences and discharge ourselves virtually? How can we definethese political engagement practices of young people? Based on these research questions, this study aims to find out how social media, in particular, Twitter impacts on socio-psychological behaviors of young individuals and how deactivates them as if providing opportunity to be active. The specific issue related hashtags, and words will be analyzed through discourse analysis. This researchwill aim to find out how to understand and define digital activism in terms of political engagement practices of young individuals. Keywords: Digital media, freedom of expression, activism, virtual protagonist, engagement practices