Kingdom of Atlantia's Journal (original) (raw)
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inKingdom of Atlantia's LiveJournal:
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Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 | |
_9:04 pm_[gluckliche_eme] |
ISO Volunteers and/or Donated Supplies for the Known World Children's Fete Greetings!We are seeking the help of volunteers with this years Known World Children's Fete at Pennsic. The Fete will be on July 31, 2013 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Great Hall. Can you sing a song, dance a jig, paint a face, smile and laugh a lot, color a picture, have fun or any sort of other activities? Then we could use you.We are truly in need of individuals or groups that can offer their time to run and/or sponsor activities (arts and crafts, games, dancing, supplies, prizes, etc.). Some of the popular activities are:• Face painting• Fighters for foam sword play• Storytellers• Jugglers• PuppeteersWe are also looking for volunteers to:• Assist with the sign-in for the children.• Persons to help endure the other volunteers are getting water and other refreshments• Fete security to ensure registration/sign-in and safety.• Assistance with set-up and/or break-down. (To assist with set-up, please be at the Fete by noon)For supplies, we are in the need of:· Facepaint· Foam swords· Paper towels· Dixie CupsYou do not have to be there for the entire 3 hours... but any help you may offer would be greatly appreciated. The Fete is great fun. If you want action and excitement, this is the place for you!If you cannot physically volunteer at the Fete but you, your household, local group, Barony or kingdom would still like to help in some way... maybe sponsoring an activity will be the best way for you to assist us in having a wonderful Fete.Please continue to encourage and promote participation in the Children's Fete! If you will be at Pennsic, but you had not previously volunteered with the Children's Fete this year, we are asking you to please reconsider. Thank you for your time, effort and consideration in this matter and the fete as a whole! Please contact me offline if you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring and activity you may contact me. Herrin Emeludt Hansler, at eme.hansler@gmail.comTHL Aine will be the Fete Coordinator on site, she may be reached at: and Duchess Brianna is the Sponsoring Rose, she may be reached at: At Pennsic you may leave a message for THL Aine or Duchess Brianna at the Barony of Sacred Stone, Kingdom of Atlantia encampment.Lady Jacintha is assisting with coordinating all volunteers, she may be reached at: At Pennsic you may leave a message for Lady Jacintha at the Barony of Highland Foorde, Kingdom of Atlantia encampment.Yours in Service,Herrin Emeludt HanslerKingdom of Atlantia (Comment on this) |
Friday, July 8th, 2011 | |
_6:09 am_[gluckliche_eme] |
Seeking Volunteers for the Known World Children's Fete Greetings! (please feel free to cross post this missive) We are seeking the help of volunteers with this years Known World Children's Fete at Pennsic. The Fete will be on August 11, 2010 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Barn. Can you sing a song, dance a jig, paint a face, smile and laugh a lot, color a picture, have fun or any sort of other activities? Then we could use you. ( Read more...Collapse ) (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Saturday, May 7th, 2011 | |
_3:29 pm_[dr_zrfq] |
Atlantian Crown results Reposted from Duke Logan's post to the Merry Rose:"cuan won w/svlad won p/wcuan won d/wcuan won g/w" |
Friday, January 14th, 2011 | |
_12:08 pm_[camelottreasure] |
Heather Dale and Ben Deschamp performing in Cary Jan 17 Just in case you hadn't heard:Folk artists Heather Dale and Ben Deschamps are stopping in NC to play a little House Concert at our place. If you aren't familiar with their music I urge you visit I describe Heather's music as a blend of celtic myth and medieval history, with a unique progressive folk awesomness unto itself. Suggested donation is $10/person at the door to help support the artists and offset some of their travel. We also invite you to bring drinks or snacks to share. Please RSVP on the Facebook event if you plan to come. We only have room for 30 or so people. More than that gets really cozy. Seating is limited. Be prepared to stand or sit on the floor. |
Wednesday, December 1st, 2010 | |
_5:21 pm_[dr_zrfq] |
R.I.P. Viscount Ragnarr Forwarded from the Merry Rose:Sad Tidings unto the Merry Rose,We just received a phone call from Baroness Bergdís Thorgrimsdottír that her husband Viscount Ragnarr Thorwaldsson, sixth Prince of the Principality of Atlantia and retired Baron of the Barony of Madrone in the Kingdom of An Tir, died last night of an apparent heart attack.Bergdis will be contacting us as soon as she knows more about the funeral arrangements.She requests that people please refrain from phoning.As soon as she calls us with more information, we will pass it on.-Baron Rorik Fredericsson & Baroness Janina Krakowska (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Sunday, October 17th, 2010 | |
_12:39 pm_[aminahfiddler] |
A&S Competition for War of the Wings - THANK YOU I just wanted to write a quick thank you note for everyone that helped with the A&S at WOW. The participation was beyond my wildest dreams. We had 18 adult and 1 youth participate in the Pentathlon. I would also like to thank House Corvus for sponsoring the A&S and making it part of their decameron ( The Tudor house was also perfect for displaying the works. Last but not least thank you to the 23 judges that helped. I don’t know how we could have accomplished this without your help! (Comment on this) |
Wednesday, September 15th, 2010 | |
_1:10 pm_[isabelladangelo] |
Gilding the Lily: The Medieval Garden Illuminated I thought many in this community might find this interesting. The lecture is being put on by the US botanic Garden which is just a couple of blocks from the Federal Center SW metro and very close to the US Capitol building. Please feel free to cross post! As taken from the US Botanic Garden Calendar:Gilding the Lily: The Medieval Garden Illuminated_Kandy Phillips, Artist and Illuminator_Journey back to the Middle Ages to Learn the important role flowers played in medieval life, lore, and medicine. Discover the symbolic meaning of the blossoms scattered on the borders of an illuminated manuscript page, and which flowers and plants produced many of the pigments used by the illuminator.Code: LA 101710Date: Sunday, October 17Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm Location: Conservatory Classroom FREE: Pre-registered required. Visit or cal (202) 225-1116 (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Thursday, September 9th, 2010 | |
_2:38 pm_[aminahfiddler] |
A&S Competition for War of the Wings A&S Competition for War of the WingsThis year for the A&S Competition, there will something different a pentathlon. Please watch for any updates to the war of the wings web site. When the event gets closer, I will also be posting links for registration forms so that we can speed up the check in process. Please contact me, Lady Aminah bint al-megal’lid (kathygrimes at gmail dot com) if you have any questions or concerns. Edit: Documentation is required.The PentathlonThe categories are grouped here solely for my convenience. The groups have no other meaning. Pentathlon participants must enter in five categories - regardless of the groupings. So, for example, entries in Costuming and Headwear would count as two categories for the Pentagon. RulesYou must enter in 5 items for judgingYou must enter in at least 4 different Categories.You must be at the event to enter into the PentathlonYou may not have won, 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize with any of the itemsYou must have made the item within the last 5 years.CategoriesCostumingCostuming;Costuming for Combat (includes horse barding); Accessories (no headwear); Headwear. Small WorkCounted Embroidery;Non-counted Embroidery; Beadwork. (does not include jewelry) TextilesNon-woven Fabric (sprang, knitting, felting, etc.); Weaving; Cordmaking; Spinning;Dyeing. SmithingLeatherwork; Woodwork; Metalwork; Jewelry; Glass. Scribal and HeraldicCalligraphy; Illumination;Heraldic Display. Book ArtsEdible and PotableCooking; Herbalist; Beers/Ales/Lagers;Meads;Wines; Cordials. MiscellaneousDrawing and Painting;Sculpture and Carving;Period Science;Household Goods; Toys;Miscellaneous. Written CategoriesProse;Poetry - written. (Comment on this) |
Tuesday, June 29th, 2010 | |
_12:15 pm_[ccunning] |
The Tournament of the Golden Rose The Tournament of the Golden RoseBarony of Windmasters’ HillApex, NCThe Inspirations of Atlantia, the Ladies of the Order of the Rose, invite you all to gather for a day filled with pageantry and more! On September 4, 2010, those Noble Ladies who have worn the Crown shall send forth Their Champions of the Roses to the field, not for prowess or vainglory, but to pay tribute to the Ideals held dear and encouraged by the Order. This is a day not to be missed!W ebsite: Lady of the Rose attending shall send forth: A Knight of Noble Quality and Renowned Prowess A Bearer of the White Scarf, Honorable and Skilled in the Arte An Armored Fighter, who dreams of wearing the Belt and Chain An Archer, upon which battle will be decided A Herald gifted with a silver tongueThe Ladies of the Rose shall also select an Armored Fighter and Fencer to join their Company from Tournaments to be held before the Golden Rose Tournament. This tournament shall be held atOptimist Farm, 2908 Optimist Farm Road, Apex, NC 27539The cost shall be no More than, and no Less than Adult, Member: 12.00Adult,Non−Member:12.00 Adult, Non-Member: 12.00Adult,Non−Member:17.00 Youth (5–17): 5.00Child(0–4):5.00 Child (0–4): 5.00Child(0–4):0.00 A sideboard shall be provided to sate your hunger, with the cost to be included in your fee.Reservations shall be sent forth, with Checks to be made out to SCA Inc, Kingdom of Atlantia, to: Baroness Celia of Rosedale (Tamara Brown). 3714 Sudley Ford Ct, Fairfax, VA 22033. Phone: 703-378-2441. E-mail: You may also register on-line via the ACCEPS system ( ). As this event shall be held for only one day, there will be no camping. However, discounted lodgings may be found at: The Holiday Inn: 5630 Dillard Drive Cary, NC 27511 (919)851-1220 Baron Christopher MacConing (Christopher Cunning) E-mail: (3 Comments |Comment on this) |
Wednesday, June 16th, 2010 | |
_9:30 am_[aminahfiddler] |
A&S Competition for War of the Wings - it will be here sooner than you think Are you ready? It will be here sooner than you think. I've also added one more category, "Book Arts".A&S Competition for War of the WingsThis year for the A&S Competition, there will something different a pentathlon. Please watch for any updates to the war of the wings web site. When the event gets closer, I will also be posting links for registration forms so that we can speed up the check in process. Please contact me, Lady Aminah bint al-megal’lid (kathygrimes at gmail dot com) if you have any questions or concerns.The PentathlonThe categories are grouped here solely for my convenience. The groups have no other meaning. Pentathlon participants must enter in five categories - regardless of the groupings. So, for example, entries in Costuming and Headwear would count as two categories for the Pentagon. RulesYou must enter in 5 items for judgingYou must enter in at least 4 different Categories.You must be at the event to enter into the PentathlonYou may not have won, 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize with any of the itemsYou must have made the item within the last 5 years.CategoriesCostumingCostuming;Costuming for Combat (includes horse barding); Accessories (no headwear); Headwear. Small WorkCounted Embroidery;Non-counted Embroidery; Beadwork. (does not include jewelry) TextilesNon-woven Fabric (sprang, knitting, felting, etc.); Weaving; Cordmaking; Spinning;Dyeing. SmithingLeatherwork; Woodwork; Metalwork; Jewelry; Glass. Scribal and HeraldicCalligraphy; Illumination;Heraldic Display. Book ArtsEdible and PotableCooking; Herbalist; Beers/Ales/Lagers;Meads;Wines; Cordials. MiscellaneousDrawing and Painting;Sculpture and Carving;Period Science;Household Goods; Toys;Miscellaneous. Written CategoriesProse;Poetry - written. (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010 | |
_5:54 am_[gluckliche_eme] |
Seeking Volunteers and/or Sponsors for the Known World Children's Fete Greetings! (please feel free to cross post this missive) We are seeking the help of volunteers with this years Known World Children's Fete at Pennsic. The Fete will be on August 11, 2010 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Barn. Can you sing a song, dance a jig, paint a face, smile and laugh a lot, color a picture, have fun or any sort of other activities? Then we could use you.( Read more...Collapse ) Current Mood: ![]() |
Saturday, May 1st, 2010 | |
_8:53 pm_[thornbury] |
Rest In Peace - Baroness Agnes Daunce I have long believed she was my Peer. Here in Ponte Alto, and in Atlantia, our burdens are greater and our hearts are heavier. Current Mood: ![]() |
Sunday, April 25th, 2010 | |
_8:36 am_[gluckliche_eme] |
Fun for the Kids too at the Upcoming Spring Crown Tourney! Greetings! The upcoming Crown will be a day of interest and fun for the entire family! I will be running Children's Activities from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. - It will be a great opportunity for the children of our wonderful Kingdom to make friends and have fun! If you have any questions, please email me at ~Herrin Emeludt Hänsler Chancellor of Youth - Kingdom of Atlantia Visit the Kingdom Youth Activities Website at: World Children's Fete E-List: (Comment on this) |
Friday, April 16th, 2010 | |
_10:49 am_[gluckliche_eme] |
Upcoming Events with Fun for the Kids Too! Currently, over the next few months the following events are scheduled to have Page Classes and/or Children's Activities: ( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this) |
Thursday, April 8th, 2010 | |
_8:34 am_[stitchwhich] |
New Community A new community on LJ has been formed for those interested in the stories and celebrations of early (SCA time period) saints and feast days. Mostly, it's been a 'saints of the day' sort of thing but it is hoped that as it gains members, someone other than the moderator will post and we can talk about how religious obsevance affected our persona. :)(Crossposted to SCA & authentic_sca) (Comment on this) |
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 | |
_10:55 am_[baronessadriana] |
Atlantian History Lesson of the Day What are these?![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 | |
_2:02 pm_[gluckliche_eme] |
The Known World Youth Arts and Sciences Exhibition at Pennsic 39 On behalf of Mistress Safia al-Khansaa', who is the Coordinator of the Known World Pennsic Youth Arts and Sciences Display:( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this) |
Sunday, March 7th, 2010 | |
_3:00 pm_[stitchwhich] |
KASF library In no particular order: The "ribbon tied through the book w/name label" worked. Now that we know that, repeat performances of a library at an event should include instructions to the book owners to do that (if they can) before the event so the staff won't spend the first couple of hours processing books. Next time, though, we'll use/suggest curling ribbon for gift-wrapping rather than cloth ribbon. It'll be less expensive, too.Co-ordinate more pre-event with folks who use "Library Thing". And next time, maybe bring our (Marinus baronial library) Library-Thing scanner to record book titles. Assuming that we have Internet access, that is.Sorting the books into "areas of interest" piles was useful but needs to have the areas marked - since we were a tad overwhelmed by the number of books that showed up* I had not planned on needing that. I was wrong.Having a media center for scanning and copying was a Godsend. Baroness Orianna's donation of blank CDs helped (Countess Adelicia had sent someone out to find cheap thumb drives but none of the local stores had them in stock.)Stock library tape. One book was torn (a thin corner from the top of a page, savaged by the hinge of the scanner) and we had no way to repair it. Outside of the heartache of having to report that to the book owner, not having any way to effect a proper repair made it worse.Encourage more folks to use their cameras/camera phones to take pictures of images and book covers. I saw people doing that and it had never occurred to me. I mean, I knew about Alban St. Alban's use of his camera to create CDs to share but the idea of using them for one's personal research had eluded me until yesterday.Marianna was smart enough to bring a bookshelf to the event - we didn't use it for books because we desperately need something skinny by the door to hold bags and cups/mugs - that did turn out to be important. And we learned that folks will not use the lower shelves - everything had to be set at waist or above height, to the point that one woman put her basket inside someone else's open basket rather than bend down to place it on a lower shelf. So in the future, I'll bring our "rowanwald" three-shelf unit that is taller than a table.Marking the number of books each person brings on their labels helps at the end of the day. We had one donator (donater?) who had written "___ of 5" on each of her tags. At the end of the day, she was so tired that had she not known she was missing one book, she would have left without it. I don't think we need "___of ___" so much as just the bare number indicating how many to look for.Having pencils and 3x5 cards available cut down on the number of (potentially staining) pens that were used to make notes.But most of all, the media center ROCKED. Aiden of Kingswood and John (whose full name I didn't know) spent the whole day making sure that someone was there to assist people with scanning and copying, and their aid was invaluable. And Aiden brought his computer/scanner set-up (So did Addy) - someone else did too but the name escapes me - so there was no line that I could see. Not to mention all the photos that were being taken (that was so smart!)Next time, I'll solicit extra assistants specifically to act as research aids. Over lunch today, I was mentioning one person who had said that "there was nothing really useful" for his particular area of study in the (vast) collection of books there, and Sophia looked surprised and said that the woodcut books she'd brought should have had something in them for him to study. Ten-to-one, he'd glanced at the woodcuts, thought of them in terms of clothing and maybe tents, and never really noticed the cooking equipment or other blacksmithing stuff in them... I'm sure, even if that didn't hold true for that particular guy, it was true for some of the folks who were in there. So we need helpers who could suggest areas of resource - it would be a lovely way to help teach research skills without being a club over the head.So - what have I left out? If you went, what other things need tweaking? *We didn't count the number of books that were available, but we went through 30 spools of ribbon, at 6 yards per spool, and had to turn books away at the end because we ran out of labelling materials. (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Friday, March 5th, 2010 | |
_9:25 pm_[stitchwhich] |
KASF Library If you are going to check out the books available in tke KASF library and even barely think that you might wish a copy of a page or two - bring your thumb drive (USB memory stick) with you - we'll have scanner/copiers to make paper copies but they are all donated and that means that we'll be using people's private stock of ink. Besides, a magnifying glass doesn't work half so well as "zoom" does. :) (Comment on this) |
Wednesday, February 24th, 2010 | |
_6:38 pm_[apollonia] |
1st Annual St. Urho's Filk Contest? You betcha! Greetings from Madonna Apollonia Margherita degli Albizzi!Come one, come all, to St. Urho's Tourney! (Canton of Salesberie Glen, Barony of Sacred Stone, Kingdom of Atlantia)There will be FABULOUS prizes!More info can be found here: Kingdom Calendar of EventsAndHere: St. Urho's TourneyAt this SPECTACULAR event, I am sponsoring a filk contest. There are two different ways to win!There is a filk singing contest during the pasty feast (for those who like to perform) and there is a filk-writing contest (for those who do not want to perform).There will be FABULOUS prizes!Your filk needs to praise that mighty, mighty man, St. Urho, or you can criticize the evil grasshoppers who have nothing better to do than ruin grape crops.You must be present at the event to win!So come to St. Urho's Tourney and filk your heart out!There will be FABULOUS prizes! Current Mood: creative (Comment on this) |
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