James Webb Telescope Challenges Big Bang Theory - ATLANTIS RISING THE RESEARCH REPORT (original) (raw)

In a posthumous presentation, the late astro-physicist Wal Thornhill has deconstructed the First Deep Field Image from the James Webb Space Telescope released on July 11, 2022. It’s a composite of different wavelengths totaling 12.5 hours—well beyond Hubble’s deepest fields, which took weeks.

Focused on a massive galaxy cluster, the center of the image is surrounded by stretched out curved objects. The Standard Model, propounded by today’s scientiific establishement, describes these curved objects as distant galaxies “gravitationally lensed” making them appear larger and brighter. In the Electric Universe Model, for which Thornhill and colleague Stuart Talbott are the primary theorists, the curved object effect is due to refraction through the neutrino sea aether that is denser around the massive galaxy cluster.

According to Big Bang theory, the earliest galaxies have not had time to evolve and grow by accretion, collisions, mergers, or cannibalizing smaller galaxies. The reddest objects should exhibit the least amount of smoothness and symmetric structure—but that is the opposite of what is observed—including the curved “lensed” galaxies.

Thornhill’s EU Model expects to see galaxies that get smaller and fainter, some bluer, some redder, to the limits of the telescope’s observational power—and that is exactly what Webb’s First Deep Field shows. Thornhill predicted this will be further confirmed when forthcoming ultra deep field images—after weeks of Webb observation—detect additional faint galaxies that simply show more of the same.

In the Electric Universe theory, space is not expanding. The Universe is of unknown age and unknown extent, possibly infinite. According to science reporter Steven Parsons, writing for Atlantis Rising Magazine, “By breaking from the pack and looking at observed facts with fresh eyes, Wal Thornhill has become convinced that planets and stars function in an electrically dynamic environment.” The Venusian tail, discovered last year, retains its rope-like or filamentary structure across 45 million kilometers because it is a current carrying plasma. These plasma structures, “Birkeland currents,” are well known to plasma physicists but remain unrecognized by astronomers. The very existence of Birkeland currents in the solar system demonstrates the existence of a flow of electric current in the plasma which fills the solar system. And this opens up a whole new way of seeing things.

Thornhill says that stars do not produce all of their light and heat by thermo-nuclear processes. Instead, our Sun and all other stars resemble great spheres of lightning. These spheres receive energy externally rather than from nuclear fusion at their core, he says. The accepted theory that stars produce energy by nuclear fusion suits the mindset of the atomic era but does not conform to actual observations.


AR #102

Big Bang or Not

by William B. Stoecker