Robert Abaidoo | Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana (original) (raw)

Papers by Robert Abaidoo

Research paper thumbnail of Dietary Risk Assessment Due to the Consumption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Two Commonly Consumed Street Vended Foods

Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

Research paper thumbnail of Antibiotic Uptake by Plant Model

Environmental Modeling & Assessment

Research paper thumbnail of Agronomic and economic benefits of integrated nutrient management options for cowpea production

Experimental Agriculture

The limitation of soil amendments and insufficient and irregular rainfall are the main factors ac... more The limitation of soil amendments and insufficient and irregular rainfall are the main factors accounting for the decline in crop yields in the Sahelian low-input cropping systems. This study explored the agronomic and economic responses of integrated use of millet glume-derived compost with synthetic fertilizer in cowpea-based cropping system. A two-year field experiment was laid out as factorial design arranged in randomized complete blocks with three rates of compost (0, 4000, and 8000 kg ha−1) and three rates of recommended synthetic fertilizer (0, 50, and 100%). Cowpea grain yield increased markedly with combined application of compost and synthetic fertilizer. The combined use of compost applied at 8000 kg ha−1 and 50% of the recommended rate of synthetic fertilizer increased cowpea grain yield by 51% compared to the application of 100% of the recommended rate of synthetic fertilizer. The rainwater use efficiency (RaUE) increased by 52 and 49% with the combined application of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Combined application of inoculant, phosphorus and organic manure improves grain yield of cowpea

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science

Research paper thumbnail of On-farm evaluation and determination of sources of variability of soybean response to Bradyrhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer in northern Ghana

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Research paper thumbnail of Probabilistic modeling for an integrated temporary acquired immunity with norovirus epidemiological data

Infectious Disease Modelling

Research paper thumbnail of Sodium Chloride Concentration Affects Early Growth and Nutrient Accumulation in Taro


The growth and nutrient accumulation responses of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, cv. Bun ... more The growth and nutrient accumulation responses of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, cv. Bun long] to varying sodium chloride concentrations were studied in an aerated hydroponic system. Vegetative propagules were grown at seven levels of NaCl (0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, and 80 mm) for 43 days. We estimated the NaCl tolerance threshold (95% of maximum growth) to be at 4.9 mm solution NaCl. Relative dry-matter yield decreased 1.6% per mm increase in solution NaCl above 4.9. These values for tolerance threshold and response slope led us to classify this taro cultivar as sensitive to salinity. As solution NaCl levels increased, Na concentration in petiole and root tissues increased, but not in lamina (leaf blade) tissues. This implies the existence of an effective mechanism for excluding excess Na, in spite of a lack of tolerance to solution NaCl in terms of growth response. Chloride concentration increased in all plant tissues with increasing solution NaCl levels; the greatest increase...

Research paper thumbnail of Willingness to Pay for Biofertilizers among Grain Legume Farmers in Northern Ghana

Journal of Scientific Research and Reports

Research paper thumbnail of Is there a need for Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense and B. japonicum reinoculation in subsequent cropping seasons under smallholder farmers’ conditions?

Research paper thumbnail of Asssesing the effectiveness and impact of agricultural water management interventions: the case of small reservoirs in northern Ghana

Agricultural Water Management

Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Bacteria related to from Ghana are effective groundnut micro-symbionts.", "i"=>{"__content__"=>"Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense"}}

Applied soil ecology : a section of Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2018

The identification of locally-adapted rhizobia for effective inoculation of grain legumes in Afri... more The identification of locally-adapted rhizobia for effective inoculation of grain legumes in Africa's semiarid regions is strategic for developing and optimizing cheap nitrogen fixation technologies for smallholder farmers. This study was aimed at selecting and characterising effective native rhizobia, from Ghanaian soils for groundnut ( L.) inoculation. From surface-disinfected root nodules of cowpea and groundnut plants grown on farmers' fields, 150 bacterial isolates were obtained, 30 of which were eventually found to nodulate groundnut plants. After testing the symbiotic potential of these isolates on groundnut on sterilized substrate, seven of them, designated as KNUST 1001-1007, were evaluated in an open field pot experiment using N-labelled soil. Although N dilution analyses did not indicate differences among treatments in the proportion of nitrogen (N) derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa), all seven strains increased total N derived from N fixation by inoculated groun...

Research paper thumbnail of Occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in water and lettuce in Ghana

The Science of the total environment, Jan 4, 2017

Hospital wastewater and effluents from waste stabilization ponds in Kumasi, Ghana, are directly d... more Hospital wastewater and effluents from waste stabilization ponds in Kumasi, Ghana, are directly discharged as low quality water into nearby streams which are eventually used to irrigate vegetables. The presence of 12 commonly used antibiotics in Ghana (metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, trimethoprim, ampicillin, cefuroxime, sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and doxycycline) were investigated in water and lettuce samples collected in three different areas in Kumasi, Ghana. The water samples were from hospital wastewater, wastewater stabilization ponds, rivers and irrigation water, while the lettuce samples were from vegetable farms and market vendors. Antibiotics in water samples were extracted using SPE while antibiotics in lettuce samples were extracted using accelerated solvent extraction followed by SPE. All extracted antibiotics samples were analyzed by HPLC-MS/MS. All studied compounds were detected in concentrations signif...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Added Benefits from Combined Cattle Manure and Fertilizer Application in a Maize Cropping System

Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B

Research paper thumbnail of Growth and Yield Responses of Cowpea to Inoculation and Phosphorus Fertilization in Different Environments

Frontiers in Plant Science

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Wastewater Irrigation to Soil Transmitted Helminths Infection among Vegetable Farmers in Kumasi, Ghana

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Research paper thumbnail of Maize-grain legume intercropping for enhanced resource use efficiency and crop productivity in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana

Research paper thumbnail of Generation mean analysis of phosphorus-use efficiency in freely nodulating soybean crosses grown in low-phosphorus soil

Research paper thumbnail of Bradyrhizobium Inoculants Enhance Grain Yields of Soybean and Cowpea in Northern Ghana

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Fertilizer micro-dosing increases crop yield in the Sahelian low-input cropping system: A success with a shadow

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Variability of yam (Dioscorea spp.) genotypes in root colonization by Arbuscular mycorrhiza in the yam belt of Nigeria

8Th African Crop Science Society Conference El Minia Egypt 27 31 October 2007, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Dietary Risk Assessment Due to the Consumption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Two Commonly Consumed Street Vended Foods

Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

Research paper thumbnail of Antibiotic Uptake by Plant Model

Environmental Modeling & Assessment

Research paper thumbnail of Agronomic and economic benefits of integrated nutrient management options for cowpea production

Experimental Agriculture

The limitation of soil amendments and insufficient and irregular rainfall are the main factors ac... more The limitation of soil amendments and insufficient and irregular rainfall are the main factors accounting for the decline in crop yields in the Sahelian low-input cropping systems. This study explored the agronomic and economic responses of integrated use of millet glume-derived compost with synthetic fertilizer in cowpea-based cropping system. A two-year field experiment was laid out as factorial design arranged in randomized complete blocks with three rates of compost (0, 4000, and 8000 kg ha−1) and three rates of recommended synthetic fertilizer (0, 50, and 100%). Cowpea grain yield increased markedly with combined application of compost and synthetic fertilizer. The combined use of compost applied at 8000 kg ha−1 and 50% of the recommended rate of synthetic fertilizer increased cowpea grain yield by 51% compared to the application of 100% of the recommended rate of synthetic fertilizer. The rainwater use efficiency (RaUE) increased by 52 and 49% with the combined application of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Combined application of inoculant, phosphorus and organic manure improves grain yield of cowpea

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science

Research paper thumbnail of On-farm evaluation and determination of sources of variability of soybean response to Bradyrhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer in northern Ghana

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Research paper thumbnail of Probabilistic modeling for an integrated temporary acquired immunity with norovirus epidemiological data

Infectious Disease Modelling

Research paper thumbnail of Sodium Chloride Concentration Affects Early Growth and Nutrient Accumulation in Taro


The growth and nutrient accumulation responses of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, cv. Bun ... more The growth and nutrient accumulation responses of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, cv. Bun long] to varying sodium chloride concentrations were studied in an aerated hydroponic system. Vegetative propagules were grown at seven levels of NaCl (0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, and 80 mm) for 43 days. We estimated the NaCl tolerance threshold (95% of maximum growth) to be at 4.9 mm solution NaCl. Relative dry-matter yield decreased 1.6% per mm increase in solution NaCl above 4.9. These values for tolerance threshold and response slope led us to classify this taro cultivar as sensitive to salinity. As solution NaCl levels increased, Na concentration in petiole and root tissues increased, but not in lamina (leaf blade) tissues. This implies the existence of an effective mechanism for excluding excess Na, in spite of a lack of tolerance to solution NaCl in terms of growth response. Chloride concentration increased in all plant tissues with increasing solution NaCl levels; the greatest increase...

Research paper thumbnail of Willingness to Pay for Biofertilizers among Grain Legume Farmers in Northern Ghana

Journal of Scientific Research and Reports

Research paper thumbnail of Is there a need for Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense and B. japonicum reinoculation in subsequent cropping seasons under smallholder farmers’ conditions?

Research paper thumbnail of Asssesing the effectiveness and impact of agricultural water management interventions: the case of small reservoirs in northern Ghana

Agricultural Water Management

Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Bacteria related to from Ghana are effective groundnut micro-symbionts.", "i"=>{"__content__"=>"Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense"}}

Applied soil ecology : a section of Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2018

The identification of locally-adapted rhizobia for effective inoculation of grain legumes in Afri... more The identification of locally-adapted rhizobia for effective inoculation of grain legumes in Africa's semiarid regions is strategic for developing and optimizing cheap nitrogen fixation technologies for smallholder farmers. This study was aimed at selecting and characterising effective native rhizobia, from Ghanaian soils for groundnut ( L.) inoculation. From surface-disinfected root nodules of cowpea and groundnut plants grown on farmers' fields, 150 bacterial isolates were obtained, 30 of which were eventually found to nodulate groundnut plants. After testing the symbiotic potential of these isolates on groundnut on sterilized substrate, seven of them, designated as KNUST 1001-1007, were evaluated in an open field pot experiment using N-labelled soil. Although N dilution analyses did not indicate differences among treatments in the proportion of nitrogen (N) derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa), all seven strains increased total N derived from N fixation by inoculated groun...

Research paper thumbnail of Occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in water and lettuce in Ghana

The Science of the total environment, Jan 4, 2017

Hospital wastewater and effluents from waste stabilization ponds in Kumasi, Ghana, are directly d... more Hospital wastewater and effluents from waste stabilization ponds in Kumasi, Ghana, are directly discharged as low quality water into nearby streams which are eventually used to irrigate vegetables. The presence of 12 commonly used antibiotics in Ghana (metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, trimethoprim, ampicillin, cefuroxime, sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and doxycycline) were investigated in water and lettuce samples collected in three different areas in Kumasi, Ghana. The water samples were from hospital wastewater, wastewater stabilization ponds, rivers and irrigation water, while the lettuce samples were from vegetable farms and market vendors. Antibiotics in water samples were extracted using SPE while antibiotics in lettuce samples were extracted using accelerated solvent extraction followed by SPE. All extracted antibiotics samples were analyzed by HPLC-MS/MS. All studied compounds were detected in concentrations signif...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Added Benefits from Combined Cattle Manure and Fertilizer Application in a Maize Cropping System

Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B

Research paper thumbnail of Growth and Yield Responses of Cowpea to Inoculation and Phosphorus Fertilization in Different Environments

Frontiers in Plant Science

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Wastewater Irrigation to Soil Transmitted Helminths Infection among Vegetable Farmers in Kumasi, Ghana

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Research paper thumbnail of Maize-grain legume intercropping for enhanced resource use efficiency and crop productivity in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana

Research paper thumbnail of Generation mean analysis of phosphorus-use efficiency in freely nodulating soybean crosses grown in low-phosphorus soil

Research paper thumbnail of Bradyrhizobium Inoculants Enhance Grain Yields of Soybean and Cowpea in Northern Ghana

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Fertilizer micro-dosing increases crop yield in the Sahelian low-input cropping system: A success with a shadow

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Variability of yam (Dioscorea spp.) genotypes in root colonization by Arbuscular mycorrhiza in the yam belt of Nigeria

8Th African Crop Science Society Conference El Minia Egypt 27 31 October 2007, 2007