Solvejg Mathiassen | Aarhus University (original) (raw)

Papers by Solvejg Mathiassen

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 5: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Alignment of cytochrome P450s CYP89A2 protein sequences from Apera, Lolium, Triticum, and Aegilop... more Alignment of cytochrome P450s CYP89A2 protein sequences from Apera, Lolium, Triticum, and Aegilops. (RTF 1753 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 3: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Plant Gene Ontology terms associated with the combined assembly of all tissues and growth stage o... more Plant Gene Ontology terms associated with the combined assembly of all tissues and growth stage of A. spica-venti. BP; biological processes, MF; metabolic function, CC; cellular component. (PNG 34 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 1: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Sequence length distribution for combined assembly. (JPG 25 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 4: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Top 20 species identification for the combined dataset. (JPG 74 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 2: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

E-value distribution for combined assembly. (PNG 9 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 6: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Alignment of GSTF1 protein sequences from Apera and Alopecurus. (RTF 159 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride Ringtest

Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2016

Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride Ringtest Gerhard Karrer1, Gabriella Kazinczi2, Ulrike Sölter3, Uwe... more Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride Ringtest Gerhard Karrer1, Gabriella Kazinczi2, Ulrike Sölter3, Uwe Starfinger3, Arnd Verschwele3, Zsuzsa Basky4, Felicia Lener1, Nina Waldhäuser1, Ildikó Kerepesi2, Ferenc Pál-Fám2, Sándor Máté2, Solvejg K. Mathiassen5, Per Kudsk5, Robert Leskovšek 6, Johan van Valkenburg7 1Institute of Botany, Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research (BOKU), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Gregor Mendel Str. 33, 1180 Wien, Austria; e-mail:

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Research paper thumbnail of Field experiment on longevity of the seeds in the soil seed bank (initial seed burial experiment at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)

Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2016

70 packages (bags of fine net-like polyethylene tissue) with common ragweed seeds collected in 20... more 70 packages (bags of fine net-like polyethylene tissue) with common ragweed seeds collected in 2010 from an arable field nearby Unterpurkla, in Styria, Austria (each net filled with 50 seeds) were buried in the soil at 10 cm depth in early spring 2011. Every year in spring the germination test procedure will be performed on the seeds of a subsample of 7 randomly selected bags. Additionally every year the germinability of seeds from the same base sample stored continuously at 4°C under dry conditions will be tested.

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Research paper thumbnail of Combining cutting and herbicide application for Ambrosia artemisiifolia control

Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2016

The effect on Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) of combining cutting and herbicide applica... more The effect on Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) of combining cutting and herbicide application was studied in pot experiments in Germany and Denmark in 2013. Single plants of common ragweed were established in 2 L pots in glasshouses. Two cutting treatments were conducted: cutting to 10 cm height at the beginning of male budding (BBCH 51-59) and no cutting. Clopyralid (in Germany: Lontrel 600, in Denmark: Matrigon), mesotrione (in Germany and Denmark: Callisto) and glyphosate (in Germany: Clinic, in Denmark: Roundup Bio) were applied at 4 doses at three different timings: on the day of cutting, one week and two weeks after cutting. The plants were harvested 5 weeks after the last herbicide application. At both sites clopyralid and mesotrione had a low efficacy on common ragweed when applied on developed plants with only minor differences in efficacy at the three timings. Application after cutting improved the efficacy of clopyralid at both sites and of mesotrione in Denmark. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of treatment timing

Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2016

Materials and methods Seeds of common ragweed were sown in 2 L pots in a potting mixture consisti... more Materials and methods Seeds of common ragweed were sown in 2 L pots in a potting mixture consisting of field soil, sand and peat (2:1:1 w/w). The pots were placed in a heated glasshouse and watered as required. After seedling emergence the number of plants per pot was reduced to 4. Herbicide treatments were carried out at four different growth stages: 4-leaf stage, 7-leaf stage, early flowering and late flowering. Five herbicides were included in the study: glyphosate, florasulam, clopyralid, mecoprop-P and mesotrione. The herbicides were applied at 4 doses (1/8N, 1/4N, 1/2N and 1 N) using a laboratory pot sprayer equipped with a boom fitted with two Hardi ISO F110-02 flat fan nozzles delivering a volume rate of ca. 150 l/ha. Each treatment was replicated three times. Foliage fresh and dry weights were recorded 3 weeks after herbicide application.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of bio-herbicides against ragweed

Pot experiments were conducted in Germany, Denmark and Slovenia in 2012 using a common protocol. ... more Pot experiments were conducted in Germany, Denmark and Slovenia in 2012 using a common protocol. Pelargonic acid and acetic acid were applied simultaneously at two growth stages of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (BBCH 14-16 and BBCH 22-25) in a spray cabinet (Germany and Denmark) or using a hand-held sprayer (Slovenia). Each bio-herbicide was applied at 5 dosages as a single application and as a split application with 50% at the first application and 50% 10 days later. Two bio-herbicides registered for use in Germany were included: Acetic acid and pelargonic acid.

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing, modeling and controlling a novel autonomous laser weeding system

7th World Congress on Computers in Agriculture Conference Proceedings, 22-24 June 2009, Reno, Nevada, 2009

ASABE Home. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of glyphosate on the growth and competitive effect of perennial grass species in semi-natural grasslands

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Rainfastness and residual activity of some Phytophthora fungicides

PAV Special …, 1996

... mainly determined of the rain volume whereas droplet size and intensity are only of minor imp... more ... mainly determined of the rain volume whereas droplet size and intensity are only of minor importance (Kudsk and Kristensen, 1992). However, earlier studies have indicated that for maneb and mancozeb high-intensity rain seems to wash off more fungicide than low-intensity ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Decision Support System for Optimized Herbicide Dose in Spring Barley

Weed Technology, 2014

Crop Protection Online (CPO) is a decision support system, which integrates decision algorithms q... more Crop Protection Online (CPO) is a decision support system, which integrates decision algorithms quantifying the requirement for weed control and a herbicide dose model. CPO was designed to be used by advisors and farmers to optimize the choice of herbicide and dose. The recommendations from CPO for herbicide application in spring barley in Denmark were validated through field experiments targeting three levels of weed control requirement. Satisfactory weed control levels at harvest were achieved by a medium control level requirement generating substantial herbicide reductions (∼ 60% measured as the Treatment Frequency Index (TFI)) compared to a high level of required weed control. The observations indicated that the current level of weed control required is robust for a range of weed scenarios. Weed plant numbers 3 wk after spraying indicated that the growth of the weed species were inhibited by the applied doses, but not necessarily killed, and that an adequate level of control was...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tralkoxydim: adjuvant, MCPA and other effects

Weed Research, 2001


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Research paper thumbnail of An easy and rapid method using microscopy to determine herbicide effects in Poaceae weed species

Pest Management Science, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Herbicide impact on non-target plant reproduction: What are the toxicological and ecological implications?

Environmental Pollution, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Physical destruction of the sprouting ability of Elytrigia repens rhizome buds

Weed Research, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of sequential treatments

Split application of one herbicide, or two in combination, can be more efficient than just one sp... more Split application of one herbicide, or two in combination, can be more efficient than just one spraying with the same total dose. In this study we examined the effect of sequential treatment with the same herbicide or different herbicides on common ragweed. Material and methods Plants of common ragweed were sown in 2 L pots in a potting mixture consisting of field soil, sand and peat (2:1:1 w/w) and grown in a glasshouse. Prior to herbicide application the number of plants per pot was reduced to a pre-set number. Florasulam, mecoprop-P, mesotrione, clopyralid and glyphosate were applied as single treatments at two different timings: T1 (=2-4 leaf stage) and T2 (=2 weeks after T1). In addition sequential treatments with different combinations of the herbicides were made. Each herbicide was applied at four doses and each treatment was replicated three times. Herbicide preparations were applied using a laboratory pot sprayer equipped with a boom fitted with two Hardi ISO F110-02 flat f...

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 5: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Alignment of cytochrome P450s CYP89A2 protein sequences from Apera, Lolium, Triticum, and Aegilop... more Alignment of cytochrome P450s CYP89A2 protein sequences from Apera, Lolium, Triticum, and Aegilops. (RTF 1753 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 3: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Plant Gene Ontology terms associated with the combined assembly of all tissues and growth stage o... more Plant Gene Ontology terms associated with the combined assembly of all tissues and growth stage of A. spica-venti. BP; biological processes, MF; metabolic function, CC; cellular component. (PNG 34 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 1: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Sequence length distribution for combined assembly. (JPG 25 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 4: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Top 20 species identification for the combined dataset. (JPG 74 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 2: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

E-value distribution for combined assembly. (PNG 9 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 6: of De novo transcriptome assembly analysis of weed Apera spica-venti from seven tissues and growth stages

Alignment of GSTF1 protein sequences from Apera and Alopecurus. (RTF 159 kb)

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Research paper thumbnail of Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride Ringtest

Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2016

Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride Ringtest Gerhard Karrer1, Gabriella Kazinczi2, Ulrike Sölter3, Uwe... more Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride Ringtest Gerhard Karrer1, Gabriella Kazinczi2, Ulrike Sölter3, Uwe Starfinger3, Arnd Verschwele3, Zsuzsa Basky4, Felicia Lener1, Nina Waldhäuser1, Ildikó Kerepesi2, Ferenc Pál-Fám2, Sándor Máté2, Solvejg K. Mathiassen5, Per Kudsk5, Robert Leskovšek 6, Johan van Valkenburg7 1Institute of Botany, Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research (BOKU), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Gregor Mendel Str. 33, 1180 Wien, Austria; e-mail:

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Research paper thumbnail of Field experiment on longevity of the seeds in the soil seed bank (initial seed burial experiment at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)

Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2016

70 packages (bags of fine net-like polyethylene tissue) with common ragweed seeds collected in 20... more 70 packages (bags of fine net-like polyethylene tissue) with common ragweed seeds collected in 2010 from an arable field nearby Unterpurkla, in Styria, Austria (each net filled with 50 seeds) were buried in the soil at 10 cm depth in early spring 2011. Every year in spring the germination test procedure will be performed on the seeds of a subsample of 7 randomly selected bags. Additionally every year the germinability of seeds from the same base sample stored continuously at 4°C under dry conditions will be tested.

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Research paper thumbnail of Combining cutting and herbicide application for Ambrosia artemisiifolia control

Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2016

The effect on Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) of combining cutting and herbicide applica... more The effect on Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) of combining cutting and herbicide application was studied in pot experiments in Germany and Denmark in 2013. Single plants of common ragweed were established in 2 L pots in glasshouses. Two cutting treatments were conducted: cutting to 10 cm height at the beginning of male budding (BBCH 51-59) and no cutting. Clopyralid (in Germany: Lontrel 600, in Denmark: Matrigon), mesotrione (in Germany and Denmark: Callisto) and glyphosate (in Germany: Clinic, in Denmark: Roundup Bio) were applied at 4 doses at three different timings: on the day of cutting, one week and two weeks after cutting. The plants were harvested 5 weeks after the last herbicide application. At both sites clopyralid and mesotrione had a low efficacy on common ragweed when applied on developed plants with only minor differences in efficacy at the three timings. Application after cutting improved the efficacy of clopyralid at both sites and of mesotrione in Denmark. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of treatment timing

Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2016

Materials and methods Seeds of common ragweed were sown in 2 L pots in a potting mixture consisti... more Materials and methods Seeds of common ragweed were sown in 2 L pots in a potting mixture consisting of field soil, sand and peat (2:1:1 w/w). The pots were placed in a heated glasshouse and watered as required. After seedling emergence the number of plants per pot was reduced to 4. Herbicide treatments were carried out at four different growth stages: 4-leaf stage, 7-leaf stage, early flowering and late flowering. Five herbicides were included in the study: glyphosate, florasulam, clopyralid, mecoprop-P and mesotrione. The herbicides were applied at 4 doses (1/8N, 1/4N, 1/2N and 1 N) using a laboratory pot sprayer equipped with a boom fitted with two Hardi ISO F110-02 flat fan nozzles delivering a volume rate of ca. 150 l/ha. Each treatment was replicated three times. Foliage fresh and dry weights were recorded 3 weeks after herbicide application.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of bio-herbicides against ragweed

Pot experiments were conducted in Germany, Denmark and Slovenia in 2012 using a common protocol. ... more Pot experiments were conducted in Germany, Denmark and Slovenia in 2012 using a common protocol. Pelargonic acid and acetic acid were applied simultaneously at two growth stages of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (BBCH 14-16 and BBCH 22-25) in a spray cabinet (Germany and Denmark) or using a hand-held sprayer (Slovenia). Each bio-herbicide was applied at 5 dosages as a single application and as a split application with 50% at the first application and 50% 10 days later. Two bio-herbicides registered for use in Germany were included: Acetic acid and pelargonic acid.

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing, modeling and controlling a novel autonomous laser weeding system

7th World Congress on Computers in Agriculture Conference Proceedings, 22-24 June 2009, Reno, Nevada, 2009

ASABE Home. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of glyphosate on the growth and competitive effect of perennial grass species in semi-natural grasslands

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Rainfastness and residual activity of some Phytophthora fungicides

PAV Special …, 1996

... mainly determined of the rain volume whereas droplet size and intensity are only of minor imp... more ... mainly determined of the rain volume whereas droplet size and intensity are only of minor importance (Kudsk and Kristensen, 1992). However, earlier studies have indicated that for maneb and mancozeb high-intensity rain seems to wash off more fungicide than low-intensity ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Decision Support System for Optimized Herbicide Dose in Spring Barley

Weed Technology, 2014

Crop Protection Online (CPO) is a decision support system, which integrates decision algorithms q... more Crop Protection Online (CPO) is a decision support system, which integrates decision algorithms quantifying the requirement for weed control and a herbicide dose model. CPO was designed to be used by advisors and farmers to optimize the choice of herbicide and dose. The recommendations from CPO for herbicide application in spring barley in Denmark were validated through field experiments targeting three levels of weed control requirement. Satisfactory weed control levels at harvest were achieved by a medium control level requirement generating substantial herbicide reductions (∼ 60% measured as the Treatment Frequency Index (TFI)) compared to a high level of required weed control. The observations indicated that the current level of weed control required is robust for a range of weed scenarios. Weed plant numbers 3 wk after spraying indicated that the growth of the weed species were inhibited by the applied doses, but not necessarily killed, and that an adequate level of control was...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tralkoxydim: adjuvant, MCPA and other effects

Weed Research, 2001


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Research paper thumbnail of An easy and rapid method using microscopy to determine herbicide effects in Poaceae weed species

Pest Management Science, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Herbicide impact on non-target plant reproduction: What are the toxicological and ecological implications?

Environmental Pollution, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Physical destruction of the sprouting ability of Elytrigia repens rhizome buds

Weed Research, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of sequential treatments

Split application of one herbicide, or two in combination, can be more efficient than just one sp... more Split application of one herbicide, or two in combination, can be more efficient than just one spraying with the same total dose. In this study we examined the effect of sequential treatment with the same herbicide or different herbicides on common ragweed. Material and methods Plants of common ragweed were sown in 2 L pots in a potting mixture consisting of field soil, sand and peat (2:1:1 w/w) and grown in a glasshouse. Prior to herbicide application the number of plants per pot was reduced to a pre-set number. Florasulam, mecoprop-P, mesotrione, clopyralid and glyphosate were applied as single treatments at two different timings: T1 (=2-4 leaf stage) and T2 (=2 weeks after T1). In addition sequential treatments with different combinations of the herbicides were made. Each herbicide was applied at four doses and each treatment was replicated three times. Herbicide preparations were applied using a laboratory pot sprayer equipped with a boom fitted with two Hardi ISO F110-02 flat f...

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