aus_cookie_swap - Profile (original) (raw)

on 7 May 2010 (#27484397)

Cookie Swap for Aussies - Because we'd all like something other than bills in the mail!

Here is a cookie swap community for anyone living in Australia who are interested in spreading the cookie love.

I'm hoping to make this a monthly swap like over at vgn_cookie_swap but mainly focus on Australia (others are more than welcome but only if there are people to pair you up with - sending food into Australia is nigh-on impossible with our customs laws so it's best to not send internationally).

If you haven't participated in a cookie swap before, basically at the beginning of every month there will be a post as a sort of roll-call and anyone wanting to opt-in can send me a message with their details (see below). Everyone gets paired up by the 5th of the month (I'll try to pair you up with people close to you to cut down on shipping costs but also gluten-free cookie lovers will be paired with other gluten-free people and same goes for vegans to make it easier to cook for your swapee!) and then you have until the 20th to bake and send out your batch of cookies and wait to recieve your yummy cookie goodness in the mail!

Try to remember to send a copy of the recipe with your cookies and aim for about 2-3 dozen (obviously more or less depending on if they are giant or bite-sized cookies), pack carefully, ship quickly and don't forget to taste test!

If you wish to join the swap, PM the following information to the moderator:

Address you'd like cookies shipped to:
LJ User:
You are willing to ship as far as:
Dislikes/Allergies/Vegan/Gluten Intolerant:
Special Instructions:

*"cookies" refers to anything cookie-like, including bars, cookie-like candies, biscotti, and the like.

adelaide, australia, baking, chocolate, cookies, dairy-free, egg-free, food, gluten-free, lemon, melbourne, mint, oatmeal, om nom nom, peanut butter, perth, poppyseed, sesame, sulphite-free, sydney, tasmania, vegan, wheat-free