Alexandra Karagianni | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (original) (raw)
Postdoctorate by Alexandra Karagianni
PhD-Book by Alexandra Karagianni
P Pr re es si id de en nt t T TH HE EO OD DO OR RO OS S K KO OR RR RE ES S, , V Vi ic ce e P Pr r... more P Pr re es si id de en nt t T TH HE EO OD DO OR RO OS S K KO OR RR RE ES S, , V Vi ic ce e P Pr re es si id de en nt t, , A AR RI IS ST TO OT TE EL LI IS S M ME EN NT TZ ZO OS S, , S SI IM ME EO ON N P PA AS SC CH HA AL LI ID DI IS S, , D DA AF FN NI I P PA AP PA AD DA AT TO OU U, , M Me em mb be er rs s
Masters by Alexandra Karagianni
Publications (byzantinology) by Alexandra Karagianni
Dynastic Change: Legitimacy and Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Monarchy, 2019
Domus Byzantinus, A Periodical of Medieval Greek History and Civilization,, v. 27/2019, 2019
Ο Ευαγγελισμός της Θεοτόκου αποτελεί την έναρξη του μυστηρίου της Θείας Ενάρκωσης και μία από τις... more Ο Ευαγγελισμός της Θεοτόκου αποτελεί την έναρξη του μυστηρίου της Θείας Ενάρκωσης και μία από τις σπουδαιότερες εορτές της χριστιανοσύνης. Περιγράφεται στο Κατά Λουκάν Ευαγγέλιο και στα τρία απόκρυφα Ευαγγέλια, το Πρωτευαγγέλιο του Ιακώβου, το Ευαγγέλιο του Ψευδο-Ματθαίου και το Αρμενικό Ευαγγέλιο και απεικονίζεται σε πληθώρα χριστιανικών μεσαιωνικών εκκλησιών και παρεκκλησίων τόσο στην Ανατολή όσο και στη Δύση. Από το σύνολο των απεικονίσεων της σκηνής σε εξωκκλήσια της Γαλλίας που χρονολογούνται μεταξύ του 13ου και 15ου αιώνα έχουν επιλεγεί στο άρθρο αυτό επτά χαρακτηριστικά παραδείγματα που προέρχονται από την κεντρική, νοτιοανατολική και νοτιοδυτική Γαλλία (Saint-Michel στο Rocamadour, Saint-Bonnet στο Saint-Bonnet-Le-Château, Saint-Sébastien στο Lanslevillard, Notre-Dame de Bon Coeur στο Lucéram, Saint-Jacques-de-Prelles στο Saint-Martin de Queyrières, Notre-Dame del Poggio στη Saorge και Notre-Dame des Fontaines στη Brigue). Εδώ επιχειρείται μία εικονογραφική μελέτη των τριών προσώπων του Ευαγγελισμού, της Παναγίας, του αρχαγγέλου Γαβριήλ και του Αγίου Πνεύματος καθώς και του χώρου όπου διαδραματίζεται η σκηνή, και επισημαίνονται οι διαφορές στον τρόπο απόδοσης της σκηνής σύμφωνα με τη βυζαντινή και τη δυτική καλλιτεχνική παράδοση.
The paper aims to explore the different environmental conditions that favored the development of ... more The paper aims to explore the different environmental conditions that favored the development of wool and silk trade in England and Byzantium, respectively, and to study the economic, political, religious and cultural dimensions of it. Wool was the most important source of wealth in medieval England and the principal means of financing the Hundred Years' War between England and France. Wool manufacturing had a great impact on the society and provided an important foundation for medieval urbanization. Byzantium, on the other hand, established a monopolistic imperial silk weaving industry from the fourth century onwards. The Byzantines demonstrated their technological superiority in silk art crafts and impressed the West that assimilated it and tried to imitate it.
Porphyra XXI, International academic journal in Byzantine studies, Jun 2014
Les scènes de rêves sont assez fréquemment représentées dans les coupoles et sur les murs du vest... more Les scènes de rêves sont assez fréquemment représentées dans les coupoles et sur les murs du vestibule et du narthex des églises de l’époque des Paléologues. Cependant, nous pouvons isoler des différences entre les rêves de l’Ancien Testament et ceux du Nouveau Testament. Les rêves de l’Ancien Testament (l’échelle de Jacob, les rêves de Joseph, de Nabuchodonosor, de Pharaon et de ses serviteurs) sont allégoriques ou prophétiques et exigent l’aide d’un divinateur pour être interprétés. Par contre, les rêves du Nouveau Testament sont clairs et transmettent les ordres de Dieu ou résolvent des situations difficiles. Ils n’exigent pas d’interprétation pour être compréhensibles. Concernant la représentation des rêves dans la peinture byzantine, nous pouvons donc conclure qu’elle se compose le plus souvent du dormant, de l'intermédiaire qui porte le message (prophètes, anges, saints) et des scènes concernant le rêve et son interprétation.
The Proconnesian marble trade was an organized system of production and exportation that was prim... more The Proconnesian marble trade was an organized system of production and exportation that was primarily based on the planning of quarrying methods with proper tools and the creation of storage areas at the quarries and in the marble-yards of the importing cities. The tools used by the craftsmen were mainly the quarry-picks, with which the artisans cut out narrow trenches around the blocks so as to remove them from the parent rock. Besides this method, the Proconnesian craftsmen also used the method of splitting by wedges (Asgari 1988: 115-121).
After the extraction of the marble blocks from the parent-rock, the blocks were carried with wooden or metal rollers to an area right in front of the quarry, where they were dressed into a regular rectangular shape. The rectangular blocks were afterwards loaded on wooden carriages pulled by oxen, arrived at the harbour and were shipped to the Aegean and Mediterranean markets. The sea transport was done by big cargo boats upon which were loaded the smaller marble blocks, whilst the bigger ones – in order to be lighter – were hung in the water with wooden beams, which were supported by two other cargo boats (Ward-Perkins 1992: 16-17).
Publications (evidence based medicine) by Alexandra Karagianni
Diabet Med 2019 Feb 21, 2019
Publications (history of medicine) by Alexandra Karagianni
The beneficial effects of athletics and gymnastics for young people and older individuals are men... more The beneficial effects of athletics and gymnastics for young people and older individuals are mentioned in articles published in the Greek medical journals Asklipios and Health as well as in many other publications of the interwar years. The exercises proposed by doctors differ according to age and sex. Physical exercise should aim at the balanced development of both physical and mental functions. Greek scientists of this period accentuated the advantages of sports and gymnastics and encouraged young people to exercise their bodies. They believed that exercise increased muscular strength and appetite, reinforced respiratory function, and improved blood circulation and digestion. Physical exercise also helped people to acquire self-discipline, a strong character, braveness, and peace of mind, in addition to helping the body become more adaptive to environmental changes.
Ο Μαρίνος Γερουλάνος (1867-1960) διακεκριμένος καθηγητής χειρουργικής και ακαδημαϊκός συγκαταλέγε... more Ο Μαρίνος Γερουλάνος (1867-1960) διακεκριμένος καθηγητής χειρουργικής και ακαδημαϊκός συγκαταλέγεται ανάμεσα στους κορυφαίους Έλληνες ιατρούς του 20ου αιώνα. Υπήρξε άριστος παιδαγωγός και διακρίθηκε για τη φιλοπονία, την εργατικότητα και την ανιδιοτελή προσφορά του στο κοινωνικό σύνολο. Αποφοίτησε από την Ιατρική Σχολή του Μονάχου το 1892 και σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα πήρε τον τίτλο του διδάκτορα με την παθολογοανατομική εργασία "Περί μεταστατικών κακοηθών νεοπλασιών του εγκεφάλου". Παρακολούθησε μαθήματα Γενικής Ιατρικής στο Βερολίνο κοντά σε διάσημους καθηγητές. Εργάστηκε σε διάφορες πανεπιστημιακές κλινικές της Γερμανίας ως βοηθός σημαντικών προσωπικοτήτων της ιατρικής, όπως ο Virchow και ο Helferich.
Hypnosis is described in several articles in the Greek journal Psychiatric and Neurological Revie... more Hypnosis is described in several articles in the Greek journal Psychiatric and Neurological Review, which circulated for almost 10 years at the beginning of the 20th century. During this period, hypnosis was established as a therapeutic method in medicine with widespread clinical application. Hypnosis is a technique through which an individual can better understand himself and can gain more efficient control over his psychological and physiological functions. The principal stages in the history of hypnosis are reviewed here, starting from ancient Greek medicine and proceeding to the forerunners of Mesmer and the entire hypnological movement of the nineteenth century. The French doctors A. Liebeault, Liegeois and E. Berillon took the most significant steps in the treatment of hypnosis. Numerous cases of people suffering from alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, nightmares and every kind of psychosis or neurosis were successfully treated with the use of hypnosis.
P Pr re es si id de en nt t T TH HE EO OD DO OR RO OS S K KO OR RR RE ES S, , V Vi ic ce e P Pr r... more P Pr re es si id de en nt t T TH HE EO OD DO OR RO OS S K KO OR RR RE ES S, , V Vi ic ce e P Pr re es si id de en nt t, , A AR RI IS ST TO OT TE EL LI IS S M ME EN NT TZ ZO OS S, , S SI IM ME EO ON N P PA AS SC CH HA AL LI ID DI IS S, , D DA AF FN NI I P PA AP PA AD DA AT TO OU U, , M Me em mb be er rs s
Dynastic Change: Legitimacy and Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Monarchy, 2019
Domus Byzantinus, A Periodical of Medieval Greek History and Civilization,, v. 27/2019, 2019
Ο Ευαγγελισμός της Θεοτόκου αποτελεί την έναρξη του μυστηρίου της Θείας Ενάρκωσης και μία από τις... more Ο Ευαγγελισμός της Θεοτόκου αποτελεί την έναρξη του μυστηρίου της Θείας Ενάρκωσης και μία από τις σπουδαιότερες εορτές της χριστιανοσύνης. Περιγράφεται στο Κατά Λουκάν Ευαγγέλιο και στα τρία απόκρυφα Ευαγγέλια, το Πρωτευαγγέλιο του Ιακώβου, το Ευαγγέλιο του Ψευδο-Ματθαίου και το Αρμενικό Ευαγγέλιο και απεικονίζεται σε πληθώρα χριστιανικών μεσαιωνικών εκκλησιών και παρεκκλησίων τόσο στην Ανατολή όσο και στη Δύση. Από το σύνολο των απεικονίσεων της σκηνής σε εξωκκλήσια της Γαλλίας που χρονολογούνται μεταξύ του 13ου και 15ου αιώνα έχουν επιλεγεί στο άρθρο αυτό επτά χαρακτηριστικά παραδείγματα που προέρχονται από την κεντρική, νοτιοανατολική και νοτιοδυτική Γαλλία (Saint-Michel στο Rocamadour, Saint-Bonnet στο Saint-Bonnet-Le-Château, Saint-Sébastien στο Lanslevillard, Notre-Dame de Bon Coeur στο Lucéram, Saint-Jacques-de-Prelles στο Saint-Martin de Queyrières, Notre-Dame del Poggio στη Saorge και Notre-Dame des Fontaines στη Brigue). Εδώ επιχειρείται μία εικονογραφική μελέτη των τριών προσώπων του Ευαγγελισμού, της Παναγίας, του αρχαγγέλου Γαβριήλ και του Αγίου Πνεύματος καθώς και του χώρου όπου διαδραματίζεται η σκηνή, και επισημαίνονται οι διαφορές στον τρόπο απόδοσης της σκηνής σύμφωνα με τη βυζαντινή και τη δυτική καλλιτεχνική παράδοση.
The paper aims to explore the different environmental conditions that favored the development of ... more The paper aims to explore the different environmental conditions that favored the development of wool and silk trade in England and Byzantium, respectively, and to study the economic, political, religious and cultural dimensions of it. Wool was the most important source of wealth in medieval England and the principal means of financing the Hundred Years' War between England and France. Wool manufacturing had a great impact on the society and provided an important foundation for medieval urbanization. Byzantium, on the other hand, established a monopolistic imperial silk weaving industry from the fourth century onwards. The Byzantines demonstrated their technological superiority in silk art crafts and impressed the West that assimilated it and tried to imitate it.
Porphyra XXI, International academic journal in Byzantine studies, Jun 2014
Les scènes de rêves sont assez fréquemment représentées dans les coupoles et sur les murs du vest... more Les scènes de rêves sont assez fréquemment représentées dans les coupoles et sur les murs du vestibule et du narthex des églises de l’époque des Paléologues. Cependant, nous pouvons isoler des différences entre les rêves de l’Ancien Testament et ceux du Nouveau Testament. Les rêves de l’Ancien Testament (l’échelle de Jacob, les rêves de Joseph, de Nabuchodonosor, de Pharaon et de ses serviteurs) sont allégoriques ou prophétiques et exigent l’aide d’un divinateur pour être interprétés. Par contre, les rêves du Nouveau Testament sont clairs et transmettent les ordres de Dieu ou résolvent des situations difficiles. Ils n’exigent pas d’interprétation pour être compréhensibles. Concernant la représentation des rêves dans la peinture byzantine, nous pouvons donc conclure qu’elle se compose le plus souvent du dormant, de l'intermédiaire qui porte le message (prophètes, anges, saints) et des scènes concernant le rêve et son interprétation.
The Proconnesian marble trade was an organized system of production and exportation that was prim... more The Proconnesian marble trade was an organized system of production and exportation that was primarily based on the planning of quarrying methods with proper tools and the creation of storage areas at the quarries and in the marble-yards of the importing cities. The tools used by the craftsmen were mainly the quarry-picks, with which the artisans cut out narrow trenches around the blocks so as to remove them from the parent rock. Besides this method, the Proconnesian craftsmen also used the method of splitting by wedges (Asgari 1988: 115-121).
After the extraction of the marble blocks from the parent-rock, the blocks were carried with wooden or metal rollers to an area right in front of the quarry, where they were dressed into a regular rectangular shape. The rectangular blocks were afterwards loaded on wooden carriages pulled by oxen, arrived at the harbour and were shipped to the Aegean and Mediterranean markets. The sea transport was done by big cargo boats upon which were loaded the smaller marble blocks, whilst the bigger ones – in order to be lighter – were hung in the water with wooden beams, which were supported by two other cargo boats (Ward-Perkins 1992: 16-17).
Diabet Med 2019 Feb 21, 2019
The beneficial effects of athletics and gymnastics for young people and older individuals are men... more The beneficial effects of athletics and gymnastics for young people and older individuals are mentioned in articles published in the Greek medical journals Asklipios and Health as well as in many other publications of the interwar years. The exercises proposed by doctors differ according to age and sex. Physical exercise should aim at the balanced development of both physical and mental functions. Greek scientists of this period accentuated the advantages of sports and gymnastics and encouraged young people to exercise their bodies. They believed that exercise increased muscular strength and appetite, reinforced respiratory function, and improved blood circulation and digestion. Physical exercise also helped people to acquire self-discipline, a strong character, braveness, and peace of mind, in addition to helping the body become more adaptive to environmental changes.
Ο Μαρίνος Γερουλάνος (1867-1960) διακεκριμένος καθηγητής χειρουργικής και ακαδημαϊκός συγκαταλέγε... more Ο Μαρίνος Γερουλάνος (1867-1960) διακεκριμένος καθηγητής χειρουργικής και ακαδημαϊκός συγκαταλέγεται ανάμεσα στους κορυφαίους Έλληνες ιατρούς του 20ου αιώνα. Υπήρξε άριστος παιδαγωγός και διακρίθηκε για τη φιλοπονία, την εργατικότητα και την ανιδιοτελή προσφορά του στο κοινωνικό σύνολο. Αποφοίτησε από την Ιατρική Σχολή του Μονάχου το 1892 και σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα πήρε τον τίτλο του διδάκτορα με την παθολογοανατομική εργασία "Περί μεταστατικών κακοηθών νεοπλασιών του εγκεφάλου". Παρακολούθησε μαθήματα Γενικής Ιατρικής στο Βερολίνο κοντά σε διάσημους καθηγητές. Εργάστηκε σε διάφορες πανεπιστημιακές κλινικές της Γερμανίας ως βοηθός σημαντικών προσωπικοτήτων της ιατρικής, όπως ο Virchow και ο Helferich.
Hypnosis is described in several articles in the Greek journal Psychiatric and Neurological Revie... more Hypnosis is described in several articles in the Greek journal Psychiatric and Neurological Review, which circulated for almost 10 years at the beginning of the 20th century. During this period, hypnosis was established as a therapeutic method in medicine with widespread clinical application. Hypnosis is a technique through which an individual can better understand himself and can gain more efficient control over his psychological and physiological functions. The principal stages in the history of hypnosis are reviewed here, starting from ancient Greek medicine and proceeding to the forerunners of Mesmer and the entire hypnological movement of the nineteenth century. The French doctors A. Liebeault, Liegeois and E. Berillon took the most significant steps in the treatment of hypnosis. Numerous cases of people suffering from alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, nightmares and every kind of psychosis or neurosis were successfully treated with the use of hypnosis.
In general tourism provides a better knowledge of people and an appreciation of the cultural heri... more In general tourism provides a better knowledge of people and an appreciation of the cultural heritage of other countries. These two parameters build a good level of international understanding and improve the ideal of world peace. The management of an archaeological site is based on three main aspects, considered as key factors: conservation of the archaeological items, relation with the local population and tourism development of the region.
Dispilio is one of the most important Neolithic sites and the oldest of its kind in Europe. It is also the first prehistoric lakeside settlement to be excavated in Greece. It is situated at the site Nisi (island), on the southern shore of Kastoria lake. It was accidentally discovered in 1932 by Professor of prehistoric archaeology A. Keramopoulos, when after a dry winter, the lake level fell and remains of wooden piles became visible. Systematic excavation and research started in 1992 by Professor of prehistoric archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki G. Hourmouziadis and teams of students.A short distance from the archaeological site, an archaeological park was erected.
Kastoria is a lakeside city in northern Greece with unique beauty and long Byzantine history. The name of the city is first mentioned in 200 BC by the Roman historian Titus Livius when it was conquered by the Romans. Kastoria was rebuilt by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian II in the mid-sixth century and it was later conquered by the Normans, Bulgarians, Serbs and Ottomans. All these years Kastoria has kept its national identity and became an important center of trade and culture. Kastoria has 75 Byzantine and Post-Byzantine churches, 26 mansions and several museums. Two of the most important Byzantine churches are the tricorn church of Panagia Koumbelidiki with the characteristic tall dome and the church of the Monastery of Panagia Mavriotissa, a single-space wooden-roofed basilica with the significant fresco of the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Comnenos in the exterior.
The fourteenth-century Pseudo-Kodinos is split into two sections: the offices and the ceremonies.... more The fourteenth-century Pseudo-Kodinos is split into two sections: the offices and the ceremonies. In this edition Ruth Macrides, J.A. Munitiz, and Dimiter Angelov provide additional information concerning the eighty-two offices and dignities, as well as the ceremonies of the Byzantine Court of the fourteenth century. These titles have ecclesiastic, military, or administrative service that give extensive privileges, great prestige, and power to their holders, although some of them fell gradually into disuse or were devalued. The authors also review the developments that took place from the tenth to the fourteen century in the area of offices, attire, insignia, hats and gear of the officials, from the emperor to the least title holder. The authors make a valuable contribution to future research by creating an orderly record of all the offices and ceremonies of the Byzantine Empire.