Andreas Veglis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (original) (raw)

Books by Andreas Veglis

Research paper thumbnail of Practicing Local Data Journalism: Opportunities and Obstacles

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Sixth Edition, 2023

The use of local data journalism has the power to fundamentally change local news. Local journali... more The use of local data journalism has the power to fundamentally change local news. Local journalists can find vital insights, spot trends, and shed light on significant issues that have an impact on their communities by utilizing the power of data analysis, visualization, and narrative. This article studies the many facets and difficulties of local data journalism. The discussion highlights the fundamental role of training and possession of abilities in order to gather, evaluate, and present data in a way that appeals to regional audiences. Other areas that relate to local data journalism are also discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Search Engine Optimization

Future Internet Book, 2021

The introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW), 25 years ago, has considerably altered the manner i... more The introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW), 25 years ago, has considerably altered the
manner in which people obtain information. Soon after the introduction of the WWW, it was evident
that traditional browsing was totally insufficient for internet users to locate the information that
interests them. This need was covered with the development of search engines. Today, search engines
play one of the most important roles in disseminating content. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a
collection of strategies that improves a website’s presence and visibility on a search engine’s results
page (SERP). In other words, the higher and more frequently a site appears in search results, the more
visitors it will receive through the use of search engines. The importance of SEO can be understood by
the fact that many web sites today receive the majority of their web traffic through a search engine’s
organic results.
The methods that SEO includes can be divided into four major categories: keyword
research/selection, search engine indexing, on-page optimization, and off-page optimization. On-page
optimization includes the management of all factors associated directly with someone’s website (e.g.,
keywords, appropriate content, and internal link structure), while off-page optimization includes all
the efforts made away from the website such as link building or social signal strategy. Undeniably, the
world of search engine optimization has changed and evolved drastically over the years with a shift
away from traditional ranking factors towards deeper analysis, and factors such as quality, multi-form
content, and social signals. However, even though SEO has changed a lot, it remains an important part
of any digital marketing strategy.
This special issue is soliciting theoretical and case studies contributions, discussing and treating
challenges, state-of-the-art technology, and solutions on search engine optimization, including, but not
limited to, the following themes related to SEO: Theory of SEO, different types of SEO, SEO criteria
evaluation, search engines’ algorithms, social media and SEO, SEO applications in various industries,
SEO in media web sites, etc. Through invited and open call submissions, a total of five excellent articles
have been accepted, following a rigorous review process that required a minimum of three reviews
and at least one revision round for each paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet Regulation and Online Censorship

Censorship, Surveillance, and Privacy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2019

This paper explores the development of Internet regulation policies worldwide since the birth of ... more This paper explores the development of Internet regulation policies worldwide since the birth of the World Wide Web, describes the advantages and disadvantages of the main filtering methods in use today, and presents two of the most important Internet Regulation Systems (IRS) implemented in authoritarian regimes and Western democracies around the globe. Moreover, the authors propose the conduction of well-designed surveys worldwide in order to measure Internet User's opinion and use such results as a starting point for developing a fair "Internet Regulation System" (fair IRS) in the future. Last, the authors introduce a new online tool for conducting related surveys, project.

Research paper thumbnail of The Politicization of Selfie Journalism: An Empirical Study to Parliamentary Elections

Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed) Journalism and Ethics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 2019

While the phenomenon of selfie photographs in the media has been extensively analysed by academic... more While the phenomenon of selfie photographs in the media has been extensively analysed by academics, Selfie Journalism was recently introduced and constitutes one of the most notable phenomena within the digital media environment, raising a number of issues relating to notions of infotainment and impartial reporting, especially in 'difficult' sectors, such as politics. This paper identifies the specific characteristics of Selfie Journalism in political reporting. Based on both quantitative and qualitative research, the study analyses these characteristics in the period of parliamentary elections of 2016 in Cyprus. The aim of the study is dual: first, to examine the extensive use of Selfie Journalism by candidates themselves in political campaigning and, secondly, to examine the impact of this phenomenon upon the media and, in turn, media engagement in such political tactics. The greater scope of this study evolves around the argument that Selfie Journalism, as a new species of participatory journalism, has penetrated the media in an effort to attract larger audiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Crisis Reporting

EJTA Teacher's Conference 2018, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Social Media

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy, 2018

Social media are online tools and services that support creation and sharing of information (text... more Social media are online tools and services that support creation and sharing of information (text, pictures, sounds, and videos) in virtual communities and networks. Social networking is the most widely used service of social media....

Research paper thumbnail of Google

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy , 2018

This entry reviews the history of Google before examining its products and services, which includ... more This entry reviews the history of Google before examining its products and services, which include a search engine and various productivity and social media tools, the operating systems associated with Google, and the company’s advertising program.

Research paper thumbnail of Email

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy, 2018

Electronic mail (email) is one of the oldest and most widely used Internet services. It involves ... more Electronic mail (email) is one of the oldest and most widely used Internet services. It involves the exchange of digital messages among two or more Internet users. Every day billions of email messages are exchanged between users. Email service is supported by special servers that are called email servers. These servers...

Research paper thumbnail of Search Engine Optimization

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition (Chapter 700), 2018

In this article, we will discuss at length the subject of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), its d... more In this article, we will discuss at length the subject of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), its different characteristics and why basic SEO knowledge is considered as a useful tool for any web business. The article will address both the theoretical and practical issues related to the design and implementation of SEO and also will cover previous research done on this topic. In order to give a better understanding of the importance of SEO in the current state of the Internet and in information search, basic knowledge of how search engines operate along with their recent updates will also be provided. The development of World Wide Web (Web 2.0) along with the growth of search engines over the last decade has brought significant changes in web content. In this context, we will see how SEO has evolved over the years since mid 90's when it first emerged. Nowadays, social media and social signals have increasingly become one of the many factors search engines take seriously into account, which is another issue that this article will address.

Research paper thumbnail of Περιβαλλοντική Επικοινωνία με εφαρμογή σε διαδικτυακούς τόπους ΜΜΕ

Περιβαλλοντική Επικοινωνία με εφαρμογή σε διαδικτυακούς τόπους ΜΜΕ, Νίκος Αντωνόπουλος & Ανδρέας ... more Περιβαλλοντική Επικοινωνία με εφαρμογή σε διαδικτυακούς τόπους ΜΜΕ, Νίκος Αντωνόπουλος & Ανδρέας Βέγλης, Kεφάλαιο σε συλλογικό τόμο με τίτλο: "Περιβαλλοντική Δημοσιογραφία και Επικοινωνία". 2016. Εκδόσεις Ζυγός. Θεσσαλονίκη. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3963.3049. ISBN 978-618-5063-12-2.

Research paper thumbnail of Augmenting user interaction experience through embedded multimodal media agents in social networking environments

In J. Sahlin (Ed.), Social Media and the Transformation of Interaction in Society (pp. 188-209). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

The current chapter proposes media agent and multi-agent models aiming at improving mediated comm... more The current chapter proposes media agent and multi-agent models aiming at improving mediated communication and information exchange in social networking. A lot of progress has been conducted during the last decades in Information and Communication Technologies, which is also reflected in social media. The proposed models take advantage of the latest media technologies for the augmentation of user-interaction and contribution experience in multiple levels. Features of the suggested agent and multi-agent approaches are discussed and elaborated through the prism of social computing, social media analytics and intelligence, resulting to a sophisticated communication mediator between users and social groups. In addition, enhanced user engagement and collaboration are considered in terms of rich media experience and augmented reality, semantic interaction services, intelligent content processing and management automation over interoperable multiplatform environments. Social media cooperation and integration is envisioned towards the realization of Web 3.0 and beyond, as the main chapter contribution.

Research paper thumbnail of The Verification Handbook-Ελληνική έκδοση

«Στο σημερινό ψηφιακό περιβάλλον, όπου κυκλοφορούν φήμες και ψεύτικο περιεχόμενο, οι δημοσιογράφο... more «Στο σημερινό ψηφιακό περιβάλλον, όπου κυκλοφορούν φήμες και ψεύτικο περιεχόμενο, οι δημοσιογράφοι χρειάζεται να μπορούν ενεργώς να ξεχωρίζουν το αληθινό, αυθεντικό (δημοσιογραφικό) υλικό από το ψεύτικο. Το πρωτοποριακό αυτό εγχειρίδιο είναι απαραίτητο να διαβαστεί από δημοσιογράφους που διαχειρίζονται όλων των τύπων περιεχόμενο που έχει δημιουργηθεί στο διαδίκτυο από χρήστες (User Generated Content-UGC).» - Wilfried Ruetten, Διευθυντής, (Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Δημοσιογραφίας (The European Journalism Centre -EJC)
«Μια ακριβής πληροφορία μπορεί να αποτελέσει βοήθεια ακόμα και για τη σωτηρία μιας ζωής κατά τη διάρκεια μιας ανθρωπιστικής κρίσης, αλλά οι συνθήκες μέσα στις οποίες τέτοιες κρίσεις αναδύονται είναι συνήθως οι δυσκολότερε ςόσον αφορά στη συγκέντρωση αξιόπιστων πληροφοριών. Το βιβλίο αυτό θα βοηθήσει όχι μόνο τους δημοσιογράφους αλλά και οποιονδήποτε δουλεύει επί τόπου σε ανθρωπιστικές καταστάσεις να επιβεβαιώσει τα γεγονότα που συμβαίνουν στο πεδίο δράσης.» - William Spindler, Εκπρόσωπος, Ύπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ για τους Πρόσφυγες (The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -UNHCR)
«Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό θα είναι απαραίτητο σε δημοσιογράφους που καλύπτουν συγκρούσεις ανάμεσα σε θρησκείες ή εθνότητες, βοηθώντας στη διεξαγωγή του ρεπορτάζ με έναν πιο ισορροπημένο, διάφανο και ακριβή τρόπο και εντέλει, βοηθώντας στην εκτόνωση των όποιων εντάσεων μεταξύ και εντός των κοινοτήτων.» - Matthew Hodes, Διευθυντής, Συμμαχία των Πολιτισμών του ΟΗΕ (The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations -UNAOC)
«Σε αυτούς τους καιρούς, το να γνωρίζει κάποιος τι είναι αληθινό και πώς να επιβεβαιώνει τις ειδήσεις και άλλου είδους πληροφορίες, είναι βασικό. Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό παρέχει απαραίτητα εργαλεία για οποιονδήποτε, για τη δημοσιογραφία αλλά και για τον πελάτη–καταναλωτή.» - Howard Finberg, Διευθυντής των Συμμαχιών και των Συνεργασιών για την Εκπαίδευση (Training Partnerships and Alliances), Ινστιτούτο Poynter
«Η σωστή λήψη των γεγονότων αποτελεί μια θεμελιώδη αρχή της δημοσιογραφίας, αλλά τα μέσα ενημέρωσης αγωνίζονται να μείνουν ιδεολογικά σωστά όταν συμβαίνει μια μεγάλη έκτακτη είδηση. Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό βοηθάει τους δημιουργούς των ειδήσεων (newsmakers) να μείνουν πιστοί στην αλήθεια -ακόμα και αν οι εικασίες στο διαδίκτυο είναι ανεξέλεγκτες.» - Aidan White, Διευθυντής, Δημοσιογραφικό Δίκτυο για τη Δεοντολογία (The Ethical Journalism Network -EJN)
«Όλα έχουν να κάνουν με τη σωστή πληροφορία, τη σωστή στιγμή, στο σωστό μέρος. Όταν υπάρχει περιορισμένη πρόσβαση στις πληγείσες από την καταστροφή περιοχές, είναι σημαντικό για τους εθελοντές να συγκεντρώνουν αποτελεσματικά πληροφορίες μέσω των κοινωνικών δικτύων. Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό θα ήταν χρήσιμο για εθελοντές που δουλεύουν στο πεδίο των εξελίξεων καθώς επίσης και στους διαδικτυακούς εθελοντές.» - Christoph Dennenmoser, Team Lead Urgent Needs, Humanity Road Inc.

Research paper thumbnail of Green websites: Organizations - Portals - Newspapers - Magazines & TV

The climate change is primarily caused by the greenhouse effect that increases through human acti... more The climate change is primarily caused by the greenhouse effect that increases through human activities and more specifically by carbon dioxide (CO2). This mainly happens because of the human need to produce more energy, so it can be used in services and in production. Obviously WWW is part of the problem since it is supported by a large number of data centers, which main function is to provide guaranteed reliable service, security and connectivity to the rest of the Internet via a high-capacity backbone. Data centers consume significant amounts of energy. According to News York Times data centers in the United States consume more than 1 billion watts of electricity each year. The aim of this book is to study possible methods that can be applied to media websites in order to reduce power consumption and to educate internet users on environmental issues. Some of the issues that the study addresses are: Whether the servers are powered by renewable sources of energy, the ecological graphic design of the websites, and the existence of energy saving mode, the prevention of printing articles, whether newspapers inform their readers about environmental issues and the interdependence or participation in actions related to environment protection.

Research paper thumbnail of Audiovisual Hypermedia in the Semantic Web

The rapid evolution of digital technology, among others, has revolutionized multimodal content pr... more The rapid evolution of digital technology, among others, has revolutionized multimodal content production and distribution processes, propelling novel mediated communication services. Interactive media authoring and sharing technologies are currently being launched, bringing forward new ways of audiovisual (AV) content exchange. Web documentaries (web-docs) and hypermedia have appeared as a natural extension of filmed documentaries and digital TV, inheriting also some of their advantages. Narrative documentaries adopt AV mediated communication mechanisms that humans have been accustomed to be informed and communicate with each other, so that they are more informative and vivid compared to other documents (books, web-pages, multimedia, etc.). Thus, AV-documentaries and especially web-docs can be more easily distributed and attended from most ages and social groups (Dimoulas, Kalliris, Chatzara, Tsipas, & Papanikolaou, 2014a; Kotsakis, Kalliris & Dimoulas, 2012; Veglis, Dimoulas & Kalliris, 2014). Moreover, the continuous evolution of the computing power and the digital storage media, favor digital video production and distribution. This is also fuelled by the increased network speed, the efficiency of the contemporary compression algorithms and the continuous decrease of the corresponding costs (Kotsakis et al., 2012; Dimoulas, Kalliris & Veglis, 2014). High quality AV capturing equipment is currently available at low cost and size as part of smart phones and other mobile computing terminals with inherent networking capabilities, allowing easy AV-content production, contribution and sharing (Atzori, Delgado & Giusto, 2012; Dimoulas et al., 2014a; 2014b; Veglis et al. 2014). In this context, more and more users are involved in the AV production and consumption chain, so that creative experience and AV media culture are cultivated. Nevertheless, AV media related achievements are still far from the progress that has been made in textual information management during the outspread of social media and Web 2.0 services.

Interactive services have also been introduced into the AV production industry, aiming at augmenting human-machine interaction (HMI). AV content is enhanced in functional and informative level, further stimulating users to actively participate in arousing interactive scenarios. While the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 is ongoing, intelligent AV-content processing and management services are pursued, facilitating users’ participation on semantically enhanced hypermedia authoring and collaborative multichannel media publishing. Although hypermedia technologies are rapidly evolving, there are still open challenges regarding upcoming semantic web services (De Bra, Freyne, & Berkovsky, 2013; Dimoulas et al., 2014a; 2014b; Kanellopoulos, 2012; Monaghan, Handschuh, & O'Sullivan, 2011; Veglis et al. 2014). The current article examines current trends and future perspectives of AV hypermedia (AVH), considering all the forms of non-linear storytelling (web-docs, multichannel media publishing, etc.) and the associated hypermedia authoring counterparts. Background is presented providing basic definitions, involved technology, achieved progress and limitations. Recommendations and future research direction are then stated, aiming at serving a two-folded target. Firstly, to present new, user-friendly forms of collaborative creativity, hypermedia authoring and storytelling that current technology allows to be successfully deployed. Secondly, to suggest innovative adaptation mechanisms that can be utilized in both the AVH production and consumption ends, allowing for intelligent media management and augmented semantic interaction services to be launched. In this context, the importance of AVH toward the transition to the Web 3.0 era is revealed.

Research paper thumbnail of The Data Journalism Handbook - Ελληνική Έκδοση

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Mobile Cloud-Based Technologies in News Reporting: Current Trends and Future Perspectives

Cloud Computing is one of the most rapidly evolving technologies available today that offers the ... more Cloud Computing is one of the most rapidly evolving technologies available today that offers the possibility of multimedia content exploitation with rich media experience. Cloud computing users have the flexibility to enjoy media content independently of time and space. Multimedia cloud computing encompasses technology, multimedia data and community contribution, offering augmented multimodal interaction and advanced processing services to the users. Mobile multimedia resources can now be accessed through the cloud practically at anytime and from anywhere, facing contemporary demands for information access and process, thus perfectly matching to the nature of news media. Such features are very favorable in online journalism and specifically in news reporting services. The current book chapter aims at presenting technological and application-oriented trends in cloud-based mobile news reporting both at journalists’ (news producers) and users’ (news consumers) sides. Future and emerging perspectives, such as ubiquitous and pervasive computing, incorporating context and location aware services in semantic interaction modes, are also described from the news-reporting point of view.

Research paper thumbnail of Online Newspapers in Greece: the Evolution of a Digital Genre

At an era of great disillusionment about the quality of journalism produced by traditional media,... more At an era of great disillusionment about the quality of journalism produced by traditional media, the Internet appeared as a revolutionary tool in the formation of the public sphere and culture at large. Its proponents argue that the Internet’s nature is characterized by a freedom of activity and thought. Due to the particular attributes of online news provided by technology and low publishing costs, thousands of people and organizations are allowed to self-publish and millions more have the opportunity to read alternative content outside the mainstream. However, there is increased evidence that large corporate portals and media trademarks are dominating online attention for news.
Greek people are not enthusiastic consumers of online news, firstly due to decreased interest in public affairs, and secondly due to low adoption rates of new technologies in their everyday lives. So what is the added value offered by greek online editions that would make a reluctant population to eventually turn to digital news? Drawing upon genre theory, the paper attempts to trace the evolution of the greek online newspaper. The websites of Ethnos, Ta Nea and Eleuferotypia are put into scrutiny in order to investigate: (a) how have greek newspaper websites evolved over time, and (b) how has the rationale of the online editions been shaped since their inception.

Research paper thumbnail of The Handbook of Global Online  Journalism

Research paper thumbnail of Workflow Management for Cross-Media  Publishing

Research paper thumbnail of Νέες Μορφές Ενημέρωσης

Research paper thumbnail of Practicing Local Data Journalism: Opportunities and Obstacles

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Sixth Edition, 2023

The use of local data journalism has the power to fundamentally change local news. Local journali... more The use of local data journalism has the power to fundamentally change local news. Local journalists can find vital insights, spot trends, and shed light on significant issues that have an impact on their communities by utilizing the power of data analysis, visualization, and narrative. This article studies the many facets and difficulties of local data journalism. The discussion highlights the fundamental role of training and possession of abilities in order to gather, evaluate, and present data in a way that appeals to regional audiences. Other areas that relate to local data journalism are also discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Search Engine Optimization

Future Internet Book, 2021

The introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW), 25 years ago, has considerably altered the manner i... more The introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW), 25 years ago, has considerably altered the
manner in which people obtain information. Soon after the introduction of the WWW, it was evident
that traditional browsing was totally insufficient for internet users to locate the information that
interests them. This need was covered with the development of search engines. Today, search engines
play one of the most important roles in disseminating content. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a
collection of strategies that improves a website’s presence and visibility on a search engine’s results
page (SERP). In other words, the higher and more frequently a site appears in search results, the more
visitors it will receive through the use of search engines. The importance of SEO can be understood by
the fact that many web sites today receive the majority of their web traffic through a search engine’s
organic results.
The methods that SEO includes can be divided into four major categories: keyword
research/selection, search engine indexing, on-page optimization, and off-page optimization. On-page
optimization includes the management of all factors associated directly with someone’s website (e.g.,
keywords, appropriate content, and internal link structure), while off-page optimization includes all
the efforts made away from the website such as link building or social signal strategy. Undeniably, the
world of search engine optimization has changed and evolved drastically over the years with a shift
away from traditional ranking factors towards deeper analysis, and factors such as quality, multi-form
content, and social signals. However, even though SEO has changed a lot, it remains an important part
of any digital marketing strategy.
This special issue is soliciting theoretical and case studies contributions, discussing and treating
challenges, state-of-the-art technology, and solutions on search engine optimization, including, but not
limited to, the following themes related to SEO: Theory of SEO, different types of SEO, SEO criteria
evaluation, search engines’ algorithms, social media and SEO, SEO applications in various industries,
SEO in media web sites, etc. Through invited and open call submissions, a total of five excellent articles
have been accepted, following a rigorous review process that required a minimum of three reviews
and at least one revision round for each paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet Regulation and Online Censorship

Censorship, Surveillance, and Privacy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2019

This paper explores the development of Internet regulation policies worldwide since the birth of ... more This paper explores the development of Internet regulation policies worldwide since the birth of the World Wide Web, describes the advantages and disadvantages of the main filtering methods in use today, and presents two of the most important Internet Regulation Systems (IRS) implemented in authoritarian regimes and Western democracies around the globe. Moreover, the authors propose the conduction of well-designed surveys worldwide in order to measure Internet User's opinion and use such results as a starting point for developing a fair "Internet Regulation System" (fair IRS) in the future. Last, the authors introduce a new online tool for conducting related surveys, project.

Research paper thumbnail of The Politicization of Selfie Journalism: An Empirical Study to Parliamentary Elections

Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed) Journalism and Ethics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 2019

While the phenomenon of selfie photographs in the media has been extensively analysed by academic... more While the phenomenon of selfie photographs in the media has been extensively analysed by academics, Selfie Journalism was recently introduced and constitutes one of the most notable phenomena within the digital media environment, raising a number of issues relating to notions of infotainment and impartial reporting, especially in 'difficult' sectors, such as politics. This paper identifies the specific characteristics of Selfie Journalism in political reporting. Based on both quantitative and qualitative research, the study analyses these characteristics in the period of parliamentary elections of 2016 in Cyprus. The aim of the study is dual: first, to examine the extensive use of Selfie Journalism by candidates themselves in political campaigning and, secondly, to examine the impact of this phenomenon upon the media and, in turn, media engagement in such political tactics. The greater scope of this study evolves around the argument that Selfie Journalism, as a new species of participatory journalism, has penetrated the media in an effort to attract larger audiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Crisis Reporting

EJTA Teacher's Conference 2018, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Social Media

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy, 2018

Social media are online tools and services that support creation and sharing of information (text... more Social media are online tools and services that support creation and sharing of information (text, pictures, sounds, and videos) in virtual communities and networks. Social networking is the most widely used service of social media....

Research paper thumbnail of Google

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy , 2018

This entry reviews the history of Google before examining its products and services, which includ... more This entry reviews the history of Google before examining its products and services, which include a search engine and various productivity and social media tools, the operating systems associated with Google, and the company’s advertising program.

Research paper thumbnail of Email

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy, 2018

Electronic mail (email) is one of the oldest and most widely used Internet services. It involves ... more Electronic mail (email) is one of the oldest and most widely used Internet services. It involves the exchange of digital messages among two or more Internet users. Every day billions of email messages are exchanged between users. Email service is supported by special servers that are called email servers. These servers...

Research paper thumbnail of Search Engine Optimization

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition (Chapter 700), 2018

In this article, we will discuss at length the subject of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), its d... more In this article, we will discuss at length the subject of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), its different characteristics and why basic SEO knowledge is considered as a useful tool for any web business. The article will address both the theoretical and practical issues related to the design and implementation of SEO and also will cover previous research done on this topic. In order to give a better understanding of the importance of SEO in the current state of the Internet and in information search, basic knowledge of how search engines operate along with their recent updates will also be provided. The development of World Wide Web (Web 2.0) along with the growth of search engines over the last decade has brought significant changes in web content. In this context, we will see how SEO has evolved over the years since mid 90's when it first emerged. Nowadays, social media and social signals have increasingly become one of the many factors search engines take seriously into account, which is another issue that this article will address.

Research paper thumbnail of Περιβαλλοντική Επικοινωνία με εφαρμογή σε διαδικτυακούς τόπους ΜΜΕ

Περιβαλλοντική Επικοινωνία με εφαρμογή σε διαδικτυακούς τόπους ΜΜΕ, Νίκος Αντωνόπουλος & Ανδρέας ... more Περιβαλλοντική Επικοινωνία με εφαρμογή σε διαδικτυακούς τόπους ΜΜΕ, Νίκος Αντωνόπουλος & Ανδρέας Βέγλης, Kεφάλαιο σε συλλογικό τόμο με τίτλο: "Περιβαλλοντική Δημοσιογραφία και Επικοινωνία". 2016. Εκδόσεις Ζυγός. Θεσσαλονίκη. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3963.3049. ISBN 978-618-5063-12-2.

Research paper thumbnail of Augmenting user interaction experience through embedded multimodal media agents in social networking environments

In J. Sahlin (Ed.), Social Media and the Transformation of Interaction in Society (pp. 188-209). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

The current chapter proposes media agent and multi-agent models aiming at improving mediated comm... more The current chapter proposes media agent and multi-agent models aiming at improving mediated communication and information exchange in social networking. A lot of progress has been conducted during the last decades in Information and Communication Technologies, which is also reflected in social media. The proposed models take advantage of the latest media technologies for the augmentation of user-interaction and contribution experience in multiple levels. Features of the suggested agent and multi-agent approaches are discussed and elaborated through the prism of social computing, social media analytics and intelligence, resulting to a sophisticated communication mediator between users and social groups. In addition, enhanced user engagement and collaboration are considered in terms of rich media experience and augmented reality, semantic interaction services, intelligent content processing and management automation over interoperable multiplatform environments. Social media cooperation and integration is envisioned towards the realization of Web 3.0 and beyond, as the main chapter contribution.

Research paper thumbnail of The Verification Handbook-Ελληνική έκδοση

«Στο σημερινό ψηφιακό περιβάλλον, όπου κυκλοφορούν φήμες και ψεύτικο περιεχόμενο, οι δημοσιογράφο... more «Στο σημερινό ψηφιακό περιβάλλον, όπου κυκλοφορούν φήμες και ψεύτικο περιεχόμενο, οι δημοσιογράφοι χρειάζεται να μπορούν ενεργώς να ξεχωρίζουν το αληθινό, αυθεντικό (δημοσιογραφικό) υλικό από το ψεύτικο. Το πρωτοποριακό αυτό εγχειρίδιο είναι απαραίτητο να διαβαστεί από δημοσιογράφους που διαχειρίζονται όλων των τύπων περιεχόμενο που έχει δημιουργηθεί στο διαδίκτυο από χρήστες (User Generated Content-UGC).» - Wilfried Ruetten, Διευθυντής, (Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Δημοσιογραφίας (The European Journalism Centre -EJC)
«Μια ακριβής πληροφορία μπορεί να αποτελέσει βοήθεια ακόμα και για τη σωτηρία μιας ζωής κατά τη διάρκεια μιας ανθρωπιστικής κρίσης, αλλά οι συνθήκες μέσα στις οποίες τέτοιες κρίσεις αναδύονται είναι συνήθως οι δυσκολότερε ςόσον αφορά στη συγκέντρωση αξιόπιστων πληροφοριών. Το βιβλίο αυτό θα βοηθήσει όχι μόνο τους δημοσιογράφους αλλά και οποιονδήποτε δουλεύει επί τόπου σε ανθρωπιστικές καταστάσεις να επιβεβαιώσει τα γεγονότα που συμβαίνουν στο πεδίο δράσης.» - William Spindler, Εκπρόσωπος, Ύπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ για τους Πρόσφυγες (The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -UNHCR)
«Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό θα είναι απαραίτητο σε δημοσιογράφους που καλύπτουν συγκρούσεις ανάμεσα σε θρησκείες ή εθνότητες, βοηθώντας στη διεξαγωγή του ρεπορτάζ με έναν πιο ισορροπημένο, διάφανο και ακριβή τρόπο και εντέλει, βοηθώντας στην εκτόνωση των όποιων εντάσεων μεταξύ και εντός των κοινοτήτων.» - Matthew Hodes, Διευθυντής, Συμμαχία των Πολιτισμών του ΟΗΕ (The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations -UNAOC)
«Σε αυτούς τους καιρούς, το να γνωρίζει κάποιος τι είναι αληθινό και πώς να επιβεβαιώνει τις ειδήσεις και άλλου είδους πληροφορίες, είναι βασικό. Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό παρέχει απαραίτητα εργαλεία για οποιονδήποτε, για τη δημοσιογραφία αλλά και για τον πελάτη–καταναλωτή.» - Howard Finberg, Διευθυντής των Συμμαχιών και των Συνεργασιών για την Εκπαίδευση (Training Partnerships and Alliances), Ινστιτούτο Poynter
«Η σωστή λήψη των γεγονότων αποτελεί μια θεμελιώδη αρχή της δημοσιογραφίας, αλλά τα μέσα ενημέρωσης αγωνίζονται να μείνουν ιδεολογικά σωστά όταν συμβαίνει μια μεγάλη έκτακτη είδηση. Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό βοηθάει τους δημιουργούς των ειδήσεων (newsmakers) να μείνουν πιστοί στην αλήθεια -ακόμα και αν οι εικασίες στο διαδίκτυο είναι ανεξέλεγκτες.» - Aidan White, Διευθυντής, Δημοσιογραφικό Δίκτυο για τη Δεοντολογία (The Ethical Journalism Network -EJN)
«Όλα έχουν να κάνουν με τη σωστή πληροφορία, τη σωστή στιγμή, στο σωστό μέρος. Όταν υπάρχει περιορισμένη πρόσβαση στις πληγείσες από την καταστροφή περιοχές, είναι σημαντικό για τους εθελοντές να συγκεντρώνουν αποτελεσματικά πληροφορίες μέσω των κοινωνικών δικτύων. Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό θα ήταν χρήσιμο για εθελοντές που δουλεύουν στο πεδίο των εξελίξεων καθώς επίσης και στους διαδικτυακούς εθελοντές.» - Christoph Dennenmoser, Team Lead Urgent Needs, Humanity Road Inc.

Research paper thumbnail of Green websites: Organizations - Portals - Newspapers - Magazines & TV

The climate change is primarily caused by the greenhouse effect that increases through human acti... more The climate change is primarily caused by the greenhouse effect that increases through human activities and more specifically by carbon dioxide (CO2). This mainly happens because of the human need to produce more energy, so it can be used in services and in production. Obviously WWW is part of the problem since it is supported by a large number of data centers, which main function is to provide guaranteed reliable service, security and connectivity to the rest of the Internet via a high-capacity backbone. Data centers consume significant amounts of energy. According to News York Times data centers in the United States consume more than 1 billion watts of electricity each year. The aim of this book is to study possible methods that can be applied to media websites in order to reduce power consumption and to educate internet users on environmental issues. Some of the issues that the study addresses are: Whether the servers are powered by renewable sources of energy, the ecological graphic design of the websites, and the existence of energy saving mode, the prevention of printing articles, whether newspapers inform their readers about environmental issues and the interdependence or participation in actions related to environment protection.

Research paper thumbnail of Audiovisual Hypermedia in the Semantic Web

The rapid evolution of digital technology, among others, has revolutionized multimodal content pr... more The rapid evolution of digital technology, among others, has revolutionized multimodal content production and distribution processes, propelling novel mediated communication services. Interactive media authoring and sharing technologies are currently being launched, bringing forward new ways of audiovisual (AV) content exchange. Web documentaries (web-docs) and hypermedia have appeared as a natural extension of filmed documentaries and digital TV, inheriting also some of their advantages. Narrative documentaries adopt AV mediated communication mechanisms that humans have been accustomed to be informed and communicate with each other, so that they are more informative and vivid compared to other documents (books, web-pages, multimedia, etc.). Thus, AV-documentaries and especially web-docs can be more easily distributed and attended from most ages and social groups (Dimoulas, Kalliris, Chatzara, Tsipas, & Papanikolaou, 2014a; Kotsakis, Kalliris & Dimoulas, 2012; Veglis, Dimoulas & Kalliris, 2014). Moreover, the continuous evolution of the computing power and the digital storage media, favor digital video production and distribution. This is also fuelled by the increased network speed, the efficiency of the contemporary compression algorithms and the continuous decrease of the corresponding costs (Kotsakis et al., 2012; Dimoulas, Kalliris & Veglis, 2014). High quality AV capturing equipment is currently available at low cost and size as part of smart phones and other mobile computing terminals with inherent networking capabilities, allowing easy AV-content production, contribution and sharing (Atzori, Delgado & Giusto, 2012; Dimoulas et al., 2014a; 2014b; Veglis et al. 2014). In this context, more and more users are involved in the AV production and consumption chain, so that creative experience and AV media culture are cultivated. Nevertheless, AV media related achievements are still far from the progress that has been made in textual information management during the outspread of social media and Web 2.0 services.

Interactive services have also been introduced into the AV production industry, aiming at augmenting human-machine interaction (HMI). AV content is enhanced in functional and informative level, further stimulating users to actively participate in arousing interactive scenarios. While the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 is ongoing, intelligent AV-content processing and management services are pursued, facilitating users’ participation on semantically enhanced hypermedia authoring and collaborative multichannel media publishing. Although hypermedia technologies are rapidly evolving, there are still open challenges regarding upcoming semantic web services (De Bra, Freyne, & Berkovsky, 2013; Dimoulas et al., 2014a; 2014b; Kanellopoulos, 2012; Monaghan, Handschuh, & O'Sullivan, 2011; Veglis et al. 2014). The current article examines current trends and future perspectives of AV hypermedia (AVH), considering all the forms of non-linear storytelling (web-docs, multichannel media publishing, etc.) and the associated hypermedia authoring counterparts. Background is presented providing basic definitions, involved technology, achieved progress and limitations. Recommendations and future research direction are then stated, aiming at serving a two-folded target. Firstly, to present new, user-friendly forms of collaborative creativity, hypermedia authoring and storytelling that current technology allows to be successfully deployed. Secondly, to suggest innovative adaptation mechanisms that can be utilized in both the AVH production and consumption ends, allowing for intelligent media management and augmented semantic interaction services to be launched. In this context, the importance of AVH toward the transition to the Web 3.0 era is revealed.

Research paper thumbnail of The Data Journalism Handbook - Ελληνική Έκδοση

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Mobile Cloud-Based Technologies in News Reporting: Current Trends and Future Perspectives

Cloud Computing is one of the most rapidly evolving technologies available today that offers the ... more Cloud Computing is one of the most rapidly evolving technologies available today that offers the possibility of multimedia content exploitation with rich media experience. Cloud computing users have the flexibility to enjoy media content independently of time and space. Multimedia cloud computing encompasses technology, multimedia data and community contribution, offering augmented multimodal interaction and advanced processing services to the users. Mobile multimedia resources can now be accessed through the cloud practically at anytime and from anywhere, facing contemporary demands for information access and process, thus perfectly matching to the nature of news media. Such features are very favorable in online journalism and specifically in news reporting services. The current book chapter aims at presenting technological and application-oriented trends in cloud-based mobile news reporting both at journalists’ (news producers) and users’ (news consumers) sides. Future and emerging perspectives, such as ubiquitous and pervasive computing, incorporating context and location aware services in semantic interaction modes, are also described from the news-reporting point of view.

Research paper thumbnail of Online Newspapers in Greece: the Evolution of a Digital Genre

At an era of great disillusionment about the quality of journalism produced by traditional media,... more At an era of great disillusionment about the quality of journalism produced by traditional media, the Internet appeared as a revolutionary tool in the formation of the public sphere and culture at large. Its proponents argue that the Internet’s nature is characterized by a freedom of activity and thought. Due to the particular attributes of online news provided by technology and low publishing costs, thousands of people and organizations are allowed to self-publish and millions more have the opportunity to read alternative content outside the mainstream. However, there is increased evidence that large corporate portals and media trademarks are dominating online attention for news.
Greek people are not enthusiastic consumers of online news, firstly due to decreased interest in public affairs, and secondly due to low adoption rates of new technologies in their everyday lives. So what is the added value offered by greek online editions that would make a reluctant population to eventually turn to digital news? Drawing upon genre theory, the paper attempts to trace the evolution of the greek online newspaper. The websites of Ethnos, Ta Nea and Eleuferotypia are put into scrutiny in order to investigate: (a) how have greek newspaper websites evolved over time, and (b) how has the rationale of the online editions been shaped since their inception.

Research paper thumbnail of The Handbook of Global Online  Journalism

Research paper thumbnail of Workflow Management for Cross-Media  Publishing

Research paper thumbnail of Νέες Μορφές Ενημέρωσης

Research paper thumbnail of A Web Interface for Analyzing Hate Speech

Future Internet, 2021

Social media services make it possible for an increasing number of people to express their opinio... more Social media services make it possible for an increasing number of people to express their opinion publicly. In this context, large amounts of hateful comments are published daily. The PHARM project aims at monitoring and modeling hate speech against refugees and migrants in Greece, Italy, and Spain. In this direction, a web interface for the creation and the query of a multi-source database containing hate speech-related content is implemented and evaluated. The selected sources include Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook comments and posts, as well as comments and articles from a selected list of websites. The interface allows users to search in the existing database, scrape social media using keywords, annotate records through a dedicated platform and contribute new content to the database. Furthermore, the functionality for hate speech detection and sentiment analysis of texts is provided, making use of novel methods and machine learning models. The interface can be accessed online w...

Research paper thumbnail of Applications of Big Data in Media Organizations

Social Sciences Journal, 2022

The exploitation of data in the media industry has always played a significant role. This is espe... more The exploitation of data in the media industry has always played a significant role. This is especially evident today, since data (and in many cases big data) are generated through various activities that relate to the production and also consumption of news. This paper attempts to highlight the importance of big data utilization in the media industry. Specifically, it discusses cases of big data exploitation, such as media content consumption and management, data journalism production, social content utilization, and participatory journalism applications. The study also examines the changes that big data has introduced in all stages of the journalism practice, from news production to news distribution, by utilizing the available tools. Finally, it discusses new developments that relate to semantic web (Web 3.0) technologies, which have already started to be adopted by media organizations around the world.

Research paper thumbnail of Human Cognition and Data Journalism

Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication (JEICOM), 2022

Data journalism storytelling has become an important aspect of journalism during the twenty-first... more Data journalism storytelling has become an important aspect of journalism during the twenty-first century. This cross-disciplinary research draws the attention of data journalism stakeholders to the mental operations (conscious choices and nonconscious mental processing) of a person who experiences storytelling with data. It is argued that data journalists can learn from the availability heuristic, the cognitive bias, and other concepts of cognitive science in an effort to become more attentive to the mental meFchanisms of their audience. Research from other disciplines, such as law (guilt determination) and economics, suggests that taking nonconscious decision-making seriously would be very productive for the field. Evidence suggests that a better understanding of the human brain's decision-making as well as of cognitive control may provide important insights for the data storytellers. This study is undertaken with an initial focus on the reasons why the audience acts upon emotional stories rather than data and statistics. We begin by arguing that data collection methods, measurement, and quantification may not be the only 'obscure' and difficult part to control for a data journalist, but after the cleaning, the analysis, and the visualization, the workings of the brain of the receptor, play a crucial role on what the individual will decide to do. The acts of journalism do not enter a tabula rasa, but rather a terra incognita. The research also examines the role of the language use by the data journalist; and whether language can overshadow data and consequently influence the reader's perception on the information from an article. The study uses theories from various disciplines (communication, psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science) and gathers data by the use of qualitative research through interviews with cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, and psychologists.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Psychological Approaches in Data Journalism Visualisations

Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication (JEICOM), 2022

Data journalism is the process of analysing, clarifying, and visualising data to convey a story a... more Data journalism is the process of analysing, clarifying, and visualising data to convey a story and present the news more effectively. Data visualisation, the method that allows communicating large amounts of data, can improve viewers" understanding of news and can increase interaction (Bradshaw 2010). The minimalistic theory of the "data-ink" ratio, which can design effective data visualisations, explains that ink should only be used to display the data. Data visualisations with right selection of visual channels can influence memory, attention, and news comprehension (Pan, 2010; Smilek, Dixon & Merikle, 2002). The purpose of this study is to explore if and how visual designers assess psychological principles in journalistic data visualisation. Data visualisations from two well-known organisations (the BBC and the Guardian) presenting COVID-19 information were collected. The analysis was effectuated based on a "decoding model" initiated by Munzner (2014) to identify their visual attributes. The findings concluded that media organisations consider and apply psychological metrics in the visual design process. Interesting colour differences between visualisations were identified and discussed. A limitation was that the sample of the study was small. Future research could include more data visualisations or could use interviews to understand better the way visual designers practice psychology.

Research paper thumbnail of News article consumption habits of Greek internet users

Journal of Education, Innovation and Communication, 2021

The concept of different news consumption habits during a day has been well known for many decade... more The concept of different news consumption habits during a day has been well known for many decades in the broadcasting industry. News websites are also experiencing a drop in late afternoon traffic and a sharp drop in the evening hours. Furthermore, during the weekend, website traffic numbers appeared to be significantly different than the numbers during the weekdays. That resulted in the adoption of the concept of dayparting in the case of the internet. The existence of internet dayparts can have a significant impact on news websites since they can significantly determine their success. It is quite natural to assume that media organizations have adopted their publishing patterns to best satisfy the audience’s consumption patterns. This paper investigates those consumption patterns by conducting an extensive web survey among university students and particularly journalism and communication students that are expected to exhibit high consumption rates. The parameters being investigated include time, weekdays and weekends, and content categories. The study identified distinct periods that exhibit specific consumption patterns. The results appear to be to some degree in agreement with findings of previous studies that reported on publishing patterns, but significant differences have also been identified. Those results can provide valuable information for the implementation of successful content publishing strategies from the media organizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Algorithmic Journalism-Current Applications and Future Perspectives

Journalism and Media , 2021

Journalism, more so than other professions, is entangled with technology in a unique and profound... more Journalism, more so than other professions, is entangled with technology in a unique
and profoundly impactful way. In this context, the technological developments of the past decades have fundamentally impacted the journalistic profession in more ways than one, opening up new possibilities and simultaneously creating a number of concerns for people working in the media industry. The changes that were brought about by the rise of automation and algorithmic technology can mainly be observed in four distinct fields of application within journalism: automated content production, data mining, news dissemination and content optimization. This article focuses on algorithmic journalism and aims to highlight the ways that algorithmic technology is being utilized within those fields, as well as pointing out the ways in which these developments have altered the way journalism is being exercised in the modern world. The study also discusses challenges related to these technologies that are yet to be addressed, as well as potential future implementations related to algorithmic journalism that has the capacity to improve on the foundation of automation in the news industry.

Research paper thumbnail of A Web Interface for Analyzing Hate Speech

Future Internet, 2021

Social media services make it possible for an increasing number of people to express their opinio... more Social media services make it possible for an increasing number of people to express their opinion publicly. In this context, large amounts of hateful comments are published daily. The PHARM project aims at monitoring and modeling hate speech against refugees and migrants in Greece, Italy, and Spain. In this direction, a web interface for the creation and the query of a multi-source database containing hate speech-related content is implemented and evaluated. The selected sources include Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook comments and posts, as well as comments and articles from a selected list of websites. The interface allows users to search in the existing database, scrape social media using keywords, annotate records through a dedicated platform and contribute new content to the database. Furthermore, the functionality for hate speech detection and sentiment analysis of texts is provided, making use of novel methods and machine learning models. The interface can be accessed online with a graphical user interface compatible with modern internet browsers. For the evaluation of the interface, a multifactor questionnaire was formulated, targeting to record the users' opinions about the web interface and the corresponding functionality.

Research paper thumbnail of Media web-sites environmental communication: operational practices and news coverage


In contemporary world, it is estimated that there are 1,838,596,056 sites across 214,036,874 uniq... more In contemporary world, it is estimated that there are 1,838,596,056 sites across 214,036,874 unique domain names and 7,290,968 web-facing computers. The huge power consumption of these online services has serious consequences regarding the environment. The web-sites, along with the web tools, need electrical power to operate. Thus, environmental problems such as global warming, air pollution, natural resource depletion, and acid rain are worsening. Consequently, this study researched five hundred news web-sites including well-known international news organizations in order to understand if they choose to cover environmental news, if they take action to protect the Earth's habitat by operating through renewable sources, by using the black colour in their graphic design or energy saving mode, and by organizing actions in favour of the environment. The findings of this original research revealed that almost none of the prominent news web-sites of the world seem to care about changing their web-sites in order to become environmentally friendly.

Research paper thumbnail of Publishing Patterns in Greek Media Websites

Social Sciences Journal, Feb 8, 2021

The concept of different publishing patterns during a day has been employed for many decades in t... more The concept of different publishing patterns during a day has been employed for many decades in the broadcasting industry. These patterns are close related with dayparts, which are defined as sequential time blocks on comparable days during which the audience size is homogeneous, as is the group depiction using the specific medium. During the first decade of the World Wide Web, Internet media strategy was focused on total web reach, demographics and affinity of content without particular attention to how the nature of the audience changes by time of day. This paper studies the variation of publishing patterns of the top 22 Greek media websites. More than 550 thousand articles were indexed in a period of four and a half months. The study identified distinct WWW time periods that exhibit specific publishing characteristics. Specifically, different categories of news articles present different publishing patterns during weekdays and weekends. The results appear to be in agreement with findings of previous studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue Call for Papers (CfP):  "Theory and Applications of Web 3.0 in the Media Sector"

A special issue of Future Internet (ISSN 1999-5903). This special issue belongs to the section "Big Data and Augmented Intelligence"., 2020

In today’s exploding Web landscape, where vast amounts of information (documents, images, audio, ... more In today’s exploding Web landscape, where vast amounts of information (documents, images, audio, videos, etc.) are produced every day from various sources across the world, professional journalists often find it difficult to retrieve specific and detailed information or form a comprehensive view about a complicated topic. This occurs because most of the content today is published in an unregulated way, and they have to navigate a network of unstructured interconnected forms of data. The lack of an efficient infrastructure in which they could easily discover, acquire, and analyze the information needed limits the exploitation prospects. The solution to this problem can be given by the advancement of Web 3.0 or Semantic Web (SW).

This Special Issue is soliciting theoretical and case study contributions, discussing and treating challenges, state-of-the-art, and solutions on Web 3.0 application in the media sector, including but not limited to:

- Theory of Web 3.0 in relation with media organizations,
- Application of Web 3.0 in the media sector,
- Journalism 3.0 practices and procedures,
- Semantically enhanced news validation & management,

Research paper thumbnail of Transitions in Journalism-Toward a Semantic-Oriented Technological Framework

Journalism and Media , 2020

The technologies behind today's web services, tools, and applications are evolving continually. A... more The technologies behind today's web services, tools, and applications are evolving continually. As a result, the workflows and methods of different business sectors are undergoing constant change. The news industry and journalism are heavily affected by these changes. New technological means for practicing journalism and producing news items are being incorporated in media workflows, challenging well established journalistic norms and practices. The perpetual technological evolution of the web creates a wide range of opportunities. For this reason, both technology companies and media organizations have begun to experiment with semantic web technologies. Our focus in this paper was to discover and define the ways that semantic technologies can contribute to the technological upgrade of everyday journalism. From this perspective, we introduced the term 'semantic journalism' and attempted to investigate the transition of journalism to a semantic-oriented technological framework.

Research paper thumbnail of Employing a Chatbot for News Dissemination during Crisis: Design, Implementation and Evaluation

Future Internet Journal , 2020

The use of chatbots in news media platforms, although relatively recent, offers many advantages t... more The use of chatbots in news media platforms, although relatively recent, offers many advantages to journalists and media professionals and, at the same time, facilitates users' interaction with useful and timely information. This study shows the usability of a news chatbot during a crisis situation, employing the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic as a case study. The basic targets of the research are to design and implement a chatbot in a news media platform with a twofold aim in regard to evaluation: first, the technical effort of creating a functional and robust news chatbot in a crisis situation both from the AI perspective and interoperability with other platforms, which constitutes the novelty of the approach; and second, users' perception regarding the appropriation of this news chatbot as an alternative means of accessing existing information during a crisis situation. The chatbot designed was evaluated in terms of effectively fulfilling the social responsibility function of crisis reporting, to deliver timely and accurate information on the COVID-19 pandemic to a wide audience. In this light, this study shows the advantages of implementing chatbots in news platforms during a crisis situation, when the audience's needs for timely and accurate information rapidly increase.

Research paper thumbnail of Misinformation and User-Generated content: Applying participatory journalism practices  in fact-checking

Challenging Misinformation: Exploring Limits and Approaches Workshop – INTERACT 2019, 2019

. In the evolving news media landscape, the proliferation of user-generated con-tent in online ne... more . In the evolving news media landscape, the proliferation of user-generated con-tent in online news outlets and social media platforms has triggered changes in traditional processes and relationships. However, the coexistence of professional and amateur content raises a wide range of matters. Misinformation is one of the main problems faced by media organizations during the exploitation of huge amounts of data. In order to ensure the quality of the content, journalists use con-trol methods and perform fact-checking not only on their own, but also by engag-ing users. By offering an examination of key issues arising from UGC research, this article seeks to focus on the application of participatory practices in fact-checking. In addition to more traditional methods, the web-based platform of Tru-ly Media, which supports collaborative verification, is used as a case-study.

Research paper thumbnail of A Participatory Journalism Management Platform: Design, Implementation and Evaluation

Social Sciences , 2020

During the last two decades, citizens' participation in news production process has attracted sig... more During the last two decades, citizens' participation in news production process has attracted significant interest from both academia and the media industry. Media production and consumption have been altered considerably and traditional concepts, such as gatekeeping, have been under discussion. Many news organisations include in their websites tools and applications that allow users to be active consumers or even co-producers of journalistic content, by liking, sharing, commenting and submitting material. At the same time, large amounts of user-generated content are uploaded every day on social media platforms. Subsequently, media organisations must deal with continually available information which requires management, classification and evaluation not only to keep high journalistic standards, but also to avoid problems. The latter category can include grammar mistakes, fake or misleading information and hate speech. All the above-mentioned parameters highlight the obvious need for platforms that can support journalism manage practice. Such a platform should utilise semantic technologies, which can support organised collection and moderation of content in an effective way and in short time. This study discusses the design and the implementation of a participatory journalism management platform.

Research paper thumbnail of Journalism education in the era beyond digitalization:  The impact of fact checking and verification techniques in journalism students

5th World Education Journalism Congress , 2019

Fact checking and verification techniques have been called to tackle disinformation (Silverman, 2... more Fact checking and verification techniques have been called to tackle disinformation (Silverman, 2014) as a significant problem for journalists and news organizations around the world. A thorough understanding of how to include these practices in media education and also to measure their impact on journalism students’ daily practice is a major challenge. This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of fact checking and verification training through a qualitative study based on two focus groups of journalism students that have been trained in implementing such techniques in Greece and Cyprus. Our intention is to examine the extent to which these groups can implement and evaluate such tools in their daily practices. As such, the method used is focus group interviews to assess attitudes toward fact checking techniques. Through our analysis we aim to document several important challenges in introducing these courses. To this end, this study presents the most in-depth examination of journalism students’ attitudes towards fact checking to date and of its effects on students’ factual knowledge and implementation. Overall, this paper reports on the lessons learned by introducing fact checking and verification in teaching journalism curricula in an era beyond digitalization.

Research paper thumbnail of The Evolution of Citizen Participation in the Greek Online Newspapers (2014-2018): A Quantitative Analysis

Styles of Communication , 2019

During the last two decades, the new media landscape has often been explored through the lens of ... more During the last two decades, the new media landscape has often been explored through the lens of audience participation in news production process. The diffusion of user-generated content both in news websites and on social media platforms has led media organizations to employ participatory formats that allow the audience to actively consume or co-produce content. As a result, journalists are often challenged by a vast amount of-vulnerable to problems-content that has to be handled in tandem with their other daily tasks. This paper focuses on the development of participatory journalism practices in Greek media. Specifically, in order to examine opportunities for users' involvement in news organizations, a comparative quantitative study in all national daily political and financial online newspapers in Greece was conducted in 2014 and 2018. For this purpose, both the integration of participatory tools and the use of quality assurance methods in the relative websites were investigated. The findings indicate a rather reluctant attitude towards productive ways of engagement. Participation takes place through a limited number of tools and user-generated content is accepted only when filtered.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a semantic-oriented model of participatory journalism management: Perceptions of user-generated content

Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication (JEICOM), , 2019

During the last two decades, citizens' participation in news production process has raised great ... more During the last two decades, citizens' participation in news production process has raised great academic and entrepreneurial interest for participatory journalism. Traditional procedures and concepts such as gatekeeping have been under discussion. News organizations redesign their websites in order to adopt tools and applications that make it possible for users to be active consumers or even co-producers of journalistic content, by liking, sharing, commenting and submitting material. At the same time, huge amounts of user-generated content are uploaded every minuteon social media platforms. Subsequently, professionals have to deal with continually available information which requires management, classification and evaluation in order to keep high journalistic standards and to avoid problems, varying from plain grammar mistakes to serious situations of fake news, hostility or hate speech. Thus, there is the obvious need for a new model of managing participatory journalism, based on semantic technologies, which will support organized collection and moderation of content in an effective way and in short time. The main objective of this paper is to define the requirements and describe the characteristics that the model should have. For this purpose, two online surveys of journalists and users were conducted in Greece, in order to gain some insights concerning the development of the model. The paper presents the key findings from the surveys and identifies the views, the preferences and the experiences as expressed by the respondents, which lead to the tendency towards a collaborative, semantic-oriented way of submitting and receiving user-generated content.

Research paper thumbnail of Search Engine Optimization

Future Internet 2020, 12, 6, 2020

challenges, state‐of‐the‐art technology, and solutions on search engine optimization, including, ... more challenges, state‐of‐the‐art technology, and solutions on search engine optimization, including, but not limited to, the following themes related to SEO: Theory of SEO, different types of SEO, SEO criteria evaluation, search engines’ algorithms, social media and SEO, SEO applications in various industries, SEO in media web sites, etc. Through invited and open call submissions, a total of five excellent articles have been accepted, following a rigorous review process that required a minimum of three reviews and at least one revision round for each paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors and models contributing to the optimization of search engine results credibility and application on news content * The Cross-Credibility Engine Optimization   (CCEO) model

PCI '19 Proceedings of the 23rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics , 2019

The current work introduces a new model for optimizing Search Engines (SE), taking into considera... more The current work introduces a new model for optimizing Search Engines (SE), taking into consideration credibility issues, which are thought as equal or even more important than popularity. While news organizations rely on marketing and exposure metrics to program their cross-media presence, at the same time an urgent need for credible and quality journalistic services constantly rises. A promising solution, proposed in this paper, would be to reshape Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices and measures, aiming at expediting self-verification and authentication processes. Hence, informing sources would have the option to voluntary ingest credibility metadata of their content and stories, allowing end-users to easily fact-check the delivered messages.

Research paper thumbnail of SEO inside Newsrooms: Reports from the Field

Future Internet, 2019

The journalism profession has changed dramatically in the digital age as the internet, and new te... more The journalism profession has changed dramatically in the digital age as the internet, and new technologies, in general, have created new working conditions in the media environment. Concurrently, journalists and media professionals need to be aware and possess a new set of skills connected to web technologies, as well as respond to new reading tendencies and information consumption habits. A number of studies have shown that search engines are an important source of the traffic to news websites around the world, identifying the significance of high rankings in search results. Journalists are writing to be read, and that means ensuring that their news content is found, also, by search engines. In this context, this paper represents an exploratory study on the use of search engine optimization (SEO) in news websites. A series of semi-structured, in-depth interviews with professionals at four Greek media organizations uncover trends and address issues, such as how SEO policy is operationalized and applied inside newsrooms, which are the most common optimization practices, as well as the impact on journalism and news content. Today, news publishers have embraced the use of SEO practices, something that is clear also from this study. However, the absence of a distinct SEO culture was evident in newsrooms under study. Finally, according to results, SEO strategy seems to depend on factors, such as ownership and market orientation, editorial priorities or organizational structures.

Research paper thumbnail of COMinG SPECIAL ISSUE III

A publication with the collaboration of the Journal Of Media Critiques and the Communication Inst... more A publication with the collaboration of the Journal Of Media Critiques and the Communication Institute of Greece. Here we present some of the articles presented at the 3rd International Conference on Communication and Management, 24-27 April 2017, organised by the Communication Institute of Greece.

Research paper thumbnail of Misinformation and User-Generated content: Applying participatory journalism practices in fact-checking

17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Interact, Paphos, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Call for paper: Special Issue "Advances in Media Education"

Research paper thumbnail of MAthE the Game: A Serious Game for Education and Training in News Verification

Education Sciences , 2019

During the last years, there has been a growing multidisciplinary interest in alternative educati... more During the last years, there has been a growing multidisciplinary interest in alternative educational approaches, such as serious games, aiming at enhancing thinking skills and media literacy. Likewise, the objective of this study is to present the design and the development of an educational web application for learning the necessary steps towards the detection of bogus content, according to the fact-checking procedures. The game presents news articles, which have to be characterized as fake or real by the players. During the effort to reach the correct decision, the players can use tools and practices for identifying relevant information regarding the clues, which frame a news story (title, date, creator, source, containing images). After presenting the progress of interface design and development, this paper reports the results of a randomized online field study (n = 111), which provides some preliminary evidence. Specifically, it is validated that the game can raise awareness, teach about authentication tools, and highlight the importance of patterns that include evidence regarding the authenticity of articles. Additionally, thorough discussion was conducted within a media class (n = 35) to receive useful feedback/evaluation about the offered utilities and their usability. The findings suggest that educational games may be a promising vehicle to inoculate the public against misinformation.

Research paper thumbnail of Market Structure and Innovation Policies in Greece

Innovation Policies in the European News Media Industry, 2017

The Greek news media markets show a dual market structure. They experience an increase in the lev... more The Greek news media markets show a dual market structure. They experience an increase in the level of concentration but also an increase in the number of news media companies. Many of these new entrants in the broadcast industry operate without a license. This chapter also shows that the news media industry was hit very hard during the recent economic crisis. Many companies had to close down and the scarcity of funding of activities increased. Many media companies focused on the reduction of costs instead of improving quality or stimulating innovation. Although, the Greek government had a strong presence and influence on the media landscape, it did not develop a regulatory framework. Nowadays, despite the existence of rules supporting the development of large media companies, the news media markets are still experiencing fierce competition, are highly concentrated and offering low-level of content quality and technological innovations. The Greek media are following approaches and methods from abroad even without the necessary adaptations or a proper plan for implementation and modifications.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Intelligent Cross-Media Publishing: Media Practices and Technology Convergence Perspectives

Media Convergence Handbook - Vol. 1, 2016

This chapter investigates technological issues that have arisen in implementing cross-media publi... more This chapter investigates technological issues that have arisen in implementing cross-media publishing. Specifically the various content types (text, pictures, audio, video, etc.) that are included in cross-media publishing require different management and prerequisites with respect to the media publishing channels and the involved terminals at both ends, production and consumer. A modular content documentation, selection and management model is proposed for intelligent cross-media publishing automation, taking advantage of contemporary semantic multimodal interaction, sophisticated meta-data processing and Web 2.0/3.0 trends.

Research paper thumbnail of Theory and Applications of Web 3.0 in the Media Sector

Future Internet

We live in a digital era, with vast technological advancements, which, among others, have a major... more We live in a digital era, with vast technological advancements, which, among others, have a major impact on the media domain. More specifically, progress in the last two decades led to the end-to-end digitalization of the media industry, resulting in a rapidly evolving media landscape. In addition to news digitization, User-Generated Content (UGC) is dominant in this new environment, also fueled by Social Media, which has become commonplace for news publishing, propagation, consumption, and interactions. However, the exponential increase in produced and distributed content, with the multiplied growth in the number of plenary individuals involved in the processes, created urgent needs and challenges that need careful treatment. Hence, intelligent processing and automation incorporated into the Semantic Web vision, also known as Web 3.0, aim at providing sophisticated data documentation, retrieval, and management solutions to meet the demands of the new digital world. Specifically, fo...

Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Chatbot Media Automations in Professional Journalism: An Evaluation Framework

Future Internet

Interactivity has been a very sought-after feature in professional journalism ever since the medi... more Interactivity has been a very sought-after feature in professional journalism ever since the media industry transitioned from print into the online space. Within this context, chatbots started to infiltrate the media sphere and provide news organizations with new and innovative ways to create and share their content, with an even larger emphasis on back-and-forth communication and news reporting personalization. The present research highlights two important factors that can determine the efficient integration of chatbots in professional journalism: the feasibility of chatbot programming by journalists without a background in computer science using coding-free platforms and the usability of the created chatbot agents for news reporting to the audience. This paper aims to review some of the most popular, coding-free chatbot creation platforms that are available to journalists today. To that end, a three-phase evaluation framework is introduced. First off, the interactivity features th...

Research paper thumbnail of Cross-Media Authentication and Verification

Advances in Multimedia and Interactive Technologies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Tourist Go Home: Communication and Propaganda on Youtube

The Social media are considered to be important for the development of the tourist industry as th... more The Social media are considered to be important for the development of the tourist industry as they provide travellers with brand-new practices for choosing their destination. In addition, the travel websites contribute to this notion by offering the possibility of evaluating and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of various destinations. Nowadays, YouTube is the most visited video-sharing platform on the Internet. It is used for entertainment, political discussion, and recently for marketing purposes in the field of tourism. Via its services, users have the capability of uploading their content (UGC) online to various platforms. Thus, YouTube has become one of the leading tools for promoting users’ specific perspectives. It is even used for propaganda. This research focuses on the incidents that occurred in Barcelona, because of the “tourists go home” movement. For the analysis of the results, this paper used elements of descriptive statistics from YouTube and methods of q...

Research paper thumbnail of A Longitudinal Study of Ict Skills of 1ST Year Journalism Students

The technological revolution over the last few decades has affected almost all aspects of human a... more The technological revolution over the last few decades has affected almost all aspects of human activities and people’s everyday life. In this context, technology has become an integral part of every business industry. The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) along with the progress of internet has had significant impact on the journalistic field. However, journalism profession has always been considered to be closely related to technology. Digital Journalism has been growing steadily during the last years introducing new trends and practices in journalism education. This has led to an increasingly demand for trained journalists concerning new skills and standards. Nowadays, the journalist is expected to have the ability to exploit a variety of tools and services in order to deal successfully with the changing work demands. While traditional work skills remain essential elements of the journalistic education, the challenge is to combine these with the needs of the new digital information age. Journalism education can play a significant role in the changing environment of media industry. The present study focuses on the general and practical ICT knowledge of the 1st year undergraduate students in the School of Journalism & Mass Media Communication in Greece during the period 2003 - 2014. More specifically, the purpose was mainly to assess, over time, the progress of their knowledge and skills as well as to see their educational and training needs as future journalists. In summary, the findings presented in this paper demonstrate a significant improvement in knowledge of journalism students regarding ICTs. Finally, through students' opinion the paper discusses the necessity of ICTs in the journalism education as well as in journalism profession and work processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Augmented Reality for the Study of Human Heart Anatomy

Augmented reality is increasingly applied in medical education mainly because educators can share... more Augmented reality is increasingly applied in medical education mainly because educators can share knowledge through virtual objects. This research describes the development of a web application, which enhances users' medical knowledge with regards to the anatomy of the human heart by means of augmented reality. Evaluation is conducted in two different facets. In the first one, the authors of this paper evaluate the feasibility of a three-dimensional human heart module using one investigator under the supervision of an expert. In the second, evaluation aims at identifying usability issues by means of the cognitive walkthrough method. Three medical students (naive users) are called upon three target tasks in the web application. Task completion is appreciated in the light of the standard set of cognitive walkthrough questions. Augmented reality content miss hits are revealed by means of the first evaluation in an effort to enhance the educational utility of the three-dimensional h...

Research paper thumbnail of Theory and Practice of Search Engine Optimization

Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology, 2021

The extensive range of information resources and services is certainly one of the most important ... more The extensive range of information resources and services is certainly one of the most important features of the internet while at the same time, web search is considered as a crucial application for managing the massive volumes of distributed web content. Beyond argument, search engines have made an enormous contribution to the web by making the process of finding information online a very quick and easy process. This chapter provides an overview of Search Engine Optimization, with a focus on its different characteristics and practices as well its history and how it has evolved over the years. In order to give a better understanding of the importance of SEO in the current state of the Internet and in information search, basic knowledge of how search engines operate along with their recent updates are also provided.

Research paper thumbnail of Semantically Enhanced Authoring of Shared Media

Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Media and Communications, 2019

This chapter examines current trends and future perspectives of semantically enhanced media/multi... more This chapter examines current trends and future perspectives of semantically enhanced media/multimedia, considering all forms of non-linear storytelling, sharing, and authoring. Background is presented providing basic definitions, involved technology, achieved progress, and limitations. Recommendations and future research directions are then stated, aiming at serving a two-fold target: firstly, to present new, user-friendly forms of collaborative creativity, multimedia authoring, and storytelling; secondly, to suggest innovative adaptation mechanisms that can be utilized in both the media production and consumption ends. A semantically enhanced media authoring model is proposed, integrating most of the expected progress in augmented user interaction and the upcoming Web 2.0/3.0 services. The targeted Semantically-enhanced Multimedia Storytelling Services aim at engaging audience members individually, validating their involvement and positively reinforcing personal participation in t...

Research paper thumbnail of Computer Supported Collaborative Work trends on Media Organizations: Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

Studies in Media and Communication, 2017

There is a growing concern in the financial world regarding the lack of resources for the sustain... more There is a growing concern in the financial world regarding the lack of resources for the sustainability of media related enterprises. The increasing cost of computing resources and data storage have crucially established the deployment of cost-saving and high-effective technologies. The aim of these technologies should be the support of teamworking. The work environments of the media organizations typically remain stable despite the development of internet. Our purpose was to investigate journalists’ and media professionals’ beliefs regarding Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and groupware effectiveness in work routines, based on their experiences. We used a mixed method analysis in the participants’ sample. The participants were randomly selected senior and junior journalists/media professionals, head officers, chief editors and assistants, in two groups of 11 and 12 participants each. In conclusion, the need to improve our understanding of groupware in journalism practic...

Research paper thumbnail of Online Marketing for Media: The Case of Greek News Websites

International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2017

Nowadays it is quite easy to create a news website and start promoting it online. However, the st... more Nowadays it is quite easy to create a news website and start promoting it online. However, the structure of a significant amount of news websites seems to have been changing, often deviating from trends of past years or even setting their own marketing direction. Based on seven hypotheses related with online marketing characteristics, the researchers gathered data from articles posted on Greek news websites that reported three major events. After visiting the websites for a second time in order to compare the data, they calculated our results. These results show a clearer picture of how the situation currently is for the top twenty Greek news websites according to Α This paper also highlights newer trends in online news reporting, such as the elimination of the “like” button in favour of the shares, and also makes suggestions for further research.

Research paper thumbnail of Web Third-Person Effect Hypothesis: Do likes and Shares Affect Users’ Perceptions?

Journalism and Mass Communication, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Framework of a collaborative audio analysis and visualization tool for data journalists

2016 11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP), 2016

This paper describes the design and development of RecApp, a mobile application for visualization... more This paper describes the design and development of RecApp, a mobile application for visualization and collaborative analysis of journalistic data from audio collections. We try to identify the challenges to support a team of journalists in understanding and analyzing mobile audio data constructing semantic networks from text by collaborative visualization approach.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating Search Engine Optimization Factors in Media Websites

Digital Journalism, 2015

Rapidly evolving digital technologies across the last two decades have undeniably caused great ch... more Rapidly evolving digital technologies across the last two decades have undeniably caused great changes in the field of journalism. The development of online journalism has affected the processes of journalistic work, creating at the same time new techniques and practices. On the internet, search engines still drive a great amount of traffic to news websites. For that reason, factors such as visibility and high ranking on search engines’ results pages remain crucially important for media organizations. Nowadays, journalists or Web editors should be able to write and create appropriate content for the Web. This paper discusses in detail the impact of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on digital journalism. Through a quantitative analysis, a survey concerning Greek media websites is presented. The aim was twofold: on the one hand, to find out to what extent the use of SEO affects the traffic of a media website whilst, on the other hand, to discover to what degree media professionals in Greece utilize the possibilities given through search engines in order to increase traffic. Finally, a number of SEO elements and practices often used in news content are noted.

Research paper thumbnail of RecApp

Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2015 on Interaction With Sound, 2015

The present paper provides a methodological framework for the design of a novel intelligent audio... more The present paper provides a methodological framework for the design of a novel intelligent audio content processing cloud model. Motivated from previous experience on "desktop" audio content analysis and processing, a device-independent cloud model is thoroughly analyzed and designed, aiming at serving demanding new media services for the non-technologically experts (i.e. Journalists, Media Professionals, etc.). RecApp Android mobile application provides support to Journalists easily editing and sharing their audio material so they can better evaluate and disseminate it in working groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Audiovisual Hypermedia in the Semantic Web

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional aspects in Quality of Experience and Learning (QoE & QoL) of audiovisual content in mediated learning

IISA 2014, The 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, 2014

ABSTRACT The present paper focuses on the implementation and validation of audiovisual content, q... more ABSTRACT The present paper focuses on the implementation and validation of audiovisual content, quality evaluation approaches in mediated learning. The main aim of the work is to identify and describe the mechanisms that the attributes of source content (and its encoding properties) influence the learning process and the involved emotional aspects in terms of Quality of Experience and Learning (QoE & QoL) parameters. Subjective sentiment analysis tests are implemented along with QoE /QoL evaluation parameters and perceptually-adapted QoE metrics in real-world mediated learning scenarios. The obtained knowledge would be very helpful while preparing and designing audiovisual mediated tutoring and/or broadcasted distance learning courses, but also in many other fields associated with multimedia quality of experience and sentiment analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Augmenting User Interaction Experience through Embedded Multimodal Media Agents in Social Networks

Social Media and the Transformation of Interaction in Society

The current chapter proposes media agent and multi-agent models aiming at improving mediated comm... more The current chapter proposes media agent and multi-agent models aiming at improving mediated communication and information exchange in social networking. Great progress has been conducted during the last decades in Information and Communication Technologies, which is also reflected in social media. The proposed models exploit the latest media technologies for the augmentation of user-interaction and contribution experience in multiple levels. Features of the suggested agent and multi-agent approaches are discussed and elaborated through the prism of social computing, social media analytics and intelligence, resulting to a sophisticated communication mediator between users and social groups. In addition, enhanced user engagement and collaboration are considered in terms of rich media experience and augmented reality, semantic interaction services, intelligent content processing and management automation over interoperable multiplatform environments. Social media cooperation and integ...

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional Aspects and Quality of Experience for Multifactor Evaluation of Audiovisual Content

International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research, 2014

The present paper investigates multifactor audiovisual-content quality evaluation strategies, in ... more The present paper investigates multifactor audiovisual-content quality evaluation strategies, in mediated communication. The primary aims of the work are to identify, describe and model the mechanisms that the attributes of source content and its encoding properties influence the communication process and the involved emotional aspects in terms of Quality of Experience (QoE), information perception and understanding. Mediated learning constitutes a demanding thus suitable investigation case-study, where communication efficiency can be monitored with the use of applicable Quality of Learning (QoL) parameters, such as the learning outcome and its relation to the prior knowledge status. Real-world e-learning scenarios are utilized for sentiment analysis tests combined with QoE/QoL evaluation, using both subjective scores and perceptually-adapted metrics. This experimental research attempts to monitor communication efficiency and its relation to the quality and emotional impact of the m...