Stavros Zachariadis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (original) (raw)

Books by Stavros Zachariadis

Research paper thumbnail of Η επιτραπέζια κεραμική από την οικοδομική νησίδα του Υαλουργείου στην παλαιοχριστιανική πόλη των Φιλίππων / Fine Ware from the Glasswork Building in the early Byzantine city of Filippi

Fine Ware from the glasswork buiding in the early byzantine city of Philippi

Papers by Stavros Zachariadis

Research paper thumbnail of Chapitre 7. Le secteur 7

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Η επιτραπέζια κεραμική από την οικοδομική νησίδα του Υαλουργείου στην παλαιοχριστιανική πόλη των Φιλίππων

Η μελέτη αυτή αφορά την επιτραπέζια κεραμική (πινάκια και μικρές λεκανίδες) που εντοπίστηκε στα ό... more Η μελέτη αυτή αφορά την επιτραπέζια κεραμική (πινάκια και μικρές λεκανίδες) που εντοπίστηκε στα όρια μιας εκτεταμένης οικοδομικής νησίδας, στο νοτιοδυτικό τμήμα της νέας πανεπιστημιακής ανασκαφής των Φιλίππων. Το κεραμικό αυτό σύνολο προέρχεται από ένα χώρο με συνεχή χρήση από το 2ο μισό του 2ου ή τις αρχές του τρίτου αιώνα μέχρι και τον 7ο αιώνα. Εξετάζεται η λεπτή κεραμική του συγκεκριμένου συνόλου και πιο συγκεκριμένα οι παραγωγές της Περγάμου, της Φώκαιας και της Βορείου Αφρικής. Αγγεία από αυτά τα κέντρα παραγωγής φαίνεται ότι εισάγονταν στην πόλη των Φιλίππων καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια χρήσης της νησίδας, γεγονός που αποδεικνύει την αδιάλειπτη επαφή της πόλης με τα σημαντικά εμπορικά κέντρα της Mεσογείου.

Research paper thumbnail of Fast heat Transfer between ice and air. Constraints from the Chinotrypa ice cave, Greece

Proceeding of the 18th UIS Congress, Savoie Mont – Blank, - Volume III - Karstologia Mémoires n°23 - SYMPOSIUM 06 - Climatology, 2022

Perennial ice deposits are present in caves either due to autochthonous genetic processes or allo... more Perennial ice deposits are present in caves either due to autochthonous genetic processes or allochthonous influx. Understanding the mechanisms linking ice cave with external climate and the interplay between climate and ice occurrence are crucial for understanding the long‐term dynamics of ice‐related processes in caves. Here, we present the results of ice and air temperature measurements during the past years in Chionotrypa Cave (CC), a 111 m deep alpine cave located at 2080 m asl in the Rhodope Mountains, Northern Greece, hosting a ca. 30 m thick snow and ice deposit. Air temperature variations follow the exterior temperature if Text < Tint (and below 0 C) leading to cold air inflow inside the cave. This inflow occurs in a period of 1‐3 hours, being shortest when the temperature amplitude is largest, and vice versa. In summer, air temperatures
inside the cave are near 0 C, due to slow snow melting and absorption of heat during the process. Short term variability of T inside the ice massfollows that in the air with no delay (< 1 h),suggesting that contrary to ice formed by the freezing of water, when ice is formed through snow diagenesis allows for a faster transfer of heat

Research paper thumbnail of Terra a mano: The Handmade Pottery of Philippi and Its Implications for the Transformation of the City during the Early Byzantine Period

Friesen J. S., Lychounas M., Schowalter N.D. (edts) Philippi, From colonia augusta to communitas christiana: Religion and Society in Transition. Leiden , 2022

Handmade pottery from different sites in the city of Philippi is presented, along with its contex... more Handmade pottery from different sites in the city of Philippi is presented, along with its context information, thus proposing a typochronology of the ware. Matters of production and technology are examined. The presence of handmade ware provides valuable information on the economic and social life of the city during the 7th and 8th century, implying differentiations on the production and consumption model that take place during that period.

Research paper thumbnail of Holy pottery: depictions of pottery vessels in the iconography of Athos

Giorgio M. (ed.), Storie [di] Ceramiche 8 – Fonti scritte e iconografiche. Atti della Giornata di Studi in ricordo di Graziella Berti,a otto anni dalla scomparsa, Sesto Fiorentino , 2022

The iconographic depository of Athos provides us with several scenes that depict pottery and othe... more The iconographic depository of Athos provides us with several
scenes that depict pottery and other vessels. Even though they are
not realistic, one can identify several pragmatological elements,
such as gestures and different ways that every vessel was used at
the time. The overall composition of the scenes can give some perspective on socio-economic status and ideological views prevailing
at the course of time, during the byzantine period

Research paper thumbnail of Light years away: Light years away: the Asia Minor lamps tradition from the end of the Hellenistic era to Late Antiquity. Insights from northern Greece

A Globalized’ Antiquity: Imports and Local Adaptations of Mainstream Lamp Types. The Examples of “Ephesos Lamps’’ in the Mediterranean and Black Sea and of Roman “Standard’’ Types During the Early Imperial Period in Gaul, 2020

The Roman conquest came with a price on the pottery industry in Asia Minor. Despite the vast impo... more The Roman conquest came with a price on the pottery industry in Asia Minor. Despite the vast importance of the Hellenistic
Ephesos type, lamp production in the eastern Aegean coast seems to decline since the early imperial era. The previously innovative
workshops are now limited to reproducing Italian prototypes, and eventually almost cease operation. By the 5th century the dormant
tradition awakens and a new era in lamp production begins with the emergence of the so-called Asia Minor type lamp, following the
course of the entire !ne ware industry. During the next century these products, imported or locally copied, will prevail in the eastern
Mediterranean market. The Samian type lamp seems to be part of the same tradition that cannot be pinpointed locally and is probably
spread, just like its counterpart, to the entire Asia Minor. The data from major 5th – 7th century A.D. assemblages from northern Greece,
indicate the devotion of this market to Asia Minor products.

Research paper thumbnail of Le secteur 7

in Darque P. Tsirtsoni Z. (edts) Dikili Tash, village préhistorique de Macédoine orientale, volume II, 2. Histoire d'un tell: les recherches 1986-2016. Paris, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Κεραμική από την οικοδομική νησίδα του υαλουργείου της παλαιοχριστιανικής πόλης των Φιλίππων

PhD. Aristotle Univercity of Thessaloniki, 2021

The city of Philippi is one of the most important, and the best preserved and extensively excavat... more The city of Philippi is one of the most important, and the best preserved and extensively excavated urban contexts in northern Greece. The building occupying almost an entire insulla in the northeastern part of the city covers a large time span, from the 3rd to the 7th century. Originally built as a luxurious house, it was turned into an industrial compound, with a glasswork factory installed in it. The pottery from this context includes numerous imports from almost every important production center of this period, as well as local products. Amongst the latter one should include several glazed vessels, produced in the same workshops as the common ware, and a limited quantity of handmade ware, from the final period of this building. Numerous productions and specific types are presented that have not been identified before or have been neglected in this area, enhancing the information on local production, trade routes, connecting the area with the rest of the Mediterranean, as well as on the transformations occurring in the economy of the city from the late roman to the early byzantine period.

Research paper thumbnail of Record summer rains in 2019 led to massive loss of surface and cave ice in SE Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Σύνολο πήλινων λύχνων από την πανεπιστημιακή ανασκαφή των Φιλίππων


Lamps are a significant tool employed not only in pottery studies, but also in various fields of ... more Lamps are a significant tool employed not only in pottery studies, but also in various fields of archaeological research, due to their extended standardization. Nevertheless, easily acquired copies produced with the surmoulage technique can often lead to faulty interpretations. The study of technical details and clay composition can help distinguish imports from copies. Asia Minor and African type lamps from an urban context in Philippi, dating from 5th to 7th century AD, studied under this scope, reveal various fabrication traits and distinctive features for each type. After having considered these sets of characteristics, it has been concluded that almost every single example of the first type seems to be imported from various Asia Minor productions centers. On the contrary, the majority of African type lamps are imitations of the original products, though still imported, either from the eastern Aegean coast or from Greek mainland.

Research paper thumbnail of Πανεπιστημιακή ανασκαφική έρευνα στην οχυρή θέση «Κάλε» Αμυνταίου 2015 / University Excavation in the Fortress “Kale” of Amyntaion in 2015

Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη, 2015

The university excavation in the fortified site “Kale” (meaning fortress), in Amyntaion district,... more The university excavation in the fortified site “Kale” (meaning fortress), in Amyntaion district, in Florina, is conducted by the Department of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Ephorate of Antiquities of Florina and funded by the municipality of Amyntaion. The triangle shaped stonemasonry wall spreads along the steep slopes of the hill adjacent to Petres Lake. Its preserved height sometimes exceeds 2 m, while the interior is divided by a transverse wall. At the top of the hill the remnants of a three aisled basilica can be dated in the 9th c. A.C. while a significant number of stone mounds, indicating ruins of domestic or other urban constructions, take over the eastern part of the walled area. The results of the survey conducted along with topography and historic geography, suggest the presence of a Mid-Byzantine settlement that flourished until the Ottoman conquest. Though its identification as the Byzantine
Peterisko”, mentioned by Skylitzes and Kekaumenos, seems appealing, further studies are needed in order for this assumption to be verified.

Research paper thumbnail of Considerations on the Function and Usage of Pottery Lamps, Inspired by Finds from the Forum of Thessaloniki

in Motsianos Ι. και Garnett S. K. (επιμ.) Glass, Wax and Metal. Lighting technologies in Late Antique, Byzantine and medieval times, 2019

experiments, analytical techniques, tradition and literal sources, supplemented by the archaeolog... more experiments, analytical techniques, tradition and literal sources, supplemented by the archaeological evidence, provide us with adequate information concerning the use and function of closed lamps. The essential elements of a lamp can be summed up in four words: vessel, fuel, wick, oxygen. Olive oil is the most important lamp fuel while several other vegetal oils, butter, animal fat and even crude mineral oil were used for the same purpose. Wicks were mainly vegetal produced from a variety of plants either with or without any processing while a mineral wick is also mentioned. Technological advances are critical for the evolution of the form of the vessel while the lamp type adopted in every case is indicative of consumption and illumination habits. A series of roughly made lamps from the Forum of Thessaloniki, imitations of Asia Minor and Samian lamps, are indicative that technological features could overcome stylistic and decorative criteria.

Research paper thumbnail of Post Tenebram Lux: The Prominent Burial Site of the Anargyroi Basilica / Post tenebram lux. Η εξέχουσα ταφή της βασιλικής των Αναργύρων

ΑΕΜΘ 27, 2013

On the edge of the coal mine of Amyntaio, Florina, part of a major cemetery was recovered in the ... more On the edge of the coal mine of Amyntaio, Florina, part of a major cemetery was recovered in the site Anargyroi XI, over the remnants of a prehistoric settlement. At the eastern part of the area under excavation a small single aisled basilica, with some latter additions was found. The surrounding area was packed with almost 1000 pit type burials, mostly consisting of women and children. Inside the main temple solely a woman’s burial, along with some fetal remains was unearthed. Both the building and the cemetery probably date to the mid and late byzantine era (12th - 14th century).

Research paper thumbnail of “Dust… to dust…”. Earthenware from the byzantine cemetery of Anargyroi in Florina: Preliminary report / «Xoῦς… εἰς χoῦν…». Χωμάτινα ευρήματα από το βυζαντινό νεκροταφείο των Αναργύρων Φλώρινας: πρώτες παρατηρήσεις

ΑΕΜΘ 27, 2013

An extensive cemetery was revealed during the rescue excavation conducted in the coal mine of Amy... more An extensive cemetery was revealed during the rescue excavation conducted in the coal mine of Amyntaio, Florina district. Pottery indicates continuous use of the site from the middle byzantine era (early 12th or even late 11th century) to the Ottoman occupation (late 14th century). Nevertheless substantial quantity of handmade pottery could indicate towards an earlier phase, even since the so called “dark ages”.

Research paper thumbnail of Με αφορμή τη Γκρίζα κεραμική των Φιλίππων / Regarding the Gray ware from Philippi

LEPETYMNOS. Studies in Archaeology and Art in memory of Georgios Gounaris. Late Roman, Byzantine, PostByzantine Period, 2018

During the study of the pottery assemblage from the so-called glasswork building in Philippi, mor... more During the study of the pottery assemblage from the so-called glasswork building in Philippi, more than 350 sherds of Macedonian Gray Ware were noted. The abundance of this pottery posed questions on the validity of the contemporary assumptions concerning the specific ware. Using published material as well as pottery from Philippi
the original typology created by Anderson is supplemented while the chronological span of the ware is prolonged by almost half of a century, to the beginning of the 4th c. A.D., due to securely dated examples, antedating the earliest examples from Stobi. Additionally, it is proposed that a northern Greek origin seems more likely for this production, instead of Stobi, where it was originally attributed.

Research paper thumbnail of Η κεραμική ενός αποθέτη της πανεπιστημιακής ανασκαφής Φιλίππων / Pottery from a dump in the Aristotle University excavation in Philippi

Research paper thumbnail of Pottery from the workshop building block in the Early Byzantine city of Philippi

4th Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry (LRCW 4), Mediterranean: a market without borders, Thessaloniki 7 – 11 April 2011. BAR international Series 2616, Oxford, 2014

The pottery from a small building in the early Byzantine city of Philippi confirms its date in th... more The pottery from a small building in the early Byzantine city of Philippi confirms its date in the 6th century AD but also
reveals its partial use during the 7th century AD. The presence of handmade vessels along with wheelmade imported
pottery in the same context enhances the argument for attributing the so-called Slavic ware actually to a non-Slavic

Research paper thumbnail of Δύο άγνωστα οθωμανικά λουτρά στο νομό Πέλλα, ΑΕΜΘ 20 (2006) σελ. 751 - 752 / Two new ottoman baths in Pella district (in greek)

To Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη , 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Λύχνοι της ύστερης αρχαιότητας και των πρώιμων βυζαντινών χρόνων από την Αρχαία Αγορά Θεσσαλονίκης / Late antique and early byzantine lamps from the forum of Thessaloniki

Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Chapitre 7. Le secteur 7

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Η επιτραπέζια κεραμική από την οικοδομική νησίδα του Υαλουργείου στην παλαιοχριστιανική πόλη των Φιλίππων

Η μελέτη αυτή αφορά την επιτραπέζια κεραμική (πινάκια και μικρές λεκανίδες) που εντοπίστηκε στα ό... more Η μελέτη αυτή αφορά την επιτραπέζια κεραμική (πινάκια και μικρές λεκανίδες) που εντοπίστηκε στα όρια μιας εκτεταμένης οικοδομικής νησίδας, στο νοτιοδυτικό τμήμα της νέας πανεπιστημιακής ανασκαφής των Φιλίππων. Το κεραμικό αυτό σύνολο προέρχεται από ένα χώρο με συνεχή χρήση από το 2ο μισό του 2ου ή τις αρχές του τρίτου αιώνα μέχρι και τον 7ο αιώνα. Εξετάζεται η λεπτή κεραμική του συγκεκριμένου συνόλου και πιο συγκεκριμένα οι παραγωγές της Περγάμου, της Φώκαιας και της Βορείου Αφρικής. Αγγεία από αυτά τα κέντρα παραγωγής φαίνεται ότι εισάγονταν στην πόλη των Φιλίππων καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια χρήσης της νησίδας, γεγονός που αποδεικνύει την αδιάλειπτη επαφή της πόλης με τα σημαντικά εμπορικά κέντρα της Mεσογείου.

Research paper thumbnail of Fast heat Transfer between ice and air. Constraints from the Chinotrypa ice cave, Greece

Proceeding of the 18th UIS Congress, Savoie Mont – Blank, - Volume III - Karstologia Mémoires n°23 - SYMPOSIUM 06 - Climatology, 2022

Perennial ice deposits are present in caves either due to autochthonous genetic processes or allo... more Perennial ice deposits are present in caves either due to autochthonous genetic processes or allochthonous influx. Understanding the mechanisms linking ice cave with external climate and the interplay between climate and ice occurrence are crucial for understanding the long‐term dynamics of ice‐related processes in caves. Here, we present the results of ice and air temperature measurements during the past years in Chionotrypa Cave (CC), a 111 m deep alpine cave located at 2080 m asl in the Rhodope Mountains, Northern Greece, hosting a ca. 30 m thick snow and ice deposit. Air temperature variations follow the exterior temperature if Text < Tint (and below 0 C) leading to cold air inflow inside the cave. This inflow occurs in a period of 1‐3 hours, being shortest when the temperature amplitude is largest, and vice versa. In summer, air temperatures
inside the cave are near 0 C, due to slow snow melting and absorption of heat during the process. Short term variability of T inside the ice massfollows that in the air with no delay (< 1 h),suggesting that contrary to ice formed by the freezing of water, when ice is formed through snow diagenesis allows for a faster transfer of heat

Research paper thumbnail of Terra a mano: The Handmade Pottery of Philippi and Its Implications for the Transformation of the City during the Early Byzantine Period

Friesen J. S., Lychounas M., Schowalter N.D. (edts) Philippi, From colonia augusta to communitas christiana: Religion and Society in Transition. Leiden , 2022

Handmade pottery from different sites in the city of Philippi is presented, along with its contex... more Handmade pottery from different sites in the city of Philippi is presented, along with its context information, thus proposing a typochronology of the ware. Matters of production and technology are examined. The presence of handmade ware provides valuable information on the economic and social life of the city during the 7th and 8th century, implying differentiations on the production and consumption model that take place during that period.

Research paper thumbnail of Holy pottery: depictions of pottery vessels in the iconography of Athos

Giorgio M. (ed.), Storie [di] Ceramiche 8 – Fonti scritte e iconografiche. Atti della Giornata di Studi in ricordo di Graziella Berti,a otto anni dalla scomparsa, Sesto Fiorentino , 2022

The iconographic depository of Athos provides us with several scenes that depict pottery and othe... more The iconographic depository of Athos provides us with several
scenes that depict pottery and other vessels. Even though they are
not realistic, one can identify several pragmatological elements,
such as gestures and different ways that every vessel was used at
the time. The overall composition of the scenes can give some perspective on socio-economic status and ideological views prevailing
at the course of time, during the byzantine period

Research paper thumbnail of Light years away: Light years away: the Asia Minor lamps tradition from the end of the Hellenistic era to Late Antiquity. Insights from northern Greece

A Globalized’ Antiquity: Imports and Local Adaptations of Mainstream Lamp Types. The Examples of “Ephesos Lamps’’ in the Mediterranean and Black Sea and of Roman “Standard’’ Types During the Early Imperial Period in Gaul, 2020

The Roman conquest came with a price on the pottery industry in Asia Minor. Despite the vast impo... more The Roman conquest came with a price on the pottery industry in Asia Minor. Despite the vast importance of the Hellenistic
Ephesos type, lamp production in the eastern Aegean coast seems to decline since the early imperial era. The previously innovative
workshops are now limited to reproducing Italian prototypes, and eventually almost cease operation. By the 5th century the dormant
tradition awakens and a new era in lamp production begins with the emergence of the so-called Asia Minor type lamp, following the
course of the entire !ne ware industry. During the next century these products, imported or locally copied, will prevail in the eastern
Mediterranean market. The Samian type lamp seems to be part of the same tradition that cannot be pinpointed locally and is probably
spread, just like its counterpart, to the entire Asia Minor. The data from major 5th – 7th century A.D. assemblages from northern Greece,
indicate the devotion of this market to Asia Minor products.

Research paper thumbnail of Le secteur 7

in Darque P. Tsirtsoni Z. (edts) Dikili Tash, village préhistorique de Macédoine orientale, volume II, 2. Histoire d'un tell: les recherches 1986-2016. Paris, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Κεραμική από την οικοδομική νησίδα του υαλουργείου της παλαιοχριστιανικής πόλης των Φιλίππων

PhD. Aristotle Univercity of Thessaloniki, 2021

The city of Philippi is one of the most important, and the best preserved and extensively excavat... more The city of Philippi is one of the most important, and the best preserved and extensively excavated urban contexts in northern Greece. The building occupying almost an entire insulla in the northeastern part of the city covers a large time span, from the 3rd to the 7th century. Originally built as a luxurious house, it was turned into an industrial compound, with a glasswork factory installed in it. The pottery from this context includes numerous imports from almost every important production center of this period, as well as local products. Amongst the latter one should include several glazed vessels, produced in the same workshops as the common ware, and a limited quantity of handmade ware, from the final period of this building. Numerous productions and specific types are presented that have not been identified before or have been neglected in this area, enhancing the information on local production, trade routes, connecting the area with the rest of the Mediterranean, as well as on the transformations occurring in the economy of the city from the late roman to the early byzantine period.

Research paper thumbnail of Record summer rains in 2019 led to massive loss of surface and cave ice in SE Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Σύνολο πήλινων λύχνων από την πανεπιστημιακή ανασκαφή των Φιλίππων


Lamps are a significant tool employed not only in pottery studies, but also in various fields of ... more Lamps are a significant tool employed not only in pottery studies, but also in various fields of archaeological research, due to their extended standardization. Nevertheless, easily acquired copies produced with the surmoulage technique can often lead to faulty interpretations. The study of technical details and clay composition can help distinguish imports from copies. Asia Minor and African type lamps from an urban context in Philippi, dating from 5th to 7th century AD, studied under this scope, reveal various fabrication traits and distinctive features for each type. After having considered these sets of characteristics, it has been concluded that almost every single example of the first type seems to be imported from various Asia Minor productions centers. On the contrary, the majority of African type lamps are imitations of the original products, though still imported, either from the eastern Aegean coast or from Greek mainland.

Research paper thumbnail of Πανεπιστημιακή ανασκαφική έρευνα στην οχυρή θέση «Κάλε» Αμυνταίου 2015 / University Excavation in the Fortress “Kale” of Amyntaion in 2015

Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη, 2015

The university excavation in the fortified site “Kale” (meaning fortress), in Amyntaion district,... more The university excavation in the fortified site “Kale” (meaning fortress), in Amyntaion district, in Florina, is conducted by the Department of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Ephorate of Antiquities of Florina and funded by the municipality of Amyntaion. The triangle shaped stonemasonry wall spreads along the steep slopes of the hill adjacent to Petres Lake. Its preserved height sometimes exceeds 2 m, while the interior is divided by a transverse wall. At the top of the hill the remnants of a three aisled basilica can be dated in the 9th c. A.C. while a significant number of stone mounds, indicating ruins of domestic or other urban constructions, take over the eastern part of the walled area. The results of the survey conducted along with topography and historic geography, suggest the presence of a Mid-Byzantine settlement that flourished until the Ottoman conquest. Though its identification as the Byzantine
Peterisko”, mentioned by Skylitzes and Kekaumenos, seems appealing, further studies are needed in order for this assumption to be verified.

Research paper thumbnail of Considerations on the Function and Usage of Pottery Lamps, Inspired by Finds from the Forum of Thessaloniki

in Motsianos Ι. και Garnett S. K. (επιμ.) Glass, Wax and Metal. Lighting technologies in Late Antique, Byzantine and medieval times, 2019

experiments, analytical techniques, tradition and literal sources, supplemented by the archaeolog... more experiments, analytical techniques, tradition and literal sources, supplemented by the archaeological evidence, provide us with adequate information concerning the use and function of closed lamps. The essential elements of a lamp can be summed up in four words: vessel, fuel, wick, oxygen. Olive oil is the most important lamp fuel while several other vegetal oils, butter, animal fat and even crude mineral oil were used for the same purpose. Wicks were mainly vegetal produced from a variety of plants either with or without any processing while a mineral wick is also mentioned. Technological advances are critical for the evolution of the form of the vessel while the lamp type adopted in every case is indicative of consumption and illumination habits. A series of roughly made lamps from the Forum of Thessaloniki, imitations of Asia Minor and Samian lamps, are indicative that technological features could overcome stylistic and decorative criteria.

Research paper thumbnail of Post Tenebram Lux: The Prominent Burial Site of the Anargyroi Basilica / Post tenebram lux. Η εξέχουσα ταφή της βασιλικής των Αναργύρων

ΑΕΜΘ 27, 2013

On the edge of the coal mine of Amyntaio, Florina, part of a major cemetery was recovered in the ... more On the edge of the coal mine of Amyntaio, Florina, part of a major cemetery was recovered in the site Anargyroi XI, over the remnants of a prehistoric settlement. At the eastern part of the area under excavation a small single aisled basilica, with some latter additions was found. The surrounding area was packed with almost 1000 pit type burials, mostly consisting of women and children. Inside the main temple solely a woman’s burial, along with some fetal remains was unearthed. Both the building and the cemetery probably date to the mid and late byzantine era (12th - 14th century).

Research paper thumbnail of “Dust… to dust…”. Earthenware from the byzantine cemetery of Anargyroi in Florina: Preliminary report / «Xoῦς… εἰς χoῦν…». Χωμάτινα ευρήματα από το βυζαντινό νεκροταφείο των Αναργύρων Φλώρινας: πρώτες παρατηρήσεις

ΑΕΜΘ 27, 2013

An extensive cemetery was revealed during the rescue excavation conducted in the coal mine of Amy... more An extensive cemetery was revealed during the rescue excavation conducted in the coal mine of Amyntaio, Florina district. Pottery indicates continuous use of the site from the middle byzantine era (early 12th or even late 11th century) to the Ottoman occupation (late 14th century). Nevertheless substantial quantity of handmade pottery could indicate towards an earlier phase, even since the so called “dark ages”.

Research paper thumbnail of Με αφορμή τη Γκρίζα κεραμική των Φιλίππων / Regarding the Gray ware from Philippi

LEPETYMNOS. Studies in Archaeology and Art in memory of Georgios Gounaris. Late Roman, Byzantine, PostByzantine Period, 2018

During the study of the pottery assemblage from the so-called glasswork building in Philippi, mor... more During the study of the pottery assemblage from the so-called glasswork building in Philippi, more than 350 sherds of Macedonian Gray Ware were noted. The abundance of this pottery posed questions on the validity of the contemporary assumptions concerning the specific ware. Using published material as well as pottery from Philippi
the original typology created by Anderson is supplemented while the chronological span of the ware is prolonged by almost half of a century, to the beginning of the 4th c. A.D., due to securely dated examples, antedating the earliest examples from Stobi. Additionally, it is proposed that a northern Greek origin seems more likely for this production, instead of Stobi, where it was originally attributed.

Research paper thumbnail of Η κεραμική ενός αποθέτη της πανεπιστημιακής ανασκαφής Φιλίππων / Pottery from a dump in the Aristotle University excavation in Philippi

Research paper thumbnail of Pottery from the workshop building block in the Early Byzantine city of Philippi

4th Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry (LRCW 4), Mediterranean: a market without borders, Thessaloniki 7 – 11 April 2011. BAR international Series 2616, Oxford, 2014

The pottery from a small building in the early Byzantine city of Philippi confirms its date in th... more The pottery from a small building in the early Byzantine city of Philippi confirms its date in the 6th century AD but also
reveals its partial use during the 7th century AD. The presence of handmade vessels along with wheelmade imported
pottery in the same context enhances the argument for attributing the so-called Slavic ware actually to a non-Slavic

Research paper thumbnail of Δύο άγνωστα οθωμανικά λουτρά στο νομό Πέλλα, ΑΕΜΘ 20 (2006) σελ. 751 - 752 / Two new ottoman baths in Pella district (in greek)

To Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη , 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Λύχνοι της ύστερης αρχαιότητας και των πρώιμων βυζαντινών χρόνων από την Αρχαία Αγορά Θεσσαλονίκης / Late antique and early byzantine lamps from the forum of Thessaloniki

Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και τη Θράκη, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Lamps from Thessaloniki’s Agora  in Light on Light: An illuminating story

Motsianos J., Bintsi E., (edts.) Light on light, Thessaloniki, 2011