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The ASN Database, updated daily, contains worldwide aircraft accident and (serious) incidents.

The database can be accessed in different ways:
» Aircraft type indexes: all types | commercial jets | corporate jets
» Geographical region/country index
» (contributory) Cause index
» Registrations list

Search for specific accidents or view accidents by year:

1900 | 1901 | 1902 |1903 |1904 |1905 |1906 |1907 |1908 |1909
1910 |1911 |1912 |1913 |1914 |1915 |1916 |1917 |1918 |1919
1920 |1921 |1922 |1923 |1924 |1925 |1926 |1927 |1928 |1929
1930 |1931 |1932 |1933 |1934 |1935 |1936 |1937 |1938 |1939
1940 |1941 |1942 |1943 |1944 |1945 |1946 |1947 |1948 |1949
1950 |1951 |1952 |1953 |1954 |1955 |1956 |1957 |1958 |1959
1960 |1961 |1962 |1963 |1964 |1965 |1966 |1967 |1968 |1969
1970 |1971 |1972 |1973 |1974 |1975 |1976 |1977 |1978 |1979
1980 |1981 |1982 |1983 |1984 |1985 |1986 |1987 |1988 |1989
1990 |1991 |1992 |1993 |1994 |1995 |1996 |1997 |1998 |1999
2000 |2001 |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 |2008 |2009
2010 |2011 |2012 |2013 |2014 |2015 |2016 |2017 |2018 |2019
2020 |2021 |2022 |2023 |2024 |

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