Egemen Ünal | Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University (original) (raw)

Papers by Egemen Ünal

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding COVID-19 among the Turkish and Malaysian general populations during lockdown: A cross-sectional online survey

Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, Oct 21, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Eskişehir Mevsimlik Tarım İşçileri ile Yerli Halkın Acil Servis Başvurularının Karşılaştırılması

Öz Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, 2012 yılı Nisan-Ekim ayları arasında Eskişehir İli Alpu İlçe Hastanesi... more Öz Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, 2012 yılı Nisan-Ekim ayları arasında Eskişehir İli Alpu İlçe Hastanesi (EAİH) acil servisine başvuran Mevsimlik Tarım İşçileri (MTİ) ve ailelerinin, başvuru durumlarını belirlemek ve başvurularını aynı dönemdeki yerli halk başvurularıyla karşılaştırmak idi. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışma için 2012 yılı Nisan-Ekim aylarına ait 13 adet acil servis protokol defteri detaylıca incelendi. Her ay başvuran MTİ ve aileleri başvurularına karşılık aylık aynı sayıda yerli halk başvurusu sistematik örnekleme ile seçildi. Örneğe giren bireylerin protokol defterinde bulunan bilgileri(doğum tarihi, cinsiyet, başvuru ayı, aldıkları tanı ve tedavi) kaydedildi. İstatistiklerde ki-kare analizi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Toplamda 4570 adet başvuru kaydı (2285 MTİ ve ailelerinin başvurusu, 2285 kontrol grubu başvurusu) incelendi.0-4,5-14,15-29 yaş gruplarında MTİ ve ailelerinin acil servis başvuru sayıları daha yüksekti (p<0.001). 45-64 ve 65+ yaş gruplarında ise yerli halkın acil se...

Research paper thumbnail of Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinde gündüz aşırı uykululuk hali ve depresyon şüphesi ilişkisi

Giris Uyku, bireyin fiziksel ve ruhsal sagligini surdurebilmesinde en onemli bilesenlerden biridi... more Giris Uyku, bireyin fiziksel ve ruhsal sagligini surdurebilmesinde en onemli bilesenlerden biridir. Uyku, insanlarin gunluk yasaminidogrudan etkilerken, sinav stresi, kronik hastaliklar, kullanilan ilaclar, beslenme vb. bircok durum dauykuyu dogrudan etkiler. Yeterli ve kaliteli bir uyku bireyin akademik basarisini, insan iliskilerini, fiziksel ve ruhsal sagligini olumlu yonde gelistirirken, yetersiz ya da kalitesiz uykuda gunduz asiri uykululuk haline (GAUH) neden olarak, bireyin yasam kalitesini dusurmektedir. Depresyon ise bircok nedene bagli olarak ortaya cikabilen, duygusal, zihinsel, davranissal ve bedensel bazi belirtilerle kendisini gosteren,toplumda yaygin olarak bulunan ve insanlarin yasam kalitelerini bozan en onemli saglik sorunlarindan biridir. Literaturde uyku bozukluklarinin ve bu bozukluklar sonucunda ortaya cikan GAUH’un bireylerde gorulen depresif belirtilerle iliskili olabilecegini gosteren calismalar mevcuttur. Tip fakultelerinde ogrenim goren ogrencilerde, yogun...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Home Health Care Need Scale for the Elderly

Turkish Journal of Geriatrics-Turk Geriatri Dergisi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Eski̇şehi̇r İli̇ni̇n Mahmudi̇ye İlçe Merkezi̇nde 20-45 Yaş Grubu Kadinlarda Mi̇gren Şüphesi̇ Sikliği Ve Uyku Kali̇tesi̇

Giris ve Amac Migren, genellikle puberte doneminde baslayip daha cok35-45 yas arasi bireylerde go... more Giris ve Amac Migren, genellikle puberte doneminde baslayip daha cok35-45 yas arasi bireylerde gorulen, ataklar halinde seyreden, tekrarlayici, siklikla yasam boyu devam eden primer bas agrisi bozukluklarindan biridir. Migren, gorulme sikliginin yuksek olmasi, teshis ve tedavi icin ekonomik yuk olusturmasi ve saglikla iliskili yasam kalitesini olumsuz yonde etkilemesi gibi nedenlerle onemli bir hastalik olarak kabul edilmektedir.Bununla birlikte uyku ile ilgili saglik sorunlarinin migreni tetikledigi ayni zamanda migren tipi bas agrisi olan bireylerde gelisen stres, gece devam eden agrilar nedeniyle uyku kalitesinin olumsuz yonde etkilendigi bilinmektedir. Bu calismada, Mahmudiye ilce merkezinde 20-45 yas grubu kadinlarda migren tipi bas agrisi sikliginin saptanmasi, iliskili oldugu dusunulen bazi faktorlerin incelenmesi ve uyku kalitesinin degerlendirmesi amaclandi. Gerec ve Yontem Bu calisma, 05 Eylul–30 Ekim 2013 tarihleri arasinda Eskisehir’nin Mahmudiye ilce merkezinde yasayan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pi̇ttsburgh İnsomni̇ Derecelendi̇rme Ölçeği̇ Türkçe Uyarlanmasi: Bi̇r Geçerli̇li̇k Güveni̇li̇rli̇k Çalişmasi

Giris: Uyku bozukluklari, tum dunyada oldugu gibi Turkiye'de artis gosteren ve hekimlerin si... more Giris: Uyku bozukluklari, tum dunyada oldugu gibi Turkiye'de artis gosteren ve hekimlerin siklikla karsilastigi bir sorundur. Insomni, en sik gorulen uyku bozukluklarindan olup, uykuya dalma, surdurme ve sonlandirmaya iliskin sorunlar sonucu, dinlendirici olmayan uykuyu tanimlamaktadir. Uyku bozukluklari, yasami tehdit eden kazalar, is verimliliginde ciddi kayiplar ve psikososyal islevlerde onemli bozukluklara neden olabilen ve yaygin gorulen onemli halk sagligi sorunlaridir. Bu nedenle toplumda uyku bozukluklarinin degerlendirilmesi, bu bozukluga sahip olan insanlarin bilinclendirilmesi ve tedavi almaya yonlendirilmesi yasamsal onem tasir. Calismanin amaci, insomniyi klinik disinda, saha taramalarinda tanilamada kullanacak olceklerden birisi olan Pittsburgh Insomni Derecelendirme Olcegi (PIDO)’nin Turkceye uyarlanip, gecerlilik ve guvenilirliginin belirlenmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: PIDO’nun Turkce gecerlilik ve guvenilirliginin belirlenecegi calisma, 2013-2014 ogretim yilinda ...


Today, sleeping disorder is a type of disease that be dwelled on frequently due to effects on qua... more Today, sleeping disorder is a type of disease that be dwelled on frequently due to effects on quality of life and labor productivity. Medical faculty students can be assessed as risky group for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) due to intensive educational tempo, subject intensity that needs long-time study, insufficient sleep and stress. This study is planned for assessing frequency of EDS and depression cases and specifications that considered to be related with these cases. This cross-sectional study was conducted on first, second and third grade students from Eskisehir Osmangazi University Medicine Faculty on April-May 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Romatoid Artrit Tanılı Hastaların Umutsuzluk Düzeylerinin Ve Yaşam Kalitelerinin Belirlenmesi

Romatoid Artrit (RA) etiyopatogenezi tam olarak bilinmeyen; eklemlerde katilik, sertlik, agri ve ... more Romatoid Artrit (RA) etiyopatogenezi tam olarak bilinmeyen; eklemlerde katilik, sertlik, agri ve deformitelerle giden; degisik sistemleri tutabilen; alevlenme ve iyilesme donemleri olan kronik bag dokusu hastaligidir. RA, kisinin gundelik etkinliklerinin kisitlanmasina, toplumdan soyutlanmaya, baskalarina bagimli hale gelmeye neden olabilmektedir. Bunlar sonucunda kisinin benlik saygisinda azalma, depresyon, kaygi-umutsuzluk duygulari gelisebilmektedir. Ayrica yapilan calismalarda RA hastalarinda yasam kalitesinin kotulestigi bildirilmektedir. Calismada, Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Romatoloji Poliklinigi’ne basvuran RA tanisiyla tedavi goren ve takip edilen bireylerin yasam kalitelerini, umutsuzluk duzeylerini ve iliskili olabilecek bazi faktorleri belirlemek amaclandi. Calismada 1 Mart-31 Mayis 2015 tarihleri arasinda ESOGU Tip Fakultesi Romatoloji Poliklinigi’ne basvuran(n=2978), RA tanisiyla tedavi goren ve takip edilen(n ≈ 1175); calisma gun-saatinde poliklini...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of anti-smoking advertisements on Turkish adolescents

Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 2016

The aim of the present study was to determine the perception of 10 anti-smoking advertisements in... more The aim of the present study was to determine the perception of 10 anti-smoking advertisements in 1434 Turkish adolescents. We used the Effectiveness of the Anti-smoking Advertisements Scale, which included 6 items for each advertisement; each item was assessed on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the factors associated with the impact of the advertisements. All the advertisements were more effective for adolescents who had never smoked compared to ex-smokers and current smokers. We also noted that, regardless of age, smoking status decreased the effectiveness of all the advertisements. Previous studies have shown that smokers have a negative attitude towards anti-smoking messages. In the present study, the most effective advertisements among adolescents were those with "Sponge and tar", "Smoking harms in every breath" and "Children want to grow". In conclusion, although anti-smoking campaigns are targeted towards adults, they also have a strong influence on adolescents. The main target population for advertisements should be individuals aged < 15 years who have not yet started smoking.

Research paper thumbnail of Violence and related factors among high school students in semirural areas of Eskişehir, Turkey

European Journal of Public Health, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of “Fear of Missing Out” in university students in western area of Turkey

European Journal of Public Health, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between excessive daytime sleepiness and depression in medical students

Research paper thumbnail of Determining validity and reliability of Turkish version of Fear of Missing out Scale

Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The prevalence of probable migraine and sleep quality among women aged 20-49 living in a semi-rural area in western Turkey

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of anti-smoking interventions towards community: a meta-analysis study

Central European Journal of Public Health, 2021

Objectives: Smoking is one of the biggest public health problems in the world. The World Health O... more Objectives: Smoking is one of the biggest public health problems in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the MPOWER package which provides a guide for tobacco control. The package includes six evidence based anti-smoking interventions. This meta-analysis study aims to assess the effectiveness of MPOWER-(M)onitor, (P)rotect, (O)ffer, (W)arn, (E)nforce, and (R)aise. In the study, "smoking prevalence rate, smoking cessation rate and number of cigarettes smoked daily" outputs were used in adult and adolescent age groups. Methods: Literature search has been made with "smok*, tobacco, cigarette*" keywords from the databases of Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane-Library. Abstracts were assessed in detail according to the inclusion criteria by the research team. Quality of articles was evaluated with modified Jadad criteria. The follow-up periods of articles were determined in two groups named as short and long term periods. We used random effects model (p ≤ 0.05) and fixed effects model (p > 0.05) according to the heterogeneity test results. Results: P and O interventions, which are evaluated with smoking cessation rate, increased the smoking cessation rate in adults by 39% in the longest follow-up period-RR: 1.39 (1.23-1.57). However, it was determined that the interventions were not effective on smoking cessation rate in adolescents-RR: 1.13 (0.90-1.42). Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) was the most effective intervention for smoking cessation rate in adults. W interventions, which are evaluated with smoking prevalence rate, decreased the smoking prevalence rate in adults by 13% in the longest follow-up period-OR: 0.87 (0.82-0.92). P, W and E interventions, which are evaluated with smoking prevalence rate, decreased the smoking prevalence rate in adolescents by 26% in the longest follow-up period-OR: 0.74 (0.68-0.80). Conclusions: MPOWER interventions affect smoking prevalence rate, smoking cessation rate and number of cigarettes smoked daily in different age groups. Well-controlled, well-planned and cost-effective anti-smoking interventions have great importance for public health protection.

Research paper thumbnail of Bolu İl Merkezi̇nde Gençli̇k Ve Spor Bakanliğina Bağli Yurtlarda Kalan Üni̇versi̇te Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Beslenme Bi̇lgi̇ Düzeyi̇ni̇n Ve Obezi̇te/Fazla Ki̇loluluk Sikliğinin Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

Eskişehir Türk Dünyası Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Halk Sağlığı Dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study

Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity

Research paper thumbnail of Toplum sağlığı merkezi sorumlu hekimlerinin gözüyle toplum sağlığı merkezlerinin genel özellikleri

Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 2016


Today, sleeping disorder is a type of disease that be dwelled on frequently due to effects on qua... more Today, sleeping disorder is a type of disease that be dwelled on frequently due to effects on quality of life and labor productivity. Medical faculty students can be assessed as risky group for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) due to intensive educational tempo, subject intensity that needs long-time study, insufficient sleep and stress. This study is planned for assessing frequency of EDS and depression cases and specifications that considered to be related with these cases. This cross-sectional study was conducted on first, second and third grade students from Eskisehir Osmangazi University Medicine Faculty on April-May 2014. Target population of the study is 665 and 447 (%67.2) of them are be reached on study period. Students were between 18-47 age and the mean age of students’ was 20.3±1.9 years. Of the students, 186 (%41.6) were first grade, 139 (%31.1) were second grade and 224 (%50.1) were male. Taken median point from Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) is 6 and 69 (%15.4) students were diagnosed EDS whereas taken median point from Beck Depression Scale (BDS) is 10 and 97 (%21.7) students were diagnosed suspicion of depression. %5.6 of all students were diagnosed both EDS and suspicion of depression. Frequency of EDS is detected at higher point on female students than males (p=0.004) and is detected at higher point on suspicion of depression diagnosed than not diagnosed people (p=0.002). On lineer regression model that determines connection between gained points from ESS and BDS, a correlation was detected on positive direction and medium level after some changes according to gender (p<0.001). It is concluded that EDS and suspicion of depression is more serious health problem on medicine faculty students than others who are at the same age with them.

Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding COVID-19 among the Turkish and Malaysian general populations during lockdown: A cross-sectional online survey

Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, Oct 21, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Eskişehir Mevsimlik Tarım İşçileri ile Yerli Halkın Acil Servis Başvurularının Karşılaştırılması

Öz Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, 2012 yılı Nisan-Ekim ayları arasında Eskişehir İli Alpu İlçe Hastanesi... more Öz Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, 2012 yılı Nisan-Ekim ayları arasında Eskişehir İli Alpu İlçe Hastanesi (EAİH) acil servisine başvuran Mevsimlik Tarım İşçileri (MTİ) ve ailelerinin, başvuru durumlarını belirlemek ve başvurularını aynı dönemdeki yerli halk başvurularıyla karşılaştırmak idi. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışma için 2012 yılı Nisan-Ekim aylarına ait 13 adet acil servis protokol defteri detaylıca incelendi. Her ay başvuran MTİ ve aileleri başvurularına karşılık aylık aynı sayıda yerli halk başvurusu sistematik örnekleme ile seçildi. Örneğe giren bireylerin protokol defterinde bulunan bilgileri(doğum tarihi, cinsiyet, başvuru ayı, aldıkları tanı ve tedavi) kaydedildi. İstatistiklerde ki-kare analizi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Toplamda 4570 adet başvuru kaydı (2285 MTİ ve ailelerinin başvurusu, 2285 kontrol grubu başvurusu) incelendi.0-4,5-14,15-29 yaş gruplarında MTİ ve ailelerinin acil servis başvuru sayıları daha yüksekti (p<0.001). 45-64 ve 65+ yaş gruplarında ise yerli halkın acil se...

Research paper thumbnail of Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinde gündüz aşırı uykululuk hali ve depresyon şüphesi ilişkisi

Giris Uyku, bireyin fiziksel ve ruhsal sagligini surdurebilmesinde en onemli bilesenlerden biridi... more Giris Uyku, bireyin fiziksel ve ruhsal sagligini surdurebilmesinde en onemli bilesenlerden biridir. Uyku, insanlarin gunluk yasaminidogrudan etkilerken, sinav stresi, kronik hastaliklar, kullanilan ilaclar, beslenme vb. bircok durum dauykuyu dogrudan etkiler. Yeterli ve kaliteli bir uyku bireyin akademik basarisini, insan iliskilerini, fiziksel ve ruhsal sagligini olumlu yonde gelistirirken, yetersiz ya da kalitesiz uykuda gunduz asiri uykululuk haline (GAUH) neden olarak, bireyin yasam kalitesini dusurmektedir. Depresyon ise bircok nedene bagli olarak ortaya cikabilen, duygusal, zihinsel, davranissal ve bedensel bazi belirtilerle kendisini gosteren,toplumda yaygin olarak bulunan ve insanlarin yasam kalitelerini bozan en onemli saglik sorunlarindan biridir. Literaturde uyku bozukluklarinin ve bu bozukluklar sonucunda ortaya cikan GAUH’un bireylerde gorulen depresif belirtilerle iliskili olabilecegini gosteren calismalar mevcuttur. Tip fakultelerinde ogrenim goren ogrencilerde, yogun...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Home Health Care Need Scale for the Elderly

Turkish Journal of Geriatrics-Turk Geriatri Dergisi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Eski̇şehi̇r İli̇ni̇n Mahmudi̇ye İlçe Merkezi̇nde 20-45 Yaş Grubu Kadinlarda Mi̇gren Şüphesi̇ Sikliği Ve Uyku Kali̇tesi̇

Giris ve Amac Migren, genellikle puberte doneminde baslayip daha cok35-45 yas arasi bireylerde go... more Giris ve Amac Migren, genellikle puberte doneminde baslayip daha cok35-45 yas arasi bireylerde gorulen, ataklar halinde seyreden, tekrarlayici, siklikla yasam boyu devam eden primer bas agrisi bozukluklarindan biridir. Migren, gorulme sikliginin yuksek olmasi, teshis ve tedavi icin ekonomik yuk olusturmasi ve saglikla iliskili yasam kalitesini olumsuz yonde etkilemesi gibi nedenlerle onemli bir hastalik olarak kabul edilmektedir.Bununla birlikte uyku ile ilgili saglik sorunlarinin migreni tetikledigi ayni zamanda migren tipi bas agrisi olan bireylerde gelisen stres, gece devam eden agrilar nedeniyle uyku kalitesinin olumsuz yonde etkilendigi bilinmektedir. Bu calismada, Mahmudiye ilce merkezinde 20-45 yas grubu kadinlarda migren tipi bas agrisi sikliginin saptanmasi, iliskili oldugu dusunulen bazi faktorlerin incelenmesi ve uyku kalitesinin degerlendirmesi amaclandi. Gerec ve Yontem Bu calisma, 05 Eylul–30 Ekim 2013 tarihleri arasinda Eskisehir’nin Mahmudiye ilce merkezinde yasayan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pi̇ttsburgh İnsomni̇ Derecelendi̇rme Ölçeği̇ Türkçe Uyarlanmasi: Bi̇r Geçerli̇li̇k Güveni̇li̇rli̇k Çalişmasi

Giris: Uyku bozukluklari, tum dunyada oldugu gibi Turkiye'de artis gosteren ve hekimlerin si... more Giris: Uyku bozukluklari, tum dunyada oldugu gibi Turkiye'de artis gosteren ve hekimlerin siklikla karsilastigi bir sorundur. Insomni, en sik gorulen uyku bozukluklarindan olup, uykuya dalma, surdurme ve sonlandirmaya iliskin sorunlar sonucu, dinlendirici olmayan uykuyu tanimlamaktadir. Uyku bozukluklari, yasami tehdit eden kazalar, is verimliliginde ciddi kayiplar ve psikososyal islevlerde onemli bozukluklara neden olabilen ve yaygin gorulen onemli halk sagligi sorunlaridir. Bu nedenle toplumda uyku bozukluklarinin degerlendirilmesi, bu bozukluga sahip olan insanlarin bilinclendirilmesi ve tedavi almaya yonlendirilmesi yasamsal onem tasir. Calismanin amaci, insomniyi klinik disinda, saha taramalarinda tanilamada kullanacak olceklerden birisi olan Pittsburgh Insomni Derecelendirme Olcegi (PIDO)’nin Turkceye uyarlanip, gecerlilik ve guvenilirliginin belirlenmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: PIDO’nun Turkce gecerlilik ve guvenilirliginin belirlenecegi calisma, 2013-2014 ogretim yilinda ...


Today, sleeping disorder is a type of disease that be dwelled on frequently due to effects on qua... more Today, sleeping disorder is a type of disease that be dwelled on frequently due to effects on quality of life and labor productivity. Medical faculty students can be assessed as risky group for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) due to intensive educational tempo, subject intensity that needs long-time study, insufficient sleep and stress. This study is planned for assessing frequency of EDS and depression cases and specifications that considered to be related with these cases. This cross-sectional study was conducted on first, second and third grade students from Eskisehir Osmangazi University Medicine Faculty on April-May 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Romatoid Artrit Tanılı Hastaların Umutsuzluk Düzeylerinin Ve Yaşam Kalitelerinin Belirlenmesi

Romatoid Artrit (RA) etiyopatogenezi tam olarak bilinmeyen; eklemlerde katilik, sertlik, agri ve ... more Romatoid Artrit (RA) etiyopatogenezi tam olarak bilinmeyen; eklemlerde katilik, sertlik, agri ve deformitelerle giden; degisik sistemleri tutabilen; alevlenme ve iyilesme donemleri olan kronik bag dokusu hastaligidir. RA, kisinin gundelik etkinliklerinin kisitlanmasina, toplumdan soyutlanmaya, baskalarina bagimli hale gelmeye neden olabilmektedir. Bunlar sonucunda kisinin benlik saygisinda azalma, depresyon, kaygi-umutsuzluk duygulari gelisebilmektedir. Ayrica yapilan calismalarda RA hastalarinda yasam kalitesinin kotulestigi bildirilmektedir. Calismada, Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Romatoloji Poliklinigi’ne basvuran RA tanisiyla tedavi goren ve takip edilen bireylerin yasam kalitelerini, umutsuzluk duzeylerini ve iliskili olabilecek bazi faktorleri belirlemek amaclandi. Calismada 1 Mart-31 Mayis 2015 tarihleri arasinda ESOGU Tip Fakultesi Romatoloji Poliklinigi’ne basvuran(n=2978), RA tanisiyla tedavi goren ve takip edilen(n ≈ 1175); calisma gun-saatinde poliklini...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of anti-smoking advertisements on Turkish adolescents

Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 2016

The aim of the present study was to determine the perception of 10 anti-smoking advertisements in... more The aim of the present study was to determine the perception of 10 anti-smoking advertisements in 1434 Turkish adolescents. We used the Effectiveness of the Anti-smoking Advertisements Scale, which included 6 items for each advertisement; each item was assessed on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the factors associated with the impact of the advertisements. All the advertisements were more effective for adolescents who had never smoked compared to ex-smokers and current smokers. We also noted that, regardless of age, smoking status decreased the effectiveness of all the advertisements. Previous studies have shown that smokers have a negative attitude towards anti-smoking messages. In the present study, the most effective advertisements among adolescents were those with "Sponge and tar", "Smoking harms in every breath" and "Children want to grow". In conclusion, although anti-smoking campaigns are targeted towards adults, they also have a strong influence on adolescents. The main target population for advertisements should be individuals aged < 15 years who have not yet started smoking.

Research paper thumbnail of Violence and related factors among high school students in semirural areas of Eskişehir, Turkey

European Journal of Public Health, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of “Fear of Missing Out” in university students in western area of Turkey

European Journal of Public Health, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between excessive daytime sleepiness and depression in medical students

Research paper thumbnail of Determining validity and reliability of Turkish version of Fear of Missing out Scale

Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The prevalence of probable migraine and sleep quality among women aged 20-49 living in a semi-rural area in western Turkey

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of anti-smoking interventions towards community: a meta-analysis study

Central European Journal of Public Health, 2021

Objectives: Smoking is one of the biggest public health problems in the world. The World Health O... more Objectives: Smoking is one of the biggest public health problems in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the MPOWER package which provides a guide for tobacco control. The package includes six evidence based anti-smoking interventions. This meta-analysis study aims to assess the effectiveness of MPOWER-(M)onitor, (P)rotect, (O)ffer, (W)arn, (E)nforce, and (R)aise. In the study, "smoking prevalence rate, smoking cessation rate and number of cigarettes smoked daily" outputs were used in adult and adolescent age groups. Methods: Literature search has been made with "smok*, tobacco, cigarette*" keywords from the databases of Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane-Library. Abstracts were assessed in detail according to the inclusion criteria by the research team. Quality of articles was evaluated with modified Jadad criteria. The follow-up periods of articles were determined in two groups named as short and long term periods. We used random effects model (p ≤ 0.05) and fixed effects model (p > 0.05) according to the heterogeneity test results. Results: P and O interventions, which are evaluated with smoking cessation rate, increased the smoking cessation rate in adults by 39% in the longest follow-up period-RR: 1.39 (1.23-1.57). However, it was determined that the interventions were not effective on smoking cessation rate in adolescents-RR: 1.13 (0.90-1.42). Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) was the most effective intervention for smoking cessation rate in adults. W interventions, which are evaluated with smoking prevalence rate, decreased the smoking prevalence rate in adults by 13% in the longest follow-up period-OR: 0.87 (0.82-0.92). P, W and E interventions, which are evaluated with smoking prevalence rate, decreased the smoking prevalence rate in adolescents by 26% in the longest follow-up period-OR: 0.74 (0.68-0.80). Conclusions: MPOWER interventions affect smoking prevalence rate, smoking cessation rate and number of cigarettes smoked daily in different age groups. Well-controlled, well-planned and cost-effective anti-smoking interventions have great importance for public health protection.

Research paper thumbnail of Bolu İl Merkezi̇nde Gençli̇k Ve Spor Bakanliğina Bağli Yurtlarda Kalan Üni̇versi̇te Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Beslenme Bi̇lgi̇ Düzeyi̇ni̇n Ve Obezi̇te/Fazla Ki̇loluluk Sikliğinin Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

Eskişehir Türk Dünyası Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Halk Sağlığı Dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Effect of the COVID -19 ‘Lockdown Process’ on the Clinical and Metabolic Parameters of Obese Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study

Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity

Research paper thumbnail of Toplum sağlığı merkezi sorumlu hekimlerinin gözüyle toplum sağlığı merkezlerinin genel özellikleri

Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 2016


Today, sleeping disorder is a type of disease that be dwelled on frequently due to effects on qua... more Today, sleeping disorder is a type of disease that be dwelled on frequently due to effects on quality of life and labor productivity. Medical faculty students can be assessed as risky group for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) due to intensive educational tempo, subject intensity that needs long-time study, insufficient sleep and stress. This study is planned for assessing frequency of EDS and depression cases and specifications that considered to be related with these cases. This cross-sectional study was conducted on first, second and third grade students from Eskisehir Osmangazi University Medicine Faculty on April-May 2014. Target population of the study is 665 and 447 (%67.2) of them are be reached on study period. Students were between 18-47 age and the mean age of students’ was 20.3±1.9 years. Of the students, 186 (%41.6) were first grade, 139 (%31.1) were second grade and 224 (%50.1) were male. Taken median point from Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) is 6 and 69 (%15.4) students were diagnosed EDS whereas taken median point from Beck Depression Scale (BDS) is 10 and 97 (%21.7) students were diagnosed suspicion of depression. %5.6 of all students were diagnosed both EDS and suspicion of depression. Frequency of EDS is detected at higher point on female students than males (p=0.004) and is detected at higher point on suspicion of depression diagnosed than not diagnosed people (p=0.002). On lineer regression model that determines connection between gained points from ESS and BDS, a correlation was detected on positive direction and medium level after some changes according to gender (p<0.001). It is concluded that EDS and suspicion of depression is more serious health problem on medicine faculty students than others who are at the same age with them.