Enderhan Karakoç (Prof.Dr) | Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University (original) (raw)


Papers by Enderhan Karakoç (Prof.Dr)

Research paper thumbnail of Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersini Alan Öğrencilerin Televizyon İzleme Alışkanlıkları: Cinsiyetler Arası Karşılaştırma

Research paper thumbnail of Sanal Dünya Platformu "TikTok": Z Kuşağı Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Research paper thumbnail of Crossing The Border With Hashtags: Twitter's Bridging The Gezi Park And The Yellow Vest Movements

Yeni medya :, May 13, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The Media As An Information Source on General and Political Agenda: An Empirical Study

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 22, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Bi̇r Değer Olarak Tüketi̇m


Research paper thumbnail of Narcissism as a Determinant of University Students' Self-Presentations on Social Media

Uluslararası kültürel ve sosyal araştırmalar dergisi, Jun 26, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Sosyal Medya Kullanim Alişkanliklari Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Araştirma: Elaziğ Örneği̇

Türkiyat araştırmaları dergisi, Jun 1, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Medya Aracılığıyla Popüler Kültürün Aktarılmasında Toplumsal Değişkenlerin Rolü

Gümüşhane üniversitesi iletişim fakültesi e-dergisi, Apr 12, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Sinematografik Düşünce İmgesinin Tarihi

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 29, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürleşme Strateji̇leri̇ Ve Kültürlerarasi Duyarlilik Süreci̇nde Sosyal Medyanin Araci Rolü: Marmara Bölgesi̇ Örneği̇

The Journal of Social Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Facebook: Konya Üzerine Bir Araştırma

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Popüler Kültür Ürünü Olarak Evlilik Programları

2000’li yillarin basindan 2017 yilina kadar isimleri, sunuculari, evlilik adaylari farkli bircok ... more 2000’li yillarin basindan 2017 yilina kadar isimleri, sunuculari, evlilik adaylari farkli bircok evlilik programi yayinlanmistir. Televizyonun izlenmek icin farkli formatlara yonelmesi, evliligi kultur endustrisinin bir kolu olan televizyon icin uygun bir malzeme haline getirmistir. Ozellikle gunlerini evde geciren kadinlar dusunuldugunde bu tarz programlarin gunduz kusaginda yayinlanmasi televizyon yapimcilari icin onemli bir etken olmustur. Nitekim reyting degerleri gunduz kusaginda yer alan evlilik programlarinin oldukca yuksek bir izleyici kitlesini ekranlara cektigini gostermektedir. Ote yandan yuksek izleyici kitlesine ragmen en fazla sikâyet bildirimi alan programlarda yine bu tarz programlardir. Elbette sorulmasi gereken ilk soru bu programlarin ne icin izlendigidir? Buradan hareketle arastirmanin orneklemini olusturan Sakarya Il’indeki izleyicilerin evlilik programlarini izleme sebepleri ve elde ettikleri doyumlar kullanimlar ve doyumlar yaklasimi temel alinarak ortaya cika...

Research paper thumbnail of Popüler Kültür Ürünü Olarak Televizyon Dizilerinde İdeolojinin Sunumu

Gerek guclu teknolojik yapisi gerekse kolay ulasilabilir bir arac olusu televizyona diger medya a... more Gerek guclu teknolojik yapisi gerekse kolay ulasilabilir bir arac olusu televizyona diger medya araclarina gore daha guclu bir onem kazandirmaktadir. Sahip oldugu bircok yayin turlerinden ise bireyler tarafindan en cok tercih edileni kuskusuz televizyon dizileridir. Diziler bireylerin hayatlarinin buyuk bir bolumunu kaplamis durumdadir. Ayrica bireyler tarafindan ilgiyle izlendiginden zamanla populer kulturun urun satisini yapan bir arac haline gelmistir. Ulkemizde ozellikle son on bes yillik surecte hikâyesinin merkezine ideolojileri koyan dizilerin sayisi artmaya baslamistir. Bu diziler farkli ideolojik yaklasimlarla hazirlanmakta ve farkli izleyici kitlelerine ulasmaktadir. Ideoloji ise kultur ile olan iliskisinden oturu, bir populer kultur urunu haline gelmistir. Populer kulturun aktaricisi haline gelmis olan televizyon dizilerinde ideolojilerin sunumlarini incelemek amaciyla yapilan bu calismada, Turkiye’nin benzer ideolojik donemlerini isleyen Hatirla Sevgili ve Sevda Kusun Ka...

Research paper thumbnail of Medya Aracılığıyla Popüler Kültürün Aktarılmasında Toplumsal Değişkenlerin Rolü

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2014

As the mass media penetrates social life increasingly, the area of social studies with the focus ... more As the mass media penetrates social life increasingly, the area of social studies with the focus on the popular culture is becoming increasingly an interesting field for academical studies. In Turkey, popular culture products have increased in occurance, to the wide masses as an entertainment element occupying their whole lives than a directly engaged cultural output. Particularly after the privatization of the broadcasting industry, many television stations actualized the theme by focusing on programming of heavily popular cultural content. These reasons have made the overlapping areas of media and popular culture a worthwhile academical field of study. This study is focused on celebrity contests on television in particular and on popular culture in general. Because popular culture is emitted through the media and is consumed by individuals, the object of this study is to deliver an answer why -as typical popular culture products- celebrity contests are so much in demand among audiences in Turkey. The study is basically divided into three sections. The first section introduces the relation of the media and culture while the second section evaluates the relationship of popular culture and the media. The last section explains the methodological aspects used in the study. The sample of the study is selected from Konya and consists of 939 people. In the study various hypotheses have been tested on the relationship of media and popular culture.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Burnout Syndrome on Social Media Addiction: The Case of Healthcare Workers

Research paper thumbnail of Crossing The Border with Hashtags: Twitter's Bridging The Gezi Park and The Yellow Vest Movements* Hashtaglerle Sınırötesini Aşmak: Twitter'ın Gezi Parkı ve Sarı Yelekliler Hareketleri'ne Köprü Kurması

Research paper thumbnail of The Media As An Information Source on General and Political Agenda: An Empirical Study

Research paper thumbnail of An Empirical Study on Determining the Communication and Empathy Skill Levels of Healthcare Professionals

Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersini Alan Öğrencilerin Televizyon İzleme Alışkanlıkları: Cinsiyetler Arası Karşılaştırma

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇r Serbest Zaman Etki̇nli̇ği̇ Olarak Üni̇versi̇te Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n İnternet Kullanimi İle Yalnizlik Arasindaki̇

Bu calisma, universite ogrencilerinin; internet kullanimlari ile yalnizlik arasindaki iliskilerin... more Bu calisma, universite ogrencilerinin; internet kullanimlari ile yalnizlik arasindaki iliskilerininsaptanmasi amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu 2012 - 2013 ogretim yilinda Cumhuriyet Universitesi'nde ogrenim goren ve olcme aracina cevap veren toplam 400 ogrenciolusturmaktadir. Internet kullanim amaclarini olcme araci anketler ogrencilere elden ulastirilarak yuz yuze gorusme yontemi ile doldurulmasi temin edilmistir. Anketler araciligi ile toplanan veriler bilgisayara girilmis ve SPSS 15.0 for Windows programi ortaminda analiz edilmistir. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde aritmetik ortalama ve standart sapmanin yani sira, t-testi analizi kullanilmistir. Yapilan arastirmanin sonucunda yalnizlik algisinin kadin ve erkekler tarafindan ayni duzeylerde degerlendirildigi saptanmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersini Alan Öğrencilerin Televizyon İzleme Alışkanlıkları: Cinsiyetler Arası Karşılaştırma

Research paper thumbnail of Sanal Dünya Platformu "TikTok": Z Kuşağı Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Research paper thumbnail of Crossing The Border With Hashtags: Twitter's Bridging The Gezi Park And The Yellow Vest Movements

Yeni medya :, May 13, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The Media As An Information Source on General and Political Agenda: An Empirical Study

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 22, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Bi̇r Değer Olarak Tüketi̇m


Research paper thumbnail of Narcissism as a Determinant of University Students' Self-Presentations on Social Media

Uluslararası kültürel ve sosyal araştırmalar dergisi, Jun 26, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Sosyal Medya Kullanim Alişkanliklari Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Araştirma: Elaziğ Örneği̇

Türkiyat araştırmaları dergisi, Jun 1, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Medya Aracılığıyla Popüler Kültürün Aktarılmasında Toplumsal Değişkenlerin Rolü

Gümüşhane üniversitesi iletişim fakültesi e-dergisi, Apr 12, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Sinematografik Düşünce İmgesinin Tarihi

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 29, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürleşme Strateji̇leri̇ Ve Kültürlerarasi Duyarlilik Süreci̇nde Sosyal Medyanin Araci Rolü: Marmara Bölgesi̇ Örneği̇

The Journal of Social Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Facebook: Konya Üzerine Bir Araştırma

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Popüler Kültür Ürünü Olarak Evlilik Programları

2000’li yillarin basindan 2017 yilina kadar isimleri, sunuculari, evlilik adaylari farkli bircok ... more 2000’li yillarin basindan 2017 yilina kadar isimleri, sunuculari, evlilik adaylari farkli bircok evlilik programi yayinlanmistir. Televizyonun izlenmek icin farkli formatlara yonelmesi, evliligi kultur endustrisinin bir kolu olan televizyon icin uygun bir malzeme haline getirmistir. Ozellikle gunlerini evde geciren kadinlar dusunuldugunde bu tarz programlarin gunduz kusaginda yayinlanmasi televizyon yapimcilari icin onemli bir etken olmustur. Nitekim reyting degerleri gunduz kusaginda yer alan evlilik programlarinin oldukca yuksek bir izleyici kitlesini ekranlara cektigini gostermektedir. Ote yandan yuksek izleyici kitlesine ragmen en fazla sikâyet bildirimi alan programlarda yine bu tarz programlardir. Elbette sorulmasi gereken ilk soru bu programlarin ne icin izlendigidir? Buradan hareketle arastirmanin orneklemini olusturan Sakarya Il’indeki izleyicilerin evlilik programlarini izleme sebepleri ve elde ettikleri doyumlar kullanimlar ve doyumlar yaklasimi temel alinarak ortaya cika...

Research paper thumbnail of Popüler Kültür Ürünü Olarak Televizyon Dizilerinde İdeolojinin Sunumu

Gerek guclu teknolojik yapisi gerekse kolay ulasilabilir bir arac olusu televizyona diger medya a... more Gerek guclu teknolojik yapisi gerekse kolay ulasilabilir bir arac olusu televizyona diger medya araclarina gore daha guclu bir onem kazandirmaktadir. Sahip oldugu bircok yayin turlerinden ise bireyler tarafindan en cok tercih edileni kuskusuz televizyon dizileridir. Diziler bireylerin hayatlarinin buyuk bir bolumunu kaplamis durumdadir. Ayrica bireyler tarafindan ilgiyle izlendiginden zamanla populer kulturun urun satisini yapan bir arac haline gelmistir. Ulkemizde ozellikle son on bes yillik surecte hikâyesinin merkezine ideolojileri koyan dizilerin sayisi artmaya baslamistir. Bu diziler farkli ideolojik yaklasimlarla hazirlanmakta ve farkli izleyici kitlelerine ulasmaktadir. Ideoloji ise kultur ile olan iliskisinden oturu, bir populer kultur urunu haline gelmistir. Populer kulturun aktaricisi haline gelmis olan televizyon dizilerinde ideolojilerin sunumlarini incelemek amaciyla yapilan bu calismada, Turkiye’nin benzer ideolojik donemlerini isleyen Hatirla Sevgili ve Sevda Kusun Ka...

Research paper thumbnail of Medya Aracılığıyla Popüler Kültürün Aktarılmasında Toplumsal Değişkenlerin Rolü

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2014

As the mass media penetrates social life increasingly, the area of social studies with the focus ... more As the mass media penetrates social life increasingly, the area of social studies with the focus on the popular culture is becoming increasingly an interesting field for academical studies. In Turkey, popular culture products have increased in occurance, to the wide masses as an entertainment element occupying their whole lives than a directly engaged cultural output. Particularly after the privatization of the broadcasting industry, many television stations actualized the theme by focusing on programming of heavily popular cultural content. These reasons have made the overlapping areas of media and popular culture a worthwhile academical field of study. This study is focused on celebrity contests on television in particular and on popular culture in general. Because popular culture is emitted through the media and is consumed by individuals, the object of this study is to deliver an answer why -as typical popular culture products- celebrity contests are so much in demand among audiences in Turkey. The study is basically divided into three sections. The first section introduces the relation of the media and culture while the second section evaluates the relationship of popular culture and the media. The last section explains the methodological aspects used in the study. The sample of the study is selected from Konya and consists of 939 people. In the study various hypotheses have been tested on the relationship of media and popular culture.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Burnout Syndrome on Social Media Addiction: The Case of Healthcare Workers

Research paper thumbnail of Crossing The Border with Hashtags: Twitter's Bridging The Gezi Park and The Yellow Vest Movements* Hashtaglerle Sınırötesini Aşmak: Twitter'ın Gezi Parkı ve Sarı Yelekliler Hareketleri'ne Köprü Kurması

Research paper thumbnail of The Media As An Information Source on General and Political Agenda: An Empirical Study

Research paper thumbnail of An Empirical Study on Determining the Communication and Empathy Skill Levels of Healthcare Professionals

Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersini Alan Öğrencilerin Televizyon İzleme Alışkanlıkları: Cinsiyetler Arası Karşılaştırma

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇r Serbest Zaman Etki̇nli̇ği̇ Olarak Üni̇versi̇te Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n İnternet Kullanimi İle Yalnizlik Arasindaki̇

Bu calisma, universite ogrencilerinin; internet kullanimlari ile yalnizlik arasindaki iliskilerin... more Bu calisma, universite ogrencilerinin; internet kullanimlari ile yalnizlik arasindaki iliskilerininsaptanmasi amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu 2012 - 2013 ogretim yilinda Cumhuriyet Universitesi'nde ogrenim goren ve olcme aracina cevap veren toplam 400 ogrenciolusturmaktadir. Internet kullanim amaclarini olcme araci anketler ogrencilere elden ulastirilarak yuz yuze gorusme yontemi ile doldurulmasi temin edilmistir. Anketler araciligi ile toplanan veriler bilgisayara girilmis ve SPSS 15.0 for Windows programi ortaminda analiz edilmistir. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde aritmetik ortalama ve standart sapmanin yani sira, t-testi analizi kullanilmistir. Yapilan arastirmanin sonucunda yalnizlik algisinin kadin ve erkekler tarafindan ayni duzeylerde degerlendirildigi saptanmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Presentation of The Ideology In The Cartoons In The Triangle of Government-Ideology and Media:The Examples of Smurfs and Richie Rich

The individuals possessing the government employ some instruments in order to k... more The individuals possessing the government employ some instruments in order to keep their current power, maintain the status quo and spread their ideology to all over the society. Media which is one of the social instruments such as education, religion and family which are employed by the governments play a big role in shaping the modern societies of these days. Media, presents individuals messages which contain
ideological elements through various contents beginning in their childhood and the individuals interiorize those ideological codes after a while. Those messages which are taken especially during the childhood
affect the entire life of the individual, the world perspective, philosophy of life and lifestyle of the individual are majorly shaped in this direction during the following years. The childhood period of the individual
which he soaks everything like a sponge is his portrait which thrown to the following century. When it is considered that the government injects its ideology especially through children-oriented cartoons in media,
we may conclude that cartoons are not as innocent as they are assumed and this issue should be discussed in detail. In this study which deals with the presentation of ideologies in cartoons, the way the Marxist and
capitalist ideas are imposed on the children is analyzed. As for sampling of the study, “The Smurfs” which employs tracts from Marxist thought and “Richie Rich” which contains capitalist elements were chosen. In
the study where the purposive sampling method is applied, 10 episodes of each cartoons were randomly selected and the selected episodes were analyzed through the method of semiotics. The analysis was
conducted through providing interrelations with “the indicating instrument, indicator, the indicated person, denotation and connotation” by Roland Barthes. When the data obtained from the study was analyzed, it was found that the basic parameters of Marxism and capitalism such as possession, the use of money, work sharing, equality/inequality and freedom were employed in both cartoons in accordance with the dominant ideology.

Research paper thumbnail of Lider Fotoğraflarının Aday İmajı Oluşumundaki Önemi "1 Kasım 2015 Erken Genel Seçimleri"

Siyasal iletişim, siyasetin tüm açmazlarından kurtulmak, iktidar yolunda kendileri... more Siyasal iletişim, siyasetin tüm açmazlarından kurtulmak, iktidar yolunda kendilerine oy veren seçmenlerin parti ile olan diyaloglarını sağlamanın yanı sıra seçmenlerin partiye olan bağlılıklarını devam ettirmek, yeni seçmenler elde etmek hatta devlet yönetimini kolaylaştırmak gibi çeşitli amaçlar için sıklıkla zikredilen bir kavram olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Özellikle 1950'li yıllara kadar propaganda ağırlıklı olarak yürütülen seçim stratejilerin, hızlı bir değişme uğradığı ve siyasal kampanyalara dönüştüğü bilinmektedir. Siyasal kampanyalar da, özellikle seçmenlerin oy verme davranışlarını belirli bir partiye veyahut belirli bir aday lehine yöneltmek ya da bu davranışı güçlendirecek tüm faaliyetler olarak ortaya çıkan bir süreç olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Siyasal kampanyalar süresince çeşitli konuşmalar, programlar, müzikler ve görseller hazırlanmaktadır. Hazırlanan her materyal, seçmen davranışını etkilemek için oluşturulmaya çalışılan imajın pekiştirilmesi amacını gütmektedir. İmajların seçmenlerin zihinlerindeki oluşumunda en fazla etkisi olduğu düşünülen materyallerin başında görseller gelmektedir. Seçim için oluşturulan görsellerin tasarımında; kampanya süreci, parti imajı, tasarım ilkeleri gibi çeşitli unsurlar gözetilirken aynı zamanda gizli mesajlar da yerleştirilmektedir. Afişlerdeki gizli mesajların ortaya çıkarılmasında temel olarak göstergebilimden faydalanılmaktadır. Bu neden doğrultusunda 1 Kasım 2015 Erken Genel Seçimleri sonucunda meclise girmeye hak kazanan Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK Parti), Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi'nin (MHP) ve Halkların Demokratik Partisi'nin (HDP) seçim afişleri göstergebilimsel açısından yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmada incelenen fotoğraflar adı geçen siyasi partilerin sosyal medya hesaplarından, haber sitelerinden ya da partilerin kendi internet sitelerinden alınmıştır. Ayrıca
1 Kasım 2015 Erken Genel Seçimlerinde kullanılan fotoğraflar analiz
edilirken seçmenlere verilmek istenen mesajların ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan inceleme sonucunda adı geçen partilerin seçim kampanyalarında kullandıkları afişlerde örtülü mesajların varlığı belirlenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of A Study On Cinematographic Language Of The Film “Dreams” By Akira Kurosava

The filming which resembled the theatre during the first years of the cinema due ... more The filming which resembled the theatre during the first years of the cinema due to the stability of cameras, cinema completely underwent changes when the film-makers discovered that the location of the cameras might be changed and the opportunities of the cinema for narration were reformed. The places to be filmed, actors and the parts which completely seen in the viewfinder were determined according to the issues the director desires to film. All the elements forming the enactment such as zooming, plans, camera movements, colors, and lightening, sound, acting and visual effects have shaped the narration and provided strength and this occasion drew the attention of the audience to the motion picture screen.
All the principles of composition from lightening to colors, from the perspective of the cameras to the camera movements gained settled meanings throughout the prolonging years. Except the settled meaning, the majority of directors sometimes consciously abandoned this
meaning in order to create different effects. First of all, the settled meanings should be known in order to perceive those usages. The trials related to the effects of the composition have been going on since the beginning of the history of cinema and will continue in the future.
In all the activities of imagery, directors had to be creative in order to scope with the limitedness in their struggles against the materials of imagery. Akira Kurosava who is owner of the scenes with poetic narration each and creative cinematographic application is also regarded as one of the most important and impressive directors of the cinema history. For that reason, a general review of the cinematographic structure of the movie “The Dreams” which is one of the most spoken films. The sampling which we tackle in this direction is the first two short films and we aimed to analyze them through “the critics for enactment” in accordance with the determined parameters.

Research paper thumbnail of Thematic Religious Television Broadcasting in Turkey

Relationship of television and religion has been offished for a long time. Later, secular televis... more Relationship of television and religion has been offished for a long time. Later, secular television, has taken attention by religion institution and religion man. But it’s main mission that is giving inform get changed substantially. As well as broadcasts to show, there are approaches, doesn’t try to disrupt nature of religious service in the American Televisions. While Religion broadcast is controlled by religious community the governments also care about this area within public
In this study, development of thematic religious television and its current situation in Turkey are discussed. Ownership structure of religious television channels and broadcast content are researched.

Research paper thumbnail of A Chronotopic Reading About The Film -Once Upon A Time In Anatolia

Stories, novels, theatre and cinema… Despite they have separate and specific narrative structure,... more Stories, novels, theatre and cinema… Despite they have separate and specific narrative structure, they all serve the same common objective; such as “telling a story”. The narrations chose the important ones among the long chain of events and make a story through combining them in an intriguing and specific manner. As the modern stylistics stated, each
narration consisting of a serial of interrelated events either written expression or1 visual arts represent the events occurring in a definite time and place regardless their type. Numerous studies from the theory of literature to semiotics which gets meaning in the cinema were reshaped again within the scope of the seventh art and within the frame of its own theory. It especially provided huge contributions in analyzing the narrative structure. It was aimed to read the film we deal with in this study through the term of “chronotop” by Mihail Bahktin which means the phenomenon of time and space among the elements of the fundamental structure as stated in the samples of “Functions” by
Vladimir Prop and “actantial model” by A.J. Greimas which are the source of inspiration for the studies on the field. The term “chronotop” which Bakhtin developed from the theory of relativity grounds
on the association of time and place in the narration. From this point of view, this review of the movie “Once upon a time in Anatolia” executed according to the framework of the theory by Bakhtin will provide the reading of the tracks of history through the places in the films, the
psychological and cosmic time of the director. At the same time, it is aimed to show in the film that the function of time in changing the place and human behaviors enlightens the social history.

Research paper thumbnail of Axes Concept of Democratic Rethinking The Local Media.pdf

In ideal democratic systems media organs that all scales from national to local take part in a ce... more In ideal democratic systems media organs that all scales from national to local take part in a central location in the formation of public opinion and ensuring the flow of information. In the liberal pluralist paradigm media has been describe as a fourth power and which appeal to the
eyes of masses is an essential point. Organizations operating in the mass media, especially at the local level media is a capillaries of society.
It takes a mission such as flow of information from the environment to center. Together with the spread of new communication Technologies local media improved. People reach the news and informations faster and more efficiently. At the same time local media organs worked a public body. In this study, we argued wital missions of local media in context of democratic with current examples. This study is based on scientific observations and reserched on the literature of local media outlets. Aim of this study is discussed with different perspective to contribution of local media organs to political, cultural and social structure.

Research paper thumbnail of User Interface Design Does It Really Matter

The intention of this paper is to provide an overview on the subject of Human - Computer Interact... more The intention of this paper is to provide an overview on the subject of Human - Computer Interaction as a new research field for graphic design and visual communication. We tried to answer some questions like; Why does interface design matter to computer users? How does interface design affect computer users and the work they need to accomplish? Which interface design components are important to know about when it comes to judging different information resources? How do field
practitioners and research findings describe what makes for good interface design versus bad design? On the most basic level, design matters because it plays a large role in determining whether we can get
our work done.A well-designed tool is one that is easy to interpret and satisfying to use.In fact,many software developers say that the best designs are ones that users never give a second thought about.They
describe this quality as invisibility and it is the hallmark of effortless user interaction and good design. In contrast, a poorly designed tool is far from invisible, taking far too much time to use and delivering few results for our work in return. Whether an interface design is a good one or a poor one is a complex and involved issue. But one thing is certain for users, issues of design quality begin with a resource’s interface.

Research paper thumbnail of The Presentation of Theologian Identity on Television in Turkey

Consumption is dominant todays so TV’s broadcasts entertaintment programmes in order to get more ... more Consumption is dominant todays so TV’s broadcasts entertaintment programmes in order to get more audiences. For that reason it is defended that TV is the opposite of the religion worths, tradition and
moral or it is also defended that TV ignores these worths. Because of these it is possible to say TV is a secular device. On the other hand religious organizations which want to reach crowd, tried to peace
with TV and succeeded. In this work the presantation of identity of the men of religion on TV is dealed, especially religious
publishing and “televangelism” in USA was examined. People started to argue imamate on TV of Turkey. In this direction programme which Yaşar Nuri Öztürk, well-known theologian of Turkey, participated in, was examined. It is seen that Öztürk’s point of view which are out of dominant İslam were atracted attention, tried to atract the audiences with his speeches and syles. While he was doing these he used the show features of TV. It was seen that Öztürk represents identity like protestant preachers on TV in USA, he branched of usual man of religion in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of The Using of Social Media on Political Campaigns -Twitter (In 2011 General Elections)

While the technological process evolved from traditional into social and adds people from all wal... more While the technological process evolved from traditional into social and adds people from all walks of life, political platform is also attempting to find its place in this order. During that time in which one way information sharing passed to double-sided and simultaneous information sharing, social mediums have become one of basic campaign arguments of politicians. Conception of mutual interacting with voters in general through internet and particularly through social media began
to gain more efficiency during every election period. Politicians now try to be organized by carrying out their campaigns through social media and conveying political messages by this means. The effects of using ‘Twitter’ as political platform during the general elections on 12th June has been considered in this study. Data obtained from study shows that ‘Twitter’ couldn’t reshape politics and voter during this election but could become a strong campaign material during next election.

Research paper thumbnail of Çatırdayan Aileler, Tıkır Tıkır İşleyen Çarklar: Çatlak ve İki Şafak Arasında Filmlerine Sosyolojik Bir Bakış

Sinema Sosyolojisi, 2022

Bireyin ve bir kurum olarak ailenin olası kriz anlarında nasıl tepki vereceğine odaklanan Çatlak ... more Bireyin ve bir kurum olarak ailenin olası kriz anlarında nasıl tepki vereceğine odaklanan Çatlak (2020) ve İki Şafak Arasında (2021) filmleri konuya yaklaşımları bağlamında dikkat çekmektedir. Bu iki filmin, farklı ekonomik sınıfa mensup iki ailenin, içine düştükleri krizler üzerinden bir ülke portresi çizme çabası oldukça önemlidir. Bu makalede, öncelikle sanat ve sosyoloji arasındaki ilişkiye kısaca değinilmiş sonrasında modernizm ve postmodernizm bağlamında değişen aile kurumu irdelenmiş ve son olarak adı geçen iki filmin sosyolojik çözümlemesi yapılmıştır. Aileler üzerinden bir toplum panaroması sunmayı amaçlayan her iki filmin de toplum tarafından normalleştirilen bazı değerlerle ortak bir me- selesinin olduğu ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Şimdiden Kaçarken Geçmişe Kümelenmek Aftersun ve Blonde Filmlerinde Hatırlamanın Felsefesi

Sinema Felsefesi, 2023

Bu makalenin amacı; filmin bir bütün olarak bir hatırat, anı defteri ya da günlüğe dönüşüp dönüşe... more Bu makalenin amacı; filmin bir bütün olarak bir hatırat, anı defteri ya da günlüğe dönüşüp dönüşemeyeceğini tartışmaya açmaktır. Burada “bütün olarak” tabiri anahtar konumdadır. Çünkü yukarıda da bahsedildiği üzere sinematik imgelerin tekil olarak barındırdığı anlamlara odaklanmak bizi bambaşka bir kapsama götürecektir. Bu nedenle, makaleye konu olan iki filmin ortak özellikleri, bütün olarak bir hatırlama pratiğine girişmiş olmalarıdır. Sadece belli planlar ya da sahneler üzerinden değil başlangıcından sonuna kadar bir bellek pratiği olarak görülebilecek; Charlotte Wells’in ilk uzun metrajı Aftersun (2022) ve Marilyn Monroe’nun hayatından esinlenen Blonde (2022) filmleri, sinemanın bir hatırlama mekanizması olmasının yanında, bir belleğin görsel hale nasıl dönüşebileceği üzerinden felsefi bir zeminde tartışılacaktır.