Not Just A Fragrance By Calvin Klein (4) (original) (raw)
-Title: Not Just A Fragrance By Calvin Klein
-Author: valiaclaire (moi)
-Band/Pairing: Quinn (The Used)/MCR fella..its obvious, don't worry
-Chapter: 4/7?
-Rating: R
-Summary: I’m trying not to cross over the line, to let my love turn into obsession. Obsession isn’t pretty...and neither is stalking, but I am good at both and they say you should go with what you know, go with what you’re born to do....Oh so AU.
-Disclaimer: Its all lies. None of this ever happened. I've made it all up.
-Author's Notes: So I completely forgot to post this due to lack of comments, but I'm starting back up again. So I'll post 5 soonish and then 6 and then by some miracle i'll actually write chap 7 and therefore finish this fic. If I actually do manage to finish this within the next month or two, expect a different chaptered fic that is also unfinished but will hopefully be finished by the time I'm done posting all the stuff I already wrote. SO yeah, phew, lol. Enjoy. Comments would be extremely nice.
x-posted ages ago in sexagons_r_betr and
Chapter 4 - Blind
Date: May 10, 2006; 7:58 PM Location: Bedroom Mood: Good, thanks and you? Subject: Blind
I went to the coffee shop today. I took a seat at a table in the corner where I could see who came in and out. I ordered a latte and I waited. Every time the door opened, my heart seemed to jump out of my chest. Every time the door opened, it wasn’t him. It crushed me. I finished my first latte and ordered a second one and a muffin. I ate the muffin slowly. It took me nearly an hour to finish it. The black haired boy still would not show. My latte was tepid by then. I drank it anyway. I got there at 3:30. I had told Frank I couldn’t hang out with him because my mom wanted me home to do laundry and clean my room. He’d believed me. I left the coffee shop at 6:30. It seemed like a complete waste of three hours. I sighed, grabbed my book bag, left the coffee shop and headed down the street. I was so pissed. I turned the corner with my head down and crashed into someone.
What the fuck? Watch where you’re fucking going you-
I looked up and shut up. It was the dark haired boy from Hot Topic....and Mikey.
I’m...I didn’t mean....I crashed into you and..., I started, completely embarrassed and turning red.
The pale boy only shook his head and patted my shoulder, Its cool. I wasn’t watching where I was going either.
And at that moment, I forgot how to breath.
Hey, Gerard, this is Quinn. He’s the new kid from Utah. And Quinn, this is my brother Gerard, said Mikey, pointing to me.
Pale boy was Mikey’s brother. I wanted to fall into the floor and die. I went completely pale myself.
Gerard smiled at me (he fucking
smiled at me) and extended him hand, Ohhhh, so you’re Quinn. Pleased to meet you. You’re all Mikey’s been talking about lately. I was wondering when I’d get to meet the famous Quinn Allman.
It was Mikey’s turn to blush then as I looked at him momentarily, before staring down at Gerard’s outstretched hand, the same hand that I’d seen him brush through his hair repeatedly at the mall, the same hand that looked so steady and delicate and maybe even soft. Was it soft? Do I like soft hands? I grabbed his hand then. Yeah, it was soft. I nearly forgot that I was supposed to shake it. I did though, shake it, too vigorously, and I held it for too long. It was warm too, by the way. I had to try hard to suppress a sigh when he let go of my own rough hand.
So uh...Mikey’s told me a lot about you too...You’re a really good award winning...or so I’ve heard, heh, I’d managed, giving a nervous laugh, because I was, of course, extremely nervous, like do-I-cut-the-red-wire-or-the-blue-wire-to-deactivate-the-bomb?!nervous. I’m surprised he didn’t see me shaking.
Gerard gave an embarrassed smile then and I felt my face turn bright red, the fact that he smiled over something that I said making me want to fall faint, Hmm, well, I’m not that good. Mikey kind of embellishes things sometimes, but thank you. Did Mikey tell you that I was going to have a going away party to celebrate me finally getting the hell out of Jersey?
Yeah, I told him and I invited him a little bit ago. He said he’d get back to me on it,
said Mikey suddenly, nearly cutting Gerard off and then giving me an expectant look.
Uh yeah, I was gonna ask my uh, my mom. Yeah, I think I can go, but I’ll have to remind her and stuff, I said, mentally kicking myself.
And stuff? Well let Mikey know when you find out. We’re heading to the cafe over there and then to the movies. Want to come or...? Gerard began, giving Mikey a quick look.
Mikey’s eyes went wide for a second before he said forcefully to Gerard, Gee, I think Quinn probably has to get home or something. So maybe we should invite him some other time okay?
Geez, Mikes....Quinn, excuse my brother, he’s on his period, Gerard said apologetically.
Nah, its okay. He’s right, I have to get going anyways, I said, Mikey’s pms sobering me enough to be able to talk to Gerard without stuttering like a child, So it was a pleasure meeting you, Gerard. I guess I’ll see you around?
Yeah, I’m sure you’ll bump into me at Mikey’s. I don’t lead that much of a busy life that you won’t see me bumming it at home playing PS2 and eating a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, just wasting my life away,
said Gerard dramatically.
He wasn’t all that funny. I laughed anyways...and he laughed too...and I wanted to jump on him. If only I could have. Instead, I turned to Mikey and told him I’d see him at school and he kind of nodded at me and then I started walking and they walked past me. I stopped and turned to watch them go into the cafe...and to watch Gerard’s ass. He was wearing tight pants again, oh what a sight that was. I masturbated as soon as I got into my room. Despite the fact that I seemed completely lame and childish in front of Gerard, what took place today was a step in the right direction. All this time I was hardly paying attention to Mikey, and his brother turns out to be the Hot Topic boy. Its so completely insane but it makes perfect sense. I had noticed it. That’s why I’d stare at Mikey like that, duh. *smacks head* I guess he resembles Gerard a little, but only a little. But it doesn’t matter. All that matters is the fact that I’ve gotten to speak to Gerard. I need to get to Mikey’s house more often. Forget Frank, he’s useless to me now. Its all about Mikey in order to finally have Gerard. Yes. So now I definitely need to get to that party. I’ll ask my mom when she gets in, till then I’ll wait here and look at journals and all that...
But you know what gets to me though, besides the obvious fact that Gerard actually talked to me (I sound like such a fucking chick)? Mikey’s reaction when Gerard invited me to join them. What was that all about, that look? Why wouldn’t Mikey want me around? Was it that evident that I wanted his brother? Was he trying to protect him from me? But why would he think that there’s a need for protection? He has no idea about my past....
My mom’s home. Gonna go ask now. Bye.
Date: May 10, 2006; 9:13 PM Location: Bedroom Mood: Happy Subject: To finish what I'd started...
She said yes as long as my dad doesn’t have a problem with it. My dad will be perfectly fine with it. He wants me to bounce back from the tragedy of the past and make friends and live life again. So yeah, this is gonna be fucking sweet!
Gerard will be mine. 10 Days till the party. I have so much to do until then, you guys, so much...
Chapter 5