Inkscape 自由に描く。[B!]新着記事・評価 - はてなブックマーク (original) (raw)

11 users
Smoother performance, HiDPI support, new & improved Live Path Effects & native macOS app After a little over three years in development, the team is excited to launch the long awaited Inkscape 1.0 into the world. Built with the power of a team of volunteers, this open source vector editor represents the work of many hearts and hands from around the world, ensuring that Inkscape remains available f

3 users
This tutorial demonstrates the basics of using Inkscape. If you have opened it from the Inkscape Help menu, it is a regular Inkscape document that you can view, edit, or copy from. You can also save a copy to a location of your choice. The Basic Tutorial covers canvas navigation, managing documents, shape tool basics, selection techniques, transforming objects with selector, grouping, setting fill

9 users
The Inkscape community has produced a vast volume of tutorials over the years. At this writing more than 95% are made by Inkscape users, and scattered hither and yon across the internet. The only truly official tutorials are those packaged with the program, which you can find in the Help menu > Tutorials. Official Tutorials These are tutorials from the Inkscape project. In general, they provide t

13 users
リリースノート Released on November 26, 2023. Inkscape 1.3.2 is an important bugfix release, which fixes a data loss bug in the recently released Inkscape 1.3.1, along with another, smaller issue. We recommend that you update Inkscape from 1.3.1 as soon as possible. If using Windows, please first uninstall the older version. Stars, polygons, spirals, 3D boxes are now saved correctly (MR #6090) The data t

3 users
Release Notes Released on November 26, 2023. Inkscape 1.3.2 is an important bugfix release, which fixes a data loss bug in the recently released Inkscape 1.3.1, along with another, smaller issue. We recommend that you update Inkscape from 1.3.1 as soon as possible. If using Windows, please first uninstall the older version. Stars, polygons, spirals, 3D boxes are now saved correctly (MR #6090) The

19 users
Inkscape is a powerful, free design tool Whether you are an illustrator, designer, web designer or just someone who needs to create some vector imagery, Inkscape is for you! Flexible drawing tools Broad file format compatibility Powerful text tool Bezier and spiro curves Want to find out more about how Inkscape can help you? Look at the full set of features or try it! Join our thriving community W

5 users
Release Notes Released on November 26, 2023. Inkscape 1.3.2 is an important bugfix release, which fixes a data loss bug in the recently released Inkscape 1.3.1, along with another, smaller issue. We recommend that you update Inkscape from 1.3.1 as soon as possible. If using Windows, please first uninstall the older version. Stars, polygons, spirals, 3D boxes are now saved correctly (MR #6090) The

4 users
Inkscape とは何ですか? Inkscape はベクター画像をプロフェッショナル品質で作成・編集できるソフトウェアです。動作OSは Windows, Mac OS X および GNU/Linux で作動できます。このソフトは世界規模のユーザーに、デザインのプロフェッショナルからホビー家にまで、様々な用途のグラフィック(イラスト、アイコン、ロゴ、ダイアグラム、マップ、ウェブ画像)の創作のために活用されています。 Inkscape は、 W3C オープン規格の SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) を、ネイティブのフォーマットとして採用している、フリーでオープンソースなソフトウェアです。 Inkscape は洗練された描画ソフトであり、その機能の匹敵するのは Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW および Xara Xtreme 並みです。 様々

183 users
初めての方へ パワフルでフリーなデザインツール イラストレーター、デザイナー、ウェブデザイナーなど、ベクターイメージを必要としている皆様に、Inkscape をオススメします。 柔軟性のあるドローツール さまざまなファイル形式との互換性 強力なテキストツール ベジエおよびスピロ曲線 Inkscape についてもっと知りたいですか? 機能の一覧をご覧になるか、今すぐ使ってみてください! Contributors 私たちのコミュニティに参加しませんか 私たちはいつも多くの方々からの支援に助けられています。あなたがコードを書けるなら、私たちの開発を助けてくださいませんか。コードを書く以外にもできることはたくさんあります: 機能のリクエスト バグの報告 ドキュメントの改善 より詳しい情報は 開発者向け セクションをご覧ください。

14 users
Inkscape is a powerful, free design tool Whether you are an illustrator, designer, web designer or just someone who needs to create some vector imagery, Inkscape is for you! Flexible drawing tools Broad file format compatibility Powerful text tool Bezier and spiro curves Want to find out more about how Inkscape can help you? Look at the full set of features or try it! Join our thriving community W

4 users
このドキュメントは、Inkscape の、デフォルトのキーボードおよびマウスのショートカットについて説明しています。内容は Inkscape に含まれる share/keys/default.xml で定義されており、そのほとんど (すべてではありません) はユーザーによる変更が可能です。変更手順の詳細は default.xml をご覧ください。 特に断りのない限り、テンキーまたはキーパッドのキー (矢印、Home、End、+、-、数字キーなど) は対応する通常のキーと同じとみなされます。もし何か新しいショートカットのアイデアがあれば、開発者メーリングリストまたはバグトラッカーで RFE (改善要望) として私たち開発者までお知らせください。 目次: ツール | ダイアログ · 開く · 表示の切り替え · ダイアログ内 | コントロールバー · アクセス · ナビゲート · 値の変更

5 users
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4 users
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6 users
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5 users
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6 users
Inkscape で使えるもっとも素晴らしいツールの一つがカリグラフィです。このチュートリアルではカリグラフィがどのように動くかについて説明し、カリグラフィアートの基本的なテクニックを紹介します。 Use Ctrl+arrows, mouse wheel, or middle button drag to scroll the page down. For basics of object creation, selection, and transformation, see the Basic tutorial in Help⇒Tutorials. 歴史と様式 辞書によると、カリグラフィ とは「美しい文字」あるいは「美しく気品ある書法」を意味します。本来カリグラフィとは、美しい、あるいは気品ある手書き筆跡を作成する芸術のことです。それは少々堅苦しそうな響きに聞こえるかもしれませんが、少

8 users
Couldn't find what you were looking for. If you don't know why you got here, maybe you'd like to search to see if you can find what you were looking for. If you've followed a link from our site, or are using a link that used to work before, please tell us here and we'll fix it.

34 users
This tutorial demonstrates the basics of using Inkscape. If you have opened it from the Inkscape Help menu, it is a regular Inkscape document that you can view, edit, or copy from. You can also save a copy to a location of your choice. The Basic Tutorial covers canvas navigation, managing documents, shape tool basics, selection techniques, transforming objects with selector, grouping, setting fill

8 users
このチュートリアルは 4 つのシェイプツール (矩形、円/弧、星形、らせん) について説明しています。Inkscape のシェイプで何ができるか、そしてどのような場合にどのように使用するかを示します。 Use Ctrl+Arrows, mousewheel, or middle button drag to scroll the page down. For basics of object creation, selection, and transformation, see the Basic tutorial in Help⇒Tutorials. Inkscape には多用途の 4 つのシェイプツールがあり、どのツールでもシェイプの作成と編集が行えます。シェイプは、ドラッグ可能なハンドルと、数値パラメーターによって形状が決定され、各シェイプに固有の方法で変更を加えることが可能なオブ

59 users
Release Notes Released on November 26, 2023. Inkscape 1.3.2 is an important bugfix release, which fixes a data loss bug in the recently released Inkscape 1.3.1, along with another, smaller issue. We recommend that you update Inkscape from 1.3.1 as soon as possible. If using Windows, please first uninstall the older version. Stars, polygons, spirals, 3D boxes are now saved correctly (MR #6090) The

15 users
このチュートリアルはコピー/貼り付け、ノードの編集、フリーハンドおよびベジエ曲線、パス操作、ブーリアン演算、オフセット、簡略化、およびテキストツールについて解説しています。 Use Ctrl+arrows, mouse wheel, or middle button drag to scroll the page down. For basics of object creation, selection, and transformation, see the Basic tutorial in Help⇒Tutorials. 貼り付けテクニック After you copy some object(s) by Ctrl+C or cut by Ctrl+X, the regular Paste command (Ctrl+V) pastes the copied object(s) r

162 users
Couldn't find what you were looking for. If you don't know why you got here, maybe you'd like to search to see if you can find what you were looking for. If you've followed a link from our site, or are using a link that used to work before, please tell us here and we'll fix it.

48 users
Информация о версии Released on November 26, 2023. Inkscape 1.3.2 is an important bugfix release, which fixes a data loss bug in the recently released Inkscape 1.3.1, along with another, smaller issue. We recommend that you update Inkscape from 1.3.1 as soon as possible. If using Windows, please first uninstall the older version. Stars, polygons, spirals, 3D boxes are now saved correctly (MR #6090

9 users
Notas de Lançamento Released on November 26, 2023. Inkscape 1.3.2 is an important bugfix release, which fixes a data loss bug in the recently released Inkscape 1.3.1, along with another, smaller issue. We recommend that you update Inkscape from 1.3.1 as soon as possible. If using Windows, please first uninstall the older version. Stars, polygons, spirals, 3D boxes are now saved correctly (MR #6090

15 users
Couldn't find what you were looking for. If you don't know why you got here, maybe you'd like to search to see if you can find what you were looking for. If you've followed a link from our site, or are using a link that used to work before, please tell us here and we'll fix it.

10 users
Inkscape is a powerful, free design tool Whether you are an illustrator, designer, web designer or just someone who needs to create some vector imagery, Inkscape is for you! Flexible drawing tools Broad file format compatibility Powerful text tool Bezier and spiro curves Want to find out more about how Inkscape can help you? Look at the full set of features or try it! Join our thriving community W

613 users
Inkscape is a powerful, free design tool Whether you are an illustrator, designer, web designer or just someone who needs to create some vector imagery, Inkscape is for you! Flexible drawing tools Broad file format compatibility Powerful text tool Bezier and spiro curves Want to find out more about how Inkscape can help you? Look at the full set of features or try it! Join our thriving community W