Let's Be Bad Guys (original) (raw)

We're up to four tabs on our guild bank. @_@ Hurray! The next one is going to cost 2500g though, so don't fill it all up at once. ^_^ The older members have epic flying mounts to think about, before we start draining our coffers again!

So, in order to keep things useful rather than cluttered, I think we need to establish some guidelines about what goes where, and what shouldn't be put in the bank at all.

Tab 1 - Basic mats.

Basic mats used in professions only. No more than six stacks of any particular cloth at a time, five stacks of any metal, two of any stone or herb, and only one of hides. Excess will be put up on the AH. (Enchanting mats will be considered later, since that hasn't been much of an issue, yet.)

Tab 2 - Special mats

This is for the "extra" things that some recipes call for, or mats that are green-quality and higher, with the exception of enchanting essences, which should go in the basic tab. Unless you know someone will need a lot in the near future, please limit special mats to one stack.

Tab 3 - Treasure

This is currently a catch-all tab. Armor, weapons, recipes, potions, scrolls, and books of value go here. Armor or weapons that aren't taken will be sold or disenchanted after a period of time, depending on the usefulness of the item, and the money or mats will be put back into the bank. Please take and use appropriate potions and scrolls before instances, especially for guild runs.

Tab 4 - Quest items

Rep items and other quest items go here. NO GORILLA FANGS! This was nerfed, so you only need one for the quest, and you can easily get one on the way to the cave. We haven't had the tab long enough that I'm sure what the limits need to be, but I'm sure we'll get there.


Future tabs will be "buff items" (potions, scrolls, scopes, etc...) and "fun stuff" (fireworks, tonks, pets...). Please feel free to provide feedback on that.

If you take something, repay it down the road. Be nice. Don't be a greedy sod. Cash in the guild bank should be for guild run repairs, items to help the guild out, or toward future tabs. If you're short on gold for your personal use, don't be shy about putting things you find on your own up on the AH! With a mod like auctioneer on your side, you can turn the auction house into your own mini-game to see how much gold you can earn. ^_^ Be generous when you can afford to be, and stingy when you need to be, and if you need help don't hesitate to ask. Also, if you don't have access to something in the guild bank that you could use, ask an officer about it. We're not being teases, just cautious.

That's long-winded enough, I think. So, good luck and happy hunting!