We're the kind of kids that will beat you up and steal your lunch money (original) (raw)

such a sucker for a sweet talker [May. 11th, 2005|09:55 pm]we'll kick your ass.
[what it feels like to burn on and on** |accomplishedaccomplished] [signals over the air** rancid - ruby soho]( applicationCollapse )
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Such a sucker for a sweet talker. [Apr. 5th, 2005|12:24 pm]we'll kick your ass.
[what it feels like to burn on and on** |awakeawake] [signals over the air** Taking Back Sunday- Timberwolves At New Jersey]( App.Collapse )
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(no subject) [Feb. 16th, 2005|06:04 pm]we'll kick your ass.
[what it feels like to burn on and on** |confusedconfused] [signals over the air** on existence's edge we watched the world come crumbling down]this community needs to be more active.find communities that you're already in (lots prefferably)and PROMOTE!!!! alyssa<3lee
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(no subject) [Feb. 7th, 2005|08:39 am]we'll kick your ass.
i changed the background. its the cause of being home sick :(i think aly will have 4598745964297654305876435430609450194363274237840623756280543653 orgasms because of it.and im going to make some banners so you hot kids can totally promote.&hearts
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(no subject) [Jan. 26th, 2005|02:38 pm]we'll kick your ass.
[what it feels like to burn on and on** |apatheticapathetic] [signals over the air** alanis morrissette*jagged little pill]because this community is so dead:i'm doing something about it!!!what was the last show you went to?did you have fun?who'd you go with?did you meet any of the band(s)?do you parents suck ass???<3 do it!!!i'll fill mine out right now:hawthorne heights, spitalfield, number one fan, the black maria, and asd!obv. allie and i were moshing the night away!!!!allie, mandy, sam, and sam's mom!no. we left cuz we were tired and allie had to be home early. yes... enough said..<3
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(no subject) [Jan. 3rd, 2005|02:45 pm]we'll kick your ass.
[what it feels like to burn on and on** |excitedexcited] [signals over the air** brand nizzle*guernica]i'm wicked excited right now. we're finally getting some new members. it's oh-so-very-exciting.<3aly
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such a sucker for a sweet talker [Jan. 2nd, 2005|09:07 pm]we'll kick your ass.
okay fellow badass emo kids, i kinda forgot the whole 'post 3-5' so here they are. hopefully you can forgive me for this mistake xoxo:-) Ill Never Be taken alive... me and the badass emo kid herself...madizzle... i <3 her ^ for some reaason its really messed up...and thats not a good picture but whatev, enjoy sorry i dont have a random picture...ill be sure to post one soon...and sorry the pictures kinda sucked...i took them a few days ago and i was in a rush:-O
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sucha a sucker for a sweet talker [Jan. 2nd, 2005|08:23 pm]we'll kick your ass.
[what it feels like to burn on and on** |gigglygiggly] [signals over the air** The Starting Line-Decisions, Decisions]( BadAss Emo kidCollapse ) ^there ya go
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(no subject) [Dec. 30th, 2004|10:44 pm]we'll kick your ass.
[what it feels like to burn on and on** |crazycrazy] [signals over the air** the bonnie taylor shakedown *growls at mandy*]so i'm really excited that people are starting to reapply. some of our members should start getting active again. i need to shower. that felt really weird to say because i just took a shower 2 days ago. it's my new year's revolution, shower more then 1 time a week. the only other person who i can talk to about being a dirty kid is chris and he's a dick, damn dickheads! BAN SOAP. DON'T SHOWER... soooo... yeah. people in this community should now welcome spaghettos and stolen_glance23 yay for new members... promote bitches :-)
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