badficsupport - Profile (original) (raw)
This is a closed multifandom community. If you would like to join, Read this post and attempt to join the community or contact MartianHousecat or Cedar. To get your fandom added to our list of interests, reply to this thread.
Please note that membership in this community does not guarantee your fics will remain unshredded.
This community exists to provide a forum for those fans who cannot help but look away from the train-wreck that is badfic, but still feel the need to complain about it. Instead of flaming the authors, badfic readers can come to BFS and vent. However, to make it interesting for everyone, (and you must admit that endless, multifandom whining would not be that), we require that all venting take the form of:
A) A valid story critique, with textual proofs. You can be as petty, viciously funny or weepy as you like, but for all our sakes, you must make a literary argument in the meantime. You may also focus on an author’s body of work. All critiques are friends-locked.
B) A meta post on the nature of badfic or related topics, like characterization, punctuation, logic, themes, purple prose and the ‘rules of writing’. All meta posts are public and debate is very much welcome.
C) An essay on a particular issue in your fandom that may or may not refer to particular stories. Topics can include shoddy fan characterizations, butchery of particular ships, a sudden rash of MPreg, strange crossovers and the like. All posts that use specific story examples are friends-locked.
Please note that both B and C can take the form of an explicit rant, but must rise above the level of “This suX0rs cos I don’t likes it.”
The Rules
Things you can do:
- Shred fics in friends-locked posts. This does not equal meanness for its own sake - you must be able to back up your critique.
- Post essays about er, badfic uplift.
- Weep about how you'll never be the same after encountering badfic.
- Rant.
- Discuss specific authors in friends-locked posts.
- Recommend good badfic in friends-locked posts.
- Request your fic be shredded by the members of BFS, in friends-locked posts.
- Trade shreddings with other BFS members, in friends-locked posts.
Things you can't do:
- Use the LJ names of badauthors.
- Post the complete text of a long fic. Instead, link to or paste the relevant sections behind a cut tag.
- Use netspeak.
- Post off topic.
- Share/reproduce the contents of another member's friends-locked post.
- Advertise for other lj communities. You can send a link to MartianHousecat or Cedar and we might choose to post an advertisement if we deem it relevant to the community members.
All fic critiques MUST use the following template:
Fic title:
Pairing (if applicable):
Link to story (optional): Note that linking to the author's email address or LJ is grounds for dismissal from the community.
Any particularly bad passages of the text. These must go behind a cut tag. If you do not use one, a moderator may see fit to delete your post. If you do not know how to use the cut tag, email a mod and we'll be happy to teach you.
What, realistically, could be done to improve it. This does not mean that you would have kept everything the way it was but made it Ron/Draco instead of Sirius/Severus.
Any discussion? Does the fic make you think about Draco's home life? Do you want to scream about the constant portrayal of virginqueen!Lily? Open it up for discussion. Don't just flame it. You're all smarter than that.
All fic recs MUST use the following template:
Fic title:
Pairing (if applicable):
Link to story (optional): Note that linking to the author's email address or LJ is grounds for dismissal from the community.
Why it sucks so bad it's good: This part of the recommendation must be no longer than a paragraph.
All shred exchange requests MUST use the following template:
Fic title:
Pairing (if applicable):
Link to story (optional): Note that linking to the author's email address or LJ is grounds for dismissal from the community.
Why this story should be shredded:
Why you don't feel up to shredding this story:
What you're willing to shred in exchange: Include relevent pairings, genres, fandoms and ratings.
Failure to follow the community rules will result in a public (i.e. a reply to the offending post) mod reprimand and warning. After three reprimands you will be banned.
We reserve the right to make additional rules as needed. Nyah
7th heaven, andromeda, angel the series, anime, badfic, barrayar, blake's 7, buffy the vampire slayer, characterization, clamp, cowboy bebop, critique, dead like me, debate, due south, early edition, eastenders, ender's game, enterprise, fan fiction, fandom, feminism, femmeslash, firefly, friends, fushigi yuugi, gen, gilmore girls, gladiator, grammar, gravitation, gundam wing, harry potter, hercules, het, highlander, impulse control, indiana jones, intellect, inu-yasha, james bond, kanon, labyrinth, lawrence of arabia, les miserables, logic, lord of the rings, lotrips, magnificent seven, mary sues, matrix, meta, moulin rouge, narnia, pirates of the caribbean, pirates of the carribean, plot, pokemon, punctuation, queer as folk, real ghostbusters, real people fic, real people slash, robin of sherwood, ronin warriors, roswell, rurouni kenshin, sailormoon, sentinel, slash, slayers, sleepy hollow, smallville, sorcerer hunters, south park, spelling, sportsnight, star trek, star trek voyager, star wars, stargate sg-1, super smash bros. melee, textual poaching, that 70's show, the brady bunch, the crow, the matrix, the mummy, the sentinel, themes, utena, valdemar, weiss kreuz, west wing, wheel of time, x-files, x-men, x-men movieverse, xena