Staneva Krasimira | Forestry University (original) (raw)
Papers by Staneva Krasimira
Nowadays, the increasing use of information and mobile technologies and the ignorance of their he... more Nowadays, the increasing use of information and mobile technologies and the ignorance of their health risk for consumers provoked this study. The investigation was oriented to an evaluation of the negative effects of excessive use of mobile phones within the students and the assessment of their wellness/health prevention culture. The results outlined the negative impact of GSM daily use on mental and physical level of consumers as memory and attention problems, psycho-emotional stress, headache, insomnia, etc. and on the other hand, lack of information about the impact of mobile technology on human health. The young generation would pay attention to balance between developing mobile technology and health condition. The assessed abilities of wellness tourism as an anti-stress therapy are described in finding the golden mean between information technology, health condition and quality of life. The possibilities of wellness tourism to improve health and quality of life of students are ...
Proceedings of the XVII International Congress “Machines. Technologies. Materials” – Winter Session, 11-14.03.2020, Borovets, Bulgaria, vol. 1, issue 1 (16), 85-88, ISSN 2535-0021 (Print), ISSN 2535-003X (Online), 2020
Резюме: Технологичното развитие на човечеството след откриването на електричеството и създаваното... more Резюме: Технологичното развитие на човечеството след откриването на електричеството и създаваното от него електромагнитно поле (EMF), което е в основата на безжичните комуникационни технологии, доведе до непрекъснато излагане на човека на изкуствени електромагнитни полета. Очакванията са този технологичен растеж да продължи и броят на генераторите на различни EMF да се увеличава, което ще доведе до все по-голямо облъчване на хората от изкуствени електромагнитни вълни в широк честотен диапазон. С развитието на смарт технологиите и в частност интернет на нещата (IoT), което представлява мрежа от устройства, използващи множество сензори и безжична свързаност между тях, за да оживеят статични физически обекти, се очаква многократно увеличаване на електромагнитните замърсявания около нас. Създаването на умни градове, умни домове и интелигентни фабрики повдига редица въпроси за негативните въздействия на безжичните технологии върху здравето на човека и възможните мерки за намаляване на технологиите, генериращи електромагнитни вълни. Ето защо в настоящата статия ще бъдат разгледани и анализирани възможните ефекти върху човешкото тяло от облъчването му с различни радиочестотни електромагнитни полета (RF-EMF), като бъде предложена също така технология за намаляване на електромагнитните замърсявания чрез използването на иновативни технологични решения, базирани на вторичното приложение на безжичните технологии (SAWT). КЛЮЧОВИ ДУМИ: ЕЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНО ПОЛЕ, ВТОРИЧНО ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ, БЕЗЖИЧНИ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, ИНТЕРНЕТ НА НЕЩАТА
The aim of this study is to analyze the potential of the BulgariaSerbia cross-border region for t... more The aim of this study is to analyze the potential of the BulgariaSerbia cross-border region for the development of balanced Wellness and SPA tourism concerning the medico-biological and medico-social assessment of tourism resources and professional competencies of the employees. More than 30 mineral springs and 21 tourist sites have been studied. There are good medicobiological conditions for the development of intensive medical SPA, Wellness and SPA Tourism. The combination of free spring flow and specific climate conditions is a big advantage for the development of highly specialized tourism as the medical SPA. On the other hand, the lack of a working model to control health risk, environmental and safe working conditions in SPAs is one of the obstacles for the development of this kind of tourism. The obtained results show the need to develop specific skills and professional competencies of the personnel. A new model for management of Wellness and SPA Tourism, based on competency ...
5th International Scientific and Professional Conference (CRODMA 2020), October 23rd, 2020, Varaždin, Croatia. Book of papers, 157-164. Varaždin: CRODMA, ISSN 2459-7953, 2020
CroDiM: International Journal of Marketing Science, vol. 4, No. 1, 141-148, e-ISSN 2584-7236, 2021
Nowadays, the increasing use of information and mobile technologies and the ignorance of their he... more Nowadays, the increasing use of information and mobile technologies and the ignorance of their health risk for consumers provoked this study. The investigation was oriented to an evaluation of the negative effects of excessive use of mobile phones within the students and the assessment of their wellness/health prevention culture. The results outlined the negative impact of GSM daily use on mental and physical level of consumers as memory and attention problems, psycho-emotional stress, headache, insomnia, etc. and on the other hand, lack of information about the impact of mobile technology on human health. The young generation would pay attention to balance between developing mobile technology and health condition. The assessed abilities of wellness tourism as an anti-stress therapy are described in finding the golden mean between information technology, health condition and quality of life. The possibilities of wellness tourism to improve health and quality of life of students are in line with main social effect for young people-a positive representation of person with good social communication and constructive solutions for life challenges.
Сборник с доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция, 28-29 май 2020 г., НВУ “Васил Левски”. Велико Търново, Издателски комплекс на НВУ “Васил Левски”, 1448-1456, ISSN 2367-7481, 2020
Prerequisites for sustainability development of balneological and SPA tourism in cross-border re... more Prerequisites for sustainability development of balneological and SPA tourism in cross-border region Bulgaria-Serbia
An evoluation of mineral water resourses and environmental charactersitics were done. On the base of the assessment of the medical SPA and SPA network and the market of these services in the cross-border region, it is possible to determine the main objectives of the professional SPA organizations in Bulgaria. They have to work intensively on the certification of SPA services, the introduction of the Quality Management System (QMS) and the system for health risk assessment (Health, Safety and Environment – HSE) to ensure good recognition of Bulgarian SPA tourism services on the international market, to seek innovative approaches to the development of advertising and marketing products for achieving good competitiveness of the sector. The tourism policy in this field needs ecologically friendly concepts and products, including eco SPA with presentation of typical ethno-traditional techniques for a given geographical region, natural products, mineral cosmetics, bio/organic foods, etc.
The expansion of the tourism market and rising consumer expectations require analysis of existing natural conditions and conditions for the development of an adequate package, which contains three main elements: natural mineral water, unique natural environment certified SPA centres.
A wellness and SPA potential of Belchin and Belchin banja region were estimated in the study. Some geochemical, microbiological and physiological characteristics of mineral well Belchin and Spa hotels conditions were analyzed. The obtained results related to assessment of all main characteristics of the region status. The analysis allowed to make some conclusions –there were good developed SPA services package mainly in Medical SPA area. Special marketing products targeted to wide range of clients has to be scope of SPA managers.
The focus of management program has to connect with very new wellness and SPA vision portfolio of Belchin and Belchin banja region.
Key words: Wellness and Spa tourism, Belchin region, management assessment, mineral well
The paper presents some of the results from the chemical analyses of 30 thermal springs, located in the cross-border region Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Serbia (Project No. 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-184 Mineral water – source of health and well-being (WellSpring), financed by the Bulgaria - Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme). The water analysis and evaluation allow presenting an initial biomedical assessment of the springs’ utilization and sustainable management to develop the health SPA tourism in the cross-border region. The studied mineral springs are characterized by different biomedical characteristics. The geomedical evaluation of environment is the main prerequisite for intensive application of mineral springs for improving the quality of life of the local population and development of medical SPA tourism for improving the quality of life of the local population
Key words: Environment, Mineral Springs, SPA, Geomedical Information, Quality of Life, CBR Bulgaria - Serbia.
The adaptation capabilities of the body are the basis of modern methods for quantitative assessme... more The adaptation capabilities of the body are the basis of modern methods for quantitative assessment of human health. Aim of the study: to determine the adaptation capabilities of the cardiovascular system to students with visual impairments. Methods: A total 58 students-22 students with visual impairment and 36 students in the norm. Anthropological indicators-height and body mass are measured. The pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were registered in standby state. An adaptation potential (AP) and the coefficient of efficiency of circulation were defined. Results: The survey found that students with visual impairment have a higher pulse rate and high blood pressure. Body mass is greater, but the growth is lower. The results of the analysis of PA are indicative that there is tension in the adaptation and reduction of adaptation options. Conclusions: Students with visual impairment have a lower adaptive capacity and lower durability.
The aim is to explore the feasibility of geomedical indicators for sustainable management of Wel... more The aim is to explore the feasibility of geomedical indicators for sustainable management of Wellbeing and medical SPA tourism in Bulgaria. Object of the study sites in 16 well represented Medical SPA destinations near Bansko, Sunny Beach and Pomorie, which were examined in 2010-2012 Methodology A Geomedical audit was conducted concerning the quality of water, soil and mineral water used in Medical and SPA centers, HSSR audit electromagnetic screening and analysis of ESPA standards in the studied sites were conducted Results. The environmental data (contents of heavy metals and BTEX in the region) was obtaine. The results from the monitoring of mineral waters and electromagnetic screening were analyzed. The ability to use the observed geomedical factors in the management of Wellbeing and medical SPA services in Bulgaria was estimated. A good comparison between the proposed model an existing one in Austria was detected.
ADHD is a neurobiological disorder of individual mental and behavioral development and it is char... more ADHD is a neurobiological disorder of individual mental and behavioral development and it is characterized by persistent symptoms of. ADHD. It is characterized by deficits in several sensory modalities-visual, auditory, tactile , vestibular also. The purpose is to identify violations in sensory processing in children with ADHD. Object: 84 children-26 children with dyslexia and 58 children in the norm were examined. Methods: The sensory disturbances determination was studied by questionnaire of Dunn (1997). Results: Analysis of the results showed that children with ADHD have difficulty in many areas of sensory processing-vestibular, visual, auditory, tactile and oral treatment. The biggest violations were found in tactile and oral treatment, followed by vestibular and visual processing. Conclusion: Children with ADHD show deficits in sensory processing. Analysis of sensory deficits of these children is essential for proper organization of the rehabilitation process.
Aim: to research the impact of Crystal therapy on the human body in SPA and Wellness practices. M... more Aim: to research the impact of Crystal therapy on the human body in SPA and Wellness practices. Methods: The object were 30 clients of SPA centers. The special Crystal therapy SPA products using minerals were applied to all of them. A psychometric test SMS of clients and professional and customer opinion on applied SPA procedures were conducted. Results: A variational and correlative analysis of the obtained data were done. 77% of participants have well reaction to Crystal therapy and have a positive attitude to the crystal procedures. They want to try new ones. 63% of clients would gave their preference to crystal therapy and 33% of research group have not information about Bulgarian SPA centers offering Crystal therapy. Conclusion: The products using precious and semiprecious stones are well accepted and preferred by customers of SPA centers. Въведение. Кристалотерапията, която изучава въздействието на кристалите върху човешкото здраве, е позната на хората повече от 5000 години, от изработката на ритуални предмети и украшения, до използването на най-хубавите екземпляри за въздействие върху психоменталните способности и съхраняване на здравето. Още от дълбока древност хората използвали скъпоценните и полускъпоценни камъни за различни магически и религиозни ритуали, шамански практики или просто за украшение. Според някои учени маите били първите, които започнали да използват камъните за диагностика и лечение на някои болести. Други специалисти търсят корена на кристалотерапията в Индия и Атлантида. Днес камъните намират все по-широка употреба. Съвременната наука също използва кристалите за предаване и усилване на енергията. Кристалите на рубина се използват в лазерите. Кварцовите кристали в ултразвуковите установки, часовниците, компютърните платки, в радиотехниката. Сред най-модерните, но не до там развити методи, използвани в козметологията и SPA индустрията е влагането на скъпоценни и полускъпоценни камъни и минерали в козметични продукти. Минералите имат редица качества, които действат благотворно върху кожата на лицето като видимо се възстановява здравето и младежката и красота. Освен в козметиката за лице и тяло кристалите започват да се използват и в декоративната козметика. Макар и не толкова популярни в големите СПА центрове от световен мащаб могат да се видят и стаи за релакс с огромни късове кристали, както и помещения за кристалотерапия специално декорирани за процедурата. Все по популярни стават кристалната парна баня и кристалната сауна.
The aim of the presented research is to assess the impact of the environment on the rehabilitatio... more The aim of the presented research is to assess the impact of the environment on the rehabilitation process in the region of Pchelinski bani. Results: A research of the abiotic components of air, soil, water and mineral waters from region of Pchelinski bani was conducted. The medical SPA and SPA base and packages for customers were examined. The impact of Indoor and Outdoor environment on quality of life of clients was evaluated. Conclusions: The state of the environment in the area of Pchelinski bani was determined by the best environmental characteristics. There is a clear connection between the quality of life of clients and staff and the quality of the environment. It is an awareness of the connection clean environment-SPA services as a specific tool to achieve a new level of quality in the sector SPA.
Въведение Въздействието на околната среда върху качеството на живот на населението заема централно място в докладите на Европейската агенция по околна среда (EEA report, 2009; Joint EEA-JRC report, 2013). Този проблем е във фокуса на научните изследвания на много автори (Geiss et al, 2011, Smith and Puczko, 2013). Компонентите на околната среда оказват влияние върху човешкото здраве посредством качеството на питейните води, храните, атмосферния въздух и др.. Специален интерес представлява състоянието на минералните води, които се ползват за балнеологични и SPA процедури, както и за питейни нужди. В световен план успешно се работи по екологичен контрола в затворени помещения /индоор екологичен контрол/, който акцентира върху качеството на атмосферния въздух и температурния комфорт на човека (Arens, E., 2007). За пълноценното и по-ефективно възстановяване на човешкия организъм в резултат на провеждани медикал SPA терапии, определено място има контролът на качеството на използваните природни ресурси и продукти в SPA услугите. В редица проучвания има данни за положителното въздействие на съхранена околна среда и отсъствието на електросмог върху процеса на възстановяване (Augner, et al., 2010). Цел на проучването е да се оцени влиянието на някой фактори на околната среда върху рехабилитационния процес в района на Пчелински бани. Методи на проучването-направена качествена оценка на атмосферния въздух, почвите и водите от района на Пчелински бани. През септември 2013 г. са анализирани минералните води, с цел проследяване на устойчивостта на техните балнеологични показатели и е направено сканиране за нейонизиращо електромагнитно поле в района на SPA центъра (аут доор и индоор). Химическите анализи са осъществени в ISO акредитирана лаборатория /Евротест-контрол АД/.
The massage has multifunctional effects on the human body-relaxing, tonic, analgesic, humoral, co... more The massage has multifunctional effects on the human body-relaxing, tonic, analgesic, humoral, cosmetic, therapeutic. The purpose of this work is to study the effects of classical massage on the functional status of engaged persons in mental work. Methodology: The applied methods were: Test for the study of self-confidence, activity and mood (SAM), scale for assessment of fear and anxiety and Tapping Test. Objects: 70 students were examined, divided into two groups of 35. Results: The self-esteem, mood and activity were increased after massage. The fear, anxiety and depression were reduced. The most significant changes in functional status occurred on the second and third day after the massage. Conclusions: The classic massage causes significant changes in the functional status of persons engaged in mental work. It improves self-esteem, mood and activity. The massage reduces anxiety, fear, depression, nervous and mental tension.
The body's component composition has important part in the assessment of physical development. Th... more The body's component composition has important part in the assessment of physical development. The determination of the ratio of tissue components of the body makes it possible to assess and predict the risk of disease to determine diet and monitor of the effectiveness of the correction of body weight. The aim: to make comprehensive analysis of component composition of the body of students with visual impairment and students without visual impairments. Methods: A total 58 students-22 students with visual impairment (13 girls and 9 boys) and 36 students (24 girls and 12 boys) without visual disturbances. The component composition is measured by J. Matiegka (1921) and Martirosov et al. (2006). The percentage of skeletal muscle, fat and water in the body were determined. Results: The data analysis shows that there are differences in the percentage of fat between the twoexamined groups. Significant differences were found in skeletal muscle mass and water content in the body. Conclusion: The body's composition of students with visual impairments is significantly different from the one of normal individuals. They have a higher percentage of fat and water in the body.
1 Лесотехнически университет, 2 СУ " Св. Кл. Охридски " The aim of this study was to evaluate the... more 1 Лесотехнически университет, 2 СУ " Св. Кл. Охридски " The aim of this study was to evaluate the biomedical and medical-social conditions for the development of SPA and medical SPA tourism in region of Dolna Banya as prevention of public health. Methods: An evaluation of hydrogeological conditions and biomedical effects of mineral water and development of SPA tourism. Results: The existing hydrogeological conditions in the area, biomedical impact of mineral waters and possibilities of rehabilitation basis for improving the quality of life are clarified. The area available spa and tourist SPA network is well developed. There is free water resource development of medical SPA and SPA services. There are no enough professionally trained medical and management personnel in the sector. Conclusion: There is no clear boundary between the medical SPA and SPA tourism in the region. That fact creates conditions for poor utilization of the available resources. Въвединие За развитие на балнеологичен и SPA туризъм са необходими подходящи природни условия, минерални води, подходяща база и инфраструктура в района. Софийска област се отличава от останалите райони в страната по концентрацията на термоминерални и минерални находища. Районът е известен с традициите си в балнеолечението, което се свързва с римско време. Днес за развитие на специализирания туризъм определящо значение имат медико-биологичните и медико-социалните предпоставки, което намира обяснение с променените изисквания към качеството на живот и възможностите за възстановителни процедури. Благоприятното съчетание на планинска местност с термоминерално находище на минерална вода правят района на гр. Долна баня интересен обект за проучване. Цел на проучването е да се извърши оценка на медико-биологичните и медико-социалните предпоставки за развитие на балнеологичния и SPA туризъм в района на гр. Долна баня като превенция на общественото здраве. Методи: Оценка на хидрогеоложкия потенциал по съществуваща архивна информация. Оценка на химичния състав и качеството на минералните води от находище " Долна баня ". Оценка на медико-биологичното въздействие на минералните води за развитие на балнеоложкия и SPA туризъм. Оценка на медико-социалните предпоставки в района за развитие на балнеологичен и SPA туризъм. Резултати Оценка на хидрогеоложкия потенциал на термоминерално находище " Долна баня " .
Geomedical problems in urban regions with oil stations Assoc. prof. PhD Krasimira Staneva, Sofia ... more Geomedical problems in urban regions with oil stations
Assoc. prof. PhD Krasimira Staneva, Sofia niversity
Assoc. Prof. PhD Emil Marinov, MD, Sofia University
The impact of petroleum hydrocarbons to human health has been the goal of investigation.
Some urban sites with oil and gas stations has observed for BTEX, TPH and MTBE contents in air, soils and underground water.
There were values above the limits. High content of benzene, toulene, xylenes and total hydrocarbons exposures carried out disease’s risk of blood and respiratory systems, sensory disturbances, headache . Some of them are described as a carcinogenic by WHO.
A health risk for people was estimated in the impacted sites.
Key words: geomedicine, oil and gas stations, BTEX, TPH, MTBE, health problems
Nowadays, the increasing use of information and mobile technologies and the ignorance of their he... more Nowadays, the increasing use of information and mobile technologies and the ignorance of their health risk for consumers provoked this study. The investigation was oriented to an evaluation of the negative effects of excessive use of mobile phones within the students and the assessment of their wellness/health prevention culture. The results outlined the negative impact of GSM daily use on mental and physical level of consumers as memory and attention problems, psycho-emotional stress, headache, insomnia, etc. and on the other hand, lack of information about the impact of mobile technology on human health. The young generation would pay attention to balance between developing mobile technology and health condition. The assessed abilities of wellness tourism as an anti-stress therapy are described in finding the golden mean between information technology, health condition and quality of life. The possibilities of wellness tourism to improve health and quality of life of students are ...
Proceedings of the XVII International Congress “Machines. Technologies. Materials” – Winter Session, 11-14.03.2020, Borovets, Bulgaria, vol. 1, issue 1 (16), 85-88, ISSN 2535-0021 (Print), ISSN 2535-003X (Online), 2020
Резюме: Технологичното развитие на човечеството след откриването на електричеството и създаваното... more Резюме: Технологичното развитие на човечеството след откриването на електричеството и създаваното от него електромагнитно поле (EMF), което е в основата на безжичните комуникационни технологии, доведе до непрекъснато излагане на човека на изкуствени електромагнитни полета. Очакванията са този технологичен растеж да продължи и броят на генераторите на различни EMF да се увеличава, което ще доведе до все по-голямо облъчване на хората от изкуствени електромагнитни вълни в широк честотен диапазон. С развитието на смарт технологиите и в частност интернет на нещата (IoT), което представлява мрежа от устройства, използващи множество сензори и безжична свързаност между тях, за да оживеят статични физически обекти, се очаква многократно увеличаване на електромагнитните замърсявания около нас. Създаването на умни градове, умни домове и интелигентни фабрики повдига редица въпроси за негативните въздействия на безжичните технологии върху здравето на човека и възможните мерки за намаляване на технологиите, генериращи електромагнитни вълни. Ето защо в настоящата статия ще бъдат разгледани и анализирани възможните ефекти върху човешкото тяло от облъчването му с различни радиочестотни електромагнитни полета (RF-EMF), като бъде предложена също така технология за намаляване на електромагнитните замърсявания чрез използването на иновативни технологични решения, базирани на вторичното приложение на безжичните технологии (SAWT). КЛЮЧОВИ ДУМИ: ЕЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНО ПОЛЕ, ВТОРИЧНО ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ, БЕЗЖИЧНИ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, ИНТЕРНЕТ НА НЕЩАТА
The aim of this study is to analyze the potential of the BulgariaSerbia cross-border region for t... more The aim of this study is to analyze the potential of the BulgariaSerbia cross-border region for the development of balanced Wellness and SPA tourism concerning the medico-biological and medico-social assessment of tourism resources and professional competencies of the employees. More than 30 mineral springs and 21 tourist sites have been studied. There are good medicobiological conditions for the development of intensive medical SPA, Wellness and SPA Tourism. The combination of free spring flow and specific climate conditions is a big advantage for the development of highly specialized tourism as the medical SPA. On the other hand, the lack of a working model to control health risk, environmental and safe working conditions in SPAs is one of the obstacles for the development of this kind of tourism. The obtained results show the need to develop specific skills and professional competencies of the personnel. A new model for management of Wellness and SPA Tourism, based on competency ...
5th International Scientific and Professional Conference (CRODMA 2020), October 23rd, 2020, Varaždin, Croatia. Book of papers, 157-164. Varaždin: CRODMA, ISSN 2459-7953, 2020
CroDiM: International Journal of Marketing Science, vol. 4, No. 1, 141-148, e-ISSN 2584-7236, 2021
Nowadays, the increasing use of information and mobile technologies and the ignorance of their he... more Nowadays, the increasing use of information and mobile technologies and the ignorance of their health risk for consumers provoked this study. The investigation was oriented to an evaluation of the negative effects of excessive use of mobile phones within the students and the assessment of their wellness/health prevention culture. The results outlined the negative impact of GSM daily use on mental and physical level of consumers as memory and attention problems, psycho-emotional stress, headache, insomnia, etc. and on the other hand, lack of information about the impact of mobile technology on human health. The young generation would pay attention to balance between developing mobile technology and health condition. The assessed abilities of wellness tourism as an anti-stress therapy are described in finding the golden mean between information technology, health condition and quality of life. The possibilities of wellness tourism to improve health and quality of life of students are in line with main social effect for young people-a positive representation of person with good social communication and constructive solutions for life challenges.
Сборник с доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция, 28-29 май 2020 г., НВУ “Васил Левски”. Велико Търново, Издателски комплекс на НВУ “Васил Левски”, 1448-1456, ISSN 2367-7481, 2020
Prerequisites for sustainability development of balneological and SPA tourism in cross-border re... more Prerequisites for sustainability development of balneological and SPA tourism in cross-border region Bulgaria-Serbia
An evoluation of mineral water resourses and environmental charactersitics were done. On the base of the assessment of the medical SPA and SPA network and the market of these services in the cross-border region, it is possible to determine the main objectives of the professional SPA organizations in Bulgaria. They have to work intensively on the certification of SPA services, the introduction of the Quality Management System (QMS) and the system for health risk assessment (Health, Safety and Environment – HSE) to ensure good recognition of Bulgarian SPA tourism services on the international market, to seek innovative approaches to the development of advertising and marketing products for achieving good competitiveness of the sector. The tourism policy in this field needs ecologically friendly concepts and products, including eco SPA with presentation of typical ethno-traditional techniques for a given geographical region, natural products, mineral cosmetics, bio/organic foods, etc.
The expansion of the tourism market and rising consumer expectations require analysis of existing natural conditions and conditions for the development of an adequate package, which contains three main elements: natural mineral water, unique natural environment certified SPA centres.
A wellness and SPA potential of Belchin and Belchin banja region were estimated in the study. Some geochemical, microbiological and physiological characteristics of mineral well Belchin and Spa hotels conditions were analyzed. The obtained results related to assessment of all main characteristics of the region status. The analysis allowed to make some conclusions –there were good developed SPA services package mainly in Medical SPA area. Special marketing products targeted to wide range of clients has to be scope of SPA managers.
The focus of management program has to connect with very new wellness and SPA vision portfolio of Belchin and Belchin banja region.
Key words: Wellness and Spa tourism, Belchin region, management assessment, mineral well
The paper presents some of the results from the chemical analyses of 30 thermal springs, located in the cross-border region Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Serbia (Project No. 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-184 Mineral water – source of health and well-being (WellSpring), financed by the Bulgaria - Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme). The water analysis and evaluation allow presenting an initial biomedical assessment of the springs’ utilization and sustainable management to develop the health SPA tourism in the cross-border region. The studied mineral springs are characterized by different biomedical characteristics. The geomedical evaluation of environment is the main prerequisite for intensive application of mineral springs for improving the quality of life of the local population and development of medical SPA tourism for improving the quality of life of the local population
Key words: Environment, Mineral Springs, SPA, Geomedical Information, Quality of Life, CBR Bulgaria - Serbia.
The adaptation capabilities of the body are the basis of modern methods for quantitative assessme... more The adaptation capabilities of the body are the basis of modern methods for quantitative assessment of human health. Aim of the study: to determine the adaptation capabilities of the cardiovascular system to students with visual impairments. Methods: A total 58 students-22 students with visual impairment and 36 students in the norm. Anthropological indicators-height and body mass are measured. The pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were registered in standby state. An adaptation potential (AP) and the coefficient of efficiency of circulation were defined. Results: The survey found that students with visual impairment have a higher pulse rate and high blood pressure. Body mass is greater, but the growth is lower. The results of the analysis of PA are indicative that there is tension in the adaptation and reduction of adaptation options. Conclusions: Students with visual impairment have a lower adaptive capacity and lower durability.
The aim is to explore the feasibility of geomedical indicators for sustainable management of Wel... more The aim is to explore the feasibility of geomedical indicators for sustainable management of Wellbeing and medical SPA tourism in Bulgaria. Object of the study sites in 16 well represented Medical SPA destinations near Bansko, Sunny Beach and Pomorie, which were examined in 2010-2012 Methodology A Geomedical audit was conducted concerning the quality of water, soil and mineral water used in Medical and SPA centers, HSSR audit electromagnetic screening and analysis of ESPA standards in the studied sites were conducted Results. The environmental data (contents of heavy metals and BTEX in the region) was obtaine. The results from the monitoring of mineral waters and electromagnetic screening were analyzed. The ability to use the observed geomedical factors in the management of Wellbeing and medical SPA services in Bulgaria was estimated. A good comparison between the proposed model an existing one in Austria was detected.
ADHD is a neurobiological disorder of individual mental and behavioral development and it is char... more ADHD is a neurobiological disorder of individual mental and behavioral development and it is characterized by persistent symptoms of. ADHD. It is characterized by deficits in several sensory modalities-visual, auditory, tactile , vestibular also. The purpose is to identify violations in sensory processing in children with ADHD. Object: 84 children-26 children with dyslexia and 58 children in the norm were examined. Methods: The sensory disturbances determination was studied by questionnaire of Dunn (1997). Results: Analysis of the results showed that children with ADHD have difficulty in many areas of sensory processing-vestibular, visual, auditory, tactile and oral treatment. The biggest violations were found in tactile and oral treatment, followed by vestibular and visual processing. Conclusion: Children with ADHD show deficits in sensory processing. Analysis of sensory deficits of these children is essential for proper organization of the rehabilitation process.
Aim: to research the impact of Crystal therapy on the human body in SPA and Wellness practices. M... more Aim: to research the impact of Crystal therapy on the human body in SPA and Wellness practices. Methods: The object were 30 clients of SPA centers. The special Crystal therapy SPA products using minerals were applied to all of them. A psychometric test SMS of clients and professional and customer opinion on applied SPA procedures were conducted. Results: A variational and correlative analysis of the obtained data were done. 77% of participants have well reaction to Crystal therapy and have a positive attitude to the crystal procedures. They want to try new ones. 63% of clients would gave their preference to crystal therapy and 33% of research group have not information about Bulgarian SPA centers offering Crystal therapy. Conclusion: The products using precious and semiprecious stones are well accepted and preferred by customers of SPA centers. Въведение. Кристалотерапията, която изучава въздействието на кристалите върху човешкото здраве, е позната на хората повече от 5000 години, от изработката на ритуални предмети и украшения, до използването на най-хубавите екземпляри за въздействие върху психоменталните способности и съхраняване на здравето. Още от дълбока древност хората използвали скъпоценните и полускъпоценни камъни за различни магически и религиозни ритуали, шамански практики или просто за украшение. Според някои учени маите били първите, които започнали да използват камъните за диагностика и лечение на някои болести. Други специалисти търсят корена на кристалотерапията в Индия и Атлантида. Днес камъните намират все по-широка употреба. Съвременната наука също използва кристалите за предаване и усилване на енергията. Кристалите на рубина се използват в лазерите. Кварцовите кристали в ултразвуковите установки, часовниците, компютърните платки, в радиотехниката. Сред най-модерните, но не до там развити методи, използвани в козметологията и SPA индустрията е влагането на скъпоценни и полускъпоценни камъни и минерали в козметични продукти. Минералите имат редица качества, които действат благотворно върху кожата на лицето като видимо се възстановява здравето и младежката и красота. Освен в козметиката за лице и тяло кристалите започват да се използват и в декоративната козметика. Макар и не толкова популярни в големите СПА центрове от световен мащаб могат да се видят и стаи за релакс с огромни късове кристали, както и помещения за кристалотерапия специално декорирани за процедурата. Все по популярни стават кристалната парна баня и кристалната сауна.
The aim of the presented research is to assess the impact of the environment on the rehabilitatio... more The aim of the presented research is to assess the impact of the environment on the rehabilitation process in the region of Pchelinski bani. Results: A research of the abiotic components of air, soil, water and mineral waters from region of Pchelinski bani was conducted. The medical SPA and SPA base and packages for customers were examined. The impact of Indoor and Outdoor environment on quality of life of clients was evaluated. Conclusions: The state of the environment in the area of Pchelinski bani was determined by the best environmental characteristics. There is a clear connection between the quality of life of clients and staff and the quality of the environment. It is an awareness of the connection clean environment-SPA services as a specific tool to achieve a new level of quality in the sector SPA.
Въведение Въздействието на околната среда върху качеството на живот на населението заема централно място в докладите на Европейската агенция по околна среда (EEA report, 2009; Joint EEA-JRC report, 2013). Този проблем е във фокуса на научните изследвания на много автори (Geiss et al, 2011, Smith and Puczko, 2013). Компонентите на околната среда оказват влияние върху човешкото здраве посредством качеството на питейните води, храните, атмосферния въздух и др.. Специален интерес представлява състоянието на минералните води, които се ползват за балнеологични и SPA процедури, както и за питейни нужди. В световен план успешно се работи по екологичен контрола в затворени помещения /индоор екологичен контрол/, който акцентира върху качеството на атмосферния въздух и температурния комфорт на човека (Arens, E., 2007). За пълноценното и по-ефективно възстановяване на човешкия организъм в резултат на провеждани медикал SPA терапии, определено място има контролът на качеството на използваните природни ресурси и продукти в SPA услугите. В редица проучвания има данни за положителното въздействие на съхранена околна среда и отсъствието на електросмог върху процеса на възстановяване (Augner, et al., 2010). Цел на проучването е да се оцени влиянието на някой фактори на околната среда върху рехабилитационния процес в района на Пчелински бани. Методи на проучването-направена качествена оценка на атмосферния въздух, почвите и водите от района на Пчелински бани. През септември 2013 г. са анализирани минералните води, с цел проследяване на устойчивостта на техните балнеологични показатели и е направено сканиране за нейонизиращо електромагнитно поле в района на SPA центъра (аут доор и индоор). Химическите анализи са осъществени в ISO акредитирана лаборатория /Евротест-контрол АД/.
The massage has multifunctional effects on the human body-relaxing, tonic, analgesic, humoral, co... more The massage has multifunctional effects on the human body-relaxing, tonic, analgesic, humoral, cosmetic, therapeutic. The purpose of this work is to study the effects of classical massage on the functional status of engaged persons in mental work. Methodology: The applied methods were: Test for the study of self-confidence, activity and mood (SAM), scale for assessment of fear and anxiety and Tapping Test. Objects: 70 students were examined, divided into two groups of 35. Results: The self-esteem, mood and activity were increased after massage. The fear, anxiety and depression were reduced. The most significant changes in functional status occurred on the second and third day after the massage. Conclusions: The classic massage causes significant changes in the functional status of persons engaged in mental work. It improves self-esteem, mood and activity. The massage reduces anxiety, fear, depression, nervous and mental tension.
The body's component composition has important part in the assessment of physical development. Th... more The body's component composition has important part in the assessment of physical development. The determination of the ratio of tissue components of the body makes it possible to assess and predict the risk of disease to determine diet and monitor of the effectiveness of the correction of body weight. The aim: to make comprehensive analysis of component composition of the body of students with visual impairment and students without visual impairments. Methods: A total 58 students-22 students with visual impairment (13 girls and 9 boys) and 36 students (24 girls and 12 boys) without visual disturbances. The component composition is measured by J. Matiegka (1921) and Martirosov et al. (2006). The percentage of skeletal muscle, fat and water in the body were determined. Results: The data analysis shows that there are differences in the percentage of fat between the twoexamined groups. Significant differences were found in skeletal muscle mass and water content in the body. Conclusion: The body's composition of students with visual impairments is significantly different from the one of normal individuals. They have a higher percentage of fat and water in the body.
1 Лесотехнически университет, 2 СУ " Св. Кл. Охридски " The aim of this study was to evaluate the... more 1 Лесотехнически университет, 2 СУ " Св. Кл. Охридски " The aim of this study was to evaluate the biomedical and medical-social conditions for the development of SPA and medical SPA tourism in region of Dolna Banya as prevention of public health. Methods: An evaluation of hydrogeological conditions and biomedical effects of mineral water and development of SPA tourism. Results: The existing hydrogeological conditions in the area, biomedical impact of mineral waters and possibilities of rehabilitation basis for improving the quality of life are clarified. The area available spa and tourist SPA network is well developed. There is free water resource development of medical SPA and SPA services. There are no enough professionally trained medical and management personnel in the sector. Conclusion: There is no clear boundary between the medical SPA and SPA tourism in the region. That fact creates conditions for poor utilization of the available resources. Въвединие За развитие на балнеологичен и SPA туризъм са необходими подходящи природни условия, минерални води, подходяща база и инфраструктура в района. Софийска област се отличава от останалите райони в страната по концентрацията на термоминерални и минерални находища. Районът е известен с традициите си в балнеолечението, което се свързва с римско време. Днес за развитие на специализирания туризъм определящо значение имат медико-биологичните и медико-социалните предпоставки, което намира обяснение с променените изисквания към качеството на живот и възможностите за възстановителни процедури. Благоприятното съчетание на планинска местност с термоминерално находище на минерална вода правят района на гр. Долна баня интересен обект за проучване. Цел на проучването е да се извърши оценка на медико-биологичните и медико-социалните предпоставки за развитие на балнеологичния и SPA туризъм в района на гр. Долна баня като превенция на общественото здраве. Методи: Оценка на хидрогеоложкия потенциал по съществуваща архивна информация. Оценка на химичния състав и качеството на минералните води от находище " Долна баня ". Оценка на медико-биологичното въздействие на минералните води за развитие на балнеоложкия и SPA туризъм. Оценка на медико-социалните предпоставки в района за развитие на балнеологичен и SPA туризъм. Резултати Оценка на хидрогеоложкия потенциал на термоминерално находище " Долна баня " .
Geomedical problems in urban regions with oil stations Assoc. prof. PhD Krasimira Staneva, Sofia ... more Geomedical problems in urban regions with oil stations
Assoc. prof. PhD Krasimira Staneva, Sofia niversity
Assoc. Prof. PhD Emil Marinov, MD, Sofia University
The impact of petroleum hydrocarbons to human health has been the goal of investigation.
Some urban sites with oil and gas stations has observed for BTEX, TPH and MTBE contents in air, soils and underground water.
There were values above the limits. High content of benzene, toulene, xylenes and total hydrocarbons exposures carried out disease’s risk of blood and respiratory systems, sensory disturbances, headache . Some of them are described as a carcinogenic by WHO.
A health risk for people was estimated in the impacted sites.
Key words: geomedicine, oil and gas stations, BTEX, TPH, MTBE, health problems
This paper describes the planetary energy grids and the main geological reasons for the occurrenc... more This paper describes the planetary energy grids and the main geological reasons for the occurrence of geopathic zones. Some results of geopathic investigations during 2002-2015 are reported. The influence of geopathology factors on human health can be associated with three general levels: cells, physiological and treatment process. All of them are related to environment properties and the geobiological shield.
The aim of this study is to analyze the potential of the Bulgaria- Serbia cross-border region for... more The aim of this study is to analyze the potential of the Bulgaria- Serbia cross-border region for the development of balanced Wellness and SPA tourism concerning the medico-biological and medico-social assessment of tourism resources and professional competencies of the employees.
More than 30 mineral springs and 21 tourist sites have been studied. There are good medico-biological conditions for the development of intensive medical SPA, Wellness and SPA Tourism. The combination of free spring flow and specific climate conditions is a big advantage for the development of highly specialized tourism as the medical SPA. On the other hand, the lack of a working model to control health risk, environmental and safe working conditions in SPAs is one of the obstacles for the development of this kind of tourism. The obtained results show the need to develop specific skills and professional competencies of the personnel.
A new model for management of Wellness and SPA Tourism, based on competency modeling is presented.
The core idea of this model is to find a good balance between indoor and outdoor environment, highly qualified personnel and quality services. The necessity of establishing a competency framework and certifying the medical SPA and SPA services, implementing the quality management system (QMS) and health risk assessment system (HSE) is outlined with the view of promoting the specialized tourism product on the international market.
KEYWORDS: Wellness, Medical SPA Tourism, competency model, cross-border region Bulgaria- Serbia, HSE standards
The aim of investigation is to evaluate prerequisites for balanced development of medical SPA and... more The aim of investigation is to evaluate prerequisites for balanced development of medical SPA and Wellbeing tourism in Bulgaria. An electromagnetic pollution screening, geopathic stress investigation and an ergonomic comfort evaluation were the core of the study.
Methods of investigation Different Wellbeing destinations were modeled in area of Bansko, Velingrad and Sunny Beach. Nine high stars SPA hotels, which are situated in different environmental areas were evaluated. In the survey attended 48 clients, 24 medical SPA/Wellness managers and 12 SPA professional Associations members. The quality assessment indicators were: indoor and outdoor environment audit including quality of air, water, soil and mineral resources; implementation of environmental technology – green energy, blue waste management, HSE (Healthy Safety Environment) assessment for clients/patients; implementation of Quality Management System (QMS); electromagnetic pollution screening and ergonomic facilities comfort.
Results The obtained results from “Face to face” research are in line with Framework of Bulgarian legislation in the area of SPA tourism. The quality of environmental characteristics of research areas is suitable for development of green/blue tourism. The ergonomic audit obtained deficiency of main ergonomic standards for healthy and safety workplace. Electromagnetic pollution and geopathic stress were not revealed. The managers opinion about impact of environmental conditions on quality of Wellbeing including medical SPA services were too varying and depends on professional expertise of staff and client’s profile.
All clients need of specific geomedical data of healthy risk assessment and ergonomic audit of hotels and Wellness equipment also.
Conclusion The innovation conceptual model for sustainability development of Wellbeing and Medical SPA in Bulgaria based on some geomedical indicators were obtained. All of them are applicable for planning actions, risk analysis and balance development of Wellbeing industry.
KEYWORDS: Wellbeing, medical SPA, tourism, geomedical indicators, HSE, EMP
Treatment and prophylaxis using mineral water have a long history dating back to the Roman Empire... more Treatment and prophylaxis using mineral water have a long history dating back to the Roman Empire in the cross-border regions (CBR). The objective of the study is to evaluate the potential of CBR Bulgaria-Serbia for the development of medical spa and wellness tourism using hydrogeological, medico-biological and medico-social assessments of tourism resources. More than 30 mineral springs and 21 touristic objects have been studied. There are good hydrogeological conditions for the development of intensive medical spa, wellness and spa tourism in the area of investigation. The combination of free-flowing springs and specific climate conditions is a great advantage for the development of highly specialized tourism such as medical spas.
The main wellness principles for creating holistic effects of treatment are described, and on the basis of an assessment of the medical spa and spa network and the market for these services in the CBR, a new management concept is presented. The core of the model is finding a good balance between the unique environment, highly qualified personnel, quality of services and innovative products such as Geomedical tourism, which will contribute to wellness and spa tourism and become a successful business. The necessity for certifying medical spa and spa services and introducing a quality management system (QMS) and a health risk assessment system (HSE) is outlined with the view to promoting a specialized tourism product on the international market
An analysis of the current state of the tourism network in Bulgaria and Serbia, which offers diff... more An analysis of the current state of the tourism network in Bulgaria and Serbia, which offers differentt tourist services in the border region was done.
The assessment of quality of natural resources, tourism infrastructure, existing traditions in the area and the motivation of the local population are the real possibilities for the development of Wellness tourism in Montana and Nishava regions.
Some promising areas of cross-border cooperation are associated with the development of Geomedical tourism (Forest medicine) and Wellness tourism with their basic forms in collaboration with traditional tourism for the region as ethno-, eco, adventure, religion tourism In sense of Balkan Wellbeing Concept.
Wellness tourism is a realizable, but the management policies and plans need rethinking and rearrangement in the region, with a view to full utilization of tourism resources and the potential.
Key words: Wellness tourism, trans border region Bulgaria-Serbia, tourism resources, management, innovations
The crisis’s impact on international tourism destinations architectonics was described. Some new... more The crisis’s impact on international tourism destinations architectonics was described. Some new problems after crisis were evaluated- reduction of tourism activity, cancellations of services and lack of security for tourists. A Special “Restart, Relocate and Rebuild” concept was created. Some stimulus for ignoring the negative foot print of crises on touristic destinations can be regarded as solutions.
Key words: international tourism destinations, crisis, changes, challenges, relocate, rebuilding concept
An investigation of the positive impact of the system model HSE management on the sustainable dev... more An investigation of the positive impact of the system model HSE
management on the sustainable development of Wellness and SPA sector presented.
The requirement and advantages of the model for the successful development of
tourism companies were evaluated. The organization chart of HSE implementation in
Wellness sector was presented for the first time in Bulgaria.
Keywords: HSE system, QMS, SPA, Wellness, sustainability management,
A special innovative tourism product including medical rehabilitation in forest environment, hea... more A special innovative tourism product including medical rehabilitation in forest environment, healthy walking, Geo Wellness /eco SPA and additional touristic services under medical control are presented. The key elements for creation of Geomedical destinations as duration of destination, seasonal conditionality, Geo medical information/ clients’ health risk information, accessibility to the site, logistic information, accommodation information- wild and traditional type, recreation services information and additional touristic services information are described. The management of Geomedical tourism is connecting to logic framework, including an analysis of client’s interest, resources potential and additional touristic services; planning with identification of target groups, touristic routes and touristic benefits; marketing-description of generating market and market allocation chart. The core of creation is Geomedical environmental assessment. Some management problems were outlined- management of HR, contractors and touristic infrastructures. The creation of market strategy has to be in line with brand positioning and product’s positioning strategy including implementation of HSE certification.
The idea of sustainable development of wellness tourism in Bulgaria in relation to improving the ... more The idea of sustainable development of wellness tourism in Bulgaria in relation to improving the quality of life is associated with environmental conditions, ergonomics risk analysis, electromagnetic certification and professional qualification of staff. The focus of SPA Managers has to relate with certification systems in all level , which guarantees the achievement of positive results in two main areas- financial and marketing in the long term.
Кey words: management of Wellness and SPA tourism, quality of life, screening of EMF, ergonomics risk analysis, SAN test, quality of life, environmental audit
An assessment of the status and organization of the Medical Spa tourism in Bulgaria it was made. ... more An assessment of the status and organization of the Medical Spa tourism in Bulgaria it was made. The conceptual model for organizing of Medical SPA and wellness tourism in Bulgaria was made. The accent is promoting of the geomedical tourism, which is unknown as a management tool for the development of the sector in our country. Specific key tool in the model is the introduction of HSE system in SPA and wellness centers.
Keywords: conceptual management model, SPA tourism, Geomedical tourism, HSE, environment
The main purpose when modulating esoteric tourism destinations is to assure health and psycho emo... more The main purpose when modulating esoteric tourism destinations is to assure health and psycho emotional balance recovery and to achieve spiritual progress. This research shows the possibilities to develop esoteric tourism in the Rhodope mountain area in Bulgaria and how to offer Wellment tourism services with medicobiological impact on people by combining geo medical with esoteric tourism.
The aim of the presented research is to assess the impact of the environment on the rehabilitatio... more The aim of the presented research is to assess the impact of the environment on the rehabilitation process in the region of Pchelinski bani.
Results: A research of the abiotic components of soil, groundwater and mineral waters from region of Pchelinski bani was conducted. The medical SPA and SPA base and packages for customers were examined. The impact of Indoor and Outdoor environment on quality of life of clients was evaluated.
Conclusions: The state of the environment in the area of Pchelinski bani was determined by the best environmental characteristics. There is a clear connection between the quality of life of clients and staff and the quality of the environment . It is an awareness of the connection clean environment - SPA services as a specific tool to achieve a new level of quality in the sector SPA.
Abstract Some indicators for sustainability development of SPA tourism were examined. The main c... more Abstract Some indicators for sustainability development of SPA tourism were examined. The main characteristics are environmental quality, HSSR, ecological audit and QMS implementation in SPA branch. The innovation conceptual model for sustainability development using of specific indicators presented in the study.
Assessment of touristic resources in Lovech region. Some innovation approaches were described i... more Assessment of touristic resources in Lovech region.
Some innovation approaches were described in the presentation.
A conceptual model for management of alternative tourism is based on good quality of environment, suitable landscape, impressive Nature, high qualified personnel, mineral water and well developed touristic infrastructure.
Possibilities for integration of touristic services in Forestry management (Identification of tou... more Possibilities for integration of touristic services in Forestry management (Identification of tourism services in Rhodopes region)