roberto torrini | Bank of Italy (original) (raw)
Papers by roberto torrini
Social Science Research Network, 2014
Italian Abstract: Nel settore della ricerca pubblica l'Italia investe meno della media europe... more Italian Abstract: Nel settore della ricerca pubblica l'Italia investe meno della media europea. Se rapportato alle risorse impegnate e ai ricercatori, l'output risulta pero elevato e la sua qualita media, condotta presso universita ed enti di ricerca, non e molto lontana rispetto a paesi prossimi come la Francia, anche se con difficolta di affermazione nelle punte piu avanzate. Il sistema italiano, assai articolato e frammentato nei soggetti che vi operano e nelle fonti di finanziamento, risente di una scarsa attitudine all'applicazione dei risultati e alla collaborazione con le imprese, che a loro volta investono poco e incontrano difficolta a collegare la propria attivita di ricerca con gli input provenienti dai centri di ricerca pubblica. Il sistema sconta inoltre la mancanza di una chiara strategia che stabilisca gli obiettivi da raggiungere, disegni missioni e modelli organizzativi delle strutture di ricerca coerenti con gli obiettivi individuati e definisca le risorse necessarie al loro raggiungimento. La pressante necessita di un rilancio della capacita innovativa del Paese, infatti, non puo prescindere da un sistema della ricerca pubblica adeguatamente finanziato ed efficientemente governato. English Abstract: Investment in public research in Italy is below the European average as a percentage of GDP. Nevertheless, in relation to expenditure and the number of researchers, the output is high, and the quality of research, conducted in universities and research organizations, is close to that of such countries as France, albeit with lags in the most advanced levels. The Italian system, highly diversified and fragmented in its actors and funding sources, suffers from a scant capacity to apply research findings and to collaborate with firms, which in their turn spend little on research and have problems in linking their own research activity to the inputs supplied by public research entities. The system also suffers from the lack of a comprehensive strategy that sets objectives, designs missions and organizational frameworks for public research entities consistently with those objectives, and determines the necessary resources. The much-needed relaunching of Italy’s innovative capacity cannot be achieved without adequate financing and efficient governance of the public research system.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jun 1, 2010
Social Science Research Network, 2022
Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno, 2017
This paper, after recalling the importance of a good University system also for a potential devel... more This paper, after recalling the importance of a good University system also for a potential development of the territory, analyses the delays that characterise the Universities of Southern Italy on average in terms of resources, students' academic careers and research results. It stresses that part of the delay in student achievement and funding capacity depends on context factors, such as the quality of the entire educational path of Southern students and the lower level of local development. At the same time, it highlights how the results of Southern Universities, especially in the field of research, and the lower quality of recruitment also depend on a more marked self-reference in the management of individual Universities and a lower sensitivity to the quality of results. Lastly, it underlines that such problems, including the resource gap, are not recent and therefore cannot be attributed to the important changes introduced in recent years in the allocation of public funds, aimed at linking the distribution of resources to the results achieved. Then, it outlines proposals for intervention which are based on the need to expand the overall funding of the Italian university system. In this context, it is considered appropriate to define a reserve of additional resources to be allocated to Southern Italy according to explicit policy objectives, which take into account the factors disadvantaging the territory. The allocation of these funds should however be based on efficiency and reward criteria, so as not to alter the system of incentives that has been built with effort in recent years. Finally, it suggests that some measures are more explicitly aimed at encouraging the quality of recruitment and the mobility of the teaching staff, in order to break that localism and self-referential mechanisms that seem to have mostly diverted the attention to quality results in the South of Italy.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Nov 1, 2011
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Nov 1, 2016
We build on Rosolia and Torrini (2007) and discuss entry wages, career patterns and inequality de... more We build on Rosolia and Torrini (2007) and discuss entry wages, career patterns and inequality developments of subsequent cohorts of youths who entered the italian labour market since the early '70s and offer a focus on more recent developments observed during the Great recession. The decline in entry wages started around mid 90s has continued in the last decade although no significant acceleration is observed during the crisis. Falling entry wages have not been accompanied by faster subsequent careers; rather, subsequent careers have been growingly characterised by rising earnings dispersion. We relate such developments to the evolution of labour market institutions, insofar as they affected labor market flows.
We build on Rosolia and Torrini (2007) and discuss entry wages, career patterns and inequality de... more We build on Rosolia and Torrini (2007) and discuss entry wages, career patterns and inequality developments of subsequent cohorts of youths who entered the italian labour market since the early '70s and offer a focus on more recent developments observed during the Great recession. The decline in entry wages started around mid 90s has continued in the last decade although no significant acceleration is observed during the crisis. Falling entry wages have not been accompanied by faster subsequent careers; rather, subsequent careers have been growingly characterised by rising earnings dispersion. We relate such developments to the evolution of labour market institutions, insofar as they affected labor market flows.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Sep 1, 2007
We describe the evolution of the relative earnings of young male workers and the evolution of the... more We describe the evolution of the relative earnings of young male workers and the evolution of the age-earnings profiles across cohorts in the last three decades. We draw on administrative records to document a significant deterioration of entry wages over the 1990s in the presence of basically stable experience profiles. We supplement the analysis with the Bank of Italy's Survey on Household Income and Wealth and show that the wage gap between younger and older workers widened in the 90s for all levels of educational attainment. These developments are not accounted for by changes in relative skill-age labor supplies or in other potential socio-demographic determinants of wages. We argue that they were probably the result of partial labor market reforms that generated a dual labor market along the age dimension, opening a gap between the earnings of old incumbent workers and those of new labor market entrants. JEL Classification: J31.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jul 1, 2009
concludes a Bank of Italy research project, launched in 2007 and directed by Salvatore Rossi, on ... more concludes a Bank of Italy research project, launched in 2007 and directed by Salvatore Rossi, on changes in the Italian productive system. The project was undertaken by a group of researchers from the Economics, Research and International Relations Area and the regional Economic Research Units, coordinated by Massimo Omiccioli, with the collaboration of Fabiano Schivardi of the University of Cagliari.
The paper analyses the recent supply side developments in France, Germany, and Italy by employing... more The paper analyses the recent supply side developments in France, Germany, and Italy by employing a non-parametric approach to estimate potential GDP. The analysis reveals marked heterogeneity among the three countries with regard to the contribution made by labour input. Where similarities can be found, however, are in the slowdown of accumulation activity and in the pronounced worsening of total factor productivity. The paper is rounded out by estimates of some measures of wage pressures and of profitability in order to assess the role played by the movements of relative input prices in the intensity of use of primary factors in the production process.
Introduction Article level metrics are usually the preferred choice for research evaluation. Howe... more Introduction Article level metrics are usually the preferred choice for research evaluation. However, for recent articles they may be integrated or substituted considering some measure of journal impact (Abramo et al., 2012). The use of journal level metrics is also often considered as particularly appealing for administrative purposes, because of their readily availability, easiness to use and comprehensibility (Bordons et al., 2002). On the other hand, the IF is often criticized on the grounds of its possible biases and lack of methodological consistency (Vanclay, 2012). The aim of our paper is to provide evidence about the effects of the use of journal level metrics on the results of a massive research evaluation exercise like the one that has been performed in Italy with reference to the period 2004-2010 (VQR 2004-2010, see Ancaiani et al., 2015). More specifically, in the following we evaluate the effects of the use of the impact factor (IF) on the ranking of Italian Universiti...
The literature on the gender gap in science reveals differences in wages, productivity, access to... more The literature on the gender gap in science reveals differences in wages, productivity, access to funding and impact on the scientific community that disadvantage women. This paper contributes to work on the gender gap in science by investigating issues such as the presence of differences in research quality between genders, the effect of family responsibilities on research quality, differences in collaborations and international co-authorships, the effect of evaluation methodology, i.e. whether bibliometric evaluation disadvantages women, and the presence of discrimination defined by referees’ gender. We use the data from the National Research Assessment (VQR 2004-2010) conducted by the Italian Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes. These rich data allow us to control for individual variables, research output characteristics and university and scientific sector fixed effects. We find that gender differences in research quality are reduced if we control f...
Over the last two decades Italy’s intra-euro area export performance has been weak when compared ... more Over the last two decades Italy’s intra-euro area export performance has been weak when compared with that of Germany and Spain, but not in relation to France. This paper first tracks the heterogeneous developments in the four countries’ goods exports in the euro-area market across different sub-periods and product categories. It then discusses some potential determinants of these dynamics: price competitiveness and the entry of new competitors, namely China and the Central and Eastern European countries (the “CEE6”), in the euro-area market. By exploiting several datasets and by using different techniques, the paper quantitatively explores the impact of developments in intra-euro area price competitiveness; it analyzes the role played by China and by the CEE6 in displacing the four economies’ exports in the euro-area market and in activating their total exports via the heightened import demand stemming from the new competitors. These effects are found to be heterogeneous across the...
The distribution of employees ’ labour earnings in the European union: Data, concepts and first r... more The distribution of employees ’ labour earnings in the European union: Data, concepts and first results
We study the role of employment protection legislation (EPL) in determining firm size distributio... more We study the role of employment protection legislation (EPL) in determining firm size distribution. In many countries the provisions of EPL are more stringent for firms above certain size thresholds. We construct a simple model that shows that the smooth relation between size and growth probability is broken in proximity of the thresholds at which EPL applies differentially. We use a comprehensive longitudinal dataset of all Italian firms, a country with an important threshold at 15 employees,toestimatetheeffectsof EPL in terms of discouraging small firms from growing. We find that the probability of growing of firms in the proximity of the threshold is reduced by around 2 percentage points. We then construct a stochastic transition matrix for firm size that, together with the estimates, allows for a quantitative evaluation of the effects of EPL in the long run. Our results show that EPL does influence firm size distribution, but that its effects are quantitatively modest: average f...
Moneta e Credito, 2019
Vengono analizzati gli elementi di contatto e di distinzione tra i punti di vista di Blanchard e ... more Vengono analizzati gli elementi di contatto e di distinzione tra i punti di vista di Blanchard e Brancaccio, cercando di trarre considerazioni piu generali sulle differenze tra approcci mainstream e alcuni approcci eterodossi. Si sostiene che negli approcci mainstream viene mantenuta una distinzione concettuale tra domanda e offerta in cui, con maggior nettezza rispetto agli approcci eterodossi, si individuano problemi economici che non possono essere affrontati con la gestione della domanda aggregata, anche qualora se ne ritenga utile o necessaria una gestione attiva. Condividendo questo approccio, si discute brevemente della situazione economica italiana, in cui le debolezze di offerta di lungo periodo si intrecciano con i problemi di domanda, e in cui il livello del debito pone seri vincoli alla possibilita di far ricorso alla spesa per sostenere la domanda interna. Si sottolinea infine l’utilita del dibattito accademico, anche tra scuole di pensiero diverse, che si e aperto dopo...
The paper contributes to the literature on gender gap in research investigating whether there is ... more The paper contributes to the literature on gender gap in research investigating whether there is a gender gap in research evaluation. We use detailed data on 180,000 research papers evaluated during the Italian national research assessment (VQR 2004–2010) conducted by the Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (Anvur). The data are merged with information on individual researchers and characteristics of referees. The most important empirical finding is that there is a significant gender gap in research evaluation. The gap is reduced once we control for researchers’ characteristics, such as age and academic rank, but is almost unaffected by the characteristics of the research output (monoibliometric analysis eer review aternity leaves graphs, journal articles, book chapters, etc.), co-authorships, international collaborations. Childbearing and maternity leaves do not account for the remaining gap in research evaluation. The evaluation method (peer review or...
Social Science Research Network, 2014
Italian Abstract: Nel settore della ricerca pubblica l'Italia investe meno della media europe... more Italian Abstract: Nel settore della ricerca pubblica l'Italia investe meno della media europea. Se rapportato alle risorse impegnate e ai ricercatori, l'output risulta pero elevato e la sua qualita media, condotta presso universita ed enti di ricerca, non e molto lontana rispetto a paesi prossimi come la Francia, anche se con difficolta di affermazione nelle punte piu avanzate. Il sistema italiano, assai articolato e frammentato nei soggetti che vi operano e nelle fonti di finanziamento, risente di una scarsa attitudine all'applicazione dei risultati e alla collaborazione con le imprese, che a loro volta investono poco e incontrano difficolta a collegare la propria attivita di ricerca con gli input provenienti dai centri di ricerca pubblica. Il sistema sconta inoltre la mancanza di una chiara strategia che stabilisca gli obiettivi da raggiungere, disegni missioni e modelli organizzativi delle strutture di ricerca coerenti con gli obiettivi individuati e definisca le risorse necessarie al loro raggiungimento. La pressante necessita di un rilancio della capacita innovativa del Paese, infatti, non puo prescindere da un sistema della ricerca pubblica adeguatamente finanziato ed efficientemente governato. English Abstract: Investment in public research in Italy is below the European average as a percentage of GDP. Nevertheless, in relation to expenditure and the number of researchers, the output is high, and the quality of research, conducted in universities and research organizations, is close to that of such countries as France, albeit with lags in the most advanced levels. The Italian system, highly diversified and fragmented in its actors and funding sources, suffers from a scant capacity to apply research findings and to collaborate with firms, which in their turn spend little on research and have problems in linking their own research activity to the inputs supplied by public research entities. The system also suffers from the lack of a comprehensive strategy that sets objectives, designs missions and organizational frameworks for public research entities consistently with those objectives, and determines the necessary resources. The much-needed relaunching of Italy’s innovative capacity cannot be achieved without adequate financing and efficient governance of the public research system.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jun 1, 2010
Social Science Research Network, 2022
Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno, 2017
This paper, after recalling the importance of a good University system also for a potential devel... more This paper, after recalling the importance of a good University system also for a potential development of the territory, analyses the delays that characterise the Universities of Southern Italy on average in terms of resources, students' academic careers and research results. It stresses that part of the delay in student achievement and funding capacity depends on context factors, such as the quality of the entire educational path of Southern students and the lower level of local development. At the same time, it highlights how the results of Southern Universities, especially in the field of research, and the lower quality of recruitment also depend on a more marked self-reference in the management of individual Universities and a lower sensitivity to the quality of results. Lastly, it underlines that such problems, including the resource gap, are not recent and therefore cannot be attributed to the important changes introduced in recent years in the allocation of public funds, aimed at linking the distribution of resources to the results achieved. Then, it outlines proposals for intervention which are based on the need to expand the overall funding of the Italian university system. In this context, it is considered appropriate to define a reserve of additional resources to be allocated to Southern Italy according to explicit policy objectives, which take into account the factors disadvantaging the territory. The allocation of these funds should however be based on efficiency and reward criteria, so as not to alter the system of incentives that has been built with effort in recent years. Finally, it suggests that some measures are more explicitly aimed at encouraging the quality of recruitment and the mobility of the teaching staff, in order to break that localism and self-referential mechanisms that seem to have mostly diverted the attention to quality results in the South of Italy.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Nov 1, 2011
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Nov 1, 2016
We build on Rosolia and Torrini (2007) and discuss entry wages, career patterns and inequality de... more We build on Rosolia and Torrini (2007) and discuss entry wages, career patterns and inequality developments of subsequent cohorts of youths who entered the italian labour market since the early '70s and offer a focus on more recent developments observed during the Great recession. The decline in entry wages started around mid 90s has continued in the last decade although no significant acceleration is observed during the crisis. Falling entry wages have not been accompanied by faster subsequent careers; rather, subsequent careers have been growingly characterised by rising earnings dispersion. We relate such developments to the evolution of labour market institutions, insofar as they affected labor market flows.
We build on Rosolia and Torrini (2007) and discuss entry wages, career patterns and inequality de... more We build on Rosolia and Torrini (2007) and discuss entry wages, career patterns and inequality developments of subsequent cohorts of youths who entered the italian labour market since the early '70s and offer a focus on more recent developments observed during the Great recession. The decline in entry wages started around mid 90s has continued in the last decade although no significant acceleration is observed during the crisis. Falling entry wages have not been accompanied by faster subsequent careers; rather, subsequent careers have been growingly characterised by rising earnings dispersion. We relate such developments to the evolution of labour market institutions, insofar as they affected labor market flows.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Sep 1, 2007
We describe the evolution of the relative earnings of young male workers and the evolution of the... more We describe the evolution of the relative earnings of young male workers and the evolution of the age-earnings profiles across cohorts in the last three decades. We draw on administrative records to document a significant deterioration of entry wages over the 1990s in the presence of basically stable experience profiles. We supplement the analysis with the Bank of Italy's Survey on Household Income and Wealth and show that the wage gap between younger and older workers widened in the 90s for all levels of educational attainment. These developments are not accounted for by changes in relative skill-age labor supplies or in other potential socio-demographic determinants of wages. We argue that they were probably the result of partial labor market reforms that generated a dual labor market along the age dimension, opening a gap between the earnings of old incumbent workers and those of new labor market entrants. JEL Classification: J31.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jul 1, 2009
concludes a Bank of Italy research project, launched in 2007 and directed by Salvatore Rossi, on ... more concludes a Bank of Italy research project, launched in 2007 and directed by Salvatore Rossi, on changes in the Italian productive system. The project was undertaken by a group of researchers from the Economics, Research and International Relations Area and the regional Economic Research Units, coordinated by Massimo Omiccioli, with the collaboration of Fabiano Schivardi of the University of Cagliari.
The paper analyses the recent supply side developments in France, Germany, and Italy by employing... more The paper analyses the recent supply side developments in France, Germany, and Italy by employing a non-parametric approach to estimate potential GDP. The analysis reveals marked heterogeneity among the three countries with regard to the contribution made by labour input. Where similarities can be found, however, are in the slowdown of accumulation activity and in the pronounced worsening of total factor productivity. The paper is rounded out by estimates of some measures of wage pressures and of profitability in order to assess the role played by the movements of relative input prices in the intensity of use of primary factors in the production process.
Introduction Article level metrics are usually the preferred choice for research evaluation. Howe... more Introduction Article level metrics are usually the preferred choice for research evaluation. However, for recent articles they may be integrated or substituted considering some measure of journal impact (Abramo et al., 2012). The use of journal level metrics is also often considered as particularly appealing for administrative purposes, because of their readily availability, easiness to use and comprehensibility (Bordons et al., 2002). On the other hand, the IF is often criticized on the grounds of its possible biases and lack of methodological consistency (Vanclay, 2012). The aim of our paper is to provide evidence about the effects of the use of journal level metrics on the results of a massive research evaluation exercise like the one that has been performed in Italy with reference to the period 2004-2010 (VQR 2004-2010, see Ancaiani et al., 2015). More specifically, in the following we evaluate the effects of the use of the impact factor (IF) on the ranking of Italian Universiti...
The literature on the gender gap in science reveals differences in wages, productivity, access to... more The literature on the gender gap in science reveals differences in wages, productivity, access to funding and impact on the scientific community that disadvantage women. This paper contributes to work on the gender gap in science by investigating issues such as the presence of differences in research quality between genders, the effect of family responsibilities on research quality, differences in collaborations and international co-authorships, the effect of evaluation methodology, i.e. whether bibliometric evaluation disadvantages women, and the presence of discrimination defined by referees’ gender. We use the data from the National Research Assessment (VQR 2004-2010) conducted by the Italian Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes. These rich data allow us to control for individual variables, research output characteristics and university and scientific sector fixed effects. We find that gender differences in research quality are reduced if we control f...
Over the last two decades Italy’s intra-euro area export performance has been weak when compared ... more Over the last two decades Italy’s intra-euro area export performance has been weak when compared with that of Germany and Spain, but not in relation to France. This paper first tracks the heterogeneous developments in the four countries’ goods exports in the euro-area market across different sub-periods and product categories. It then discusses some potential determinants of these dynamics: price competitiveness and the entry of new competitors, namely China and the Central and Eastern European countries (the “CEE6”), in the euro-area market. By exploiting several datasets and by using different techniques, the paper quantitatively explores the impact of developments in intra-euro area price competitiveness; it analyzes the role played by China and by the CEE6 in displacing the four economies’ exports in the euro-area market and in activating their total exports via the heightened import demand stemming from the new competitors. These effects are found to be heterogeneous across the...
The distribution of employees ’ labour earnings in the European union: Data, concepts and first r... more The distribution of employees ’ labour earnings in the European union: Data, concepts and first results
We study the role of employment protection legislation (EPL) in determining firm size distributio... more We study the role of employment protection legislation (EPL) in determining firm size distribution. In many countries the provisions of EPL are more stringent for firms above certain size thresholds. We construct a simple model that shows that the smooth relation between size and growth probability is broken in proximity of the thresholds at which EPL applies differentially. We use a comprehensive longitudinal dataset of all Italian firms, a country with an important threshold at 15 employees,toestimatetheeffectsof EPL in terms of discouraging small firms from growing. We find that the probability of growing of firms in the proximity of the threshold is reduced by around 2 percentage points. We then construct a stochastic transition matrix for firm size that, together with the estimates, allows for a quantitative evaluation of the effects of EPL in the long run. Our results show that EPL does influence firm size distribution, but that its effects are quantitatively modest: average f...
Moneta e Credito, 2019
Vengono analizzati gli elementi di contatto e di distinzione tra i punti di vista di Blanchard e ... more Vengono analizzati gli elementi di contatto e di distinzione tra i punti di vista di Blanchard e Brancaccio, cercando di trarre considerazioni piu generali sulle differenze tra approcci mainstream e alcuni approcci eterodossi. Si sostiene che negli approcci mainstream viene mantenuta una distinzione concettuale tra domanda e offerta in cui, con maggior nettezza rispetto agli approcci eterodossi, si individuano problemi economici che non possono essere affrontati con la gestione della domanda aggregata, anche qualora se ne ritenga utile o necessaria una gestione attiva. Condividendo questo approccio, si discute brevemente della situazione economica italiana, in cui le debolezze di offerta di lungo periodo si intrecciano con i problemi di domanda, e in cui il livello del debito pone seri vincoli alla possibilita di far ricorso alla spesa per sostenere la domanda interna. Si sottolinea infine l’utilita del dibattito accademico, anche tra scuole di pensiero diverse, che si e aperto dopo...
The paper contributes to the literature on gender gap in research investigating whether there is ... more The paper contributes to the literature on gender gap in research investigating whether there is a gender gap in research evaluation. We use detailed data on 180,000 research papers evaluated during the Italian national research assessment (VQR 2004–2010) conducted by the Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (Anvur). The data are merged with information on individual researchers and characteristics of referees. The most important empirical finding is that there is a significant gender gap in research evaluation. The gap is reduced once we control for researchers’ characteristics, such as age and academic rank, but is almost unaffected by the characteristics of the research output (monoibliometric analysis eer review aternity leaves graphs, journal articles, book chapters, etc.), co-authorships, international collaborations. Childbearing and maternity leaves do not account for the remaining gap in research evaluation. The evaluation method (peer review or...
Il PIL dell’Italia è oggi ancora sotto i livelli del 2007. La crisi finanziaria, in origine divam... more Il PIL dell’Italia è oggi ancora sotto i livelli del 2007. La crisi finanziaria, in origine divampata negli Stati Uniti, in Italia è durata più a lungo e con effetti più intensi, amplificata dalla crisi di fiducia sul debito pubblico. Ma i problemi dell’Italia non sono iniziati e non sono circoscritti all’ultimo decennio. Già prima della crisi la sua velocità di crociera era ridotta ai minimi storici. Laddove il cinquantennio post bellico aveva visto l’Italia avvicinarsi ai livelli di benessere sociale dei paesi più ricchi, l’ultimo quarto di secolo ha sancito un’inversione di tendenza. La stagnazione italiana si era già avviata in concomitanza con una fase di forte sviluppo dell’economia mondiale, in cui numerosi paesi, la Cina ne è il caso più emblematico e rilevante, emergevano da una condizione di ritardo e le nuove tecnologie si imponevano a livello globale.
Quali le ragioni di tale arretramento? Vi sono legami tra quanto avvenuto nel decennio della lunga crisi e il periodo precedente? Che ruolo hanno giocato i vincoli discesi dal mutato contesto (l’ingresso nell’euro, l’emergere di nuovi e importanti competitori, l’avvento delle nuove tecnologie dell’informazione e delle comunicazioni, la finanziarizzazione dell’economia) e quanto hanno pesato invece i tradizionali tratti strutturali della società italiana? Il libro risponde a questi quesiti e si interroga sul “che fare” per ridare forza alla speranza di una ripresa della crescita e del benessere nel nostro paese.
La I parte del libro descrive i principali andamenti economici e sociali nell’ultimo ventennio, inserendo le peculiari vicende italiane nel quadro dei principali mutamenti intervenuti nell’economia mondiale e nel contesto in cui l’Italia è inserita: le speranze e i timori della fase attuale di sviluppo tecnologico (un mondo popolato da app e robot), la globalizzazione dei mercati e l’emergere di nuove potenze economiche, l’ascesa (e il declino?) della finanza e i vincoli discendenti dall’appartenenza all’area dell’euro. La II parte descrive le politiche economiche e sociali del decennio della crisi, evidenziandone i dilemmi (tra le urgenze dell'oggi e le sfide di più lungo periodo) e i limiti, con tentativi di riforma spesso estemporanei e privi di continuità. Si discutono gli indirizzi delle politiche fiscale e bancaria, nonché i principali interventi di riforma, nel mercato del lavoro, nel sistema educativo, nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, nel funzionamento della giustizia, negli investimenti infrastrutturali, nella regolamentazione dei mercati e nelle politiche industriali. La III parte, infine, si interroga sui fattori sottostanti il rigetto politico di tali misure, sancito dalle elezioni del 2018, e descrive l’esperienza del cd governo del cambiamento, caduto nell’estate del 2019. Il capitolo conclusivo espone quindi un “decalogo” di suggerimenti per il rilancio del paese.
Bank of Italy occasional papers, 2022
The work discusses from a comparative perspective the divergences in the demand and supply of ter... more The work discusses from a comparative perspective the divergences in the demand and supply of tertiary education between the North and the South of Italy and analyzes the dynamics and the allocation of financial resources assigned to the university system.
The human capital production of universities placed in South is affected by the mobility of students toward Centre and Northern regions - partly due to the lower quality of local universities - and by the low average competencies of Southern students. After the cuts of the last decade, the public funding of the university system needs to be increased and the allocation mechanisms should be revised taking into greater consideration the features of the local contexts, while preserving the incentives for universities to improve their performance introduced by the tertiary education reform of 2010.