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Research paper thumbnail of The Structure of Village Poultry in Diyarbakır Province

Bu çalışma, Diyarbakır İli köy tavukçuluğunun yapısının araştırılması ve yetiştiricilerin sorunla... more Bu çalışma, Diyarbakır İli köy tavukçuluğunun yapısının araştırılması ve yetiştiricilerin sorunlarının belirlenerek daha ekonomik ve daha karlı bir üretim için öneriler sunulması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, basit tesadüfî örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen köylerde 2017-2018 yılları arasında köy tavukçuluğu yapan toplam 8 ilçede belirlenen 47 köyde işletme sahipleri ile yüz yüze yapılan anketlerden elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre; işletme sahiplerinin aylık gelirleri ortalaması 663,52 TL olduğu, ailede yaşayan birey sayısının ortalama 11.8 kişi olduğu sonucu belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin tamamında kanatlı yetiştiriciliği yapıldığı ve kanatlı hayvan sayısının ortalama 82 adet olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ekonomik getiriden dolayı köy tavukçuluğu yapan yetiştirici oranı %5.7 olarak saptanmıştır. Kanatlı hayvan sayısının ilçeler itibariyle değiştiği ve ortalamalar arasındaki farkların istatistiki olarak önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir (P<0.05). İşletmelerin tamamında hastalık görüldüğü ve tavuklara aşı yapılarak hastalıklara karşı önlem alındığı tespit edilmiştir. Köy tavukçuluğu yetiştiriciliği yapmayan yetiştiricilerin (%3) tamamının hastalıklardan dolayı köy tavukçuluğu yetiştiriciliğinden vazgeçtikleri sonucu saptanmıştır. Yetiştiricilerin %61'i hastalıkları, %23'ü desteklemeleri, %11'i yem maliyetini ve %5'i ise pazarlamayı sorun olarak gördüklerini belirtmişlerdir. Sonuç olarak; köy tavukçuluğunu ekonomik getirisinden dolayı yapmayı hedefleyen dinamik ve eğitimli bir üretici kitlesinin ilgili kurum ve kuruluşlarca teşvik edilmesi tavukçuluğun gelişmesine ivme kazandıracaktır. Özellikle hastalıklar, destek ve teşvikler, yem maliyeti ve pazarlama konularında yetiştiricilerin sorunlarının çözümü için gerekli strateji ve politikaların geliştirilmesi gereklidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Kınalı Kekliklerde Yumurta Veriminin Bazı Doğrusal Olmayan Modellerle İncelenmesi

Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Bu araştırmada, kınalı kekliklerin (Alectoris chukar) 5 aylık dönemdeki yumurta verimi farklı doğ... more Bu araştırmada, kınalı kekliklerin (Alectoris chukar) 5 aylık dönemdeki yumurta verimi farklı doğrusal olmayan modeller ile analiz edilmiştir. Kekliklerde yumurta verimini tanımlamak için Gamma, McNally, Modified Compartmental ve Adams-Bell modelleri kullanılmıştır. Modelleri karşılaştırmada Pseudo belirleme katsayısı (Pseudo-R 2), Akaike Bilgi Kriteri (AIC) ve Bayesci Bilgi Kriteri (BIC) kullanılmıştır. Gamma, McNally, Modified Compartmental ve Adams-Bell modellerinde Pseudo-R 2 değerleri sırasıyla 0.9994, 0.9995, 0.9972 ve 0.9855 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu modellere göre AIC ve BIC değerleri sırasıyla; 43.810, 49.810; 42.051, 49.051; 77.057, 87.057 ve 112.597, 122.597 olarak saptanmıştır. McNally modelinin kekliklerde yumurta verimini tanımlayan en iyi model olduğu, Adams-Bell modelinin ise en az tanımlayan model olduğu sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Civa Klorür Uygulanan Gökkuşağı Alabalıkları (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)’ nın Solungaç Dokusunda Nitrozatif ve Oksidatif Stresin Rolü

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi

The aim of the study was to determine the toxic effect and the dynamics of oxidative stress cause... more The aim of the study was to determine the toxic effect and the dynamics of oxidative stress caused by mercury chloride (HgCl2) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) weighing 59.43 ± 7.21 g.For this purpose, a total of 40 fish in 4 groups, 10 fish in each group (n = 10), were exposed to 25% and 50% (137.75 μg/L and 275 μg/L) of the LD50 for 2 and 7 days. To determine the oxidative/nitrosative stress, Peroxynitrite (ONOOˉ mmol/L), Total Oxidant Level (TOS mmol H2O2 Eq/L), Total Antioxidant Level (TAS mmol Trolox Eq/L), OSI (TOS/TASx10) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) level were determined. While the difference between the groups in terms of TAS, OSI and MDA levels in gill tissues was statistically significant (P0.05) in terms of ONOOˉ and TOS values. As a result, HgCl2 was found to cause stress and toxic to fish as it increases the levels of ONOOˉ, OSI and MDA, which are indicators of stress in gill tissue.

Research paper thumbnail of Diyarbakır İli Köy Tavukçuluğunun Yapısı

Bu calisma, Diyarbakir Ili koy tavukculugunun yapisinin arastirilmasi ve yetistiricilerin sorunla... more Bu calisma, Diyarbakir Ili koy tavukculugunun yapisinin arastirilmasi ve yetistiricilerin sorunlarinin belirlenerek daha ekonomik ve daha karli bir uretim icin oneriler sunulmasi amaciyla yapilmistir. Calismada, basit tesadufi ornekleme yontemiyle secilen koylerde 2017–2018 yillari arasinda koy tavukculugu yapan toplam 8 ilcede belirlenen 47 koyde isletme sahipleri ile yuz yuze yapilan anketlerden elde edilen veriler analiz edilmistir. Arastirma bulgularina gore; isletme sahiplerinin aylik gelirleri ortalamasi 663,52 TL oldugu, ailede yasayan birey sayisinin ortalama 11.8 kisi oldugu sonucu belirlenmistir. Isletmelerin tamaminda kanatli yetistiriciligi yapildigi ve kanatli hayvan sayisinin ortalama 82 adet oldugu tespit edilmistir. Ekonomik getiriden dolayi koy tavukculugu yapan yetistirici orani %5.7 olarak saptanmistir. Kanatli hayvan sayisinin ilceler itibariyle degistigi ve ortalamalar arasindaki farklarin istatistiki olarak onemli oldugu belirlenmistir (P<0.05). Isletmelerin...

Research paper thumbnail of Ekolojik (organik, biyolojik) etlik piliç yetiştirme çalışmaları

Research paper thumbnail of Yüksek rakımda yetiştirilen bıldırcınlarında kuluçkalık yumurta ağırlığı ve kuluçkanın son döneminde oksijen eklenmesinin kuluçka sonuçları ve besi performansına etkileri

Research paper thumbnail of Bıldırcın Yumurtalarında Bazı Kalite Özellikleri ile Tüy Rengi Arasındaki İlişkinin Diskriminant Analizi ile İncelenmesi

Bu calismada cok degiskenli istatistiksel bir yontem olan diskriminant analizinin, Japon bildirci... more Bu calismada cok degiskenli istatistiksel bir yontem olan diskriminant analizinin, Japon bildircinlarda tuy renginin tahmin edilmesine uygulanabilirligi arastirilmistir. Yumurta kalite ozellikleri kullanilarak tuy renklerine ait diskriminant fonksiyonu belirlenmistir. Uygulanan asamali karesel diskriminant analizinde, ayirmada onemli bulunan yumurta agirligi, sekil indeksi, ozgul agirlik, ak indeksi, sari indeksi, sari agirligi, ak agirlik, kabuk kalinligi, kabuk agirligi ve Haugh birimi olculerinin siniflandirilmasinda yeterli olculer oldugu tespit edilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda; beyaz rengi % 48.90, koyu kahverengi rengi % 62.20, sari rengi % 77.80 ve orijinal rengi % 100 duzeyinde dogru ongoren diskriminant modelleri gelistirilmistir. Karesel diskriminant analizi sonucu elde edilen diskriminant fonksiyonu ile Japon bildircini tuy renklerinin % 72.20 dogruluk oraniyla belirlendigi gorulmustur.

Research paper thumbnail of Bıldırcın Diyetlerinde Farklı Düzeylerde Kullanılan Bazı Esansiyel Yağlar ve Meyve Kabuğu Tozlarının Yumurtanın Kolesterol, Vitamin A, E ve D Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkisi

Bu calisma, bildircin rasyonlarina farkli duzeylerde katilan bazi esansiyel yaglarin ve meyve kab... more Bu calisma, bildircin rasyonlarina farkli duzeylerde katilan bazi esansiyel yaglarin ve meyve kabugu tozlarinin yumurtanin kolesterol, vit A, vit E ve vit D duzeylerine etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmada, bildircinlar 3 tekrarlamali olmak uzere 9 farkli gruba ayrilmistir. Gruplar; kontrol (K), %2-4 duzeylerinde portakal kabugu tozu ( PKT ), %2-4 duzeylerinde nar kabugu tozu (NKT), %0.5-1 duzeylerinde portakal kabugu yagi (PKY) ve % 0.5-1 duzeylerinde nar cekirdegi yagi (NCY) seklinde olusturulmustur. Calisma 8 hafta surdurulmus olup, toplanan yumurtalarin kolesterol, vit A, vit E ve vit D duzeyleri olculmustur. Deneme gruplarinda , en yuksek kolesterol seviyesi kontrol grubunda (72.01 mg/10 g) ve en dusuk deger ise % 1 PKY (54.85 mg/10 g) grubunda saptanmistir. A vitamini icin en yuksek deger %0.5 NCY grubunda (60.60 IU/10g); en dusuk deger %2 NKT grubundan (53.10 IU/10g) elde edilmistir. E vitamini icin en yuksek deger %4 PKT grubundaki (0.55 mg/10 g), en dusuk i...

Research paper thumbnail of Diskriminant Analizi ile Bıldırcın Yumurtalarında Bazı Kalite Özellikleri ile Tüy Rengi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Various Levels of Medicinal Plants on Some Productive And Physiological Traits in Broiler Chickens

The Journal of The University of Duhok, 2020

A study aimed to evaluate the influence of using three medicinal plants on some productive and ph... more A study aimed to evaluate the influence of using three medicinal plants on some productive and physiological traits of broiler chickens. Two hundred eighty-eight chicks (Ross 308) randomly distributed into eight groups with three replicates in each treatment. First group was fed the basal diet, without any plant supplement, as control group, while the 2 nd and 3 rd groups were fed the same diet with thyme (5 and 10 g/kg, respectively), the 4 th and 5 th groups were fed diets with Adiantum (3 and 5 g/kg, respectively) and the 6 th and 7 th groups were fed diets supplemented with rosemary at 5 and 10 g/kg, respectively, the combination of plants (7.5 g/kg of thyme and 7.5 g/kg of rosemary and 4 g/kg of adiantum) added to the basal diet of group 8 th. The active compounds of the three plants were analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Live body weight was measured at weekly intervals. At the end of the experiment, the following traits were measured: carcass traits, internal organ, lymphoid organs and meat color. The obtained results summarized as follows: Fourteen, Fifteen and Twenty-one compounds were identified in the Thyme, Adiantum and Rosemary samples, respectively, and the major compounds were carvacrol (60.77%), gamma-terpinene (41.23%) and α-Pinene (51.87%), respectively. Overall, there is a significant effect of medicinal plants on live body weight in both genders, in which the male chicks in the 4 th group and female chicks in 7 th group had significantly higher live body weight. Regarding male chickens, T2, T3 and T8 groups have significantly higher carcass yield, also each of dressing percentage, breast, legs and wings were higher in T3 group. Furthermore, neck and back weight was higher in T3 group in both genders. It can be concluded that the supplementation of medicinal plants to broiler´s diet had a beneficial effect on most of broiler performance, particularly in male chickens that fed T3 group (Thyme 5g/kg).

Research paper thumbnail of Sublethal Doses of Inorganic Mercury Induce Dose-Depended Upregulation of RPA1 Content and Inhibit p53 Expression in the Brain of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019

Mercury (Hg) is one of most toxic and widespread element of aquatic environment. Almost every kin... more Mercury (Hg) is one of most toxic and widespread element of aquatic environment. Almost every kind of the fish can accumulate Hg. Hg-induced peculiarities of cellular malfunction could be used as adequate biomarker to estimate the contamination risk in polluted aquatic ecosystems. The brain cells are high susceptible to the Hg compounds cytotoxicity. Various Hg species have different harmful effects on both structure and function of the brain cells. Neurotoxicity of inorganic Hg remains discussable and studied restrictedly. In this study, we have studied the role of RPA1 and p53 proteins in brain cell response to sublehtal (25% LD50 and 50% LD50) doses of inorganic Hg in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). LD50 value of Hg chloride in presented study was determined as 551 µg/L relate to 96 hours exposure. Two sublethal doses were used in the exposure rainbow trout at 2 and 7 days. The treatment with Hg chloride induced in fish brain dose-dependent increase in ROS level as well as t...

Research paper thumbnail of Bingöl İlinde Arıcılık Faaliyetinin Mevcut Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019

Bu çalışma, Bingöl ilinde yapılan arıcılık faaliyetinin mevcut yapısının belirlenmesi amacıyla ya... more Bu çalışma, Bingöl ilinde yapılan arıcılık faaliyetinin mevcut yapısının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Anket sayısı oransal örnekleme yöntemiyle 87 olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre; arıcılık yapan bireylerin yaş ortalaması 47.3 yıl olarak belirlenmiştir. Ankete katılan bireylerin %62.1’inin tek gelir kaynaklarının arıcılık olduğu saptanmıştır. Arıcıların %41.4’ü ilkokul mezunu olduğunu, tüm arıcılar arıcılığa başlama nedeninin asıl geçim kaynağı (%51.7) ve babadan kalma (%28.7) olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Arıcıların çoğunluğu (%90.8) kolonilerini güçlü kolonileri bölerek çoğalttığını ifade etmişlerdir. Arıcıların %74.7’si kolonilerindeki ana arıları iki yılda bir değiştirdiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Arıcıların tamamı varroayı ve yavru hastalıklarını tanıdığını, yaklaşık %93’ünün varroaya karşı kimyasal mücadele yöntemini tercih ettiği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; Bingöl ili arıcılık yapısının Türkiye genelinde yapıldığı gibi gezginci arıcılık şeklinde olduğu ve Tü...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Different Levels of Lentil by Product on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Egg Yield in Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica)

Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 2018

The subject of this study was to evaluate the effects of lentil byproduct (LP) on growth performa... more The subject of this study was to evaluate the effects of lentil byproduct (LP) on growth performance, carcass traits and egg yield of quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). To achieve this goal, a total of 600 0-day-old quail chicks were used. The birds were divided into 5 groups with 3 replicates. The 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th groups received 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% lentil byproduct, respectively. All the diets were prepared as isonitrogenous and isocaloric. As a result of this study, the highest live body weights of quails as Laudadio mixed gender were observed in the 3 rd (195.5 g) and 5 th (195.3 g) groups at the end of the study, however the differences between the control and treatment groups were not significant (p>0.05). Similar results were observed in the carcass traits, as well. The best feed conversion ratio (FCR) was noted in both the 2 nd and 3 rd groups as 3.04 and it was significantly (p<0.05) different than in the control and other treatment groups. The least feed intake (FI) was observed in the 2 nd group. The highest and the lowest egg yield percentages were in the 3 rd (90.78 %) and 5 th (66.57 %) groups, and differences were significant (p<0.01). Linear increments were observed in the yolk color when LP increased in the diet. As a result, it could be concluded that lentil by product could be added into quail diets up to 15% with no negative effect on live body weight (BW) and carcass traits and to get better yolk color.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Lentil-By Product on Growth Performance and Carcass Traits of Heavy White Turkeys

Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 2018

The subject of this study was to figure out the effects of lentil by product (LP) on growth perfo... more The subject of this study was to figure out the effects of lentil by product (LP) on growth performance and carcass traits of the white heavy turkeys. To accomplish this goal, a total of 210 day old big-6 turkey chicks were used. The birds were divided into 7 seven groups with 3 replicates. The 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , 6 th and 7 th groups received 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 % lentil by product, respectively. All the diets were made as izonitrojenic and izocaloric. The highest live body weights of males and females were observed in the control group at the end of the 15 th week, which was the time of slaughtering of females, however the differences between the control and the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th groups were not significant (p>0.05). The same differences continued for males at the end of the 17 th wk of age, which was the time of slaughtering of males. Similar results were observed in carcass traits, as well. The best FCR was noted in the control group and it was significantly (p<0.05) different than in the treatment groups. The lowest and highest feed intake was observed in the 7 th and 3 rd groups. No significant differences were observed between control and all treatment groups. As a result, it could be said that lentil by product could be added into turkey diets up to 15% with no negative effect on live body weight and carcass traits because there was no significant differences between control and treatment groups (5, 10,15 % LP).

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of thyme (T. vulgaris) extracts on fattening performance, some blood parameters, oxidative stress and DNA damage in Japanese quails

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2008

The study was conducted to determine the effects of supplemented thyme oil extract and thyme wate... more The study was conducted to determine the effects of supplemented thyme oil extract and thyme water extract, the water soluble fraction of thyme extract, on fattening performance, blood parameters, oxidative stress and DNA damage in Japanese quails. Two hundred sixteen chicks were divided into four groups: control (no antibiotic or thyme extracts (I), fl avomycin (II), thyme oil extract (III) and thyme water extract (IV). Groups II and III received 1 g/kg fl avomycin as an antibiotic and 2.5 ml/kg thyme oil extract, respectively. Birds in group IV received 100 ml/l of thyme water extract in their drinking water. There were no signifi cant differences in liveweight between the treatment groups, but feed intake differed (P<0.01) at 0-5 weeks of age. Results showed that thyme extracts decreased feed consumption during the experiment. Similarly, the survival rate differed signifi cantly (P<0.01) between groups; the lowest was in antibiotic group. The levels of plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein and alkaline phosphates were similar in the four treatments. The highest rate of total oxidant status and total antioxidant response were found in group III, the lowest rate of DNA damage in the thyme oil (III) and thyme water extracts (IV) groups. It was concluded that supplementing thyme extract products in the diet of quails at the doses studied does not lead to a negative effect on the growth performance of the birds. Supplemented antibiotic caused an elevation in the oxidative stress index and in DNA damage.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing Growth Curves of Turkeys Reared in Different Breeding Systems (Intensive and Free-Range) with some Nonlinear Models

Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, 2016

The objective of this study was to identify the growth curve of live weight of turkeys reared in ... more The objective of this study was to identify the growth curve of live weight of turkeys reared in different systems (intensive and free-range) with the best mathematical model. To achieve this goal, the live weight of male and female turkeys (Large White) reared for 0-18 weeks were used. Logistic, Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy, and Gauss were used to determine the best model for the turkeys. In comparison of the models, values of Coefficient of Determination (R 2), Mean Squares of Error (MSE) and Model Efficiency (ME) were used. In Von Bertalanffy model, the coefficient of determinations for males and females were found as 0.9974 and 0.99915 in intensive system and 0.9794 and 0.9804 in Free-Range system, respectively. As a result of this study, because the highest R 2 and the lowest MSE were observed in Von Bertalanffy model, it was the best among the models to identify growth curve of the turkeys.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Beak Trimming, Stocking Density and Sex on Carcass Yield, Carcass Components, Plasma Glucose and Triglyceride Levels in Large White Turkeys

Korean journal for food science of animal resources, 2015

This study was conducted to determine the effects of beak trimming, stocking density (D) and sex ... more This study was conducted to determine the effects of beak trimming, stocking density (D) and sex (S) on live weight (LW), carcass yield and its component, and plasma glucose (PG) and triglyceride levels in Large White turkeys. To accomplish this aims, totally 288 d old large white turkey chicks (144 in each sex) were used. Beaks of 77 male and female poults were trimmed when 8 d old with an electrical beak trimmer. The birds were fed by commercial turkey rasion. Experiment was designed as 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with 3 replications in each group. Beak trimming and stocking density did not affect live weight, carcass composition and its components. The higher LW and carcass weight observed in trimmed groups. As expected, male birds are heavier than female, and carcass percentage (CP) would be adverse. However, in this study, CP of male was higher in trimmed, in 0.25 m(2)/bird. (D) × sex (S) interaction had an effect on both CP and thigh weights (p<0.05). Significantly D × ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of normal and PSE turkey breast meat for chemical composition, pH, color, myoglobin, and drip loss

Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2016

The objective of this investigation was to determine the differences between normal and PSE (pale... more The objective of this investigation was to determine the differences between normal and PSE (pale, soft, exudative) turkey breast meat in terms of chemical composition, pH, color, myoglobin, and drip loss. Pale and normal skinless, boneless turkey breast fillets were taken from a poultry slaughterhouse in Van/Turkey at about 2-3 h postmortem. Spectrocolorimetry (CIE L*a*b*), pH, protein, ash, dry matter, lipid, myoglobin, and drip loss were measured in normal and pale color turkey breast muscle. The normal breast meat had significantly lower L*, a*, and b* values in comparison with the pale breast meat. Myoglobin concentration and pH were significantly higher in the normal breast meat compared with that of the pale breast meat. Protein content was found to be significantly lower for the pale group compared with the normal group. No significant difference was found in ash, dry matter, and total lipid content between normal and pale breast meat. Drip loss was significantly affected by breast meat color groups at days 1, 2, 3, and 4 postmortem. Pale, soft, exudative turkey breast meat can lead to differences in the chemical composition and shelf life of the product.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens

We aimed to determine the effect of Nigella sativa L. on reduced glutathione (GSH) and lipid pero... more We aimed to determine the effect of Nigella sativa L. on reduced glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (as malondialdehyde, MDA) in erythrocytes of broiler chickens. We used 100 Ross 308 chickens and they were equally divided into four groups namely control, 0.5 %, 1 % and 1.5 % containing Nigella sativa L. The control group received control broiler fattening feed whereas, the treatments groups were fed by the feed containing 0.5 %, 1 % and 1.5 % grinded Nigella sativa L. seeds for 6 weeks, respectively. Erythrocyte MDA levels were significantly lower in 0.5 % (p

Research paper thumbnail of Yem kısıtlamasının Japon bıldırcınlarında (Coturnix coturnix japonica) büyüme ve gelişme özellikleri üzerine etkisi

Research paper thumbnail of The Structure of Village Poultry in Diyarbakır Province

Bu çalışma, Diyarbakır İli köy tavukçuluğunun yapısının araştırılması ve yetiştiricilerin sorunla... more Bu çalışma, Diyarbakır İli köy tavukçuluğunun yapısının araştırılması ve yetiştiricilerin sorunlarının belirlenerek daha ekonomik ve daha karlı bir üretim için öneriler sunulması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, basit tesadüfî örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen köylerde 2017-2018 yılları arasında köy tavukçuluğu yapan toplam 8 ilçede belirlenen 47 köyde işletme sahipleri ile yüz yüze yapılan anketlerden elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre; işletme sahiplerinin aylık gelirleri ortalaması 663,52 TL olduğu, ailede yaşayan birey sayısının ortalama 11.8 kişi olduğu sonucu belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin tamamında kanatlı yetiştiriciliği yapıldığı ve kanatlı hayvan sayısının ortalama 82 adet olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ekonomik getiriden dolayı köy tavukçuluğu yapan yetiştirici oranı %5.7 olarak saptanmıştır. Kanatlı hayvan sayısının ilçeler itibariyle değiştiği ve ortalamalar arasındaki farkların istatistiki olarak önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir (P<0.05). İşletmelerin tamamında hastalık görüldüğü ve tavuklara aşı yapılarak hastalıklara karşı önlem alındığı tespit edilmiştir. Köy tavukçuluğu yetiştiriciliği yapmayan yetiştiricilerin (%3) tamamının hastalıklardan dolayı köy tavukçuluğu yetiştiriciliğinden vazgeçtikleri sonucu saptanmıştır. Yetiştiricilerin %61'i hastalıkları, %23'ü desteklemeleri, %11'i yem maliyetini ve %5'i ise pazarlamayı sorun olarak gördüklerini belirtmişlerdir. Sonuç olarak; köy tavukçuluğunu ekonomik getirisinden dolayı yapmayı hedefleyen dinamik ve eğitimli bir üretici kitlesinin ilgili kurum ve kuruluşlarca teşvik edilmesi tavukçuluğun gelişmesine ivme kazandıracaktır. Özellikle hastalıklar, destek ve teşvikler, yem maliyeti ve pazarlama konularında yetiştiricilerin sorunlarının çözümü için gerekli strateji ve politikaların geliştirilmesi gereklidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Kınalı Kekliklerde Yumurta Veriminin Bazı Doğrusal Olmayan Modellerle İncelenmesi

Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Bu araştırmada, kınalı kekliklerin (Alectoris chukar) 5 aylık dönemdeki yumurta verimi farklı doğ... more Bu araştırmada, kınalı kekliklerin (Alectoris chukar) 5 aylık dönemdeki yumurta verimi farklı doğrusal olmayan modeller ile analiz edilmiştir. Kekliklerde yumurta verimini tanımlamak için Gamma, McNally, Modified Compartmental ve Adams-Bell modelleri kullanılmıştır. Modelleri karşılaştırmada Pseudo belirleme katsayısı (Pseudo-R 2), Akaike Bilgi Kriteri (AIC) ve Bayesci Bilgi Kriteri (BIC) kullanılmıştır. Gamma, McNally, Modified Compartmental ve Adams-Bell modellerinde Pseudo-R 2 değerleri sırasıyla 0.9994, 0.9995, 0.9972 ve 0.9855 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu modellere göre AIC ve BIC değerleri sırasıyla; 43.810, 49.810; 42.051, 49.051; 77.057, 87.057 ve 112.597, 122.597 olarak saptanmıştır. McNally modelinin kekliklerde yumurta verimini tanımlayan en iyi model olduğu, Adams-Bell modelinin ise en az tanımlayan model olduğu sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Civa Klorür Uygulanan Gökkuşağı Alabalıkları (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)’ nın Solungaç Dokusunda Nitrozatif ve Oksidatif Stresin Rolü

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi

The aim of the study was to determine the toxic effect and the dynamics of oxidative stress cause... more The aim of the study was to determine the toxic effect and the dynamics of oxidative stress caused by mercury chloride (HgCl2) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) weighing 59.43 ± 7.21 g.For this purpose, a total of 40 fish in 4 groups, 10 fish in each group (n = 10), were exposed to 25% and 50% (137.75 μg/L and 275 μg/L) of the LD50 for 2 and 7 days. To determine the oxidative/nitrosative stress, Peroxynitrite (ONOOˉ mmol/L), Total Oxidant Level (TOS mmol H2O2 Eq/L), Total Antioxidant Level (TAS mmol Trolox Eq/L), OSI (TOS/TASx10) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) level were determined. While the difference between the groups in terms of TAS, OSI and MDA levels in gill tissues was statistically significant (P0.05) in terms of ONOOˉ and TOS values. As a result, HgCl2 was found to cause stress and toxic to fish as it increases the levels of ONOOˉ, OSI and MDA, which are indicators of stress in gill tissue.

Research paper thumbnail of Diyarbakır İli Köy Tavukçuluğunun Yapısı

Bu calisma, Diyarbakir Ili koy tavukculugunun yapisinin arastirilmasi ve yetistiricilerin sorunla... more Bu calisma, Diyarbakir Ili koy tavukculugunun yapisinin arastirilmasi ve yetistiricilerin sorunlarinin belirlenerek daha ekonomik ve daha karli bir uretim icin oneriler sunulmasi amaciyla yapilmistir. Calismada, basit tesadufi ornekleme yontemiyle secilen koylerde 2017–2018 yillari arasinda koy tavukculugu yapan toplam 8 ilcede belirlenen 47 koyde isletme sahipleri ile yuz yuze yapilan anketlerden elde edilen veriler analiz edilmistir. Arastirma bulgularina gore; isletme sahiplerinin aylik gelirleri ortalamasi 663,52 TL oldugu, ailede yasayan birey sayisinin ortalama 11.8 kisi oldugu sonucu belirlenmistir. Isletmelerin tamaminda kanatli yetistiriciligi yapildigi ve kanatli hayvan sayisinin ortalama 82 adet oldugu tespit edilmistir. Ekonomik getiriden dolayi koy tavukculugu yapan yetistirici orani %5.7 olarak saptanmistir. Kanatli hayvan sayisinin ilceler itibariyle degistigi ve ortalamalar arasindaki farklarin istatistiki olarak onemli oldugu belirlenmistir (P<0.05). Isletmelerin...

Research paper thumbnail of Ekolojik (organik, biyolojik) etlik piliç yetiştirme çalışmaları

Research paper thumbnail of Yüksek rakımda yetiştirilen bıldırcınlarında kuluçkalık yumurta ağırlığı ve kuluçkanın son döneminde oksijen eklenmesinin kuluçka sonuçları ve besi performansına etkileri

Research paper thumbnail of Bıldırcın Yumurtalarında Bazı Kalite Özellikleri ile Tüy Rengi Arasındaki İlişkinin Diskriminant Analizi ile İncelenmesi

Bu calismada cok degiskenli istatistiksel bir yontem olan diskriminant analizinin, Japon bildirci... more Bu calismada cok degiskenli istatistiksel bir yontem olan diskriminant analizinin, Japon bildircinlarda tuy renginin tahmin edilmesine uygulanabilirligi arastirilmistir. Yumurta kalite ozellikleri kullanilarak tuy renklerine ait diskriminant fonksiyonu belirlenmistir. Uygulanan asamali karesel diskriminant analizinde, ayirmada onemli bulunan yumurta agirligi, sekil indeksi, ozgul agirlik, ak indeksi, sari indeksi, sari agirligi, ak agirlik, kabuk kalinligi, kabuk agirligi ve Haugh birimi olculerinin siniflandirilmasinda yeterli olculer oldugu tespit edilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda; beyaz rengi % 48.90, koyu kahverengi rengi % 62.20, sari rengi % 77.80 ve orijinal rengi % 100 duzeyinde dogru ongoren diskriminant modelleri gelistirilmistir. Karesel diskriminant analizi sonucu elde edilen diskriminant fonksiyonu ile Japon bildircini tuy renklerinin % 72.20 dogruluk oraniyla belirlendigi gorulmustur.

Research paper thumbnail of Bıldırcın Diyetlerinde Farklı Düzeylerde Kullanılan Bazı Esansiyel Yağlar ve Meyve Kabuğu Tozlarının Yumurtanın Kolesterol, Vitamin A, E ve D Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkisi

Bu calisma, bildircin rasyonlarina farkli duzeylerde katilan bazi esansiyel yaglarin ve meyve kab... more Bu calisma, bildircin rasyonlarina farkli duzeylerde katilan bazi esansiyel yaglarin ve meyve kabugu tozlarinin yumurtanin kolesterol, vit A, vit E ve vit D duzeylerine etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmada, bildircinlar 3 tekrarlamali olmak uzere 9 farkli gruba ayrilmistir. Gruplar; kontrol (K), %2-4 duzeylerinde portakal kabugu tozu ( PKT ), %2-4 duzeylerinde nar kabugu tozu (NKT), %0.5-1 duzeylerinde portakal kabugu yagi (PKY) ve % 0.5-1 duzeylerinde nar cekirdegi yagi (NCY) seklinde olusturulmustur. Calisma 8 hafta surdurulmus olup, toplanan yumurtalarin kolesterol, vit A, vit E ve vit D duzeyleri olculmustur. Deneme gruplarinda , en yuksek kolesterol seviyesi kontrol grubunda (72.01 mg/10 g) ve en dusuk deger ise % 1 PKY (54.85 mg/10 g) grubunda saptanmistir. A vitamini icin en yuksek deger %0.5 NCY grubunda (60.60 IU/10g); en dusuk deger %2 NKT grubundan (53.10 IU/10g) elde edilmistir. E vitamini icin en yuksek deger %4 PKT grubundaki (0.55 mg/10 g), en dusuk i...

Research paper thumbnail of Diskriminant Analizi ile Bıldırcın Yumurtalarında Bazı Kalite Özellikleri ile Tüy Rengi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Various Levels of Medicinal Plants on Some Productive And Physiological Traits in Broiler Chickens

The Journal of The University of Duhok, 2020

A study aimed to evaluate the influence of using three medicinal plants on some productive and ph... more A study aimed to evaluate the influence of using three medicinal plants on some productive and physiological traits of broiler chickens. Two hundred eighty-eight chicks (Ross 308) randomly distributed into eight groups with three replicates in each treatment. First group was fed the basal diet, without any plant supplement, as control group, while the 2 nd and 3 rd groups were fed the same diet with thyme (5 and 10 g/kg, respectively), the 4 th and 5 th groups were fed diets with Adiantum (3 and 5 g/kg, respectively) and the 6 th and 7 th groups were fed diets supplemented with rosemary at 5 and 10 g/kg, respectively, the combination of plants (7.5 g/kg of thyme and 7.5 g/kg of rosemary and 4 g/kg of adiantum) added to the basal diet of group 8 th. The active compounds of the three plants were analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Live body weight was measured at weekly intervals. At the end of the experiment, the following traits were measured: carcass traits, internal organ, lymphoid organs and meat color. The obtained results summarized as follows: Fourteen, Fifteen and Twenty-one compounds were identified in the Thyme, Adiantum and Rosemary samples, respectively, and the major compounds were carvacrol (60.77%), gamma-terpinene (41.23%) and α-Pinene (51.87%), respectively. Overall, there is a significant effect of medicinal plants on live body weight in both genders, in which the male chicks in the 4 th group and female chicks in 7 th group had significantly higher live body weight. Regarding male chickens, T2, T3 and T8 groups have significantly higher carcass yield, also each of dressing percentage, breast, legs and wings were higher in T3 group. Furthermore, neck and back weight was higher in T3 group in both genders. It can be concluded that the supplementation of medicinal plants to broiler´s diet had a beneficial effect on most of broiler performance, particularly in male chickens that fed T3 group (Thyme 5g/kg).

Research paper thumbnail of Sublethal Doses of Inorganic Mercury Induce Dose-Depended Upregulation of RPA1 Content and Inhibit p53 Expression in the Brain of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019

Mercury (Hg) is one of most toxic and widespread element of aquatic environment. Almost every kin... more Mercury (Hg) is one of most toxic and widespread element of aquatic environment. Almost every kind of the fish can accumulate Hg. Hg-induced peculiarities of cellular malfunction could be used as adequate biomarker to estimate the contamination risk in polluted aquatic ecosystems. The brain cells are high susceptible to the Hg compounds cytotoxicity. Various Hg species have different harmful effects on both structure and function of the brain cells. Neurotoxicity of inorganic Hg remains discussable and studied restrictedly. In this study, we have studied the role of RPA1 and p53 proteins in brain cell response to sublehtal (25% LD50 and 50% LD50) doses of inorganic Hg in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). LD50 value of Hg chloride in presented study was determined as 551 µg/L relate to 96 hours exposure. Two sublethal doses were used in the exposure rainbow trout at 2 and 7 days. The treatment with Hg chloride induced in fish brain dose-dependent increase in ROS level as well as t...

Research paper thumbnail of Bingöl İlinde Arıcılık Faaliyetinin Mevcut Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019

Bu çalışma, Bingöl ilinde yapılan arıcılık faaliyetinin mevcut yapısının belirlenmesi amacıyla ya... more Bu çalışma, Bingöl ilinde yapılan arıcılık faaliyetinin mevcut yapısının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Anket sayısı oransal örnekleme yöntemiyle 87 olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre; arıcılık yapan bireylerin yaş ortalaması 47.3 yıl olarak belirlenmiştir. Ankete katılan bireylerin %62.1’inin tek gelir kaynaklarının arıcılık olduğu saptanmıştır. Arıcıların %41.4’ü ilkokul mezunu olduğunu, tüm arıcılar arıcılığa başlama nedeninin asıl geçim kaynağı (%51.7) ve babadan kalma (%28.7) olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Arıcıların çoğunluğu (%90.8) kolonilerini güçlü kolonileri bölerek çoğalttığını ifade etmişlerdir. Arıcıların %74.7’si kolonilerindeki ana arıları iki yılda bir değiştirdiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Arıcıların tamamı varroayı ve yavru hastalıklarını tanıdığını, yaklaşık %93’ünün varroaya karşı kimyasal mücadele yöntemini tercih ettiği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; Bingöl ili arıcılık yapısının Türkiye genelinde yapıldığı gibi gezginci arıcılık şeklinde olduğu ve Tü...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Different Levels of Lentil by Product on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Egg Yield in Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica)

Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 2018

The subject of this study was to evaluate the effects of lentil byproduct (LP) on growth performa... more The subject of this study was to evaluate the effects of lentil byproduct (LP) on growth performance, carcass traits and egg yield of quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). To achieve this goal, a total of 600 0-day-old quail chicks were used. The birds were divided into 5 groups with 3 replicates. The 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th groups received 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% lentil byproduct, respectively. All the diets were prepared as isonitrogenous and isocaloric. As a result of this study, the highest live body weights of quails as Laudadio mixed gender were observed in the 3 rd (195.5 g) and 5 th (195.3 g) groups at the end of the study, however the differences between the control and treatment groups were not significant (p>0.05). Similar results were observed in the carcass traits, as well. The best feed conversion ratio (FCR) was noted in both the 2 nd and 3 rd groups as 3.04 and it was significantly (p<0.05) different than in the control and other treatment groups. The least feed intake (FI) was observed in the 2 nd group. The highest and the lowest egg yield percentages were in the 3 rd (90.78 %) and 5 th (66.57 %) groups, and differences were significant (p<0.01). Linear increments were observed in the yolk color when LP increased in the diet. As a result, it could be concluded that lentil by product could be added into quail diets up to 15% with no negative effect on live body weight (BW) and carcass traits and to get better yolk color.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Lentil-By Product on Growth Performance and Carcass Traits of Heavy White Turkeys

Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 2018

The subject of this study was to figure out the effects of lentil by product (LP) on growth perfo... more The subject of this study was to figure out the effects of lentil by product (LP) on growth performance and carcass traits of the white heavy turkeys. To accomplish this goal, a total of 210 day old big-6 turkey chicks were used. The birds were divided into 7 seven groups with 3 replicates. The 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , 6 th and 7 th groups received 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 % lentil by product, respectively. All the diets were made as izonitrojenic and izocaloric. The highest live body weights of males and females were observed in the control group at the end of the 15 th week, which was the time of slaughtering of females, however the differences between the control and the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th groups were not significant (p>0.05). The same differences continued for males at the end of the 17 th wk of age, which was the time of slaughtering of males. Similar results were observed in carcass traits, as well. The best FCR was noted in the control group and it was significantly (p<0.05) different than in the treatment groups. The lowest and highest feed intake was observed in the 7 th and 3 rd groups. No significant differences were observed between control and all treatment groups. As a result, it could be said that lentil by product could be added into turkey diets up to 15% with no negative effect on live body weight and carcass traits because there was no significant differences between control and treatment groups (5, 10,15 % LP).

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of thyme (T. vulgaris) extracts on fattening performance, some blood parameters, oxidative stress and DNA damage in Japanese quails

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2008

The study was conducted to determine the effects of supplemented thyme oil extract and thyme wate... more The study was conducted to determine the effects of supplemented thyme oil extract and thyme water extract, the water soluble fraction of thyme extract, on fattening performance, blood parameters, oxidative stress and DNA damage in Japanese quails. Two hundred sixteen chicks were divided into four groups: control (no antibiotic or thyme extracts (I), fl avomycin (II), thyme oil extract (III) and thyme water extract (IV). Groups II and III received 1 g/kg fl avomycin as an antibiotic and 2.5 ml/kg thyme oil extract, respectively. Birds in group IV received 100 ml/l of thyme water extract in their drinking water. There were no signifi cant differences in liveweight between the treatment groups, but feed intake differed (P<0.01) at 0-5 weeks of age. Results showed that thyme extracts decreased feed consumption during the experiment. Similarly, the survival rate differed signifi cantly (P<0.01) between groups; the lowest was in antibiotic group. The levels of plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein and alkaline phosphates were similar in the four treatments. The highest rate of total oxidant status and total antioxidant response were found in group III, the lowest rate of DNA damage in the thyme oil (III) and thyme water extracts (IV) groups. It was concluded that supplementing thyme extract products in the diet of quails at the doses studied does not lead to a negative effect on the growth performance of the birds. Supplemented antibiotic caused an elevation in the oxidative stress index and in DNA damage.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing Growth Curves of Turkeys Reared in Different Breeding Systems (Intensive and Free-Range) with some Nonlinear Models

Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, 2016

The objective of this study was to identify the growth curve of live weight of turkeys reared in ... more The objective of this study was to identify the growth curve of live weight of turkeys reared in different systems (intensive and free-range) with the best mathematical model. To achieve this goal, the live weight of male and female turkeys (Large White) reared for 0-18 weeks were used. Logistic, Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy, and Gauss were used to determine the best model for the turkeys. In comparison of the models, values of Coefficient of Determination (R 2), Mean Squares of Error (MSE) and Model Efficiency (ME) were used. In Von Bertalanffy model, the coefficient of determinations for males and females were found as 0.9974 and 0.99915 in intensive system and 0.9794 and 0.9804 in Free-Range system, respectively. As a result of this study, because the highest R 2 and the lowest MSE were observed in Von Bertalanffy model, it was the best among the models to identify growth curve of the turkeys.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Beak Trimming, Stocking Density and Sex on Carcass Yield, Carcass Components, Plasma Glucose and Triglyceride Levels in Large White Turkeys

Korean journal for food science of animal resources, 2015

This study was conducted to determine the effects of beak trimming, stocking density (D) and sex ... more This study was conducted to determine the effects of beak trimming, stocking density (D) and sex (S) on live weight (LW), carcass yield and its component, and plasma glucose (PG) and triglyceride levels in Large White turkeys. To accomplish this aims, totally 288 d old large white turkey chicks (144 in each sex) were used. Beaks of 77 male and female poults were trimmed when 8 d old with an electrical beak trimmer. The birds were fed by commercial turkey rasion. Experiment was designed as 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with 3 replications in each group. Beak trimming and stocking density did not affect live weight, carcass composition and its components. The higher LW and carcass weight observed in trimmed groups. As expected, male birds are heavier than female, and carcass percentage (CP) would be adverse. However, in this study, CP of male was higher in trimmed, in 0.25 m(2)/bird. (D) × sex (S) interaction had an effect on both CP and thigh weights (p<0.05). Significantly D × ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of normal and PSE turkey breast meat for chemical composition, pH, color, myoglobin, and drip loss

Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2016

The objective of this investigation was to determine the differences between normal and PSE (pale... more The objective of this investigation was to determine the differences between normal and PSE (pale, soft, exudative) turkey breast meat in terms of chemical composition, pH, color, myoglobin, and drip loss. Pale and normal skinless, boneless turkey breast fillets were taken from a poultry slaughterhouse in Van/Turkey at about 2-3 h postmortem. Spectrocolorimetry (CIE L*a*b*), pH, protein, ash, dry matter, lipid, myoglobin, and drip loss were measured in normal and pale color turkey breast muscle. The normal breast meat had significantly lower L*, a*, and b* values in comparison with the pale breast meat. Myoglobin concentration and pH were significantly higher in the normal breast meat compared with that of the pale breast meat. Protein content was found to be significantly lower for the pale group compared with the normal group. No significant difference was found in ash, dry matter, and total lipid content between normal and pale breast meat. Drip loss was significantly affected by breast meat color groups at days 1, 2, 3, and 4 postmortem. Pale, soft, exudative turkey breast meat can lead to differences in the chemical composition and shelf life of the product.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens

We aimed to determine the effect of Nigella sativa L. on reduced glutathione (GSH) and lipid pero... more We aimed to determine the effect of Nigella sativa L. on reduced glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (as malondialdehyde, MDA) in erythrocytes of broiler chickens. We used 100 Ross 308 chickens and they were equally divided into four groups namely control, 0.5 %, 1 % and 1.5 % containing Nigella sativa L. The control group received control broiler fattening feed whereas, the treatments groups were fed by the feed containing 0.5 %, 1 % and 1.5 % grinded Nigella sativa L. seeds for 6 weeks, respectively. Erythrocyte MDA levels were significantly lower in 0.5 % (p

Research paper thumbnail of Yem kısıtlamasının Japon bıldırcınlarında (Coturnix coturnix japonica) büyüme ve gelişme özellikleri üzerine etkisi