Mariano M A R T Í N Zamorano Barrios | University of Barcelona (original) (raw)

Peer review papers by Mariano M A R T Í N Zamorano Barrios

Research paper thumbnail of EU-South Korea international cultural relations in the twenty-first century: an overview

Asia Europe Journal, 2023

The EU-South Korea cultural relations have intensified in the past few decades. Since the signing... more The EU-South Korea cultural relations have intensified in the past few decades. Since the signing of free trade deal between two parties in 2010, the Korean public perception of the EU has positively evolved. Both parties initiated a protocol on cultural cooperation under the EU-RoK free trade agreement where particular emphasis was placed on the collaboration of audiovisual sector. The main part of this paper has three sections. The first section refers to EU cultural policy and diplomacy. In order to explain the EU's cultural presence in South Korea, this paper addresses European cultural exports to South Korea and the South Korean perception of the EU. The following part discusses South Korean policy orientation and diplomacy regarding culture. By introducing the statistical data on Hallyu contents export to Europe, one can understand the current situation of Hallyu expansion in Europe. Also, the European perception of Hallyu is included. Since EU cultural diplomacy worldwide still has a national dominance, the following section discusses four national EU cases-France, Poland, Sweden, and Italy-to illustrate the types of EU-South Korea ICR.

Research paper thumbnail of Valores e tensões na política cultural ibérica: Um estudo de casos

Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, , 2023

Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores em... more Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores emergentes na administração cultural europeia, apoiando-se numa vasta análise documental, em grupos focais e entrevistas a uma plêiade de atores. Analisando quatro estudos de caso ibéricos, procura-se identificar a diversidade de valores que moldam as decisões e práticas de política cultural, com foco nas tensões e conflitos entre os atores envolvidos e as suas valorações. Demonstrar-se-á que os atores se mobilizam em torno de disputas sobre a hierarquia de valores, o que exige uma compreensão dos contextos em que cada reportório se estabelece, ainda que a conflitualidade se exerça dentro de um mesmo modelo de política cultural, prevalecente nos dois países ibéricos. Palavras-chave: valores, política cultural, administração cultural.

Research paper thumbnail of Legitimating cultural policy after the 2008 crisis: learnings from France, the UK, Spain and Greece

Cultural Trends, 2022

This article examines legitimacy and legitimation processes in cultural policies after the 2008 c... more This article examines legitimacy and legitimation processes in cultural policies after the 2008 crisis. This is done by studying the relationships between the main institutional and economic reforms carried out by France, the UK, Spain and Greece cultural policies between 2008 and 2012 and legitimation narratives used to frame them. Based on literature and documentary review, this comparative case studies analysis addresses cultural policy models, each country cultural systems’ economic power, and continuity and change in policy legitimation strategies. The comparative analysis reveals the importance of the EU centreperiphery
dynamics and historical trends for cultural policy legitimation approaches adopted in changing socioeconomic scenarios.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural policies in illiberal democracies: a conceptual framework based on the Polish and Hungarian governing experiences

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2020

Different governments in Europe are advancing corporatist mechanisms to foster a homogenizing and... more Different governments in Europe are advancing corporatist mechanisms to foster a homogenizing and conservative understanding of culture. Illiberal practices framed within these policies include a delegated censorship and several measures based on xenophobic claims. Despite the importance of this phenomenon, the available literature on cultural policies has not adequately addressed it so far. This article proposes a conceptual framework to distinguish these illiberal cultural policies from the ones framed by liberal democracies on one hand and totalitarian regimes on the other end. This conceptual scheme is developed through a qualitative methodology based on a thorough review of the relevant literature currently available, a series of semi-structured interviews with relevant actors and a comparative analysis of the cultural policies developed by the 'populist radical right' governments in Poland and Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of El modelo emprendedor de políticas culturales y el destination branding: un análisis a partir del filme Vicky Cristina Barcelona

EURE, 2020

La literatura sobre la gobernanza de la política cultural de Barcelona ha revelado distintas tens... more La literatura sobre la gobernanza de la política cultural de Barcelona ha revelado distintas tensiones políticas y sociales derivadas del uso de la cultura local con fines de creación de marca ciudad. No obstante, dichos estudios no se han centrado en las racionalidades detrás de este proceso ni en sus implicaciones para los modelos de la política cultural local en el ámbito cinematográfico. Con el objetivo de avanzar en el entendimiento de los modos de relación entre marca y política cultural, en este artí-culo analizamos una de las estrategias de cultural branding desarrolladas por la ciudad: la actividad pública en torno al filme Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Mediante el análisis de las relaciones políticas y los objetivos detrás de dicho proyecto, este artículo revela la instrumentalización gubernamental del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad con el fin de fortalecer y promover una marca global orientada al turismo. palabras clave | política urbana, cultura urbana, marketing urbano. abstract

The literature on the governance of cultural policy in Barcelona has revealed different political and social tensions arising from the use of local culture for the purpose of creating a city brand. However, these studies have not focused on the rationales behind this process nor on its implications for the models of local cultural policy in the cinematographic field. With the aim of advancing in the understanding of the modes of relationship between brand and cultural policy, in this article we analyze one of the cultural branding strategies developed by the city: the public activity around the film Vicky Cristina Barce-lona. Through the analysis of political relations and the objectives behind this project, this article reveals the governmental instrumentalization of the city's cultural heritage in order to strengthen and promote a global tourism-oriented brand.

Research paper thumbnail of Políticas culturales y democracia cultural en Madrid y Barcelona (2015-2018): avances y limitaciones de dos proyectos con vocación constituyente

NAVA, 2019

Las políticas culturales locales han asumido una creciente importancia en el mundo actual debido ... more Las políticas culturales locales han asumido una creciente importancia en el mundo actual debido a su rol en la proyección internacional de las marcas-ciudad y en los proyectos de regeneración urbanos. Pero este proceso ha venido frecuentemente acompañado de un distanciamiento entre las lógicas y mecanismos de la llamada ciudad creativa y los de la democracia cultural. Se trataría del relegamiento de los objetivos de desarrollo local, que en muchos casos han aparejado externalidades negativas, como la gentrificación y la tematización urbanas. Desde 2015 los nuevos gobiernos de las ciudades de Madrid y Barcelona han desplegado programas político-culturales enfrentados a dicho modelo, que buscan resituar la participación social y el acceso igualitario a la cultura como ejes prioritarios de acción bajo el paradigma del procomún. Este artículo analiza comparativamente estos proyectos con el fin de comprender sus innovaciones y limitaciones en relación con el paradigma de la democracia cultural.

Research paper thumbnail of The reshaping of the Ibero-American cultural diplomacy in the beginning of the XXI century: the declining of the Spanish historical hegemony?

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2018

Francoist cultural policy in Latin America – itself based on Hispanist philosophy – and the Spani... more Francoist cultural policy in Latin America – itself based on Hispanist philosophy – and the Spanish activity in the Organization of Ibero- American States (1949) promoted the emergence of Ibero-American cultural diplomacy. The return of democracy to Spain in 1978 turned these projects into more horizontal instruments of cultural cooperation. After a process of institutionalization that led to the creation of SEGIB and the establishment of the Ibero-American Cultural Letter in 2006, this multilateral diplomatic system was called into question due to its economic asymmetries and its ideological basis. However, the relative influence of this process in reformulating the system and in creating a shared identitarian discourse within Ibero-America has never been properly weighted, nor has the importance of each actor within this process. This article analyses the multilateral Ibero-American cultural diplomacy in order to understand its recent transformations in terms of the importance of both national power and symbolic hegemony.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: cultural policies in Ibero-America at the beginning of the XXI century

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2018

This editorial introduction presents the aims and contents of a special issue devoted to cultural... more This editorial introduction presents the aims and contents of a special issue devoted to cultural policies in Ibero-America. The issue provides a wide-ranging overview about the subject. In addition to papers focused on the development of cultural policy in specific countries, it also includes articles analyzing particular cultural policies in a transnational perspective, paying attention to their multiple programmatic transferences. It also includes articles centred on the development of cultural diplomacy and institutional networks within this area. In this way, it intends to highlight the commonalities among countries and the relations between them, so offering a new and deeper vision of the development of cultural policies in the Ibero American region. In this introduction we offer some theoretical keys for analyzing this development, in particular the notion of family of nations proposed by Castle (1993) and we evaluate its applicability to the case and beyond.

Research paper thumbnail of Autonomía y cooperación en los modelos federalizantes de política cultural. Análisis comparativo de los casos de Alemania, EEUU, Canadá, Suiza, Reino Unido y España

Política y Sociedad, 2018

Desde los años ochenta diversas investigaciones han profundizado en la comparación de los diverso... more Desde los años ochenta diversas investigaciones han profundizado en la comparación de los diversos modelos de las políticas culturales nacionales. Asimismo, el interés por la descentralización cultural y el reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural y nacional ha crecido en paralelo a la importancia de la acción cultural pública de las regiones y las municipalidades. Sin embargo, no se han desarrollado estudios que permitan comparar de forma sistemática la relación entre los modelos de federalismo y los modelos de política cultural de un Estado. Este trabajo persigue cubrir este vacío realizando una comparativa de seis países federales o casi federales que han destacado en su desarrollo de políticas culturales, comparando sus diferentes niveles de autonomía,
gobierno compartido y de reconocimiento de distintas identidades culturales y nacionales.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural policy governance, sub‑state actors, and nationalism: a comparative analysis based on the Spanish case

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat

Since the nineties, regional governance has acquired an increasing importance for cultural polici... more Since the nineties, regional governance has acquired an increasing importance for cultural policies in the developing world. However, the elements determining the development of unequal models of cultural governance within the same country, and the differential relevance of subnational nationalism in this regard, have not been completely explained. In this article we develop a comparative analysis of the autonomous cultural policies of Catalonia, Madrid, and Andalusia. Thus, we explain how their models of horizontal governance are determined by common elements, such as the model of public policies, and other specific differential factors such as historical and industrial local heritage and regional identity, where nationalism is specifically relevant.

Research paper thumbnail of Governança de la política cultural, actors subestatals i nacionalisme: una anàlisi comparativa a partir del cas espanyol

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat

RESUM Des dels anys noranta, la governança subestatal ha adquirit una importància creixent en les... more RESUM Des dels anys noranta, la governança subestatal ha adquirit una importància creixent en les polítiques culturals del món desenvolupat. No obstant això, els factors determinants dels desiguals models de governança de la cultura desenvolupats en un mateix estat i la importància diferencial del nacionalisme subestatal en la seva orientació no han estat degudament explicats. En aquest article establim una anàlisi comparativa d'aquest fenomen a partir dels casos de les administracions autonòmiques de Catalunya, Madrid i Andalusia. D'aquesta manera, expliquem com les seves formes de governança horitzontal s'atenen a factors comuns, com el model estatal de polítiques públiques, i altres de tipus diferencial, com són el patrimoni històric i industrial propi, i el caràcter identitari regional, on la qüestió nacional té un pes específic.

ABSTRACT. The governance of cultural policy, sub state actors and nationalism: a comparative analysis from Spanish case Since the nineties, regional governance has acquired an increasing importance for cultural policies in the developing world. However, the elements determining the development of unequal models of cultural governance in a same country and the differential relevance of subnational nationalism in this regard have no completely explained. In this article we develop a comparative analysis of the autonomic cultural policies of Catalonia, Madrid and Andalusia. In this way, we explain how their models of horizontal governance are determined by common elements, such as the model of public policies, and other specific, such as the historical and industrial local heritage and regional identity, where nationalism has a specific relevance.

Research paper thumbnail of Comunidad imaginada y gobernanza en la acción cultural exterior de Cataluña: entre la participación social y el corporativismo (link to Catalan version included)

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat, Oct 5, 2016

Benedict Anderson va definir nació com “una comunitat política imaginada com inherentment limitad... more Benedict Anderson va definir nació com “una comunitat política imaginada com inherentment limitada i sobirana” i va incidir en la importància de les arrels culturals per a la constitució d´aquesta consciència nacional. Les diplomàcies culturals, organitzades pels Estats-nació des d'inicis del SXX i estructurades políticament sobre la base d'aquest espai sobirà i imaginat, van buscar estendre la influència dels països mitjançant la promoció de la cultura nacional en l'escenari internacional. En aquest article examinarem, des d´un plantejament proper al d´Anderson, la incidència del nacionalisme en l'estructuració de la governança corporativista en l'acció cultural exterior de Catalunya entre 1980 i 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Reframing cultural diplomacy: the instrumentalization of culture under the soft power theory

Culture Unbound, Oct 2016

Cultural diplomacy has grown in importance in recent years. But there is no consensus on the defi... more Cultural diplomacy has grown in importance in recent years. But there is no consensus on the definition of this governmental strategy. This policy is commonly framed in the concept of soft power: the capacity of persuasion and attraction that allows the state to construct hegemony without using coercive methods. In this article we offer a critical analysis of this theory's limitations to explain this activity. To shed light on this situation we firstly propose a historical analysis of cultural diplomacy. Then, based on this study, we analyze the dominant methodological and conceptual articulation of soft power in cultural diplomacy literature. In this way, we clarify how the logical framework of soft power favors a specific and restrained conception of these policies, narrowing therefore its understanding and legitimating its economic and political instrumentalization.

Research paper thumbnail of ¿La diplomacia cultural, una política de Estado? Articulación y descoordinación intergubernamental en la acción cultural exterior del Estado español

Revista d'Estudis Autonòmics i Federals, Oct 2016

Research paper thumbnail of La transformación de las políticas culturales en Argentina durante la primera década kirchnerista: entre la hegemonía y la diversidad

Aposta. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2016

Desde 2003, igualmente que en muchos países latinoamericanos que participaron del llamado “giro a... more Desde 2003, igualmente que en muchos países latinoamericanos que participaron del llamado “giro a la izquierda”, las políticas culturales argentinas se profundizaron y diversificaron. Esta nueva política cultural ha sido caracterizada como un instrumento de construcción de hegemonía en un sentido gramsciano, pero dicha afirmación no ha sido explicada y la relación de la administración pública de la cultura con los particularismos sociales y la diversidad cultural tampoco ha sido analizada. El presente trabajo examina esta problemática, estudiando continuidad y cambio en la historia de las política cultural argentina y focalizando en el período 2003-2013. De este modo, precisa su particular configuración administrativa, programática y constitutiva durante la década estudiada, donde el paradigma de la diversidad cultural tuvo una relevancia secundaria en relación con el concepto peronista de pueblo.

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Es España un Estado casi-federal en política cultural? Articulación y conflicto entre la  política cultural de la Administración General del Estado y de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña

En los análisis de política cultural comparada, se ha destacado la evolución desde los años seten... more En los análisis de política cultural comparada, se ha destacado la evolución desde los años setenta hacia modelos descentralizados administrativamente y respetuosos o promotores de la pluralidad cultural e identitaria. España a menudo se ha caracterizado como un país ampliamente descentralizado, destacando su rica diversidad cultural y lingüística y su carácter de Estado singular, a medio camino entre el Estado centralizado y el federal, calificándolo a veces como sistema casi-federal. No obstante, en el ámbito de las políticas culturales ¿Es el Estado español casi-federal? El artículo analizará como a pesar del desarrollo ampliamente descentralizado de gestión de las políticas culturales, los recientes desarrollos jurídicos y organizativos de la Administración General del Estado, distan mucho de promover un Estado federal plurinacional y se orientan de forma creciente hacia la recentralización y la simetrización.

Research paper thumbnail of Federalism, cultural policies and identity pluralism: Cooperation and conflict in the Spanish quasi-federal system

Publius: The Journal of Federalism , Sep 2014

The division of cultural policy between different levels of administration and the coordination b... more The division of cultural policy between different levels of administration and the coordination between them in federal countries is a relatively neglected area of research, even though the cultural sphere always requires a balanced combination of autonomy and governance. A particularly interesting case of this equilibrium arises in Spain; often described as a quasi-federal system, both regarding its model of state and within the sphere of cultural policy. However, we demonstrate that, despite the broadly decentralized development of cultural administration in Spainça plurinational and multicultural stateçdifferent recent judicial and political processes are distorting the quasi-federalism constructed over the past three decades. We also show that there is a growing tendency to recentralize and to promote a single cultural conception of the country.

Research paper thumbnail of The cultural paradiplomacy of Barcelona since the 1980s: Understanding transformations in local cultural paradiplomacy

International Journal of Cultural Policy, Aug 18, 2014

This article seeks to explain the conditions for the emergence and institutionalization of the c... more This article seeks to explain the conditions for the emergence and
institutionalization of the cultural paradiplomacy of the city of Barcelona and its local effects. The recognition of the city as an active participant on the international stage is based on its evolution from an industrial to a service economy. Against this backdrop, Barcelona’s city council, in common with many other city authorities operating in the world’s metropolises during the 1980s, initiated its own cultural paradiplomacy as a strategy for attracting capital and promoting local development. This policy became established as part of a new multi-level system of governance. This article analyses the causes of the institutionalization of this activity from an intergovernmental perspective. It concludes that in the context of economic globalization, the emergence of cities’ cultural paradiplomacy is strongly related to the restructuring of the State and its external administration and to the intensification of the “cultural branding” of cities as a tool for global competition.

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Hacia un modelo sudamericano de política cultural? Singularidades y convergencias en el desarrollo de las políticas 	 culturales de Uruguay, Paraguay y Chile en el siglo XXI

Desde los inicios del estudio de la política cultural en los años ochenta, la dimensión comparati... more Desde los inicios del estudio de la política cultural en los años ochenta, la dimensión comparativa internacional ha sido uno de sus ejes de análisis. Esto ha revelado la diversidad de enfoques y la existencia de modelos nacionales y regionales, unas diferencias que han sido explicadas por condicionantes históricos y políticos. Asimismo se ha diagnosticado una tendencia a la difusión internacional de estos modelos. En el caso Latinoamericano, se han realizado en los últimos años algunas compilaciones de estudios nacionales, pero raramente estos estudios abordan la tarea comparativa. En este artículo, intentaremos responder a la pregunta de si existe un modelo sudamericano de política cultural. A partir del estudio de tres países (Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay) defenderemos la hipótesis de que si bien no podemos hablar de un modelo propio del sur del continente y existe una multiplicidad debida a diversas genealogías y al desarrollo de políticas culturales diferenciadas por Estado-nación, si existen algunos condicionantes compartidos y una tendencia hacia la convergencia que prefigura un patrón propio.

Research paper thumbnail of Spain's nation branding project Marca España and its cultural policy: the economic and political instrumentalization of a homogeneous and simplified cultural image

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2014

Cultural diplomacy is being increasingly considered the medium in which nation states can instrum... more Cultural diplomacy is being increasingly considered the medium in which nation states can instrumentalize their cultural production and accomplish soft power goals. Analysts have repeatedly underlined the importance of culture in place branding in globalized economies, where culture can singularize products and assign them greater value. Both foreign and cultural policy have made the international projection of cultural industries a strategic goal, and this has simultaneously transformed the goals and networks of these policies. Although the literature addresses this phenomenon, certain effects of brand policymaking have become evident and require further attention: the simplification of cultural diversity, the elimination of non-coherent characteristics within brands and the limitation of internal dissension and participation. In this paper Spain's nation branding project Marca España (Spain Brand) is critically analyzed as a process of economic and political instrumentalization conducted by large companies who promote a simplified and homogeneous image of national culture.

Research paper thumbnail of EU-South Korea international cultural relations in the twenty-first century: an overview

Asia Europe Journal, 2023

The EU-South Korea cultural relations have intensified in the past few decades. Since the signing... more The EU-South Korea cultural relations have intensified in the past few decades. Since the signing of free trade deal between two parties in 2010, the Korean public perception of the EU has positively evolved. Both parties initiated a protocol on cultural cooperation under the EU-RoK free trade agreement where particular emphasis was placed on the collaboration of audiovisual sector. The main part of this paper has three sections. The first section refers to EU cultural policy and diplomacy. In order to explain the EU's cultural presence in South Korea, this paper addresses European cultural exports to South Korea and the South Korean perception of the EU. The following part discusses South Korean policy orientation and diplomacy regarding culture. By introducing the statistical data on Hallyu contents export to Europe, one can understand the current situation of Hallyu expansion in Europe. Also, the European perception of Hallyu is included. Since EU cultural diplomacy worldwide still has a national dominance, the following section discusses four national EU cases-France, Poland, Sweden, and Italy-to illustrate the types of EU-South Korea ICR.

Research paper thumbnail of Valores e tensões na política cultural ibérica: Um estudo de casos

Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, , 2023

Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores em... more Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores emergentes na administração cultural europeia, apoiando-se numa vasta análise documental, em grupos focais e entrevistas a uma plêiade de atores. Analisando quatro estudos de caso ibéricos, procura-se identificar a diversidade de valores que moldam as decisões e práticas de política cultural, com foco nas tensões e conflitos entre os atores envolvidos e as suas valorações. Demonstrar-se-á que os atores se mobilizam em torno de disputas sobre a hierarquia de valores, o que exige uma compreensão dos contextos em que cada reportório se estabelece, ainda que a conflitualidade se exerça dentro de um mesmo modelo de política cultural, prevalecente nos dois países ibéricos. Palavras-chave: valores, política cultural, administração cultural.

Research paper thumbnail of Legitimating cultural policy after the 2008 crisis: learnings from France, the UK, Spain and Greece

Cultural Trends, 2022

This article examines legitimacy and legitimation processes in cultural policies after the 2008 c... more This article examines legitimacy and legitimation processes in cultural policies after the 2008 crisis. This is done by studying the relationships between the main institutional and economic reforms carried out by France, the UK, Spain and Greece cultural policies between 2008 and 2012 and legitimation narratives used to frame them. Based on literature and documentary review, this comparative case studies analysis addresses cultural policy models, each country cultural systems’ economic power, and continuity and change in policy legitimation strategies. The comparative analysis reveals the importance of the EU centreperiphery
dynamics and historical trends for cultural policy legitimation approaches adopted in changing socioeconomic scenarios.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural policies in illiberal democracies: a conceptual framework based on the Polish and Hungarian governing experiences

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2020

Different governments in Europe are advancing corporatist mechanisms to foster a homogenizing and... more Different governments in Europe are advancing corporatist mechanisms to foster a homogenizing and conservative understanding of culture. Illiberal practices framed within these policies include a delegated censorship and several measures based on xenophobic claims. Despite the importance of this phenomenon, the available literature on cultural policies has not adequately addressed it so far. This article proposes a conceptual framework to distinguish these illiberal cultural policies from the ones framed by liberal democracies on one hand and totalitarian regimes on the other end. This conceptual scheme is developed through a qualitative methodology based on a thorough review of the relevant literature currently available, a series of semi-structured interviews with relevant actors and a comparative analysis of the cultural policies developed by the 'populist radical right' governments in Poland and Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of El modelo emprendedor de políticas culturales y el destination branding: un análisis a partir del filme Vicky Cristina Barcelona

EURE, 2020

La literatura sobre la gobernanza de la política cultural de Barcelona ha revelado distintas tens... more La literatura sobre la gobernanza de la política cultural de Barcelona ha revelado distintas tensiones políticas y sociales derivadas del uso de la cultura local con fines de creación de marca ciudad. No obstante, dichos estudios no se han centrado en las racionalidades detrás de este proceso ni en sus implicaciones para los modelos de la política cultural local en el ámbito cinematográfico. Con el objetivo de avanzar en el entendimiento de los modos de relación entre marca y política cultural, en este artí-culo analizamos una de las estrategias de cultural branding desarrolladas por la ciudad: la actividad pública en torno al filme Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Mediante el análisis de las relaciones políticas y los objetivos detrás de dicho proyecto, este artículo revela la instrumentalización gubernamental del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad con el fin de fortalecer y promover una marca global orientada al turismo. palabras clave | política urbana, cultura urbana, marketing urbano. abstract

The literature on the governance of cultural policy in Barcelona has revealed different political and social tensions arising from the use of local culture for the purpose of creating a city brand. However, these studies have not focused on the rationales behind this process nor on its implications for the models of local cultural policy in the cinematographic field. With the aim of advancing in the understanding of the modes of relationship between brand and cultural policy, in this article we analyze one of the cultural branding strategies developed by the city: the public activity around the film Vicky Cristina Barce-lona. Through the analysis of political relations and the objectives behind this project, this article reveals the governmental instrumentalization of the city's cultural heritage in order to strengthen and promote a global tourism-oriented brand.

Research paper thumbnail of Políticas culturales y democracia cultural en Madrid y Barcelona (2015-2018): avances y limitaciones de dos proyectos con vocación constituyente

NAVA, 2019

Las políticas culturales locales han asumido una creciente importancia en el mundo actual debido ... more Las políticas culturales locales han asumido una creciente importancia en el mundo actual debido a su rol en la proyección internacional de las marcas-ciudad y en los proyectos de regeneración urbanos. Pero este proceso ha venido frecuentemente acompañado de un distanciamiento entre las lógicas y mecanismos de la llamada ciudad creativa y los de la democracia cultural. Se trataría del relegamiento de los objetivos de desarrollo local, que en muchos casos han aparejado externalidades negativas, como la gentrificación y la tematización urbanas. Desde 2015 los nuevos gobiernos de las ciudades de Madrid y Barcelona han desplegado programas político-culturales enfrentados a dicho modelo, que buscan resituar la participación social y el acceso igualitario a la cultura como ejes prioritarios de acción bajo el paradigma del procomún. Este artículo analiza comparativamente estos proyectos con el fin de comprender sus innovaciones y limitaciones en relación con el paradigma de la democracia cultural.

Research paper thumbnail of The reshaping of the Ibero-American cultural diplomacy in the beginning of the XXI century: the declining of the Spanish historical hegemony?

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2018

Francoist cultural policy in Latin America – itself based on Hispanist philosophy – and the Spani... more Francoist cultural policy in Latin America – itself based on Hispanist philosophy – and the Spanish activity in the Organization of Ibero- American States (1949) promoted the emergence of Ibero-American cultural diplomacy. The return of democracy to Spain in 1978 turned these projects into more horizontal instruments of cultural cooperation. After a process of institutionalization that led to the creation of SEGIB and the establishment of the Ibero-American Cultural Letter in 2006, this multilateral diplomatic system was called into question due to its economic asymmetries and its ideological basis. However, the relative influence of this process in reformulating the system and in creating a shared identitarian discourse within Ibero-America has never been properly weighted, nor has the importance of each actor within this process. This article analyses the multilateral Ibero-American cultural diplomacy in order to understand its recent transformations in terms of the importance of both national power and symbolic hegemony.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: cultural policies in Ibero-America at the beginning of the XXI century

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2018

This editorial introduction presents the aims and contents of a special issue devoted to cultural... more This editorial introduction presents the aims and contents of a special issue devoted to cultural policies in Ibero-America. The issue provides a wide-ranging overview about the subject. In addition to papers focused on the development of cultural policy in specific countries, it also includes articles analyzing particular cultural policies in a transnational perspective, paying attention to their multiple programmatic transferences. It also includes articles centred on the development of cultural diplomacy and institutional networks within this area. In this way, it intends to highlight the commonalities among countries and the relations between them, so offering a new and deeper vision of the development of cultural policies in the Ibero American region. In this introduction we offer some theoretical keys for analyzing this development, in particular the notion of family of nations proposed by Castle (1993) and we evaluate its applicability to the case and beyond.

Research paper thumbnail of Autonomía y cooperación en los modelos federalizantes de política cultural. Análisis comparativo de los casos de Alemania, EEUU, Canadá, Suiza, Reino Unido y España

Política y Sociedad, 2018

Desde los años ochenta diversas investigaciones han profundizado en la comparación de los diverso... more Desde los años ochenta diversas investigaciones han profundizado en la comparación de los diversos modelos de las políticas culturales nacionales. Asimismo, el interés por la descentralización cultural y el reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural y nacional ha crecido en paralelo a la importancia de la acción cultural pública de las regiones y las municipalidades. Sin embargo, no se han desarrollado estudios que permitan comparar de forma sistemática la relación entre los modelos de federalismo y los modelos de política cultural de un Estado. Este trabajo persigue cubrir este vacío realizando una comparativa de seis países federales o casi federales que han destacado en su desarrollo de políticas culturales, comparando sus diferentes niveles de autonomía,
gobierno compartido y de reconocimiento de distintas identidades culturales y nacionales.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural policy governance, sub‑state actors, and nationalism: a comparative analysis based on the Spanish case

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat

Since the nineties, regional governance has acquired an increasing importance for cultural polici... more Since the nineties, regional governance has acquired an increasing importance for cultural policies in the developing world. However, the elements determining the development of unequal models of cultural governance within the same country, and the differential relevance of subnational nationalism in this regard, have not been completely explained. In this article we develop a comparative analysis of the autonomous cultural policies of Catalonia, Madrid, and Andalusia. Thus, we explain how their models of horizontal governance are determined by common elements, such as the model of public policies, and other specific differential factors such as historical and industrial local heritage and regional identity, where nationalism is specifically relevant.

Research paper thumbnail of Governança de la política cultural, actors subestatals i nacionalisme: una anàlisi comparativa a partir del cas espanyol

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat

RESUM Des dels anys noranta, la governança subestatal ha adquirit una importància creixent en les... more RESUM Des dels anys noranta, la governança subestatal ha adquirit una importància creixent en les polítiques culturals del món desenvolupat. No obstant això, els factors determinants dels desiguals models de governança de la cultura desenvolupats en un mateix estat i la importància diferencial del nacionalisme subestatal en la seva orientació no han estat degudament explicats. En aquest article establim una anàlisi comparativa d'aquest fenomen a partir dels casos de les administracions autonòmiques de Catalunya, Madrid i Andalusia. D'aquesta manera, expliquem com les seves formes de governança horitzontal s'atenen a factors comuns, com el model estatal de polítiques públiques, i altres de tipus diferencial, com són el patrimoni històric i industrial propi, i el caràcter identitari regional, on la qüestió nacional té un pes específic.

ABSTRACT. The governance of cultural policy, sub state actors and nationalism: a comparative analysis from Spanish case Since the nineties, regional governance has acquired an increasing importance for cultural policies in the developing world. However, the elements determining the development of unequal models of cultural governance in a same country and the differential relevance of subnational nationalism in this regard have no completely explained. In this article we develop a comparative analysis of the autonomic cultural policies of Catalonia, Madrid and Andalusia. In this way, we explain how their models of horizontal governance are determined by common elements, such as the model of public policies, and other specific, such as the historical and industrial local heritage and regional identity, where nationalism has a specific relevance.

Research paper thumbnail of Comunidad imaginada y gobernanza en la acción cultural exterior de Cataluña: entre la participación social y el corporativismo (link to Catalan version included)

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat, Oct 5, 2016

Benedict Anderson va definir nació com “una comunitat política imaginada com inherentment limitad... more Benedict Anderson va definir nació com “una comunitat política imaginada com inherentment limitada i sobirana” i va incidir en la importància de les arrels culturals per a la constitució d´aquesta consciència nacional. Les diplomàcies culturals, organitzades pels Estats-nació des d'inicis del SXX i estructurades políticament sobre la base d'aquest espai sobirà i imaginat, van buscar estendre la influència dels països mitjançant la promoció de la cultura nacional en l'escenari internacional. En aquest article examinarem, des d´un plantejament proper al d´Anderson, la incidència del nacionalisme en l'estructuració de la governança corporativista en l'acció cultural exterior de Catalunya entre 1980 i 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Reframing cultural diplomacy: the instrumentalization of culture under the soft power theory

Culture Unbound, Oct 2016

Cultural diplomacy has grown in importance in recent years. But there is no consensus on the defi... more Cultural diplomacy has grown in importance in recent years. But there is no consensus on the definition of this governmental strategy. This policy is commonly framed in the concept of soft power: the capacity of persuasion and attraction that allows the state to construct hegemony without using coercive methods. In this article we offer a critical analysis of this theory's limitations to explain this activity. To shed light on this situation we firstly propose a historical analysis of cultural diplomacy. Then, based on this study, we analyze the dominant methodological and conceptual articulation of soft power in cultural diplomacy literature. In this way, we clarify how the logical framework of soft power favors a specific and restrained conception of these policies, narrowing therefore its understanding and legitimating its economic and political instrumentalization.

Research paper thumbnail of ¿La diplomacia cultural, una política de Estado? Articulación y descoordinación intergubernamental en la acción cultural exterior del Estado español

Revista d'Estudis Autonòmics i Federals, Oct 2016

Research paper thumbnail of La transformación de las políticas culturales en Argentina durante la primera década kirchnerista: entre la hegemonía y la diversidad

Aposta. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2016

Desde 2003, igualmente que en muchos países latinoamericanos que participaron del llamado “giro a... more Desde 2003, igualmente que en muchos países latinoamericanos que participaron del llamado “giro a la izquierda”, las políticas culturales argentinas se profundizaron y diversificaron. Esta nueva política cultural ha sido caracterizada como un instrumento de construcción de hegemonía en un sentido gramsciano, pero dicha afirmación no ha sido explicada y la relación de la administración pública de la cultura con los particularismos sociales y la diversidad cultural tampoco ha sido analizada. El presente trabajo examina esta problemática, estudiando continuidad y cambio en la historia de las política cultural argentina y focalizando en el período 2003-2013. De este modo, precisa su particular configuración administrativa, programática y constitutiva durante la década estudiada, donde el paradigma de la diversidad cultural tuvo una relevancia secundaria en relación con el concepto peronista de pueblo.

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Es España un Estado casi-federal en política cultural? Articulación y conflicto entre la  política cultural de la Administración General del Estado y de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña

En los análisis de política cultural comparada, se ha destacado la evolución desde los años seten... more En los análisis de política cultural comparada, se ha destacado la evolución desde los años setenta hacia modelos descentralizados administrativamente y respetuosos o promotores de la pluralidad cultural e identitaria. España a menudo se ha caracterizado como un país ampliamente descentralizado, destacando su rica diversidad cultural y lingüística y su carácter de Estado singular, a medio camino entre el Estado centralizado y el federal, calificándolo a veces como sistema casi-federal. No obstante, en el ámbito de las políticas culturales ¿Es el Estado español casi-federal? El artículo analizará como a pesar del desarrollo ampliamente descentralizado de gestión de las políticas culturales, los recientes desarrollos jurídicos y organizativos de la Administración General del Estado, distan mucho de promover un Estado federal plurinacional y se orientan de forma creciente hacia la recentralización y la simetrización.

Research paper thumbnail of Federalism, cultural policies and identity pluralism: Cooperation and conflict in the Spanish quasi-federal system

Publius: The Journal of Federalism , Sep 2014

The division of cultural policy between different levels of administration and the coordination b... more The division of cultural policy between different levels of administration and the coordination between them in federal countries is a relatively neglected area of research, even though the cultural sphere always requires a balanced combination of autonomy and governance. A particularly interesting case of this equilibrium arises in Spain; often described as a quasi-federal system, both regarding its model of state and within the sphere of cultural policy. However, we demonstrate that, despite the broadly decentralized development of cultural administration in Spainça plurinational and multicultural stateçdifferent recent judicial and political processes are distorting the quasi-federalism constructed over the past three decades. We also show that there is a growing tendency to recentralize and to promote a single cultural conception of the country.

Research paper thumbnail of The cultural paradiplomacy of Barcelona since the 1980s: Understanding transformations in local cultural paradiplomacy

International Journal of Cultural Policy, Aug 18, 2014

This article seeks to explain the conditions for the emergence and institutionalization of the c... more This article seeks to explain the conditions for the emergence and
institutionalization of the cultural paradiplomacy of the city of Barcelona and its local effects. The recognition of the city as an active participant on the international stage is based on its evolution from an industrial to a service economy. Against this backdrop, Barcelona’s city council, in common with many other city authorities operating in the world’s metropolises during the 1980s, initiated its own cultural paradiplomacy as a strategy for attracting capital and promoting local development. This policy became established as part of a new multi-level system of governance. This article analyses the causes of the institutionalization of this activity from an intergovernmental perspective. It concludes that in the context of economic globalization, the emergence of cities’ cultural paradiplomacy is strongly related to the restructuring of the State and its external administration and to the intensification of the “cultural branding” of cities as a tool for global competition.

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Hacia un modelo sudamericano de política cultural? Singularidades y convergencias en el desarrollo de las políticas 	 culturales de Uruguay, Paraguay y Chile en el siglo XXI

Desde los inicios del estudio de la política cultural en los años ochenta, la dimensión comparati... more Desde los inicios del estudio de la política cultural en los años ochenta, la dimensión comparativa internacional ha sido uno de sus ejes de análisis. Esto ha revelado la diversidad de enfoques y la existencia de modelos nacionales y regionales, unas diferencias que han sido explicadas por condicionantes históricos y políticos. Asimismo se ha diagnosticado una tendencia a la difusión internacional de estos modelos. En el caso Latinoamericano, se han realizado en los últimos años algunas compilaciones de estudios nacionales, pero raramente estos estudios abordan la tarea comparativa. En este artículo, intentaremos responder a la pregunta de si existe un modelo sudamericano de política cultural. A partir del estudio de tres países (Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay) defenderemos la hipótesis de que si bien no podemos hablar de un modelo propio del sur del continente y existe una multiplicidad debida a diversas genealogías y al desarrollo de políticas culturales diferenciadas por Estado-nación, si existen algunos condicionantes compartidos y una tendencia hacia la convergencia que prefigura un patrón propio.

Research paper thumbnail of Spain's nation branding project Marca España and its cultural policy: the economic and political instrumentalization of a homogeneous and simplified cultural image

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2014

Cultural diplomacy is being increasingly considered the medium in which nation states can instrum... more Cultural diplomacy is being increasingly considered the medium in which nation states can instrumentalize their cultural production and accomplish soft power goals. Analysts have repeatedly underlined the importance of culture in place branding in globalized economies, where culture can singularize products and assign them greater value. Both foreign and cultural policy have made the international projection of cultural industries a strategic goal, and this has simultaneously transformed the goals and networks of these policies. Although the literature addresses this phenomenon, certain effects of brand policymaking have become evident and require further attention: the simplification of cultural diversity, the elimination of non-coherent characteristics within brands and the limitation of internal dissension and participation. In this paper Spain's nation branding project Marca España (Spain Brand) is critically analyzed as a process of economic and political instrumentalization conducted by large companies who promote a simplified and homogeneous image of national culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Tramas de la política cultural en Argentina

Tramas de la política cultural en Argentina reúne a toda una nueva generación de personas dedicad... more Tramas de la política cultural en Argentina reúne a toda una nueva generación de personas dedicadas a la investigación de las políticas culturales desde diversas perspectivas. La publicación, editada por el investigador Mariano Martín Zamorano, propone un mapa muy actualizado de los estudios e investigaciones del campo en el país.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Policy in Ibero-America

Cultural policy in Ibero-America, Routlegde, 2019

This book provides a broad overview of the development of Ibero-American cultural policy in an im... more This book provides a broad overview of the development of Ibero-American cultural policy in an important and innovative way. This volume brings together specialists in the field, from different nations and disciplines, and provides the keys to understanding the different trajectories and experiences of some significant countries in the area on both sides of the Atlantic; the recent developments in this domain such as urban cultural regeneration policies and cultural development policies; and the dynamics of policy transfers such as cultural diplomacy. The book also contrasts the applicability and the explanatory power of the idea of the family of nations for the analysis of cultural policy with models inspired by the welfare regimes. This book allows international researchers an overarching view of the peculiarities and the latest achievements in the field of Ibero-American cultural policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Governança cultural, identitat i territori polítiques culturals a Catalunya, 1980-2016

El treball s’estructura en dos grans blocs: un primer dedicat a la institucionalització del secto... more El treball s’estructura en dos grans blocs: un primer dedicat a la institucionalització del sector cultural i la política cultural a Catalunya, i un segon adreçat a l’anàlisi de les polítiques en el marc polític i administratiu de l’Estat espanyol —i les limitacions que imposa— i al desenvolupament de les estructures d’estat tant a nivell intern com en el context de la creixentment important política cultural exterior.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural policies in Madrid and Barcelona during the "governments of change" (2015-2019): Towards a post-creative city?

Accomplishing Cultural Policy in Europe Financing, Governance and Responsiveness, 2022

The so-called "governments of change" of Ahora Madrid and Barcelona en Comú have recently reframe... more The so-called "governments of change" of Ahora Madrid and Barcelona en Comú have recently reframed cultural policies. Both coalitions were led by Podemos, a left-wing party born in 2014 and initially linked to the "indignados" movement. In this spirit, these administrations boosted a cultural program explicitly aimed at overcoming what was framed as perverse effects of the entrepreneurial approach to cultural policies, including gentrification or the thematization of urban heritage (Pratt, 2011, Scott, 2014, Lewis, 2010). Both cultural policies were characterized by significant contrasts concerning the creative city project, such as the non-construction of new big cultural facilities and the non-organization of new global cultural events (Barbieri, 2018; Rius Ulldemolins and Gisbert, 2018). However, these policies have also shown different limitations when it comes to achieving their social participation and self-management goals (Zamorano, 2018). In this context, some questions arise: Do these cultural policies represent a new model of action in the field? Which would be the distinctive contributions and innovations of this model in comparison to historical communitarian models of cultural policy? This chapter addresses these issues by providing an in-depth documentary analysis of Madrid and Barcelona's cultural policies between 2015 and 2019. In this way, the chapter seeks to delineate the theoretical boundaries between the creative and new redistributive approaches to cultural policies.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural management in Paraguay. Emergence and development of the discipline in a conservative and restricted cultural field

Cultural Management and Policy in Latin America, 2021

This chapter explains the context within which cultural management takes place in Paraguay, a cou... more This chapter explains the context within which cultural management takes place in Paraguay, a country that features a wealth of cultural heritage but is among the poorest and most unequal nations within the region. Despite the transition to democracy, cultural policies are still interventionist and patronising and interfere with the work of grass-roots cultural initiatives. Using empirical research that spans a decade, Zamorano gives account of the progress that is being made in the sector despite these difficult circumstances by increased training offers and integrating community-based practices, for instance.

Research paper thumbnail of New players in cultural diplomacy: Cities, civil society, social media and digital environment

Report on the State of Culture in Spain, 2020

Spanish cultural diplomacy has evolved from a system revolving around the Ministries of Foreign A... more Spanish cultural diplomacy has evolved from a system revolving around the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture to an institutional structure where local governments and Autonomous Regions are highly relevant. This policy has led to forming different sector-based and public-private governance frameworks, that pursue specific identity, social development or business goals. This chapter analyses this complex structural framework, its multiple lines of action and its main digital platforms, from a constructivist perspective to evaluate the capacity of this system to channel territorial needs and demands from the Spanish cultural sector and propose improvement measures in a context dominated by the current global pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevos actores de la diplomacia cultural: ciudades, sociedad civil, RRSS y entorno digital

Informe sobre el estado de la cultura en España. La acción cultural exterior de España. Análisis y propuestas para un nuevo enfoque [ice-2020]. Enrique Bustamante ed., 2020

La diplomacia cultural española ha evolucionado desde un sistema articulado en torno a los Minist... more La diplomacia cultural española ha evolucionado desde un sistema articulado en torno a los Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cultura, a una estructura institucional donde gobiernos locales y Comunidades Autónomas poseen una gran relevancia. Esta política ha dado lugar a la conformación de distintos esquemas de gobernanza sectorial y público-privados, que persiguen alcanzar objetivo identitarios, de desarrollo social o empresariales específicos. Este capítulo analiza este complejo entramado, sus múltiples líneas de acción y sus principales plataformas digitales, desde una perspectiva constructivista orientada a evaluar la capacidad de este sistema para canalizar las necesidades y demandas territoriales del sector cultural español y proponer medidas de mejora en un contexto marcado por la actual pandemia global.

Research paper thumbnail of Citizen participation in liberal and illiberal European cultural policies

Cultural Policies in Europe : a Participatory Turn?, Félix Dupin-Meynard, Emmanuel Négrier (Eds.), 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Política y diplomacia cultural en las relaciones Euro-Latinoamericanas y caribeñas: génesis, discurso, praxis y prospectiva

Retos de las relaciones culturales entre la Unión Europea y América Latina y el Caribe, Lluís Bonet y Héctor Schargorodsky (Eds.), 2019

La diplomacia cultural vive un momento de transformación a escala nacional, regional y global. Po... more La diplomacia cultural vive un momento de transformación a escala nacional, regional y global. Por una parte, los sistemas de gobernanza supranacional ejercen una creciente influencia en la agenda, objetivos e instrumentos de la política cultural exterior de los estados. Por otro lado, diversos actores subestatales, como los gobiernos locales y regionales, así como las organizaciones sociales y las redes de cooperación transnacional, tienen un papel mucho más protagónico en la acción cultural internacional. Desde esta perspectiva, las relaciones entre Europa y América Latina y el Caribe han sido escasamente analizadas, aún y su larga trayectoria histórica (marcada por el pasado colonial y las migraciones), el denso flujo de intercambios existentes en los distintos ámbitos culturales, y su gran diversidad (de la difusión artística y el intercambio comercial, a la coproducción de proyectos o la cooperación cultural para el desarrollo). El presente trabajo parte del debate sobre las distintas formas de diplomacia y cooperación cultural internacional para analizar su desarrollo en ocho países particularmente significativos, cuatro europeos (Alemania, Francia, España y Reino Unido) y cuatro Latinoamericanos (México, Argentina, Brasil y Colombia). Al mismo tiempo, examina la reciente articulación de la diplomacia cultural europea, atendiendo a sus cambios recientes, en comparación al menor desarrollo de los procesos de integración regional del lado latinoamericano y caribeño. El texto concluye con una reflexión sobre el futuro de las relaciones y la diplomacia cultural entre las dos regiones y algunas propuestas de futuro.

Research paper thumbnail of A conceptual framework on right and left-wing populist cultural policies: similtudes and differences from the Argentina case

M. Dragićević Šešić & J. Vickery (eds.) Cultural Policy and the People: the rise of Populism and the crisis of Political Pragmatism, 2018

Populism is at present a contested and extended concept. Different approaches concerning how cons... more Populism is at present a contested and extended concept. Different approaches concerning how constructing hegemony through a discourse that opposes elites to the people, are handled by left and right-wing politicians and discussed by citizens on a daily basis. In a globalized world, where communication technologies greater define political struggle, the potential of discourse for shaping social life becomes evident, while post-truth political culture generates a constant overlapping of messages. In this context, culture and cultural policies are turning into fundamental instruments for political dispute both at public and street levels. However, no clear definitions about how public cultural policies are adopting populism as strategic basis or concerning how populism is determining contemporary cultural policies. In this text we offer a conceptual framework for advancing on delimiting the main characteristics of populist cultural policies on the basis of two opposite Argentinian cases, the right-wing administrations of PRO in the city of Buenos Aires and left-wing Kirchnerism in the central government.

Research paper thumbnail of ICTs and Community Policing: An Ethical framework

Societal Implications of Community-Oriented Policing and Technology, Georgios Leventakis,M. R. Haberfeld, eds, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La política cultural exterior en el Estado español: de la diplomacia cultural al branding de la marca país

Treinta años de políticas culturales en España. Participación cultural, gobernanza territorial e industrias culturales

Research paper thumbnail of Under watchful eyes: biometrics, EU IT systems and fundamental rights

Europe’s migration and security challenges have prompted the European Union (EU) to develop and e... more Europe’s migration and security challenges have prompted the European Union (EU) to develop and enhance multiple large-scale information technology systems (IT systems). Such systems provide invaluable support to border management efforts, but also cause wide-ranging fundamental rights issues.
The persons affected – including both regular travellers and persons who may be in situations of vulnerability –typically do not fully understand the implications of the use of such systems. This report aims to at least partly fill this knowledge gap by analysing the fundamental rights implications of collecting, storing and using biometric and other data in EU IT systems in the area of asylum and migration. The findings are based on socio-legal research carried out by FRA in 2015-2016, which focused on three key instruments in this field, namely European Dactyloscopy (Eurodac), the Schengen Information System (SIS II), and the Visa Information System (VIS).
The fieldwork included qualitative interviews, small-scale surveys and non-participant observations. Eticas Research and Consulting, and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), supported by a network of sub-contracted partners in six Member States, carried out the fieldwork research on behalf of FRA between January and December 2016. The project coordination was carried out by Dr Gemma G. Clavell and Dr Mariano M. Zamorano on behalf of Eticas and Dr Amparo González and Dr Inmaculada Serrano on behalf of CSIC.

Research paper thumbnail of Presentación del monográfico. Introducción: Postpolítica y vigencia del nacionalismo en el Estado español

Desde el año 2008, cuando la crisis económica desatada por el sistema financiero internacional de... more Desde el año 2008, cuando la crisis económica desatada por el sistema financiero internacional derivó en una crisis política y social en muchos países alrededor del mundo, el debate en torno al nacionalismo ha cobrado una renovada centralidad.

Research paper thumbnail of Spain's nation branding project Marca España and its cultural policy: the economic and political instrumentalization of a homogeneous and simplified cultural image

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2014

Cultural diplomacy is being increasingly considered the medium in which nation states can instrum... more Cultural diplomacy is being increasingly considered the medium in which nation states can instrumentalize their cultural production and accomplish soft power goals. Analysts have repeatedly underlined the importance of culture in place branding in globalized economies, where culture can singularize products and assign them greater value. Both foreign and cultural policy have made the international projection of cultural industries a strategic goal, and this has simultaneously transformed the goals and networks of these policies. Although the literature addresses this phenomenon, certain effects of brand policymaking have become evident and require further attention: the simplification of cultural diversity, the elimination of non-coherent characteristics within brands and the limitation of internal dissension and participation. In this paper Spain's nation branding project Marca España (Spain Brand) is critically analyzed as a process of economic and political instrumentalization conducted by large companies who promote a simplified and homogeneous image of national culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural diplomacy: Definition, historical evolution and current trends

Teaching materials for the "Postgraduate Diploma on International Cultural Cooperation and Manage... more Teaching materials for the "Postgraduate Diploma on International Cultural Cooperation and Management", IL3, Universitat de Barcelona.

Research paper thumbnail of How does cultural diversity contribute to cultural creativity in Europe?

In this paper, we want to examine, in a general and exploratory way, what academic literature has... more In this paper, we want to examine, in a general and exploratory way, what academic literature has contributed so far to the clarification of the relationship between cultural diversity and creativity in Europe, highlighting the main aspects and the main problems that in this respect have been addressed. In the first part of the article, we identify studies addressing the issue of diversity and cultural encounters as a specific cultural phenomenon linked to processes of hybridization in different areas of cultural creation. In the second part of our analysis we identified academic and non-academic literature addressing the issue of diversity and cultural creativity in two specific territorial frameworks: the city and Europe. The contrast between the two types of inquiry -the first one about the more theoretically inspired knowledge and the second one about the more practically and politically connected knowledge- reveal some major gaps and some unexplored potential of the research on the subject.

Research paper thumbnail of Paraguay, un modelo para armar: estudio histórico y diagnóstico actual de sus políticas culturales públicas

La presente investigación estudia las políticas culturales públicas del Paraguay, desde su indepe... more La presente investigación estudia las políticas culturales públicas del Paraguay, desde su independencia, en 1811, hasta 2009; identificando tanto sus principales modos de acción como sus principales lineamientos políticos e ideológicos. Posteriormente y como ...

Research paper thumbnail of Las guerras culturales de la extrema derecha

CTXT, 2019

La cultura es central en la escenificación de un retorno a un momento original de la nación, que ... more La cultura es central en la escenificación de un retorno a un momento original de la nación, que debe ser rescatado de las manos de los inmigrantes o la izquierda

Research paper thumbnail of La política cultural exterior del Estado español y el procés catalán

CTXT, 2018

Durante las décadas que precedieron al procés catalán la diplomacia cultural del Estado español f... more Durante las décadas que precedieron al procés catalán la diplomacia cultural del Estado español fue uno de los terrenos de disputa por la identidad nacional. Catalunya también desarrolló una “diplomacia paralela” para construir una imagen cultural propia

Research paper thumbnail of Algumas reflexões em torno da construção de modelos de políticas culturais: Chile, Paragiau e Uruguai

Revista Observatório Itaú Cultural - N. 18, 2015

O presente artigo pretende ser um conjunto de reflexões sobre a existência de modelos compartilha... more O presente artigo pretende ser um conjunto de reflexões sobre a existência de modelos compartilhados de política cultural na América do Sul ou de modelos únicos de desenvolvimento.
Assim, será fornecido um quadro comparativo entre a experiência do Chile, a do Paraguai e ado Uruguai, em um contexto de possíveis convergências e distâncias de agenda que apresenta cada um desses países no tocante a seus processos e suas arquiteturas institucionais recentes.
Os três casos de política cultural nacional mencionados pertencem a diferentes tradições e reconfigurações desiguais no processo destacado. Nesse sentido, será considerada a relação e as possíveis influências de modelos europeus preexistentes do mundo anglo-saxão e dos órgãos supranacionais. Serão abordadas as seguintes questões: é possível falar do surgimento de modelos
próprios na América do Sul? E quais seriam as características comuns que evidenciariam
a nova política cultural na região?

Research paper thumbnail of Cultura y federalismo

Diario La Vanguardia (20-11-15).

Research paper thumbnail of Spain’s nation branding project Marca España and its cultural policy: the economic and political instrumentalization of a homogeneous and simplified cultural image

Research paper thumbnail of Power in the Contemporary Relation Between Cultural Policy and Place Branding

The application of marketing strategies to promote cities started during the eighties, in the con... more The application of marketing strategies to promote cities started during the eighties, in the context of its entrepreneurial turn. From the nineties, branding has also been established as a significant area for State governments, giving birth to nation branding. The scenario where extension of business procedures in public policies developed was characterized by the constitution of post-Fordist State and the expansion of transnational capital and neoliberal policies around the world. In this context, place branding policies have usually been carried out by private agencies and, hence, with low social and sectorial participation. In this regard, the relation between branding and a new logic of the State administration were pointed out by theory, and also many studies of image evaluation and descriptive approaches to these policies were produced. However, the consequences of the growing importance of marketing for public sphere, and particularly its relation to cultural policies and cultural diplomacy, have not been correctly analyzed. Likewise, the effects of this power administration model in artistic field, urban spaces and society must be clarified. This session seeks to critically analyze this policy defining the image and the representation of territories as public and common goods. Therefore consider how branding processes affect the deliberative space of local and international cultural policies.

Research paper thumbnail of La paradiplomacia cultural de Barcelona desde los años ochenta: tendencias y efectos contemporáneos de la representación exterior de la cultura

Research paper thumbnail of Argentinian cultural policies after 2001 economic and social crisis: Between diversity and hegemony

After 2001 financial crack, Argentina developed deep social and institutional transformations. Th... more After 2001 financial crack, Argentina developed deep social and institutional transformations. The elections of 2003, which gave the power to former President Nestor Kirchner were the beginning of a new period in country history. It has been characterized by the reconfiguration of political field, a significant change in economic policies and also the debate around national identity. In this regard, equally than in many countries of the region, as part of the “left shift” after neoliberal domination, cultural policies deepened and diversified. Also policies aimed to regional consensus in the defense of native heritage and as part of a particular accent in popular culture were developed. However, the new public activity in the area has been characterized as of construction of hegemony in a Gramsci’s sense, trough the promotion of allied artists, large events and the development of an own media apparatus. This paper analyzes this process studding continuity and change in Argentinian cultural policies seeking to define its character and particularities. We will describe how cultural policies inspired in the Peronist concept of people coexist in tension with a multicultural approach to cultural policy at internal and regional levels.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural diplomacy and paradiplomacy: an approach to the Spanish and Catalan cases.

Research paper thumbnail of Barcelona international presence and the Catalonian cultural paradiplomacy since democratic transition.

Research paper thumbnail of Marco analítico sociológico de las organizaciones transnacionales en la diplomacia cultural pública.

Research paper thumbnail of Paraguay, un modelo para armar: estudio histórico y diagnóstico de sus políticas culturales.

Research paper thumbnail of ¿La diplomacia cultural, una política de Estado? Articulación y descoordinación intergubernamental en la acción cultural exterior del Estado español

La diplomacia cultural suele ser definida como una política de intercambios y relaciones artístic... more La diplomacia cultural suele ser definida como una política de intercambios y relaciones artísticos e intelectuales desarrollada entre Estados-nación. La proliferación, sobre todo durante los últimos treinta años, de diversas estructuras de política cultural exterior de tipo subnacional en todo el mundo, se explica debido a la reestructuración del Estado postfordista, a la aparición de nuevos actores y al desarrollo de múltiples esquemas de gobernanza multinivel. Sin embargo, la ruptura del monopolio de dicha acción exterior por los gobiernos centrales supone un desafío para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de representación externa de los Estados. En el caso de España, la profunda descentralización de la administración
pública producida desde la transición democrática permitió la paulatina aparición de las paradiplomacias
culturales autonómicas. Este trabajo analiza el desarrollo de la Administración General del Estado y de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña y persigue responder como se configura la actuación cultural exterior del Estado de las Autonomías. En este sentido, plantea la inexistencia de un sistema federal de diplomacia cultural y si, en cambio, una competencia
intergubernamental en la que se oponen procesos de nation building y en el que se disputa el monopolio o la legitimidad de proyectar la cultura en el exterior.

Research paper thumbnail of Under watchful eyes: biometrics, EU IT systems and fundamental rights

This report outlines the fundamental rights implications of collecting, storing and using biometr... more This report outlines the fundamental rights implications of collecting, storing and using biometric and other data in EU IT systems in the area of asylum and migration.
Eticas Research and Consulting and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), supported by a network of sub-contracted partners in the six Member States, carried out the fieldwork research on behalf of FRA between January and December 2016. Francesca Zampagni has conducted fieldwork research in Italy (Sicily-hotspots; Apulia; and Tuscany).

Research paper thumbnail of Algumas reflexoes em torno da construçao de modelos de políticas culturais

O presente artigo pretende ser um conjunto de reflexões sobre a existência de modelos compartilha... more O presente artigo pretende ser um conjunto de reflexões sobre a existência de modelos compartilhados de política cultural na América do Sul ou de modelos únicos de desenvolvimento. Assim, será fornecido um quadro comparativo entre a experiência do Chile, a do Paraguai e a do Uruguai, em um contexto de possíveis convergências e distâncias de agenda que apresenta cada um desses países no tocante a seus processos e suas arquiteturas institucionais recentes. Os três casos de política cultural nacional mencionados pertencem a diferentes tradições e reconfigurações desiguais no processo destacado. Nesse sentido, será considerada a relação e as possíveis influências de modelos europeus preexistentes do mundo anglo-saxão e dos órgãos supranacionais. Serão abordadas as seguintes questões: é possível falar do surgimento de mo- delos próprios na América do Sul? E quais seriam as características comuns que evidenciariam a nova política cultural na região

Research paper thumbnail of Under watchful eyes: biometrics, EU IT systems and fundamental rights

Human Rights Documents Online

Europe’s migration and security challenges have prompted the European Union (EU) to develop and e... more Europe’s migration and security challenges have prompted the European Union (EU) to develop and enhance multiple large-scale information technology systems (IT systems). Such systems provide invaluable support to border management efforts, but also cause wide-ranging fundamental rights issues. The persons affected – including both regular travellers and persons who may be in situations of vulnerability –typically do not fully understand the implications of the use of such systems. This report aims to at least partly fill this knowledge gap by analysing the fundamental rights implications of collecting, storing and using biometric and other data in EU IT systems in the area of asylum and migration. The findings are based on socio-legal research carried out by FRA in 2015-2016, which focused on three key instruments in this field, namely European Dactyloscopy (Eurodac), the Schengen Information System (SIS II), and the Visa Information System (VIS). The fieldwork included qualitative interviews, small-scale surveys and non-participant observations. Eticas Research and Consulting, and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), supported by a network of sub-contracted partners in six Member States, carried out the fieldwork research on behalf of FRA between January and December 2016. The project coordination was carried out by Dr Gemma G. Clavell and Dr Mariano M. Zamorano on behalf of Eticas and Dr Amparo González and Dr Inmaculada Serrano on behalf of CSIC.

Research paper thumbnail of Marco analtico sociolgico de las organizaciones transnacionales en la diplomacia cultural pblica

Research paper thumbnail of Valores e tensões na política cultural ibérica: um estudo de casos

Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas

Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores em... more Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores emergentes na administração cultural europeia, apoiando-se numa vasta análise documental, em grupos focais e entrevistas a uma plêiade de atores. Analisando quatro estudos de caso ibéricos, procura-se identificar a diversidade de valores que moldam as decisões e práticas de política cultural, com foco nas tensões e conflitos entre os atores envolvidos e as suas valorações. Demonstrar-se-á que os atores se mobilizam em torno de disputas sobre a hierarquia de valores, o que exige uma compreensão dos contextos em que cada reportório se estabelece, ainda que a conflitualidade se exerça dentro de um mesmo modelo de política cultural, prevalecente nos dois países ibéricos.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural policy governance, sub‑state actors, and nationalism: a comparative analysis based on the Spanish case

Annual Review. Debats. Revista de Cultura, Poder i Societat

Since the nineties, regional governance has acquired an increasing importance for cultural polici... more Since the nineties, regional governance has acquired an increasing importance for cultural policies in the developing world. However, the elements determining the development of unequal models of cultural governance within the same country, and the differential relevance of subnational nationalism in this regard, have not been completely explained. In this article we develop a comparative analysis of the autonomous cultural policies of Catalonia, Madrid, and Andalusia. Thus, we explain how their models of horizontal governance are determined by common elements, such as the model of public policies, and other specific differential factors such as historical and industrial local heritage and regional identity, where nationalism is specifically relevant.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural policies in Madrid and Barcelona during the “governments of change” (2015–2019)

Routledge eBooks, Aug 5, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Legitimating cultural policy after the 2008 crisis: learnings from France, the UK, Spain and Greece

Cultural Trends, 2022

This article examines legitimacy and legitimation processes in cultural policies after the 2008 c... more This article examines legitimacy and legitimation processes in cultural policies after the 2008 crisis. This is done by studying the relationships between the main institutional and economic reforms carried out by France, the UK, Spain and Greece cultural policies between 2008 and 2012 and legitimation narratives used to frame them. Based on literature and documentary review, this comparative case studies analysis addresses cultural policy models, each country cultural systems’ economic power, and continuity and change in policy legitimation strategies. The comparative analysis reveals the importance of the EU centre-periphery dynamics and historical trends for cultural policy legitimation approaches adopted in changing socioeconomic scenarios.

Research paper thumbnail of Presentació del monogràfic. Introducció: Postpolítica i vigència del nacionalisme a l’Estat espanyol

Debats. Revista de Cultura, Poder i Societat, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Política y diplomacia cultural en las relaciones Euro-Latinoamericanas y caribeñas: génesis, discurso, praxis y prospectiva

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019

La diplomacia cultural vive un momento de transformación a escala nacional, regional y global. Po... more La diplomacia cultural vive un momento de transformación a escala nacional, regional y global. Por una parte, los sistemas de gobernanza supranacional ejercen una creciente influencia en la agenda, objetivos e instrumentos de la política cultural exterior de los estados. Por otro lado, diversos actores subestatales, como los gobiernos locales y regionales, así como las organizaciones sociales y las redes de cooperación transnacional, tienen un papel mucho más protagónico en la acción cultural internacional. Desde esta perspectiva, las relaciones entre Europa y América Latina y el Caribe han sido escasamente analizadas, aún y su larga trayectoria histórica (marcada por el pasado colonial y las migraciones), el denso flujo de intercambios existentes en los distintos ámbitos culturales, y su gran diversidad (de la difusión artística y el intercambio comercial, a la coproducción de proyectos o la cooperación cultural para el desarrollo). El presente trabajo parte del debate sobre las distintas formas de diplomacia y cooperación cultural internacional para analizar su desarrollo en ocho países particularmente significativos, cuatro europeos (Alemania, Francia, España y Reino Unido) y cuatro Latinoamericanos (México, Argentina, Brasil y Colombia). Al mismo tiempo, examina la reciente articulación de la diplomacia cultural europea, atendiendo a sus cambios recientes, en comparación al menor desarrollo de los procesos de integración regional del lado latinoamericano y caribeño. El texto concluye con una reflexión sobre el futuro de las relaciones y la diplomacia cultural entre las dos regiones y algunas propuestas de futuro.

Research paper thumbnail of Africa’s Soft Power: Philosophies, Political Values, Foreign Policies and Cultural Exports

International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Comunidad imaginada y gobernanza en la acción cultural exterior de Cataluña: entre la participación social y el corporativismo

EnglishBenedict Anderson (1993) defined nation as “an imagined political community - and imagined... more EnglishBenedict Anderson (1993) defined nation as “an imagined political community - and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign”, and stressed the importance of cultural roots for the establishment of this national consciousness. Cultural diplomacy, organized by nation-states since the early 20th century and politically structured on the basis of this sovereign and imagined space, sought to extend the influence of countries through the promotion of national culture on the international scenario. This article examines, by contrasting Anderson ideas, the impact of nationalism on the organization of a corporatist structure for the governance of Catalan foreign cultural action between 1980 and 2014. catalaBenedict Anderson (1993) va definir nacio com “una comunitat politica imaginada, que s’imagina alhora com a inherentment limitada i com a sobirana” i va incidir en la importancia de les arrels culturals per a la constitucio d'aquesta consciencia nacional. Les diplomacies...

Research paper thumbnail of La política cultural exterior e el estado español: de la diplomacia cultural al "branding" de la marca país

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural management in Paraguay

Research paper thumbnail of Introducción. Postpolítica y vigencia del nacionalismo en el Estado español: presentación del monográfico

Research paper thumbnail of La transformación de las políticas culturales en Argentina durante la primera década kirchnerista: entre la hegemonía y la diversidad

espanolDesde 2003, igualmente que en muchos paises latinoamericanos que participaron del llamado ... more espanolDesde 2003, igualmente que en muchos paises latinoamericanos que participaron del llamado “giro a la izquierda”, las politicas culturales argentinas se profundizaron y diversificaron. Esta nueva politica cultural ha sido caracterizada como un instrumento de construccion de hegemonia en un sentido gramsciano, pero dicha afirmacion no ha sido explicada y la relacion de la administracion publica de la cultura con los particularismos sociales y la diversidad cultural tampoco ha sido analizada. El presente trabajo examina esta problematica, estudiando continuidad y cambio en la historia de las politicas culturales argentinas y focalizando en el periodo 2003-2013. De este modo, precisa su particular configuracion administrativa, programatica y constitutiva durante la decada estudiada, donde paradigma de la diversidad cultural tuvo una relevancia secundaria en relacion con el concepto peronista de pueblo. EnglishSince 2003, as in many Latin American countries which participated in t...

Research paper thumbnail of Post-politics and the validity of nationalism in the Spanish state

Annual Review. Debats. Revista de Cultura, Poder i Societat, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of El modelo emprendedor de políticas culturales y el destination branding: un análisis a partir del filme Vicky Cristina Barcelona

EURE (Santiago), 2020

ha revelado distintas tensiones políticas y sociales derivadas del uso de la cultura local con fi... more ha revelado distintas tensiones políticas y sociales derivadas del uso de la cultura local con fines de creación de marca ciudad. No obstante, dichos estudios no se han centrado en las racionalidades detrás de este proceso ni en sus implicaciones para los modelos de la política cultural local en el ámbito cinematográfico. Con el objetivo de avanzar en el entendimiento de los modos de relación entre marca y política cultural, en este artículo analizamos una de las estrategias de cultural branding desarrolladas por la ciudad: la actividad pública en torno al filme Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Mediante el análisis de las relaciones políticas y los objetivos detrás de dicho proyecto, este artículo revela la instrumentalización gubernamental del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad con el fin de fortalecer y promover una marca global orientada al turismo. palabras clave | política urbana, cultura urbana, marketing urbano. abstract | The literature on the governance of cultural policy in Barcelona has revealed different political and social tensions arising from the use of local culture for the purpose of creating a city brand. However, these studies have not focused on the rationales behind this process nor on its implications for the models of local cultural policy in the cinematographic field. With the aim of advancing in the understanding of the modes of relationship between brand and cultural policy, in this article we analyze one of the cultural branding strategies developed by the city: the public activity around the film Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Through the analysis of political relations and the objectives behind this project, this article reveals the governmental instrumentalization of the city's cultural heritage in order to strengthen and promote a global tourism-oriented brand. keywords | urban policy, urban culture, urban marketing.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural policies in illiberal democracies: a conceptual framework based on the Polish and Hungarian governing experiences

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2020

Different governments in Europe are advancing corporatist mechanisms to foster a homogenizing and... more Different governments in Europe are advancing corporatist mechanisms to foster a homogenizing and conservative understanding of culture. Illiberal practices framed within these policies include a delegated censorship and several measures based on xenophobic claims. Despite the importance of this phenomenon, the available literature on cultural policies has not adequately addressed it so far. This article proposes a conceptual framework to distinguish these illiberal cultural policies from the ones framed by liberal democracies on one hand and totalitarian regimes on the other end. This conceptual scheme is developed through a qualitative methodology based on a thorough review of the relevant literature currently available, a series of semi-structured interviews with relevant actors and a comparative analysis of the cultural policies developed by the 'populist radical right' governments in Poland and Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of Políticas culturales y democracia cultural en Madrid y Barcelona (2015- 2018)

Revista Nava, 2019

Las políticas culturales locales han asumido una creciente importancia en el mundo actual debido ... more Las políticas culturales locales han asumido una creciente importancia en el mundo actual debido a su rol en la proyección internacional de las marcas-ciudad y en los proyectos de regeneración urbanos. Pero este proceso ha venido frecuentemente acompañado de un distanciamiento entre las lógicas y mecanismos de la llamada ciudad creativa y los de la democracia cultural. Se trataría del relegamiento de los objetivos de desarrollo local, que en muchos casos han aparejado externalidades negativas, como la gentrificación y la tematización urbanas. Desde 2015 los nuevos gobiernos de las ciudades de Madrid y Barcelona han desplegado programas político-culturales enfrentados a dicho modelo, que buscan resituar la participación social y el acceso igualitario a la cultura como ejes prioritarios de acción bajo el paradigma del procomún. Este artículo analiza comparativamente estos proyectos con el fin de comprender sus innovaciones y limitaciones en relación con el paradigma de la democracia c...

Research paper thumbnail of Governança de la política cultural, actors subestatals i nacionalisme: un anàlisis comparatiu a partir del cas espanyol

Debats. Revista de Cultura, Poder i Societat, 2016

Des dels anys noranta, la governança subestatal ha adquirit una importància creixent en les polít... more Des dels anys noranta, la governança subestatal ha adquirit una importància creixent en les polítiques culturals del món desenvolupat. No obstant això, els factors determinants dels desiguals models de governança de la cultura desenvolupats en un mateix estat i la importància diferencial del nacionalisme subestatal en la seva orientació no han estat degudament explicats. En aquest article establim una anàlisi comparativa d'aquest fenomen a partir dels casos de les administracions autonòmiques de Catalunya, Madrid i Andalusia. D'aquesta manera, expliquem com les seves formes de governança horitzontal s'atenen a factors comuns, com el model estatal de polítiques públiques, i altres de tipus diferencial, com són el patrimoni històric i industrial propi, i el caràcter identitari regional, on la qüestió nacional té un pes específic.

Research paper thumbnail of Algorithmic Impact Assessment of the predictive system for risk of homelessness developed for the Allegheny County

Allegheny County Analytics, 2020

REFERENCE: Castillo, Carlos; Zamorano, Mariano Martín; Jaramillo, Giovanna; Suárez-Gonzalo, Sara... more REFERENCE:
Castillo, Carlos; Zamorano, Mariano Martín; Jaramillo, Giovanna; Suárez-Gonzalo, Sara (2020). Algorithmic Impact Assessment of the predictive system for risk of homelessness developed for the Allegheny County [Algorithmic Audit]. Available at:

This report shows the results of a project developed by Carlos Castillo, Mariano Martín Zamorano, Giovanna Jaramillo and Sara Suárez Gonzalo (from Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona and Eticas R&C). The objective of the project is to audit (assess) an algorithm developed by the Center for Social Data Analytics (Auckland University of Technology) and implemented by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (Pensilvania).

This Algorithmic Audit aims at addressing both the accuracy of an algorithm with regards to its expected outcomes and its potential for discrimination against specific social groups.

The audited algorithm is a decision support tool designed to help prioritize admissions to supportive housing services for individuals or families experiencing homelessness. The tool uses administrative data from Allegheny County’s data warehouse to predict the likelihood of three types of events occurring in a person’s life if they remain unhoused over the next 12 months: a mental health inpatient stay, a jail booking and frequent use (4 or more visits) of hospital emergency rooms. These events serve as indicators of harm if a person remains unhoused. Like the previous assessment tool, the system assigns a risk score that is used as part of the housing prioritization process, but it is far more accurate and equitable and doesn’t require the time or trauma associated with asking sensitive questions at the time of housing crisis.

Research paper thumbnail of ETHICS AUDIT Alpha Health app REM!X (Algorithmic Audit Report)

Telefónica - Alpha Health, 2020

REF: Zamorano, Mariano Martín; Galdon Clavell, Gemma, Peuvrelle, Victoria; Valbuena, Miguel; Suá... more REF:
Zamorano, Mariano Martín; Galdon Clavell, Gemma, Peuvrelle, Victoria; Valbuena, Miguel; Suárez-Gonzalo, Sara; Castillo, Carlos (2020). Ethics Audit: Alpha Health app REM!X, Algorithmic Audit final report of the app developed by Telefónica Alpha Health REM!X [Innovation project Report]. Available at:
This document presents the results of the Ethics Audit of the REM!X mobile application, developed by Alpha Health. Alpha Health is one of the teams within Telefónica Innovación Alpha, which is a company within Telefónica S.A. that focuses on long-term, disruptive innovation. Alpha Health aims to create technology that supports people to improve their health, with a portfolio of products that aims to prevent; predict; and treat mental illness. Throughout this audit, Alpha Health is referred to as Alpha as ashorthand.

Research paper thumbnail of Deliverable D8.2: Legal and acceptability recommendations for PROACTIVE toolkit

EU PROJECT PReparedness against CBRNethreats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VuleranblE civil society, 2020

REF: Zamorano, Mariano Martín; Suárez-Gonzalo, Sara; Galdón Clavell, Gemma (2020). D8.2 “Legal an... more REF:
Zamorano, Mariano Martín; Suárez-Gonzalo, Sara; Galdón Clavell, Gemma (2020). D8.2 “Legal and acceptability recommendations for PROACTIVE toolkit”, PROACTIVE project Deliverable [Report]. Available at:
This Deliverable is aimed at providing the PROACTIVE consortium with the following:•An operationalization of the legal findings of D8.1 •Concrete recommendations for the PROACTIVE toolkit•Standards to follow in order to enhance users’ acceptability of the toolkit, including vital aspects such as awareness, knowledge and consentIt is described in the DoA in the following way:“This operationalization of the findings of D8.1 will constitute specific concrete recommendations for the PROACTIVE toolkit. This deliverable establishes the standards to follow in order to enhance users’ acceptability of the toolkit, including vital aspects such as awareness, knowledge and consent.”Along these lines, section2 of this document includesfurther analysis of legal documents and ethical principles reflected in D8.1. Section3develops state of the artconceptson CBRNepolicies and technologies acceptability, by using bothmaterials from the literature and outcomes from the fieldwork activities. Sections 4 and 5 of the Deliverable operationalize the application of legal and theoretical normativity to PROACTIVEconducted in previous sectionsinto concrete recommendations for its toolkit design, development and implementation. While section4 focuses on legal recommendations, section5 provides strategies to increase the acceptability of PROACTIVE products and protocols. Summary conclusions are introduced after these five segments.By considering the content included in this Deliverable, PROACTIVE partners will be able to carry out their research activities legally and ethically. This Deliverable is meant to inform the project ethical and legal grounds, along with the requirements included in WP10

Research paper thumbnail of This app is not for you: Bias and externalitiesin police/community interaction tools. The Catalan case

Project This app is not for you: Bias and externalitiesin police/community interaction tools. The Catalan case , 2020

REF: Galdon Clavell, Gemma; Zamorano, Mariano Martín; Vélez, Alejandro; Valbuena, Miguel; Suárez-... more REF:
Galdon Clavell, Gemma; Zamorano, Mariano Martín; Vélez, Alejandro; Valbuena, Miguel; Suárez-Gonzalo, Sara (2020). This app is not for you: Bias and externalitiesin police/community interaction tools. The Catalan case [Research project report].
This report shows the results of a research project entitled This App is not for you: Bias and externalities in police/community interaction tools. The Catalan case.
The main objective of the project was to analyze whether the use of ICT increases or weakens the original purposes of community policing, and it was based on the analisys of the Catalan case. More concreatly it aimed at:
• Identify what technologies community police forces use in Catalonia and describe why, how and for what purposes they use them.
• Understand how the adoption of these technologies affects the governance and internal dynamics of community policing. This includes its impact on the proactive or reactive nature of police action.
• Examine how the use of ICTs shapes the relationship between community policing units and civil society.
• Analyze whether the use of ICTs can harm vulnerable social groups by making social control, discrimination and exclusion dynamics more effective, while hiding their intrinsic nature.

Regarding the methodology of our study, it has three main parts.
First of all we conducted two focus groups with police officers in middle and high ranks and two more with NGOs representing vulnerable social groups, and several interviews with police officers, NGO members and investigative police or journalists.
Moreover, we conducted a survey that was completed by 53 police units out of the 230 local police officers in Catalonia from cities (Barcelona and Terrassa) and some small municipalities.
And thirdly, it was done a Digital ethnography Social network of: the regional police (Mossos d’Escuadra) official Twitter account and various SNS accounts of "neighborhood watch" or "e-watch".

Research paper thumbnail of The relations between ICT and community policing: an analysis through the Catalan case

EUROCRIM 2020, 20th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, online edition, Sep 2020

This presentation is based on the results of the research project entitled This App is not for yo... more This presentation is based on the results of the research project entitled This App is not for you: Bias and externalities in police/community interaction tools. The Catalan case.