A subtle look at the Euphonium (original) (raw)

Tyler [userpic]

at July 29th, 2005 (09:07 pm)
current mood: creative
current song: nothing

look at this beauty

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Tyler [userpic]


at July 28th, 2005 (09:24 pm)


current mood: bored
current song: christian lindberg Gordan Concerto

HEY! i know you!

lol so why does it say u are watching my community :)

you play baritone well, but you still have much to learn....j/k

Tyler [userpic]

at July 26th, 2005 (09:45 pm)


current mood: hot
current song: Yankee doodle dandy *not by choice*

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Welcome to the community! This is basically a place to talk about the instrument you play, the baritone or euphonium. I hope to see some new members, seeing as the community is new. Feel free to ask anything you want, and once again, nice to meet you all.