Figen SEVİNÇ | Bartın University (original) (raw)

Conference Presentations by Figen SEVİNÇ

Research paper thumbnail of Residents’ Attitudes towards Tourism Development: A Small Community Perspective

THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON FUTURE OF TOURISM: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (Futourism 2018), 2018

Development of tourism destinations require cooperation of local authorities and local people as ... more Development of tourism destinations require cooperation of local authorities and local people as well as the tourism investors. Otherwise, tourism development can result in irreversible environmental impacts when solely viewed as economic benefits, without considering sustainability. Therefore, determining how tourism is perceived and how open to tourism the local people are play a major role in the impact of investments and sustainability of tourism in the destination. In this vein, this study aims to examine residents’ attitudes toward possible tourism development in Kapısuyu Village. Kapısuyu Village in Bartın, Turkey was selected as the study site due to its natural and cultural resources and its location in the Kure Mountains National Park which allows visitors to enjoy various recreational activities. In line with the study objectives, the study analyses how the local people in “Kapısuyu” perceive tourism, what they think about tourism development in their village, what attitudes they develop and their willingness to support tourism development. To achieve the study objectives, semi-structured in-depth interviews were made with the local residents in “Kapısuyu”. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of study findings.


Strategic management process is important for tourism enterprises to sustain their existence and ... more Strategic management process is important for tourism enterprises to sustain their existence and provide competitive advantage in industry. Within the increase in interest to tourism in the world, increasing number of investments and incentives for accommodation enterprises have made and used in a number of countries. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine the importance they show for SWOT analysis that accommodation enterprises and the level of the interest related to implementation and provide relevant suggestions. Also given information about process management for swot analysis. In this study, data collection from two high level manager who managing SWOT procedures in a hotel and used face to face interview method. They explained that process SWOT with nominal group technique work on this hotel.

Research paper thumbnail of Cycle Tourism: a Chance to Develop Alternatives in Çanakkale, Turkey

The number of the cyclists participating tourism activities in the world is gradually increasing.... more The number of the cyclists participating tourism activities in the world is gradually increasing. The cycle tourism, having emerged from people’s travelling by bike according to their own motives, is becoming more popular, cycle routes are getting enlarged, and projects are developed for cycle tours day by day. Therefore, the elements constituting the cycle tourism have come into prominence and the motivations of the cycle tourists participating bike tours have been studied. Thus, the aim of this study is to find out the importance that cycle tourists give to and the level of the interest they show
for cycle tours. The central question of the study raised on is; what is the level of interest and importance on cycling and how can be an important touristic attraction for Çanakkale tourism? For this purpose, in-depth interview technique was used on cyclist groups at different cycle tours in Çanakkale, Turkey. According to the results of the analyses developing cycling by its philosophy and structural requirements in Çanakkale can be feasible in sustainability perspective.


ÖZ Küreselleşme ile yaşam biçiminde oluşan farklılıkların turizm endüstrisine yansıdığı ve farklı... more ÖZ
Küreselleşme ile yaşam biçiminde oluşan farklılıkların turizm endüstrisine yansıdığı ve farklı beslenme türlerinin zamanla sunulan hizmetler arasında yer aldığı görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte içinde bulunduğu coğrafyanın kültürel özelliklerine göre farklılık gösteren yeme-içme alışkanlıkları, yaşanan gelişmelerden etkilenmekte, mevcut tüketim odaklı konsepte hızlı bir şekilde entegre olmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmada dünyada hızla yayılmaya başlayan çiğ beslenme türü kavramsal çerçevede ele alınmakta, yaşayan besinlerin farklı mutfak uygulamalarına değinilmekte ve tüketim kültüründeki algısına yer verilmektedir.
It has been observed that the variations experienced in the lifestyles with the globalization have been reflected in the tourism industry, and a variety of nourishment types have attained a place among the services provided day by day. In addition, food and beverage habits, displaying difference according to the cultural features of the geography they belong to have been expeditiously integrated into the present consumption-oriented concept. Thus, this study investigates a conceptual framework on raw food, which has swiftly spread in the world, examines a variety of cuisine applications for the live food, and includes the perception of live food in the consumption culture.


Öz Deniz turizmi, çevresel duyarlılığı, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki yatırımları, geliştirdiğ... more Öz
Deniz turizmi, çevresel duyarlılığı, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki yatırımları, geliştirdiği iş hacmi, istihdam olanakları, döviz girdileri, sosyo-ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel etkisi ile turizmi bir kalkınma aracı olarak gören ülkeler için önemli hale gelmiş, birçok ülkede deniz turizmine yönelik yatırımlar ve teşvikler hız kazanmıştır. Bu hızlı gelişmeler, aynı zamanda, turizmin tüketimin artmasını kolaylaştıran ve tüketilebilen bir alana dönüştürülmesine, çevresel tehditlerin özellikle kıyı ülkelerinde göz ardı edilemeyecek boyutlara ulaşmasına sebep olmaktadır. Çevrenin sınır tanımadığı göz önüne alındığında, eylem planları ve projelerin zorunlu bir gereksinim haline geldiği, tüketim kültürünün yaygınlaşarak turizm faaliyetlerine yansıdığı, her anı önemsenen işten arda kalan zamanların tüketimsel ve metalaşan bir boyuta dönüştüğü görülmektedir. Buradan hareketle çalışmada, bir kısır döngü haline gelen tüketim ve turizm uygulamalarına değinilmekte, dünyada hızla yayılmaya başlayan çöp adalar kavramsal çerçevede ele alınmakta ve sürdürülebilir uygulamalara yönelik önerilerde bulunulmaktadır.
Marine tourism has become important for the countries which consider tourism as a means of development thanks to its environment awareness, national and international investments, volume of business, employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, socio-economic and socio-cultural impacts, and the investments, and incentives for marine tourism have accelerated in a number of countries. These rapid developments have caused tourism to turn into a field which makes the increase in consumption easier and itself becomes consumable, as well as the environmental threats to reach a dimension that can no longer be ignored especially in coastal countries. Considering that environment cuts across all the boundaries, it has been observed that action plans and special projects have become crucial, consumption culture has become so prevalent that it affects the tourism activities, and leisure times left from the work, of which each moment is precious, have developed into a consumption-relevant and commodified dimension. Thus, this study refers to the consumption and tourism practices that have turned into a vicious circle, investigates the pollution islands that have swiftly spread in the world within a conceptual framework, and makes suggestions with regard to some sustainable practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Medya Kullanımının Turistik Destinasyon Seçimine Etkisi

The aim of this study is to examine the effect of social media usage on choice of destination. In... more The aim of this study is to examine the effect of social media usage on choice of destination. In this research, the structural model is proposed for identifying the effects of social media usage on choosing touristic destination. In regression model, social media usage is identified as an independent variable additionally touristic destination choice is dependent variable with respect to literature review. According
to the purpose as the sampling methods were used in the sampling and field research on the social networking site facebook travel blog users who like the group are included. It is analyzed that descriptive statistical methods for analyzing data obtained using the survey (number, percentage and mean) for the hypothesis tests into statistical analysis methods such as factors correlation and regression were used. As
a result, trust the source of the information obtained through social media, social influence, friend suggestions, perceived value and has been found to have a positive and significant relationship between the choice of destination with a positive attitude towards sharing destination. Moreover, from findings it can be said that there are negative and significance relationship between friend suggestion, perceived value and negative attitudes towards sharing destination and also between negative attitudes towards sharing destination and the choice of destination.

Papers by Figen SEVİNÇ

Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Deniz Turizmi ve Tüketim Paradoksu: Tüketirken Tükenmek

Tüketici ve tüketim araştırmaları dergisi, 2018

Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become import... more Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become important for the countries which consider tourism as a means of development thanks to its environment awareness, national and international investments, volume of business, employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, socio-economic and socio-cultural impacts, and the investments, and incentives for marine tourism have accelerated in a number of countries. These rapid developments have caused tourism to turn into a field which makes the increase in consumption easier and itself becomes consumable, as well as the environmental threats to reach a dimension that can no longer be ignored especially in coastal countries. This study refers to the postmodern consumption culture and tourism practices that have turned into a vicious circle, investigates the pollution islands that have swiftly spread in the world within a conceptual framework as a result of marine tourism, and makes suggestions with regard to some sustainable practices.

Research paper thumbnail of The 20th National 4th International Tourism Congress - Eskisehir, Turkey

Hosted by Anadolu University’s Faculty of Tourism, the 20th National 4th International Tourism Co... more Hosted by Anadolu University’s Faculty of Tourism, the 20th National 4th International Tourism Congress was held in Anemon Hotel, Eskisehir between October 16th and 19th, 2019. The fact that Eskisehir has recently gathered momentum in city tourism contributed to the determination of the main theme, and “city tourism” was selected as the main theme of the congress. It was observed that plenty of participants from both international and national arenas were in congress in which several subjects such as economy, marketing and planning of city tourism, smart cities, social life in cities, tour planning and management were addressed. Including PhD colloquium, trip of Sivrihisar, exhibitions of crafts and tourism comics along with presentations and panels, the congresses had an interactive and rich program. “The PhD Colloquium” has been held with the presentations of 5 PhD students for the second time on October 16th, 2019 which was the second day of the Congress, after the first one held...

Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Deniz Turizmi ve Tüketim Paradoksu: Tüketirken Tükenmek

Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018

Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become import... more Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become important for the countries which consider tourism as a means of development thanks to its environment awareness, national and international investments, volume of business, employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, socio-economic and socio-cultural impacts, and the investments, and incentives for marine tourism have accelerated in a number of countries. These rapid developments have caused tourism to turn into a field which makes the increase in consumption easier and itself becomes consumable, as well as the environmental threats to reach a dimension that can no longer be ignored especially in coastal countries. This study refers to the postmodern consumption culture and tourism practices that have turned into a vicious circle, investigates the pollution islands that have swiftly spread in the world within a conceptual framework as a result of marine tourism, and makes suggestions with regard to some sustainable practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Sailing as a Recreative Activity and its Relationship with Life Satisfaction

Turizm Akademik Dergisi, Jun 15, 2021



ÖZET Araştırmada engelli bireylerin tükenmişlikleri, turizme katılma kısıtlarının, turizm hareket... more ÖZET Araştırmada engelli bireylerin tükenmişlikleri, turizme katılma kısıtlarının, turizm hareketine katılma motivasyonlarını belirleme ve bu kısıtların, turizm hareketine katılma niyetine etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Engelli bireylerin turizme katılma kısıtları ve motivasyonlarının kaç boyutta toplandığını görebilmek için Açıklayıcı Faktör Analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Tükenmişlik ve Niyet ölçekleri tek boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Ölçek boyutlarına, Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi sonucu son hali verilerek gizil değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmada iki farklı model sınanmış ve anlamlı bulunmuştur. Her iki modelde de sonuç değişken olarak engelli bireylerin turizme katılım niyeti gizil değişkeni alınmıştır. Neden değişken olarak engelli kısıtları ve turizme katılım motivasyonu alınmıştır. Bu iki gizil değişkeni etkilediği düşünen tükenmişlik değişkeni bir diğer neden değişken olarak modele katılmıştır. Sınanan ilk modelde tükenmişlik gizil değişkeninden turizme katılım gizil değişkenine bir yol kurulmaz iken ikinci modelde bu yolun etkise de araştırılmıştır. Sınanan her iki modelde de engelli bireylerde tükenmişliğin turizm motivasyonunu etkilemediği belirlenirken kısıtları etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Engelli bireylerde kısıtların turizme niyet değişkenini ters yönde etkilediği belirlenirken

Research paper thumbnail of Supervisor support and turnover intentions of yacht captains: the role of work-family conflict and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021

Purpose-The purpose of this study was to investigate work-family conflict's (WFC) mediating r... more Purpose-The purpose of this study was to investigate work-family conflict's (WFC) mediating role and psychological resilience's (PR) moderating role on the perceived supervisor support (SS) of yacht captains and their turnover intentions (TI) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach-The authors followed a quantitative approach and conducted a questionnaire survey of 320 Turkish yacht captains. The data were analyzed using SPSS 22 (Process macro v3.4) and AMOS 22 statistics package programs. Findings-Perceived SS has direct and indirect effects on TI with WFC being the intermediate variable. WFC's effect on TI varies according to the yacht captains' levels of PR. Practical implications-This study empirically uncovered the impact of supervisor support and PR levels, the most important factors for ensuring hospitality employees exhibit positive organizational attitudes and behaviors. This study shows that the success of yacht captains in this stressful ...

Research paper thumbnail of How Do Residents Perceive Tourism Development? A Small Community Perspective

Journal of Tourism Quarterly, Mar 31, 2021

This study examines residents' attitudes and behaviors toward possible tourism developmen... more This study examines residents' attitudes and behaviors toward possible tourism development in a small community. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with 20 residents living in a small community, namely Kapısuyu Village in Turkey. Findings suggest that trust in authorities, involvement and the current state of the local economy are important determinants of locals' perceptions of tourism impacts. Although residents have some reservations on negative impacts of tourism development, community members favor tourism development in their small community due to positive benefits it is expected to generate. Findings also indicate that while residents favor tourism development, they want a tourism development that is sustainable and small. Both theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed and conclusions are drawn on the basis of study findings.

Research paper thumbnail of Supervisor support and turnover intentions of yacht captains: the role of work–family conflict and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021

Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate work–family conflict’s (WFC) mediating role ... more Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate work–family conflict’s (WFC) mediating role and psychological resilience’s (PR) moderating role on the perceived supervisor support (SS) of yacht captains and their turnover intentions (TI) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach The authors followed a quantitative approach and conducted a questionnaire survey of 320 Turkish yacht captains. The data were analyzed using SPSS 22 (Process macro v3.4) and AMOS 22 statistics package programs. Findings Perceived SS has direct and indirect effects on TI with WFC being the intermediate variable. WFC’s effect on TI varies according to the yacht captains’ levels of PR. Practical implications This study empirically uncovered the impact of supervisor support and PR levels, the most important factors for ensuring hospitality employees exhibit positive organizational attitudes and behaviors. This study shows that the success of yacht captains in this stressful work environment...

Research paper thumbnail of Cycle Tourism as an Alternative Way of Tourism Development in Çanakkale, Turkey

Journal of Awareness, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Boş Zaman Akti̇vi̇tesi̇ Olarak Daliş Ve Yaşam Doyumu İle İli̇şki̇si̇

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of A Conceptual Framework of Raw Food Diet and Living Foods in Consumption Culture

Journal of Tourismology, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Alternatif Turizm Türü Olarak Off-road Faaliyetlerinin Katılımcıların Yaşamlarındaki Yeri: Çanakkale Örneği

Ozellikle son yillarda, off-road etkinliklerinin bir bos zaman aktivitesi olarak deger kazandigi,... more Ozellikle son yillarda, off-road etkinliklerinin bir bos zaman aktivitesi olarak deger kazandigi, bircok destinasyonda aktiviteler icin guzergâhlarin belirlendigi gozlemlenmektedir. Buradan hareketle bu calismada, Canakkale'de off-road etkinliklerine katilan bireylerin, bos zaman aktivitesi olarak off-road'u nasil gordukleri, yasam doyumlariyla iliskisi ve Canakkale’de off-road’un bir turistik urun olarak nasil algiladiklari arastirilmaktadir. Buradan hareketle Canakkale’de faaliyet gosteren off-road dernegi araciligiyla off-road etkinliklerine katilan 22 birey ile yari yapilandirilmis derinlemesine gorusme gerceklestirilmistir. Dolayisiyla calismada nitel arastirma yontemlerinden gorusme teknigi uygulanmistir. Yapilan gorusmeler, nitel arastirmalarda siklikla kullanilan icerik analizi ile analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular neticesinde, off-road’un bireylerin hayatinda onemli bir yere sahip oldugu, kesfetmeye, sosyallesmeye, dogayla mucadeleye ve zorluklarla basa cikma...

Research paper thumbnail of Something More Than a Sport, Sailing to the Life

Each day the number of individuals is increasing which wishes for sports, challenges, nature, and... more Each day the number of individuals is increasing which wishes for sports, challenges, nature, and wetland that increases the individual's recreative activities. It is seen that -especially- sailing organizations are getting more attention and also there have been so many competitions that are getting scheduled recently. In this study, it is researched how the individuals approach sailing and how the sailing affects their lives who participated in the sailing organizations in Canakkale, Bozcaada. According to those purposes, an interview was set up with the 13 sailors who participated to the 2019 Naval Forces Cup Sailing Competition which took place in Bozcaada. As a result of the interview, it is observed that sailing takes very important role in individuals life that helps them to socialize, let them challenge the nature and to overcome the issues in their life.

Research paper thumbnail of Off-road Tourism: An Alternative Way for Sustainable Tourism in Çanakkale, Turkey

The number of the tourists participating in tourism activities as an extreme adventure in nature ... more The number of the tourists participating in tourism activities as an extreme adventure in nature in the world is gradually increasing. The off-road tourism, having emerged from people travelling by offroad machines according to their own motives, is becoming more popular, off-road routes are getting enlarged, and projects are developed for off-road activities day by day. Therefore, the elements constituting the offroad tourism have come into prominence and the motivations of the off-road tourists participating off-road activities and its relation on satisfaction with life have been studied. Thus, the aim of this study is to find out the importance that off-road tourists give to and the level of the interest they show for off-road tours. The central question of the study raised on is; what is the level of interest and importance on off-road tourism and how can it be an important touristic attraction for Çanakkale tourism? For this purpose, indepth interview technique was used on 22 o...

Research paper thumbnail of Residents’ Attitudes towards Tourism Development: A Small Community Perspective

THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON FUTURE OF TOURISM: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (Futourism 2018), 2018

Development of tourism destinations require cooperation of local authorities and local people as ... more Development of tourism destinations require cooperation of local authorities and local people as well as the tourism investors. Otherwise, tourism development can result in irreversible environmental impacts when solely viewed as economic benefits, without considering sustainability. Therefore, determining how tourism is perceived and how open to tourism the local people are play a major role in the impact of investments and sustainability of tourism in the destination. In this vein, this study aims to examine residents’ attitudes toward possible tourism development in Kapısuyu Village. Kapısuyu Village in Bartın, Turkey was selected as the study site due to its natural and cultural resources and its location in the Kure Mountains National Park which allows visitors to enjoy various recreational activities. In line with the study objectives, the study analyses how the local people in “Kapısuyu” perceive tourism, what they think about tourism development in their village, what attitudes they develop and their willingness to support tourism development. To achieve the study objectives, semi-structured in-depth interviews were made with the local residents in “Kapısuyu”. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of study findings.


Strategic management process is important for tourism enterprises to sustain their existence and ... more Strategic management process is important for tourism enterprises to sustain their existence and provide competitive advantage in industry. Within the increase in interest to tourism in the world, increasing number of investments and incentives for accommodation enterprises have made and used in a number of countries. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine the importance they show for SWOT analysis that accommodation enterprises and the level of the interest related to implementation and provide relevant suggestions. Also given information about process management for swot analysis. In this study, data collection from two high level manager who managing SWOT procedures in a hotel and used face to face interview method. They explained that process SWOT with nominal group technique work on this hotel.

Research paper thumbnail of Cycle Tourism: a Chance to Develop Alternatives in Çanakkale, Turkey

The number of the cyclists participating tourism activities in the world is gradually increasing.... more The number of the cyclists participating tourism activities in the world is gradually increasing. The cycle tourism, having emerged from people’s travelling by bike according to their own motives, is becoming more popular, cycle routes are getting enlarged, and projects are developed for cycle tours day by day. Therefore, the elements constituting the cycle tourism have come into prominence and the motivations of the cycle tourists participating bike tours have been studied. Thus, the aim of this study is to find out the importance that cycle tourists give to and the level of the interest they show
for cycle tours. The central question of the study raised on is; what is the level of interest and importance on cycling and how can be an important touristic attraction for Çanakkale tourism? For this purpose, in-depth interview technique was used on cyclist groups at different cycle tours in Çanakkale, Turkey. According to the results of the analyses developing cycling by its philosophy and structural requirements in Çanakkale can be feasible in sustainability perspective.


ÖZ Küreselleşme ile yaşam biçiminde oluşan farklılıkların turizm endüstrisine yansıdığı ve farklı... more ÖZ
Küreselleşme ile yaşam biçiminde oluşan farklılıkların turizm endüstrisine yansıdığı ve farklı beslenme türlerinin zamanla sunulan hizmetler arasında yer aldığı görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte içinde bulunduğu coğrafyanın kültürel özelliklerine göre farklılık gösteren yeme-içme alışkanlıkları, yaşanan gelişmelerden etkilenmekte, mevcut tüketim odaklı konsepte hızlı bir şekilde entegre olmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmada dünyada hızla yayılmaya başlayan çiğ beslenme türü kavramsal çerçevede ele alınmakta, yaşayan besinlerin farklı mutfak uygulamalarına değinilmekte ve tüketim kültüründeki algısına yer verilmektedir.
It has been observed that the variations experienced in the lifestyles with the globalization have been reflected in the tourism industry, and a variety of nourishment types have attained a place among the services provided day by day. In addition, food and beverage habits, displaying difference according to the cultural features of the geography they belong to have been expeditiously integrated into the present consumption-oriented concept. Thus, this study investigates a conceptual framework on raw food, which has swiftly spread in the world, examines a variety of cuisine applications for the live food, and includes the perception of live food in the consumption culture.


Öz Deniz turizmi, çevresel duyarlılığı, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki yatırımları, geliştirdiğ... more Öz
Deniz turizmi, çevresel duyarlılığı, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki yatırımları, geliştirdiği iş hacmi, istihdam olanakları, döviz girdileri, sosyo-ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel etkisi ile turizmi bir kalkınma aracı olarak gören ülkeler için önemli hale gelmiş, birçok ülkede deniz turizmine yönelik yatırımlar ve teşvikler hız kazanmıştır. Bu hızlı gelişmeler, aynı zamanda, turizmin tüketimin artmasını kolaylaştıran ve tüketilebilen bir alana dönüştürülmesine, çevresel tehditlerin özellikle kıyı ülkelerinde göz ardı edilemeyecek boyutlara ulaşmasına sebep olmaktadır. Çevrenin sınır tanımadığı göz önüne alındığında, eylem planları ve projelerin zorunlu bir gereksinim haline geldiği, tüketim kültürünün yaygınlaşarak turizm faaliyetlerine yansıdığı, her anı önemsenen işten arda kalan zamanların tüketimsel ve metalaşan bir boyuta dönüştüğü görülmektedir. Buradan hareketle çalışmada, bir kısır döngü haline gelen tüketim ve turizm uygulamalarına değinilmekte, dünyada hızla yayılmaya başlayan çöp adalar kavramsal çerçevede ele alınmakta ve sürdürülebilir uygulamalara yönelik önerilerde bulunulmaktadır.
Marine tourism has become important for the countries which consider tourism as a means of development thanks to its environment awareness, national and international investments, volume of business, employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, socio-economic and socio-cultural impacts, and the investments, and incentives for marine tourism have accelerated in a number of countries. These rapid developments have caused tourism to turn into a field which makes the increase in consumption easier and itself becomes consumable, as well as the environmental threats to reach a dimension that can no longer be ignored especially in coastal countries. Considering that environment cuts across all the boundaries, it has been observed that action plans and special projects have become crucial, consumption culture has become so prevalent that it affects the tourism activities, and leisure times left from the work, of which each moment is precious, have developed into a consumption-relevant and commodified dimension. Thus, this study refers to the consumption and tourism practices that have turned into a vicious circle, investigates the pollution islands that have swiftly spread in the world within a conceptual framework, and makes suggestions with regard to some sustainable practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Medya Kullanımının Turistik Destinasyon Seçimine Etkisi

The aim of this study is to examine the effect of social media usage on choice of destination. In... more The aim of this study is to examine the effect of social media usage on choice of destination. In this research, the structural model is proposed for identifying the effects of social media usage on choosing touristic destination. In regression model, social media usage is identified as an independent variable additionally touristic destination choice is dependent variable with respect to literature review. According
to the purpose as the sampling methods were used in the sampling and field research on the social networking site facebook travel blog users who like the group are included. It is analyzed that descriptive statistical methods for analyzing data obtained using the survey (number, percentage and mean) for the hypothesis tests into statistical analysis methods such as factors correlation and regression were used. As
a result, trust the source of the information obtained through social media, social influence, friend suggestions, perceived value and has been found to have a positive and significant relationship between the choice of destination with a positive attitude towards sharing destination. Moreover, from findings it can be said that there are negative and significance relationship between friend suggestion, perceived value and negative attitudes towards sharing destination and also between negative attitudes towards sharing destination and the choice of destination.

Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Deniz Turizmi ve Tüketim Paradoksu: Tüketirken Tükenmek

Tüketici ve tüketim araştırmaları dergisi, 2018

Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become import... more Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become important for the countries which consider tourism as a means of development thanks to its environment awareness, national and international investments, volume of business, employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, socio-economic and socio-cultural impacts, and the investments, and incentives for marine tourism have accelerated in a number of countries. These rapid developments have caused tourism to turn into a field which makes the increase in consumption easier and itself becomes consumable, as well as the environmental threats to reach a dimension that can no longer be ignored especially in coastal countries. This study refers to the postmodern consumption culture and tourism practices that have turned into a vicious circle, investigates the pollution islands that have swiftly spread in the world within a conceptual framework as a result of marine tourism, and makes suggestions with regard to some sustainable practices.

Research paper thumbnail of The 20th National 4th International Tourism Congress - Eskisehir, Turkey

Hosted by Anadolu University’s Faculty of Tourism, the 20th National 4th International Tourism Co... more Hosted by Anadolu University’s Faculty of Tourism, the 20th National 4th International Tourism Congress was held in Anemon Hotel, Eskisehir between October 16th and 19th, 2019. The fact that Eskisehir has recently gathered momentum in city tourism contributed to the determination of the main theme, and “city tourism” was selected as the main theme of the congress. It was observed that plenty of participants from both international and national arenas were in congress in which several subjects such as economy, marketing and planning of city tourism, smart cities, social life in cities, tour planning and management were addressed. Including PhD colloquium, trip of Sivrihisar, exhibitions of crafts and tourism comics along with presentations and panels, the congresses had an interactive and rich program. “The PhD Colloquium” has been held with the presentations of 5 PhD students for the second time on October 16th, 2019 which was the second day of the Congress, after the first one held...

Research paper thumbnail of Sürdürülebilir Deniz Turizmi ve Tüketim Paradoksu: Tüketirken Tükenmek

Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018

Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become import... more Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become important for the countries which consider tourism as a means of development thanks to its environment awareness, national and international investments, volume of business, employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, socio-economic and socio-cultural impacts, and the investments, and incentives for marine tourism have accelerated in a number of countries. These rapid developments have caused tourism to turn into a field which makes the increase in consumption easier and itself becomes consumable, as well as the environmental threats to reach a dimension that can no longer be ignored especially in coastal countries. This study refers to the postmodern consumption culture and tourism practices that have turned into a vicious circle, investigates the pollution islands that have swiftly spread in the world within a conceptual framework as a result of marine tourism, and makes suggestions with regard to some sustainable practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Sailing as a Recreative Activity and its Relationship with Life Satisfaction

Turizm Akademik Dergisi, Jun 15, 2021



ÖZET Araştırmada engelli bireylerin tükenmişlikleri, turizme katılma kısıtlarının, turizm hareket... more ÖZET Araştırmada engelli bireylerin tükenmişlikleri, turizme katılma kısıtlarının, turizm hareketine katılma motivasyonlarını belirleme ve bu kısıtların, turizm hareketine katılma niyetine etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Engelli bireylerin turizme katılma kısıtları ve motivasyonlarının kaç boyutta toplandığını görebilmek için Açıklayıcı Faktör Analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Tükenmişlik ve Niyet ölçekleri tek boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Ölçek boyutlarına, Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi sonucu son hali verilerek gizil değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmada iki farklı model sınanmış ve anlamlı bulunmuştur. Her iki modelde de sonuç değişken olarak engelli bireylerin turizme katılım niyeti gizil değişkeni alınmıştır. Neden değişken olarak engelli kısıtları ve turizme katılım motivasyonu alınmıştır. Bu iki gizil değişkeni etkilediği düşünen tükenmişlik değişkeni bir diğer neden değişken olarak modele katılmıştır. Sınanan ilk modelde tükenmişlik gizil değişkeninden turizme katılım gizil değişkenine bir yol kurulmaz iken ikinci modelde bu yolun etkise de araştırılmıştır. Sınanan her iki modelde de engelli bireylerde tükenmişliğin turizm motivasyonunu etkilemediği belirlenirken kısıtları etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Engelli bireylerde kısıtların turizme niyet değişkenini ters yönde etkilediği belirlenirken

Research paper thumbnail of Supervisor support and turnover intentions of yacht captains: the role of work-family conflict and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021

Purpose-The purpose of this study was to investigate work-family conflict's (WFC) mediating r... more Purpose-The purpose of this study was to investigate work-family conflict's (WFC) mediating role and psychological resilience's (PR) moderating role on the perceived supervisor support (SS) of yacht captains and their turnover intentions (TI) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach-The authors followed a quantitative approach and conducted a questionnaire survey of 320 Turkish yacht captains. The data were analyzed using SPSS 22 (Process macro v3.4) and AMOS 22 statistics package programs. Findings-Perceived SS has direct and indirect effects on TI with WFC being the intermediate variable. WFC's effect on TI varies according to the yacht captains' levels of PR. Practical implications-This study empirically uncovered the impact of supervisor support and PR levels, the most important factors for ensuring hospitality employees exhibit positive organizational attitudes and behaviors. This study shows that the success of yacht captains in this stressful ...

Research paper thumbnail of How Do Residents Perceive Tourism Development? A Small Community Perspective

Journal of Tourism Quarterly, Mar 31, 2021

This study examines residents' attitudes and behaviors toward possible tourism developmen... more This study examines residents' attitudes and behaviors toward possible tourism development in a small community. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with 20 residents living in a small community, namely Kapısuyu Village in Turkey. Findings suggest that trust in authorities, involvement and the current state of the local economy are important determinants of locals' perceptions of tourism impacts. Although residents have some reservations on negative impacts of tourism development, community members favor tourism development in their small community due to positive benefits it is expected to generate. Findings also indicate that while residents favor tourism development, they want a tourism development that is sustainable and small. Both theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed and conclusions are drawn on the basis of study findings.

Research paper thumbnail of Supervisor support and turnover intentions of yacht captains: the role of work–family conflict and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021

Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate work–family conflict’s (WFC) mediating role ... more Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate work–family conflict’s (WFC) mediating role and psychological resilience’s (PR) moderating role on the perceived supervisor support (SS) of yacht captains and their turnover intentions (TI) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach The authors followed a quantitative approach and conducted a questionnaire survey of 320 Turkish yacht captains. The data were analyzed using SPSS 22 (Process macro v3.4) and AMOS 22 statistics package programs. Findings Perceived SS has direct and indirect effects on TI with WFC being the intermediate variable. WFC’s effect on TI varies according to the yacht captains’ levels of PR. Practical implications This study empirically uncovered the impact of supervisor support and PR levels, the most important factors for ensuring hospitality employees exhibit positive organizational attitudes and behaviors. This study shows that the success of yacht captains in this stressful work environment...

Research paper thumbnail of Cycle Tourism as an Alternative Way of Tourism Development in Çanakkale, Turkey

Journal of Awareness, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Boş Zaman Akti̇vi̇tesi̇ Olarak Daliş Ve Yaşam Doyumu İle İli̇şki̇si̇

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of A Conceptual Framework of Raw Food Diet and Living Foods in Consumption Culture

Journal of Tourismology, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Alternatif Turizm Türü Olarak Off-road Faaliyetlerinin Katılımcıların Yaşamlarındaki Yeri: Çanakkale Örneği

Ozellikle son yillarda, off-road etkinliklerinin bir bos zaman aktivitesi olarak deger kazandigi,... more Ozellikle son yillarda, off-road etkinliklerinin bir bos zaman aktivitesi olarak deger kazandigi, bircok destinasyonda aktiviteler icin guzergâhlarin belirlendigi gozlemlenmektedir. Buradan hareketle bu calismada, Canakkale'de off-road etkinliklerine katilan bireylerin, bos zaman aktivitesi olarak off-road'u nasil gordukleri, yasam doyumlariyla iliskisi ve Canakkale’de off-road’un bir turistik urun olarak nasil algiladiklari arastirilmaktadir. Buradan hareketle Canakkale’de faaliyet gosteren off-road dernegi araciligiyla off-road etkinliklerine katilan 22 birey ile yari yapilandirilmis derinlemesine gorusme gerceklestirilmistir. Dolayisiyla calismada nitel arastirma yontemlerinden gorusme teknigi uygulanmistir. Yapilan gorusmeler, nitel arastirmalarda siklikla kullanilan icerik analizi ile analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular neticesinde, off-road’un bireylerin hayatinda onemli bir yere sahip oldugu, kesfetmeye, sosyallesmeye, dogayla mucadeleye ve zorluklarla basa cikma...

Research paper thumbnail of Something More Than a Sport, Sailing to the Life

Each day the number of individuals is increasing which wishes for sports, challenges, nature, and... more Each day the number of individuals is increasing which wishes for sports, challenges, nature, and wetland that increases the individual's recreative activities. It is seen that -especially- sailing organizations are getting more attention and also there have been so many competitions that are getting scheduled recently. In this study, it is researched how the individuals approach sailing and how the sailing affects their lives who participated in the sailing organizations in Canakkale, Bozcaada. According to those purposes, an interview was set up with the 13 sailors who participated to the 2019 Naval Forces Cup Sailing Competition which took place in Bozcaada. As a result of the interview, it is observed that sailing takes very important role in individuals life that helps them to socialize, let them challenge the nature and to overcome the issues in their life.

Research paper thumbnail of Off-road Tourism: An Alternative Way for Sustainable Tourism in Çanakkale, Turkey

The number of the tourists participating in tourism activities as an extreme adventure in nature ... more The number of the tourists participating in tourism activities as an extreme adventure in nature in the world is gradually increasing. The off-road tourism, having emerged from people travelling by offroad machines according to their own motives, is becoming more popular, off-road routes are getting enlarged, and projects are developed for off-road activities day by day. Therefore, the elements constituting the offroad tourism have come into prominence and the motivations of the off-road tourists participating off-road activities and its relation on satisfaction with life have been studied. Thus, the aim of this study is to find out the importance that off-road tourists give to and the level of the interest they show for off-road tours. The central question of the study raised on is; what is the level of interest and importance on off-road tourism and how can it be an important touristic attraction for Çanakkale tourism? For this purpose, indepth interview technique was used on 22 o...

Research paper thumbnail of Yat Limanı İşletmelerinde Rekabet Stratejileri; Türkiye’deki Uygulamalar

Dunyada yat turizmine ilginin artmasi, yat limanlarina yonelik yatirimlarin on plana cikmasini sa... more Dunyada yat turizmine ilginin artmasi, yat limanlarina yonelik yatirimlarin on plana cikmasini saglamistir. Dolayisiyla dunyada ve Turkiye’de yat limani isletmelerinin sayisi ve sunduklari hizmetlerin nitelikleri degiserek isletmeler arasindaki rekabet her gecen gun artmistir. Gunumuz kosullarinda yat limani isletmelerinin varliklarini surdurebilmeleri ve rekabet ustunlugu saglayabilmeleri, isletmelerin basarili rekabet stratejileri uygulamalarina baglidir. Bu nedenle calismanin amaci, Turkiye’de faaliyet gosteren yat limani isletmelerinin uyguladiklari rekabet stratejilerinin belirlenmesidir. 42 adet yat limani isletmesine yapilan anket calismasi sonucunda elde edilen verilere gore, isletmelerin en fazla farklilastirma stratejisi uyguladiklari belirlenmistir. Ayrica isletmelerin belirli ozellikleri ile uyguladiklari farklilastirma stratejileri arasinda istatistiksel acidan anlamli farkliliklar gosterdigi tespit edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yat limani isletmeleri, rekabet, rekabet...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Yacht Tourism Practices

Management and Marketing Journal, 2017

Yacht tourism has become an important asset for the countries which consider tourism as a means o... more Yacht tourism has become an important asset for the countries which consider tourism as a means of development due to its environment awareness, national and international investments, the volume of business, employment opportunities, foreign exchange income, socio-economic and socio-cultural impact, and an increasing number of investments and incentives for yacht tourism have made and used in a number of countries. In the presence of such rapid developments, the environmental damage caused by yacht tourism has been of importance for coastal countries, and action plans and special projects involving many countries have been developed in order to enhance the awareness of the sustainability of yacht tourism. Given that environment is not a limited source, it is blatant that national or international sustainable tourism practices have been essential for coastal countries and environmental threats are now so severe that they cannot be overlooked. The purpose of the study is to discuss s...

Research paper thumbnail of Yat Kaptanlarının İşe Yabancılaşmaları ve İşten Ayrılma Niyetlerinde Kontrol Odağının Düzenleyici Etkisi (The Effect of Locus of Control on Alienation and Intention to Leave of Yacht Captains)

Journal of Business Research - Turk

Research paper thumbnail of Supervisor support and turnover intentions of yacht captains: the role of work-family conflict and psychological resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021

Purpose-The purpose of this study was to investigate work-family conflict's (WFC) mediating role ... more Purpose-The purpose of this study was to investigate work-family conflict's (WFC) mediating role and psychological resilience's (PR) moderating role on the perceived supervisor support (SS) of yacht captains and their turnover intentions (TI) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Design/methodology/approach-The authors followed a quantitative approach and conducted a questionnaire survey of 320 Turkish yacht captains. The data were analyzed using SPSS 22 (Process macro v3.4) and AMOS 22 statistics package programs.
Findings-Perceived SS has direct and indirect effects on TI with WFC being the intermediate variable. WFC's effect on TI varies according to the yacht captains' levels of PR.
Practical implications-This study empirically uncovered the impact of supervisor support and PR levels, the most important factors for ensuring hospitality employees exhibit positive organizational attitudes and behaviors. This study shows that the success of yacht captains in this stressful work environment depends on positively perceived SS and PR levels. PR regulates the relationship between WFC and TIs. Thus, supervisors should prioritize meeting their employees' expectations to effectively and efficiently manage their human resources, and supervisor support is essential for meeting these expectations.
Originality/value-According to the authors' knowledge, this study is the first to assess the effect of supervisor support on TI, the mediating role of WFC and the moderating role of PR. In addition, the authors aimed to fill the research gaps on yacht captains, as a profession requiring expertise and field experience, and on PR in the tourism industry.

Research paper thumbnail of Sailing as a Recreative Activity and its Relationship with Life Satisfaction

Turizm Akademik Dergisi, 2021

Each day the number of individuals wishing for sports, challenges, nature, and wetland is going u... more Each day the number of individuals wishing for sports, challenges, nature, and wetland is going up, which increases the individual's recreative activities. It is seen that-especially-sailing organizations are paid more attention and also there have been a number of competitions scheduled recently. In this study, it is researched what attitudes individuals have towards sailing and how sailing affects lives of those who participated in the sailing organizations in Çanakkale, Bozcaada. In accordance with these purposes, interviews were conducted with the 15 sailors who participated in the 2019 Naval Forces Cup Sailing Competition on Bozcaada. The data obtained from the interviews were transcribed and evaluated with content analysis method. As a result of the research, it is observed that sailing takes very important role in individuals' life that helps them to socialize, let them challenge the nature and to overcome the issues in their life. This exploratory study is important in providing information on the characteristics of sailors traveling by sailing and the current situation of sailing activities in Turkey in terms of a recreational sense. Moreover, the study contributes to the literature in terms of figuring out how individuals participating in sailing activities position in their life satisfaction and determining their perception about their sailing tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Yat Kaptanlarının İşe Yabancılaşmaları ve İşten Ayrılma Niyetlerinde Kontrol Odağının Düzenleyici Etkisi (The Effect of Locus of Control on Alienation and Intention to Leave of Yacht Captains)

Journal of Business Research - Turk

Research paper thumbnail of Deniz Turizmi / Yat Turizmi

Bu kitapta; denizlerin turizm açısından önemini ortaya koymayı hedeflemiş, denizlerde yürütülen a... more Bu kitapta; denizlerin turizm açısından önemini ortaya koymayı hedeflemiş, denizlerde yürütülen alternatif turizm faaliyetlerine odaklanmıştır. Altı bölüm olarak hazırlanan bu kitap, Türkiye’nin pek çok farklı coğrafyasından ve üniversitesinden akademisyenlerin titiz bir çalışması sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bölümlerin yazımında sadece literatür üzerinden gidilmemiş aynı zamanda yasa ve yönetmeliklerden de mümkün olduğunca faydalanılarak güncel bir mevzuat bilgisi sunulmuştur. Ayrıca bazı bölümler yazarların tez çalışmalarından türetilmiş olup içerik olarak bu bölümlerin üzerinde daha çok durulmuştur.