Irina Grigorova | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)

Papers by Irina Grigorova

[Research paper thumbnail of The Rise of the Bulgarian Perfume’ and Cosmetics’ Industry – “Aroma” and “Alen mak” [in Bulgarian]](

Located in the pre-nationalization buildings and facilities, “Aroma” and “Alen Mak”, the perfumer... more Located in the pre-nationalization buildings and facilities, “Aroma” and “Alen Mak”, the perfumery and cosmetics, respectively, have long been economic sectors neglected by the state because they could not provide the means of production that the heavy industry possessed. After the establishment of “Pharmachim” and the specialization in toothpaste production within the COMECON, attention was finally paid to the modernization of the two plants, the state supporting them to expand their markets, thought they continued to be underestimated against the background of other sectors considered more conducive to the industrialization of the country. Thus, the two companies were able to build up a national and international reputation, largely thanks to high morale and the relentless pursuit of scientific and technical innovation and development.

Research paper thumbnail of The Economic Development? ... How Gabrovo Impressed Abroad (the French View).

Proceedings of the RHM - Gabrovo, 2023

By referring to different types of publications, the research reveals what the state leadership o... more By referring to different types of publications, the research reveals what the state leadership of socialist Bulgaria aimed at to promote as the most typical for the city of Gabrovo (textile industry, lifting & moving equipment production etc.) and what the periodicals actually preferred to cover, acquainted with the audience’s interests.

Research paper thumbnail of Bulgaria's Efforts to Overcome Restrictions in Its Trade with the Common Market in the Context of COMECON - EEC Relations (1960s - 1980s)

Bulgarian Historical Review, 2023

The study presents Bulgaria's business relations with the European Economic Community during the ... more The study presents Bulgaria's business relations with the European Economic Community during the Cold War. The reasons for establishing informal contacts and negotiating more favourable commercial terms are explained. The presentation reveals that the Bulgarian foreign economic policy aimed to protect the national interests, at the same time by maintaining the image of the most loyal Soviet ally as well as by borrowing from other Eastern European countries advantageous practices in the trade with the Community. Their implementation was adjusted and altered according to the varying attitudes of the Soviet leadership - through open or confidential actions.

Research paper thumbnail of PAL, SECAM, NTSC ou bien…? L’implémentation du procédé de télévision en couleur en Bulgarie (les années 1960 – le début des années 1970)

Bulgarian Historical Review, 2022

PAL, SECAM, NTSC or...? The Implementation of Colour Television System in Bulgaria (1960s – the b... more PAL, SECAM, NTSC or...? The Implementation of Colour Television System in Bulgaria (1960s – the beginning of 1970s)
Following the world trends, in the 1970’s Bulgaria switched from black and white to colour television. According to agreements between the USSR and France, it, like all Eastern European countries, had to implement the French system SECAM. Due to financial difficulties, Bulgaria was delaying the realisation of the decision, although the French state used various mechanisms to accelerate this technical operation, which would be of great political importance and contribute to the prestige of France. Based on Bulgarian archival documents, the study reveals internal contradictions between institutions, a series of normative acts with inconsistent decisions and, ultimately, the final rejection of the French system SECAM.

Research paper thumbnail of From Economic Relations to Cultural “Opening”. Highlights from the Artistic Events of Western Europe in China

Istoricheski pregled/Historical Review, 2021

The study presents the strategies of France and Italy to intensify trade with China in the years ... more The study presents the strategies of France and Italy to intensify trade with China in the years after Mao Zedong as a starting point for the development of their cultural influence and vice versa; of Great Britain – to increase humanitarian contacts as a prerequisite for its larger trade supplies. As the topic is very broad, the examples that illustrate the described processes are mainly in the field of music and cinema. More attention is paid to China’s acceptance of Western European initiatives. The text traces and analyzes the development of China’s official positions regarding the foreign cultural presence in the country, and could serve as a guide for developing a successful diplomatic practice.

[Research paper thumbnail of France’s National Security during the Cold War – Allies, Partners and Lessons [in Bulgarian]](

Mezhdunarodni otnosheniya/International Relations, 2020

The research presents the mechanisms by which Paris sought to ensure the realization of the Frenc... more The research presents the mechanisms by which Paris sought to ensure the realization of the French national interests, and therefore – the consolidation of the national security during the Cold war. Although France chose the Free world – as Washington named it – in the post-war ideological division, that Western country kept to pursue its own strategy of establishing diversified relations with major actors, such as the USSR and China. The continuity of the French geopolitical aim to maintain the variety of political partners in the most recent years as well, outside its membership in treaties and organizations, is also outlined in this paper.

Research paper thumbnail of French Policy of Eastern European countries’ cultural opening after the CSCE

French Policy of Eastern European countries’ cultural opening after the CSCE. In: Baeva, I. & Mar... more French Policy of Eastern European countries’ cultural opening after the CSCE. In: Baeva, I. & Marinova-Christidi, R. (eds.) The challenge: Contemporary Bulgarian History. Scientific Collection in honor of prof. Eugenia Kalinova. Sofia University press. 2020, pp. 479-495. [In Bulgarian]

Research paper thumbnail of Bulgarian cultural activity in France during the 1970s

Bulgarian cultural activity in France during the 1970s. In: Proceedings of the IVth National Conf... more Bulgarian cultural activity in France during the 1970s. In: Proceedings of the IVth National Conference of Archeology, History and Cultural tourism TRAVELING TO BULGARIA - „Bulgaria in the European culture, science, education, religion”, Shumen, 14–16 May 2014, Vol. 2. Shumen. 2015, pp. 182-190. [in Bulgarian].


Резюме. Изследването стъпва върху научни публикации, първични архивни документи, мемоарна литерат... more Резюме. Изследването стъпва върху научни публикации, първични архивни документи, мемоарна литература и устна история, за да установи доколко специални отношения, които подчертава и президентът Си Цзинпин по време на разговора си с Еманюел Макрон през март 2019 г., изграждат помежду си Франция и КНР през Студената война. Двете страни споделят общи политически интереси, които действително ги сближават-и Париж, и Пекин са против блоковото разделение и вътрешноблоковото подчинение спрямо двата хегемона. Но в практическо изражение-обменът в търговията и културата-не са постигнати впечатляващи резултати. Китай обаче никога не забравя, че Франция е първата западна държава, която признава КНР (1964) въпреки американската политика на изолация. Ключови думи: Студена война; френско-китайски отношения; външна политика; национални интереси Френско-китайските отношения в годините на Студената война са незас-лужено пренебрегнати в българската историография, а фокусирането върху тях може да се обоснове с няколко аргумента. От една страна, наративът за поведението на Франция в миналото би обогатил проследяването на изграж-дането на общностната политика към Китай на Европейския съюз, чиято членка понастоящем е и България. От друга страна, извеждането на процеса на вземане на решения в Париж в контекста на националните геополитически и стратегически интереси е ключ към възприемането на тогавашните реалии на взаимозависимости, антагонизми, конюнктурни или императивни съюзи, на търсенето на собствения път и на различния подход. Не на последно мяс-то, темата е изключително чувствителна за китайците, те и до днес отдават голямо значение на отношението на Франция към КНР в посочения период съгласно тяхната народна мъдрост "Не забравяй старите си приятели" 1). Франция не успява да се наложи в Китай, както Великобритания прокар-ва имперското си присъствие през XIX в., което бележи мисленето на ро-дените в края на същия век (Мао Дзедун 2)) и в началото на следващия (Дън Civilization Boundaries Цивилизационни граници

Research paper thumbnail of България във външноикономическата политика на Франция (1944-1980). В: Известия на РИМ-Габрово, 2018, т. VI (ISSN: 2367-783X). Фабер. 2019, с. 171-184.

Bulgaria in the foreign economic policy of France (1944-1980). In: Proceedings of Regional Histor... more Bulgaria in the foreign economic policy of France (1944-1980). In: Proceedings of Regional Historical Museum – Gabrovo. 2018. Vol. VI, pp. 171-184. [in Bulgarian]

[Research paper thumbnail of French cultural policy in Bulgaria (1940s – 1980s) [in Bulgarian]](

Dzialo, 2017

In the period from the 1940s to the 1980s, the cultural diplomacy (so-called “soft power”) was th... more In the period from the 1940s to the 1980s, the cultural diplomacy (so-called “soft power”) was the most important instrument of the French foreign policy toward Eastern Europe, Bulgaria in particular. Initially, resuming its influence was not possible for France through other means due to post-war economic and financial weakness. After several years of tension between the East and the West during the Cold War, the second half of the 1950s saw another surge in the French cultural diplomacy. De Gaulle’s five-year plans defined aims, priorities, funds and adaptability. This study reveals the resources and the flexibility of the French cultural policy, its fluctuations and effect on various areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Grigorova, Irina. Craving the support – France in the Bulgarian-Yugoslavian dispute during the first half of the 1970s.

In: Shared Pasts in Central and Southeast Europe, 17th–21st Centuries: Hungarian and Bulgarian Ap... more In: Shared Pasts in Central and Southeast Europe, 17th–21st Centuries: Hungarian and Bulgarian Approaches. Sofia–Budapest. 2015, pp. 329-344.

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Действия СССР и Болгарии по реализации Хельсинкских соглашений во второй половине 70-х гг. ХХ в. и западные державы.

Grigorova, Irina. The Soviet and Bulgarian actions towards the realization of the Helsinki engage... more Grigorova, Irina. The Soviet and Bulgarian actions towards the realization of the Helsinki engagements in the second half of the 1970s and the Western countries. In: Russian-Bulgarian scientific discussions. The Russian and the Bulgarian State: problems of the interactions, XIX-XXI c. Moscow. 2014, pp. 231-249 [in Russian].

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Проблеми на промишленото коопериране между България и Франция (първата половина на 70-те г. на ХХ в.).

Grigorova, Irina. Problems of the Bulgarian-French joint ventures (first half of the 1970s). In: ... more Grigorova, Irina. Problems of the Bulgarian-French joint ventures (first half of the 1970s). In: Proceedings of Regional Historical Museum – Gabrovo. 2013. Vol. 1, pp. 275-288. [in Bulgarian]

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Дипломатическата роля на България и Франция по пътя към Заключителния документ от Хелзинки (1975). В: История, 2017 (т. 25), № 2, с. 141-158.

THE HELSINKI FINAL ACT (1975). In: History, 2017 (vol. 25), № 2, pp. 141-158. [in Bulgarian]

Research paper thumbnail of Grigorova, Irina. L’évaluation de la politique française dans les Balkans d’après les documents diplomatiques bulgares (la première moitié des années 1970). In: Bulgarian Historical Review, 2013, № 3-4, pp. 111-124.

Estimates of French policy in the Balkans in the Bulgarian Diplomatic Documents (First Half of th... more Estimates of French policy in the Balkans in the Bulgarian Diplomatic Documents (First Half of the 1970s).
The study presents the policy of France in the Balkans in the context of its long-term strategic objectives and how it was perceived in Sofia. The role of Paris of a conciliator of countries with strained relations is revealed. On the other hand, countries at loggerheads noticed the increased French interest in the region and tried to direct it in their support on controversial issues. The behavior of France in relation to the contradictions between Turkey and Greece and between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia is also described.

Research paper thumbnail of Grigorova, I. Aspects de la politique bulgare dans les Balkans dans le contexte de la préparation et l’exécution de CSCE. In : BHR, 2017, № 3-4, pp. 187-213. ISSN: 0204-8906.

Grigorova, Irina. Aspects of the Bulgarian Balkan Policy in the Context of the Preparation and Co... more Grigorova, Irina. Aspects of the Bulgarian Balkan Policy in the Context of the Preparation and Conduct of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Despite the popular feature of Bulgaria as the most faithful satellite of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Sofia used cleverly different mechanisms to attract Moscow’s support to ensure national security. One of them was the emphasis on the image of the most loyal Soviet ally, and in the practice of Bulgarian diplomacy one could see the subtle impact by referring to common goals with the global strategic plans of the USSR. The article highlights some of the outstanding issues on the Balkans and follows the arguments that the Bulgarian political leadership handled, as well as the acceptable compromises it was willing to make to ensure Soviet support in favor of national interests in the years of the preparation and conduct of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Привличането на френски туристи в България. Щрихи от държавната политика в областта на туризма и популяризирането на българската култура и на националните исторически обекти до средата на 70-те г. на ХХ в.

Grigorova, Irina. Attracting French tourists to Bulgaria. Outlines of state policy in the field o... more Grigorova, Irina. Attracting French tourists to Bulgaria. Outlines of state policy in the field of tourism and the promotion of Bulgarian culture and national historical sites until the mid-1970s. In: Proceedings of the third National Conference of Archeology, History and Cultural tourism TRAVELING TO BULGARIA - „Bulgaria in the world culture inheritance”, Shumen, 17–19 May 2012. Shumen. 2014, pp. 1110-1120 [in Bulgarian].

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Акцент във френската външна политика: Източна Европа в официалните приветствия и пресконференции на президента Жорж Помпиду (1969-1974). В: Минало, 2013, № 1, с. 74-84.

Grigorova, Irina. Accent in the French foreign policy: Eastern Europe in the official speeches an... more Grigorova, Irina. Accent in the French foreign policy: Eastern Europe in the official speeches and the press conferences of President Georges Pompidou (1969-1974). In: review Minalo, 2013, No. 1, pp. 74-84 [in Bulgarian].

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Колебания и решителност: техническите контакти на България с ЕИО в края на 60-те и началото на 70-те г. на ХХ в. В: Исторически преглед, 2012, № 5-6, с. 127-144.

Grigorova, Irina. Hesitations and resolution: the technical contacts of Bulgaria with the EEC in ... more Grigorova, Irina. Hesitations and resolution: the technical contacts of Bulgaria with the EEC in the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s. In: Istoricheski pregled, 2012, No. 5-6, pp. 127-144 [in Bulgarian].

[Research paper thumbnail of The Rise of the Bulgarian Perfume’ and Cosmetics’ Industry – “Aroma” and “Alen mak” [in Bulgarian]](

Located in the pre-nationalization buildings and facilities, “Aroma” and “Alen Mak”, the perfumer... more Located in the pre-nationalization buildings and facilities, “Aroma” and “Alen Mak”, the perfumery and cosmetics, respectively, have long been economic sectors neglected by the state because they could not provide the means of production that the heavy industry possessed. After the establishment of “Pharmachim” and the specialization in toothpaste production within the COMECON, attention was finally paid to the modernization of the two plants, the state supporting them to expand their markets, thought they continued to be underestimated against the background of other sectors considered more conducive to the industrialization of the country. Thus, the two companies were able to build up a national and international reputation, largely thanks to high morale and the relentless pursuit of scientific and technical innovation and development.

Research paper thumbnail of The Economic Development? ... How Gabrovo Impressed Abroad (the French View).

Proceedings of the RHM - Gabrovo, 2023

By referring to different types of publications, the research reveals what the state leadership o... more By referring to different types of publications, the research reveals what the state leadership of socialist Bulgaria aimed at to promote as the most typical for the city of Gabrovo (textile industry, lifting & moving equipment production etc.) and what the periodicals actually preferred to cover, acquainted with the audience’s interests.

Research paper thumbnail of Bulgaria's Efforts to Overcome Restrictions in Its Trade with the Common Market in the Context of COMECON - EEC Relations (1960s - 1980s)

Bulgarian Historical Review, 2023

The study presents Bulgaria's business relations with the European Economic Community during the ... more The study presents Bulgaria's business relations with the European Economic Community during the Cold War. The reasons for establishing informal contacts and negotiating more favourable commercial terms are explained. The presentation reveals that the Bulgarian foreign economic policy aimed to protect the national interests, at the same time by maintaining the image of the most loyal Soviet ally as well as by borrowing from other Eastern European countries advantageous practices in the trade with the Community. Their implementation was adjusted and altered according to the varying attitudes of the Soviet leadership - through open or confidential actions.

Research paper thumbnail of PAL, SECAM, NTSC ou bien…? L’implémentation du procédé de télévision en couleur en Bulgarie (les années 1960 – le début des années 1970)

Bulgarian Historical Review, 2022

PAL, SECAM, NTSC or...? The Implementation of Colour Television System in Bulgaria (1960s – the b... more PAL, SECAM, NTSC or...? The Implementation of Colour Television System in Bulgaria (1960s – the beginning of 1970s)
Following the world trends, in the 1970’s Bulgaria switched from black and white to colour television. According to agreements between the USSR and France, it, like all Eastern European countries, had to implement the French system SECAM. Due to financial difficulties, Bulgaria was delaying the realisation of the decision, although the French state used various mechanisms to accelerate this technical operation, which would be of great political importance and contribute to the prestige of France. Based on Bulgarian archival documents, the study reveals internal contradictions between institutions, a series of normative acts with inconsistent decisions and, ultimately, the final rejection of the French system SECAM.

Research paper thumbnail of From Economic Relations to Cultural “Opening”. Highlights from the Artistic Events of Western Europe in China

Istoricheski pregled/Historical Review, 2021

The study presents the strategies of France and Italy to intensify trade with China in the years ... more The study presents the strategies of France and Italy to intensify trade with China in the years after Mao Zedong as a starting point for the development of their cultural influence and vice versa; of Great Britain – to increase humanitarian contacts as a prerequisite for its larger trade supplies. As the topic is very broad, the examples that illustrate the described processes are mainly in the field of music and cinema. More attention is paid to China’s acceptance of Western European initiatives. The text traces and analyzes the development of China’s official positions regarding the foreign cultural presence in the country, and could serve as a guide for developing a successful diplomatic practice.

[Research paper thumbnail of France’s National Security during the Cold War – Allies, Partners and Lessons [in Bulgarian]](

Mezhdunarodni otnosheniya/International Relations, 2020

The research presents the mechanisms by which Paris sought to ensure the realization of the Frenc... more The research presents the mechanisms by which Paris sought to ensure the realization of the French national interests, and therefore – the consolidation of the national security during the Cold war. Although France chose the Free world – as Washington named it – in the post-war ideological division, that Western country kept to pursue its own strategy of establishing diversified relations with major actors, such as the USSR and China. The continuity of the French geopolitical aim to maintain the variety of political partners in the most recent years as well, outside its membership in treaties and organizations, is also outlined in this paper.

Research paper thumbnail of French Policy of Eastern European countries’ cultural opening after the CSCE

French Policy of Eastern European countries’ cultural opening after the CSCE. In: Baeva, I. & Mar... more French Policy of Eastern European countries’ cultural opening after the CSCE. In: Baeva, I. & Marinova-Christidi, R. (eds.) The challenge: Contemporary Bulgarian History. Scientific Collection in honor of prof. Eugenia Kalinova. Sofia University press. 2020, pp. 479-495. [In Bulgarian]

Research paper thumbnail of Bulgarian cultural activity in France during the 1970s

Bulgarian cultural activity in France during the 1970s. In: Proceedings of the IVth National Conf... more Bulgarian cultural activity in France during the 1970s. In: Proceedings of the IVth National Conference of Archeology, History and Cultural tourism TRAVELING TO BULGARIA - „Bulgaria in the European culture, science, education, religion”, Shumen, 14–16 May 2014, Vol. 2. Shumen. 2015, pp. 182-190. [in Bulgarian].


Резюме. Изследването стъпва върху научни публикации, първични архивни документи, мемоарна литерат... more Резюме. Изследването стъпва върху научни публикации, първични архивни документи, мемоарна литература и устна история, за да установи доколко специални отношения, които подчертава и президентът Си Цзинпин по време на разговора си с Еманюел Макрон през март 2019 г., изграждат помежду си Франция и КНР през Студената война. Двете страни споделят общи политически интереси, които действително ги сближават-и Париж, и Пекин са против блоковото разделение и вътрешноблоковото подчинение спрямо двата хегемона. Но в практическо изражение-обменът в търговията и културата-не са постигнати впечатляващи резултати. Китай обаче никога не забравя, че Франция е първата западна държава, която признава КНР (1964) въпреки американската политика на изолация. Ключови думи: Студена война; френско-китайски отношения; външна политика; национални интереси Френско-китайските отношения в годините на Студената война са незас-лужено пренебрегнати в българската историография, а фокусирането върху тях може да се обоснове с няколко аргумента. От една страна, наративът за поведението на Франция в миналото би обогатил проследяването на изграж-дането на общностната политика към Китай на Европейския съюз, чиято членка понастоящем е и България. От друга страна, извеждането на процеса на вземане на решения в Париж в контекста на националните геополитически и стратегически интереси е ключ към възприемането на тогавашните реалии на взаимозависимости, антагонизми, конюнктурни или императивни съюзи, на търсенето на собствения път и на различния подход. Не на последно мяс-то, темата е изключително чувствителна за китайците, те и до днес отдават голямо значение на отношението на Франция към КНР в посочения период съгласно тяхната народна мъдрост "Не забравяй старите си приятели" 1). Франция не успява да се наложи в Китай, както Великобритания прокар-ва имперското си присъствие през XIX в., което бележи мисленето на ро-дените в края на същия век (Мао Дзедун 2)) и в началото на следващия (Дън Civilization Boundaries Цивилизационни граници

Research paper thumbnail of България във външноикономическата политика на Франция (1944-1980). В: Известия на РИМ-Габрово, 2018, т. VI (ISSN: 2367-783X). Фабер. 2019, с. 171-184.

Bulgaria in the foreign economic policy of France (1944-1980). In: Proceedings of Regional Histor... more Bulgaria in the foreign economic policy of France (1944-1980). In: Proceedings of Regional Historical Museum – Gabrovo. 2018. Vol. VI, pp. 171-184. [in Bulgarian]

[Research paper thumbnail of French cultural policy in Bulgaria (1940s – 1980s) [in Bulgarian]](

Dzialo, 2017

In the period from the 1940s to the 1980s, the cultural diplomacy (so-called “soft power”) was th... more In the period from the 1940s to the 1980s, the cultural diplomacy (so-called “soft power”) was the most important instrument of the French foreign policy toward Eastern Europe, Bulgaria in particular. Initially, resuming its influence was not possible for France through other means due to post-war economic and financial weakness. After several years of tension between the East and the West during the Cold War, the second half of the 1950s saw another surge in the French cultural diplomacy. De Gaulle’s five-year plans defined aims, priorities, funds and adaptability. This study reveals the resources and the flexibility of the French cultural policy, its fluctuations and effect on various areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Grigorova, Irina. Craving the support – France in the Bulgarian-Yugoslavian dispute during the first half of the 1970s.

In: Shared Pasts in Central and Southeast Europe, 17th–21st Centuries: Hungarian and Bulgarian Ap... more In: Shared Pasts in Central and Southeast Europe, 17th–21st Centuries: Hungarian and Bulgarian Approaches. Sofia–Budapest. 2015, pp. 329-344.

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Действия СССР и Болгарии по реализации Хельсинкских соглашений во второй половине 70-х гг. ХХ в. и западные державы.

Grigorova, Irina. The Soviet and Bulgarian actions towards the realization of the Helsinki engage... more Grigorova, Irina. The Soviet and Bulgarian actions towards the realization of the Helsinki engagements in the second half of the 1970s and the Western countries. In: Russian-Bulgarian scientific discussions. The Russian and the Bulgarian State: problems of the interactions, XIX-XXI c. Moscow. 2014, pp. 231-249 [in Russian].

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Проблеми на промишленото коопериране между България и Франция (първата половина на 70-те г. на ХХ в.).

Grigorova, Irina. Problems of the Bulgarian-French joint ventures (first half of the 1970s). In: ... more Grigorova, Irina. Problems of the Bulgarian-French joint ventures (first half of the 1970s). In: Proceedings of Regional Historical Museum – Gabrovo. 2013. Vol. 1, pp. 275-288. [in Bulgarian]

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Дипломатическата роля на България и Франция по пътя към Заключителния документ от Хелзинки (1975). В: История, 2017 (т. 25), № 2, с. 141-158.

THE HELSINKI FINAL ACT (1975). In: History, 2017 (vol. 25), № 2, pp. 141-158. [in Bulgarian]

Research paper thumbnail of Grigorova, Irina. L’évaluation de la politique française dans les Balkans d’après les documents diplomatiques bulgares (la première moitié des années 1970). In: Bulgarian Historical Review, 2013, № 3-4, pp. 111-124.

Estimates of French policy in the Balkans in the Bulgarian Diplomatic Documents (First Half of th... more Estimates of French policy in the Balkans in the Bulgarian Diplomatic Documents (First Half of the 1970s).
The study presents the policy of France in the Balkans in the context of its long-term strategic objectives and how it was perceived in Sofia. The role of Paris of a conciliator of countries with strained relations is revealed. On the other hand, countries at loggerheads noticed the increased French interest in the region and tried to direct it in their support on controversial issues. The behavior of France in relation to the contradictions between Turkey and Greece and between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia is also described.

Research paper thumbnail of Grigorova, I. Aspects de la politique bulgare dans les Balkans dans le contexte de la préparation et l’exécution de CSCE. In : BHR, 2017, № 3-4, pp. 187-213. ISSN: 0204-8906.

Grigorova, Irina. Aspects of the Bulgarian Balkan Policy in the Context of the Preparation and Co... more Grigorova, Irina. Aspects of the Bulgarian Balkan Policy in the Context of the Preparation and Conduct of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Despite the popular feature of Bulgaria as the most faithful satellite of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Sofia used cleverly different mechanisms to attract Moscow’s support to ensure national security. One of them was the emphasis on the image of the most loyal Soviet ally, and in the practice of Bulgarian diplomacy one could see the subtle impact by referring to common goals with the global strategic plans of the USSR. The article highlights some of the outstanding issues on the Balkans and follows the arguments that the Bulgarian political leadership handled, as well as the acceptable compromises it was willing to make to ensure Soviet support in favor of national interests in the years of the preparation and conduct of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Привличането на френски туристи в България. Щрихи от държавната политика в областта на туризма и популяризирането на българската култура и на националните исторически обекти до средата на 70-те г. на ХХ в.

Grigorova, Irina. Attracting French tourists to Bulgaria. Outlines of state policy in the field o... more Grigorova, Irina. Attracting French tourists to Bulgaria. Outlines of state policy in the field of tourism and the promotion of Bulgarian culture and national historical sites until the mid-1970s. In: Proceedings of the third National Conference of Archeology, History and Cultural tourism TRAVELING TO BULGARIA - „Bulgaria in the world culture inheritance”, Shumen, 17–19 May 2012. Shumen. 2014, pp. 1110-1120 [in Bulgarian].

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Акцент във френската външна политика: Източна Европа в официалните приветствия и пресконференции на президента Жорж Помпиду (1969-1974). В: Минало, 2013, № 1, с. 74-84.

Grigorova, Irina. Accent in the French foreign policy: Eastern Europe in the official speeches an... more Grigorova, Irina. Accent in the French foreign policy: Eastern Europe in the official speeches and the press conferences of President Georges Pompidou (1969-1974). In: review Minalo, 2013, No. 1, pp. 74-84 [in Bulgarian].

Research paper thumbnail of Григорова, Ирина. Колебания и решителност: техническите контакти на България с ЕИО в края на 60-те и началото на 70-те г. на ХХ в. В: Исторически преглед, 2012, № 5-6, с. 127-144.

Grigorova, Irina. Hesitations and resolution: the technical contacts of Bulgaria with the EEC in ... more Grigorova, Irina. Hesitations and resolution: the technical contacts of Bulgaria with the EEC in the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s. In: Istoricheski pregled, 2012, No. 5-6, pp. 127-144 [in Bulgarian].