Jassen Andreev | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)

Phenomenology as Constitution Analysis by Jassen Andreev

Research paper thumbnail of Notes on the Dialogue between Phenomenology and Mathematics: Husserl and Becker.


Becker’s philosophy from Mathematische Existenz represents the attempt at a unique synthesis of H... more Becker’s philosophy from Mathematische Existenz represents the attempt at a unique synthesis of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology and, building on this, the remarkable attempt at a reconciliation of mathematics and consti
tutive phenomenology. Ultimately, Becker opts in his work on the philosophy of mathematics for a further Begründungskontext, which Heidegger announced as the “second formation of the phenomenological research” (zweite Ausbildung der phänomenologischen Forschung) (GA 20: VII) and which he systematically developed under the title Fundamental Ontology.” Becker’s Mathematische Existenz seeks to advance “essentially and intelligibly” (wesentlich und einsichtig) the relation between the meaning‑structure of the mathematical and the ontological structure, the sense of being (Seinssinn), of the finite human being (to put it in the language of existential analytics, of the existence of Dasein) (Becker 1928/1929: 382–383). The anthropological foundation of mathemat
ical phenomena constitutes a strategy of de‑anthropologizing mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Seinsfrage in Terms of Both Its Formal Sense and Its Thematical Content

Philosophical Alternatives, 2020

There are quite a number of controversially discussed difficulties that any interpretation of Hei... more There are quite a number of controversially discussed difficulties that any interpretation of Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy faces. Prof. Frede’s study on Heidegger and the question of Being provides a clarification of the sense(s) in which the Seinsfrage came to vex the young Heidegger, in his early writings and in Being and Time. The present preface to the translation of her study is limited in its aims to an outline of the very positions he occupies with respect to two of the notorious interpretative issues concerning Heidegger’s project of fundamental ontology: (1) The problem of how to specify the very complex meaning (not of the Being per se, but) of the enigmatic Seinsfrage itself, since we must, to be sure, have some answer to the preliminary question “What exactly does Heidegger’s problem of Being consist in?” in order to raise anew the question “What is the meaning of Being?”. It just cannot possibly be known “What is the sense of Being?”, without having recourse to the meaning of the Seinsfrage itself. However, as Heidegger’s thinking evolved, the meaning of the question changed. (2) The problem of the different interpretative approaches (life-philosophical, existentialist, anthropological, metaphysical, scholastical, phenomenological, transcendental, hermeneutic-historical, deconstructivist, pragmatist) to the main exposition of the Being-question in Heidegger’s magnum opus and their critical evaluation.
• Keywords: Heidegger; phenomenological philosophy, meaning; intelligibility; Seinsfrage; formal sense; problem of Being; Da-sein; phenomenology; language;


Science, 2021

This paper focuses on the meaning and structure of Husserl's explanation of the 'logical and psyc... more This paper focuses on the meaning and structure of Husserl's explanation of the 'logical and psychological' nature of basic arithmetic concepts. It is divided into four parts. The first part aims to clarify the talk about the mathematical roots and beginning of Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology. The second part discusses the problem of arithmetization of mathematics, which has largely shaped many important developments of modern mathematics and logic. It is this Arithmetisierungsprogramm that generated the specific problem context as a reaction to which phenomenological philosophy constituted itself. Both Husserl and Frege built upon the reduction of all kinds of numbers to natural numbers, and both of them adopted the notion of number as having a universal nature (universalissimum). The third and the fourth parts examine Husserl's step beyond the arithmetization of analysis and beyond the logification of elementary arithmetics in the direction of its 'radical justification'. Particular emphasis is placed on the strategy of the Philosophy of Arithmetics (1891) to analyze the concept of natural numbers in notions (pivotal yet just as much harmful to philosophy) such as Vorstellungen, mental phenomena and representations.

Key words: the talk about mathematical roots and beginning of phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the idea of arithmetization of modern mathematics, the reduction of all kinds of numbers to natural numbers, the notion of number as universalissimum, Vorstellungen and concepts, mental phenomena and representations, Oskar Becker, Gottlob Frege.

Research paper thumbnail of La phénoménologie au carrefour-1927

Phenomenology at the crossroads - 1927, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Husserls Antwort auf Sein und Zeit (Paper presented at Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology at Charles University Prague and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Research paper thumbnail of Die Phänomenologie am Kreuzweg

Ontosemantics by Jassen Andreev

Research paper thumbnail of WHAT IS THE QUESTION

The present preface to the translation of Magda King's study introduces her five main arguments r... more The present preface to the translation of Magda King's study introduces her five main arguments related to the difficulties that any interpretation of Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy faces. An essential doubt and concern of King is that Heidegger's Seinsfrage is a question focused on illuminating the obscure meaning of one or more basic ontological terms. So, she undertakes to dispel the dangerous suspicion that Heidegger may be merely concerned with the meaning of a word. The question of the meaning of being is not at all to be understood onto-semantically but as a question of the meaning of being itself. However, what could it even mean to ask about the meaning of being without the formal question asking on the very content of the Seinsfrage being raised, and, accordingly, without the two different material questions (What does the word "being" mean? and What does being as being mean?) being carefully distinguished? What does it mean to raise the question without at least giving a prior clarification of the sense of the word-problem?


Philosophical Alternatives, 2020

There are quite a number of controversially discussed difficulties that any interpretation of Hei... more There are quite a number of controversially discussed difficulties that any interpretation of Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy faces. Prof. Frede's study on Heidegger and the question of Being provides a clarification of the sense(s) in which the Seinsfrage came to vex the young Heidegger, in his early writings and in Being and Time. The present preface to the translation of her study is limited in its aims to an outline of the very positions he occupies with respect to two of the notorious interpretative issues concerning Heidegger's project of fundamental on-tology: (1) The problem of how to specify the very complex meaning (not of the Being per se, but) of the enigmatic Seinsfrage itself, since we must, to be sure, have some answer to the preliminary question "What exactly does Heidegger's problem of Being consist in?" in order to raise anew the question "What is the meaning of Being?". It just cannot possibly be known "What is the sense of Being?", without having recourse to the meaning of the Seinsfrage itself. However, as Heidegger's thinking evolved, the meaning of the question changed. (2) The problem of the different interpretative approaches (life-philosophical, existentialist, anthropological, metaphysical, scholastical, phenomenological, transcendental, hermeneutic-historical , deconstructivist, pragmatist) to the main exposition of the Being-question in Heidegger's magnum opus and their critical evaluation.
Keywords: difficulties of Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy, meaning and intelligibility, die Seinsfrage in terms of both its formal sense and its thematical content, the changing meaning of the problem of Being, Da-sein, phenomenology and language.

Research paper thumbnail of T 10 BIO Gilbert Ryle biographical notice

Research paper thumbnail of Битието и неговата празна тайна. (The Being and its empty secret.)

https://kultura.bg/web/%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D1%82%D0%BE-%D0%B8-%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%B0/, Sep 15, 2022

„Далеч по-малко това, което Хусерл има да каже срещу Хайдегер относно въпроса за битието на биващ... more „Далеч по-малко това, което Хусерл има да каже срещу Хайдегер относно въпроса за битието на биващото (die Frage nach dem Sein des Seiеnden), е най-показателното и най-поучителното от този останал скрит критически сб лъсък с наследника, отколкото така очевидната и несъмнена липса на интерес към самия този въпрос, която вече имплицира и обезценяването на отговора.“ (стр. 233) Казаното тук относно специфичната Хусерлова нагласа спрямо прословутото питане за смисъла на битие (Seinssinnfrage) може с добри основания да бъде отнесено и към тази на самия Блуменберг .
Както Хусерл, така и той не съумява да види който и да е понятен смисъл в този въпрос. И както Хусерл, така и той съответно отхвърля смисъла на битието изобщо като експлицитния най-изначален и най-основен проб лем движещ философията. В своите метафорологични работи Блуменберг привежда многократно Хайдегеровото битие като параден пример за една „абсолютна метафора“. Как той се отнася и колко дистанцирано е неговото отношение към метафизичния въпрос за битие (Seinsfrage) е видно на много и различни места в неговото богато творчество.

Research paper thumbnail of Translation of: Dorothea Frede "The Question of Being: Heidegger’s Project" (Stefan Dimitrov, Jassen Andreev)

Question of Being: Heidegger’s Project, 2020

Prof. Frede’s study aims to analyze Martin Heidegger’s famous Frage nach dem Sinn vom Sein in rel... more Prof. Frede’s study aims to analyze Martin Heidegger’s famous Frage nach dem Sinn vom Sein in relation to his severe criticism of, and hidden dependence on, the tradition of Western metaphysics. The study offers an interesting pluralistic approach, according to which specific meanings of die Seinsfrage correspond to the different phases of the development of Heidegger’s thinking. It traces above all the formulations that this remarkable question received in his early works (The Doctrine of Judgment in Psychologism: A Critical-Theoretical Contribution to Logic and Duns Scotus’ Doctrine of Categories and Meaning) and in his magnum opus. The study represents a big and complex philosophical domain not only through historical-philosophical investigations, but also as a result of a critical account of basic statements of Heidegger’s thought. It also clarifies some of the reasons why the forgetfulness of Being (die Seinsvergessenheit) was proclaimed by Heidegger as the most significant omission in the entire history of Western philosophy. But is this fateful omission capable of rectification, and can it be taken for granted that it is in need of some rectification? Keywords: Heidegger; Frage nach dem Sinn vom Sein; Western metaphysics; meanings; die Seinsfrage; judgment; logical psychologism; categories and meaning; forgetfulness of being;

Research paper thumbnail of Phenomenology at the crossroads -1927

Kant by Jassen Andreev

Research paper thumbnail of Personalitas Moralis: A Heideggerian Critique of Kant's Formula of the Human Being as an End in itself

Research paper thumbnail of Kant.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of kant.pdf



In the Transcendental Dialectic of Critique of Pure Reason, Kant undertakes a terminological over... more In the Transcendental Dialectic of Critique of Pure Reason, Kant undertakes a terminological overhaul of all early modern philosophy. His philosophy of consciousness is dominated by the concept of the idea, which forgets the authentic Platonic idea, as it falls victim to careless terminological chaos and becomes responsible for „intolerable“ conceptual confusion. For one who has understood the intent and meaning of Kant’s critique of the tradition, it easily becomes “unendurable” to see the term “idea” applied to mental phenomena (presentations) other than concepts of reason (Vernunfbegriffe).


Research paper thumbnail of DIE Lebenswelt und die relativen Sonderwelten des Handelns

Research paper thumbnail of Unbestimmte Offenheit. Zum Husserls Begriff vom praktischen Vorwissen.

Husserl’s view of practical experience, the internal connection between action and knowledge, dif... more Husserl’s view of practical experience, the internal connection between action and knowledge, different forms of implicit knowledge, the relevance of passive knowledge for action, practical conceptualization of experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Kausal-Stil and Kausal-Regelung in Husserl

Der Gegner der phänomenologischen Philosophie im spezifischen Husserlschen Sinne ist der neuzeitl... more Der Gegner der phänomenologischen Philosophie im spezifischen Husserlschen Sinne ist der neuzeitlichen Naturalismus. Husserls Kritik an der Annahme einer Handlungs-Kausalität ist nur aus seiner Kritik der Naturalisierung des menschlichen Bewusstseins heraus zu verstehen. Insbesondere der Begriff der Motivation ist von Husserl als Gegenbegriff zu dem der Naturkausalität intendiert worden. Das Grundverhältnis der personalistischen Einstellung in der Lebenswelt ist das der Motivation, nicht aber das der Kausalität. Die intentionalen Motivation soll zwar von der Naturkausalität grundverschieden sein, ist aber immerhin analog zu der Kausalität („Motivationskausalität“) charakterisiert.
Zugleich zeichnet sich Husserls phänomenologischer Ansatz durch eine große Abhängigkeit gerade von den von ihm bekämpften naturalistischen und kausalistischen Positionen aus.
Husserls intentionalistische Handlungstheorie bleibt insofern dualistisch, als der
Gegensatz von Mentalem und Korporalem durch die Trennung von real-kausaler und intentionaler Beziehungen ersetzt wird, insofern mentalistisch, als mentale Entitäten namens Willensakte den Vollzug einer Handlung überhaupt erst einleiten („Entschlusswille“) und dann in seinem Verlauf begleiten („Handlungswille“), insofern kausalistisch, als die Motivation zwar keine Naturkausalität ist,
aberimmerhin als eine Sonderform der Kausalität („Motivationskausalität“) bestimmt wird.

Research paper thumbnail of Das Handlungsproblem in der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls. Vortag im Rahmen der Veranstaltungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie.

Husserls Handlungsverständnis soll in Verbindung mit der phänomenologischen Konstitutionsproblema... more Husserls Handlungsverständnis soll in Verbindung mit der phänomenologischen Konstitutionsproblematik rekonstruiert werden. Der Akzent des Interesses liegt auf vier zentrale Lehrstücke:

  1. Inhalt und Umfang vom Husserls Handlungsbegriff.
  2. die Auffassung vom wissenschaftlichen Erkennen als besonderer Art Praxis.
  3. das Konzept vom „praktischen Vor-Wissen“.
  4. Husserls mentalistisch fehlgeleiteter Versuch, das lebensweltliche Handeln als vom Bewusstsein abgeleitetes Phänomen zu deuten.
    Dem Alltagshandeln sind schon konstituierten Sinn-Einheiten vorgegeben und dieses lebensweltliches Handeln kann für Husserl daher nur als späte Endprodukt einer vorgängigen Konstitutionsgenese in den Blick tretten. Dadurch werden aber die Möglichkeitsbedingungen der Praxis durch spezifische Leistungen festgelegt, welche der Sphäre des Bewußtseins entspringen, und sein prä-mundanes Leben erschöpft sich in einem abstraktiven cogitare. Die Frage nach der weltkonstituierenden Leistungen des Bewustseins als die Frage nach der verborgenen Konstitutionsquelle der Sein der Welt ist mithin die spezifische Frage der phänomenologischen Philosophie im Husserlschen Sinn. Daher kann Husserl bis zu seinem letzen Werk gegen Heidegger und seine weiteren Schülern der Gedanke ausspielen: “Das Interesse des Phänomenologen zielt nicht ab auf die fertige Welt, nicht auf das äußerlich absichtliche Handeln in ihr, das selbst ein »Konstituiertes« ist.” (Krisis S. 180)

Research paper thumbnail of Notes on the Dialogue between Phenomenology and Mathematics: Husserl and Becker.


Becker’s philosophy from Mathematische Existenz represents the attempt at a unique synthesis of H... more Becker’s philosophy from Mathematische Existenz represents the attempt at a unique synthesis of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology and, building on this, the remarkable attempt at a reconciliation of mathematics and consti
tutive phenomenology. Ultimately, Becker opts in his work on the philosophy of mathematics for a further Begründungskontext, which Heidegger announced as the “second formation of the phenomenological research” (zweite Ausbildung der phänomenologischen Forschung) (GA 20: VII) and which he systematically developed under the title Fundamental Ontology.” Becker’s Mathematische Existenz seeks to advance “essentially and intelligibly” (wesentlich und einsichtig) the relation between the meaning‑structure of the mathematical and the ontological structure, the sense of being (Seinssinn), of the finite human being (to put it in the language of existential analytics, of the existence of Dasein) (Becker 1928/1929: 382–383). The anthropological foundation of mathemat
ical phenomena constitutes a strategy of de‑anthropologizing mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Seinsfrage in Terms of Both Its Formal Sense and Its Thematical Content

Philosophical Alternatives, 2020

There are quite a number of controversially discussed difficulties that any interpretation of Hei... more There are quite a number of controversially discussed difficulties that any interpretation of Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy faces. Prof. Frede’s study on Heidegger and the question of Being provides a clarification of the sense(s) in which the Seinsfrage came to vex the young Heidegger, in his early writings and in Being and Time. The present preface to the translation of her study is limited in its aims to an outline of the very positions he occupies with respect to two of the notorious interpretative issues concerning Heidegger’s project of fundamental ontology: (1) The problem of how to specify the very complex meaning (not of the Being per se, but) of the enigmatic Seinsfrage itself, since we must, to be sure, have some answer to the preliminary question “What exactly does Heidegger’s problem of Being consist in?” in order to raise anew the question “What is the meaning of Being?”. It just cannot possibly be known “What is the sense of Being?”, without having recourse to the meaning of the Seinsfrage itself. However, as Heidegger’s thinking evolved, the meaning of the question changed. (2) The problem of the different interpretative approaches (life-philosophical, existentialist, anthropological, metaphysical, scholastical, phenomenological, transcendental, hermeneutic-historical, deconstructivist, pragmatist) to the main exposition of the Being-question in Heidegger’s magnum opus and their critical evaluation.
• Keywords: Heidegger; phenomenological philosophy, meaning; intelligibility; Seinsfrage; formal sense; problem of Being; Da-sein; phenomenology; language;


Science, 2021

This paper focuses on the meaning and structure of Husserl's explanation of the 'logical and psyc... more This paper focuses on the meaning and structure of Husserl's explanation of the 'logical and psychological' nature of basic arithmetic concepts. It is divided into four parts. The first part aims to clarify the talk about the mathematical roots and beginning of Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology. The second part discusses the problem of arithmetization of mathematics, which has largely shaped many important developments of modern mathematics and logic. It is this Arithmetisierungsprogramm that generated the specific problem context as a reaction to which phenomenological philosophy constituted itself. Both Husserl and Frege built upon the reduction of all kinds of numbers to natural numbers, and both of them adopted the notion of number as having a universal nature (universalissimum). The third and the fourth parts examine Husserl's step beyond the arithmetization of analysis and beyond the logification of elementary arithmetics in the direction of its 'radical justification'. Particular emphasis is placed on the strategy of the Philosophy of Arithmetics (1891) to analyze the concept of natural numbers in notions (pivotal yet just as much harmful to philosophy) such as Vorstellungen, mental phenomena and representations.

Key words: the talk about mathematical roots and beginning of phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the idea of arithmetization of modern mathematics, the reduction of all kinds of numbers to natural numbers, the notion of number as universalissimum, Vorstellungen and concepts, mental phenomena and representations, Oskar Becker, Gottlob Frege.

Research paper thumbnail of La phénoménologie au carrefour-1927

Phenomenology at the crossroads - 1927, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Husserls Antwort auf Sein und Zeit (Paper presented at Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology at Charles University Prague and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Research paper thumbnail of Die Phänomenologie am Kreuzweg

Research paper thumbnail of WHAT IS THE QUESTION

The present preface to the translation of Magda King's study introduces her five main arguments r... more The present preface to the translation of Magda King's study introduces her five main arguments related to the difficulties that any interpretation of Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy faces. An essential doubt and concern of King is that Heidegger's Seinsfrage is a question focused on illuminating the obscure meaning of one or more basic ontological terms. So, she undertakes to dispel the dangerous suspicion that Heidegger may be merely concerned with the meaning of a word. The question of the meaning of being is not at all to be understood onto-semantically but as a question of the meaning of being itself. However, what could it even mean to ask about the meaning of being without the formal question asking on the very content of the Seinsfrage being raised, and, accordingly, without the two different material questions (What does the word "being" mean? and What does being as being mean?) being carefully distinguished? What does it mean to raise the question without at least giving a prior clarification of the sense of the word-problem?


Philosophical Alternatives, 2020

There are quite a number of controversially discussed difficulties that any interpretation of Hei... more There are quite a number of controversially discussed difficulties that any interpretation of Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy faces. Prof. Frede's study on Heidegger and the question of Being provides a clarification of the sense(s) in which the Seinsfrage came to vex the young Heidegger, in his early writings and in Being and Time. The present preface to the translation of her study is limited in its aims to an outline of the very positions he occupies with respect to two of the notorious interpretative issues concerning Heidegger's project of fundamental on-tology: (1) The problem of how to specify the very complex meaning (not of the Being per se, but) of the enigmatic Seinsfrage itself, since we must, to be sure, have some answer to the preliminary question "What exactly does Heidegger's problem of Being consist in?" in order to raise anew the question "What is the meaning of Being?". It just cannot possibly be known "What is the sense of Being?", without having recourse to the meaning of the Seinsfrage itself. However, as Heidegger's thinking evolved, the meaning of the question changed. (2) The problem of the different interpretative approaches (life-philosophical, existentialist, anthropological, metaphysical, scholastical, phenomenological, transcendental, hermeneutic-historical , deconstructivist, pragmatist) to the main exposition of the Being-question in Heidegger's magnum opus and their critical evaluation.
Keywords: difficulties of Heidegger's phenomenological philosophy, meaning and intelligibility, die Seinsfrage in terms of both its formal sense and its thematical content, the changing meaning of the problem of Being, Da-sein, phenomenology and language.

Research paper thumbnail of T 10 BIO Gilbert Ryle biographical notice

Research paper thumbnail of Битието и неговата празна тайна. (The Being and its empty secret.)

https://kultura.bg/web/%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D1%82%D0%BE-%D0%B8-%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%B0/, Sep 15, 2022

„Далеч по-малко това, което Хусерл има да каже срещу Хайдегер относно въпроса за битието на биващ... more „Далеч по-малко това, което Хусерл има да каже срещу Хайдегер относно въпроса за битието на биващото (die Frage nach dem Sein des Seiеnden), е най-показателното и най-поучителното от този останал скрит критически сб лъсък с наследника, отколкото така очевидната и несъмнена липса на интерес към самия този въпрос, която вече имплицира и обезценяването на отговора.“ (стр. 233) Казаното тук относно специфичната Хусерлова нагласа спрямо прословутото питане за смисъла на битие (Seinssinnfrage) може с добри основания да бъде отнесено и към тази на самия Блуменберг .
Както Хусерл, така и той не съумява да види който и да е понятен смисъл в този въпрос. И както Хусерл, така и той съответно отхвърля смисъла на битието изобщо като експлицитния най-изначален и най-основен проб лем движещ философията. В своите метафорологични работи Блуменберг привежда многократно Хайдегеровото битие като параден пример за една „абсолютна метафора“. Как той се отнася и колко дистанцирано е неговото отношение към метафизичния въпрос за битие (Seinsfrage) е видно на много и различни места в неговото богато творчество.

Research paper thumbnail of Translation of: Dorothea Frede "The Question of Being: Heidegger’s Project" (Stefan Dimitrov, Jassen Andreev)

Question of Being: Heidegger’s Project, 2020

Prof. Frede’s study aims to analyze Martin Heidegger’s famous Frage nach dem Sinn vom Sein in rel... more Prof. Frede’s study aims to analyze Martin Heidegger’s famous Frage nach dem Sinn vom Sein in relation to his severe criticism of, and hidden dependence on, the tradition of Western metaphysics. The study offers an interesting pluralistic approach, according to which specific meanings of die Seinsfrage correspond to the different phases of the development of Heidegger’s thinking. It traces above all the formulations that this remarkable question received in his early works (The Doctrine of Judgment in Psychologism: A Critical-Theoretical Contribution to Logic and Duns Scotus’ Doctrine of Categories and Meaning) and in his magnum opus. The study represents a big and complex philosophical domain not only through historical-philosophical investigations, but also as a result of a critical account of basic statements of Heidegger’s thought. It also clarifies some of the reasons why the forgetfulness of Being (die Seinsvergessenheit) was proclaimed by Heidegger as the most significant omission in the entire history of Western philosophy. But is this fateful omission capable of rectification, and can it be taken for granted that it is in need of some rectification? Keywords: Heidegger; Frage nach dem Sinn vom Sein; Western metaphysics; meanings; die Seinsfrage; judgment; logical psychologism; categories and meaning; forgetfulness of being;

Research paper thumbnail of Phenomenology at the crossroads -1927

Research paper thumbnail of Personalitas Moralis: A Heideggerian Critique of Kant's Formula of the Human Being as an End in itself

Research paper thumbnail of Kant.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of kant.pdf



In the Transcendental Dialectic of Critique of Pure Reason, Kant undertakes a terminological over... more In the Transcendental Dialectic of Critique of Pure Reason, Kant undertakes a terminological overhaul of all early modern philosophy. His philosophy of consciousness is dominated by the concept of the idea, which forgets the authentic Platonic idea, as it falls victim to careless terminological chaos and becomes responsible for „intolerable“ conceptual confusion. For one who has understood the intent and meaning of Kant’s critique of the tradition, it easily becomes “unendurable” to see the term “idea” applied to mental phenomena (presentations) other than concepts of reason (Vernunfbegriffe).

Research paper thumbnail of DIE Lebenswelt und die relativen Sonderwelten des Handelns

Research paper thumbnail of Unbestimmte Offenheit. Zum Husserls Begriff vom praktischen Vorwissen.

Husserl’s view of practical experience, the internal connection between action and knowledge, dif... more Husserl’s view of practical experience, the internal connection between action and knowledge, different forms of implicit knowledge, the relevance of passive knowledge for action, practical conceptualization of experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Kausal-Stil and Kausal-Regelung in Husserl

Der Gegner der phänomenologischen Philosophie im spezifischen Husserlschen Sinne ist der neuzeitl... more Der Gegner der phänomenologischen Philosophie im spezifischen Husserlschen Sinne ist der neuzeitlichen Naturalismus. Husserls Kritik an der Annahme einer Handlungs-Kausalität ist nur aus seiner Kritik der Naturalisierung des menschlichen Bewusstseins heraus zu verstehen. Insbesondere der Begriff der Motivation ist von Husserl als Gegenbegriff zu dem der Naturkausalität intendiert worden. Das Grundverhältnis der personalistischen Einstellung in der Lebenswelt ist das der Motivation, nicht aber das der Kausalität. Die intentionalen Motivation soll zwar von der Naturkausalität grundverschieden sein, ist aber immerhin analog zu der Kausalität („Motivationskausalität“) charakterisiert.
Zugleich zeichnet sich Husserls phänomenologischer Ansatz durch eine große Abhängigkeit gerade von den von ihm bekämpften naturalistischen und kausalistischen Positionen aus.
Husserls intentionalistische Handlungstheorie bleibt insofern dualistisch, als der
Gegensatz von Mentalem und Korporalem durch die Trennung von real-kausaler und intentionaler Beziehungen ersetzt wird, insofern mentalistisch, als mentale Entitäten namens Willensakte den Vollzug einer Handlung überhaupt erst einleiten („Entschlusswille“) und dann in seinem Verlauf begleiten („Handlungswille“), insofern kausalistisch, als die Motivation zwar keine Naturkausalität ist,
aberimmerhin als eine Sonderform der Kausalität („Motivationskausalität“) bestimmt wird.

Research paper thumbnail of Das Handlungsproblem in der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls. Vortag im Rahmen der Veranstaltungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie.

Husserls Handlungsverständnis soll in Verbindung mit der phänomenologischen Konstitutionsproblema... more Husserls Handlungsverständnis soll in Verbindung mit der phänomenologischen Konstitutionsproblematik rekonstruiert werden. Der Akzent des Interesses liegt auf vier zentrale Lehrstücke:

  1. Inhalt und Umfang vom Husserls Handlungsbegriff.
  2. die Auffassung vom wissenschaftlichen Erkennen als besonderer Art Praxis.
  3. das Konzept vom „praktischen Vor-Wissen“.
  4. Husserls mentalistisch fehlgeleiteter Versuch, das lebensweltliche Handeln als vom Bewusstsein abgeleitetes Phänomen zu deuten.
    Dem Alltagshandeln sind schon konstituierten Sinn-Einheiten vorgegeben und dieses lebensweltliches Handeln kann für Husserl daher nur als späte Endprodukt einer vorgängigen Konstitutionsgenese in den Blick tretten. Dadurch werden aber die Möglichkeitsbedingungen der Praxis durch spezifische Leistungen festgelegt, welche der Sphäre des Bewußtseins entspringen, und sein prä-mundanes Leben erschöpft sich in einem abstraktiven cogitare. Die Frage nach der weltkonstituierenden Leistungen des Bewustseins als die Frage nach der verborgenen Konstitutionsquelle der Sein der Welt ist mithin die spezifische Frage der phänomenologischen Philosophie im Husserlschen Sinn. Daher kann Husserl bis zu seinem letzen Werk gegen Heidegger und seine weiteren Schülern der Gedanke ausspielen: “Das Interesse des Phänomenologen zielt nicht ab auf die fertige Welt, nicht auf das äußerlich absichtliche Handeln in ihr, das selbst ein »Konstituiertes« ist.” (Krisis S. 180)

Research paper thumbnail of Lebenswelt und Handeln (Paper presented at Husserl-Archiv der Universität zu Köln) 2010

Im Zuge seiner Lebensweltanalysen hat Husserl klar gesehen, dass der Hiatus von Wissen und Können... more Im Zuge seiner Lebensweltanalysen hat Husserl klar gesehen, dass der Hiatus von Wissen und Können im Vollzug des lebensweltlichen Handelns aufbricht. Diese Einsicht in der lebensweltlichen Vermittlung von Wissen und Handeln ist gewonnen zunächst in den Grenzen der Aufgabe einer mundane „Ontologie der Lebenswelt“. Mit seiner Konzeption vom praktischen Vorwissen verfolgt Husserl eine äußerst produktive Intention, die er auf der Ebene seiner Konstitutionslehre nicht mehr zu realisieren vermochte. Zwar heißt es zur Genese vom praktischem Routine-Wissen, dass es erworben ist durch Übung, Gewohnheit, Anderen, Tradition. Im Rahmen seiner Konstitutionsanalysen scheint Husserl letztes Endes das praktische Vorwissen an die doxische Seinsgewissheit zu binden, welche theoretischer Natur ist. Husserls ganze Anstrengung geht dahin, weiter nach Konstitutions-Bedingungen zu fragen, die hinter dem lebensweltlichen Handeln stehen und die ihm zufolge aufzeigbar sind am „Wahrnehmen als Bewusstsein“ (Hus 39: 382). Die Sphäre der lebensweltlichen Praxis erweist sich als eine nicht hinreichende Fundierungs-Instanz.
Husserls mentalistische Grundfeststellung lautet: „Dabei bedeutet aber die Wahrnehmung selbst … wieder eine Urpraxis, die nicht Dinge, die schon „da“ sind, umgestaltet nach Zwecken, sondern ihre hervorhebende Konstitution verwirklicht: Ich muss wahrnehmungsmäßig tätig sein, um Dinge kennen zu lernen. Ich muss also ihre Erscheinungen (der Apperzeption gemäß) herstellen, entsprechend ablaufen lassen, dadurch zu dem „Ding selbst“ kommen. Diese Praxis ist die Unterlage der realen. Die Dinge kann ich nur umbilden in ihrem Selbst. An sie selbst muss ich heran, um sie eben selbst ändern zu können. Der Wahrnehmungsmodus der optimalen Leibhaftigkeit muss jede reale Praxis fundieren. Also geht die Praxis des Wahrnehmens immer vorher (Hus 39: 382).

Research paper thumbnail of Zur Konstitution von Handlung bei Husserl: Wahrnehmen, Wollen, Abzielen. (Husserl on Formal Structures of Practical Actions. Paper presented at „Die Gegenwart der Phänomenologie. Variationen von Logik und Ethik in Husserls Philosophie") 2011

Mit Husserl ist in der Handlungsanalyse davon auszugehen, dass unsere praktische Interaktion mit ... more Mit Husserl ist in der Handlungsanalyse davon auszugehen, dass unsere praktische Interaktion mit der Umwelt in vielerlei Hinsicht voraussetzungshaft ist. Bei ausreichender Problematisierung des Handelns kommt man letztlich immer auf ein umfassendes Vor-machen zurück. Die Einsicht in die Vor-struktur des Handelns führte Husserl zu dem plausiblen Vorschlag, das Handeln als Überführen der vorgängigen Antizipationen von etwas in sein ausdrückliches Verstehen aufzufassen. Handeln ist die explizite Ausführung dessen, was schon als bekannt antizipiert ist: „…Die erfahrend-wirkende Handlung führt aus, bringt zur Selbstgebung und macht wirklich bekannt, was schon in Antizipation Bekanntes ist…“
Gegen Husserl ist aber zu argumentieren, dass menschliches Handeln zugleich immer ein bedingtes ist. Und das heißt, dass es die (Vor-) Bedingungen seines Vollzuges (teilweise) außer sich selbst hat. Eine Verschiebung der Sinn der phänomenologischen Konstitutionsproblematik in eine pragmatische Richtung würde also soviel bedeuten, dass unter dem Leitgedanken der Lebenswelt als Inbegriff menschlicher Praxis jenes von Husserl mit unermüdliche Beharrlichkeit geforderte „letzte Weltverständnis“ zu erarbeiten ist, „hinter das, als letztes, es sinnvoll nichts mehr zu erfragen und zu verstehen gibt.“

Research paper thumbnail of Husserl und die Philosophie der Gegenwart

Research paper thumbnail of Der phänomenologische Handlungsbegriff (The Phenomenology of Action. Paper presented at Philosophisches Mittelbau-Kolloquium des Instituts der Philosophie, Universität Duisburg-Essen) 2012

Research paper thumbnail of CONTENT Das interpretative Universum, Verlag: Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-8260-6191-2

Research paper thumbnail of Herausgeber: Das interpretative Universum, Verlag: Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-8260-6191-2

Das interpretative Universum, 2017

Kurzinhalt: Vorwort: Geschichtlichkeit und Traditionsbildung in der Philosophie - J. Grondin: E... more Kurzinhalt:
Vorwort: Geschichtlichkeit und Traditionsbildung in der Philosophie - J. Grondin: Entering the hermeneutical circle also means that one wants to get out of - G. Scholtz: Interpretation und Tatsache. Überlegungen im Ausgang von Boeckh und Droysen - G. Kühne-Bertram: Wilhelm Diltheys Begriff der Philosophie - H. Vetter: Wilhelm Dilthey, Martin Heidegger und Heideggers Antisemitismus - R. Cristin: Tradition in Husserl's phenomenological thought - N. Rescher: Prismatic Pragmatism - A. Marini: Bewusstsein als Verengung. Freiheit, Möglichkeit und Zeit bei Nicolai Hartmann - L. Lawlor: The Dualism of Truth and Freedom: The Origin of Foucault's Neo-Kantianism in the Introduction to Kant's Anthropology and its End in Foucault Final Lecture Courses, with a Speculation about Deleuze - G. Massey: Bertrand Russell said Thomas Aquinas was not a Great Philosopher. Was Russell right? Does it matter? - Perspektiven auf die kulturelle Vielfalt der Wissenschaft - B. Babich: Are They Good? Are They Bad? Double Hermeneutics and Citation in Philosophy, Asphodel and Alan Rickman, Bruno Latour and the 'Science Wars' - P. Janich: Technik im Spannungsverhältnis von Natur und Kultur - H.-J. Rheinberger: Über die Sprache der Wissenschaftsgeschichte - H. Sankey: Subject and Object in Scientific Realism - M. Bradie: Models and Metaphors in Cultural Evolution - W. Krohn: Self-experimental Society: Real-World Experiments as Societal Laboratories - Perspektiven auf die Rationalitätstypen der Existenz - S. Turner: Naturalizing The Tacit - M. Soboleva: Animal rationale und animal symbolicum: Was heißt es rational zu sein? - P. Kerszberg: Les trajets intérieurs de la musique - G. Schiemann: Quellen und Grenzen lebensweltlicher Vorstellungen vom Tod - B. Liebsch: Angefeindet von innen und außen: Europa im Zeichen der Gastlichkeit - D. Komel: Kontemporalität als Fragehorizont der Philosophie - G. Leghissa: The Garden of Thought. The Political and Anthropological Role of the Humanities - M. R. Matthews: Feng Shui: An Elephant in the Critical Philosophy

Research paper thumbnail of Lebensformen als Grundfigur Lorenzens Wissenschaftstheorie des ethisch-politischen Wissens (Life-forms as key concept in Lorenzen’s theory of ethical and political sciences)


Research paper thumbnail of Überlegungen zum Lebensformen-Begriff bei Lorenzen und in der phänomenologischen Philosophie. (Paper presented at “Perspektiven der Philosophie Oskar Beckers”)

Research paper thumbnail of Lebensformen als Grundfigur Lorenzens Wissenschaftstheorie des ethisch-politischen Wissens

Research paper thumbnail of Remembering the Hermeneutic Anarchist. Dimitri Ginev IN MEMORIAM

Divinatio. Studia Culturologica Series, Vol. 50, autumn–winter 2021, Maison des Sciences de l’Hom... more Divinatio. Studia Culturologica Series, Vol. 50, autumn–winter 2021, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, 2021, ISSN:1310-9456, 25-39


Research paper thumbnail of Varianten der Modernitätskritik: Habermas, Rorty, Lyotard, Vattimo. (In Bulgarian)

Research paper thumbnail of Structural Transformations of the Philological and Historical Disciplines

During the early nineteenth century the German humanities passed consecutively through a transiti... more During the early nineteenth century the German humanities passed consecutively through a transition that resulted in their constitution as modern scientific disciplines. This structural transformation occurred first in the field of philological and historical disciplines. Thus the paper examines its major characteristics: 1) the forms of institutionalization of humanities; 2) the scientification of the human studies; 3) the new cognitive identity; 4) the disciplinary fission; 5) the social (in-)utility of humanities; 6) the cognitive emancipation of humanities from speculative philosophy and from the natural sciences.

Research paper thumbnail of Studia Culturologica

Research paper thumbnail of Gedanken zur Ethik

„…. nehmen wir zum Beispiel die Ethik. Und ist es letztendlich nicht so, dass schon die griechis... more „…. nehmen wir zum Beispiel die Ethik. Und ist es letztendlich nicht so, dass schon die griechische Antike über vollendet ausgebaute ethische Systeme verfügt. Dann aber kommt die Frage: Was folgt daraus fürs Leben. Was haben alle ethischen Begriffe mit dem Leben, wie es bei uns ist, zu tun. Ist es nicht so, dass bis zum heutigen Tage die Wirklichkeit des Menschen von den ethischen Systemen unbetroffen ist… Na, ja, ich verhalte mich in dieser Frage lieber neutral.“

Research paper thumbnail of Notes on the Dialogue between Phenomenology and Mathematics: Husserl and Becker.

Studia Phaenomenologica Volume 24, Phenomenology and the Sciences, 2024

Becker argues that Hilbert should be seen as a continuator of Plato and Leibniz, and Brouwer as a... more Becker argues that Hilbert should be seen as a continuator of Plato and Leibniz, and Brouwer as a continuator of Aristotle and Kant. Becker seeks to characterize the contrast between the intuitionistic and the formalistic fundamental conception of mathematics (Becker 1973: 183ff) with regard to its philosophical presuppositions: The contrast: intuitionism‑formalism is rooted in the fundamental philosophical opposition between the “anthropological” and the “absolute” conception of knowledge (science) and finally of life itself (as the ultimate reality). (Becker 1973: 185) From this follow numerous perspectives on Becker’s phenomenological theory of mathematics: the question of the sense of being (Seinssinn) of the “overall phenomenon of the mathematical” in the perspective of phenomenological meaning analysis; the “chief phenomenological principle of demonstrability” (Ausweisbarkeit); the surprising recognition of Cantor’s transfinite ordinal numbers (Ordinalzahlen); Becker’s thesis of the superiority of constructivism over the other programs in the study of the foundations of mathematics; the interpretation of the mode of being of mathematical objects in terms of the “temporality of mathematical existence.” Becker’s critique of the concept of the (inaccessible [zugangslose]) actual‑infinite; Hilbert’s historical situatedness in the Platonic‑Leibnizian tradition, and Brouwer’s in the Aristotelian‑Kantian tradition; Becker’s assimilation of Brouwer’s mathematical constructions to Husserl’s purely categorial formations; the strategy of transferring the whole problematic from the formal‑mathematical to the meta‑mathematical sphere; the synthesis of Husserl’s with Heidegger’s modification of phenomenology; the opposition of formalistic Konsequenz to intuitionistic truth; the transition from a hermeneutic‑phenomenological analysis of mathematical objects to the problematic of a mantic phenomenology. In what follows, Becker’s hermeneutic analyses of demonstrative and deductive mathematics will be examined with an emphasis on the question of the sense of being of the overall phenomenon of the mathematical (der eigentliche Seinssinn des Gesamtphänomens des Mathematischen).​

Research paper thumbnail of Das Mathematische unter Aspekten der Phänomenologie. Die effektive Konstruierbarkeit als Garant mathematischer Existenz.

Edmund Husserl praised Oskar Becker's works as the paradigm for the application of phenomenologic... more Edmund Husserl praised Oskar Becker's works as the paradigm for the application of phenomenological constitutional analysis to the field of mathematics. A number of approaches towards Becker's phenomenological theory of mathematics can be outlined on the grounds of his 1927 Mathematische Existenz:
- the question of the way of being of mathematical objects,
- Becker's thesis of the advantage of constructivism over other programs for the foundations of mathematics,
- the interpretation of the way of being of mathematical objects in terms of temporality of mathematical existence,
- Becker's critique of the notion of the Aktual-Unendliche,
- the synthesis of Husserl's and Heidegger's modification of phenomenology,
- the transition from constitutional analysis of mathematical objects to the mantic phenomenology.
This article discusses the main moments of Becker's attempt to apply Heidegger's early Vollzugstheorie der Intentionalität to the problem of the way of being of mathematical objects and the criterion for mathematical existence.

Research paper thumbnail of Das Mathematische im phänomenologischen Kontext

Der Band versucht eine Bestandsaufnahme des Dialogs zwischen phänomenologischer und wissenschafts... more Der Band versucht eine Bestandsaufnahme des Dialogs zwischen phänomenologischer und wissenschaftstheoretischer Tradition, indem er namhafte Befürworter einer Konstitutionstheorie naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung zusammenbringt. Die versammelten Beiträge exponieren die wichtigsten Kontexte, in denen dieser Dialog stattfindet. Ziel des Bandes ist, nicht nur Positionen im Rahmen der aktuellen Debatte zu artikulieren, sondern darüber hinaus Perspektiven für künftige Diskussionen zu entfalten. Die enthaltenen Arbeiten formulieren dabei im Hinblick auf einzelne Probleme heterogene Antworten. Das ist ein Indiz dafür, dass dem Ausdruck „phänomenologische Wissenschaftstheorie“ keine einheitliche Bedeutung beigemessen wird. Ein ebenso heterogenes Bild bietet sich, wenn man auf die weltweit unternommenen phänomenologischen Forschungen innerhalb der Naturwissenschaften blickt. Der Band richtet sich an ein breites Publikum von Philosophen, Wissenschaftstheoretikern, Kulturwissenschaftlern, Soziologen, Ethnomethodologen, Wissenschaftshistorikern und Experten aus verschiedenen naturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsgebieten.

Research paper thumbnail of Oskar Beckers Konstitutionsanalyse der mathematischen Phänomene. (Paper presented at „Phänomenologie, Konstruktivismus und Analytische Philosophie“

Research paper thumbnail of Oskar Becker und der Anthropologismusstreit

Husserl, Frege, Oskar Becker, die Polemik zwischen der demonstrativen und deduktiven Mathematik, ... more Husserl, Frege, Oskar Becker, die Polemik zwischen der demonstrativen und deduktiven Mathematik, phenomenologische Konstitutionsanalyse des Mathematischen, die effektive Konstruierbarkeit als Garant der mathematischen Existenz.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Zweck-Mittel-Organisation praktischer Rationalität

Research paper thumbnail of What is Skillful Coping in "In-Order-To-Contexts"? The Practical Reasoning in Being and Time.

motor-intentionality, the ability to project oneself into the realm of the possible, practical sy... more motor-intentionality, the ability to project oneself into the realm of the
possible, practical syllogism, means-end rationality, instrumental action, practical rationality guided by rules, the ability to unreflectively dwell in the concrete
situation, Aristoteles

Research paper thumbnail of Personalitas Moralis: A Heideggerian Critique of Kant’s Formula of the Human Being as an End in itself

Research paper thumbnail of The Practical Self as "Objective End" (In Bulgarian)

Research paper thumbnail of Kausalität durch Handeln. Eine phänomenologische Perspektive.

Handeln und Kausalität aus phänomenologischer Sicht. Husserls Kritik an der Annahme einer Handlun... more Handeln und Kausalität aus phänomenologischer Sicht. Husserls Kritik an der Annahme einer Handlungskausalität steht auf der Generallinie seiner Kritik der Naturalisierung des Bewusstseins. Insbesondere der Begriff der Motivation ist von Husserl als Gegenbegriff zu dem der Naturkausalität entwickelt worden. Das Grundverhältnis der personalistischen Einstellung in der Lebenswelt ist das der Motivation, nicht das der Kausalität. Zugleich zeichnet sich Husserls Ansatz durch große Abhängigkeit gerade von den von ihm bekämpften Positionen aus. Husserls intentionalistische Handlungstheorie bleibt insofern dualistisch, als der Gegensatz von Mentalem und Korporalem durch die Trennung von real-kausaler und intentionaler Beziehungen ersetzt wird, insofern mentalistisch, als mentale Entitäten namens Willensakte den Vollzug einer Handlung überhaupt erst einleiten (" Entschlusswille ") und dann in seinem Verlauf begleiten (" Handlungswille "), insofern kausalistisch, als die Motivation zwar keine Naturkausalität ist, aber immerhin als eine Sonderform der Kausalität (" Motivationskausalität ") bestimmt wird. Heidegger hat Husserls Anti-Naturalismus aufgenommen, nicht aber seine Konfundierung von Anti-Naturalismus und Mentalismus. Lebensweltliches Alltagshandeln folgt dem teleologischen Muster der Zweck-Mittel-Verhältnisse, wobei dem zweckvoll Agierenden in allem seinem Manipulieren so etwas wie sein eigenes Handeln vorschwebt. Nur insofern der Mensch überhaupt Verbindlichkeit ausbildet, diese (unter bestimmten Umständen) als universelle und durchgängige Bestimmtheit absolut setzt und weiterhin zu dem Leitsatz seinem Selbstverständnis macht, kann er der Forderung einer absoluten Verbindlichkeit folgen und sich in den Allzusammenhang der Kausalität einreihen. Dieses vorgängige Zugestehen und Ausbilden der Verbindlichkeit ist primär aber ein praktisches Phänomen, eine Leistung nicht des wissenschaftlichen Erkennens, sondern des diskursiven Alltagshandelns. Heideggers Argument ist merkwürdig: Nur weil es Verbindlichkeit durch Handeln gibt, kann es Kausalität überhaupt geben. Nur weil es gewisse praktische Verbindlichkeit gibt und wir in unserem Handeln dieser schon unterstehen, kann es kausale Verlässlichkeit geben. Von daher ist die Kausalität nicht die Erklärungsbasis des menschlichen Handelns, sondern ihre Konstitution ist aus diesem Handeln erst vorzuführen. Allerdings ist Heideggers Argument kritisch zu prüfen, vor allem die Frage, wie sich die Verbindlichkeit des Handelns und die kausale Verlässlichkeit zueinander genauer verhalten, bzw. wie sich die Abhängigkeit der einen von der anderen genauer aufweisen lässt.

Research paper thumbnail of Inwiefern ist die Kausalität „die Wahrheit“ des Handelns?

Das Verhältnis von der (Verbindlichkeit der) menschlichen Zwecktätigkeit und der (Verlässlichkeit... more Das Verhältnis von der (Verbindlichkeit der) menschlichen Zwecktätigkeit und der (Verlässlichkeit der) Kausalität. Die Spannung zwischen der freien praktischen Zwecksetzung und deren Unterordnung unter der feste Regel der Kausalität. Die "Zweckbeziehung" als die Wahrheit des Mechanismus.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Selbstzweckformel: Person und Handeln

Kant, Heidegger, Okrent. 1. Two elements seem to be necessary to make sense of our ration... more Kant, Heidegger, Okrent.
1. Two elements seem to be necessary to make sense of our rational actions: its goal-relationship but also its relationship to an end in itself. Human action is best understood as involving such a double intentionality.
2. This paper sets out the problem of double teleology – that is, how that for-the-sake-of-which we are acting in any given case is not just the intermediate goal towards which we direct our actions but our own engaged practical life (Dasein). Rather, what I am trying to do depends on what I am trying to be and what I am trying to be depends on what I am trying to do.
3. On that basis we are able to develop an analysis of the very different forms of Dasein its own self-understanding and particular individuality.

Finally I point out three aspects of Heidegger’s critique of Kant’s formula of the human being as an end in itself.

Research paper thumbnail of Operari sequitur esse: Action, Causality and Substance in Kant and Heidegger

Research paper thumbnail of Vorschau 2 2021 END Ginev

Dimitri Ginev

Ginev obtained his MA in History of Art and Philosophy in 1980 and his PhD on a hermeneutic const... more Ginev obtained his MA in History of Art and Philosophy in 1980 and his PhD on a hermeneutic construal of Kuhn's notion of paradigm in 1983 at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The question that fascinated his intensely philosophic Dasein related to the historical collisions and possible interactions between hermeneutics and epistemology. As a prestigious Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for the Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, he articulated his program of »hermeneutic realism« for the first time. Ginev argued that scientific research has intrinsic resources allowing it to overcome an externally imposed view of the scientific enterprise directed exclusively by an instrumental form of rationality. Ginev's philosophical interests were unusually broad: the dialogue between continental and analytic philosophy; hermeneutic philosophy of science; hermeneutic phenomenology; holistic epistemology; philosophical theories of communicative rationality; contemporary transcendental philosophy; theories of modernity; hermeneutic theories of language; theories of discursive practices; the post-Diltheyan tradition of hermeneutic logic; philosophy of human studies; post-metaphysical thought; methodology of double hermeneutics. Over the years, Ginev published extensively in English, German, French and Slavic languages. He published over 20 books, edited or co-edited 7 volumes, and published a great many journal articles and book chapters.

Research paper thumbnail of Das Sein

Research paper thumbnail of Времето за философстване изтече (The time for philosophising is over)

The time for philosophising is over, 2023

Ернст Тугендхат (род. 1930) е една от най-значимите философски фигури на нашето съвремие. От 1966... more Ернст Тугендхат (род. 1930) е една от най-значимите философски фигури на нашето съвремие. От 1966 до 1975 г. той е професор в Хайделбергския университет, от 1975 до 1980 г. е сътрудник в института "Макс Планк" в Щарнберг, от 1980 до 1992 г. е професор в Берлинския свободен университет. Философската работа на Тугендхат отрано е определена от усилието да се прехвърлят мостове между англоамериканската традиция на аналитичната философия и определената от Хусерл и Хайдегер традиция на феноменологичното мислене. В своята, посветена на феноменологичното понятие за истина хабилитационна работа, Тугендхат формулира централната за неговата философия идея "човешкият живот в цяло да се насочи към истината, тоест, посредством идеята за един живот в критическа отговорност".

Research paper thumbnail of Questions

Research paper thumbnail of Party

Research paper thumbnail of Another false start for the Metaphysics

Research paper thumbnail of One

Research paper thumbnail of Philosophers on strike.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Sad but true.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of BeAristoteles.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of The Mind Body Problem.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Rabbit God vs Duck God

Research paper thumbnail of Research Presentation.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Remembering the Hermeneutic Anarchist. IN MEMORIAM

Ginev was born in 1956 in Varna. Both of his grandfathers were tsarist generals in monarchical Bu... more Ginev was born in 1956 in Varna. Both of his grandfathers were tsarist generals in monarchical Bulgaria. As such his family was among the many other Bulgarian families who suff ered numerous persecutions under the communist regime due to their political past and their ideological convictions. This was a great emotional trauma for him and I think he never managed to fully recover himself from it. He was also someone, who just could not understand his own life in light of how the public memory was offi cially constructed in the post-communist period and vigorously protested against it. He had a great and traumatic disgust with communist Bulgaria for many and good personal reasons. He shared that his only memory of communism was a constant and thoroughly permeating suspicion and fear overtaking every corner of his lived experience. Autobiographical memories of his own life experiences of the deprivation of human dignity and the degradation caused by the repressive apparatus of the communist state can be found in a very personal essay-The interrupted narrative,

Research paper thumbnail of Nothing

Research paper thumbnail of The Copy of BT.

Research paper thumbnail of Fallende Nüsse Uni Bamberg

Fallende Nüsse Uni Bamberg