batfic (original) (raw)

Fic: The Show :) (1/1)

Title: The Show :) (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Clark/Bruce
Genres: Fluff, Holiday, Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Clark and Bruce watch The Show. :)
Date Of Completion: February 10, 2019
Date Of Posting: February 17, 2019
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 302
Feedback welcome and appreciated.

The wall in front of them cleared and revealed an astonishing sight.

This story can also be read at AO3.

Fic: Cook-Out I: Cutting The Mustard ;) (1/1)

superman--batman (cooking--heat vision)


July 28th, 2018

Title: Cook-Out I: Cutting The Mustard ;) (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Clark/Bruce, Dick (Various members of the JLA and Teen Titans)
Series Notes: I think there’s more stories to tell in this animated ‘verse, don’t you? Maybe a sequel will be out next week or next year. My Muses control the viewing dial. ;) The entire series can be found here.
Continuity: ‘Toonverse
Genres: Fluff, Humor
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Batman is impatient to eat at the JLA/Teen Titans cook-out, so Superman obliges. ;)
Date Of Completion: June 30, 2018
Date Of Posting: July 28, 2018
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 960
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author's Note: Story inspired by the icon. Art and icon by the_dark_cat.

Superman whistled cheerfully as he turned the hamburgers over on the grill with the spatula. He did the same with the hot dogs, using a long grilling fork for that task, smiling benevolently as the Teen Titans shrieked and laughed playing volleyball, and Green Arrow finished telling a joke, rewarded by his listeners’ laughter. Wonder Woman was giving a demonstration of Bullets ‘N’ Bracelets in front of an impressed crowd as Batwoman fired the bullets.

Fic: Glitter Grayson ;) (1/1)



March 24th, 2018

Title: Glitter Grayson ;) (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Bruce/Dick, Alfred
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Dick’s grace and power overwhelms Bruce. ;)
Date Of Completion: February 22, 2018
Date Of Posting: March 24, 2018
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 670
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Note: I wrote the first draft during the Winter Olympics but didn’t have the time or energy to edit it until now. Oh, well, just because the Winter Olympics takes place every four years doesn’t mean fanfic inspired by it has to follow the same rules. Enjoy! ;)

Bruce was proud of his lover. Anything Dick set his mind to, he succeeded.

Fic: The Last Goodbye

Dragon Princess


February 20th, 2018

Title: The Last Goodbye
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tim just wants to save his brother's life and keep the rest of them safe.

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Fic: Can't Go Home Again

Dragon Princess


February 19th, 2018

Title: Can't Go Home Again
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tim has made his choice and he knows there's no going back now. (Tumblr Made-up Title Prompt)

It’s something that has been a long time coming, but knowing that doesn’t change the pain that Tim feels as he walks away. Unfortunately, he knew his place here was tentative at best, and now more than ever it’s clear that leaving the manor…leaving home is the best option for everyone. He hasn’t felt welcome here in a long time, and Tim doesn’t know if that’s necessarily anyone’s fault, but his own. Sure, Damian is still Damian and he makes it abundantly clear that Tim is no longer needed or wanted here every time that Tim has the misfortune of running into to the demon brat, but it doesn’t change the fact that Tim’s inability to simply ignore it and deal is the real problem.

Tim’s entire life has been a series of becoming what others need him to be and letting go of the things that prevent him from becoming those things, so he doesn’t know why he can’t manage to do the same thing here. However, Tim thinks maybe it’s for the best this time. After all, he becomes what they need…and it’s clear whatever they currently need isn’t Tim anymore. At least, not any version of him that he’s willing to become.

Tim wants to blame his unwillingness on the still ever present chasm between Dick and him. After all, it was a lot easier to shove everything down and pretend everything was okay when Dick didn’t fall for it and, more importantly, wouldn’t force him to do it like everyone else. However, Tim accepted a long time ago that Dick and he would never be able to get back what they’ve lost, nor would they ever be as close as they once were, so that’s not exactly Tim’s reasoning for leaving, either.

No, in fact, Tim’s reasons for leaving, and more importantly, never returning is because spending time in the manor or, more specifically, with everyone inhabiting it at the moment does nothing but cause him pain. The person that he wants to be slips away, and suddenly, he’s left with nothing but an empty shell of someone who can’t seem to move on from all of the anger and distrust that he feels. The constant fighting doesn’t help anything either, and Tim knows that he’s just as much to blame for that as Damian is, so he honestly has no choice but to leave.

Besides, it’s clear to see that Bruce has enough former sidekicks to deal with. He doesn’t need the added stress of Tim’s problems heaped onto his shoulders as well. Tim is nothing if not resourceful. He can deal with his problems on his own, and perhaps remember what it was like not to be constantly tense and preparing for a fight in his own home. Tim sighs to himself as he gives the manor one last glance before he leaves. He tries to remind himself that it doesn’t matter that he can never go home again after this, because he’ll have a new one soon. A new home, a new name, and new life…it should feel exhilarating. Instead, it just feels empty…just as it did when he first hatched this plan. Still, it’s what he has to do. It’s what’s best for everyone…or so he keeps telling himself.

Tim’s not entirely certain if he believes that his current plan is the only option, but it’s the one that will ensure that he escapes with minimal damage and things won’t continue on the way that they have been for any of them. After all, Tim knows that he can’t be the only one fed up with the way things are. He’s just the only one willing to do something about it.

They’ll search for him, Tim knows that, but it won’t be until after they’ve heard the news, which gives Tim time. He has plans in place for all of that, but timing is everything. After all, in a matter of hours, Tim Drake will officially die, and then they’ll all be free to move on…even him. Perhaps, it’s not what any of them want…not even Tim, but it’s what they need, and there’s nothing that Tim won’t do to give them that. After all, Tim’s made a career out of being and giving what people need, and this time is no different.

The End

Fic: The Road to Good is Paved with Hellish Intentions

Dragon Princess


February 19th, 2018

Title: The Road to Good is Paved with Hellish Intentions
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Becoming Batman is inevitable. Tim just wishes his younger self would understand that. (Tumblr Made-up Title Prompt)

His younger self won’t listen. It’s a lost cause, and Tim knows it. After all, a long time ago he was that version of himself. His younger self will fight him…fight becoming him, and he’ll lose. Tim knows this, too, because he knows that there’s no way to stop this. After all, he’s been there…done all the steps, fought and failed, and still, he’s here now. One day his younger self will see the truth. He’ll become just like him. It’s inevitable. After all, there’s no way to end all of the pain that the boy has yet to endure, nor is there any way for this current version of Tim to go back to the way that things used to be.

There truly is only one path for both of them. He just wishes that his younger self could see that sooner rather than later, but he knows himself well enough to know that the boy will just have to get through it the same way that he did. Still, Tim wishes that the boy could understand that sometimes there are no other options…not if he wants to succeed. The road to good is paved with hellish intentions and the two of them are the only ones strong enough to see that and become what is necessary.

The boy will learn in time, and it will nearly destroy him, but Tim knows that the boy will eventually reach the same conclusion that he has. After all, they are one in the same, no matter what his younger self currently believes. Tim has spent his entire life becoming what everyone else needs, even when the very people he’s changed for believed otherwise. His younger self knows that, even now. What he doesn’t realize, however, is that one day in order to become what others need…what Gotham needs…what his family needs, he will become the very man who stands before him now.

Tim has no way to show his younger self this simple truth, and he’s already lived one lifetime of running away from what he already knows, so he sees no reason to waste his time here. After all, the circumstances that created the need for who Tim currently is will happen no matter how much Tim tries to stop them. He knows this from personal experience, but he doesn’t have the time to convince his younger self of that…not that he believes that he could.

The only thing that Tim can do now is hope that his younger self learns to adapt quicker than he did and he doesn’t bother to cling to his former self for as long. Still, Tim knows that the hope is in vain. After all, he remembers how desperately he clung to who he used to be every time that he’s changed himself to suit others needs. The transition is never easy, and becoming Batman was certainly no different.

In fact, it was the hardest decision that he’s ever made. He had to relinquish a fight that he had been having for years and it left him more broken than he wants to admit, even now, but none of that is relevant at the moment. Right now, there’s really only one thing that his younger self needs to understand before they run out of time. “I am inevitable and what is necessary. One day you will understand that.” Fortunately, incapacitating his younger self will buy him enough time to succeed where others have failed. “You will one day see the reason behind all of this…the need for what I’m about to do. Word of advice from your future self; don’t hold onto what you know you can’t keep.” He leaves, knowing that those words will stick in the younger’s mind for a long time to come. After all, he still repeats them daily.

The End

Fic: Garland Grayson ;) (1/1)



February 18th, 2018

Title: Garland Grayson ;) 1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Bruce/Dick, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon
Genres: Fluff, Holiday, Humor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: The tree isn’t the only thing that gets decorated in the Wayne Household. ;)
Date Of Completion: December 22, 2017
Date Of Posting: February 18, 2018
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 657
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author's Note: Continuing the late holiday postings. Enjoy! :)

Bruce saw the box of garlands in the foyer and knew that one was missing. Or the scrap of one, to be more accurate. He smiled and picked up the box.

Fic: Modifying Batman

Dragon Princess


February 10th, 2018

Title: Modifying Batman
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tumblr Prompt: Would you ever write a story about Cassandra Cain becoming Batman with her brothers supporting her?

Tim gives Cass a long once-over, circling around her slowly. “I like the look, I do, but I think your old Batgirl cowl would look far better than this current variation of Bruce’s cowl.”

Jason hums in agreement as he inspects her cape. “Baby-bird is right. Your old cowl would be far more intimidating, and you wouldn’t even have ta knock an asshole out before the thugs of Gotham start taking you seriously. By the way, I like what you’ve done with the cape.”

Dick nods in approval of her weighted boots. “I agree, too, but then we might confuse people. Cass isn’t going back to being Batgirl. She is Batman now.”

Damian glares at her utility belt. “She should be carrying more weapons.”

Cass shakes her head. The belt is heavy enough without Damian adding more to it…for the sixth time. “Don’t need them.”

Damian scoffs. “Of course, you don’t need them. However, anyone foolish enough to attempt to take your belt doesn’t know that.”

Tim inspects the belt more closely. “If you add anything else to the belt, we’re gonna have to redesign it again. However, her boots could carry a few more things.” Cass gives him a pointed look, and Tim merely shrugs. “You know, Damian isn’t going to let this go. It’s a compromise that would work for both of you. A bigger belt would impede some of your movements, but the boots won’t.”

Cass stares at Damian waiting for a protest that she knows is mostly reflex at this point. He nods and then Cass hands the boots over to him to make the necessary modifications. She’s looking forward to patrolling with all of them again once the suit is finished. Cass grins as Jason, Tim, and Dick start to bicker over the design of her Bat symbol, but she already knows that that is the one thing that will stay the same as the original…no matter what her brothers’ opinions are.

She smiles as she watches all of them work, knowing that Bruce would be proud of all of them in this moment. After all, his absence from the mantle has already gone better this time. Unlike last time, the whole family is still together and actually getting along. Perhaps, she should have done this sooner.

The End

Fic: Finding Home Chapter Two

Dragon Princess


February 10th, 2018

Title: Finding Home
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tumblr Prompt: Would you ever write a story where Tim tries to run away with Haley's Circus? Tim doesn't try...Tim succeeds.
Previous Chapter

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Fic: Finding Home

Dragon Princess


February 10th, 2018

Title: Finding Home
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tumblr Prompt: Would you ever write a story where Tim tries to run away with Haley's Circus? Tim doesn't try...Tim succeeds.

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Fic: A Displaced Red Robin Chapter 17

Dragon Princess


February 2nd, 2018

Title: A Displaced Red Robin
Author: Brokaw22
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tim gets transported to the cartoon Young Justice world, and he's not sure he knows how to deal with it.
Thanks to Kathy for beta work.
Note: Since LJ is being weird, I had to split certain chapters into two parts.

Previous Chapters: Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Part 1 Chapter Twelve Part 2 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Part A Chapter 14 Part B Chapter 15

Chapter 16

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Fic: Bad Nights Better Days

Dragon Princess


January 30th, 2018

Title: Bad Nights Better Days
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tumblr Request: Dick hadn't meant to be so drunk after a bad patrol night, but neither did he mean to blurt out in front of Tim about Tarantula repeatedly raping him a couple months prior. Now, he has to deal with the fallout, and Tim has to deal with a very a depressed older brother and his own mixed feelings about what happened.

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Fic: New Cat Old Problems

Dragon Princess


January 30th, 2018

Title: New Cat Old Problems
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tumblr Request: Alfred the Cat dies. Damian is distraught. He takes out his feelings on everyone, family and Gotham thug alike. Tim suggests getting a new cat, but Dick worries about replacing a beloved pet. Jason suggests dumping Alfred the Cat into the Lazarus Pit. Tim drags them both to come with him to the animal shelter. Things don't go to plan thanks to a supervillain.

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2017 Bruce/Dick Bingo Card (Complete)

batman--robin embrace


January 28th, 2018

I've finished my 2017 Bruce/Dick Bingo Card! It was late last year but RL got in the way for awhile, so here's the announcement. :) You can find links to all 9 stories here:



Archive Of Our Own

Fic: A Displaced Red Robin Chapter 16

Dragon Princess


January 16th, 2018

Title: A Displaced Red Robin
Author: Brokaw22
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tim gets transported to the cartoon Young Justice world, and he's not sure he knows how to deal with it.
Thanks to Kathy for beta work.
Note: Since LJ is being weird, I had to splint this chapter into two parts.

Previous Chapters: Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Part 1 Chapter Twelve Part 2 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Part A Chapter 14 Part B Chapter 15

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Fic: Sincerity :)

robins (trick-or-treat)


October 28th, 2017

Title: Sincerity :) (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Dick/Roy, Lian
Genres: Fluff, Holiday, Humor
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Roy and Dick take Lian trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. :)
Date Of Completion: October 21, 2017
Date Of Posting: October 28, 2017
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 1458
Feedback welcome and appreciated.

The two men watched as Lian skipped up to her first house of the night and rang the doorbell. A cardboard skeleton twirled from the porch ceiling as a Jack O’Lantern grinned in the front window that was framed by tiny, winking pumpkin lights.

Fic: The Wager Chapter Two

Dragon Princess


July 25th, 2017

Title: The Wager
Author: Brokaw22
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Jason and Roy have a bet going involving Dick, and Tim...well, Tim is just there to clean up the mess.

Previous Chapter: Chapter One

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Fic: Superboy's Bat Weekend

Dragon Princess


July 25th, 2017

Title: Superboy's Bat Weekend
Author: Brokaw22
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Superboy spends the weekend in Gotham...much to Superman's dismay.
Note: This is a cartoon YJ story inspired by this post.
Thanks to Kathy for the beta work.

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Fic: Best Birthday, Indeed

Dragon Princess


July 19th, 2017

Title: Best Birthday, Indeed
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: It's Tim's eleventh birthday, and this year might just end up being a little different from normal.
Note: This is for the tumblr Tim Drake week.

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Fic: The Mending of Bonds

Dragon Princess


July 18th, 2017

Title: The Mending of Bonds
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Alfred realizes that it's well past time that someone help him mend this family.
Note: This is for the tumblr Tim Drake week.

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Fic: New Suits and Old Names

Dragon Princess


July 17th, 2017

Title: New Suits and Old Names
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tim has doubts about his new name and suit, but his family reassures him.
Note: This is a Purple Arrow companion piece, which takes place on Lian's world. All you need to know is that Bruce, Barbara, and Tim raise Lian Harper after Roy, Dick, and a bunch of other heroes die. Also, Tim and Barbara are very close in age.
Note: This is for the tumblr Tim Drake week.

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Fic: Injury and Healing

Dragon Princess


July 16th, 2017

Title: Injury and Healing
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tim would have been fine, if Damian hadn't shown up unannounced.
Note: This is for the tumblr Tim Drake week.

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Fic: The Fine Line Between Enemies and Family

Dragon Princess


July 15th, 2017

Title: The Fine Line Between Enemies and Family
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tim never anticipated that there would be people he considered both enemies and family. Then again, Dick definitely should have left his coffee out of this.
Note: This is for the tumblr Tim Drake week.

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