bbc stills (original) (raw)

14 September 2011 @ 11:45 am

Hey guys,

Is anyone still around? Interested in a bit of a revival?

please to be entering challenge 34? i'm going to extend the challenge another week in hopes i can snag a few more entrants. new deadline: 13th of may at 10pm cdt

due to computer issues i wasn't able to get this up until now, but look!

( and the winners are...Collapse )

the banner-maker for this challenge is: alwaysawkward. i'll get banners made all quick-like.

next challenge will hopefully be posted today, if not early tomorrow.

because i know there are more of you out there who are just dying to enter icons of your favourite female leads, i'm extending challenge 33 one more week. the new deadline is now monday, april 13th at 10pm c.d.t. so please go and enter!

since i completely forgot to make a reminder earlier this week, here is your last minute reminder to get your icons in for the leading ladies challenge by monday, april 6th at 10pm c.d.t.

banners for the winners of challenge 32 made by the speedy sommertiara!
for: _wanderingchild and maiel_alcinoe (sommertiara, i'm guessing you kept yours? :D and i just kept mine. thank you again!)

( challenge 32 bannersCollapse )

( and the winners are...Collapse )

the banner-maker for this challenge is: sommertiara, if you'd be so kind! just post in a comment to this post and i'll get the banners out!

great job everyone! i'll be putting the next challenge up in about 24 hours as i need to get some sleep and then have to work. look out for the "leading ladies" challenge though as a heads up. because what can you do after the men besides the women? :D

little later than i would've liked, but here they are none-the-less...
( votingCollapse )