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St. Joe's Unplugged @ St. David's [Aug. 26th, 2006|10:12 pm]Christians in and Around Boyton Beach, FL!
[Current Location |My desk.] [mood impressedimpressed] [music none]Last night, Charles and the kids held a fundraising St. Joe's Unplugged concert at St. David's in the Pines. It was awesome! They did songs ranging from traditional hyms to Jars of Clay and Peter Gabriel! They even sang songs in Swahili! It totally rocked the house! Here's Charles:Charles MillingHere's the band:The BandI would include a video, too. But, at the time it didn't occur to me (duh!) that my phone's mic would pick up my singing more than the band's. I don't want to put anybody through that kind of agony. ;-)
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Concert!!! [Aug. 20th, 2006|11:02 pm]Christians in and Around Boyton Beach, FL!
[Tags**|concerts] [Current Location** My desk.] [mood excitedexcited] [music none]What: St. Joe's Unplugged ConcertWhere: St. David's in the Pines (comment for directions)When: Friday, August 25th @ 8:00pm.Price: $10Featuring: Charles Milling, Tess Bath, Adam Pulda, Nick Zalewski, & other guest artistsReception and optional Taize worship to follow.Charles and the band are amazing!SO, CHECK THEM OUT!
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Contemporary Service [Aug. 20th, 2006|10:58 pm]Christians in and Around Boyton Beach, FL!
[Tags**|st. joe's unplugged] [Current Location** My desk.] [mood sleepysleepy] [music none]Tonight's St. Joe's Unplugged service rocked the house! We had a guest priest tonight since Father Marty's still out of the country. She was really good. I got to read the Prayers for the People again tonight. I always enjoy that. And the band was rockin'!I will say more soon, but I'm really tired.
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Robbie Seay Band [Aug. 19th, 2006|08:46 pm]Christians in and Around Boyton Beach, FL!
[Current Location |My desk.] [mood contentcontent] [music gymnastics on t.v.]So, I just got back from seeing the RSB at the Palm Beach Baptist Church tonight. Their opening act, Jill Paquette, was unbeLIEVable! She's from Canada and did all original music, some while playing guitar, others while playing piano. And she was awesome. Her voice was incredible. If any of you are familiar with the Sundays, she started off sounding like their lead singer. However, she got so soulful! I just though she was awesome.Then, RSB came on. they were pretty good. Unfortunately, the one song of theirs that I was already familiar with (Better Days) was the best song they had. That was a bit disappointing. But, oh well. I mean, their musical sound is great, but their lyrics are lacking.There weren't nearly as many people there as I had expected considering what a large church it was at and how much radio rotation Better Days gets. But, there were a few people there my age, so I had a good time. But, Selah is supposed to be playing there on sept. 30th. So, I'm planning on going, if anyone's down.Bye!
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Robbie Seay Band [Aug. 15th, 2006|08:13 pm]Christians in and Around Boyton Beach, FL!
[Tags**|christian rock.] [Current Location** My desk.] [mood hopefulhopeful] [music none]So, is anyone else going to see the Robbie Seay Band this Saturday (August 19th) at the Palm Beach Baptist Church? I'm honestly not the biggest fan, but I think it will be fun.
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Serve God and He Shall Serve You. [Aug. 14th, 2006|09:34 pm]Christians in and Around Boyton Beach, FL!
[Tags**|bible study] [Current Location** My desk.] [mood jubilantjubilant] [music none]So, Jesus answered another prayer today!I have been praying pretty hard to find someone in my age bracket who is also new to Christianity to share my journey with. Don't get me wrong--everyone in my congregation has been wonderfully embracing and very supportive. But, most of them have been Christians all their lives. Charles, Brooks, and Brie are especially awesome (and in my age bracket)! But, they, too have been Christians all their lives. So, I've been really praying to meet someone with all the same questions, and yet the same devotion that I have--someone to explore my faith without any worries that I'm boring them with concepts that are too fundamental. Mmmmmm...I see bright horizons ahead!
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He Said Yes! He Said Yes! He Said Yes! [Aug. 13th, 2006|10:19 pm]Christians in and Around Boyton Beach, FL!
[Tags**|bbchristians] [Current Location** My desk.] [mood gratefulgrateful] [music none]For those who do not know, my 27th birthday is coming up on September 10th, and I am also being baptized that day! How amazing is that? Well, today, I confirmed with Father Marty that my parents can in fact be my godparents. My mother is a confirmed Catholic, and my father is a confirmed Episcopalian. So, that works out. But, it was really important to me to have a member of the congregation also step in as a godparent. And, there was really only one person I had in mind to be another godfather--Paul. So, this morning after service, I asked him. He said he would be honored to! Yeah! Paul is amazing. He has really taken me under his wing and made me feel comfortable in my vulnerability with Jesus. He presence in my life and in my journey has been an absolute blessing. So, I am so thankful that he accepted. Grace be to God!
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Hello All! [Aug. 13th, 2006|10:15 pm]Christians in and Around Boyton Beach, FL!
[Tags**|bbchristians] [Current Location** My desk.] [mood accomplished] [music none]This journal is intended to bring together Christians of all faiths who live in the South Florida area. Regardless of denomination (and really regardless of religion), if you have an open heart and want to belong to a positive community, we would love to hear from you. So, welcome all!
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