Officers (original) (raw)
Baron Beyond the Mountain
Baroness Beyond the Mountain
Local Group President
Deputy Exchequer (Emergency Deputy)
Master Allyn min Teanga
Herald (White Oak Pursuivant)
Administrator, Names & Coats of Arms
Deputy Herald
Lady Marina of Eastcliffe
Newcomer's Coordinator
Term end: June 2023
Demo Coordinator
Demonstrations and Outreach
Rachael King
Deputy Webminister
Aleister Valentine
Historian/Newsletter Editor
Lady Erzsébet Csesztvei
Minister of Arts and Sciences
Minister of Lists
Combat Activities Administrator
Knight Marshal
Armored Combat Coordinator/Safety Officer
Lord Jaffon of the Priory
Captain of Archers
Lord Gwylim of Flint
Youth Combat Marshal
Term Expirations for 2023 and beyond:
Chatelaine (June 2023)
Chronicler (July 2023 extended to August if no meeting in July)
Knight Marshal (July 2023 extended to August if no meeting in July)
Minister of Arts and Science (October 2025)
Seneschal (December 2026)
Webminister (January 2027)
Herald (March 2027)
Thrown Weapons (March 2027)
Exchequer (April 2027)
VACANT positions: Applications for these positions may be sent to the Seneschal & Their Excellencies at any time. Upon receipt of an application, we will update the officer election schedule above to include these offices.
Rapier Marshal
Youth Marshal
Chancellor Minor
Many of our current Baronial Officers are seeking Deputies to assist them. Anyone can apply to that officer and the Seneschal at any time for consideration.
NOTE: All applicants must:
- Be paid members of the SCA, Inc. by the time of election for their respective office.
- Include mention in their application that a good-faith effort shall be made to maintain current membership through their term(s) in office.
- Submit a letter of intent by email to the Seneschal and Coronet prior to their application deadline, at,, and
- Be familiar with Baronial Custom and Kingdom Law or Kingdom Handbooks governing their office.
- Marshallate applicants are strongly encouraged to hold current marshallate warrants for their position wherever possible. Marshallate applicants without a current warrant at time of election may only act in an administrative role, and may not run practices or marshalate activities themselves.