Johannes Dewit | Boston College (original) (raw)


Papers by Johannes Dewit

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalization in higher education: global trends and recommendations for its future

Policy reviews in higher education, Sep 16, 2020

Internationalization as a concept and strategic agenda is a relatively new, broad, and varied phe... more Internationalization as a concept and strategic agenda is a relatively new, broad, and varied phenomenon in tertiary education. During the past half-century, internationalization has evolved from a marginal activity to a key aspect of the reform agenda. This analysis addresses the following points: What are the historical developments of internationalization? What do we mean by internationalization? What are the key factors in international tertiary education that impact, and are impacted by, this phenomenon? What initiatives and policies are developed to enhance the internationalization of tertiary education? What are the key data, trends, and challenges that are crucial for the future of internationalization, abroad and at home, in a critical time of transformation as a result of nationalist-populist developments, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic? ARTICLE HISTORY

Research paper thumbnail of Getting internationalization back on track

“How can we make sure that students receive the right learning outcomes that make them ready for ... more “How can we make sure that students receive the right learning outcomes that make them ready for a world that is more and more interculturally and internationally connected? What does that mean for faculty development? What are the implications for the assessment of students? How can instruments such as study abroad, international classrooms, teaching in another language, recruitment of international students and cross-border delivery, contribute to that process? In other words: how can we make sure that all students and not only the small elite of already internationally oriented students and faculty receive the basic intercultural and international skills and knowledge they need in current society?” By Uwe Brandenburg, project manager and partner at the Centre for Higher Education Development Consult, Germany and Hans de Wit, professor of internationalization, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, and director of the Centre for Higher Education Internationalization at the Universita Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy. This article in the Guardian Professional (Higher Education Network): ‘Higher education is losing sight of what internationalisation is all about’

Research paper thumbnail of Similar students and different countries? The barriers to international student mobility in seven countries

Research paper thumbnail of International Higher Education for the Future: Major Crises and Post-Pandemic Challenges

Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, Jan 2, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of International links have vital role in times of global tension

Version corta de un ensayo publicado en el Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 19... more Version corta de un ensayo publicado en el Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Rendre la recherche universitaire accessible

Chronique ONU, 2013

En 2010, plus de 4 millions d’etudiants poursuivaient leurs etudes en dehors de leur pays d’origi... more En 2010, plus de 4 millions d’etudiants poursuivaient leurs etudes en dehors de leur pays d’origine. Selon l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’education, la science et la culture, ce chiffre pourrait atteindre 8 millions d’etudiants internationaux d’ici a 2025. Cette population mobile composee principalement de jeunes souhaitant etudier a l’etranger represente un investissement important pour les pays d’origine, ce qui est essentiel pour le developpement, la prosperite et le bien-etre futurs, car les etudiants qui retournent dans leur pays ont des connaissances poussees et sont prepares a la citoyennete mondiale. Pour les pays destinataires, ces etudiants apportent une diversite culturelle et intellectuelle aux etablissements et aux pays qu’ils visitent, representant souvent une source de revenus pour ces etablissements et ces communautes et, dans d’autres cas, une source de travail qualifie dans l’economie actuelle fondee sur les connaissances. Pour les pays d’origine, toutefois, cela peut provoquer une fuite des cerveaux et une plus grande dependance.

Research paper thumbnail of The SAGE Handbook of International Higher Education ed. by Darla K. Deardorff et al

The Review of Higher Education, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Handbook of International Higher Education

Routledge eBooks, Jun 24, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Contributors To Text Boxes At-A-Glance

Routledge eBooks, Jun 24, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalization of Research

Routledge eBooks, Jun 24, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of List Of Acronyms

Routledge eBooks, Jun 24, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Trends, issues and challenges in internationalisation of higher education: where have we come from and where are we going?

Routledge Handbook of International Education and Development, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Internacionalización de instituciones técnicas y tecnológicas de educación superior en el Caribe

Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina, 2020

Resumen Este artículo resume las conclusiones de un estudio sobre la internacionalización de las ... more Resumen Este artículo resume las conclusiones de un estudio sobre la internacionalización de las instituciones técnicas y tecnológicas de educación superior en el Caribe, basado en cinco estudios de caso y una encuesta aplicada a diez instituciones de ocho países. El artículo identifica un enfoque tradicional de internacionalización, dependiente de los donantes extranjeros, identifica oportunidades de mejora y hace recomendaciones. Resumo O artigo resume as conclusões de um estudo sobre a internacionalização de instituições técnicas e tecnológicas de ensino no Caribe, com base em cinco estudos de caso e uma enquete aplicada em dez instituições em oito países. O artigo identifica uma abordagem tradicional à internacionalização dependente de doadores estrangeiros, aponta oportunidades para melhoria e faz recomendações. Abstract: This article summarizes a study on the internationalization of technical and technological higher-education institutions in the Caribbean, based upon the conclusions of five case studies and a survey applied to ten institutions in eight countries. The article identifies a traditional foreign-donor dependent approach to internationalization, idicates opportunities for improvement and makes recommendations.

Research paper thumbnail of The Internationalisation of Spanish Higher Education in Global Perspective

Institutions of higher education must contribute to the realisation of the Sustainable Developmen... more Institutions of higher education must contribute to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the United Nations, to innovation and development, and to the creation of professionals and citizens with skills and sensibilities appropriate for this globalised era. In this concluding section we look at some of the main characteristics of internationalisation of Spanish higher education in that global environment: a scenario filled with opportunities.

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalisation revisited: New dimensions in the internationalisation of higher education

This publication, which is the result of the symposia that CAREM held in 2010 and 2011, contains ... more This publication, which is the result of the symposia that CAREM held in 2010 and 2011, contains 12 contributions in five sections. Together, they provide an overview of trends and new directions in internationalisation as well as insights into current and future research.

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalisation in Higher Education: European Responses to the Global Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalisation in higher education: an introduction

Research paper thumbnail of Series

The Dynamics of International Student Circulation in a Global Context, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of The Globalization of Internationalization

In my September 6, 2006 address to the faculty, I emphasized the importance of globalization as a... more In my September 6, 2006 address to the faculty, I emphasized the importance of globalization as an essential part of the fabric of an urban serving research university: We have an obligation to develop a global focus at all levels of our academic programs. To extend the intellectual and practical global reach of our students serves both our urban mission and our obligation to prepare Kansas residents for productive lives in a fully connected world.

Research paper thumbnail of Identidad e Internacionalización en Las Universidades Católicas: ¿En Qué Punto Ambas Coinciden?

Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina, 2017

Identidad e Internacionalizacion en las Universidades Catolicas: ?En que punto ambas coinciden? L... more Identidad e Internacionalizacion en las Universidades Catolicas: ?En que punto ambas coinciden? Las universidades catolicas son un segmento importante del sector de educacion superior en muchos paises alrededor del mundo. Se podria asumir que por su identidad estarian mas internacionalmente orientadas y activas que otras instituciones de educacion superior. Sin embargo, se conoce poco sobre la relacion entre la identidad religiosa y la internacionalizacion. Como una aproximacion al tema, se realizo una investigacion en tres universidades catolicas de diferentes tipos y ubicadas en diferentes contextos: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC de Chile), Boston College (BC) y Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). Mientras que la afiliacion catolica es un componente fuerte y explicito de las identidades y misiones de estas universidades, y la internacionalizacion es cada vez mas importante en sus planes para el futuro, los dos filamentos aparecen inconexos en los tres casos. Identity and Internationalization in Catholic Universities: Where do these elements intersect? Catholic universities are an important segment of higher education in many countries around the world. One might assume that, given their identity, they would be more internationally oriented and active than other higher education institutions. Nevertheless, little is known about the relationship between religious institutional identity and internationalization. In an effort to understand this issue, a pilot study was undertaken focused on three Catholic universities of different types and in different geographic contexts: the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC de Chile), Boston College (BC), and the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). While their Catholic affiliation is a strong and explicit component of the identities and missions of these universities, and the internationalization is increasingly more important in their future plans, these two dimensions seem not be connected in these three cases. Identidade e Internacionalizacao nas Universidades Catolicas: Aonde as Duas se Coincidem? As universidades catolicas sao um segmento importante do setor de educacao superior em muitos paises ao redor do mundo. Pode-se assumir que pela sua identidade elas estariam mais internacionalmente orientadas e ativas que outras instituicoes de educacao superior. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a relacao entre a identidade religiosa e a internacionalizacao. Como abordagem sobre o assunto, foi realizada uma investigacao em tres universidades catolicas de diferentes tipos e localizadas em diferentes contextos: Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Chile (PUC do Chile), Boston College (BC) e Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). Enquanto a filiacao catolica e um componente forte e explicito das identidades e missoes destas universidades, e a internacionalizacao e cada vez mais importante em seus planos para o futuro; os dois fundamentos aparecem desconexos nos tres casos.

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalization in higher education: global trends and recommendations for its future

Policy reviews in higher education, Sep 16, 2020

Internationalization as a concept and strategic agenda is a relatively new, broad, and varied phe... more Internationalization as a concept and strategic agenda is a relatively new, broad, and varied phenomenon in tertiary education. During the past half-century, internationalization has evolved from a marginal activity to a key aspect of the reform agenda. This analysis addresses the following points: What are the historical developments of internationalization? What do we mean by internationalization? What are the key factors in international tertiary education that impact, and are impacted by, this phenomenon? What initiatives and policies are developed to enhance the internationalization of tertiary education? What are the key data, trends, and challenges that are crucial for the future of internationalization, abroad and at home, in a critical time of transformation as a result of nationalist-populist developments, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic? ARTICLE HISTORY

Research paper thumbnail of Getting internationalization back on track

“How can we make sure that students receive the right learning outcomes that make them ready for ... more “How can we make sure that students receive the right learning outcomes that make them ready for a world that is more and more interculturally and internationally connected? What does that mean for faculty development? What are the implications for the assessment of students? How can instruments such as study abroad, international classrooms, teaching in another language, recruitment of international students and cross-border delivery, contribute to that process? In other words: how can we make sure that all students and not only the small elite of already internationally oriented students and faculty receive the basic intercultural and international skills and knowledge they need in current society?” By Uwe Brandenburg, project manager and partner at the Centre for Higher Education Development Consult, Germany and Hans de Wit, professor of internationalization, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, and director of the Centre for Higher Education Internationalization at the Universita Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy. This article in the Guardian Professional (Higher Education Network): ‘Higher education is losing sight of what internationalisation is all about’

Research paper thumbnail of Similar students and different countries? The barriers to international student mobility in seven countries

Research paper thumbnail of International Higher Education for the Future: Major Crises and Post-Pandemic Challenges

Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, Jan 2, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of International links have vital role in times of global tension

Version corta de un ensayo publicado en el Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 19... more Version corta de un ensayo publicado en el Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Rendre la recherche universitaire accessible

Chronique ONU, 2013

En 2010, plus de 4 millions d’etudiants poursuivaient leurs etudes en dehors de leur pays d’origi... more En 2010, plus de 4 millions d’etudiants poursuivaient leurs etudes en dehors de leur pays d’origine. Selon l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’education, la science et la culture, ce chiffre pourrait atteindre 8 millions d’etudiants internationaux d’ici a 2025. Cette population mobile composee principalement de jeunes souhaitant etudier a l’etranger represente un investissement important pour les pays d’origine, ce qui est essentiel pour le developpement, la prosperite et le bien-etre futurs, car les etudiants qui retournent dans leur pays ont des connaissances poussees et sont prepares a la citoyennete mondiale. Pour les pays destinataires, ces etudiants apportent une diversite culturelle et intellectuelle aux etablissements et aux pays qu’ils visitent, representant souvent une source de revenus pour ces etablissements et ces communautes et, dans d’autres cas, une source de travail qualifie dans l’economie actuelle fondee sur les connaissances. Pour les pays d’origine, toutefois, cela peut provoquer une fuite des cerveaux et une plus grande dependance.

Research paper thumbnail of The SAGE Handbook of International Higher Education ed. by Darla K. Deardorff et al

The Review of Higher Education, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Handbook of International Higher Education

Routledge eBooks, Jun 24, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Contributors To Text Boxes At-A-Glance

Routledge eBooks, Jun 24, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalization of Research

Routledge eBooks, Jun 24, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of List Of Acronyms

Routledge eBooks, Jun 24, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Trends, issues and challenges in internationalisation of higher education: where have we come from and where are we going?

Routledge Handbook of International Education and Development, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Internacionalización de instituciones técnicas y tecnológicas de educación superior en el Caribe

Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina, 2020

Resumen Este artículo resume las conclusiones de un estudio sobre la internacionalización de las ... more Resumen Este artículo resume las conclusiones de un estudio sobre la internacionalización de las instituciones técnicas y tecnológicas de educación superior en el Caribe, basado en cinco estudios de caso y una encuesta aplicada a diez instituciones de ocho países. El artículo identifica un enfoque tradicional de internacionalización, dependiente de los donantes extranjeros, identifica oportunidades de mejora y hace recomendaciones. Resumo O artigo resume as conclusões de um estudo sobre a internacionalização de instituições técnicas e tecnológicas de ensino no Caribe, com base em cinco estudos de caso e uma enquete aplicada em dez instituições em oito países. O artigo identifica uma abordagem tradicional à internacionalização dependente de doadores estrangeiros, aponta oportunidades para melhoria e faz recomendações. Abstract: This article summarizes a study on the internationalization of technical and technological higher-education institutions in the Caribbean, based upon the conclusions of five case studies and a survey applied to ten institutions in eight countries. The article identifies a traditional foreign-donor dependent approach to internationalization, idicates opportunities for improvement and makes recommendations.

Research paper thumbnail of The Internationalisation of Spanish Higher Education in Global Perspective

Institutions of higher education must contribute to the realisation of the Sustainable Developmen... more Institutions of higher education must contribute to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the United Nations, to innovation and development, and to the creation of professionals and citizens with skills and sensibilities appropriate for this globalised era. In this concluding section we look at some of the main characteristics of internationalisation of Spanish higher education in that global environment: a scenario filled with opportunities.

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalisation revisited: New dimensions in the internationalisation of higher education

This publication, which is the result of the symposia that CAREM held in 2010 and 2011, contains ... more This publication, which is the result of the symposia that CAREM held in 2010 and 2011, contains 12 contributions in five sections. Together, they provide an overview of trends and new directions in internationalisation as well as insights into current and future research.

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalisation in Higher Education: European Responses to the Global Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalisation in higher education: an introduction

Research paper thumbnail of Series

The Dynamics of International Student Circulation in a Global Context, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of The Globalization of Internationalization

In my September 6, 2006 address to the faculty, I emphasized the importance of globalization as a... more In my September 6, 2006 address to the faculty, I emphasized the importance of globalization as an essential part of the fabric of an urban serving research university: We have an obligation to develop a global focus at all levels of our academic programs. To extend the intellectual and practical global reach of our students serves both our urban mission and our obligation to prepare Kansas residents for productive lives in a fully connected world.

Research paper thumbnail of Identidad e Internacionalización en Las Universidades Católicas: ¿En Qué Punto Ambas Coinciden?

Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina, 2017

Identidad e Internacionalizacion en las Universidades Catolicas: ?En que punto ambas coinciden? L... more Identidad e Internacionalizacion en las Universidades Catolicas: ?En que punto ambas coinciden? Las universidades catolicas son un segmento importante del sector de educacion superior en muchos paises alrededor del mundo. Se podria asumir que por su identidad estarian mas internacionalmente orientadas y activas que otras instituciones de educacion superior. Sin embargo, se conoce poco sobre la relacion entre la identidad religiosa y la internacionalizacion. Como una aproximacion al tema, se realizo una investigacion en tres universidades catolicas de diferentes tipos y ubicadas en diferentes contextos: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC de Chile), Boston College (BC) y Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). Mientras que la afiliacion catolica es un componente fuerte y explicito de las identidades y misiones de estas universidades, y la internacionalizacion es cada vez mas importante en sus planes para el futuro, los dos filamentos aparecen inconexos en los tres casos. Identity and Internationalization in Catholic Universities: Where do these elements intersect? Catholic universities are an important segment of higher education in many countries around the world. One might assume that, given their identity, they would be more internationally oriented and active than other higher education institutions. Nevertheless, little is known about the relationship between religious institutional identity and internationalization. In an effort to understand this issue, a pilot study was undertaken focused on three Catholic universities of different types and in different geographic contexts: the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC de Chile), Boston College (BC), and the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). While their Catholic affiliation is a strong and explicit component of the identities and missions of these universities, and the internationalization is increasingly more important in their future plans, these two dimensions seem not be connected in these three cases. Identidade e Internacionalizacao nas Universidades Catolicas: Aonde as Duas se Coincidem? As universidades catolicas sao um segmento importante do setor de educacao superior em muitos paises ao redor do mundo. Pode-se assumir que pela sua identidade elas estariam mais internacionalmente orientadas e ativas que outras instituicoes de educacao superior. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a relacao entre a identidade religiosa e a internacionalizacao. Como abordagem sobre o assunto, foi realizada uma investigacao em tres universidades catolicas de diferentes tipos e localizadas em diferentes contextos: Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Chile (PUC do Chile), Boston College (BC) e Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). Enquanto a filiacao catolica e um componente forte e explicito das identidades e missoes destas universidades, e a internacionalizacao e cada vez mais importante em seus planos para o futuro; os dois fundamentos aparecem desconexos nos tres casos.

Research paper thumbnail of The Globalisation of Internationalisation: Emerging voices and perspectives.

The Globalization of Internationalization is a timely text which gives voice to emerging perspect... more The Globalization of Internationalization is a timely text which gives voice to emerging perspectives as an increasing range of countries engage in the process of internationalization. The pressure to internationalize cannot be ignored by institutions anywhere in today’s world, yet the dominant paradigms in the conception of internationalization traditionally come from the English-speaking world and Western Europe. This book sets out to offer alternative viewpoints. Different dimensions and interpretations of internationalization in countries and regions whose perspectives have received little attention to date provide food for thought, and help to broaden understanding of its application in alternative contexts.

Combining diverse perspectives from around the world, this new volume in the Internationalization in Higher Education series seeks answers to key questions such as:

What are the main characteristics of internationalization viewed from different cultural and regional backgrounds and how do they differ from traditional models such as in Western Europe, North America and Australasia?
What issues in different global contexts have an impact on internationalization processes?
What are the key challenges and obstacles encountered in developing innovative and non-traditional models of internationalization?
With contributions from world-renowned international authors, and perspectives from countries and contexts seen only rarely in the literature, The Globalization of Internationalization offers distinctive overviews and insights while exploring a range of thematic and regional issues arising from these considerations. This will be essential reading both as an academic resource and a practical manual for university leaders, academics, higher education policy advisers and non-governmental organizations which fund higher education.

Research paper thumbnail of Responding to Massification: Differentiation in postsecondary education worldwide

In the era of mass higher education, countries need well-organized systems to serve diverse posts... more In the era of mass higher education, countries need well-organized systems to serve diverse postsecondary needs; this book provides useful national case studies of the status of postsecondary organization worldwide as well as a comparative analysis of global realities. This book illustrates how countries organize postsecondary education and points to the need for coherent academic systems. The first global analysis aimed at understanding how post-secondary education can be organized to meet society’s needs.

Research paper thumbnail of Global and Local Internationalization

Offering a range of perspectives on internationalization in higher education from a globally disp... more Offering a range of perspectives on internationalization in higher education from a globally dispersed group of authors, this book reflects the many facets of the theme. It reminds us that, while internationalization is strongly connected to the globalization of society, at the same time it is deeply embedded in local political, economic and social structures, systems and cultures.

The increasing attention given to internationalization by institutions all around the world is leading to diversification and broadening of practice. This in turn deepens our understanding of what is needed to enhance the educational experiences of students, and how the outcomes of internationalization contribute to the skills needed in a globalized and multicultural society. Yet inevitably the impact is becoming more noticeable locally and the six sections of the book focus on these dimensions:
• Internationalization in Local and Global Contexts
• Local and Global Drivers for Change
• Global and Local Dimensions of Curriculum Internationalization
• The Outcomes of Local and Global International Education
• Internationalization for Local and Global Employability
• Regional and National Cases of Local and Global Internationalization

Research paper thumbnail of Global and Local Internationalization

Research paper thumbnail of Internationalization in the United States: Data, Trends, and Trump

Produced in partnership with the Boston College Center for International Higher Education, the In... more Produced in partnership with the Boston College Center for International Higher Education, the International Briefs for Higher Education Leaders series is designed to inform strategic decisions about international programs and initiatives. Aimed at university leaders, the Briefs offer analysis and commentary on countries and topics of importance to higher education worldwide.

Research paper thumbnail of The internationalisation of higher education. In Researching Higher Education (Case. J., & Huisman, J. eds)

This chapter explores and teases open several complexities that surround and permeate the interna... more This chapter explores and teases open several complexities that surround and permeate the internationalisation of higher education. The higher education sector is being transformed by a widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary life. The chapter focuses on globalisation and internationalisation and how these concepts are being reconceptualised and enacted in different higher education contexts. According to Jane Knight, internationalisation can be perceived as having two components: internationalisation abroad and internationalisation at home. In the current global knowledge society the concept of internationalisation of higher education has become globalised, demanding further consideration of its impact on policy and practice as more countries and types of institution around the world engage in the process. The internationalisation research across the globe continues to be characterised by a lack of attention on the experiences of students and academics, the core players in the process except in a rather remedial sense.