Beast Wars and Beast Machines (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Feb. 20th, 2017|05:29 pm]Fans of Beast Wars & Beast Machines Tranformers
[**Tags**|dinobot, megatron, news, toys]A couple tidbits of toy news for those who may not have heard yet:Masterpiece Dinobot was confirmed at Wonderfest! No details yet, as far as I can find, but considering how fabulous the Masterpiece Primal and Cheetor toys looked, I'm pretty stoked. And I don't even collect the toys, for wont of space to display them. Though I am tempted to get Cheetor just because my sister ott hates him...Also confirmed at Wonderfest was a prototype this glorious Beast Wars Megatron statue! Nice touch in announcing him at the same expo as MP Dinobot, given that he's got pieces of his traitorous underling littering the ground at his feet. My one complaint is the expression, which doesn't do justice to his personality at all. Hoping they change that for the final product.So, whaddayou guys think?
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Information Search [Apr. 17th, 2011|11:49 pm]Fans of Beast Wars & Beast Machines Tranformers
[**Tags**|dinobot, other, rattrap] Howdy folks! I've got a quick question and I really hope ya'll can help me out.I vaguely remember hearing that someone (a VA, artist, director, etc.) involved in working on Beast Wars hinting and/or outright saying that Dinobot and Rattrap may have had more than just a friendship. *wink, wink* ;)Am I completely making this up? Maybe I'm just remembering a fan saying something along those lines and misread it as official interview material. If you know what I may be referencing, or completely misremembering, please let me know and point me in the right direction. Thank you!!
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Welcome home [Feb. 1st, 2011|10:52 pm]Fans of Beast Wars & Beast Machines Tranformers
[Tags**|dinobot, fan art, megatron]Fan Art XD!!Title: Welcome home Artist: DMirimeType**: Corel PainterRating: PG-13Warnings: Slash/YaoiSummary: Dinobot decides to return with predacons, with his people... Author Notes: l love them :B Megatron/Dinobot( One last kiss for youCollapse )
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Reaching Across [Sep. 16th, 2010|11:00 pm]Fans of Beast Wars & Beast Machines Tranformers
[Tags**|dinobot, fanfiction, optimus primal]Title:** Reaching AcrossCharacter(s): Dinobot, Optimus PrimalRating: PGWarning: Mature conceptsSummary: Optimus has a terrible day and Dinobot gets sick of waiting for the other shoe to drop.( Read more...Collapse )
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Hall of Fame Video - Dinobot [Aug. 5th, 2010|01:29 pm]Fans of Beast Wars & Beast Machines Tranformers
[**Tags**|dinobot, video]Well as most of you might already know, Dinobot has joined Hasbro's Transformers Hall of Fame. For good reasons too ;). Anyway here is official inductee video by Hasbro!! Enjoy. most fitting music XD
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(no subject) [May. 10th, 2010|09:35 am]Fans of Beast Wars & Beast Machines Tranformers
[**Tags**|dinobot]Dinobot got in! *Grins* In case some of you haven't heard, Hasbro's doing a 'Hall of Fame' for the most influential characters. The first four that got in were chosen by Hasbro: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream. However, for the fifth slot, they put up polls on many of the Transformers fansites, to see who the fans wanted to get in. Over the last week, they have been announcing the nominees: Soundwave, Grimlock, Shockwave, Jazz, and, to the surprise of all the G1ers out there Dinobot. The voting for the final slot starts later today, and I thought I should get the word out there: Dinobot's up for the fifth slot in the Hall of Fame, but he can't get there without your votes.\_US/discover/movie-news/TRANSFORMERS-HALL-OF-FAME-Nominee-5.cfm ETA: VOTING IS OPEN!\_US/discover/TRANSFORMERS-HALL-OF-FAME-Poll.cfm And, according to the site, "Voting is open until May 28th - you can only cast one vote per day" you can vote once a day, every day until it closes. Spread the word!
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The Shadow of a Sword: Victory [Mar. 28th, 2010|05:46 pm]Fans of Beast Wars & Beast Machines Tranformers
[Tags**|dinobot, fanfiction, scorponok] [Current Mood** blahblah]Table: WarPrompt: #1 VictoryRating: PGCharacter(s): Dinobot, ScorponokSummary: Dinobot was never one to pass up the chance to get his own back on his former comradesNotes: The fic takes place right after the series pilot and before Rhinox managed to solve the problems with the energon field interfering with their comm units. I had meant to finish the Airazor prompts before I started on the prompt table for Dinobot, but a plot bunny bit my ankle and wouldn't fraggin' let go until I wrote the fic.X-posted to tformers100 and my personal journal**( Something small and quick darted out of the underbrush in front of him...Collapse )**
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Beast Wars Episode Dissection: 'Beast Wars Part 2' [May. 30th, 2009|01:30 pm]Fans of Beast Wars & Beast Machines Tranformers
[Tags**|dinobot, episodes, megatron, optimus primal, rattrap] [Current Mood** awakeawake]Here's the discussion of the second part of the first episode. Go have a look and feel free to comment and voice your own opinions on the episode. (Fake cut is fake)
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