[ mood** | happy ] Name: victoriaAge: 15 Location: woodland california Sexual Preference: men Boyfriend/Girlfriend: (&any pictures you may have of him or her) nope Your... favorite music: a lot favorite movies: a lot Heritage: (where you come from) im half englishYour Opinions On...** Abortion: its ok but i would never do it Bush: hes ok hes the best though Homosexuals: i have no problems wiht them. they are rad Drugs: i dont do any Self Harm: im against it because my cousin did it and she got put in a mental place thing and she was in there 3 times so im against it. What*s Your... Style: im unique if i feel like wearing sometime different i willl wear it Eye Color: bright blue. people same they look like the ocean And anything else you would like to tell us about* um ot really i have a boring life If you have any pictures of yourself & if you don*t NO big deal: (make sure they are clear ones so we can see your BEAUTIFUL FACE!!)![](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/littleminyun/beauty.jpg) |