beinghuman2011 (original) (raw)
Hello everybody! I write fiction, however; life usually keeps me too busy to write or post regularly in any of my chosen fandoms.
I am starting this community with the hopes that writers will feel free to post anything related to Being Human. And it doesn't have to be stories! It can be links to interviews, news about the cast, or even artwork/icons.
Because of my hectic schedule, I won't be able to keep tabs on the community 24/7, but I'd like to have a home for all the fans of Syfy's newest vampire/werewolf series.
1. If you post your fiction, please make sure to rate it, G, PG, PG13, R, NC17, Adult/Mature, or some way that will allow younger viewers to steer clear if they are not of age.
2. Stealing is bad so... don't plagiarize! If you want, you can refer a story from someone else, but make sure to give them the proper credit.
3. Use common sense. I'm sure there are 'rules' I'm forgetting. Just play nice :)
Everyone is welcome to join and post! Enjoy!