possible bench get together? (original ) (raw )
November 2006
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possible bench get together?
Dec. 10th, 2004 @ 09:46 pm
Hey, I was thinking of planning a Bench get together at some point... nothing crazy, just a night at the ol' Village Inn, lots of coffee, lots of debauchery, etc.
When is everyone getting back in town?
19th! But you knew that :)
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18th! but I'm seeing mel and katie that night. what about the 19th or the 20th?
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that could totally work for me. i know molly said she was getting in on the 19th, but she had stuff to do the first few days of her being in town..
i dunno, i guess we'll figure it out. no worries! knowing sarah and i, we'll be at village inn the night i get in (the 17th).
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From:anukis Date:December 12th, 2004 03:08 am (UTC) (Link )
I love and miss you all. I'll be there in spirit. :) Have a good time!
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From:julie56 Date:December 12th, 2004 03:02 pm (UTC) (Link )
We miss you too...alot. Fucken' crappy Santa that can't bring me Lauren for Christmas!!! :'(
And I'll be back the 18th May, possibly really jet-lagged but hopefully coherent.
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| From:radiosunflowers Date:December 14th, 2004 06:19 pm (UTC) | |
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i will be in florida on xmas. yay to be on the beach, boo to not see any benchies.
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