It's secretly a feuding, political battleground. Or not. Who knows? (original) (raw)

| It's secretly a feuding, political battleground. Or not. Who knows? | [**entries**|friends|calendar] | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

[15 Sep 2005|11:27pm]
Look, I posted on a dead community.I think I'll do this intermittantly for my own amusement.
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Layout, Beaurocratic Red Tape, and Soviet Chopsticks. [21 Apr 2005|08:57pm]
[ **mood** | sleepy ] This community needs an LJ coding whiz.IN THE MEANTIME...I can do some things, similar to the effect it had on my LJ, namely:•Backgrounds for the main background, title bar, and comment bar. (WELCOME TO THE KOSHER BAR-- Anyway)•Change Comment and Comments Received links.•Change Mood and Music thingies. Actually, I could find out how to do this, but I don't know how at the moment.•Off center the text box, change the normal width and/or transparency.It's times like this I wish LJ had music-playing capabilities. Not that we'd be able to agree on a song.Signing Off,Ebban.
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