Adriana Zaharijević | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)

Papers by Adriana Zaharijević

Research paper thumbnail of Protiv rata: o začecima savremenog antimilitarizma

Kritika, 2024

Prvi tekst u ovom izboru antiratnih tekstova napisan je 1899, a poslednji 1944. godine. Dakle, mo... more Prvi tekst u ovom izboru antiratnih tekstova napisan je 1899, a poslednji 1944. godine. Dakle, moglo bi se reći: u prvoj polovini dvadesetog veka. U to razdoblje „smestila“ su se dva svetska rata i brojni manji, ali ne manje brutalni ratovi. Ali tu su našle mesto i mirovne konferencije i nastojanja da se osnuju međunarodne organizacije koje bi radile na sprečavanju rata. Ovo poslednje odigrava se zasigurno u iznudici, iz uvida da je produžetak ovog ili onog rata neizvodljiv, iz proračuna da je njegova obustava isplativija od nastavka, ali makar delom i iz vere ili uverenja da je drugačiji svet moguć, iz makar nejasne vizije ljudskog društva utemeljenog na miru a ne na sukobu, na saradnji a ne na ravnoteži snaga i straha. I tu su, najzad, našli mesto glasovi, raznorodni i po žanru i po nakani, i po prilici i po into-naciji, glasovi manje ili više glasovitih žena i muškaraca, pisaca, naučnika, mislilaca, aktivista, koji su imali hrabrosti i veštine da ih podignu protiv rata. Okuplja ih, i u ovom tematu i inače, možda jedino to – temeljno suprotstavljanje belodanom zlu ratovanja – te potreba da o tome prozbore, da investiraju svoj talenat u spise koji svedoče takvom stavu i istovremeno nagovaraju na njega.

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming a Master of an Island Again: On the Desire to be Bodiless

Libidinal Economies of Crisis Times. The Psychic Life of Contemporary Capitalism, ed. Ben Gook, 2024

Reading Robinson Crusoe 300 years after its first publication can help us understand two major fa... more Reading Robinson Crusoe 300 years after its first publication can help us understand two major fantasies of our current moment: the desire to be in complete possession of oneself and thus invulnerable to the endless reconfigurations of the world one merely happens to be part of; and the desire to return to the times when society was ordained as an aggregate of self-contained, self-actualizing individuals. Both fantasies have been invested in the creation of the two paradigmatic figures of our time – the neoliberal homo economicus, and the white masculine master of his property and affairs. Both desires have, as well, rested upon numerous erasures not only of vulnerability and inter/dependence in general, but also and significantly of the body. I argue, however, that the desire to be bodiless goes hand in hand with the desire to place and possess bodies, as material or symbolic property, which are for various reasons denied the capacity to be self-actualizing, indivisible and independent. Robinson Crusoe works as a fictional figure with which a self-possessed master identifies with and desires to return to.

Research paper thumbnail of Family as a Safe Haven? Families in Social Practice and Narratives in Times of Crises. Introduction

Slovenský národopis Slovak Ethnology, 2024

What connects the homeless woman and her children fighting for a right to social housing with a m... more What connects the homeless woman and her children fighting for a right to social housing with a mother in a non-monogamous relationship and a couple living in the post-socialist village at the EU border? At first glance, their stories barely rub against each other. As social researchers, we also tend to categorise them as if they have little in common, and we accordingly approach them from perspectives as diverse as the
sociology of housing, the anthropological or psychological study of sexual behaviours and romantic relationships, and the study of people’s economies, power, and politics. However, on a second look, there is one word that does tie them – family.

Research paper thumbnail of Sexuality and Capitalism

The Cambridge World History of Sexualities, 2024

The main aim of this chapter is to show that sexuality and capitalism are intrinsically related. ... more The main aim of this chapter is to show that sexuality and capitalism are intrinsically related. Such an endeavour demands extracting sex from the domains of nature, reproduction, and the private, and relating it to the intricate norms of capitalism. The first part of the chapter looks at why capitalism and sexuality have been articulated as belonging to separate spheres of life. How did it come to seem that “being a sex” and “having sex” is so entirely removed from the “investment of money to make more money”? The second part of the chapter provides an overview of the historical evolution of capitalism and its relationship to sexuality, focusing on the nineteenth-century transition from the household family-based economy to a fully developed capitalist free labour economy. The main characters of this chapter are homo economicus and his economically invisible wife, the producers of valuable social relations, as well as various “reformable” or “irreformable” others whose sex is deemed of no value or even against value. The chapter presents social relations as capitalist and sexual, and treats the dichotomies social–natural, public–private, and economic–cultural as interwoven in the (de)politicization of both sexuality and capitalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Equal bodies: The notion of the precarious in Judith Butler's work

European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2022

The aim of the article is to offer a reading of Judith Butler's understanding of the precarious, ... more The aim of the article is to offer a reading of Judith Butler's understanding of the precarious, the notion which gives rise to her particular understanding of precarity. The first part of the article discusses the transition from the theory of performativity to the theory of precarity and claims that the body provides the link between a performative act and a precarious life. The second part scrutinizes the idea of the precarious as it appears in conjunction with life. Precariousness and precarity are related to dispossessability and dispossession, and to a politically induced inequality. The article concludes with a claim that the notion of the precarious offers itself as a possible point of departure for an entirely different conceptualization of equality, and as a strong basis for coalitional action or collective struggle. The specific positioning of the body and the political desire for radical equality in Butler's thought makes theories of performativity and precarity interrelated.

Research paper thumbnail of Who Cares for Families? Narrative(s) of Return in Postsocialist Europe

The introduction to the special section "Who Cares for Families? Narrative(s) of Return in Postso... more The introduction to the special section "Who Cares for Families? Narrative(s) of Return in Postsocialist europe" identifies and analyzes its core concept-the narrative of return. Families of today are talked about differently, and how they are narrativized matters. The narrative that stresses that family is under threat and in need of defense or a special form of care, figuring care as restitution of natural, traditional, or family proper, is termed the narrative of return. The trope of return is strongly normative and nondescriptive, as it relies on mythical temporalities that ought to be restored in our present. The article first defines the choice of concepts-narrative, return, care, and threat. Second, it applies this conceptual frame in the transnational context, particularly within the transnational anti-gender campaigns in the populist moment. Third, it focuses on the postsocialist part of europe, where, as the entire special section aims to demonstrate, the narrative of return gained particular currency. In eastern europe, these narratives are integral to larger projects of restoration of national agenda and serve as a tool of double emancipation: from the Soviet past and from the european Union present. Political actors using narrative(s) of return advocate and successfully push through fundamental changes in the political frameworks and value systems of the postsocialist countries. In sum, the article aims to demonstrate the conceptual background of a political tool.

Research paper thumbnail of Contra o indivíduo: quem se qualifica como "um"

Revista Discurso, 2021

O objetivo deste artigo é focalizar especificamente na descrição do homo politicus como um indiví... more O objetivo deste artigo é focalizar especificamente na descrição do homo politicus como um indivíduo soberano que governa a si mesmo. Buscando compreender o neoliberalismo como uma racionalidade governante pela qual tudo se economiza.

Research paper thumbnail of 'The Principle is to Always Cross Borders'

Гендерные исследования, 2022

The Journal "Гендерные исследования" published a special issue on Transnational feminist solidari... more The Journal "Гендерные исследования" published a special issue on Transnational feminist solidarity with Ukrainian Feminists. The paper is based on a short speech on the occasion of our virtual meeting in early May (organised by Judith Butler, Irina Zherebkina and Sabine Hark), and on several reflections of an antinationalist, antimilitarist feminist.

Research paper thumbnail of O pobuni stomaka

Proždrljivost, ur. Dragan Prole, 2021

Andrea Alkijato (Andrea Alciato) prikazuje proždrljivost slikom-amblemom koja otvara i zatvara od... more Andrea Alkijato (Andrea Alciato) prikazuje proždrljivost slikom-amblemom koja otvara i zatvara odeljak o „ustima“ njegove Emblemate (amblem 90, duborez, 1608). Na slici je muškarac – proždrljivci su mahom muškarci – velikog trbuha i dugog vrata, kakav odlikuje i galeba i pelikana koje drži u rukama. Dugovratost je referenca na popularnu legendu o Filoksenu s Lefkade, koji je sanjao o vratu nalik ždralovom da bi slatko meso duže klizilo niz njega. Pored toga što su i same dugovrate, ptice simbolizuju halapljivost i bučnost. Kako je pomenuto, slika otvara i zatvara „Usta“, prvi put naslovljena kao „Proždrljivost“, drugi put „Protiv brbljivog proždrljivca“. Jedenje i govorenje, premda temeljno različite aktivnosti – jedna nas veže za životinju, druga nas razdvaja od ostalih bića jer smo logon echon – uvek zahtevaju telo, usta, ždrelo. A prekomerno jedenje, pijenje možda još i više, oslobađa govor koji postaje verbozan, bučan, često i besmislen, nalik graktanju. Na to podseća i Ludost, progovorivši kroz Erazma: „Jer kakva bi smisla imalo opterećivati želudac tolikim jelima, tako skupocenim i tako biranim poslasticama, ako ne bi istovremeno i oči i uši, i sva duša uživali u smehu, šalama i dosetkama?“

Research paper thumbnail of Pojedinac u pandemiji

O čemu i zašto brinemo? Politika, ekonomija i etika brige u svetlu pandemije COVID-19, 2021

Teza ovog izlaganja je da se tokom pandemije dogodilo nekoliko paralelnih i protivrečnih trendova... more Teza ovog izlaganja je da se tokom pandemije dogodilo nekoliko paralelnih i protivrečnih trendova koji pokazuju da je pitanje brige usitnjeno i disperzovano, da više nije sasvim jasno ko bi trebalo da bude zadužen za brigu, niti kako se pravda njeno povremeno potpuno odsustvo u situacijama koje su samo latentno krizne. Tvrdila bih da se u pandemiji dogodila individualizacija, ali i ukrupnjavanje države, a i da se pokazalo da individua nikad ne stoji sama: za samoizolaciju pojedinca brine se ono što, suprotno M. Tačer (čega je bolno postao svestan sadašnji premijer UK), postoji kao društvena mreža ruku.


Rodna ravnopravnost, od jednakih prava do jednakih mogućnosti, (ur.) Tibor Varadi i Marijana Pajvančić, Beograd: SANU , 2020

Последњих година род и питања родне равноправности се у различитим геополитичким контекстима, па ... more Последњих година род и питања родне равноправности се у различитим геополитичким контекстима, па и у Србији, користе као политичко оруђе у борби против демократије, постигнуте једнакости и освојених слобода. Род функционише као "симболички лепак" који у себи спаја различита друштвена незадовољства, те се родна равноправност у конзервативним и, све чешће, популистичким круговима одређујe као оно што води уништењу породице, нације и државе. Циљ излагања је да покаже како се јавни наратив против такозване родне идеологије лако може претворити у позив на укидање стечених слобода, постигнуте једнакости и равноправности, и одвећ крхке демократије. Настојаћемо да укажемо на сличности у национално различитим приступима овом питању, и да покажемо да тренд који се издаје као битно национални има суштински транснационални карактер. У тексту ћемо мапирати кључна места за разумевање борбе против такозване родне идеологије.

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming a Master of an Island Again: On the Desire to be Bodiless

REDESCRIPTIONS Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, 2020

Reading Robinson Crusoe 300 years after its first publication can help us understand two major fa... more Reading Robinson Crusoe 300 years after its first publication can help us understand two major fantasies of our current moment: the desire to be in complete possession of oneself and thus invulnerable to the endless reconfigurations of the world one merely happens to be part of; and the desire to return to the times when society was ordained as an aggregate of self-contained, self-actualizing individuals. Both fantasies have been invested in the creation of the two paradigmatic figures of our time-the neoliberal homo economicus and the white masculine master of his property and affairs. Both desires have, additionally, rested upon numerous erasures not only of vulnerability and inter/dependence in general, but also and significantly of the body. I argue, however, that the desire to be bodiless goes hand in hand with the desire to place and possess bodies, as material or symbolic property, which are for various reasons denied the capacity to be self-actualizing, indivisible, and independent. Robinson Crusoe works as a fictional figure with which a self-possessed master identifies with and desires to return to. Bodies and Fantasies This text is about contemporary bodies and accompanying fantasies about bodilessness. My main claim is that the paradoxical longing for bodilessness has its twin face in neoliberal and authoritarian regimes of rationality: in the desire to be in complete phantasmal possession of oneself and thus invulnerable to the endless reconfigurations of the world; and in the desire to return to the phantasmal times when society was ordained as an aggregate of self-contained, self-actualizing individuals. Both fantasies have been invested in the creation of the paradigmatic figures of our time-the neoliberal homo economicus and the white masculine master of his property and affairs. My wager is that both regimes build on a fiction of an independent, sovereign, self-sufficient, and self-actualizing being-that is, an individual. The supposition I begin with is that the notion of individual is misleading, because it acts as a paradigm, both in economic and political terms, of a featureless anyone.

Research paper thumbnail of Foucault's Concept of Clinical Gaze Today

Health Care Analysis, 2020

The article examines the patient-doctor relationship, relying on Michel Foucault's concept of the... more The article examines the patient-doctor relationship, relying on Michel Foucault's concept of the clinical gaze. We argue that during the last decades, a profound transformation of the social nature of medicine took place, one that Foucault's understanding of the clinical gaze cannot adequately account for. First, the article offers an elaboration of the three-node network of clinical gaze, the clinic, and nosology to explain the positioning of the doctor and the patient within the specific social ontology generated by the rise of medicine. We then discuss intensive but irresolute developments brought by technological advancements, especially the X-ray tube. Finally, we argue that in the contemporary clinic, equipped with a plethora of sophisticated devices, the position of the doctor endured the most radical transformation in comparison with Foucault's proponent of the clinical gaze at the dawn of modern medicine.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Ontology: Butler via Arendt via Loidolt

Filozofija i društvo, 2020

This short contribution is written on the occasion of the book discussion of Sophie Loidolt's Phe... more This short contribution is written on the occasion of the book discussion of Sophie Loidolt's Phenomenology of Plurality: Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity (2018) at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. It presents an attempt to read the two key notions Loidolt elaborates in her book-spaces of meaning and spaces of the public and private-from a critical perspective offered by Judith Butler's taking up of Arendt's work. Offering Butler's conception of social ontology through several major points of contestation with Arendt, I argue against an all too simple reduction of her understanding of the political and normativity to poststructuralist ones.

Research paper thumbnail of Spaljivanje u 21. veku. Šta stoji iza "rodne ideologije"?

Kultura 163, 2019

У тек­сту се раз­ма­тра та­ко­зва­на ан­ти­род­на иде­о­ло­гија. Реч је о гло­бал­ном фе­но­ме­ну... more У тек­сту се раз­ма­тра та­ко­зва­на ан­ти­род­на иде­о­ло­гија. Реч је о гло­бал­ном фе­но­ме­ну ко­ји по­чи­ва на сна­жном от­по­ру про­ме­на­ма у сфе­ри ро­да, сек­су­ал­но­сти и по­ро­ди­це. Стра­те­ги­је ко­ји­ма се слу­жи ре­де­фи­ни­шу по­јам суб­вер­зи­је, при­ка­зу­ју­ћи суб­верзи­ју као не­што кон­зер­ва­тив­но. Иа­ко се ја­вља као кул­тур­ни от­пор ко­ји се че­сто по­зи­ва на ре­ли­ги­ју, те­за је тек­ста да је „род­на иде­оло­ги­ја“ ис­пред све­га по­ли­тич­ко сред­ство, се­ку­лар­ни ко­ли­ко и ре­лигиј­ски ин­стру­мент за де­фи­ни­са­ње по­жељ­ног дру­штва 21. ве­ка. У пр­вом де­лу тек­ста се ука­зу­је на па­ра­док­сал­не, че­сто и про­тив­речне об­ли­ке ис­по­ља­ва­ња зах­те­ва по­бор­ни­ка ан­ти­род­не иде­о­ло­ги­је, уз на­гла­сак на те­за­ма о не­на­уч­но­сти, зло­у­по­тре­би је­зи­ка, иде­оло­шком мо­ти­ву ко­ји се из­да­је као на­уч­но и по­ли­тич­ки не­у­тра­лан. У дру­гом де­лу тек­ста се крат­ко раз­ма­тра уло­га ре­ли­ги­је, и то ри­мо­ка­то­лич­ке и пра­во­слав­не вер­зи­је хри­шћан­ства, у град­њи овог фе­но­ме­на. У тре­ћем и за­вр­шном де­лу по­ка­зу­је ка­ко је род по­стао тач­ка укр­шта­ња про­ти­вље­ња ре­ар­ти­ку­ла­ци­ја­ма зна­че­ња пра­ва, људ­ског, сло­бо­де и јед­на­ко­сти.


The text delves into the so called anti-gender ideology. Anti-gender
ideology is a global phenomenon established on a strong resistance to
changes in the domain of gender, sexuality and family. Its strategies
re-define the notion of subversion, demonstrating that subversion
nowadays can also be very conservative.Although anti-gender ideology
appears as a cultural form of resistance which regularly evokes religion,
the text claims that it works primarily as a political tool, a secular as
much as a religious instrument for defining the desirable society of the
21st century. The first part of the text demonstrates the paradoxical,
even contradictory articulations of the claims in support of anti-gender
ideology. A special emphasis is put on what becomes defined as the
non-scientific character of gender, the misuse and abuse of language
of gender, and its covert political aspirations which supposedly hide
themselves behind the neutrality of science. In the second part of the text, the role of religion, Roman Catholic and Serbian Orthodox religions in particular, is briefly examined. In the last section, I try to demonstrate
how gender allowed for an intersection of various oppositions to the
rearticulations of the meanings of the right, the human, freedom and

Research paper thumbnail of Seeing Violence: images and critique

Politics and Image, Constantino Pereira Martins Pedro T. Magalhães (eds.), 2019

The main question this paper raises is what the images of war produce. What is our response to th... more The main question this paper raises is what the images of war produce. What is our response to the images of horror and, further, can seeing them make us want to stop wars? To answer these questions, I propose we examine several levels of what constitutes a response. The frames of horror re-present violence in different ways, thereby exercising a certain form of violence over us. Where does that violence take place – within our understanding or in our bowels? What is the nature of our affective reaction – is affect ever raw or is it mediated and ‘trained’? Does our understanding help in reworking our affects in such a way as to help us become critical of what we see and also perhaps develop a strong politico-ethical stance? Do images speak or do they only haunt us? The paper demonstrates our complex entanglement with the framed reality of an image, only to show that there are no easy, Manichean answers, since our response to the images of horror is the response of a social being whose eye has been always already framed by the frames themselves.

Research paper thumbnail of Protiv individue: deindividualizirani politički subjekt

Filozofska istraživanja, 2018

Autorica u tekstu polazi od premise da je politički subjekt neoliberalizma, vladajuće političke r... more Autorica u tekstu polazi od premise da je politički subjekt neoliberalizma, vladajuće političke racionalnosti, individua koja se može okarakterizirati kao isključivi i nepodijeljeni posjednik samog sebe. Preispitivanjem tropa ne/ovisnosti razlažu se pretpostavke koje su uključene u pojam individue, a potom se, analizom konteksta njegove upotrebe u 19. stoljeću, pokazuje da je on bremenit genealogijama koje ograničavaju njegovu političku upotrebljivost u 21. stoljeću. Misliti protiv neoliberalizma zahtijeva napuštanje ideje individue kao suverenog vlasnika koji vlada sobom. Promišljanje alternativnog političkog horizonta, traganje za homo politicus-om koji se uistinu razlikuje od homo oeconomicus-a, iziskuje napuštanje političkog mišljenja koje polazi od pojedinca.

Research paper thumbnail of The promise of human rights

Since 1948, seven decades have passed. Even though this is said to be the “fastest time” in the h... more Since 1948, seven decades have passed. Even though this is said to be the “fastest time” in the history of time, these seven decades are probably too short a period to enable us to draw a line under and truly and thoroughly re-examine the heritage of the most ambitious charter in the history of human rights. Too little time has passed to understand how to realize the promise of the Universal Declaration: that world peace
is necessary for each member of the human community to have the right to life. Finally, it is possible that such a request can never move further than a promise, and the decades which are behind us can perhaps do nothing other than confirm that this promise stands firstly as a warning, rather than as any kind of model for use.

Research paper thumbnail of Obećanje ljudskih prava

Od 1948. godine prošlo je sedam decenija. Iako je reč o „najbržem vremenu“ u istoriji vremena, ti... more Od 1948. godine prošlo je sedam decenija. Iako je reč o „najbržem vremenu“ u istoriji vremena, tih sedam decenija verovatno je malo da bi se podvukla crta i zbilja temeljno preispitala baština najambicioznije povelje u povesti ljudskih prava. Premalo je vremena prošlo da bi se razumelo kako ostvariti obećanje Univerzalne deklaracije: da je svetski mir nužan da bi svako u čovečanskoj zajednici imao pravo na život. Najzad, moguće je da se jedan takav zahtev nikada i ne može odmaći od obećanja, a decenije koje su za nama možda i ne mogu drugo do da potvrde da ovo obećanje pre stoji kao upozorenje, nego kao kakav šablon za upotrebu.

Research paper thumbnail of Habemus Gender: Serbian Case

Feministiqa, 2018

The article discusses the emergence of ‘gender ideology’ in Serbia, focusing on the recent public... more The article discusses the emergence of ‘gender ideology’ in Serbia, focusing on the recent public outcry against the introduction of education packages on gendered violence in schools. The case demonstrates that this concerted action has been undertaken not by the ‘common people’ it purportedly represents, but by conservative academics. The struggle against ‘gender ideology’ divides ‘the people’ into two camps, upholding the values of the ‘normal’ (Serbian) family: that is, a middle-class, well-to-do family that wants to be left alone, unaffected and undisturbed by intrusions of the state. The article demonstrates the validity of the claim that gender acts as ‘symbolic glue’ in contemporary conservative struggles across Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Protiv rata: o začecima savremenog antimilitarizma

Kritika, 2024

Prvi tekst u ovom izboru antiratnih tekstova napisan je 1899, a poslednji 1944. godine. Dakle, mo... more Prvi tekst u ovom izboru antiratnih tekstova napisan je 1899, a poslednji 1944. godine. Dakle, moglo bi se reći: u prvoj polovini dvadesetog veka. U to razdoblje „smestila“ su se dva svetska rata i brojni manji, ali ne manje brutalni ratovi. Ali tu su našle mesto i mirovne konferencije i nastojanja da se osnuju međunarodne organizacije koje bi radile na sprečavanju rata. Ovo poslednje odigrava se zasigurno u iznudici, iz uvida da je produžetak ovog ili onog rata neizvodljiv, iz proračuna da je njegova obustava isplativija od nastavka, ali makar delom i iz vere ili uverenja da je drugačiji svet moguć, iz makar nejasne vizije ljudskog društva utemeljenog na miru a ne na sukobu, na saradnji a ne na ravnoteži snaga i straha. I tu su, najzad, našli mesto glasovi, raznorodni i po žanru i po nakani, i po prilici i po into-naciji, glasovi manje ili više glasovitih žena i muškaraca, pisaca, naučnika, mislilaca, aktivista, koji su imali hrabrosti i veštine da ih podignu protiv rata. Okuplja ih, i u ovom tematu i inače, možda jedino to – temeljno suprotstavljanje belodanom zlu ratovanja – te potreba da o tome prozbore, da investiraju svoj talenat u spise koji svedoče takvom stavu i istovremeno nagovaraju na njega.

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming a Master of an Island Again: On the Desire to be Bodiless

Libidinal Economies of Crisis Times. The Psychic Life of Contemporary Capitalism, ed. Ben Gook, 2024

Reading Robinson Crusoe 300 years after its first publication can help us understand two major fa... more Reading Robinson Crusoe 300 years after its first publication can help us understand two major fantasies of our current moment: the desire to be in complete possession of oneself and thus invulnerable to the endless reconfigurations of the world one merely happens to be part of; and the desire to return to the times when society was ordained as an aggregate of self-contained, self-actualizing individuals. Both fantasies have been invested in the creation of the two paradigmatic figures of our time – the neoliberal homo economicus, and the white masculine master of his property and affairs. Both desires have, as well, rested upon numerous erasures not only of vulnerability and inter/dependence in general, but also and significantly of the body. I argue, however, that the desire to be bodiless goes hand in hand with the desire to place and possess bodies, as material or symbolic property, which are for various reasons denied the capacity to be self-actualizing, indivisible and independent. Robinson Crusoe works as a fictional figure with which a self-possessed master identifies with and desires to return to.

Research paper thumbnail of Family as a Safe Haven? Families in Social Practice and Narratives in Times of Crises. Introduction

Slovenský národopis Slovak Ethnology, 2024

What connects the homeless woman and her children fighting for a right to social housing with a m... more What connects the homeless woman and her children fighting for a right to social housing with a mother in a non-monogamous relationship and a couple living in the post-socialist village at the EU border? At first glance, their stories barely rub against each other. As social researchers, we also tend to categorise them as if they have little in common, and we accordingly approach them from perspectives as diverse as the
sociology of housing, the anthropological or psychological study of sexual behaviours and romantic relationships, and the study of people’s economies, power, and politics. However, on a second look, there is one word that does tie them – family.

Research paper thumbnail of Sexuality and Capitalism

The Cambridge World History of Sexualities, 2024

The main aim of this chapter is to show that sexuality and capitalism are intrinsically related. ... more The main aim of this chapter is to show that sexuality and capitalism are intrinsically related. Such an endeavour demands extracting sex from the domains of nature, reproduction, and the private, and relating it to the intricate norms of capitalism. The first part of the chapter looks at why capitalism and sexuality have been articulated as belonging to separate spheres of life. How did it come to seem that “being a sex” and “having sex” is so entirely removed from the “investment of money to make more money”? The second part of the chapter provides an overview of the historical evolution of capitalism and its relationship to sexuality, focusing on the nineteenth-century transition from the household family-based economy to a fully developed capitalist free labour economy. The main characters of this chapter are homo economicus and his economically invisible wife, the producers of valuable social relations, as well as various “reformable” or “irreformable” others whose sex is deemed of no value or even against value. The chapter presents social relations as capitalist and sexual, and treats the dichotomies social–natural, public–private, and economic–cultural as interwoven in the (de)politicization of both sexuality and capitalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Equal bodies: The notion of the precarious in Judith Butler's work

European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2022

The aim of the article is to offer a reading of Judith Butler's understanding of the precarious, ... more The aim of the article is to offer a reading of Judith Butler's understanding of the precarious, the notion which gives rise to her particular understanding of precarity. The first part of the article discusses the transition from the theory of performativity to the theory of precarity and claims that the body provides the link between a performative act and a precarious life. The second part scrutinizes the idea of the precarious as it appears in conjunction with life. Precariousness and precarity are related to dispossessability and dispossession, and to a politically induced inequality. The article concludes with a claim that the notion of the precarious offers itself as a possible point of departure for an entirely different conceptualization of equality, and as a strong basis for coalitional action or collective struggle. The specific positioning of the body and the political desire for radical equality in Butler's thought makes theories of performativity and precarity interrelated.

Research paper thumbnail of Who Cares for Families? Narrative(s) of Return in Postsocialist Europe

The introduction to the special section "Who Cares for Families? Narrative(s) of Return in Postso... more The introduction to the special section "Who Cares for Families? Narrative(s) of Return in Postsocialist europe" identifies and analyzes its core concept-the narrative of return. Families of today are talked about differently, and how they are narrativized matters. The narrative that stresses that family is under threat and in need of defense or a special form of care, figuring care as restitution of natural, traditional, or family proper, is termed the narrative of return. The trope of return is strongly normative and nondescriptive, as it relies on mythical temporalities that ought to be restored in our present. The article first defines the choice of concepts-narrative, return, care, and threat. Second, it applies this conceptual frame in the transnational context, particularly within the transnational anti-gender campaigns in the populist moment. Third, it focuses on the postsocialist part of europe, where, as the entire special section aims to demonstrate, the narrative of return gained particular currency. In eastern europe, these narratives are integral to larger projects of restoration of national agenda and serve as a tool of double emancipation: from the Soviet past and from the european Union present. Political actors using narrative(s) of return advocate and successfully push through fundamental changes in the political frameworks and value systems of the postsocialist countries. In sum, the article aims to demonstrate the conceptual background of a political tool.

Research paper thumbnail of Contra o indivíduo: quem se qualifica como "um"

Revista Discurso, 2021

O objetivo deste artigo é focalizar especificamente na descrição do homo politicus como um indiví... more O objetivo deste artigo é focalizar especificamente na descrição do homo politicus como um indivíduo soberano que governa a si mesmo. Buscando compreender o neoliberalismo como uma racionalidade governante pela qual tudo se economiza.

Research paper thumbnail of 'The Principle is to Always Cross Borders'

Гендерные исследования, 2022

The Journal "Гендерные исследования" published a special issue on Transnational feminist solidari... more The Journal "Гендерные исследования" published a special issue on Transnational feminist solidarity with Ukrainian Feminists. The paper is based on a short speech on the occasion of our virtual meeting in early May (organised by Judith Butler, Irina Zherebkina and Sabine Hark), and on several reflections of an antinationalist, antimilitarist feminist.

Research paper thumbnail of O pobuni stomaka

Proždrljivost, ur. Dragan Prole, 2021

Andrea Alkijato (Andrea Alciato) prikazuje proždrljivost slikom-amblemom koja otvara i zatvara od... more Andrea Alkijato (Andrea Alciato) prikazuje proždrljivost slikom-amblemom koja otvara i zatvara odeljak o „ustima“ njegove Emblemate (amblem 90, duborez, 1608). Na slici je muškarac – proždrljivci su mahom muškarci – velikog trbuha i dugog vrata, kakav odlikuje i galeba i pelikana koje drži u rukama. Dugovratost je referenca na popularnu legendu o Filoksenu s Lefkade, koji je sanjao o vratu nalik ždralovom da bi slatko meso duže klizilo niz njega. Pored toga što su i same dugovrate, ptice simbolizuju halapljivost i bučnost. Kako je pomenuto, slika otvara i zatvara „Usta“, prvi put naslovljena kao „Proždrljivost“, drugi put „Protiv brbljivog proždrljivca“. Jedenje i govorenje, premda temeljno različite aktivnosti – jedna nas veže za životinju, druga nas razdvaja od ostalih bića jer smo logon echon – uvek zahtevaju telo, usta, ždrelo. A prekomerno jedenje, pijenje možda još i više, oslobađa govor koji postaje verbozan, bučan, često i besmislen, nalik graktanju. Na to podseća i Ludost, progovorivši kroz Erazma: „Jer kakva bi smisla imalo opterećivati želudac tolikim jelima, tako skupocenim i tako biranim poslasticama, ako ne bi istovremeno i oči i uši, i sva duša uživali u smehu, šalama i dosetkama?“

Research paper thumbnail of Pojedinac u pandemiji

O čemu i zašto brinemo? Politika, ekonomija i etika brige u svetlu pandemije COVID-19, 2021

Teza ovog izlaganja je da se tokom pandemije dogodilo nekoliko paralelnih i protivrečnih trendova... more Teza ovog izlaganja je da se tokom pandemije dogodilo nekoliko paralelnih i protivrečnih trendova koji pokazuju da je pitanje brige usitnjeno i disperzovano, da više nije sasvim jasno ko bi trebalo da bude zadužen za brigu, niti kako se pravda njeno povremeno potpuno odsustvo u situacijama koje su samo latentno krizne. Tvrdila bih da se u pandemiji dogodila individualizacija, ali i ukrupnjavanje države, a i da se pokazalo da individua nikad ne stoji sama: za samoizolaciju pojedinca brine se ono što, suprotno M. Tačer (čega je bolno postao svestan sadašnji premijer UK), postoji kao društvena mreža ruku.


Rodna ravnopravnost, od jednakih prava do jednakih mogućnosti, (ur.) Tibor Varadi i Marijana Pajvančić, Beograd: SANU , 2020

Последњих година род и питања родне равноправности се у различитим геополитичким контекстима, па ... more Последњих година род и питања родне равноправности се у различитим геополитичким контекстима, па и у Србији, користе као политичко оруђе у борби против демократије, постигнуте једнакости и освојених слобода. Род функционише као "симболички лепак" који у себи спаја различита друштвена незадовољства, те се родна равноправност у конзервативним и, све чешће, популистичким круговима одређујe као оно што води уништењу породице, нације и државе. Циљ излагања је да покаже како се јавни наратив против такозване родне идеологије лако може претворити у позив на укидање стечених слобода, постигнуте једнакости и равноправности, и одвећ крхке демократије. Настојаћемо да укажемо на сличности у национално различитим приступима овом питању, и да покажемо да тренд који се издаје као битно национални има суштински транснационални карактер. У тексту ћемо мапирати кључна места за разумевање борбе против такозване родне идеологије.

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming a Master of an Island Again: On the Desire to be Bodiless

REDESCRIPTIONS Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, 2020

Reading Robinson Crusoe 300 years after its first publication can help us understand two major fa... more Reading Robinson Crusoe 300 years after its first publication can help us understand two major fantasies of our current moment: the desire to be in complete possession of oneself and thus invulnerable to the endless reconfigurations of the world one merely happens to be part of; and the desire to return to the times when society was ordained as an aggregate of self-contained, self-actualizing individuals. Both fantasies have been invested in the creation of the two paradigmatic figures of our time-the neoliberal homo economicus and the white masculine master of his property and affairs. Both desires have, additionally, rested upon numerous erasures not only of vulnerability and inter/dependence in general, but also and significantly of the body. I argue, however, that the desire to be bodiless goes hand in hand with the desire to place and possess bodies, as material or symbolic property, which are for various reasons denied the capacity to be self-actualizing, indivisible, and independent. Robinson Crusoe works as a fictional figure with which a self-possessed master identifies with and desires to return to. Bodies and Fantasies This text is about contemporary bodies and accompanying fantasies about bodilessness. My main claim is that the paradoxical longing for bodilessness has its twin face in neoliberal and authoritarian regimes of rationality: in the desire to be in complete phantasmal possession of oneself and thus invulnerable to the endless reconfigurations of the world; and in the desire to return to the phantasmal times when society was ordained as an aggregate of self-contained, self-actualizing individuals. Both fantasies have been invested in the creation of the paradigmatic figures of our time-the neoliberal homo economicus and the white masculine master of his property and affairs. My wager is that both regimes build on a fiction of an independent, sovereign, self-sufficient, and self-actualizing being-that is, an individual. The supposition I begin with is that the notion of individual is misleading, because it acts as a paradigm, both in economic and political terms, of a featureless anyone.

Research paper thumbnail of Foucault's Concept of Clinical Gaze Today

Health Care Analysis, 2020

The article examines the patient-doctor relationship, relying on Michel Foucault's concept of the... more The article examines the patient-doctor relationship, relying on Michel Foucault's concept of the clinical gaze. We argue that during the last decades, a profound transformation of the social nature of medicine took place, one that Foucault's understanding of the clinical gaze cannot adequately account for. First, the article offers an elaboration of the three-node network of clinical gaze, the clinic, and nosology to explain the positioning of the doctor and the patient within the specific social ontology generated by the rise of medicine. We then discuss intensive but irresolute developments brought by technological advancements, especially the X-ray tube. Finally, we argue that in the contemporary clinic, equipped with a plethora of sophisticated devices, the position of the doctor endured the most radical transformation in comparison with Foucault's proponent of the clinical gaze at the dawn of modern medicine.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Ontology: Butler via Arendt via Loidolt

Filozofija i društvo, 2020

This short contribution is written on the occasion of the book discussion of Sophie Loidolt's Phe... more This short contribution is written on the occasion of the book discussion of Sophie Loidolt's Phenomenology of Plurality: Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity (2018) at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. It presents an attempt to read the two key notions Loidolt elaborates in her book-spaces of meaning and spaces of the public and private-from a critical perspective offered by Judith Butler's taking up of Arendt's work. Offering Butler's conception of social ontology through several major points of contestation with Arendt, I argue against an all too simple reduction of her understanding of the political and normativity to poststructuralist ones.

Research paper thumbnail of Spaljivanje u 21. veku. Šta stoji iza "rodne ideologije"?

Kultura 163, 2019

У тек­сту се раз­ма­тра та­ко­зва­на ан­ти­род­на иде­о­ло­гија. Реч је о гло­бал­ном фе­но­ме­ну... more У тек­сту се раз­ма­тра та­ко­зва­на ан­ти­род­на иде­о­ло­гија. Реч је о гло­бал­ном фе­но­ме­ну ко­ји по­чи­ва на сна­жном от­по­ру про­ме­на­ма у сфе­ри ро­да, сек­су­ал­но­сти и по­ро­ди­це. Стра­те­ги­је ко­ји­ма се слу­жи ре­де­фи­ни­шу по­јам суб­вер­зи­је, при­ка­зу­ју­ћи суб­верзи­ју као не­што кон­зер­ва­тив­но. Иа­ко се ја­вља као кул­тур­ни от­пор ко­ји се че­сто по­зи­ва на ре­ли­ги­ју, те­за је тек­ста да је „род­на иде­оло­ги­ја“ ис­пред све­га по­ли­тич­ко сред­ство, се­ку­лар­ни ко­ли­ко и ре­лигиј­ски ин­стру­мент за де­фи­ни­са­ње по­жељ­ног дру­штва 21. ве­ка. У пр­вом де­лу тек­ста се ука­зу­је на па­ра­док­сал­не, че­сто и про­тив­речне об­ли­ке ис­по­ља­ва­ња зах­те­ва по­бор­ни­ка ан­ти­род­не иде­о­ло­ги­је, уз на­гла­сак на те­за­ма о не­на­уч­но­сти, зло­у­по­тре­би је­зи­ка, иде­оло­шком мо­ти­ву ко­ји се из­да­је као на­уч­но и по­ли­тич­ки не­у­тра­лан. У дру­гом де­лу тек­ста се крат­ко раз­ма­тра уло­га ре­ли­ги­је, и то ри­мо­ка­то­лич­ке и пра­во­слав­не вер­зи­је хри­шћан­ства, у град­њи овог фе­но­ме­на. У тре­ћем и за­вр­шном де­лу по­ка­зу­је ка­ко је род по­стао тач­ка укр­шта­ња про­ти­вље­ња ре­ар­ти­ку­ла­ци­ја­ма зна­че­ња пра­ва, људ­ског, сло­бо­де и јед­на­ко­сти.


The text delves into the so called anti-gender ideology. Anti-gender
ideology is a global phenomenon established on a strong resistance to
changes in the domain of gender, sexuality and family. Its strategies
re-define the notion of subversion, demonstrating that subversion
nowadays can also be very conservative.Although anti-gender ideology
appears as a cultural form of resistance which regularly evokes religion,
the text claims that it works primarily as a political tool, a secular as
much as a religious instrument for defining the desirable society of the
21st century. The first part of the text demonstrates the paradoxical,
even contradictory articulations of the claims in support of anti-gender
ideology. A special emphasis is put on what becomes defined as the
non-scientific character of gender, the misuse and abuse of language
of gender, and its covert political aspirations which supposedly hide
themselves behind the neutrality of science. In the second part of the text, the role of religion, Roman Catholic and Serbian Orthodox religions in particular, is briefly examined. In the last section, I try to demonstrate
how gender allowed for an intersection of various oppositions to the
rearticulations of the meanings of the right, the human, freedom and

Research paper thumbnail of Seeing Violence: images and critique

Politics and Image, Constantino Pereira Martins Pedro T. Magalhães (eds.), 2019

The main question this paper raises is what the images of war produce. What is our response to th... more The main question this paper raises is what the images of war produce. What is our response to the images of horror and, further, can seeing them make us want to stop wars? To answer these questions, I propose we examine several levels of what constitutes a response. The frames of horror re-present violence in different ways, thereby exercising a certain form of violence over us. Where does that violence take place – within our understanding or in our bowels? What is the nature of our affective reaction – is affect ever raw or is it mediated and ‘trained’? Does our understanding help in reworking our affects in such a way as to help us become critical of what we see and also perhaps develop a strong politico-ethical stance? Do images speak or do they only haunt us? The paper demonstrates our complex entanglement with the framed reality of an image, only to show that there are no easy, Manichean answers, since our response to the images of horror is the response of a social being whose eye has been always already framed by the frames themselves.

Research paper thumbnail of Protiv individue: deindividualizirani politički subjekt

Filozofska istraživanja, 2018

Autorica u tekstu polazi od premise da je politički subjekt neoliberalizma, vladajuće političke r... more Autorica u tekstu polazi od premise da je politički subjekt neoliberalizma, vladajuće političke racionalnosti, individua koja se može okarakterizirati kao isključivi i nepodijeljeni posjednik samog sebe. Preispitivanjem tropa ne/ovisnosti razlažu se pretpostavke koje su uključene u pojam individue, a potom se, analizom konteksta njegove upotrebe u 19. stoljeću, pokazuje da je on bremenit genealogijama koje ograničavaju njegovu političku upotrebljivost u 21. stoljeću. Misliti protiv neoliberalizma zahtijeva napuštanje ideje individue kao suverenog vlasnika koji vlada sobom. Promišljanje alternativnog političkog horizonta, traganje za homo politicus-om koji se uistinu razlikuje od homo oeconomicus-a, iziskuje napuštanje političkog mišljenja koje polazi od pojedinca.

Research paper thumbnail of The promise of human rights

Since 1948, seven decades have passed. Even though this is said to be the “fastest time” in the h... more Since 1948, seven decades have passed. Even though this is said to be the “fastest time” in the history of time, these seven decades are probably too short a period to enable us to draw a line under and truly and thoroughly re-examine the heritage of the most ambitious charter in the history of human rights. Too little time has passed to understand how to realize the promise of the Universal Declaration: that world peace
is necessary for each member of the human community to have the right to life. Finally, it is possible that such a request can never move further than a promise, and the decades which are behind us can perhaps do nothing other than confirm that this promise stands firstly as a warning, rather than as any kind of model for use.

Research paper thumbnail of Obećanje ljudskih prava

Od 1948. godine prošlo je sedam decenija. Iako je reč o „najbržem vremenu“ u istoriji vremena, ti... more Od 1948. godine prošlo je sedam decenija. Iako je reč o „najbržem vremenu“ u istoriji vremena, tih sedam decenija verovatno je malo da bi se podvukla crta i zbilja temeljno preispitala baština najambicioznije povelje u povesti ljudskih prava. Premalo je vremena prošlo da bi se razumelo kako ostvariti obećanje Univerzalne deklaracije: da je svetski mir nužan da bi svako u čovečanskoj zajednici imao pravo na život. Najzad, moguće je da se jedan takav zahtev nikada i ne može odmaći od obećanja, a decenije koje su za nama možda i ne mogu drugo do da potvrde da ovo obećanje pre stoji kao upozorenje, nego kao kakav šablon za upotrebu.

Research paper thumbnail of Habemus Gender: Serbian Case

Feministiqa, 2018

The article discusses the emergence of ‘gender ideology’ in Serbia, focusing on the recent public... more The article discusses the emergence of ‘gender ideology’ in Serbia, focusing on the recent public outcry against the introduction of education packages on gendered violence in schools. The case demonstrates that this concerted action has been undertaken not by the ‘common people’ it purportedly represents, but by conservative academics. The struggle against ‘gender ideology’ divides ‘the people’ into two camps, upholding the values of the ‘normal’ (Serbian) family: that is, a middle-class, well-to-do family that wants to be left alone, unaffected and undisturbed by intrusions of the state. The article demonstrates the validity of the claim that gender acts as ‘symbolic glue’ in contemporary conservative struggles across Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Bodies and Norms, Judith Butler and Politics

Judith Butler and Politics, 2023

There are many accounts of Butler’s understanding of performativity. The one offered here relies ... more There are many accounts of Butler’s understanding of performativity. The one offered here relies primarily on its relation to becoming. To this end, the second chapter reads early Butler, trying to reconstruct the influence of Simone de Beauvoir, along with Gayle Rubin, Monique Wittig, Hegel and Michel Foucault, on their conceptualisation of the relation between bodies and norms. The theory of performativity is about the reality in which we live, as embodied – and hence also always gendered – beings. Performativity tells us something about how the real has been established for us, but also about our role in the constitution of such reality. Norms shape our social reality that we at the same time perform – under constraint. The second chapter presents Butler’s understanding of sex, gender and performance, so to say, prior to the introduction of the complex notion of performativity. It thus ends with a host of unresolved questions, most important of which is why we do our genders – or, why we craft our bodies – the way we do?

Research paper thumbnail of Judith Butler and Politics

Presents Judith Butler's interest in plurality of bodily lives and her search for a social transf... more Presents Judith Butler's interest in plurality of bodily lives and her search for a social transformation conducive to a more livable world
Offers a novel understanding of Butler’ work as a call for an insurrection at the level of the real
Provides a framework based on an intersection of four main pillar-concepts, performativity, agency, livable life and non-violence
Reads Butler’s philosophy as centred on bodies
Reads Butler’s work as a convincing counter-argument against liberal versions of ontology
This book is the only monograph-length study of the work of Judith Butler to focus on the entire scope of her work, including the last decade of her writing. In light of these texts, it presents a fresh interpretation of Butler’s political thought, oriented by the idea of an insurrection at the level of the real.

Research paper thumbnail of The never-ending quest for sense. Women and peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

Jelena Šantić Foundation , 2022

This writing was produced based on the results of reflection on the reach of women’s peace activi... more This writing was produced based on the results of reflection on the reach of women’s peace activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, as well as on interviews with activists of different generations, carried out during the summer of 2021. Even before we started the writing process, we knew
that women peace activists should get the most of the credit for saving the “face and honour” – to use these words rarely associated with feminism – of both these countries. However, we also knew that the experiences of war and destruction, and ergo peace building, had been largely dissimilar in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia, to the point where they were perhaps incomparable. Our aim was thus to try to explain the context in which we lived and acted, and to compare the reflections
by those seeking for peace to be much more than the absence of war. This text is therefore, a chorus of women’s voices joined together, as in a Greek
tragedy, to explain what is not there, even though it could and should have been attained.

Research paper thumbnail of Neprekidno traganje za smislom. Žene i izgradnja mira u Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji

Jelena Šantić fondacija, 2022

Ova studija nastala je na osnovu rezultata promišljanja dometa ženskog mirovnog aktivizma u Bosni... more Ova studija nastala je na osnovu rezultata promišljanja dometa ženskog mirovnog aktivizma u Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji i intervjua vođenih tokom
leta 2021. sa aktivistkinjama različitih generacija. I pre no što smo počele da pišemo, znale smo da su mirovnjakinje najzaslužnije za „obraz i čast“ – reči koje ne idu često uz feminizam – obeju zemalja. Međutim, znale smo i da su iskustva rata i razaranja, pa samim tim i izgradnje mira, bitno drugačija u Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji i da se ona možda i ne mogu porediti. Cilj nam je stoga bio da pokušamo da objasnimo kontekst u kojem živimo i delamo i da uporedimo promišljanja onih koje od mira traže da bude daleko više od odsustva rata. Utoliko je ovaj tekst hor glasova žena koje su njime udružene i koje, kao u antičkoj tragediji, objašnjavaju ono čega nema, a moglo je i trebalo da se dogodi.

Research paper thumbnail of Život tela. Politička filozofija Džudit Batler

Akademska knjiga, 2020

Cilj mi je da zahvatim ono što je u temeljnom smislu neprepričivo – promenu koju tekst Džudit Bat... more Cilj mi je da zahvatim ono što je u temeljnom smislu neprepričivo – promenu koju tekst Džudit Batler izvodi nad onima koji je čitaju. Možda je otuda najsvojstveniji deo ove knjige jedan ekskurs gde se u pomoć prizivaju njene dragocene čitateljke s naših prostora, koje su pristale da podele iskustvo vlastitog prvog susreta s Nevoljom s rodom. Taj ekskurs, a implicitno i knjiga u celini, valja razumeti kao inscenaciju misli koja ima svojevrsnu transformativnu moć. Iako bi ovakav iskaz mogao delovati preterano i odveć metaforično, mislim, kao i toliki drugi, da njen tekst ima snagu da nas duboko izazove, da nas privoli da mislimo drugačije, a možda i da drugačije delamo. Pitanje koje lebdi nad stranicama ove knjige je naizgled jednostavno: kako je to moguće? Šta je to u ovom tekstu što ima snagu da nas menja, da nas angažuje iznutra ili prema svetu izvan nas?

Kako je već naznačeno, to bi moralo biti ono što radi filozofija. Nagoneći nas da se zapitamo nad nekim najosnovnijim iskustvima koja imamo suočeni sa svetom, filozofija prekida životne poslove, zaustavlja nas u njihovom središtu, prinuđuje nas da stanemo i ostanemo u pitanju. Političko nas, s druge strane, pokreće, goni na delanje, ubrzava svet života, smeštajući nas usred mnoštva, i uvek među druge. Tu paradoksalnu istovremenost stajanja i kretanja, dvostruki angažman ka unutra i ka svetu, pokušava da zahvati podnaslov koji obećava političku filozofiju. Stavljena u taj okvir, ova knjiga, međutim, ne želi da uhvati samo naše pojedinačne promene u susretu s tekstom, već nastoji da razume i daleko šire pitanje koje on ima moć da pokrene – pitanje društvene transformacije.

Ono što politička filozofija Džudit Batler radi najtemeljnije je povezano s performativnošću. Jasno, performativnost je ključan pojam njenog teorijskog poduhvata, prva reč koja dolazi na um kad se na njega pomisli. Međutim, ovde je reč o jednoj sasvim specifičnoj dimenziji performativnosti, o izvođačkom aspektu samog teksta. Tekst izvodi: svaki njen tekst je svojevrstan performans u jeziku (i moglo bi se tvrditi da je upravo to ono što njene tekstove čini tako zavodljivim i rasplesanim, ili frustrirajućim i parališućim). Središnja teza ove knjige jeste da politička filozofija Džudit Batler izvodi pobunu u ravni ontologije (PL, 33), izvodeći to kao zahtev koji se čitaocima upućuje, koji nas izaziva. Tekst nas nagoni da se zapitamo šta je stvarno, da li je to sve što jeste i da li se stvarno može misliti nekako drugačije – štaviše, može li se nešto učiniti da stvarno postane drugačije. Nešto se u tekstu, i u nama zajedno s njim, buni. Budući da svaka pobuna ima političku narav, političko iskrsava iz samog teksta i angažuje in medias res. Njen tekst ne nudi objašnjenja pobune, on nije ni njen opis, ni njen propis. Pa ipak, zahvaćeni tom tekstualnom pobunom u ravni stvarnog, postajemo zatečeni u činu koji nas otvara, koji nas inicira u promenu koja nam se zbiva sada i ovde. Knjiga nosi naslov Život telā zbog toga što se na nekom neizrecivom nivou pobuna doživljava kao neizbežna, kao nešto čemu se ne možemo odupreti jer je ulog previsok: ulog je sâm život.

Oni koji bar donekle poznaju delo Džudit Batler jamačno će zastati kod reči „telo“. Nije li se zamašan deo kritike njenog dela organizovao oko pretpostavke da se telu nikada nije poklanjalo dovoljno pažnje? Nije li takoreći opšteprihvaćena teza da teorija performativnosti i njeno specifično uobličenje roda i pola staju na put onom što se uobičajeno određuje kao stvar tela? Zar se subjekt performativnosti ne javlja kao neumoljivo zapreten u diskurse, i nije li upravo on simbol gotovo potpunog odsustva materijalnosti, takav da postoji jedino kao lingvistička stvar, u govornom činu? Premda bi se moglo reći da uvođenjem prekarnosti Batler stavlja značajniji naglasak na tela čime kao da unekoliko koriguje svoje početke, moja će tvrdnja biti da je telo nesvodivi subjekt njene političke filozofije, te da je telo ono što u bitnom smislu spaja performativnost i prekarnost, odnosno ranu i kasnu fazu njenog rada. Život tela je ono što nas čini društvenim bićima, ono što uslovljava da jedina ljudska stvarnost bude društvena stvarnost. Kako „izmeniti“ stvarno tako da ne postoje životi koji će biti manje življivi i, samim tim, manje ljudski, pitanje je koje će, prvi put nedvosmisleno formulisano u Okvirima rata (Frames of War [2009]), postati na specifičan način vezano za polje socijalne ontologije.

Research paper thumbnail of Ko je pojedinac? Genealoško propitivanje ideje građanina

Na samom početku knjige Razlika i ponavljanje Žil Delez (Gilles Deleuze) kaže da filozofska knj... more Na samom početku knjige Razlika i ponavljanje Žil Delez (Gilles Deleuze) kaže da filozofska knjiga mora biti, pored ostalog, spoj osobene vrste policijskog romana i naučne fantastike. Delez tu krajnje neobičnu izjavu objašnjava na sledeći način. Filozofski tekst mora da funkcioniše kao detektivski roman jer pojmovi kojima se koristi treba da intervenišu kako bi se razrešila neka lokalna situacija. Kroz ta lokalna rešenja, pojmovi neminovno menjaju i sebe same. S druge strane, sam proces pisanja jednog takvog teksta zahteva bar naučno-fantastične početke jer pišemo o nečemu što, kaže Delez, ne znamo ili ne znamo dovoljno. „Pišemo samo na šiljku svoga znanja, na tom krajnjem vršku koji deli naše znanje i naše neznanje, i koji dovodi do toga da jedno pređe u drugo. Samo se na taj način odlučujemo da pišemo“ (Delez 2009: 9–10).
Pozivanje na Deleza ovde je u funkciji predstavljanja težnji i okvira u kojem su se te težnje realizovale. Reči kojima se bavi ova knjiga – građanin, pojedinac, privatno, javno, pol, klasa, država, reforma, političko, itd. – nisu samo deo teorijskog arsenala koji se dosledno upotrebljava bar dva veka unazad. Reč je o izrazima koje svakodnevno koristimo, znajući o čemu govorimo. Otuda je prvo pitanje, koje je zahtevalo povratak u sâmo istorijsko jezgro tih pojmova, ali i pristanak na naučno-fantastične okvire, bilo – šta zapravo te reči znače. Pristajanje na ne-znanje ili na nedovoljno znanje uslovilo je i primenu detektivskog metoda o kojem Delez govori. Razrešavajući mnoštvo lokalnih situacija koje je tekst proizveo, i sami su se pojmovi menjali i odstupali kako od svoje svakodnevne upotrebe, tako i od mnogih autoritativnih tekstova koji ih ekspliciraju.
Pojmovi oko kojih je ovaj tekst građen nisu bili unapred fiksirani, niti su samo uklapani u istorijsko tkivo koje im se velikodušno prilagođavalo. Treba odmah jasno naznačiti da razlog tome nije nekakva žudnja za igrom rečima ili smislom. U jednom specifično viktorijanskom igrokazu ili, bolje, veoma zamršenom plesu sa smislom, razgovor Alise i Jajeta Harambaše pokazuje zašto je početna otvorenost onoga ko piše i onoga o čemu se piše tako važna.

„Kada ja koristim neku reč“, reče Jaje prilično prezrivim tonom, „ona znači upravo ono što biram da znači – ništa manje i ništa više.“
„Pitanje je“, reče Alisa, „da li ti možeš da učiniš da reči označavaju tako mnogo različitih stvari.“
„Pitanje je“, reče Jaje Harambaša, „koja će biti gospodar – to je sve“. (Carroll 1998: 196)

Kako pojmovi počinju da imaju značenje? Kako dolazi do toga da oni znače samo jedno, a ne toliko toga drugog? Otkuda dolazi moć da reči ukazuju na neke istine? Kako značenja prikrivaju, a kako otkrivaju delove istine? Kako se, najzad, investira moć u to da značenje reči bude upravo ono izabrano, a kako nastaju neka takoreći podzemna značenja koja mogu da upute izazov „izabranoj“ istini? Šta, najzad, uopšte znači biti građanin, biti pojedinac, biti žena; šta je „istina“ tih pojmova?
Otvorenost pred ovakvim pitanjima nije uslovljena samo neiscrpnom filozofskom radoznalošću. Nju je podstakla želja da se razume kako je moguća nejednakost među ljudima. Verujem da ovo politički naivno i prema savremenim akademskim obrascima „veliko“ i nezgrapno pitanje, predstavlja jedno od najvažnijih, ako ne i najvažnije pitanje koje se uopšte može postaviti. Jer pokušaj da razumemo zbog čega nejednakost postoji i danas kad imamo nebrojene mehanizme koji teže tome da ustanove jednakost kao modus življenog života, prvi je korak ka tome da sebi ne dopustimo da je uzimamo kao prostu datost. Taj pokušaj takođe treba da nas navede na zapitanost kako je jednakost uopšte postala misliva kao udaljeni ideal, a ne kao uvek već ostvariva mogućnost. Pokušaj da razumemo, najzad, uvek je i implicitan poziv da se ne prepustimo ravnodušnosti nemišljenja i nedelovanja.
Otuda je Alisin pokušaj da razume svrsishodniji od tobože sveznajućeg stava Jajeta Harambaše. Kako je moguće da među ljudima postoje hijerarhije u ljudskosti? Kako je i zašto došlo do toga da se ustanovi obrazac prema kojem se ljudskost nekih vrednuje više, a nekih manje? I kako je moguće – kakvi su istorijski preduslovi za to – da takav način mišljenja opstaje i danas? U duhu izabranog naučno-fantastičnog okvira mogao bi se, prostodušno i bez imalo ustezanja, zamisliti svet u kojem su, recimo, na temelju prirodnih prava od kraja XVIII veka zbilja svi ljudi, kao ljudi, bili jednaki. Zamislivši to, moramo se upitati kako bi izgledao svet danas, dva veka kasnije, da su svi ti zamišljeni ljudi u jednakoj meri polagali i ostvarivali pravo na ontologiju ljudskosti.
Postavljanje naivnih pitanja – naivnih i u smislu čestite namere i u smislu neznanja, ili pre nemoći razumevanja – samo po sebi, međutim, nije bezazleno. Da bi se u maniru policijskog romana pokazalo šta je to što generiše nejednakost u svetu u kojem je odsustvo stepenovanja ljudskosti zamislivo, neki pojmovi koji inače deluju „nevino“ morali su se, rešavajući lokalne situacije, prikazati u drugačijem svetlu. Pitanje – zašto postoje nejednaki? – moralo se proširiti u pitanje – kako su upravo oni postali nejednaki i u odnosu na koga? Ako ne polažu svi ljudi pravo na ontologiju ljudskosti, mora se pokazati kako to da se neki ljudi računaju i kvalifikuju, ali i kako i zašto su oni drugi sistematično lišavani privilegije na to pravo. O tome govori Džudit Batler (Judith Butler) kada kaže da je „područje ontologije regulisan domen: ono što je u njemu proizvedeno i što je iz njega isključeno da bi se domen konstituisao, po sebi je posledica moći“ (Batler 2003: 285). Odlučiti se na delovanje unutar tog područja podrazumeva njegovo opskrbljivanje onim što (naizgled) izostaje, na otkrivanje konstitutivnosti onoga što je isključeno kao nejednako. Drugim rečima, ono podrazumeva proizvodnju drugačijeg vida ontologije o nama samima. Cilj te proizvodnje je davanje vidljivosti, širenje granica razumljivosti i otvaranje mogućnosti htenja. Mišel Fuko (Michel Foucault) tu drugačiju ontologiju opisuje kao nešto što nije ni teorija, ni skup teorija ili znanja. Kritička ontologija je „filozofski život gde je kritika onoga što jesmo istovremeno i istorijska analiza granica koje smo postavili, i iskušavanje njihovog mogućeg prekoračenja“ (Fuko 1995: 244).

Research paper thumbnail of Postajanje ženom

Research paper thumbnail of Engagment and Critique // Elköteleződés és kritika

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking Vulnerability and Exclusion. Historical and Critical Essays

Research paper thumbnail of Feministička teorija je za sve

Zbornik radova Feministička teorija je za sve je rezultat konferencije Neko je rekao feminizam: f... more Zbornik radova Feministička teorija je za sve je rezultat konferencije Neko je rekao feminizam: feministička teorija u Srbiji danas, koja je održana u periodu od 8. do 11. februara 2018. godine u organizaciji Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Fakulteta političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender in 20th Century Eastern Europe and the USSR

A concise and accessible introduction to the gender histories of eastern Europe and the Soviet Un... more A concise and accessible introduction to the gender histories of eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the twentieth century. These essays juxtapose established topics in gender history such as motherhood, masculinities, work and activism with newer areas, such as the history of imprisonment and the transnational history of sexuality.

By collecting these essays in a single volume, Catherine Baker encourages historians to look at gender history across borders and time periods, emphasising that evidence and debates from Eastern Europe can inform broader approaches to contemporary gender history.

Research paper thumbnail of FIGURA neprijatelja: preosmišljavanje srpsko-albanskih odnosa

Uz temeljno uverenje da je teorija duboko politična i da učestvuje u načinu na koji promišljamo i... more Uz temeljno uverenje da je teorija duboko politična i da učestvuje u načinu na koji promišljamo i gradimo svet, naš je cilj bio da javnosti predstavimo knjigu koja promoviše kritičku politiku prijateljstva. Takođe, cilj nam je bio da u dijalog, neprestano sputavan i otežavan, uključimo teoretičare i teoretičarke sa Kosova i iz Srbije, ali i iz Albanije, proširujući tako domen pitanja koja nas međusobno povezuju. Verujemo stoga da Figura neprijatelja predstavlja napredak u međusobnoj saradnji i proučavanju srpsko-albanskih tema. Takođe, ova knjiga nudi i presek stanja naučne i teorijske misli u ovoj oblasti, ali i trenutnog kritičkog potencijala i njegovih ograničenja u srpskoj, kosovskoj i albanskoj sredini.

Research paper thumbnail of Figura e Armikut: RIPËRFYTYRIMI I MARRËDHËNIEVE SHQIPTARO-SERBE

Për nga vetë natyra e saj, puna redaktuese mbi përgatitjen e të dy vëllimeve, në serbisht dhe në ... more Për nga vetë natyra e saj, puna redaktuese mbi përgatitjen e të dy vëllimeve, në serbisht dhe në shqip, ka paraqitur sfida të shumta, gjuhësore, stilistike dhe sidomos në fushën e përkthimit.
U përpoqëm të ndjekim me rigorozitet normat e drejtshkrimit të të dy gjuhëve, por njëkohësisht edhe të ruajmë koloritin e stilit të secilit autor, duke ofruar një panoramë tekstesh të veçanta, por të kompletuar në tërësinë e librit. Përkrah emrave të shqipëruara jepen edhe format origjinale të tyre, ndërsa bibliografia u unifikua me qëllim që
t’u shërbejë kërkuesve të mëvonshëm si pikënisje për kërkime më të detajuara. Dukemarrë për bazë idenë, se teoria është thellësisht politike dhe se ndikon gjerësisht në mënyrën sesi e përfytyrojmë dhe e ndërtojmë botën tonë, qëllimi ynë ishte që t’i jepnim publikut një botim, ku në mënyrë kritike promovohet politika e miqësisë. Gjithashtu,
qëllimi ynë ishte që të inkuadrojmë në dialog shkencëtarë dhe intelektualë nga Kosova, Serbia si dhe nga Shqipëria, duke e zgjeruar kështu spektrin e çështjeve, që na lidhin me njëri-tjetrin. Prandaj besojmë se ky libër sjell progres në fushën e bashkëpunimit dhe kërkimit mbi marrëdhëniet shqiptaro-serbe. Por jemi të vetëdijshëm, se përkrah
përshkrimit të gjendjes bashkëkohore dhe progresit në këtë fushë, ky libër nxjerr në pah edhe mungesat teorike dhe empirike në shkencën kosovore, serbe dhe shqiptare. Për ata lexues, që me të drejtë mund të ngrenë pyetjen, se pse nuk inkuadruam edhe shkencëtarë të tjerë, të jashtëm, të cilët me dijen dhe ekspertizën e tyre do ta meritonin
plotësisht të ishin pjesë e këtij projekti, duhet të shtojmë se me vetëdije vendosëm “të mbështetemi në forcat tona”. Siç shprehet kjo explicite në disa punime, mendojmë se ka ardhur koha që nëpërmjet angazhimit vetjak dhe afirmimit të atyre zërave brenda kulturës serbe dhe shqiptare, të cilat kanë kërkuar dhe kërkojnë një bashkëpunim dhe respekt të ndërsjelltë, të ndërtohet një traditë e re, e cila në kundërshtim me diskursin aktual të armiqësisë do të promovojë një lloj tjetër marrëdhëniesh.

Research paper thumbnail of Engaging Foucault, vol. I

This volume comes as an published outcome of the Engaging Foucault international conference which... more This volume comes as an published outcome of the Engaging Foucault international conference which was organized by the Group for Social Engagement Studies (Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory) in December 2014. The main aim of the conference was to open space for a general discussion of the actuality of Foucault’s work. During the conference we had many opportunities to see just how much legacy of the French philosopher still remains rich and vibrant. But perhaps more importantly, the presentations that we heard – and now have an opportunity to read–also proved that contemporary interpretation of Foucault try to (re)emphasize practical applicability and political implications of his philosophical insights. These new tendencies in interpretation prove to be all the more important if we have in mind the conventional rendition of Foucauldian thought as being “nihilistic”
and devoided of any social hope.

In that sense, the authors of this volume tried to offer many ways in which we could (re)think “Foucauldian engagement.” Following his somewhat overlooked cues, they tried to combine theory “that has political meaning, utility and effectiveness” with the “involvement with the struggles taking place with the area in question”. Throughout the volume, in different connotations, we repeatedly hear the question of what we as theoreticians do, or should do. Do we play the role of prophetic intellectuals who think instead of others, prescribe objectives and means, and tell people what they should believe and ought to do? Or can we join in Foucault’s dream of an intellectual “who incessantly displaces herself, doesn’t know exactly where she is heading nor what she’ll think tomorrow because she is too attentive to the present”? This question is related to how we do things as well. Do we collaborate with practitioners, in order to modify the institutions and practices we theorize about, which also allows for the possibility of the thought itself being reshaped in this process?

Research paper thumbnail of Neko je rekao feminizam? Kako je feminizam uticao na žene XXI veka

za izdavača: Hana Ćopić Priredila: Adriana Zaharijević NEKO JE REKAO FEMINIZAM? Kako je feminizam... more za izdavača: Hana Ćopić Priredila: Adriana Zaharijević NEKO JE REKAO FEMINIZAM? Kako je feminizam uticao na žene XXI veka Dizajn i grafička obrada: Nikola Stevanović Štampa: Artprint, Novi Sad Tiraž: 1000 N e k o j e r e k a o f e m i n i z a m ? 6 Predgovor drugom izdanju Uvod I poglavlje / P r a v a i s l o b o d e Dragana Obrenić, " P r a v o g l a s a ž e n a " (Dodatak 1.) P r a v o g l a s a p o d r ž a v a m a s v e t a (Dodatak 2.) P r e d s e d n i c e i p r e m i j e r k e s v e t a Marija Perković, " J o š j e d a n o s m i m a r t " Tijana Krstec, " P r a v o n a o b r a z o v a n j e ž e n a " Diana Miladinović, " P r a v o n a r a z v o d b r a k a " Milica Ležajić, " A b o r t u s -o d p č e l i n j e g v o s k a d o s a v r e m e n i h m e t o d a " Jasmina Stevanović, " R e p r o d u k t i v n a p r a v a u S r b i j i " II poglavlje / L i č n o i p o l i t i č k o Lidija Vasiljević, " F e m i n i s t i č k e k r i t i k e p i t a n j a b r a k a , p o r o d i c e i r o d i t e l j s t v a " Paula Petričević, " J e d a n B o g -j e d a n r o d : o d n o s m o n o t e i s t i č k i h v j e r s k i h z a j e d n i c a p r e m a ž e n s k i m l j u d s k i m p r a v i m a " Nataša Zlatković, " O A g n o d i c e , ž e n s k o m z d r a v l j u , d i s k r i m i n a c i j i " (Dodatak 3.) Z n a m e n i t e ž e n e u m e d i c i n i i s r o d n i m n a u k a m a 24 44 46 50 57 155 162 182 202 204 212 222 236 248 263 276 N e k o j e r e k a o f e m i n i z a m ? 8 VI poglavlje / Te o r i j e i p r a k s e Marija Perković, " Ž e n s k a m i r o v n a p o l i t i k a " (Dodatak 5.) K r a t k e b i o g r a f i j e N o b e l o v k i z a m i r Adriana Zaharijević i Katarina Lončarević, K r a t k i i s t o r i j s k i p r e g l e d v a ž n i h d a t u m a z a f e m i n i z a m u S r b i j i i s v e t u O autorkama 306 320 325 336 348 368 364 384 416 425 286 296 Nađa Duhaček, " I s t o r i j a ( n e ) v i d l j i v o s t i ž e n a : ž e n e , p o z o r i š e i f e m i n i z a m " Jelena Miletić, " F e m i n i z a m i v i z u e l n e u m e t n o s t i " 1. Adrienne Rich (1987) "Notes toward a Politics of Location (1984)", Blood, Bread, and Poetry, Virago Press, London, str. 225. N e k o j e r e k a o f e m i n i z a m ?

Research paper thumbnail of Žarana Papić. Tekstovi 1977-2002

Research paper thumbnail of KAKO JE MOGUĆE RODNO KOMPETENTNO PRAVO? Prikaz knjige: Dragica Vujadinović, Antonio Álvarez del Cuvillo, Susanne Strand (ur.), Feminist Approaches to Law – Theoretical and Historical Insights, Cham, Springer i LAWGEM, 2023.

PRAVNI ZAPISI, God. XIV, br. 1 , 2023

„Zapanjujuće je u kolikoj je meri diskriminacija žena zakonita... u kolikoj je meri deo svih prav... more „Zapanjujuće je u kolikoj je meri diskriminacija žena zakonita... u
kolikoj je meri deo svih pravnih sistema. U osnovi je državnih poredaka
Evrope, premda se to ne primećuje i ne opisuje izvan istorije žena” (str.
94). Ovim rečima započinje prilog Marion Revekamp (Marion Röwekamp)
knjizi Feminist Approaches to Law. Više stvari je zapanjujuće – i zakonitost diskriminacije, i njena količina i rasprostranjenost, i njena potpuna sraslost s pravom, ali i činjenica da se o tome govori gotovo isključivo u istorijskim tekstovima (koji često ne pripadaju oblasti strogo pravne istorije) koji se bave ženama kao izolovanom društvenom kategorijom. Na taj način, specifična diskriminacija, ovog puta tematska, opstaje. Diskriminacija po osnovi roda je rubna tema, kao da nije utkana u sve pravne sisteme, kao da ne odlikuje načine na koje se ukupno pravo gradilo, kao da ne aficira načine na koji je stvaran i održavan pravni subjektivitet. Zbilja, ima u tome nečega zapanjujućeg – posebno ukoliko uzmemo u obzir koliko su istorijski mlada zakonodavstva koja su protiv diskriminacije, kao i činjenicu da i dalje nisu sasvim ukorenjena te da ih je moguće menjati, odnosno da je diskriminaciju moguće vratiti kao staru i proverenu tekovinu evropskog prava.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Gordana Subotić. "Gender, Nation, and Women Politicians in Serbia and Kosovo. A Political Ethnography"

Comp. Southeast Europ. Stud. 72(2): 270–272, 2024

To this day, women have not substantially changed the way politics is run. In fact, while the fie... more To this day, women have not substantially changed the way politics is run. In fact, while the field of politics has become more accessible to women, this has not contributed to peaceful internationalism. Ultimately, one is not born a feminist (politician), but becomes one.Or not.
This is particularly pertinent to contested regions where politics (still) primarily revolves around defining territorial borders, and where these volatile borders frame the identity politics that (still) shapes the political realm at large. Such is the case in Serbia and Kosovo, on which Gordana Subotić’s political ethnography focuses. "Gender, Nation, and Women Politicians in Serbia and Kosovo" is certainly not the first book about the post-Yugoslav region to deal with the contentious issue of gender and
nation. It is, however, the first to tackle this tangled issue from the perspective of the women who actively do politics.

Research paper thumbnail of PROTIV/ZA O knjizi Predraga Krstića Esej o primatu minimalnog. Prilog zasnivanju negativnog angažmana, Novi Sad i Beograd: Akademska knjiga i Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 2020.

Kritika, 2021

Esej o primatu minimalnog predstavlja ogled iz studija angažovanosti. On se, štaviše, može razume... more Esej o primatu minimalnog predstavlja ogled iz studija angažovanosti.
On se, štaviše, može razumeti i kao zasnivajući za tu oblast. Ključne reči
ove snažno angažovane knjige date su u njenom naslovu, a prvi paragraf
obaveštava i o količini njihovog pojavljivanja: negativnog će biti najviše, minimalno i angažman će se pojavljivati uz njega, od čega minimalno
više. „Angažman“ koji je velika pozadina ovog teksta, koji pravda i primat
minimalnog i gest zasnivanja, iskrsava pokatad, i zapravo najviše u zaključku knjige, gde se najdoslovnije brani, ali kao negativan.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Athena Athanasiou's "Agonistic Mourning"

Aspasia 13, 2019

Athena Athanasiou's Agonistic Mourning is the most recent and the most original book on the Serbi... more Athena Athanasiou's Agonistic Mourning is the most recent and the most original book on the Serbian feminist and anti-militarist activist group Žene u Crnom (Women in Black). What makes it so original and important can be expressed with a paradoxical claim: this is and is not a book about Women in Black. Agonistic Mourning is a rich ethnographic account presented as a series of problems, paradoxes, and quandaries of activism in which the group from Serbia, with all the specifi cities of the context of its emergence, becomes a paradigm for a diff erent kind of re-membering the community. Off ering a chain of refl ections on the potentials of and for feminist peace activism, Athanasiou traces a lived history of a particular activist undertaking. The way she does that, in the spirit of an ethnography of friendship, makes this book truly unique.


Filozofija i društvo, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Jelena Vasiljević, Antropologija građanstva, Mediterran Publishing i Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Novi Sad i Beograd, 2016

Filozofija i društvo, 2016


Kritika, 2021

U nastavku predstavljamo tekst intervjua sa Adrianom Zaharijević, višom naučnom saradnicom Instit... more U nastavku predstavljamo tekst intervjua sa Adrianom Zaharijević, višom
naučnom saradnicom Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, koji je obavljen u sklopu prve epizode podkasta „Zvuk misli“, u okviru istog instituta. Adriana Zaharijević bavi se mnogim temama u oblasti političke filozofije, feminističke teorije i društvene istorije. Napisala je nekoliko knjiga, kao što su Postajanje ženom i Ko je pojedinac? Genealoško propitivanje ideje građanina, a čitaocima je verovatno najpoznatija kao autorka od autoriteta u studijama roda. Povod za organizovanje ovog intervjua bilo je objavljivanje njene nove knjige pod nazivom Život telā: Politička filozofija Džudit Batler.

Research paper thumbnail of The Individual (Frankfurter Arbeitskreis)

Kritische Theorie in der Pandemie: Ein Glossar zur Corona-Krise, 2020

These days many will remember the prophetic words of Margaret Thatcher that there is no society, ... more These days many will remember the prophetic words of Margaret Thatcher that there is no society, only individuals. The old statement became even more pronounced when Boris Johnson, himself with COVID-19 and at the moment self-isolating, contradicted the former Prime Minister. In his video message, as if cheering and comforting the nation, Johnson conveyed: “We are going to do it, we are going to do it together. One thing I think the coronavirus crisis has already proved is that there really is such a thing as society.” In various parts of the world at 8PM isolated individuals join in an applause dedicated, first and foremost, to doctors, nurses, professionals both on duty or those who return to duty from their retirements, and to thousands who volunteer to aid the health service. The health services – which are in many parts of the world still public or semi-public, and as the current crisis has shown, for that reason almost in the state of disrepair – became representative of the detrimental conception that there’s no society. Indiscriminative of the bodies they find shelter in, viruses have, in a matter of mere two months, demonstrated the illusionary, phantasmatic nature of the belief that the individual stands alone.


Research paper thumbnail of Kako nas je virus podsetio da smo društvena bića?

Research paper thumbnail of Dreams about Time (Lockdown Theory Project)

Research paper thumbnail of BREXIT – Kraj iluzija o Evropljaninu

Ovo nije tekst o malom ostrvu čija je kruna suvereno vladala teritorijom koja je mnogostruko prev... more Ovo nije tekst o malom ostrvu čija je kruna suvereno vladala teritorijom koja je mnogostruko prevazilazila njegovu površinu, imajući na kraju dugog 19. veka u svom posedu čak 44% svetskog kapitala. To takođe nije ni refleksija o delu sveta koji se i dalje naziva continent, evropskom kopnu s one strane Kanala (na Kontinentu poznatom po imenu La Manche) i svemu što je naprosto, i sasvim neprevodivo, overseas.
Pod pretpostavkom da neće doći do uvek spasonosnog ’drugog kruga’ – kada se nekako, takoreći na silu, okupe i apstinenti i oni ne baš sasvim odlučni na koju stranu da se privole – referendum o britanskom izlasku iz Evropske unije rešena je stvar i sada već ispričana priča. Iako bi ga, prema rezultatima, pre valjalo nazivati Enxitom nego Brexitom, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, ovog časa prilično razjedinjeno, odlučilo je najdemokratskijom procedurom da napusti savez čiji je član od 1973. godine. Umesto priče o Kraljevstvu, ovo je tekst o konačnom krahu 1989. godine i posledicama koje on ima po razumevanje vremena koje sledi.

Research paper thumbnail of Zajednica i radikalna ljudskost

Research paper thumbnail of Misliti mogućnost otpora

Tekst objavljen u nedeljniku Vreme 1298, povodom gostovanja Judith Butler u Beogradu 20-21.11.

Research paper thumbnail of On trial at the women’s court: gender violence, justice and citizenship

Research paper thumbnail of Meso

Research paper thumbnail of О лицемерју и другим сабластима феминизма

Nova srpska politička misao, Jan 1, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Trudno telo. Uz izložbu fotografija "Drugačiji stav"

Research paper thumbnail of Nedoumice o V-danu

Research paper thumbnail of Short Portrait: Lepa Mlađenović

Research paper thumbnail of Mera bezdomnosti (Beton, 2010)

Research paper thumbnail of Some Thoughts about International Women’s Day, with Katarina Lončarević

Research paper thumbnail of Sva lica emancipacije (Beton, 2009)

Research paper thumbnail of Šta to beše 8. mart? Čitanje datuma kroz čitanje zabrane  (Beton, 2008)