Aleksandar T . Božanić | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)


Papers by Aleksandar T . Božanić

Research paper thumbnail of Danube limes through Iron Gates in Late Roman and Early Byzantine Empire: Contribution on the location of Procopius' forts

Classica et Christiana, 2017

Part of Roman limes through Iron Gate is composed of smaller and larger fortifications from the R... more Part of Roman limes through Iron Gate is composed of smaller and larger fortifications from the Roman and early Byzantine times, some of which still raise many questions in science. One of these forts between Novae and Taliata, is Saldum, with Roman and early Byzantine cultural layers, which could not been identified with any toponym of that period.
Based on previous historical and archaeological research, this area can be narrowed down to the stretch between Novae, archeological site Čezava, and Smorna, archeological site Boljetin. In this area Roman itineraries mention Ad Scrofulas or Scrofulas (Scrofulae) and early Byzantine source Procopius mentions Cantabaza.
The absence of data, as well as differences in the name, impede their positive identification. The character and nature of these names and their meanings indicated that they could derive from everyday soldiers vocabulary (slang). By analyzing the geographical characteristics of the site Saldum and the river Danube through time, it can be assumed that its purpose was not only military, but has also been linked to the passage of vessels through the toughest part of the waterway, two related cataracts known today as the Kozla and Dojke. Precisely to these dangerous rapids, with rocks sticking out of the water, the designation Ad Scrofulas or Scrofulae may be linked, or in Procopius’ time Cantabaza with meanings such as going downstream, descent towards the sea, passing through great difficulties, in literal and figurative sense.
Analyzing the travel distance between stations on Tabula Peutingeriana, the site Saldum cannot be brought in connection with toponym Ad Scrofulas, but could be connected with Scrofulae, the settlement mentioned by the Ravennatis Cosmographia. Archaeological research confirmed settlement from adequate period at Saldum. Ad Scrofulas probably was a road station on the limes road Singidunum–Aquae–Bononia–Ratiaria, possibly the site Gospođin Vir, where travelers could rest and also admire the building ventures of emperors Tiberius, Claudius and Domitian whose tablets are located in the immediate vicinity.
ISSN: 239-2961

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[Research paper thumbnail of Дунавска граница у Прокопијево време - могући правци напада Словена [Danube limes in time of Procopius - possible attack directions of Slavs]](


War between Byzantium and eastern Goths in 535 AD radically changed the geopolitical situation on... more War between Byzantium and eastern Goths in 535 AD radically changed the geopolitical situation on the Balkan peninsula. The Empire managed relatively quickly to regain Dalmatia and Italy, but the Gothic territories in Pannonia were now settled by the Longobards who were in constant hostility with the Gepids, who in turn succeeded in expanding and consolidating in Sirmium. The tribes of Slavs and Ants settled in the lower Danube and started attacking the Balkan provinces of the Empire, sometimes joining forces with the Proto-Bulgarian tribes. The Empire responds to this constant threat by building an elaborate defense system, not only on the Danube border, but also in the interior of the Balkans. Procopius of Caesarea gives an extensive testimony in his works. Several opinions exist in scientific literature regarding possible directions of Slavic attacks: one through the lower Danube, another through the valley of the river Timok, but also through the middle course of the Danube across the Gepid territory.
Ратом између Византије и Гота 535. године геополитичка ситуација на Балканском полуострву се изменила из корена. Царство је релативно брзо успело да освоји Далмацију и Италију, али се на готске територије у Панонији досељавају Лангобарди, који су у непрекидном непријатељству са гепидском државом, која је успела да се прошири и учврсти и у Сирмијуму (Sirmium). На Доњем Дунаву су се консолидовала словенска и антска племена која заједно са протобугарским племенима, или одвојено од њих, нападају на балканске провинције Царства. На ову константну претњу Царство одговара изградњом сложеног система одбране, али не само на дунавској граници, већ и у унутрашњости балканских провинција. О ратовима Царства, ситуацији на границама и одбрамбеном систему, Прокопије из Цезареје даје опширно сведочанство у својим делима. О могућим правцима напада Словена, у науци постоји неколико мишљења: да су долазили преко доњег Дунава, долином Тимока, али и преко средњег тока Дунава, преко гепидске територије.

УДК 94(495.02):94(497.11)

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Research paper thumbnail of Danube limes through Iron Gates in Late Roman and Early Byzantine Empire: Contribution on the location of Procopius' forts

Classica et Christiana, 2017

Part of Roman limes through Iron Gate is composed of smaller and larger fortifications from the R... more Part of Roman limes through Iron Gate is composed of smaller and larger fortifications from the Roman and early Byzantine times, some of which still raise many questions in science. One of these forts between Novae and Taliata, is Saldum, with Roman and early Byzantine cultural layers, which could not been identified with any toponym of that period.
Based on previous historical and archaeological research, this area can be narrowed down to the stretch between Novae, archeological site Čezava, and Smorna, archeological site Boljetin. In this area Roman itineraries mention Ad Scrofulas or Scrofulas (Scrofulae) and early Byzantine source Procopius mentions Cantabaza.
The absence of data, as well as differences in the name, impede their positive identification. The character and nature of these names and their meanings indicated that they could derive from everyday soldiers vocabulary (slang). By analyzing the geographical characteristics of the site Saldum and the river Danube through time, it can be assumed that its purpose was not only military, but has also been linked to the passage of vessels through the toughest part of the waterway, two related cataracts known today as the Kozla and Dojke. Precisely to these dangerous rapids, with rocks sticking out of the water, the designation Ad Scrofulas or Scrofulae may be linked, or in Procopius’ time Cantabaza with meanings such as going downstream, descent towards the sea, passing through great difficulties, in literal and figurative sense.
Analyzing the travel distance between stations on Tabula Peutingeriana, the site Saldum cannot be brought in connection with toponym Ad Scrofulas, but could be connected with Scrofulae, the settlement mentioned by the Ravennatis Cosmographia. Archaeological research confirmed settlement from adequate period at Saldum. Ad Scrofulas probably was a road station on the limes road Singidunum–Aquae–Bononia–Ratiaria, possibly the site Gospođin Vir, where travelers could rest and also admire the building ventures of emperors Tiberius, Claudius and Domitian whose tablets are located in the immediate vicinity.
ISSN: 239-2961

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[Research paper thumbnail of Дунавска граница у Прокопијево време - могући правци напада Словена [Danube limes in time of Procopius - possible attack directions of Slavs]](


War between Byzantium and eastern Goths in 535 AD radically changed the geopolitical situation on... more War between Byzantium and eastern Goths in 535 AD radically changed the geopolitical situation on the Balkan peninsula. The Empire managed relatively quickly to regain Dalmatia and Italy, but the Gothic territories in Pannonia were now settled by the Longobards who were in constant hostility with the Gepids, who in turn succeeded in expanding and consolidating in Sirmium. The tribes of Slavs and Ants settled in the lower Danube and started attacking the Balkan provinces of the Empire, sometimes joining forces with the Proto-Bulgarian tribes. The Empire responds to this constant threat by building an elaborate defense system, not only on the Danube border, but also in the interior of the Balkans. Procopius of Caesarea gives an extensive testimony in his works. Several opinions exist in scientific literature regarding possible directions of Slavic attacks: one through the lower Danube, another through the valley of the river Timok, but also through the middle course of the Danube across the Gepid territory.
Ратом између Византије и Гота 535. године геополитичка ситуација на Балканском полуострву се изменила из корена. Царство је релативно брзо успело да освоји Далмацију и Италију, али се на готске територије у Панонији досељавају Лангобарди, који су у непрекидном непријатељству са гепидском државом, која је успела да се прошири и учврсти и у Сирмијуму (Sirmium). На Доњем Дунаву су се консолидовала словенска и антска племена која заједно са протобугарским племенима, или одвојено од њих, нападају на балканске провинције Царства. На ову константну претњу Царство одговара изградњом сложеног система одбране, али не само на дунавској граници, већ и у унутрашњости балканских провинција. О ратовима Царства, ситуацији на границама и одбрамбеном систему, Прокопије из Цезареје даје опширно сведочанство у својим делима. О могућим правцима напада Словена, у науци постоји неколико мишљења: да су долазили преко доњег Дунава, долином Тимока, али и преко средњег тока Дунава, преко гепидске територије.

УДК 94(495.02):94(497.11)

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