Danijela Spasic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)

Papers by Danijela Spasic

Research paper thumbnail of Domestic violence in Serbia: Historical and cultural dimensions

Bezbednost, Beograd, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Life and Community Policing: Between Theory and the Realistic Needs of the Citizens

Research paper thumbnail of Refugees and Health

Research paper thumbnail of New United Nations' institutional mechanism for gender equality and the empowerment of women: Establishment, importance and historical mission

Vojno delo, 2011

The paper analyzes the United Nations' system of entities founded with a purpose of protectin... more The paper analyzes the United Nations' system of entities founded with a purpose of protecting and improving the rights and position of women and of promoting the gender equality, putting special emphasis on their activities promoting the role and position of women in the security sector. It discusses models, principles, and standards of their functioning; points to practical problems, deficiencies and weaknesses over their several-decade existence; and interprets objective circumstances which led to the establishment of a new entity - UN Women, on 2 July 2010, as an institutional mechanism of the United Nations dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. This entity will connect four UN systems which have formerly addressed gender issues and position of women in different ways - DAW (Division for the Advancement of Women), INSTRAW (Institutional Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women), OSAGI (Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues), and UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) - and will focus its work exclusively towards achieving the goals of gender equality and the empowerment of women in all aspects of their life and work. Functionally, this UN entity becomes operational on 1 January 2011. The paper analyzes legal documents regulating the establishment and functioning of this organization, in particular the provisions of the Resolution A/64/L.56 related to the establishment of this entity.

Research paper thumbnail of Violence as a criminological phenomenon

The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space... more The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space or other characteristics (gender, race, religious affiliation) in the context of political developments in the institutional environment and family and emotional relationships, often raising the question of its causes and factors that contribute to its expression. This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of just causes and factors of violence, with a special research effort focuses on interpersonal violence, the most common form of manifestation of aggressive behavior. Under these considerations, the theoretical constructs were selected to contribute to the understanding of domestic violence as dangerous violations of human rights and the manifestation of dominance and power in the family setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Nasilje Kao Predmet Izučavanja Kriminoloških Nauka / Violence as a Case Study of Criminological Science

Zbornik radova, May 18, 2015

Rаstuci trend nаsilnickog i аgresivnog ponаsаnjа u svetu ne poznаje prostorne granice ili druge k... more Rаstuci trend nаsilnickog i аgresivnog ponаsаnjа u svetu ne poznаje prostorne granice ili druge kаrаkteristike (pol, rаsu, versku pripаdnost). Kriminalitet nasilja danas ubije godisnje u svetu 1,6 miliona ljudi. Nasilje koje se javlja u kontekstu politickih zbivаnjа, u institucionаlnom okruženju ili u porodici i partnerskim odnosima, ima svoje kompleksne uzroke i faktore koji doprinose njegovom ispoljavanju. Ovаj rаd se bаvi teorijskom аnаlizom uzrokа i fаktorа nаsiljа preko korpusa kriminoloskih nauka. Poseban istrаživаcki nаpor usmeren je nа oblike i faktore interpersonalnog nаsiljа, kao nаjcesceg oblika ispoljаvаnjа аgresivnog ponаsаnjа. U okviru tih rаzmаtrаnja, teorijski konstrukti treba da doprinesu i rаzumevаnju posledica nаsiljа kаo forme ispoljаvаnjа dominаcije i moci. --------------------- The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in the world knows no boundaries of space or other characteristics (gender, race, religion). Crime of violence today in the world annually kills 1.6 million people. The violence that occurs in the context of political developments in the institutional setting or in the family and intimate relationships, has complex causes and factors that contribute to its manifestation. This paper is concerned with the theoretical analysis of the causes and factors of violence over the corpus of criminological science. A special research effort is focused on the factors and forms of interpersonal violence, the most common forms of aggressive behavior. Under these considerations, the theoretical constructs should contribute to understanding the consequences of violence as a form of expression of dominance and power.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia

Research paper thumbnail of School discipline in Serbia in the 19th and early 20th century

Norma, 2008

Резиме: Разматрање питања и проблема дисциплине ученика у школама у Србији у претходна два века п... more Резиме: Разматрање питања и проблема дисциплине ученика у школама у Србији у претходна два века представља увод и(или) подстицај да се, у неком другом раду, са постављеном матрицом, упореде друштвено-историјске и просветно-васпитне прошлости Србије и актуелног стања на почетку новог миленијума, бременитог тешким облицима насилничког понашања у школама. Овај кратак историјски приказ дисциплинских преступа ученика, и предвиђених, а потом спроведених дисциплинских мера, на основу законске регулативе која одражава основне вредности српског друштва у 19. и почетком 20. века, доказује рефлексију комплекса друштвено-историјских кретања на породичне, социјалне, вредносне и васпитнообразовне релације у периоду српске историје који су обележила прекретничка збивања и појаве, а посебно буран развој политичког, друштвеног и културног живота младог српског друштва. У раду се, према историјским раздобљима у развоју школског система у Србији, даје преглед ученичких дисциплинских преступа, изречених казни, али и процентуална поређења броја ученика у тадашњим школама и изречених дисциплинских мера. Кључне речи: школа, дисциплина ученика, дисциплинске казне. Summary: Review of issues and student discipline situations in schools in Serbia in the previous two centuries, the introduction and (or) a stimulus that, in another paper, the following placed the matrix, makes the parallels between the socio-historical and educational-correctional Serbian past and current state at the beginning of the new millennium, with severe forms of bullying in schools. This brief historical view of student disciplinary offenses, and predicted, and then carried out the disciplinary measures through legislation that maintains the fundamental values of Serbian society in the 19th and early 20th century, proved a reflection of the complex socio-historical developments in family, social, value and educational relations between the Serbian history that marked the milestone events and phenomena, especially the development of the turbulent political, social and cultural life of a young Serbian society. The paper, according to historical periods in the development of the school system in Serbia, provides an overview of student disciplinary offenses, imposed fines, and comparing the percentage of students in schools and then imposed disciplinary measures.

Research paper thumbnail of Predictive Policing: One Step Further in the Safe Community

The availability of large datasets and the rapid development of sophisticated tools that allow fa... more The availability of large datasets and the rapid development of sophisticated tools that allow fast processing of vast quantities of information have been the key drivers behind the increasing use of algorithmic technologies in policing since the early 2000s. "Predictive policing" became an umbrella term for a variety of models, software and applications. All location based predictive policing programs however have the same aim: Sending police officers to the right place at the right time. For decades, police action has been rather reactive than proactive, focused on arrest and failing to see incidents as indicators of continuing underlying problems. Predictive policing has been praised as a turnaround of this approach, a "panacea" for the optimization of resources and the creation of a safer society, where the police can stop breaches of law, before they happen. Although lately more critical voices have been raised from civil society and research, questioning the effectiveness of the tools as well as their compatibility with human rights, there is still a lack of objective research on the issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Security aspects of prostitution in Belgrade

Bezbednost, Beograd, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Концепт полиције у заједници и породично насиље

Универзитет у Београду, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Viktimološki aspekt porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji / Victimology Aspect of Domestic Violence in Serbia

Zbornik sažetaka, Sep 9, 2015

Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997... more Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997. do 2010. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživača ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoći i podrške žrtvama kriminaliteta, a koji se odnose na karakteristike žrtava porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji. Rad ima za cilj da predstavi i ukaže na osnovna viktimološka obeležja nasilja u porodici i nasilja nad ženama (socio-demografska, psihička, bihejvioralna obeležja žrtava i dr.). Istovremeno, njime su identifikovane su i posledice porodičnog nasilja koje direktno ili indirektno utiču na kvalitet života žrtava. Kroz analizu istraživanja, prezentovani su i oblici/modeli pružanja pomoći, podrške i zaštite žrtvama porodičnog nasilja koji su u vreme realizovanih istraživanja funkcionisali u Srbiji. Istraživanja su pokazala da najveći deo žrtava čine žene (oko 80%), ali da su i deca direktne ili indirektne, sekundarne žrtve porodičnog nasilja, čime je potvrđena korelacija između nasilja nad decom i nasilja nad ženama. Nasilje nad decom predstavlja jednu od strategija produženog nasilja, kao oblika kontrole nad ženom. Studije porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji identifikovale su sledeće faktore primarne viktimizacije žrtava: kreiranje identiteta buduće žrtve u primarnoj porodici, socijalizaciju učenjem tradicionalnih muško-ženskih uloga i relacija, tzv. "uhvaćenost u zamku roda" i život u okruženju opterećenom nasiljem. Istraživanja su, takođe, odredila profil žrtava nasilja u vezi sa njihovim uzrastom, obrazovanjem ili zaposlenjem, to jest, ekonomskom (ne)zavisnošću. Nasilje u porodici nosi sa sobom različite posledice psihološke prirode. Gubljenje samopouzdanja i samopoštovanja, depresija, nesanica, izolovanost od spoljašnjeg sveta, strahovi i drugo, pokazatelji su njegovog negativnog uticaja na život i zdravlje ispitanica. Kao oblici pružanja pomoći, podrške i zaštite žrtvama porodičnog nasilja u Republici Srbiji prepoznati su: pravni (zakonski) model, socijalna zaštita i modeli delovanja službi civilnog, nevladinog sektora.

Research paper thumbnail of Education for Security: A Gender Perspective in the Curricula of Police Schools in Serbia


International documents ratified by Serbia, as well as the progress made at the local level in th... more International documents ratified by Serbia, as well as the progress made at the local level in the last ten years, have led to the issue of gender equality becoming one of the most important for the future development of the country, and such a trend is present in the security sector. Implementing gender equality policy through education is one of the methods necessary in this sector. This is indicated, among other things, by the two action plans adopted so far (in the period from 2010 to 2020) for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security" in Serbia. This paper analyses the degree of implementation of gender equality issues, i.e., gender perspective in educational programs on the example of the curriculum of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies and the professional development program of trainees in the Center for Basic Police Training. Based on the analysis of the content of textbooks and language used in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns of protection against family violence in Serbia

Bezbednost, Beograd, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Viktimološki aspekt porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji / Victimology Aspect of Domestic Violence in Serbia

Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997... more Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997. do 2010. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživaca ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoci i podrske žrtvama kriminaliteta, a koji se odnose na karakteristike žrtava porodicnog nasilja u Srbiji. Rad ima za cilj da predstavi i ukaže na osnovna viktimoloska obeležja nasilja u porodici i nasilja nad ženama (socio-demo­grafska, psihicka, bihejvioralna obeležja žrtava i dr.). Istovremeno, njime su identifikovane su i posledice porodicnog nasilja koje direktno ili indirektno uticu na kvalitet života žrtava. Kroz analizu istraživanja, prezentovani su i oblici/modeli pružanja pomoci, podrske i zastite žrtvama poro­dicnog nasilja koji su u vreme realizovanih istraživanja funkcionisali u Srbiji. Istraživanja su pokazala da najveci deo žrtava cine žene (oko 80%), ali da su i deca direktne ili indirektne, sekundarne žrtve porodicnog nasilja, cime je potvrđena korelacija između nas...

Research paper thumbnail of Criminal law, criminal justice and security aspects of prostitution in the Republic of Serbia. (english):: Krivi&nopravni, kriminalisti&ki i bezbednosni as-pekti prostitucije u Republici Srbiji. (croatian)

At the beginning of the new millennium Serbia is recovering from the war in the area at the end o... more At the beginning of the new millennium Serbia is recovering from the war in the area at the end of the XX century, as well as refugee exodus and changes in its social, demographic and economic structure. Lacking the strength and means to resist globalization, it enters the transition machinery which grinds and mercilessly crushes the small, the incapable and the un adapted. In such a complex milieu, burdened with social and economic difficulties, indicators of anomie in the Serbian society are expansion, specific spatial distribution, new forms of organizing and new patterns of different sociopathalogical phenomena, particularly prostitution. This paper examines official statistics related to prostitution in Serbia from 2001-2005. The analysis reports: • the number of prostitution charges filed • distribution of charges by years • spatial distribution • categorization of perpetrators by age and sex • professional qualifications - education and profession of perpetrators. The analysi...

Research paper thumbnail of Porodično Nasilje Nad Ženama U Srbiji I Grčkoj: Uticaj Patrijarhata I Tradicije

Inspiracija za rad i problem(i) koji se radom oslovljava(ju): Proucavanje porodicnog nasilja je s... more Inspiracija za rad i problem(i) koji se radom oslovljava(ju): Proucavanje porodicnog nasilja je specifican izazov, zato sto ovaj oblik nasilja predstavlja specifican drustveni problem, cija se etiologija zasniva na multifaktorskom uticaju kulturoloskog, tradicionalnog, istorijskog ambijenta, odnosno, patrijarhata i rodne socijalizacije, posebno u zemljama zapadnog Balkana. Zbog toga, ovaj rad prezentuje i ispituje tematiku porodicnog nasilja u Srbiji i Grckoj. Ciljevi rada (naucni i/ ili drustveni): Naucni cilj ovog istraživanja usmeren je ka pružanju doprinosa kroskulturalnom akademskom proucavanju porodicnog nasilja kao fenomena. Drustveni cilj istraživanja vezan je za razumevanje porodicnog nasilja kao drustvenog problema i problema kvaliteta života. Metodologija/ dizajn : Teorijska razmatranja u okviru kvalitativnog metodoloskog pristupa se fokusiraju na drustveno-kulturoloske perspektive koje su rezultat patrijarhalne strukture srpskih i grckih institucija i sistema. Ogranicenj...

Research paper thumbnail of Community policing and domestic violence

Локална заједница представља контекст у којем се на најбољи могућиначин може истражити реалан ква... more Локална заједница представља контекст у којем се на најбољи могућиначин може истражити реалан квалитет друштвеног живота. Насиље у породиципредставља једну од појава која угрожава систем и принципе функционисањалокалне заједнице и квалитет живота њених грађана. Међу ресурсима којелокална заједница ангажује у одговору на насиље у породици кључно местозаузима полиција. У оквиру модела полицијског ангажовања у заједници, посебнупажњу научника, истраживача и практичара током последњих неколико деценијазаокупља концепт полицијског рада у локалној заједници као квалитативно новсистем организације и функционисања полиције заснован на корелацији измеђуочекивања грађана и онога што полиција реално чини. Теоријска анализаконцептуално-методолошких основа полицијског рада у локалној заједници иемпиријска студија заснована на поставкама тог концепта чини тежиште оведокторске дисертације. Кључна теоријска, истраживачка и практична сазнања изобласти социолошких, полицијских и криминолошких наука с...

Research paper thumbnail of Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality

The multi-dimensional approach to understanding human and the implementation of the community pol... more The multi-dimensional approach to understanding human and the implementation of the community policing strategy as two complementary parts of the concept of quality of life make it possible to qualitatively consider security in local communities. According to the concept of human security, institutions are obliged to provide citizens with permanent protection, instead of occasional, to act preventively, rather than reactively, whereby all relevant local community actors actively participate in deciding on issues related to their security. One way to actively involve key members of a community in improving (human) security at the local level is the formation of local security councils. In Serbia, the first local security councils were established in 2002 as a result of the implementation of the pilot project “Police in the local community and a safe community in Serbia”. Fifteen years later, there are 119 local security councils in Serbia. In addition to representatives of local self...

Research paper thumbnail of Nasilje kao kriminološki fenomen (teorijski okvir)

The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space... more The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space or other characteristics (gender, race, religious affiliation) in the context of political developments in the institutional environment and family and emotional relationships, often raising the question of its causes and factors that contribute to its expression. This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of just causes and factors of violence, with a special research effort focuses on interpersonal violence, the most common form of manifestation of aggressive behavior. Under these considerations, the theoretical constructs were selected to contribute to the understanding of domestic violence as dangerous violations of human rights and the manifestation of dominance and power in the family setting.Rastući trend nasilničkog i agresivnog ponašanja u svetu ne poznaje prostorne granice ili druge karakteristike (pol, rasu, versku pripadnost). Nasilje koje se javlja u kontekstu politički...

Research paper thumbnail of Domestic violence in Serbia: Historical and cultural dimensions

Bezbednost, Beograd, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Life and Community Policing: Between Theory and the Realistic Needs of the Citizens

Research paper thumbnail of Refugees and Health

Research paper thumbnail of New United Nations' institutional mechanism for gender equality and the empowerment of women: Establishment, importance and historical mission

Vojno delo, 2011

The paper analyzes the United Nations' system of entities founded with a purpose of protectin... more The paper analyzes the United Nations' system of entities founded with a purpose of protecting and improving the rights and position of women and of promoting the gender equality, putting special emphasis on their activities promoting the role and position of women in the security sector. It discusses models, principles, and standards of their functioning; points to practical problems, deficiencies and weaknesses over their several-decade existence; and interprets objective circumstances which led to the establishment of a new entity - UN Women, on 2 July 2010, as an institutional mechanism of the United Nations dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. This entity will connect four UN systems which have formerly addressed gender issues and position of women in different ways - DAW (Division for the Advancement of Women), INSTRAW (Institutional Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women), OSAGI (Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues), and UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) - and will focus its work exclusively towards achieving the goals of gender equality and the empowerment of women in all aspects of their life and work. Functionally, this UN entity becomes operational on 1 January 2011. The paper analyzes legal documents regulating the establishment and functioning of this organization, in particular the provisions of the Resolution A/64/L.56 related to the establishment of this entity.

Research paper thumbnail of Violence as a criminological phenomenon

The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space... more The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space or other characteristics (gender, race, religious affiliation) in the context of political developments in the institutional environment and family and emotional relationships, often raising the question of its causes and factors that contribute to its expression. This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of just causes and factors of violence, with a special research effort focuses on interpersonal violence, the most common form of manifestation of aggressive behavior. Under these considerations, the theoretical constructs were selected to contribute to the understanding of domestic violence as dangerous violations of human rights and the manifestation of dominance and power in the family setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Nasilje Kao Predmet Izučavanja Kriminoloških Nauka / Violence as a Case Study of Criminological Science

Zbornik radova, May 18, 2015

Rаstuci trend nаsilnickog i аgresivnog ponаsаnjа u svetu ne poznаje prostorne granice ili druge k... more Rаstuci trend nаsilnickog i аgresivnog ponаsаnjа u svetu ne poznаje prostorne granice ili druge kаrаkteristike (pol, rаsu, versku pripаdnost). Kriminalitet nasilja danas ubije godisnje u svetu 1,6 miliona ljudi. Nasilje koje se javlja u kontekstu politickih zbivаnjа, u institucionаlnom okruženju ili u porodici i partnerskim odnosima, ima svoje kompleksne uzroke i faktore koji doprinose njegovom ispoljavanju. Ovаj rаd se bаvi teorijskom аnаlizom uzrokа i fаktorа nаsiljа preko korpusa kriminoloskih nauka. Poseban istrаživаcki nаpor usmeren je nа oblike i faktore interpersonalnog nаsiljа, kao nаjcesceg oblika ispoljаvаnjа аgresivnog ponаsаnjа. U okviru tih rаzmаtrаnja, teorijski konstrukti treba da doprinesu i rаzumevаnju posledica nаsiljа kаo forme ispoljаvаnjа dominаcije i moci. --------------------- The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in the world knows no boundaries of space or other characteristics (gender, race, religion). Crime of violence today in the world annually kills 1.6 million people. The violence that occurs in the context of political developments in the institutional setting or in the family and intimate relationships, has complex causes and factors that contribute to its manifestation. This paper is concerned with the theoretical analysis of the causes and factors of violence over the corpus of criminological science. A special research effort is focused on the factors and forms of interpersonal violence, the most common forms of aggressive behavior. Under these considerations, the theoretical constructs should contribute to understanding the consequences of violence as a form of expression of dominance and power.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia

Research paper thumbnail of School discipline in Serbia in the 19th and early 20th century

Norma, 2008

Резиме: Разматрање питања и проблема дисциплине ученика у школама у Србији у претходна два века п... more Резиме: Разматрање питања и проблема дисциплине ученика у школама у Србији у претходна два века представља увод и(или) подстицај да се, у неком другом раду, са постављеном матрицом, упореде друштвено-историјске и просветно-васпитне прошлости Србије и актуелног стања на почетку новог миленијума, бременитог тешким облицима насилничког понашања у школама. Овај кратак историјски приказ дисциплинских преступа ученика, и предвиђених, а потом спроведених дисциплинских мера, на основу законске регулативе која одражава основне вредности српског друштва у 19. и почетком 20. века, доказује рефлексију комплекса друштвено-историјских кретања на породичне, социјалне, вредносне и васпитнообразовне релације у периоду српске историје који су обележила прекретничка збивања и појаве, а посебно буран развој политичког, друштвеног и културног живота младог српског друштва. У раду се, према историјским раздобљима у развоју школског система у Србији, даје преглед ученичких дисциплинских преступа, изречених казни, али и процентуална поређења броја ученика у тадашњим школама и изречених дисциплинских мера. Кључне речи: школа, дисциплина ученика, дисциплинске казне. Summary: Review of issues and student discipline situations in schools in Serbia in the previous two centuries, the introduction and (or) a stimulus that, in another paper, the following placed the matrix, makes the parallels between the socio-historical and educational-correctional Serbian past and current state at the beginning of the new millennium, with severe forms of bullying in schools. This brief historical view of student disciplinary offenses, and predicted, and then carried out the disciplinary measures through legislation that maintains the fundamental values of Serbian society in the 19th and early 20th century, proved a reflection of the complex socio-historical developments in family, social, value and educational relations between the Serbian history that marked the milestone events and phenomena, especially the development of the turbulent political, social and cultural life of a young Serbian society. The paper, according to historical periods in the development of the school system in Serbia, provides an overview of student disciplinary offenses, imposed fines, and comparing the percentage of students in schools and then imposed disciplinary measures.

Research paper thumbnail of Predictive Policing: One Step Further in the Safe Community

The availability of large datasets and the rapid development of sophisticated tools that allow fa... more The availability of large datasets and the rapid development of sophisticated tools that allow fast processing of vast quantities of information have been the key drivers behind the increasing use of algorithmic technologies in policing since the early 2000s. "Predictive policing" became an umbrella term for a variety of models, software and applications. All location based predictive policing programs however have the same aim: Sending police officers to the right place at the right time. For decades, police action has been rather reactive than proactive, focused on arrest and failing to see incidents as indicators of continuing underlying problems. Predictive policing has been praised as a turnaround of this approach, a "panacea" for the optimization of resources and the creation of a safer society, where the police can stop breaches of law, before they happen. Although lately more critical voices have been raised from civil society and research, questioning the effectiveness of the tools as well as their compatibility with human rights, there is still a lack of objective research on the issue.

Research paper thumbnail of Security aspects of prostitution in Belgrade

Bezbednost, Beograd, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Концепт полиције у заједници и породично насиље

Универзитет у Београду, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Viktimološki aspekt porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji / Victimology Aspect of Domestic Violence in Serbia

Zbornik sažetaka, Sep 9, 2015

Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997... more Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997. do 2010. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživača ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoći i podrške žrtvama kriminaliteta, a koji se odnose na karakteristike žrtava porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji. Rad ima za cilj da predstavi i ukaže na osnovna viktimološka obeležja nasilja u porodici i nasilja nad ženama (socio-demografska, psihička, bihejvioralna obeležja žrtava i dr.). Istovremeno, njime su identifikovane su i posledice porodičnog nasilja koje direktno ili indirektno utiču na kvalitet života žrtava. Kroz analizu istraživanja, prezentovani su i oblici/modeli pružanja pomoći, podrške i zaštite žrtvama porodičnog nasilja koji su u vreme realizovanih istraživanja funkcionisali u Srbiji. Istraživanja su pokazala da najveći deo žrtava čine žene (oko 80%), ali da su i deca direktne ili indirektne, sekundarne žrtve porodičnog nasilja, čime je potvrđena korelacija između nasilja nad decom i nasilja nad ženama. Nasilje nad decom predstavlja jednu od strategija produženog nasilja, kao oblika kontrole nad ženom. Studije porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji identifikovale su sledeće faktore primarne viktimizacije žrtava: kreiranje identiteta buduće žrtve u primarnoj porodici, socijalizaciju učenjem tradicionalnih muško-ženskih uloga i relacija, tzv. "uhvaćenost u zamku roda" i život u okruženju opterećenom nasiljem. Istraživanja su, takođe, odredila profil žrtava nasilja u vezi sa njihovim uzrastom, obrazovanjem ili zaposlenjem, to jest, ekonomskom (ne)zavisnošću. Nasilje u porodici nosi sa sobom različite posledice psihološke prirode. Gubljenje samopouzdanja i samopoštovanja, depresija, nesanica, izolovanost od spoljašnjeg sveta, strahovi i drugo, pokazatelji su njegovog negativnog uticaja na život i zdravlje ispitanica. Kao oblici pružanja pomoći, podrške i zaštite žrtvama porodičnog nasilja u Republici Srbiji prepoznati su: pravni (zakonski) model, socijalna zaštita i modeli delovanja službi civilnog, nevladinog sektora.

Research paper thumbnail of Education for Security: A Gender Perspective in the Curricula of Police Schools in Serbia


International documents ratified by Serbia, as well as the progress made at the local level in th... more International documents ratified by Serbia, as well as the progress made at the local level in the last ten years, have led to the issue of gender equality becoming one of the most important for the future development of the country, and such a trend is present in the security sector. Implementing gender equality policy through education is one of the methods necessary in this sector. This is indicated, among other things, by the two action plans adopted so far (in the period from 2010 to 2020) for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security" in Serbia. This paper analyses the degree of implementation of gender equality issues, i.e., gender perspective in educational programs on the example of the curriculum of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies and the professional development program of trainees in the Center for Basic Police Training. Based on the analysis of the content of textbooks and language used in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Patterns of protection against family violence in Serbia

Bezbednost, Beograd, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Viktimološki aspekt porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji / Victimology Aspect of Domestic Violence in Serbia

Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997... more Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997. do 2010. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživaca ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoci i podrske žrtvama kriminaliteta, a koji se odnose na karakteristike žrtava porodicnog nasilja u Srbiji. Rad ima za cilj da predstavi i ukaže na osnovna viktimoloska obeležja nasilja u porodici i nasilja nad ženama (socio-demo­grafska, psihicka, bihejvioralna obeležja žrtava i dr.). Istovremeno, njime su identifikovane su i posledice porodicnog nasilja koje direktno ili indirektno uticu na kvalitet života žrtava. Kroz analizu istraživanja, prezentovani su i oblici/modeli pružanja pomoci, podrske i zastite žrtvama poro­dicnog nasilja koji su u vreme realizovanih istraživanja funkcionisali u Srbiji. Istraživanja su pokazala da najveci deo žrtava cine žene (oko 80%), ali da su i deca direktne ili indirektne, sekundarne žrtve porodicnog nasilja, cime je potvrđena korelacija između nas...

Research paper thumbnail of Criminal law, criminal justice and security aspects of prostitution in the Republic of Serbia. (english):: Krivi&nopravni, kriminalisti&ki i bezbednosni as-pekti prostitucije u Republici Srbiji. (croatian)

At the beginning of the new millennium Serbia is recovering from the war in the area at the end o... more At the beginning of the new millennium Serbia is recovering from the war in the area at the end of the XX century, as well as refugee exodus and changes in its social, demographic and economic structure. Lacking the strength and means to resist globalization, it enters the transition machinery which grinds and mercilessly crushes the small, the incapable and the un adapted. In such a complex milieu, burdened with social and economic difficulties, indicators of anomie in the Serbian society are expansion, specific spatial distribution, new forms of organizing and new patterns of different sociopathalogical phenomena, particularly prostitution. This paper examines official statistics related to prostitution in Serbia from 2001-2005. The analysis reports: • the number of prostitution charges filed • distribution of charges by years • spatial distribution • categorization of perpetrators by age and sex • professional qualifications - education and profession of perpetrators. The analysi...

Research paper thumbnail of Porodično Nasilje Nad Ženama U Srbiji I Grčkoj: Uticaj Patrijarhata I Tradicije

Inspiracija za rad i problem(i) koji se radom oslovljava(ju): Proucavanje porodicnog nasilja je s... more Inspiracija za rad i problem(i) koji se radom oslovljava(ju): Proucavanje porodicnog nasilja je specifican izazov, zato sto ovaj oblik nasilja predstavlja specifican drustveni problem, cija se etiologija zasniva na multifaktorskom uticaju kulturoloskog, tradicionalnog, istorijskog ambijenta, odnosno, patrijarhata i rodne socijalizacije, posebno u zemljama zapadnog Balkana. Zbog toga, ovaj rad prezentuje i ispituje tematiku porodicnog nasilja u Srbiji i Grckoj. Ciljevi rada (naucni i/ ili drustveni): Naucni cilj ovog istraživanja usmeren je ka pružanju doprinosa kroskulturalnom akademskom proucavanju porodicnog nasilja kao fenomena. Drustveni cilj istraživanja vezan je za razumevanje porodicnog nasilja kao drustvenog problema i problema kvaliteta života. Metodologija/ dizajn : Teorijska razmatranja u okviru kvalitativnog metodoloskog pristupa se fokusiraju na drustveno-kulturoloske perspektive koje su rezultat patrijarhalne strukture srpskih i grckih institucija i sistema. Ogranicenj...

Research paper thumbnail of Community policing and domestic violence

Локална заједница представља контекст у којем се на најбољи могућиначин може истражити реалан ква... more Локална заједница представља контекст у којем се на најбољи могућиначин може истражити реалан квалитет друштвеног живота. Насиље у породиципредставља једну од појава која угрожава систем и принципе функционисањалокалне заједнице и квалитет живота њених грађана. Међу ресурсима којелокална заједница ангажује у одговору на насиље у породици кључно местозаузима полиција. У оквиру модела полицијског ангажовања у заједници, посебнупажњу научника, истраживача и практичара током последњих неколико деценијазаокупља концепт полицијског рада у локалној заједници као квалитативно новсистем организације и функционисања полиције заснован на корелацији измеђуочекивања грађана и онога што полиција реално чини. Теоријска анализаконцептуално-методолошких основа полицијског рада у локалној заједници иемпиријска студија заснована на поставкама тог концепта чини тежиште оведокторске дисертације. Кључна теоријска, истраживачка и практична сазнања изобласти социолошких, полицијских и криминолошких наука с...

Research paper thumbnail of Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality

The multi-dimensional approach to understanding human and the implementation of the community pol... more The multi-dimensional approach to understanding human and the implementation of the community policing strategy as two complementary parts of the concept of quality of life make it possible to qualitatively consider security in local communities. According to the concept of human security, institutions are obliged to provide citizens with permanent protection, instead of occasional, to act preventively, rather than reactively, whereby all relevant local community actors actively participate in deciding on issues related to their security. One way to actively involve key members of a community in improving (human) security at the local level is the formation of local security councils. In Serbia, the first local security councils were established in 2002 as a result of the implementation of the pilot project “Police in the local community and a safe community in Serbia”. Fifteen years later, there are 119 local security councils in Serbia. In addition to representatives of local self...

Research paper thumbnail of Nasilje kao kriminološki fenomen (teorijski okvir)

The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space... more The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space or other characteristics (gender, race, religious affiliation) in the context of political developments in the institutional environment and family and emotional relationships, often raising the question of its causes and factors that contribute to its expression. This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of just causes and factors of violence, with a special research effort focuses on interpersonal violence, the most common form of manifestation of aggressive behavior. Under these considerations, the theoretical constructs were selected to contribute to the understanding of domestic violence as dangerous violations of human rights and the manifestation of dominance and power in the family setting.Rastući trend nasilničkog i agresivnog ponašanja u svetu ne poznaje prostorne granice ili druge karakteristike (pol, rasu, versku pripadnost). Nasilje koje se javlja u kontekstu politički...