Danijela Voza | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)

Papers by Danijela Voza

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "The Role of Financial Literacy on Sustainable Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Africa

Research paper thumbnail of Application of multivariate statistical techniques in the water quality assessment of Danube river, Serbia

Archives of Environmental Protection, Dec 1, 2015

The aim of this article is to evaluate the quality of the Danube River in its course through Serb... more The aim of this article is to evaluate the quality of the Danube River in its course through Serbia as well as to demonstrate the possibilities for using three statistical methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) in the surface water quality management. Given that the Danube is an important trans-boundary river, thorough water quality monitoring by sampling at different distances during shorter and longer periods of time is not only ecological, but also a political issue. Monitoring was carried out at monthly intervals from January to December 2011, at 17 sampling sites. The obtained data set was treated by multivariate techniques in order, fi rstly, to identify the similarities and differences between sampling periods and locations, secondly, to recognize variables that affect the temporal and spatial water quality changes and thirdly, to present the anthropogenic impact on water quality parameters.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethical aspects in public relations

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial and seasonal variations in the water quality of the Morava River system, Serbia

Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable development and environmental protection

Research paper thumbnail of Eтика Врлине И Њен Значај У Рачуноводству/Virtue Ethics and Its Importance in Accounting

TEME, Oct 7, 2015

Oвaj рaд aнaлизирa eтику врлинe, кoja уз дeoнтoлoгизaм и утилитaризaм, прeдстaвљa jeдну oд три тр... more Oвaj рaд aнaлизирa eтику врлинe, кoja уз дeoнтoлoгизaм и утилитaризaм, прeдстaвљa jeдну oд три трaдициje нoрмaтивнe eтикe кoje сe нajчeшћe примeњуjу у oблaсти пoслoвнe eтикe. Teжишни дeo рaдa сe oднoси нa рaзмaтрaњe eтикe врлинeнajстaриje eтичкe трaдициje-како са теоријског, тако и са емпиријског становишта. Етика врлине, која се усредсређује на карактерне (моралне) црте појединца, постаје све значајније друштвено питање у савременом друштву с обзиром на све учесталије примере скандала у пословном свету, укључујући и најразвијеније земље. Главне етичке врлине су сагледане у теоријском смислу кроз призму рачуноводстваобласти која није имуна од различитих облика девијација у пословном деловању. У емпиријском делу рада су предочени разултати испитивања присуства различитих карактерних црта у раду запослених у рачуноводственом сектору на примеру једног већег производног система. Резултати овог истраживања показују да се концепт етике врлине може применити на рачуноводство, односно на професију рачуновође и ревизора.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic decision-making model for the regional development of rural areas: A Serbian case study

Argumenta Oeconomica

Making decisions about the activities aimed at enhancing rural development often requires impleme... more Making decisions about the activities aimed at enhancing rural development often requires implementing a multidisciplinary approach and including the opinions and attitudes of several regional stakeholders. This paper proposes a hybrid SWOT-ANP model for selecting an optimal scenario to realise the vision for developing a rural area in Serbia. The four-phase decision-making approach applied in this paper consisted of the following elements: vision, strategic goals, SWOT analysis, and alternative scenarios. The results indicated that the most appropriate strategies for regional development of this rural area were those related to the more sustainable utilisation of natural resources. This model should be of significant help to decisionmakers when defining the main determinants of the future development strategy of any rural area.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Environmental Attitudes of Youth from Eu Member and Candidate States: Case Study Central and Eastern Europe


Worldwide, great efforts are being made in order to establish sustainable development at all leve... more Worldwide, great efforts are being made in order to establish sustainable development at all levels. European Union (EU) member states are obliged to meet the requirements in the area of environmental protection. In this paper, the authors conducted a comparative study of environmental attitudes among young people from both EU transition countries and EU candidate countries. The objective was to determine the differences in environmental attitudes, environmental awareness and self-efficacy of the youth from these two groups of countries and the EU environmental policy implementation level. Results indicated that the influence of EU membership exists when it comes to the environmental attitudes of youth from the analyzed countries. Average values showed the unsatisfactory situation regarding environmental awareness and self-efficacy of respondents. In order to define the relations among environmental attitudes, self-efficacy and environmental awareness, a structural model was created...

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of spatial and temporal changes in surface water quality

Циљ ове докторске дисертације јесте да, помоћу математичких модела креираних на основу утврђених ... more Циљ ове докторске дисертације јесте да, помоћу математичких модела креираних на основу утврђених просторних и временских образаца промена квалитета површинских вода, допринесе успостављању ефикасног и ефективног система мониторинга. Речни систем Морава представља област истраживања. После утврђивања стања квалитета воде и степена утицаја антропогеног фактора, обиман скуп података обрађен је применом различитих метода. Интегрисање Serbian Water Quality Index-a (SWQI) и методе контролних карата омогућило је визуелно приказивање промена степена квалитета воде на току Мораве. Кластер и дискриминационом анализом извршена је значајна редукција скупа података, заснована на просторним и временским обрасцима. У просторном погледу је, на основу заједничких физичко-хемијских карактеристика воде, 14 мерних локација подељено у три кластера различитог степена загађености. Примена дискриминационе технике је допринела редуковању скупа података са 12 на 4 параметра. Могућност предикције кретања диск...

Research paper thumbnail of Utvrđivanje ekološke održivosti balkanskih zemalja analizom indeksa ekoloških performansi

Research paper thumbnail of Spremnost građana za implementaciju mera za povećanje energetske efikasnosti

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental sustainability in digitalized SMEs: Comparative study from Poland and Serbia

Serbian Journal of Management

Pandemic times and an increasing pace of sustainable development have accelerated the process of ... more Pandemic times and an increasing pace of sustainable development have accelerated the process of Industry 4.0 implementation. Digitalization is one of the key issues of Industry 4.0 development. The paper investigates an identified research gap on the perception of digitalization in terms of environmental goals and sustainability in the SME sector. The study features a comparative research design and examines the perception of digitalization in small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland and Serbia. The study gathered 235 responses on the impact of Industry 4.0 and digitalization in SMEs on environmental issues and sustainable development. Findings revealed that digitalizing the company has a positive effect on reducing carbon emissions. However, statistically significant discrimination in reducing harmful emissions was found between Poland and Serbia. Provided research procedure further adds to the practical implication in finding carbon emissions as the most important issue in su...

Research paper thumbnail of 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era

International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Model of business risks and their impact on operational performance of SMEs

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of enterprise risk management on the performance of companies in transition countries: Serbia case study

Journal of Operational Risk, 2019

The market position of a company influences its performance. In hazard conditions, all the factor... more The market position of a company influences its performance. In hazard conditions, all the factors that determine a company's market position and business are exposed to risk. An effective program of enterprise risk management (ERM) decreases the level of risk and improves company performance. ERM is a process that identifies and evaluates all potential losses that can occur in business organizations and selects techniques that can handle and prevent such losses in accordance with the requirements of International Standard ISO 31000. In this paper, seven hypotheses are defined, on the basis of which a theoretical model is developed to examine how different sources of enterprise risk affect the operational performance of Serbian companies and their risk of losing market position.

Research paper thumbnail of Tourist attractiveness of Felix Romuliana archaeological site

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2012

Сажетак: У источној Србији, на десетом километру пута Бољевац-Зајечар, налази се археолошко налаз... more Сажетак: У источној Србији, на десетом километру пута Бољевац-Зајечар, налази се археолошко налазиште Феликс Ромулијана (словенски Гамзиград) које представља остатке палате римског цара Гаја Валерија Максимијана Галерија. О вредности и значају овог јединственог споменика, који датира из касноантичког периода, довољно говори чињеница да је 2007. године увршћен на УНЕСКО-ву Листу светске културне баштине. У овом раду представљен је туристичко-географски положај Феликс Ромулијане, архитектонско уређење некадашње царске палате, уметничка вредност, историја и ток археолошких истраживања, као и мере заштите локалитета и систем управљања. Други део рада састоји се од резултата туристичке валоризације, извршене по моделу Хилари ду Крос. Циљ рада јесте да се утврди начин на који је могуће извршити презентацију ове културно-историјске вредности потенцијалним туристима (како домаћим, тако и страним), као и да се укаже на слабости, али и на шансе у туристичком валоризовању. На крају, може се закључити да би стратегију развоја туризма овог краја требало заснивати на промоцији културног туризма, чији би носилац био археолошки комплекс Гамзиград. Кључне речи: Феликс Ромулијана, Гамзиград, археолошки локалитет, туристичка валоризација * Припремљено у оквиру пројекта Одрживост идентитета Срба и националних мањина у пограничним општинама источне и југоисточне Србије (179013), који се изводи на Универзитету у Нишу-Машински факултет, а финансира га Министарство за науку и технолошки развој РС.

Research paper thumbnail of Air quality assessment during COVID-19: A case study of Serbia

Croatica Chemica Acta

The discovery of a new virus has forced many countries to introduce drastic measures at the begin... more The discovery of a new virus has forced many countries to introduce drastic measures at the beginning of the pandemic to protect human health. These measures include the reduced mobility of people and the reduction of certain economic activities. As a consequence, studies conducted in different countries have reported significant improvement in air quality. This paper aims to assess the impact of quarantine and lockdown measures on air quality in the city of Bor. Data regarding concentrations of PM10 and SO2 were collected using three monitoring stations located in the urban part of the city and compared with corresponding periods in 2019 and 2021. The results have shown that concentrations of these pollutants were even higher during the lockdown period. Concentrations of SO2 were 58 % higher compared to those in the corresponding period in 2019 and 56 % higher compared to those in 2021. The mean daily values of PM10 were 47 % higher compared to those in 2019 and 29 % higher compared to those in 2021.

Research paper thumbnail of Economic challenges of entrepreneurs in the Republic of Serbia operating in the most prospective economic activities

Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici

High unemployment rate, low level of economic activity and low living standards are some of the m... more High unemployment rate, low level of economic activity and low living standards are some of the most significant problems that the Republic of Serbia has been facing in the last few years. The development of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs as great potential to solve these problems to some extent is still not sufficiently exploited. Keeping in mind the importance of the development of this economy segment, this paper analyses the business economy of entrepreneurs by economic activities in 2018 in the Republic of Serbia to determine the economic activities that have the greatest prospects for entrepreneurship development in the future. The ratio analysis of operations was used as a starting point for comparative analysis. It was conducted using the data obtained from the Annual Bulletin of Financial Statements published by the Business Registers Agency for ten economic activities where entrepreneurs reordered the highest profitability in 2018. Using the entropy method ...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic approach to the development of ecotourism in Bor District, Serbia

Menadzment u hotelijerstvu i turizmu

The increase in ecotourism popularity at a global level is a consequence of the increased human c... more The increase in ecotourism popularity at a global level is a consequence of the increased human concern for the state of natural resources. This type of alternative tourism is increasingly present in tourist trends around the world. For developing countries, ecotourism can be an opportunity for accelerating economic development by exploiting natural resources, without changing their original state. Although it offers great opportunities, the management of tourism in protected or unprotected natural assets is a great challenge. The importance of integrating the actions of all stakeholders and the usage of strategic approach are often neglected. The aim of this paper is to generate strategies for the development of ecotourism in Bor and its surroundings. For this purpose, a combined SWOT-TOWS methodology is applied. Based on the obtained results, nine strategies are proposed, whose implementation would enable the usage of natural and cultural and historical potentials for the revival ...

Research paper thumbnail of Multicriteria Visual Approach to the Analysis of Water Quality—A Case Study of the Tisa River Basin in Serbia

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "The Role of Financial Literacy on Sustainable Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Africa

Research paper thumbnail of Application of multivariate statistical techniques in the water quality assessment of Danube river, Serbia

Archives of Environmental Protection, Dec 1, 2015

The aim of this article is to evaluate the quality of the Danube River in its course through Serb... more The aim of this article is to evaluate the quality of the Danube River in its course through Serbia as well as to demonstrate the possibilities for using three statistical methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) in the surface water quality management. Given that the Danube is an important trans-boundary river, thorough water quality monitoring by sampling at different distances during shorter and longer periods of time is not only ecological, but also a political issue. Monitoring was carried out at monthly intervals from January to December 2011, at 17 sampling sites. The obtained data set was treated by multivariate techniques in order, fi rstly, to identify the similarities and differences between sampling periods and locations, secondly, to recognize variables that affect the temporal and spatial water quality changes and thirdly, to present the anthropogenic impact on water quality parameters.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethical aspects in public relations

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial and seasonal variations in the water quality of the Morava River system, Serbia

Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable development and environmental protection

Research paper thumbnail of Eтика Врлине И Њен Значај У Рачуноводству/Virtue Ethics and Its Importance in Accounting

TEME, Oct 7, 2015

Oвaj рaд aнaлизирa eтику врлинe, кoja уз дeoнтoлoгизaм и утилитaризaм, прeдстaвљa jeдну oд три тр... more Oвaj рaд aнaлизирa eтику врлинe, кoja уз дeoнтoлoгизaм и утилитaризaм, прeдстaвљa jeдну oд три трaдициje нoрмaтивнe eтикe кoje сe нajчeшћe примeњуjу у oблaсти пoслoвнe eтикe. Teжишни дeo рaдa сe oднoси нa рaзмaтрaњe eтикe врлинeнajстaриje eтичкe трaдициje-како са теоријског, тако и са емпиријског становишта. Етика врлине, која се усредсређује на карактерне (моралне) црте појединца, постаје све значајније друштвено питање у савременом друштву с обзиром на све учесталије примере скандала у пословном свету, укључујући и најразвијеније земље. Главне етичке врлине су сагледане у теоријском смислу кроз призму рачуноводстваобласти која није имуна од различитих облика девијација у пословном деловању. У емпиријском делу рада су предочени разултати испитивања присуства различитих карактерних црта у раду запослених у рачуноводственом сектору на примеру једног већег производног система. Резултати овог истраживања показују да се концепт етике врлине може применити на рачуноводство, односно на професију рачуновође и ревизора.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic decision-making model for the regional development of rural areas: A Serbian case study

Argumenta Oeconomica

Making decisions about the activities aimed at enhancing rural development often requires impleme... more Making decisions about the activities aimed at enhancing rural development often requires implementing a multidisciplinary approach and including the opinions and attitudes of several regional stakeholders. This paper proposes a hybrid SWOT-ANP model for selecting an optimal scenario to realise the vision for developing a rural area in Serbia. The four-phase decision-making approach applied in this paper consisted of the following elements: vision, strategic goals, SWOT analysis, and alternative scenarios. The results indicated that the most appropriate strategies for regional development of this rural area were those related to the more sustainable utilisation of natural resources. This model should be of significant help to decisionmakers when defining the main determinants of the future development strategy of any rural area.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Environmental Attitudes of Youth from Eu Member and Candidate States: Case Study Central and Eastern Europe


Worldwide, great efforts are being made in order to establish sustainable development at all leve... more Worldwide, great efforts are being made in order to establish sustainable development at all levels. European Union (EU) member states are obliged to meet the requirements in the area of environmental protection. In this paper, the authors conducted a comparative study of environmental attitudes among young people from both EU transition countries and EU candidate countries. The objective was to determine the differences in environmental attitudes, environmental awareness and self-efficacy of the youth from these two groups of countries and the EU environmental policy implementation level. Results indicated that the influence of EU membership exists when it comes to the environmental attitudes of youth from the analyzed countries. Average values showed the unsatisfactory situation regarding environmental awareness and self-efficacy of respondents. In order to define the relations among environmental attitudes, self-efficacy and environmental awareness, a structural model was created...

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of spatial and temporal changes in surface water quality

Циљ ове докторске дисертације јесте да, помоћу математичких модела креираних на основу утврђених ... more Циљ ове докторске дисертације јесте да, помоћу математичких модела креираних на основу утврђених просторних и временских образаца промена квалитета површинских вода, допринесе успостављању ефикасног и ефективног система мониторинга. Речни систем Морава представља област истраживања. После утврђивања стања квалитета воде и степена утицаја антропогеног фактора, обиман скуп података обрађен је применом различитих метода. Интегрисање Serbian Water Quality Index-a (SWQI) и методе контролних карата омогућило је визуелно приказивање промена степена квалитета воде на току Мораве. Кластер и дискриминационом анализом извршена је значајна редукција скупа података, заснована на просторним и временским обрасцима. У просторном погледу је, на основу заједничких физичко-хемијских карактеристика воде, 14 мерних локација подељено у три кластера различитог степена загађености. Примена дискриминационе технике је допринела редуковању скупа података са 12 на 4 параметра. Могућност предикције кретања диск...

Research paper thumbnail of Utvrđivanje ekološke održivosti balkanskih zemalja analizom indeksa ekoloških performansi

Research paper thumbnail of Spremnost građana za implementaciju mera za povećanje energetske efikasnosti

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental sustainability in digitalized SMEs: Comparative study from Poland and Serbia

Serbian Journal of Management

Pandemic times and an increasing pace of sustainable development have accelerated the process of ... more Pandemic times and an increasing pace of sustainable development have accelerated the process of Industry 4.0 implementation. Digitalization is one of the key issues of Industry 4.0 development. The paper investigates an identified research gap on the perception of digitalization in terms of environmental goals and sustainability in the SME sector. The study features a comparative research design and examines the perception of digitalization in small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland and Serbia. The study gathered 235 responses on the impact of Industry 4.0 and digitalization in SMEs on environmental issues and sustainable development. Findings revealed that digitalizing the company has a positive effect on reducing carbon emissions. However, statistically significant discrimination in reducing harmful emissions was found between Poland and Serbia. Provided research procedure further adds to the practical implication in finding carbon emissions as the most important issue in su...

Research paper thumbnail of 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era

International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Model of business risks and their impact on operational performance of SMEs

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of enterprise risk management on the performance of companies in transition countries: Serbia case study

Journal of Operational Risk, 2019

The market position of a company influences its performance. In hazard conditions, all the factor... more The market position of a company influences its performance. In hazard conditions, all the factors that determine a company's market position and business are exposed to risk. An effective program of enterprise risk management (ERM) decreases the level of risk and improves company performance. ERM is a process that identifies and evaluates all potential losses that can occur in business organizations and selects techniques that can handle and prevent such losses in accordance with the requirements of International Standard ISO 31000. In this paper, seven hypotheses are defined, on the basis of which a theoretical model is developed to examine how different sources of enterprise risk affect the operational performance of Serbian companies and their risk of losing market position.

Research paper thumbnail of Tourist attractiveness of Felix Romuliana archaeological site

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2012

Сажетак: У источној Србији, на десетом километру пута Бољевац-Зајечар, налази се археолошко налаз... more Сажетак: У источној Србији, на десетом километру пута Бољевац-Зајечар, налази се археолошко налазиште Феликс Ромулијана (словенски Гамзиград) које представља остатке палате римског цара Гаја Валерија Максимијана Галерија. О вредности и значају овог јединственог споменика, који датира из касноантичког периода, довољно говори чињеница да је 2007. године увршћен на УНЕСКО-ву Листу светске културне баштине. У овом раду представљен је туристичко-географски положај Феликс Ромулијане, архитектонско уређење некадашње царске палате, уметничка вредност, историја и ток археолошких истраживања, као и мере заштите локалитета и систем управљања. Други део рада састоји се од резултата туристичке валоризације, извршене по моделу Хилари ду Крос. Циљ рада јесте да се утврди начин на који је могуће извршити презентацију ове културно-историјске вредности потенцијалним туристима (како домаћим, тако и страним), као и да се укаже на слабости, али и на шансе у туристичком валоризовању. На крају, може се закључити да би стратегију развоја туризма овог краја требало заснивати на промоцији културног туризма, чији би носилац био археолошки комплекс Гамзиград. Кључне речи: Феликс Ромулијана, Гамзиград, археолошки локалитет, туристичка валоризација * Припремљено у оквиру пројекта Одрживост идентитета Срба и националних мањина у пограничним општинама источне и југоисточне Србије (179013), који се изводи на Универзитету у Нишу-Машински факултет, а финансира га Министарство за науку и технолошки развој РС.

Research paper thumbnail of Air quality assessment during COVID-19: A case study of Serbia

Croatica Chemica Acta

The discovery of a new virus has forced many countries to introduce drastic measures at the begin... more The discovery of a new virus has forced many countries to introduce drastic measures at the beginning of the pandemic to protect human health. These measures include the reduced mobility of people and the reduction of certain economic activities. As a consequence, studies conducted in different countries have reported significant improvement in air quality. This paper aims to assess the impact of quarantine and lockdown measures on air quality in the city of Bor. Data regarding concentrations of PM10 and SO2 were collected using three monitoring stations located in the urban part of the city and compared with corresponding periods in 2019 and 2021. The results have shown that concentrations of these pollutants were even higher during the lockdown period. Concentrations of SO2 were 58 % higher compared to those in the corresponding period in 2019 and 56 % higher compared to those in 2021. The mean daily values of PM10 were 47 % higher compared to those in 2019 and 29 % higher compared to those in 2021.

Research paper thumbnail of Economic challenges of entrepreneurs in the Republic of Serbia operating in the most prospective economic activities

Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici

High unemployment rate, low level of economic activity and low living standards are some of the m... more High unemployment rate, low level of economic activity and low living standards are some of the most significant problems that the Republic of Serbia has been facing in the last few years. The development of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs as great potential to solve these problems to some extent is still not sufficiently exploited. Keeping in mind the importance of the development of this economy segment, this paper analyses the business economy of entrepreneurs by economic activities in 2018 in the Republic of Serbia to determine the economic activities that have the greatest prospects for entrepreneurship development in the future. The ratio analysis of operations was used as a starting point for comparative analysis. It was conducted using the data obtained from the Annual Bulletin of Financial Statements published by the Business Registers Agency for ten economic activities where entrepreneurs reordered the highest profitability in 2018. Using the entropy method ...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic approach to the development of ecotourism in Bor District, Serbia

Menadzment u hotelijerstvu i turizmu

The increase in ecotourism popularity at a global level is a consequence of the increased human c... more The increase in ecotourism popularity at a global level is a consequence of the increased human concern for the state of natural resources. This type of alternative tourism is increasingly present in tourist trends around the world. For developing countries, ecotourism can be an opportunity for accelerating economic development by exploiting natural resources, without changing their original state. Although it offers great opportunities, the management of tourism in protected or unprotected natural assets is a great challenge. The importance of integrating the actions of all stakeholders and the usage of strategic approach are often neglected. The aim of this paper is to generate strategies for the development of ecotourism in Bor and its surroundings. For this purpose, a combined SWOT-TOWS methodology is applied. Based on the obtained results, nine strategies are proposed, whose implementation would enable the usage of natural and cultural and historical potentials for the revival ...

Research paper thumbnail of Multicriteria Visual Approach to the Analysis of Water Quality—A Case Study of the Tisa River Basin in Serbia

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY