Dušan Popović | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)


Papers by Dušan Popović

Research paper thumbnail of „The Digital Platforms’ Sisyphean Task: Reconciling Content Moderation and Freedom of Expression“ in „Repositioning Platforms in Digital Market Law“ (eds. D. V. Popović, R. Kulms), Springer, 2024, pp. 83-103.

Research paper thumbnail of „Ograničenja autorskog i srodnih prava: prepreka ili podsticaj razvoju veštačke inteligencije“ in „Veštačka inteligencija: izazovi u poslovnom pravu“ (ur. D. V. Popović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2024, str. 33-52.

Research paper thumbnail of “Serbia: An Ongoing Harmonisation of State Aid Rules” in “Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on the Regulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries” (ed. Zoltán Nagy), CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, 2024, pp. 367-379.

Research paper thumbnail of “Serbia: Challenges for Monetary Policy During the Transition Period” in “Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on the Regulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries” (ed. Zoltán Nagy), CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, pp. 789-804.

Research paper thumbnail of “Serbia: Public Finance – Toward the Efficient Management of the Country’s Revenues” in “Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on the Regulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries” (ed. Zoltán Nagy), CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, 2024, pp. 167-180.

Research paper thumbnail of “Serbia: Tax Policy as Part of National Economic Governance” in “Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on the Regulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries” (ed. Zoltán Nagy), CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, 2024, pp. 573-583.

Research paper thumbnail of „Intelektualna svojina i digitalna imovina“ in „Pravo digitalne imovine“ (ur. M. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2024, str. 161-182.

Research paper thumbnail of "Doprinos Uredbe EU o digitalnim uslugama transparentnijem radu onlajn posrednika" in "Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije (2023)" (ur. V. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2024, str. 261-280.

Research paper thumbnail of „Privacy and data protection in Serbian law: challenges in the digital environment“ in „The right to privacy in the digital age“ (ed. M. Wielec), CEA Publishing, Ferenc Madl Institute of Comparative Law, 2023, pp. 199-234.

In the Republic of Serbia, as in other jurisdictions, there is no unanimously accepted definition... more In the Republic of Serbia, as in other jurisdictions, there is no unanimously accepted definition of the privacy, either in legal doctrine or in legislative instruments. The national constitutions, including the Serbian one, usually protect the privacy of individuals by referring to: (1) the inviolability of home; (2) the confidentiality of letters and other means of communication; and (3) the protection of personal data. More extensively defined, the right to privacy may also encompass the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, in the sense that the citizens do not have the obligation to declare their religious or other beliefs. The omnipresence of the Internet, and in particular social networks, search engines and cloud computing, has led to reducing the right to privacy to the right of personal data protection. Indeed, in the digital world, an individual is often reduced to data. Therefore, protecting one's privacy in the digital context means protecting data relating to an identifiable individual. The concept of personal data encompasses not just names, addresses and identification numbers, but also all data that can be traced back to an individual, such as photos, profiles on social networks or browsing history. Typically, social network websites contain user information such as age, relationship status, income, and information about close family members, as well as registered users' addresses. Many online service providers

Research paper thumbnail of „The pivotal role of DPAs in digital privacy protection: assessment of the Serbian protection mechanism“, Law, Identity and Values, vol. 2, n. 2 (2022), pp. 131-146.

With the widespread use of the Internet in both personal and professional life, data protection h... more With the widespread use of the Internet in both personal and professional life, data protection has become a critical aspect of privacy protection. The mechanisms developed in administrative law are the main tools for personal data protection in modern societies. Within the European integration process, the Republic of Serbia has established an independent data protection authority (DPA) that supervises and ensures the implementation of data protection rules, conducts inspections, acts on complaints of persons to whom the data relates, and determines whether there has been a violation of the law. This paper commences with an analysis of international legal instruments imposing a duty to establish an independent data protection supervisory authority. It goes on to further analyze the main characteristics of the national data protection system, the personal, territorial, and material scope of its application, as well as specific rights of data subjects. The efficient protection of digital privacy primarily depends on the investigative powers of the independent supervisory authority, which are also analyzed in detail. Given the global character of the Internet, the protection of personal data also depends on efficient cooperation among DPAs, the extraterritorial application of data protection rules, and adequate regulation of international transfer of personal data. right to privacy Serbia Internet Data Protection Authority (DPA) personal data European integrations

Research paper thumbnail of "Prethodna regulacija digitalnih tržišta u EU: ograničavanje tržišne moći digitalnih platformi" in "Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije (2022)" (ur. V. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2022, str. 299-318.

Research paper thumbnail of „Autorskopravni pogled na korišćenje formata GIF: o adekvatnosti postojećih ograničenja prava“ in “Intelektualna svojina i internet: zbornik VI” (ur. D. V. Popović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2022, str. 11-29.

Rezime: GIF je jedan od najčešće korišćenih grafičkih formata za razmenu slika na internetu. GIF ... more Rezime: GIF je jedan od najčešće korišćenih grafičkih formata za razmenu slika na internetu. GIF datoteke najčešće predstavljaju kratke odlomke tuđih autorskih dela, npr. scene iz filmova, muzičkih spotova, televizijskih emisija i dr. Tuđa autorska dela, pa i njihovi odlomci, ne smeju se koristiti bez dozvole nosioca autorskog prava, osim u slučajevima zakonom propisanih ograničenja prava. Stoga je najpre potrebno utvrditi da li se savremeni način korišćenja GIF datoteka može podvesti pod neku od radnji obuhvaćenih imovinskopravnim ovlašćenjima autora, pre svega ovlašćenjem na umnožavanje dela, ovlašćenjem na interaktivno činjenje dela dostupnim javnosti i ovlašćenjem na preradu dela. Povrh toga, u radu se korišćenje formata GIF sagledava i iz ugla ličnopravnog ovlašćenja na zaštitu integriteta dela. Ipak, u određenim slučajevima tuđa autorska dela se mogu koristiti bez dozvole nosioca autorskog prava na osnovu propisanog ograničenja prava. S tim u vezi, u radu se, u okvirima srpskog autorskog prava, analiziraju ograničenje subjektivnog autorskog prava u svrhu citiranja, ograničenje radi slobodne prerade dela i ograničenje koje se odnosi na korišćenje tuđeg autorskog dela kao nebitnog sastojka. Najzad, u radu se razmatra pitanje stvaranja i korišćenja GIF datoteka koje sadrže odlomke tuđih autorskih dela u kontekstu slobode izražavanja i slobode stvaralaštva, kao Ustavom zaštićenih vrednosti.

Research paper thumbnail of „Online intermediary liability in Serbian law: reconciling IP protection and freedom of expression“ in „Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2021“ (eds. D.V. Popović, I. Kunda, Z. Meškić, E. Omerović), Springer, pp. 25-42.

Research paper thumbnail of „Online comments and defamation: the European perspective“, Law, Identity and Values, vol. 1, n. 2 (2021), pp. 129-142.

A defamatory statement is a false or untrue statement that harms the reputation of a living perso... more A defamatory statement is a false or untrue statement that harms the reputation of a living person. In the digital environment, defamatory content can be easily shared and may remain available online for a very long period. At first, anonymous Internet communication was predominantly seen as a value in itself-a mechanism that advances the public debate, protects political dissension, and furthers due process. However, the rapid growth of social networks and digital platforms has transformed the content and tone of online interactions. This paper analyzes online comments that may threaten the reputation of a person from a freedom of speech and within the auspices of European law. These comments typically appear as anonymous statements, signed only with a 'nickname' not allowing for identification of a poster. The European Union has adopted several pieces of legislation that set the legal status of defamatory online comments. The Directive on Electronic Commerce is of utmost importance given that it regulates the dissemination of online content. However, the European approach to defamation cannot be understood unless the European Union's system is combined with that of the European Convention on Human Rights. The European Court of Human Rights' approach towards defamatory online comments is best demonstrated in its decision on Delfi v. Estonia and MTE v. Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of "Usaglašena praksa učesnika na tržištu prouzrokovana ili podržana korišćenjem algoritama" in "Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije (2021)" (ur. V. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021, str. 298-315.

Research paper thumbnail of „Freedom of expression on social networks: an international perspective“ in „The impact of digital platforms and social media on the freedom of expression and pluralism: analysis on certain Central European countries“ (ed. M. Wielec), Ferenc Madl Institute of comparative law, 2021, pp. 277-310.

Research paper thumbnail of "Ograničenja patenta i zaštita javnog zdravlja u vreme epidemije" in "Liber amicorum profesor dr Mirko Vasiljević" (ur. D. Popović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021, str. 513-526.

Research paper thumbnail of "Personalized medicine in Serbia: opportunities and challenges", Serbian Economic Association Policy Paper, 2021.

Research paper thumbnail of "Specifičnosti definisanja relevantnog tržišta u audiovizuelnom sektoru" in "Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije (2020)" (ur. V. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2020, str. 311-332.

Research paper thumbnail of „Iscrpljenje autorskog prava na digitalnim primercima dela: evropski pristup“ in “Intelektualna svojina i internet (2020)” (ur. D. Popović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2020, str. 23-36.

Institut iscrpljenja autorskog prava decenijama izmiče potpunoj međunarodnoj harmonizaciji. Ostav... more Institut iscrpljenja autorskog prava decenijama izmiče potpunoj međunarodnoj harmonizaciji. Ostavljajući to načelno pitanje po strani, u radu se analizira institut iscrpljenja autorskog prava na digitalnim (bestelesnim) primercima autorskih dela, u okviru prava Evropske unije. Povod za pisanje rada bila je prošlogodišnja presuda Suda pravde Evropske unije doneta u predmetu Tom Kabinet. U radu se podrobno analizira ova presuda, u kojoj je Sud pojasnio da li se institut iscrpljenja ovlašćenja na saopštavanje javnosti dela primenjuje u odnosu na digitalne (bestelesne) primerke knjiga. Stavovi Suda pravde EU se potom upoređuju sa presudom donetom u predmetu UsedSoft, u kojoj se pitanje iscrpljenja ovlašćenja na stavljanje primerka dela u promet razmatra u odnosu na bestelesne primerke softvera. Pomenute presude razmatraju institut iscrpljenja autorskog prava na digitalnim primercima dela na osnovu odredaba različitih direktiva Evropske unije. Dok u predmetu Tom Kabinet Sud tumači odredbe Direktive EU o informacionom društvu, u predmetu UsedSoft tumačene su odredbe Direktive EU o računarskim programima. U zaključnom delu rada, autor postavlja pitanje konzistentnosti ovakve sudske prakse, kao i njenih posledica po pravnu sigurnost učesnika koji posluju na tržištu Evropske unije.

Research paper thumbnail of „The Digital Platforms’ Sisyphean Task: Reconciling Content Moderation and Freedom of Expression“ in „Repositioning Platforms in Digital Market Law“ (eds. D. V. Popović, R. Kulms), Springer, 2024, pp. 83-103.

Research paper thumbnail of „Ograničenja autorskog i srodnih prava: prepreka ili podsticaj razvoju veštačke inteligencije“ in „Veštačka inteligencija: izazovi u poslovnom pravu“ (ur. D. V. Popović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2024, str. 33-52.

Research paper thumbnail of “Serbia: An Ongoing Harmonisation of State Aid Rules” in “Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on the Regulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries” (ed. Zoltán Nagy), CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, 2024, pp. 367-379.

Research paper thumbnail of “Serbia: Challenges for Monetary Policy During the Transition Period” in “Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on the Regulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries” (ed. Zoltán Nagy), CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, pp. 789-804.

Research paper thumbnail of “Serbia: Public Finance – Toward the Efficient Management of the Country’s Revenues” in “Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on the Regulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries” (ed. Zoltán Nagy), CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, 2024, pp. 167-180.

Research paper thumbnail of “Serbia: Tax Policy as Part of National Economic Governance” in “Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on the Regulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries” (ed. Zoltán Nagy), CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, 2024, pp. 573-583.

Research paper thumbnail of „Intelektualna svojina i digitalna imovina“ in „Pravo digitalne imovine“ (ur. M. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2024, str. 161-182.

Research paper thumbnail of "Doprinos Uredbe EU o digitalnim uslugama transparentnijem radu onlajn posrednika" in "Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije (2023)" (ur. V. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2024, str. 261-280.

Research paper thumbnail of „Privacy and data protection in Serbian law: challenges in the digital environment“ in „The right to privacy in the digital age“ (ed. M. Wielec), CEA Publishing, Ferenc Madl Institute of Comparative Law, 2023, pp. 199-234.

In the Republic of Serbia, as in other jurisdictions, there is no unanimously accepted definition... more In the Republic of Serbia, as in other jurisdictions, there is no unanimously accepted definition of the privacy, either in legal doctrine or in legislative instruments. The national constitutions, including the Serbian one, usually protect the privacy of individuals by referring to: (1) the inviolability of home; (2) the confidentiality of letters and other means of communication; and (3) the protection of personal data. More extensively defined, the right to privacy may also encompass the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, in the sense that the citizens do not have the obligation to declare their religious or other beliefs. The omnipresence of the Internet, and in particular social networks, search engines and cloud computing, has led to reducing the right to privacy to the right of personal data protection. Indeed, in the digital world, an individual is often reduced to data. Therefore, protecting one's privacy in the digital context means protecting data relating to an identifiable individual. The concept of personal data encompasses not just names, addresses and identification numbers, but also all data that can be traced back to an individual, such as photos, profiles on social networks or browsing history. Typically, social network websites contain user information such as age, relationship status, income, and information about close family members, as well as registered users' addresses. Many online service providers

Research paper thumbnail of „The pivotal role of DPAs in digital privacy protection: assessment of the Serbian protection mechanism“, Law, Identity and Values, vol. 2, n. 2 (2022), pp. 131-146.

With the widespread use of the Internet in both personal and professional life, data protection h... more With the widespread use of the Internet in both personal and professional life, data protection has become a critical aspect of privacy protection. The mechanisms developed in administrative law are the main tools for personal data protection in modern societies. Within the European integration process, the Republic of Serbia has established an independent data protection authority (DPA) that supervises and ensures the implementation of data protection rules, conducts inspections, acts on complaints of persons to whom the data relates, and determines whether there has been a violation of the law. This paper commences with an analysis of international legal instruments imposing a duty to establish an independent data protection supervisory authority. It goes on to further analyze the main characteristics of the national data protection system, the personal, territorial, and material scope of its application, as well as specific rights of data subjects. The efficient protection of digital privacy primarily depends on the investigative powers of the independent supervisory authority, which are also analyzed in detail. Given the global character of the Internet, the protection of personal data also depends on efficient cooperation among DPAs, the extraterritorial application of data protection rules, and adequate regulation of international transfer of personal data. right to privacy Serbia Internet Data Protection Authority (DPA) personal data European integrations

Research paper thumbnail of "Prethodna regulacija digitalnih tržišta u EU: ograničavanje tržišne moći digitalnih platformi" in "Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije (2022)" (ur. V. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2022, str. 299-318.

Research paper thumbnail of „Autorskopravni pogled na korišćenje formata GIF: o adekvatnosti postojećih ograničenja prava“ in “Intelektualna svojina i internet: zbornik VI” (ur. D. V. Popović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2022, str. 11-29.

Rezime: GIF je jedan od najčešće korišćenih grafičkih formata za razmenu slika na internetu. GIF ... more Rezime: GIF je jedan od najčešće korišćenih grafičkih formata za razmenu slika na internetu. GIF datoteke najčešće predstavljaju kratke odlomke tuđih autorskih dela, npr. scene iz filmova, muzičkih spotova, televizijskih emisija i dr. Tuđa autorska dela, pa i njihovi odlomci, ne smeju se koristiti bez dozvole nosioca autorskog prava, osim u slučajevima zakonom propisanih ograničenja prava. Stoga je najpre potrebno utvrditi da li se savremeni način korišćenja GIF datoteka može podvesti pod neku od radnji obuhvaćenih imovinskopravnim ovlašćenjima autora, pre svega ovlašćenjem na umnožavanje dela, ovlašćenjem na interaktivno činjenje dela dostupnim javnosti i ovlašćenjem na preradu dela. Povrh toga, u radu se korišćenje formata GIF sagledava i iz ugla ličnopravnog ovlašćenja na zaštitu integriteta dela. Ipak, u određenim slučajevima tuđa autorska dela se mogu koristiti bez dozvole nosioca autorskog prava na osnovu propisanog ograničenja prava. S tim u vezi, u radu se, u okvirima srpskog autorskog prava, analiziraju ograničenje subjektivnog autorskog prava u svrhu citiranja, ograničenje radi slobodne prerade dela i ograničenje koje se odnosi na korišćenje tuđeg autorskog dela kao nebitnog sastojka. Najzad, u radu se razmatra pitanje stvaranja i korišćenja GIF datoteka koje sadrže odlomke tuđih autorskih dela u kontekstu slobode izražavanja i slobode stvaralaštva, kao Ustavom zaštićenih vrednosti.

Research paper thumbnail of „Online intermediary liability in Serbian law: reconciling IP protection and freedom of expression“ in „Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2021“ (eds. D.V. Popović, I. Kunda, Z. Meškić, E. Omerović), Springer, pp. 25-42.

Research paper thumbnail of „Online comments and defamation: the European perspective“, Law, Identity and Values, vol. 1, n. 2 (2021), pp. 129-142.

A defamatory statement is a false or untrue statement that harms the reputation of a living perso... more A defamatory statement is a false or untrue statement that harms the reputation of a living person. In the digital environment, defamatory content can be easily shared and may remain available online for a very long period. At first, anonymous Internet communication was predominantly seen as a value in itself-a mechanism that advances the public debate, protects political dissension, and furthers due process. However, the rapid growth of social networks and digital platforms has transformed the content and tone of online interactions. This paper analyzes online comments that may threaten the reputation of a person from a freedom of speech and within the auspices of European law. These comments typically appear as anonymous statements, signed only with a 'nickname' not allowing for identification of a poster. The European Union has adopted several pieces of legislation that set the legal status of defamatory online comments. The Directive on Electronic Commerce is of utmost importance given that it regulates the dissemination of online content. However, the European approach to defamation cannot be understood unless the European Union's system is combined with that of the European Convention on Human Rights. The European Court of Human Rights' approach towards defamatory online comments is best demonstrated in its decision on Delfi v. Estonia and MTE v. Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of "Usaglašena praksa učesnika na tržištu prouzrokovana ili podržana korišćenjem algoritama" in "Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije (2021)" (ur. V. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021, str. 298-315.

Research paper thumbnail of „Freedom of expression on social networks: an international perspective“ in „The impact of digital platforms and social media on the freedom of expression and pluralism: analysis on certain Central European countries“ (ed. M. Wielec), Ferenc Madl Institute of comparative law, 2021, pp. 277-310.

Research paper thumbnail of "Ograničenja patenta i zaštita javnog zdravlja u vreme epidemije" in "Liber amicorum profesor dr Mirko Vasiljević" (ur. D. Popović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021, str. 513-526.

Research paper thumbnail of "Personalized medicine in Serbia: opportunities and challenges", Serbian Economic Association Policy Paper, 2021.

Research paper thumbnail of "Specifičnosti definisanja relevantnog tržišta u audiovizuelnom sektoru" in "Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije (2020)" (ur. V. Radović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2020, str. 311-332.

Research paper thumbnail of „Iscrpljenje autorskog prava na digitalnim primercima dela: evropski pristup“ in “Intelektualna svojina i internet (2020)” (ur. D. Popović), Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2020, str. 23-36.

Institut iscrpljenja autorskog prava decenijama izmiče potpunoj međunarodnoj harmonizaciji. Ostav... more Institut iscrpljenja autorskog prava decenijama izmiče potpunoj međunarodnoj harmonizaciji. Ostavljajući to načelno pitanje po strani, u radu se analizira institut iscrpljenja autorskog prava na digitalnim (bestelesnim) primercima autorskih dela, u okviru prava Evropske unije. Povod za pisanje rada bila je prošlogodišnja presuda Suda pravde Evropske unije doneta u predmetu Tom Kabinet. U radu se podrobno analizira ova presuda, u kojoj je Sud pojasnio da li se institut iscrpljenja ovlašćenja na saopštavanje javnosti dela primenjuje u odnosu na digitalne (bestelesne) primerke knjiga. Stavovi Suda pravde EU se potom upoređuju sa presudom donetom u predmetu UsedSoft, u kojoj se pitanje iscrpljenja ovlašćenja na stavljanje primerka dela u promet razmatra u odnosu na bestelesne primerke softvera. Pomenute presude razmatraju institut iscrpljenja autorskog prava na digitalnim primercima dela na osnovu odredaba različitih direktiva Evropske unije. Dok u predmetu Tom Kabinet Sud tumači odredbe Direktive EU o informacionom društvu, u predmetu UsedSoft tumačene su odredbe Direktive EU o računarskim programima. U zaključnom delu rada, autor postavlja pitanje konzistentnosti ovakve sudske prakse, kao i njenih posledica po pravnu sigurnost učesnika koji posluju na tržištu Evropske unije.

Research paper thumbnail of „Pravno uređenje interneta u Srbiji“, Clio, 2023.

Koautori: Đ. Krivokapić, N. Ružić, M. Stojković.

Research paper thumbnail of „Glosarijum prava konkurencije“, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021.

Koautori: B. Ristić, B. Begović.

Research paper thumbnail of "Uvod u pravo konkurencije", Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2019.

Koautori: B. Begović, V. Pavić

Research paper thumbnail of „Pravo interneta: odabrane teme“, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2017.

Research paper thumbnail of "International Encyclopaedia of Laws for Intellectual Property Law: Serbia", Wolters Kluwer, 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of "Pravo intelektualne svojine", Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2013. (12th edition - 2024)

Research paper thumbnail of “Pravo intelektualne svojine”, University Press, Sarajevo, 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of "The Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries in Serbia", WIPO, Geneva, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of "Registracija naziva internet domena i pravo žiga", Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of "Isključiva prava intelektualne svojine i slobodna konkurencija", Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2012.

Research paper thumbnail of "Le droit communautaire de la concurrence et les communications électroniques", LGDJ Lextenso Editions, 2009.

Research paper thumbnail of "Evropski sud pravde", Institut za uporedno pravo, 2006.

Koautori: A. Knežević Bojović, A. Čavoški

Research paper thumbnail of "Les noms de domaine et le droit de propriété intellectuelle", Institut za uporedno pravo, 2005.

Research paper thumbnail of Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2023

The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles,... more The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles, notes, comments and book reviews on private and public European and International Law. The yearbook contains summaries and analyses of recent decisions by national and international courts and arbitral or other tribunals. The yearbook has one section with a special hot topic or focus as well as sections about European and international law in each volume. Moreover, it presents book reviews to recent publications from the region or with a major impact for the region. The yearbook focuses on recent developments of European and International Law and presents a forum for scholarly discourse on European and International Law from the perspective of the region of South-East Europe. However, the publication is not exclusive in that regard: contributions from the perspective of the wider world are also strongly encouraged and welcomed.

Research paper thumbnail of Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2022

The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles,... more The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles, notes, comments and book reviews on private and public European and International Law. The yearbook contains summaries and analyses of recent decisions by national and international courts and arbitral or other tribunals. The yearbook has one section with a special hot topic or focus as well as sections about European and international law in each volume. Moreover, it presents book reviews to recent publications from the region or with a major impact for the region. The yearbook focuses on recent developments of European and International Law and presents a forum for scholarly discourse on European and International Law from the perspective of the region of South-East Europe. However, the publication is not exclusive in that regard: contributions from the perspective of the wider world are also strongly encouraged and welcomed.

Research paper thumbnail of Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2021

The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles,... more The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles, notes, comments and book reviews on private and public European and International Law. The yearbook contains summaries and analyses of recent decisions by national and international courts and arbitral or other tribunals. The yearbook has one section with a special hot topic or focus as well as sections about European and international law in each volume. Moreover, it presents book reviews to recent publications from the region or with a major impact for the region. The yearbook focuses on recent developments of European and International Law and presents a forum for scholarly discourse on European and International Law from the perspective of the region of South-East Europe. However, the publication is not exclusive in that regard: contributions from the perspective of the wider world are also strongly encouraged and welcomed.

Research paper thumbnail of Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2020

The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles,... more The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles, notes, comments and book reviews on private and public European and International Law. The yearbook contains summaries and analyses of recent decisions by national and international courts and arbitral or other tribunals. The yearbook has one section with a special hot topic or focus as well as sections about European and international law in each volume. Moreover, it presents book reviews to recent publications from the region or with a major impact for the region. The yearbook focuses on recent developments of European and International Law and presents a forum for scholarly discourse on European and International Law from the perspective of the region of South-East Europe. However, the publication is not exclusive in that regard: contributions from the perspective of the wider world are also strongly encouraged and welcomed.

Research paper thumbnail of Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2019

The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles,... more The Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles, notes, comments and book reviews on private and public European and International Law. The yearbook contains summaries and analyses of recent decisions by national and international courts and arbitral or other tribunals. The yearbook has one section with a special hot topic or focus as well as sections about European and international law in each volume. Moreover, it presents book reviews to recent publications from the region or with a major impact for the region. The yearbook focuses on recent developments of European and International Law and presents a forum for scholarly discourse on European and International Law from the perspective of the region of South-East Europe. However, the publication is not exclusive in that regard: contributions from the perspective of the wider world are also strongly encouraged and welcomed.

Research paper thumbnail of „Pravo javnosti da zna – pravni okvir u odabranim državama Zapadnog Balkana“ (prikaz knjige A. K. Bojović, M. Reljanović, „Free access to information: an analysis of the regulatory frameworks in selected Western Balkan countries“), Sociološki pregled vol. LVII (2023) 1, 328-329.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: „Kai Hüschelrath, Heike Schweitzer (eds): Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe: Legal and Economic Perspectives“, European Business Organization Law Review 16(4) 2015.